Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (2024)

  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (1)
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Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (19)

See your doctor!

General Health

See your doctor!


Believe it or not, bad body odour can also be a sign of a serious health condition and no amount of deodorant will solve the situation.

The summer of 2018 has been a scorcher exacerbating an already difficult body odour (B.O) situation when stuck in busy tubes, lifts, and long commutes. And yes, we all know that for most people, a spray of deodorant and a thorough wash is all that is needed.

Early diagnosis is crucial – we are calling on all of you to make unexpected changes in your body seriously, to stop burying your head in the sand, and be on the case those stubborn people in your life to get checked up. Sadly, an extremely squeezed NHS means that small changes are rarely looked into, so you should really think about investing in your health by going to a private clinic.

Non-serious reasons why someone might smell a little

  • Firstly, of course, is poor personal hygiene.
  • Secondly, they may be eating certain foods that when flushed out through the skin, cause a strong smell. Garlic and spices are the usual offenders.
  • Thirdly, it can also be related to hormonal changes (which is why teenagers tend to pong, poor mites) and extreme physical or mental stress.

Therefore, most cases of body odour will have a relatively simple or transient cause. However, if someone SUDDENLY starts smelling bad who didn’t before, it’s unlikely that they’ve just suddenly decided to stop washing or eating a whole new diet, right?

Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (20)

Serious reasons why you or someone you know might start to smell


Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (21)One of the most common reasons is diabetes, also known as the silent killer. Diabetes is a serious and life-long condition where your body is unable to produce enough insulin, or use it well enough, to regulate the sugar levels in the blood. When you have diabetes your glucose levels are too high. If your blood sugar is poorly controlled, you develop something called ketoacidosis which results not only in a strange breath smell like an old fruit bowl but also a distinctive body odour. You need to get checked out right away if this is happening to you. It’s no joke and no, it can’t wait until next week.

Kidney or Liver disease

Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (22)Another reason for a bad body smell is serious kidney or liver disease. These crucial organs are responsible for processing and eliminating toxins from the body. If they cannot do this, the body will smell differently and more strongly. In addition to changes in urination and other symptoms, this could certainly indicate kidney or liver damage, or disease and it is vital to get checked out by a medical doctor quickly.

Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (23)

Overactive Thyroid

Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (24)Finally, an overactive thyroid can cause the body to smell due to the increase in sweat due to the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Thyroid dysfunction has many long-term and immediate-term health implications. If you are sweating too much, take it seriously.

Overall, strong body odour is likely to have a simple cause but if it is an unexpected and unexplained change or is not going away with the usual changes to personal hygiene, you really should see your doctor.

Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (25)

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  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (26) Lisa says:

    Thank you for this useful article. My sister always had a problem with excessive sweating. Maybe is time for her to see a doctor and have some tests done. For prevention.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (27) Fikir says:

      My armpit smells even when I am taking shower. I have used many hygiene methods but didn’t work


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (31) Audrey Vinson says:

      Has she been checked for hyperhydrosis? My sister had sweaty palms all her life then 40 years later she saw a specialist who diagnosed her with hyperhydrosis. She had a surgical procedure don’t in Rochester n no more sweaty palms. She was embarrassed for years because of it. Now she’s happy n even wears nail polish so she’s not afraid to call attention to her hands anymore


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (32) Sarah says:

      I’ve been experiencing body odour for a long time, since I was teenager. No deodorants work for me. Antiperspirants or deodorants ! I bath 1-2 times a day. Scrubbing so much that it causes a rash, pain or not being able to put my arms down. I use soap, then shower gel. I’ve tried changing my diet and not even onion or garlic. I have got Botox under my arms, still I am having this issue. It ruins my self confidence, social life and communicating with people. Causes me to become very self conscious. I don’t know what to do.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (33) Errol says:

        Hey, I also experience this issue it destroy my confidence so much that I might stop my studies after this semester to recover my mental because It feel me anxious everytime when people nearby and also I saw online that being anxious will make it worse. It didn’t
        even work with Any soap, any deodorant or antiperspirant or any germs killer.
        Let all should make a group that consist of this issue that might others have idea to stop this smelly bitch


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (34) Errol says:

        amHey, I also experience this issue it destroy my confidence so much that I might stop my studies after this semester to recover my mental because It feel me anxious everytime when people nearby and also I saw online that being anxious will make it worse. It didn’t even work with Any soap, any deodorant or antiperspirant or any germs killer. Let all should make a group that consist of this issue that might others have idea to stop this smelly underarm


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (35) Aya says:

        Same! I’ve tried everything and I scrub so hard and I’m done scrubbing I’m still on the shower and my pits still stink! it’s so bad I hate it


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (36) esther says:

    Hi, have never had a problem with sweating before, but in the last month I have started to smell of bo badly no matter how much I wash or apply deodorant . I am 41 years old.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (37) Martin Pokorny says:

      Thank you for your comment. Please, contact one of our clinics for the appointment and our doctors will be happy to help.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (38) Patricia evans says:

        I havnt got excessive sweating but after several weeks of sweet smelling urine armpits skin also smells of it


        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (39) Martin Pokorny says:

          Dear Patricia, to get to the bottom of your problems please come and see one of our experienced doctors. They will be happy to help.


          • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (40) Celiwe Mnyandu says:

            Thank you for this useful information. I always had this problem and i think i found a solution now. I need to see a doctor

          • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (41) Anna says:

            Dear Celiwe,

            Thank you for your message.
            Please feel free to contact us in order to arrange an appointment with one of our private GPs.

            Thank you.

        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (42) Tanisha says:

          I’m 19 and my armpits have always smelled really really bad. It really affects me and has made me underconfident.


          • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (43) Hannah says:

            I’m 19 too and have always had a sweating problem-I thought it was because I was severely overweight/obese. Now I’ve lost 65kg and am at a healthy weight yet I still swear just as much, and my BO smells really strong. Makes me feel so awkward around people because I automatically think they can smell me and think I’m unhygienic when in reality I’ve showered and sprayed deodorant.

          • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (44) Alexandra says:

            Hi, Tanisha. I’m also 19. I’m also suffering with the same symptoms for over 6 years now. I really need help. Are you still going through this problem?

        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (45) Linda says:

          Please I need help from you because my armpit smells very bad ,no matter how I showered and the types of deodorant I used. And I feel shy of that because it’s disgraced me a lot so I need ur help please


        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (46) Lisa says:

          I know this is a late comment. But This sounds like sever hyperglycemia. I really hope you are well. Sending best wishes.


        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (47) Kay Williams says:

          Check for diabetes…


        • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (48) Debbie Phillips says:

          I’m sitting in front of my fan as I respond to this,I too had very sweet scent in my urine,and now when I sweat,which seems like all the time,my armpits smell,and I have never had body odor! It’s bothering me so much. I have thyroid issues,so im going to my Drs about it next week,I’m sure she will need to change my dose. It’s so uncomfortable!


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (49) Rachel says:

      I’m 41 too and I’ve been so smelling no matter what I do or how much I wash myself.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (50) Martin Pokorny says:

        Dear Rachel, to identify the cause of your problem a consultation with a doctor and a physical examination would be necessary. Please, book online or give us a call to arrange your appointment.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (51) Fiona Daniel says:

        After having a shower or bath, I notice that I still have very bad odur. I have a good and healthy diet.

        Please help if you can.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (54) Mary says:

      I too have been experiencing the same problem and the antiperspirant I use to use isn’t working. I’ve tried various other brands of antiperspirant and deodorant, still it seems to worsen the problem. I’m 42, about to be 43. Did you get any answers or resolve your issues?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (56) Nompilo says:

      Hi I have a problem of sweating, I bath every and I have tryed so many deodorant but they don’t help, 2 hours is more than enough with the deaorant and I will smell like I never bath or put anything Im 27 years of age,, please help….


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (58) Ellie says:

      Hi this is a long shot but has it improved? Recently i’ve had the same problem and it’s really embarrassing and i’m looking for any option.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (59) Sarah Kaye says:

      Me too. I have noticed after using a vagin*l soap it messed with my armpit smell as I washed with that too. It threw the oh balance off. I was pre warned not to use those ssoaps …… gor that reason. Himmmm not sure if that’s really why but ? 🤷‍♀️


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (60) Kathleen McDonough says:

      My left armpit smells really bad now for the past few months. I clean every day and shower etc. Both sides equally. Also my left Brest is larger snd feels more dense than the right one?? Help


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (62) Houda says:

      I Am exactly in the same situation I never put deodorants on me after my second pregnancy things changed am 41 now and I smell bad it embarasses me a lot


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (63) Lisa says:

      Me too. I am 51 and I was thinking my hormones. I never had any problems until recently. I’ve been to the doctors and everything has checked out. I am borderline diabetic


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (64) Pat Hilton says:

    I’m 67′ still suffering hot sweats for 14 yrs since being made to stop taking HRT. This past week I suddenly stink of B.O. From my armpits, nothing is helping. I had a blood test in December 2016. Blood sugar and thyroid levels as all else was perfect. HElp?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (65) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Pat, thank you for your comment. We will e-mail you to arrange an appointment.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (66) Sonya says:

