5 Health Benefits of Drinking Water With a Spoonful of Baking Soda (2024)

Okay, maybe you’ve yet to finish a container of baking soda—like, not even close. But things change; never say never. Why? Because according to Britt Brandon, a certified personal trainer and certified fitness nutrition specialist, the staple ingredient can do so much more than absorb the stink in the fridge, make delicious baked goods, or even conduct the infamous burp test. Namely, it may potentially offer a few health-boosting benefits when diluted with water.

Indeed, the container of baking soda that’s been hanging out in the back of your fridge for far too long contains the mineral sodium bicarbonate, which has been linked to easing digestion and even boosting cardiovascular health. But there are some important caveats to note about drinking baking soda, especially when it comes to your stomach.

Experts In This Article

Ahead, we delve into the potential benefits of drinking baking soda with the input of several registered dietitians to learn if the hype is science-backed or snake oil. Plus, how much you should consume it (if any at all).

Is it safe to drink baking soda water?

Although the mere thought of consuming baking soda might sound a little (okay, a lot) off putting, registered dietitians say it’s nothing to be afraid of—at least not when done correctly. What's more, according to Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, nutrition expert and author of the upcoming book Everyday Snack Tray, for most folks, it’s usually safe to drink.

Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD, CLEC, CPT, a registered dietitian based in Charleston, echoes the general safety of drinking baking soda, but highlights that it can pose some risks if consumed in excess. “There have been reports of toxicity when people ingest baking soda, but generally, with an appropriate serving, it can be okay,” Manaker says.

Like most things in life, moderation is key.

What baking soda does in the body

Now that we’ve cleared the air and we understand that consuming baking soda (in moderation) is typically okay, let’s delve into what it actually does in the body once it’s ingested.

According to Jennifer Christman, MHA, RDN, LDN, CPT, the director of clinical nutrition at OPTAVIA, it all boils down to a little science. In short: Baking soda can lower acidity. “Some people find that drinking water with a spoonful of baking soda helps relieve indigestion. That’s because baking soda—which is sodium bicarbonate—is a base that can, if used in certain quantities, lower the pH of an acidic solution,” Christman says.

“Some people find that drinking water with a spoonful of baking soda helps relieve indigestion. That’s because baking soda—which is sodium bicarbonate—is a base that can, if used in certain quantities, lower the pH of an acidic solution.”
—Jennifer Christman, MHA, RDN, LDN, CPT

For context, Christman explains that the gastric juices in the stomach are acidic, which is essential for breaking down the foods we eat. However, for those all too familiar with acid reflux, a little help from the neutralizing properties of baking soda can potentially relieve the symptoms of indigestion or a sour stomach.

Potential benefits of drinking baking soda in water

While relieving indigestion might be the first benefit of drinking baking soda that comes to mind (yep, it’s one of the main ingredients in Alka-Seltzer), Brandon penned a book called Baking Soda for Health, which outlines five baking soda benefits to consider.

1. To improve your digestive system

Trouble with digestion is the type of thing that can derail your day (especially if you are one to get nervous). So, if you're prone to mild tummy woes or just want to boost your overall well-being, Brandon recommends dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in an eight-ounce glass of water in the morning to help maintain a healthy pH balance throughout the digestive system for optimal digestion, minimized acid reflux, and healthy bowel functioning.

2. To promote cardiovascular health

A compromised cardiovascular system can lead to decreased energy and negatively impact cognitive functioning, digestion, and immunity. What’s more, Brandon adds that chronic conditions can arise from a weakened cardiovascular system. “Circulatory issues can lead to the possibility of serious health conditions such as heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, and the development of various blood issues,” Brandon says. As such, she recommends consuming a teaspoon of baking soda in an eight-ounce glass of water daily may help improve blood flow.

3. To reduce built-up gas

Once you know that you're dealing with abuilt-up gas (and not inflammation), Brandon says a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in four to six ounces of water can potentially help alleviate the discomfort. “By returning the pH to neutral levels, the body’s gases can be calmed, and the digestive processes, acids, and enzymes can return to their natural state; and foods can be broken down normally without issues and disruptions,” Brandon says.

4. To keep your kidneys healthy

The kidneys are vital to many bodily functions—such as helping rid the body of toxins and promoting healthy hormone production. In a 2021 systemic review, researchers found baking soda may help slow chronic kidney disease progression.

According to Brandon, a daily cup of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda, can help regulate your body's pH level and improve hormone balance, nutrient absorption, and blood quality—all of which can help kidneys stay happy and healthy. What's more, drinking baking soda with water has also been linked to lowering inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases.

