Appendix:A Clockwork Orange - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)

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NadsatEnglishWord origin



appy polly loggiesapologiesHighly exaggerated pronunciation of apologies – Burgess's homage to James Joyce's ALPautocarShort for automobile; mirrors the usage in Russian: see авто (avto)



baboochkaold womanбабушка (babuška, literally grandmother)baddiwadbadYoung child talkbandabandбанда (banda, gang)barry placeprisonFrom bars on windows in prisons.bedwaysto bed—bezoomnymad, crazyбезумный (bezumnyj)bibliolibraryбиблиотека (biblioteka)bitvabattleбитва (bitva)blubweep, cryEnglish slang. Not exclusively Nadsat. From the verb form of the English word blubber, often used in a dismissive or insensitive manner, meaning to sob or weep noisily.BogGodбог (bog) (pronounced /box/ (where x sounds like kh) or (in some dialects) /bog/)bogmangodmanSee section G belowboomaboomthunderOnomatopoeiabolnoysickбольной (bolʹnoj)bolshybig, greatбольшой (bolʹšoj); больший (bolʹšij, larger). Cf bolshieboohoo, boohoohooto cryFrom the sound that one makes while crying. Not exclusively Nadsat.boorjoycebourgeoisBurgess' pronunciation of "bourgeois". [1]bootickboutiquebrat, brattybrotherбрат (brat)bratchnybastardбрачный (bračnyj, matrimonial), — likely a shortened внебрачный (vnebračnyj, out-of-wedlock), even though stripping it of the prefix inverts the meaningbritvarazorбритва (britva)brookobellyбрюхо (brjuxo)brosay, brosatto throwбросай (brosaj, throw!, imperative), бросать (brosatʹ, to throw)bruiseboyspolice officers, security guardsbugattiesrichesбогатый (bogatyj).bugattyrichбогатый (bogatyj).



cablesblood vessels, tendons?, veinscalcrapкал (kal, faeces), sometimes used as an invective as wellcancercigaretteShort for English slang cancer stick from the disease with which heavy smoking is most commonly associatedcantoraofficeконтора (kontora)carmanpocketкарман (karman)chaiteaчай (čaj), not exclusively Nadsat.charles, charliechaplainA play on Charlie Chaplin. Not exclusively Nadsat.chashacupчашка (čaška); чаша (čaša, large bowl)chassoguardчасовой (časovoj)cheenawomanженщина (ženščina)cheestto washчистить (čistitʹ, to clean)chelloveckperson, man, fellowчеловек (čelovek, human, man)chepookanonsenseчепуха (čepuxa)choodessnywonderfulчудесный (čudesnyj)chumbleto mumbleBlend of chatter +‎ mumblecinecinema, filmFrench slang cinéclockworkmechanically responsive(See notes)[2]clopto knockхлопать (xlopatʹ, clap); German klopfen (to knock)cluvebeakклюв (kljuv)collocollbellколокол (kolokol)crackto break up, smash—crarkto howlBlend of crow +‎ barkcraststeal, rob, robberyкрасть (krastʹ, to steal)creechto shout, screamкричать (kričatʹ)cuttermoneyFrom co*ckney rhyming slang derived from bread-and-butter



damaladyдама (dama); cf DamedecrepelderShort for "decrepit"ded, dedoochkaold manдед (ded), дедушка (deduška, grandfather), coll. "old man"dengmoneyденьги (denʹgi)devotchkayoung womanдевочка (devočka, girl)dobbygoodдобрый (dobryj, kind, good)dooktrace, ghostдух (dux, literally spirit); Romani dook (magic)domyhouseдом (dom)dorogoydear, valuable, expensiveдорогой (dorogoj)dratsingfightingдраться (dratʹsja, to fight)drencromdrugPossibly adrenochromedroogfriendдруг (drug, friend)droogiefriendlyдружелюбно (druželjubno, friendly)dungto defecate—dvatwoдва (dva)



eegragameигра (igra)eemyanameимя (imja)eggiwegeggJuvenile mutation of "egg"emmotherDerived from the first letter of "mother".espresso rapidotrain"fast express" in Italianeunuch jellygutless cowardfa*gtire, exhaustEnglish slang. Not exclusively Nadsat.fa*ggy/fa*ggedtired, exhaustedfashedbothered, annoyed, tiredScots fashfillyto play or fool around withDim. of "fiddle", cf filly (horse)filmdromecinemaFrom δρόμος (drómos, course), meaning "place for doing films".firegoldstrong drink? "firewater"fistto punchFrom Engl. fist, cf удар кулаком, БИТЬ кулакомflatblockblock of flatsflipwildFrom Eng. slang to flip out (to go mad/crazy)forellatrout, old ladyфорель (forelʹ), from German Forellefuzzyscratchy