    Hi I am 45 and I had a partial hysterectomy last year
    I have recently noticed my deoderant doesn’t work and my armpits kind of smell like tacos.
    Not sure if the surgery has to do with the odour but I am kind of scared of serious problems that can be causing this issue. I never had an odour problem before this.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (67) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Sonya, thank you for your comment. To find the reason of your extensive sweating a consultation with a doctor would be necessary. If you would like to be seen at our clinic, please, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (68) KB says:

    Are these serious causes something that would be detected with regular bloodwork?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (69) Martin Pokorny says:

      Thank you for your comment. This depends on the cause of extensive sweating. If you suffer from this problem we advise to discuss this with a doctor that can review your results and suggest follow up tests. You can book an appointment at our clinic on the phone number provided.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (70) nina says:

    I started to smell under my armpits really bad and sweating under my breast all of the sudden to where I come from work my under shirt is soaked I never sweated like this before I’m scared nothing I do stops it


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (71) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Nina, thank you for your comment. As there could be several causes for extensive sweating we advice to discuss your concerns with a doctor in person. If you would like to book for a consultation with one of our experienced GPs feel free to give us a call on the number above


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (72) dixon kams says:

    Hi I have an excess sweat every time and I developed this bad body odor and it’s unpleasant it smell like fish or fart I don’t know what to do now


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (73) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Dixon, to be able to define the cause of your problem please contact our clinics to arrange an appointment with one of our GPs.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (74) Cheie says:

    I have started a Vegan diet including chlorophyll and spirulina. Since starting I have had thee WORST bo and there is no amount of washing and deodorizing that eliminates it. I have also switched from commercial deodorants and anti-precipitants to eliminate some of the toxins my body is being exposed to. What can I do? I have had blood work done and everything came back as healthy as an OX


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (75) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Cheie, to be able to define the cause of your problem please contact our clinics to arrange an appointment with one of our GPs.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (76) Jessica says:

      Did you ever find out what it was? My situation is very similar to yours! Vegan, deodorant, etc.
      Thanks for any feedback!


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (77) Sherry Smith says:

    I am a 62 year old female. My armpits just don’t stink, they never have. But this past week I’ve had at least two episodes where they are just downright rank. My bathing habits haven’t changed.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (78) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Sherry, to be able to define the cause of your problem please contact our clinics to arrange an appointment with one of our GPs.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (79) Sam Galm says:

    For 5 months I have had really bad shoulder and arm pain in both sides. Very bad on the right side. I had an X-ray which revealed arthritis in both shoulders. Now I’m waiting to have an ultrasound on the right side because I can’t lift my arm above my shoulder. The pain if it gets knocked or tapped at all is excruciating.
    My question is for the past 5 months along with it I have an odour coming from under my right armpit that is disgusting. It smells like the cysts and boils we used to remove in a clinic I used to work in and it would stink up the whole room and area.
    Could I have an infection in my shoulder or arm from the arthritis? The pain goes from my shoulder to my fingers at times.
    P.S 18 years ago I had osteomyelitis in my neck from cervical disc surgery. Could it have gone dormant for that many years?
    Thank you kindly for your help.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (80) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Sam, to identify the cause of your problem a consultation with a doctor and a physical examination would be necessary. Please, book online or give us a call to arrange your appointment.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (81) Sara says:

      Sam, did you find out what was causing this? I have had incredibly painful shoulders and have never been one who sweats but have noticed odor right after showering even. Just wondering how you are and what you discovered?


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (82) Martin Pokorny says:

        Dear Sara, the most reliable way how to get to the bottom of your concerns is to see a doctor. If one of our clinics is convenient to you do not hesitate and give us a call or book online.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (83) Kathleen McDonough says:

        I have the exact problem. For the past few months. I had right shoulder replacement 3 years ago no problem with odor now I need another shoulder replacement on left. But that under arm pit had a terrible odor. Tried using different deodorant s etc soaps. Nothing works within a half hour after my shower I smell. Do embarrassing . Help!


