2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (2024)

Dumpling sauce is a crucial element that elevates the flavors of jiaozi, potstickers, wontons, and all other types of dumplings. Dipping these doughy filled surprises in a punchy sauce is something I’ve been enjoying since my childhood. I have two easy recipes to share with you today- one is a Chinese dumpling full of scallions and fresh garlic, with some heat and nuttiness. The other is a classic Japanese dumpling sauce full of umami and sour flavors that I always serve with gyoza.

2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (1)

For me, no trip to the ramen shop is complete without a plate (or two!) of pan fried pork or shrimp gyoza on the side. Same goes with a mid-day voyage to Manhattan’s Chinatown for dim sum from the pushcarts. I could devour fried wontons, steamed har gao, and bao buns by the truckload.

Like these mushroom cabbage dumplings and avocado and cheese dumplings, potstickers come in many delicious forms. However, the variety of dipping sauces offered doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves. But did you know you can make a proper dumpling sauce in 5 minutes with a handful of simple pantry ingredients that will rival the ones from your favorite restaurants? In this post I’m going to show you how to make dumpling sauce with a handful of ingredients and in just a few minutes.

Table of contents

  • Chinese Dumpling Sauce Ingredients
  • Japanese Dumpling Sauce Ingredients
    • Variations
  • Make The Dumpling Sauce
  • Storage
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • What To Serve With
2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (2)

Chinese Dumpling Sauce Ingredients

  • Garlic: A single minced garlic clove is enough to infuse the sauce with a pungent and slightly spicy undertone that marries beautifully with the other ingredients.
  • Green onions: Green onions add a refreshing crunch and touch of sweetness. They also help to balance out the flavors of the other ingredients.
  • Soy Sauce: Regular soy sauce is the main savory component of these two dipping sauces. With a complex set of flavors ranging from salty to earthy to almost imperceptibly sweet, soy sauce is an absolute must for this recipe.
  • Chinkiang Vinegar: Chinkiang vinegar is a Chinese black vinegar with fruity and tangy flavors. Typically served in a ramekin with thin strips of ginger alongside dim sum favorites like xiao long bao, this is an iconic ingredient worth getting your hands on.
  • Chili Oil: I like to use a chili oil that is sesame based. That way I get a one-two punch of toasted nutty perfection with a bit of fire. Chili oil can be quite spicy so if you are sensitive to spicy foods, add a little at a time, until you find the right amount of heat.
2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (3)

Japanese Dumpling Sauce Ingredients

  • Soy Sauce: I always use regular Japanese soy sauce for this recipe. That’s because Japanese soy sauce has more depth of flavor than other types of soy sauces, and is generally more rounded.
  • Rice Vinegar: Rice vinegar is less harsh than other types of vinegar. It’s fruity, tangy, and a little sweet, almost like apple cider vinegar. Typically used in sushi rice, salad dressings and for pickling – this is one ingredient I keep in my pantry for many Asian recipes.
  • Chili Oil: A teaspoon of chili oil is all you’ll need to round out the flavor with a slight pop of spice. Your gyoza are going to taste amazing! You can buy it at the store, or make your own chili oil.


If you don’t have all of the ingredients on hand or would like to alter the flavor to suit your taste, here are a few substitutions I recommend you try.

  • Instead of chinkiang vinegar, use two parts balsamic vinegar with one part soy sauce. Balsamic brings a thick and sweet fruitiness that’s specific to chinkiang vinegar.
  • For Japanese dumpling sauce, swap rice vinegar for apple cider vinegar. They both have a slight sweet and fruity element.
  • Use toasted sesame oil instead of chili oil for a non spicy dumpling sauce. I recommend adding a little extra sesame oil to make it more nutty.
  • Use low-sodium soy sauce for less salty. This is for those who are watching their sodiu intake.
2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (4)

Make The Dumpling Sauce

Scroll all the way down to the recipe card for the full recipe.

  1. To make the Chinese dumpling sauce, start by peeling and mincing the garlic. then, add the garlic to a bowl along with the chopped green onions, soy sauce, chinkiang vinegar, and chili oil. Stir and serve.
  2. To make the Japanese dumpling sauce, whisk the soy sauce, rice vinegar, and chili oil in a small bowl.
  3. Serve them with your favorite dumplings, pot stickers, spring rolls, or egg rolls, and enjoy!

The best thing about making homemade dipping sauces is how easy they are to whip up. Simply measure out the ingredients, whisk them together – and you’re good to go. No muss, no fuss.

Expert Tips

  • Make extra so it’s ready to use next time you need it! That’s something I always do when I make one of these recipes. If you are like me and enjoy eating dumplings on a regular basis, I suggest that you double the recipe and keep the extra in your fridge.
  • There are more ways to use these sauces too – I often drizzle some on chilled noodles, silken tofu, use it to dip spring rolls or egg rolls, and to marinate shrimp, chicken, and other proteins.
2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (5)


  • Store the Japanese dumpling sauce in a jar or other storage container. Refrigerate for up to 6 weeks.
  • Store the Chinese dumpling sauce in a jar or other storage container. Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. This sauce doesn’t keep as long as the other one because it contains fresh ingredients like scallions and garlic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy dumpling sauce?

Dumpling sauce can be found in the international aisle of your local grocery store. Or, you can also purchase it online from a variety of different retailers.

How can I make it gluten-free?

Use tamari or liquid aminos instead of soy sauce. All the other ingredients are naturally gluten-free.

How can I add sweetness?

You can add a little honey or brown sugar. Or you can also can a little peanut butter to make the sauce sweet and creamy.

2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (6)

What To Serve With

There are so many dishes to serve with dumplings that it would take me an entire post to list them! I feel like they go so well with everything from soups, to noodles, rice dishes, and stir fries. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Miso Ramen (ミソラーメン)
  • Chinese Eggplant With Garlic Sauce
  • Egg Fried Rice
  • Japanese curry rice
  • Dan dan noodles
  • Nasu dengaku

Have you made this recipe? Are there changes you made that you would like to share? Share your tips and recommendations in the comments section below!


Easy Dumpling Sauce

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.9 from 9 reviews

  • Author: Caroline Phelps
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 6 tablespoons 1x
  • Category: Condiment
  • Method: Stirring
  • Cuisine: Chinese
  • Diet: Vegan
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Two easy and delicious recipes for dumpling sauce. One is a Japanese version while the other one is a take on Chinese dumpling sauce.



Chinese dumpling sauce

  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 scallion, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons chinkiang vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon chili oil

Japanese dumpling sauce

  • 3 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon plain rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon chili oil


  1. Mix the ingredients:Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl and serve in individual dipping bowls.


Keep these sauces refrigerated in an airtight glass or plastic container. The Chinese sauce will keep for up to 2 weeks, while the Japanese sauce will keep longer, for up to 6 weeks, because it doesn’t contain any fresh ingredients).


  • Serving Size: 2 tablespoons
  • Calories: 57
  • Sugar: 0.9g
  • Sodium: 434.8mg
  • Fat: 4.6g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.6g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 1.9g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 2.6g
  • Fiber: 0.1g
  • Protein: 1.3g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

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2 Easy & Delicious Dumpling Sauce Recipes (2024)
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