gazettanewspaperгазета (gazeta), cf gazetteglazz, glazzies, glazzballsEye, eyes (also used to refer to nipples)глаз (glaz)gloopystupidглупый (glupyj)gloryhairgodmanpriest, chaplaingollyunit of moneyRhyming slang, "lolly," or "polly"golossvoiceголос (golos)gooberlipгуба (guba)goolyto walkгулять (guljatʹ)gorlothroatгорло (gorlo)govoreetspeakговорить (govoritʹ)grahznydirtyгрязный (grjaznyj)grapeuvulagrazzysoiledгрязь (grjazʹ, dirt), грязный (grjaznyj, dirty)gromkyloudгромкий (gromkij)groodybreastгрудь (grudʹ, breast), грудиpl (grudi, breasts)gruppagroupгруппа (gruppa)guff, guffawlaughGuffawgulliverheadголова (golova)guttiwutsgutsChildren’s speech



hen-kormchickenfeedEngl. hen + корм (korm, noun, literally feed), but cf cornhornto cry out—horrorshowgood, well, wonderful, excellentхорошо (xorošo, well, good)hound-and-hornycornyRhyming slang



in-out in-out, the old in and outsexual intercourse—interessovatto interestинтересовать (interesovatʹ)ittyto goидти (idti, to go)



jammiwamjamJuvenile mutation of the word "jam"jeeznylifeжизнь (žiznʹ)juicetears-



kartoffelpotatoesкартофель (kartofelʹ), which itself is derived from German Kartoffel (potato)kashlcoughкашель (kašelʹ)keeshkasgutsкишка (kiška, gut)kisagirlкиса (kisa, literally kitty)klebbreadхлеб (xleb)klootchkeyключ (ključ)knivesdrugsknopkabuttonкнопка (knopka)knopkavatbuttoningкнопка (knopka) + -овать (-ovatʹ) (pronounced -avat) suffix used to form verb infinitive from the noun, cf. газ (gaz, gas) - colloquial газовать (gazovatʹ, to gas up)kopatto 'dig' (appreciate)копать (kopatʹ, literally to dig)korovacowкорова (korova)koshka, kotcat, tomcatкошка (koška), кот (kot)koshtoomclothingкостюм (kostjum, suit)krovvybloodкровь (krovʹ)kupetto buyкупить (kupitʹ)



lapapawлапа (lapa)lewdiespeopleлюди (ljudi)lighterold woman, croneUnknown, possibly "blighter" or "fire lighter"litsofaceлицо (lico)lomtickpiece, bitломтик (lomtik, slice)lunamoonлуна (luna)lovetedcaughtловить (lovitʹ, to catch)lubbilubbingmaking loveлюбить (ljubitʹ, to love), люблю (ljublju, (I) love)luscious gloryhairRhyming slang, possibly "upper storey" (or, more likely, a reference to 'crowning glory')



malchickboyмальчик (malʹčik)malenkylittle, tinyмаленький (malenʹkij)maskiemaskмаска (maska)maslobutterмасло (maslo)merzkyfilthyмерзкий (merzkij, literally vile, disgusting)messelthought, fancyмысль (myslʹ)mestoplaceместо (mesto)mewler (or: mowler)to mew—millicentspoliceFrom милиционер (milicioner, literally a militsiya officer) (милиция (milicija)), influenced by the given name Millicent. Cf militiamillicent-vanpolice car, police van-minootaminuteминута (minuta)molodoyyoungмолодой (molodoj)molokomilkмолоко (moloko)Moloko plusmilk laced with drugs(See notes)[3]moodgemanмуж (muž, husband), archaic, high-flown "man"mordersnoutморда (morda)mounchsnackmunchmunchy-wunchingmunchingJuvenile mutation of the word "munching"mozgbrainмозг (mozg)



nachinatto beginначинать (načinatʹ)nadmennyarrogantнадменный (nadmennyj)nadsatteenageFrom -надцать (-nadcatʹ, -teen), suffix; e.g., одиннадцать (odinnadcatʹ), двенадцать (dvenadcatʹ), тринадцать (trinadcatʹ), etc.nagoynakedнагой (nagoj, nude), high-flown for "naked"nazzfoolназад (nazad, backward)neezhniesunderpantsнижнееn (nižneje, lower, adjective); нижнее бельё (nižneje belʹjó, underwear)nochynight/nocturnalночь (nočʹ) ночной (nočnoj)nogasfeet, legs (also used in reference to cars)нога (noga)nozhknifeнож (nož)nukingsmellingнюхать (njuxatʹ, smell, sniff)