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (84) Susan Ward says:

      Hi Sam. Did you ever get a reason for this as I am in the exact same boat right now?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (85) dawit says:

    ihave excess sweeting what ishall ido


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (86) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Dawit, to identify the cause of your problem a consultation with a doctor and a physical examination would be necessary. Please, book online or give us a call to arrange your appointment.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (87) Sallie says:

    Im 26… Well 27 in a couple of weeks. And for the last 4 to 6 weeks ive been noticing ive got smelly pits even an hour after showeing. I habe also had sudden frequent urges to pee… Ill go before leaving for work and almost 2 hours onto work my bladder will declare i need to pee right now or wet myself…. In addition i also get lower abdominal pain especially after sex which can make me feel physically sick…. Sti has been ruled out. I went to the doctors so many times before xmas and i really dont want to go again as they never find anything wrong with me and i feel it’s just wasting their time. Any ideas?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (88) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Sallie, it is very difficult to give you clinically appropriate answer over internet. Our experienced doctors would be delighted to examine you and help to find the cause of your concerns.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (89) Lizzy says:

      Go to a Dr. &ask for MRI of the Ovaries.
      It could be Ovarian Cancer. I had those symptoms.
      I was lucky it was caught early!


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (90) Jordyn says:

      Did you find out what was wrong I have the same symptoms


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (91) Holly says:

    I’ve noticed the past couple days that my left armpit smells different (sickly sweet, literally makes me feel sick) and way stronger from the right and sweats way more than the another one. Nothing in my life has changed really.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (92) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Holly, the best way to come to the bottom of this problem is to speak to a doctor. If you would like to book an appointment with us, please, call the numbers above or use our online booking system.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (93) Pauline says:

      Same problem here I was told diabetic 2 last year . But My left armpit just smells a little after I put stuff on only when it is hot


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (94) Luci says:

    About two weeks ago, I started to notice deodorant wasn’t carrying me like it used to. I’ve been menopausal for awhile so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I’ve had five autoimmune diseases for awhile too. The most recent issue I’ve been dealing with is possibly interstitial cystitis. They kept thinking I’ve been having reoccurring UTI for two years, but now think probably not. Lots of antibiotics ?. Besides my armpits smelling like “old cooked food”, I’ve got vagin*l discharge that smells like vinegar, I’m nauseated most of the time, and am really tired and depressed.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (95) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Luci, it is ideal to speak discuss your issue with a healthcare professional. A private GP appointment provides more time to discuss all your concerns in depth as well as wide range of testing. To book an appointment at our clinic and see an experienced doctor that specializes in women’s health, please call the number above. Alternatively you can use our online booking system.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (96) Dale Walsh says:

    I’m 41 and never really had bad BO…..last week or so I’ve developed stinky underarms……any ideas


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (97) Martin Pokorny says:

      Dear Dale, thank you for your comment. It is ideal to see a doctor to get to the bottom of your problem as BO can be a symptom of various problems. You can book an appointment with one of our doctors through our online booking system or give us a call.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (98) amanda grayA says:

    you sound like I do, did you have vagin*l mesh put in?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (100) Scott says:

    I too have a sudden change in arm pit smell and breath like something died for a brief second or two . I quit smoking after 33 years and noticed a lot of different things happing to my body . Not sure if it’s related but quit cold turkey .


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (101) Kennedy says:

    I had no idea you could be smelly from liver disease or overactive thyroid. My doctor says I get stinky because I have such high stress. He recommended Certain Dri antiperspirant to decrease the sweating and it has worked well for me but after reading this article im a little nervous that it might be more than stress.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (102) Alya Marquardt says:

      Dear Kennedy, you have done the right thing to have checked with your doctor. If his / her diagnosis and recommendation has worked well for you, there should hopefully not be any further cause for concern.
      However, do go back to your GP to discuss your worries and get tested for diabetes (especially if you have other symptoms as well), a thyroid function test, and a full blood test for further investigation and peace of mind.
      Alternatively, we would of course be delighted to see you for a consultation and carry out all these tests at our clinic.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (103) Munata says:

    I think the real reason for sudden armpit odor is the city water. I never used to smell my armpits, I’m not a big on sweating. My scalp started smelling as well and when I stopped using the shower water it went away.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (105) Brendon wolf says:

    I am 26 years old right handed and my left armpit has been getting red and very smelly (smells almost like poop) for about 6 months. I also had nerve damage on my left arm 3 years ago if that has to do with it? I have no idea what it could be and want to know if I should be worried?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (106) Anna says:

      Dear Brendon,

      Thank you for your message. It is ideal to discuss your issue with a healthcare professional.
      A private GP appointment provides more time to discuss all your concerns in-depth as well as a wide range of testing. To book an appointment at our clinic and see an experienced doctor, please call the clinic. Alternatively, you can use our online booking system.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (108) Mary Katz says:

