2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (2024)


You will fall in love with this 2 Ingredient Dough recipe. This easy recipe can be made into pita chips, bagels, bread, and more.

For more ideas of what to cook, check out all of our recipes.

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (1)

The Internet is blowing up with 2 Ingredient Dough. It’s all over my Facebook feed and my Instagram. And I sort of ignored it because, honestly, we made dough from scratch with many more than two simple ingredients. Dough from scratch takes a lot of time and a lot of work, and I was just so unsure about this easy dough.

And then my wedding twin Kay posted it. She can cook. I’ve fallen in love with some ofthe recipes she has given me. I asked her about this so called two-ingredient dough and she gave it a huge endorsem*nt. If she liked it, I was willing to try it.

Thank goodness I did. I’ve been making it, nearly weekly, for years now. So if you haven’t tried it yet, jump on it.

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (2)

This recipe is just for the dough itself. But the good news is we’ve used this a lot to make a ton of recipes. Check out all of our 15+ Recipes Using 2 Ingredient Dough to get ideas of what you can do with it.

We are often using this dough to make new recipes, so be sure to bookmark that link (or save it, however you save things) and come back to it often for new ideas.

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe

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Keep in mind, this recipe is for the actual 2 Ingredient Dough. It’s not a recipe using the 2 Ingredient Dough.

Also, since I posted this years ago, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about this dough. So I put together a FAQ section at the end of the post to address those.

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (3)

2 Ingredient Dough Ingredients:

How To Make 2 Ingredient Dough:

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (4)

Combine the flour and yogurt in a large bowl. You can stir it with a wooden spoon to get it started, but you’re a lot better off finishing it with your hands.

Optional: Add about a teaspoon of salt. We feel like this tastes a little too much like sourdough without it.

Form it into a ball of dough.

Put the dough ball on a lightly floured work surface and knead it for two minutes. When you’re kneading, knead in one direction four times, fold the dough over itself, turn it a quarter-turn, then knead four times.

Although honestly, you can just skip the kneading and it’s fine too because you’ll be working the dough when you shape it.

But that’s it. The dough is done.

Now it’s up to you what to use it for. And of course, your prep time and cooking time with vary based on what you make. But, just a couple examples:

Cut it into equal pieces, form them into bagels, and then bake (on a baking sheet) in the oven for about 35 minutes until they’re golden brown. In the air fryer, they take about 10 minutes.

For pizza, you pre-bake the dough on a pizza stone for about 20 minutes, then top it with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese (plus any of your favorite toppings) and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Cinnamon rolls will take about 25 to 30 minutes to bake through.

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (5)

What are some recipes using 2 Ingredient Dough?

Now, you can use the dough to make a ton of delicious recipes. I make 2 ingredient dough cinnamon rolls, bagels, dinner rolls, and use it as pizza crust.

You can use it in sweet and savory recipes. It just depends on how you season it. Add some sugar for a sweet dough. Top it with everything bagel seasoning for bagels. Add some garlic powder for garlic knots. Roll out a piece of dough with Parmesan cheese in it for pizza. You get the idea.

For more, check out all of our Recipes Using 2 Ingredient Dough

2 Ingredient Dough: Frequently Asked Questions

How many Weight Watchers points is 2 Ingredient Dough?

This simple dough was originally created as an option for people on Weight Watchers. The whole entire dough recipe is 12 Weight Watchers Freestyle or Smart Points, all of which come from the flour. Nonfat plain Greek yogurt is zero points.

The WW program and its point values have changed a few times since we originally posted this. So be sure check your plan and calculate your WW points before adding this to your day.

What brand of self-rising flour should I use?

You can choose any brand of self-rising flour you want. So, go with whatever is on sale.

Can you use a whole wheat flour?

Part of the key to this dough is using self-rising flour. So if you can find self-rising whole wheat flour, you can use it as a 1:1 swap.

Can you use all-purpose flour?

The difference between self-rising flour and all-purpose flour is that self-rising flour already has baking powder and salt added to it.

So, if you really want to use all-purpose flour, you can. Just be sure to add 1.5 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 cup of all-purpose flour to make your own self-rising flour. Sift it together, then combine the mixture with the yogurt.

I know sifting seems like an extra step, but if you don’t sift the dry ingredients together first, your 2 Ingredient Dough (which is now a 4 Ingredient Dough) won’t come out properly.

What brand of Greek yogurt should I use?

You can use any brand of Greek yogurt that you want as long as its fat-free Greek yogurt. You cannot use regular yogurt in this because it’s way too thin.

After you make this a few times, you’ll find out that some Greek yogurts are more watery than others. If your Greek yogurt is watery, you can add a bit more self-rising flour to make the dough less sticky.

Can I use a stand mixer to make this?

This dough is super easy to mix by hand. It’s not like a homemade bread dough that’s really stick and benefits from mixing with the dough hook attachment of a stand mixer. You could use that, if you really wanted, but we don’t recommend it.

How to freeze 2 Ingredient Dough:

Personally, I haven’t tried to freeze 2 Ingredient Dough. I have frozen dough in the past though.

Wrap the dough completely in plastic wrap and put it in a freezer-safe bag or container. Then, thaw it in the fridge for 12 hours before trying to use it.

Why is my 2 Ingredient Dough so sticky?

Some yogurts are more watery than others and cause the 2 Ingredient Dough to be a little sticky.