oddy knockyon one's ownодинокий (odinokij, literally lonesome)odinoneодин (odin)oknowindowокно (okno)oobivatto killубивать (ubivatʹ)ookadeetto leaveуходить (uxoditʹ)ookoearухо (uxo)oomnybrainyумный (umnyj, clever)oozhassnyterribleужасный (užasnyj)oozychainузы (uzy) archaic, high-flown "shackles"orangeman, personMalay orang (man), whence orang utan (literally forest man), orang-pendekosooshto wipeосушать (osušatʹ, to dry)otchkieseyeglassesочки (očki)



pan-handleerection—pantaloniespants, underwear—pee and emfather and mother"pa and ma", "pater and mater"peetto drinkпить (pitʹ, pit)pishchafoodпища (pišča)platchto cryплач (plač, noun), плачь (plačʹ, verb imperative)plattiesclothesплатье (platʹje)pletchoshoulderплечо (plečo)plennyprisonerпленный (plennyj, literally captive)plesksplashплеск (plesk); plashploshto splashOnomatopoeia "kerplosh"; plashplottbodyплоть (plotʹ, flesh)podoo*shkapillowподушка (poduška)poisonpersonPhonetic approximation of person in a co*ckney accentpolsexпол (pol, gender)poleznyusefulполезный (poleznyj)pollyin phrase "pretty polly" = moneyRhyming slang for "lolly"polyclefskeleton keyFrench clef (key); Greek poly- (many)ponyto understandпонимать (ponimatʹ, to understand)pooglyfrightenedиспуганный (ispugannyj, frightened), пугливый (puglivyj, easily scared)pooshkagunпушка (puška, literally cannon), slang "gun"pop-disca record, pop album—prestoopnikcriminalпреступник (prestupnik)pretty pollymoneyRhyming slang for "lolly"privodeetto lead somewhereприводить (privoditʹ)prodto produce—ptit*agirlптица (ptica, bird), cf. chick (bird is a common slang in Britain for a (young) woman, but is not used in Russian in this sense)punchipunchingpunchingJuvenile mutation of "punching"purplewurplepurple, bruised-pyahnitsadrunkпьяница (pʹjanica)



rabbitworkработа (rabota)rabbiterworkerработник (rabotnik)radostyjoyрадость (radostʹ, joy)raskazzstoryрассказ (rasskaz)rassoodockmindрассудок (rassudok)raztimeраз (raz, literally time), as in "one time, two times"razdrazannoy/annoyedраздраж (razdraž, irritation)razrezto rip, rippingразрез (razrez, a cut), разрезать (razrezatʹ, to cut) impf / pfrookerfulhandfulрука (ruka, hand)rook, rookerhandрукиpl (ruki)rotmouthрот (rot)rozzpolicemanrozzer (policeman) (co*ckney rhyming slang)rozz-shoppolice station-rozz-vanpolice car, police van-