    I have congenital chronic pancreatitis. I am 53 now. I have lost 20 pounds in a year so right now I am 5’4 and weigh 90 pounds. All of the sudden my arm pits smell sour. I can shower and within 4-6 hours I smell it. I know my prognosis, however I was not prepared for this. I struggle of course trying desperately to put on weight. But this stink is making me sick. It’s been a rough year as well emotionally. I lost my mother, 4 cat’s, my 2 sisters no longer speak to me and I suffer from bi- polar 2, clinical depression, anxiety disorder and have major psycho motor agitation. I have a great health care team but I also am moving across the country. What can I do? I’m doing my best managing my health but this gd stink is what has me in a tizzy. I’ve tried so many antiperspirant’s clinical strength but nothing helps. I already look hideous I don’t want to stink like sour nasty armpit funk.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (109) Amber says:

      Hi was wondering if you ever found out what was going on with you…I’m having the same issues.


      • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (110) Jane Cordme says:

        I’m curious as well, for the same reasons. I am 40 years old and this just began for me about a month ago and it’s making me crazy. I never had issues with pungent body odor before. This is sudden and very recent. Even deodorant doesn’t help.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (111) Lillian Frederick says:

    My boyfriend and I ate a lot of Ribeyes with carmelized onions & garlic especially during the pandemic. Then one day I woke up smelling like garlic in my private parts. & under my arm pits. I stopped eating garlic for a while thinking that was the reason but a whole month passed and I still smell like garlic. I started having back pains went to the ER and they discovered I had a fatty liver ( that can be reversed with weight loss) and a nodule on my right adrenal gland. I went to the doctor and they ran a million test and the adrenal gland is not excreting any abnormal hormones and my liver function is fine I just have to lose a little weight. This is month 2, why do you think I still smell like garlic and ribeyes? The smell has reduced thou but I still smell it.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (112) Nigel Burton says:

    I’ve got a strong smell from one unerarm and hot flushes burning passing urine


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (113) Dạ Y Nguyễn says:

    Hello, I am 23 years old, I have had surgery to minimize the smell of my armpit, and also use deodorant, but it still smells, why?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (114) Cheryl Bright says:

    Just kinda came om in my right armpit, i’m a very clean person, have never had any odor and i’m 69 yr. old woman. did have breast cancer in the right breast 3 yrs ago. had a dbl masectomy no problems since. do u think i should contact my doctor, or ignore it? thanks so much.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (115) Vadla Shivani says:

    Gndr- female
    From -india
    Having sweat issue (bad smell)🤮
    Suddenly sweat smell changed and once i inhaled it i lost my taste and smell sensation , example when i eat something ,it smells like that sweat 😭


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (116) Linda Tenenbaum says:

    I’m a 70 year old healthy woman, 4’ 10” and weigh 85 pounds. I’ve never had underarm body odor and rarely need deodorant. About 10 days ago I started noticing I had B. O. even after a shower and I wasn’t sweating. I’m not eating anything that would cause it and I’m concerned. Thank you


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (117) Lerato says:

    One of my armpit is smelly even after bath I have changed my antiperspirant but nothing see to be workinh


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (118) Rue2021 says:

    I noticed an increase of sweat, body odor (in multiple areas) thought I had Covid because I was pouring sweat I’m 5’1 and 160lbs (couldnt lose weight no matter what I tried, diets, workouts for 1hr daily 7days a week). I also noticed changes in other things (tired all the time, itchy skin, dry skin). Diabetes, Thyroid issues, and breast cancer run in my family. So, I went to the dr. and she found a thryoid nodule, sent me to get an ultrasound. ultrasound showed some calcification on the nodules, so they sent me for a biopsy. After the Biopsy I was then notified a day or two later I had Thyroid Cancer. I smell like straight curry, BO and my armpits are seriously seriously kicking. I’ve tried mutiple different deodorants and antiperspirants, none which have seemed to work. I get my thryoid removed this month so I am looking forward to seeing if I smell better but the brain fog, weight gain, and other issues I’ve heard come with not having a thyroid are stressful. [ I was tested for diabetes through blood work it came back normal, my labs for thyroid came back normal (BUT YES I HAD CANCER), and I had an ultrasound on my stomach to check my gallbladder, kidney and pancreas) All which came back normal. If you smell like BO it’s your body trying to tell you something. Please go to your doctor for a routine check.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (119) Alya Marquardt says:

      Wow! This is extraordinary! We are so happy you went to your doctor at the right time and caught this. Wishing you well soon! In the meantime, make sure you hydrate well, eat cleanly with plenty fresh vegetables, avoid sugars, take high concentration probiotics. You will heal and come out of this. Stay positive.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (120) Darrell says:

      Hi yes I’ve got similar! I go gym 4 days a week and would say I’m in half decent shape. Of recent I’ve noticed a totally different smell in my left armpit dominantly. Like someone’s else on here said smells like straight curry or some sort of spice! I’m male so thought it might be the hair underarms but it’s winter and really cold outside and after the day it would smell no matter how much I Scrbbed and sprayed! Shaved armpits to see if it was this and the problem is still there in the left armpit after not much time at all! Going to look into a doctors appointment when I’m back home! Anyone else have ideas what it could be??