5. To combat acid reflux

If you chronically suffer from acid reflux, you might consider adopting certain diet shifts to help lower heartburn as a long-term solution. But when you're dealing with a bout of it in real-time, Brandon says half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water can help you find immediate relief against gastric acid symptoms. Of course, drinking baking soda for heartburn is far from new. (Hi, Alka-Seltzer.)

Downsides of drinking water with baking soda (and an imperative caveat to note)

So, what are the effects of drinking baking soda daily? Brandon does warn against overdoing it when it comes to this combination. "As with any antacid medication, if you take too much baking soda, you will neutralize the acid in your stomach. This can result in your stomach producing more acid to compensate, causing you to take more baking soda, and thus forming a vicious cycle,” Brandon says. As such, consuming baking soda water should be done in moderation.

"As with any antacid medication, if you take too much baking soda, you will neutralize the acid in your stomach. This can result in your stomach producing more acid to compensate, causing you to take more baking soda, and thus forming a vicious cycle,” Brandon says.

How much baking soda is safe per day

Although there is some evidence supporting the benefits of drinking baking soda, Manaker, Largeman-Roth, and Christman agree that the scientific data to support these claims is few and far between. So, before drinking baking soda in coffee or in any other one of your drinks, for that matter, the nutrition experts advise being modest with your daily baking soda consumption.

For instance, Largeman-Roth recommends starting off no more than with a quarter of a teaspoon (at most) dissolved in a full eight-ounce glass of water to treat indigestion. “There is a lack of scientific evidence about regularly drinking water with baking soda for overall health and well-being. So, before beginning any new health regimen, it’s best to consult your doctor to evaluate what is best for you,” Christman says.

Who should not drink baking soda

Largeman-Roth also points out that baking soda contains a lot of sodium. “Just one teaspoon racks up a stunning 1,260 milligrams of sodium, so using it as a home remedy isn’t a good idea if you have high blood pressure or need to restrict sodium,” she says.

In addition to the high sodium levels, baking soda is alkaline, which Largeman-Roth says can alter the way in which some medications are absorbed or the way they work altogether. For safety measures, she advises folks to avoid drinking baking soda within two hours of other medications. Additionally, the registered dietitian says children and people who are pregnant should also refrain from drinking baking soda and reiterates that baking soda in large quantities can be detrimental to one's health.

Although baking soda can offer a quick-fix solution for some ailments (similar to lemon water) and is a clever way to use the baking soda sitting in your fridge, the three registered dietitians say it’s important to find (and address) the root cause of the issue with a healthcare professional, especially if it's constant.

Remember: Overuse of the ingredient can potentially have the opposite effect over time. “When used occasionally, it’s a quick fix for an upset stomach. But due to its effect on stomach acid, taking baking soda too often could actually stimulate your stomach to produce more acid in the long run,” Largeman-Roth says. “For people with stomach concerns, it’s best to consult with a health care provider to determine what the root cause is before self-treating with baking soda water,” Manaker says.

Having trouble with digestion? This herbal remedy can help:

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  1. Zhou, Nihong et al. “Acute enteric-coated sodium bicarbonate has negligible effect on anaerobic performance but affects metabolomics and attenuates the gastrointestinal response.”Frontiers in physiologyvol. 13 996381. 13 Oct. 2022, doi:10.3389/fphys.2022.996381
  2. Cheng, Ya-Lien et al. “Effect of sodium bicarbonate on cardiovascular outcome and mortality in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease.”Frontiers in pharmacologyvol. 14 1146668. 11 May. 2023, doi:10.3389/fphar.2023.1146668
  3. Hultin, Sebastian et al. “A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Effects of Bicarbonate Therapy on Kidney Outcomes.”Kidney international reportsvol. 6,3 695-705. 31 Dec. 2020, doi:10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.019

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5 Health Benefits of Drinking Water With a Spoonful of Baking Soda (2024)


5 Health Benefits of Drinking Water With a Spoonful of Baking Soda? ›

The primary benefit of drinking baking soda is the temporary relief of indigestion or heartburn. There is also evidence to suggest that it may reduce muscle fatigue during athletic training. One 2020 meta-analysis found that sodium bicarbonate supplementation does improve muscle endurance but not muscle strength.

What does drinking water with baking soda do for you? ›

The primary benefit of drinking baking soda is the temporary relief of indigestion or heartburn. There is also evidence to suggest that it may reduce muscle fatigue during athletic training. One 2020 meta-analysis found that sodium bicarbonate supplementation does improve muscle endurance but not muscle strength.