If your 2 Ingredient Dough is sticky as you’re rolling it, here’s a helpful tip: You can add extra flour until the dough isn’t sticky. If you’re using a rolling pin on the dough (to use it for something like homemade pizza dough), you’ll want to add a little extra flour to the rolling pin before rolling. If not, the dough can stick to the rolling pin.

Add a little at a time. You can add up to 1/4 cup of extra self-rising flour without changing how it bakes. Any more than that might make the dough too dry.

Could I use sour cream in lieu of yogurt?

The short answer is yes. Use equal parts self-rising flour and sour cream to make the dough.

If you’re on a budget, sour cream is the way to go. Sour cream is cheaper than non-fat Greek yogurt, so sour cream makes 2 Ingredient Dough more budget friendly.

Does 2 Ingredient Dough need to rise?

The best thing about two ingredient dough is that it doesn’t need to proof or and you don’t have to let the dough rise before you use it. It’s ready to go as soon as you make it. No planning ahead needed.

Can you make 2 Ingredient Dough ahead of time?

We usually make 2 Ingredient Dough as soon as we need it. However, if you want to make your life a little easier, you can make 2 Ingredient Dough ahead of time.

Keep it in a bowl, at room temperature, with a tea towel over it, until you’re ready to use it. If you’re not going to use it that day, wait until the next day to make the dough.

Yield: 1 Dough Ball

2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (6)

You will fall in love with this 2 Ingredient Dough. It's only 12 WW points and can be made into pita chips, bagels, bread, and more.

Prep Time15 minutes

Cook Time30 minutes

Total Time30 minutes


  • 1 cup self-rising flour
  • 1 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt
  • Optional: Two pinches of salt


  1. Combine the flour and yogurt in a large bowl. Optional: Add a pinch of salt.
  2. When you get the dough into a ball, put it on a floured surface and kneed it for two minutes. When you’re kneading, knead in one direction four times, fold the dough over itself, turn it a quarter-turn, then knead four times.


The cook time will vary, but most things will take about 30 to 35 minutes.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per ServingCalories 144Total Fat 1gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 0gCholesterol 3mgSodium 459mgCarbohydrates 25gFiber 1gSugar 2gProtein 9g

Have you made this 2 Ingredient Dough recipe? Let us know how it went in the comments.

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2 Ingredient Dough Recipe | Drugstore Divas (2024)


Is 2 Ingredient dough healthier? ›

Two-ingredient dough is packed with protein thanks to the yogurt, and is free of the preservatives and artificial ingredients found in many prebaked crusts and prepared doughs. Once blended, you can work with it immediately, too.

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This easy no-cook dough requires just 2 ingredients: cornstarch and hair conditioner. Easy enough! Mix equal parts together in a bowl. There is no cooking required and students can get their hands messy while helping to make it.

Why is my 2 ingredient dough so sticky? ›

Your dough can become sticky when you add too much water or the flour isn't suitable for the type of dough you are making.

Does 2 ingredient dough taste good? ›

This 2-ingredient pizza dough is fast and easy to make and tastes great! Greek yogurt is the secret ingredient and baking the crust at a higher temperature is the key to making this the perfect pizza. It doesn't get any easier than this folks. Brush dough with olive oil, add your favorite toppings, and enjoy!

Can you keep 2 ingredient dough in the fridge? ›

Can I make Two-Ingredient Dough ahead? Yes, you can make the dough ahead and refrigerate it in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

Can I freeze 2 ingredient dough? ›

You can freeze this 2-ingredient pizza dough for later. I like to assemble the pizza and place it in the freezer. When ready to bake, simply add a few minutes to the cooking time above. Make sure to buy PLAIN Greek yogurt.

Does shampoo and salt make slime? ›

One of the easiest ways to make slime with shampoo is to combine it with salt, since you don't have to do any measuring. Choose a thick shampoo in a color and scent that you like and pour it into a bowl. To make it thicker, you can stir in an equal amount of body wash!

What does yogurt do to dough? ›

The yogurt is usually added to dough to tenderize it. Because of its acidity, yogurt will relax the gluten, thus making the bread more tender.

How long will 2 ingredient dough last in the fridge? ›

Yes, you can refrigerator two ingredient dough. Store it in an air tight container, place it in the fridge for up to two days and let it come to room temperature before rolling out. This yogurt dough can also be frozen.

Can you over knead dough? ›

Over-kneaded dough will also tear more quickly, as the gluten strands in the dough have become so tight they easily break under pressure. If you believe that your dough is slightly over-kneaded, try allowing it to rise a little longer before shaping it into a loaf.

How to make playdough with simple ingredients? ›

how to make the world's best homemade play-doh. You'll need 3 cups of white all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons of table salt, 3-4 tablespoons of any cooking oil (start with 3 and add more if necessary), 3 cups HOT water, and food coloring.

What is the best homemade playdough recipe? ›

Playdough ingredients:
  1. 2 cups all-purpose flour.
  2. 3/4 cup salt.
  3. 4 teaspoons cream of tartar.
  4. 2 cups lukewarm water.
  5. 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut oil works too)
  6. Food coloring, optional (I like Wilton gel food coloring or AmeriColor gel)
  7. Quart sized bags.

What is one recipe for homemade playdough? ›

2 cups water 2 cups flour 1 cup salt 2 tbs cooking oil 4 tsp cream of tartar Food coloring (optional) Add food coloring to water it you wish to color the dough. Mix and heat until ingredients form a ball. Knead until smooth and store in airtight container.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.