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (121) Susan peruch says:

    Is there something wrong if U have never had body odour under ur arms and get it under only 1 armpit and one side of underarm is swollen more than the other


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (123) Barbara Dobson says:

    I have both diabetes and under active thyroid so this be the reason that I hve have under armpit odour


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (124) Alya Marquardt says:

      It could be, Barbara. You could also try only wearing natural fabrics such as cotton, drinking more water and avoiding dehydration.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (125) Jocylene Ceriales says:

    I have a very bad odor right armpit. I often felt embarrassed. I tried all the kinds of deodorant and hygiene but did not work. What will I do?


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (126) Alya Shakir says:

      Hi Jocylene, that depends on the cause. We suggest first trying to increase your water intake (2 – 3 litres a day), wearing only natural fibres such as cotton and eating as cleanly as possible, avoiding garlic, heavy spices and fatty foods. Also avoid foods that might cause you inflammation such as gluten and refined sugar.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (127) Winnie says:

    Hi! I don’t smell before but now my armpits smells terrible even after a bath. I used anti bacterial soap and even antiperspirant deodorant. And I consult to my GP but he just laughed at me. coz he says it’s normal to have b.o. but for me it’s not, and it’s shameful.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (128) Amina Yusuf says:

    I have never had a problem with body odour but now I am confused because I have skin disease may b is the cause of bad odour am expriced


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (129) Alya Shakir says:

      Hi Amina. Some dermatological problems can contribute to body odour. Have you spoken to your doctor? If not, you may consider a review.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (130) Elaine Carey says:

    I have literally started to smell badly overnight gif the last few days.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (131) Alya Shakir says:

      Hi Elaine! There can be many reasons for this from hormonal changes, your diet and so on. If it persists however, you might want to consider a check-up.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (132) Marleen Lewis says:

    I have a terrible body odor I have tried everything it just don’t work so emotional and said embarrassing please help.


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (133) Alya Shakir says:

      Hi Marleen, so sorry you’re struggling with this. What have you tried so far?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (134) Misgana Degefa says:



  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (135) Kathleen McDonough says:

    My left armpit, I am right handed) has suddenly started to smell really bad. Only the left side. What is it?? It’s horrible. I even changed deodorant…


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (136) Sharon Edwards says:

    Within the last six months I notice my armpits smelling very unpleasant but then a few month after that I notice my poop smelling exactly the same. Ever since I’ve been worried and want to get to the bottom of this new health condition.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (137) Opie lardasse says:

    I really smell bad.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (138) Connie says:

    My problem why my right armpit stinks if I got swet


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (139) Kathleen McDonough says:

    My left armpit smells really bad now for the past few months. I clean every day and shower etc. Both sides equally. Also my left Brest is larger snd feels more dense than the right one?? Help


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (140) Saba Mirfarsi says:

    Hi. I’m 28 years old woman and my body smells differently and bad by eating green spirulina. What should I do? Excuse me the under arm smell and gas and feces smell are sometimes the same. And under arm smell is sometimes very very strong. Is it dangerous?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (141) Baby says:

    I have been having body odour for the past 6yrs. I have done everything possible like change my hypiene. I bath regularly,wash my clothes etc but the smell is getting worse everyday. It has affected my life, relationship,job etc that I don’t like going out again. The smell is very bad . Pls help me


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (142) ዘጂ ነኝ says:

    I am student and 20 years old.
    I faced a body odor change which have been 2 month ago. I tried my best to solve the problem in the last 2 months but it is nothing, no change. I know i have high sweating but i wash my body 2 times a week and also tried to use deodorant but that doesn’t bring any new thing instead the thing continued to increase its intensity. I asked my friends wether i smell or not but they said no, but it is not true b/c i smelled my closes and they have bad breath, i saw the people hold their nose, cough, show some sign of smelling bad odor when i was with them. Now at this time i am affected even psychologically and i need your help please!!!


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (144) Greg Blair says:

    A scent – sometimes even a very strong one – are normal. Since we’ve decided that any underam odor is bad, we have unlearned how to tell a normal odor from an abnormal one!