Does baking soda and water make your stomach feel better? ›

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter antacids. You can consume it mixed into a glass of water to achieve the same stomach-soothing effect. About half a teaspoon in four ounces of warm water is all you need.

What are the medical uses of baking soda? ›

People commonly use sodium bicarbonate for indigestion. It is also used for stomach ulcers, athletic performance, kidney damage, dental plaque, tooth discoloration, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.

Should I drink baking soda in the morning or at night? ›

You can take baking soda any time of the day, but it's important not to consume it on a full stomach. Doing so could cause stomach ruptures. You don't necessarily have to take it on a completely empty stomach, although that is preferred. Just make sure you've digested your last meal before drinking the solution.

Is baking soda good for kidneys and liver? ›

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is also used in the treatment of kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) recommends the use of sodium bicarbonate to treat metabolic acidosis. This condition occurs when there is an excessive buildup of acid in the blood.

Can baking soda reduce belly fat? ›

Some people believe that ingesting alkaline substances promotes weight loss. People may consume baking soda mixed with water or another liquid in an attempt to lose weight. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that baking soda helps a person lose weight.

Why do I feel better after drinking baking soda? ›

Sodium bicarbonate , also known as baking soda, is used to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion by neutralizing excess stomach acid. When used for this purpose, it is said to belong to the group of medicines called antacids. It may be used to treat the symptoms of stomach or duodenal ulcers.

What does a spoonful of baking soda do for your body? ›

The powerful alkalizing property of baking soda is potent to neutralize the stomach acid secretions by elevating the alkalinity levels in the blood, maintain the blood pH and lower the levels of uric acid.

Is it safe to take a teaspoon of baking soda daily? ›

Baking soda is very high in sodium, with 630 mg per 1/2 teaspoon (2.3 grams), which is important to be aware of if you have to limit your sodium intake. Continued use may lead to metabolic alkalosis — a condition in which your blood becomes overly alkaline — and heart problems.

Who should not take baking soda? ›

Patients taking diuretics should be advised against use of baking soda, not only because of the sodium load but also because of the risk of hypokalemia [3, 15].

Why do dentists use baking soda? ›

As such, baking soda not only prevents tooth decay but also helps remineralize your enamel. Baking soda can also limit plaque buildup by neutralizing plaque acids. Many kinds of toothpaste contain baking soda to help clean teeth more effectively and protect against plaque.

What are the benefits of drinking water with lemon and baking soda? ›

Neutralizing stomach acid

Many people with excess stomach acid take over-the-counter (OTC) antacids to relieve their symptoms. Consuming baking soda and lemon juice together may also neutralize stomach acid in a similar fashion as an antacid. A 2017 study examined the antacid effects of various foods.

When not to use baking soda? ›

9 Things You Should Never Clean With Baking Soda
  • Aluminum.
  • Antique Silver.
  • Copper Cookware.
  • Fiberglass Bathtubs.
  • Glass.
  • Marble Surfaces.
  • Leather Furniture and Clothing.
  • Painted Surfaces.
Feb 10, 2024

Is 1 tablespoon of baking soda too much? ›

Typically, a daily dose of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per day is recommended. Too much baking soda may cause diarrhea, stomach disturbances, gas, headaches, nausea, swelling, or vomiting.

What happens when baking soda is mixed with lemon juice? ›

When a baking soda is mixed with the lemon juice then Carbon dioxide ( ) gas is released in the form of bubbles. As the chemical composition of the substance is getting changed and as the new product is formed by the mixing. Therefore, it is a Chemical change.

What are the benefits of sitting in baking soda water? ›

How does it work?
  • Adding baking soda to bathwater can help neutralize body odor and keep you feeling fresh. ...
  • Baking soda baths can help alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infections by balancing pH levels. ...
  • Baking soda baths can help reduce vagin*l odor and discomfort caused by bacterial vaginosis.
May 16, 2024

What are the benefits of drinking baking soda and apple cider vinegar? ›

It aids digestion, breaks down fat and helps you lose that belly fat. Apple cider vinegar consumed with baking soda helps improve the blood sugar level, promotes the feeling of fullness and reduces calorie intake. All this, in turn, helps you lose weight. Preparing this drink is super easy and takes hardly any time.

What is the simple AM ritual with baking soda? ›

To take care of indigestion, just take half a teaspoon of baking soda. with 2 cups of water about an hour after eating. However, it's good to identify the sources of indigestion. so that you can prevent it with a healthy diet.

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