sabogshoeсапог (sapog, boot), cf French sabot (shoe)sakarsugarсахар (saxar), cf English saccharinesammygenerous"(Good) Samaritan" (Bible Story)sarkysarcasticEnglish slang, not exclusively Nadsat.scoteenabeast, cowскотина (skotina, cattle)shaikagangшайка (šajka)sharpfemaleco*ckney rhyming slang "sharp and blunt"sharriesbuttocksшарыpl (šary, spheres, marbles)shestbarrierшест (šest, pole)shilarnydesireжелание (želanije, desire, wish)shivesliceProbably from shivshiyahneckRussian шея (šeja), Ukrainian шия (šyja)shlemhelmetшлем (šlem)shlagaclub, batGerman Schläger (club, bat, literally hitter)shlagnickedclubbed"shlaga" + -ник (-nik, Russian diminutive)shlapahatшляпа (šljapa)shoomnoise, sirenшум (šum)shootfoolшут (šut, clown, jester)shop-crastingstealing from a cars and housesshvattakeсхватить (sxvatitʹ, grab)sickingvomiting-sick upthrow-up, vomit-silver-likeshinysinnyfilm, cinema, movie theaterMutated spelling of "cine"skazatto sayсказать (skazatʹ)skitebirdsh*theadDialect or slang for seagull, known for their loose bowelsskolliwollschoolJuvenile mutation of the word "school"skorryquick, quicklyскорый (skoryj)skrikingscratchingBlend of strike +‎ scratchskvatto grabсхватить (sxvatitʹ)sladkvatsweetestсладкий (sladkij)sladkysweetсладкий (sladkij)sloochatto happenслучаться (slučatʹsja)sloosh, slooshyto hear, to listenслушать (slušatʹ, listen), слышать (slyšatʹ, hear)slovowordслово (slovo)smartingdamaged, bruised-smecklaughсмех (smex, laughter)smotto lookсмотреть (smotretʹ)sneetydreamсниться (snitʹsja, to be seen in a dream)snoutietobaccoFrom snout, Engl. prison slang for "tobacco" or "cigarette"snuff itcommit suicide, to dieFrom the phrase used to put out a lit candle (to snuff it). Not exclusively Nadsat.sobiratto pick upсобирать (sobiratʹ)sodto fornicate/bugger, fornicator/buggerEngl. slang; from sodomy, not exclusively nadsat.sophistossophisticated/beautiful people.soomkaold woman, old whor*сумка (sumka, bag), as in the English slang for old womansookawhor*сука (suka, literally bitch), as in the common slang for a whorish or unsavoury womansovietadvice, orderсовет (sovet, literally a piece of advice)spat, spatchkato sleepспать (spatʹ, to sleep), спячка (spjačka, hibernation)splodge, sploshsplash—spoogyterrifiedиспуганный (ispugannyj)Stajacell, State JailFormed from the beginning of the words "STAte JAil"; cf German Stalag, English stalag. It is also the scholarly transliteration of стая (staja, literally flock (of birds, of wolves)).Steaky WakeBeef SteakA childish pronunciation of the word steak.starryancient, oldстарый (staryj)strackhorrorстрах (strax, fear)stoolieschairsстульяpl (stulʹja) (from стул (stul))stripey holeprisonFrom appearance of bars, or alternatively the striped uniforms once worn by prisoners.synthemescdrugPossibly "synthetic mescaline"



tallywaistталия (talija)tashtookhandkerchiefFrom German Taschentuch (literally pocket-cloth)tasscupFrom French tasse or German Tassethis nochytonightночь (nočʹ, night)tick-tockerheartFrom the sound of a heartbeat, often "ticker" in English slang.ticklewickledgrazedtimpsdrumsFrom English timpanitolchockpunch, hit, smack, push, slapтолчок (tolčok)tooflesslippersтуфли (tufli, shoes)treethreeтри (tri)



ultra-violenceAn umbrella term for the assorted violent crimes perpetrated by the setting's youth gangs



vareetto cook up, to think, an ideaварить (varitʹ, literally to cook by boiling)vaysaywashroomFrom French pronunciation of w.-c. (water closet)veckperson, man, fellowчеловек (čelovek, person, man)vehinawineвино (vino)vellocetdrugProbably fabricated; '-cet' is a common ending of painkillers (e.g., percocet, ultracet). Possibly from speed (velocity), which is slang for the drug amphetamine or possibly suggested by the British motorcycle manufacturers Velocette.venail? (used as tolchocking and venailing)Actually "the nailing in" referring to the nailing of Christ as described in the Bibleveshchthingвещь (veščʹ)viddyseeвидеть (videtʹ, to see)vinowine (also used as blood)вино (vino)volosshairволос (volos, a hair); волосыpl (volosy, hair)vonsmellвонь (vonʹ, stench)vredto harm or damageвред (vred, harm), вредить (vreditʹ, to harm)



warblessongs, recordingsFrom the English word warble (to sing). (As in the birds known as "warblers")worldcastsatellite TV or shortwave radio broadcastBlend of world +‎ broadcast



yahmaholeяма (jama)yahoodiesJewsFrom Arabic يهودpl (yahudi, Jews)/ from Hebrew( יהודי- yehudi) Jewish/Jew. Not exclusively Nadsatyahzicktongueязык (jazyk)yarbles, yarblockostesticl*s, possibly "Balls!" from co*ckneyяблоко (jabloko, apple) (The Russian word doesn't have this meaning, see яйца (jajca, literally eggs))yeckateto driveехать (jexatʹ, to go (by vehicle))



zammechatremarkableзамечательный (zamečatelʹnyj)zasnootsleepзаснуть (zasnutʹ, to fall asleep)zheenawifeжена (žena)zoobiesteethзубыpl (zuby)zvonockbellpull, doorbellзвонок (zvonok, doorbell)zvooksoundзвук (zvuk)
Appendix:A Clockwork Orange - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)
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