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (146) CRAIG OLIVER says:

    I am 65 and have always had very good hygiene, I bathe or shower every day. Just recently my armpits smell bad just an hour or so after showering and I’ve not performed any strenuous activities. I mean it’s really bad. I recently became Medicare eligible and will consult a doctor.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (147) Kim Elliott says:

    I’m 65 and my left underarm smells so sorry. Even if I scrub it, it still has a smell just not as bad. It comes for a few months then goes away. Then in a few weeks it’s back.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (148) Kathy says:

    I have hep c and never smelled before now I know I need to get checked. I knew it was bad but not this bad


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (149) Arabella Cox says:

    I have always associated a smelly armpit with being poorly, not necessarily a serious illness and yet looking on the Internet your website is the only one to acknowledge this.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (150) Lorraine Goodrich says:

    My right armpit smells weird, but not my left…this is a new thing that I noticed over the last several months. It’s a weird kindof rotting and also metallic smell… ? I originally thought it was from taking Turmeric because the odor reminds me slightly of cumin, but I stopped taking that months ago and smell is still there.
    I have been going through menopause so wondered if it was related to hormonal imbalance, or because that I take thyroid meds? It’s odd to me that it’s just one side and I’m wondering if this indicates something going on like cancer or a certain organ. Not sure what to do next or which tests to ask for.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (151) Mirella says:

    Since liver is involved in gallbladder function, can having gallstones cause extra smell in armpits?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (152) Cristina says:

    Is it normal for your armpits to smell like onions/garlic every time you sweat even when you don’t eat onions or garlic?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (153) Deborah Findley says:

    Strong /BAD body odor can also be attributed to higgh levels of Testosterone and/ or Estrogen, or BOTH. I myself had HIGH levels of both until 37 when my hormone levels dripped & many changes occurred. My body odor went away, i stopped craving alcohol, my rage condition subsided, i developed a ‘ weak stomach’ (as it relates to gore, blood, vomit, etc…), ADHD-focus on H- suddenly became almost normal ( with proper nutrition), my libido calmed to a dull roar, Narcolepsy stopped being a major issue, basically everything kinda leveled out. So , I have learned, if you experience EXTREME emotions / drive/ compulsions in life you might consider testing hormones first and work from there.
    ALSO …if you consume copious amounts of ‘stimulants’, pharmaceuticals, ALCOHOL…your internal environment may be acidic. Consuming too much protein can also be a culprit for some people. I really hope this helps someone answer questions it has taken me SOOO long to figure out. 😉


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (155) Deborah Findley says:

    Strong /BAD body odor can also be attributed to high levels of Testosterone and/ or Estrogen, or BOTH. I myself had HIGH levels of both until 37 when my hormone levels dropped & many changes occurred. My body odor went away, i stopped craving alcohol, my rage condition subsided, i developed a ‘ weak stomach’ (as it relates to gore, blood, vomit, etc…), ADHD-focus on H- suddenly became almost normal ( with proper nutrition), my libido calmed to a dull roar, Narcolepsy stopped being a major issue, basically everything kinda leveled out. So , I have learned, if you experience EXTREME emotions / drive/ compulsions in life you might consider testing hormones first and work from there.
    ALSO …if you consume copious amounts of ‘stimulants’, pharmaceuticals, ALCOHOL…your internal environment may be acidic. Consuming too much protein can also be a culprit for some people. I really hope this helps someone answer questions it has taken me SOOO long to figure out. 😉


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (156) Sharda Ramdhan says:

    I did have a liver resection surgery done and chemo treatment. I never had any awerful oder before. But I started experience in that of recent times. After reading your articles I assume it is because of my problem. Thanks


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (157) Kayendeke Mutome Joan says:

    Since I travelled to Saudi Arabia I started getting body odour mostly the armpits it’s worse smells like the onions here
    Which anti-perspirant deodorant s can I use I use some bt nothing the same smell and shower frequently


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (158) Mpho says:

    I tried all solutions of stop smelling bt it won’t work Fr me


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (159) Diane says:

    I really found this very helpful as my armpits smelliest onion thank you


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (160) Robbie Jones says:

    I am an 80-year-old lady struggling with terrible underarm odor. I have always had problems controlling the odor, but for many years I used Mitchum’s Cream Deodorant with great results. However, Mitchum’s does not make the cream deodorant anymore and the newer Mitchum sprays and roll-ons do not work effectively for me. I have tried many deodorants and antiperspirants to no avail. I am also diabetic now. I need help! Can you recommend a solution?


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (161) Obiorah 5 says:

    I smell alot even after I bath regularly and use deteriorats.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (162) Sherry says:

    Y arm pits smell my feet also and very strong urine


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (163) Sasi Bhushan says:

    Very useful information. Thanks.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (164) Lucricia Oabile says:

    Severe underarm smell even after applying rollon


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (165) Mike Patterson says:

    I’m smelly and sticky down there


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (166) Caroline O Malley says:

    I wash every day but seems to have sweaty hairpits never happened before


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (167) dragon says:

    Thank you for the info, i stink real bad and i did not know the cause. i was given a deodorant but i didn’t know how to use it so i threw it away. people in my school don’t wanna be around me because i smell really bad :/ At times, whenever i enter or leave a room i spread my odor in the air and i can hear people say IT SMELLS

    additionally, my classmates wrote a letter to the school about my strong smell…. i felt so hurt by it but now i know i can tell them i have liver disease which is something that scares me but i am so relieved to know that i am normal <3


    • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (168) Alya Shakir says:

      Sorry to hear this. Are you able to see a doctor about this? There can be many causes.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (169) Martha says:

    Bad underarm odor even wearing deodorant and daily showers


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (170) NASHABA JOANITAH says:

    I stink like onions I over sweat but I hope I will be fine coz am uncomfortable if you can help me please help thank you


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (171) Virginiah kamau says:

    Am on shock because of this smell its weird


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (172) Grace Mba says:

    I have very strong BO even after bathing and putting on deodorant and antiperspirant.For 2 years now no sign of change but is getting worser.I’ve also try a lot of antibacterial soap.What do I do to eliminate this smell


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (173) July says:

    Hi, I have used many products like antiperspirant and my right underarm sweats and smells bad even after showering and applying products, and thanks for this maybe I should really see my doctor for other related causes.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (174) Tammy Taylor-Wells says:

    2 1/2 years after the loss of my son, husband, and the rest of my family, I’ve dealt with complicated grief and PTSD. I’m 58 years old and think I’m in menopause also. Over the last couple of weeks, my armpits have been excessively stinky. even after I shower, use powder, and deodorant, I stink. I work in dentistry and have my arm is extended near peoples faces. This is terribly embarrassing.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (175) Eamon says:

    I have a body odor that won’t go away , my hygiene is good I don’t know what’s going on


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (176) Mavis Agyei says:

    Seriously ampit odor


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (177) Nancie Walker says:

    What does extreme
    paralyzing night sweats that smell like sulfur mean


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (178) Mary Tiller Bourdages says:

    I only produce this “fear sweat” smell overnight, and it washes of with soap and water. I do not noticeably perspire during the day unless I have dressed too warmly or am rushing around. I am in menopause and my kidneys are scarred from a lack of water while unconscious. 8 years ago.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (179) Tracy Whitmire says:

    Good morning to y’all I’ve been noticing that I have a lot of days with my armpits smelling like onions and why is that cuz I shower and bath 2vtwice a day of showers and BEFORE bed I take a bubble bath so what is it making it do that please help me on this it’s making me sick


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (180) Craig says:

    I always hear people say I smell bad. I’ve changed soaps and deodorants an extremely amount of times and I scrub, my skin til it’s red sometimes. I take Luke warm showers. I’ve changed laundry detergent an ungodly amount of times and still I get the same responses every single where I go. I’ve had check ups and test and they always say everything is normal. I’ve heard I smelled bad since my last 2 years of high school. I graduated on 2010.

    Seems the only people that disagree of what I hear and see people say is family members and doctors until they or I leave the room or when they think I’m far enough away. I can’t get a straight answer from no one face to face and it’s killing my mental health.

    I’m been tested for allergies, and was pretty much allergic to almost everything on the list. Does allergies contribute to body odor?

    I been trying to find answers for 16 years and can’t get any real answers anywhere, only thing doctors want to to do is give you bs medicine that mostly never works or isn’t even related to what your trying to treat…I’m getting tired


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (181) renee sargent says:

    Corn starch. Will stop the odor better than anything else. Plain old corn starch.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (182) Isaac Okah says:

    I started experiences this smells last year, I have tried every antispirant of different kinds still not working. I have seen a Doctor for medical advice still not working. Am honestly tired and ashamed of myself. I takes bath almost every 3 hours still it’s not subsiding. Please I really need help.


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (183) Lisa Dunlop says:

    My chest smells like cheese please help


  • Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (184) Cindy J says:

    I am 59 years old and I absolutely NEVER had a bad odor anywhere on my body even though I sweat profusely. Now all of the sudden my left armpit has started smelling really bad. I mean straight out of the shower even after I put deodorant on. I just don’t understand why it’s just my left armpit.
    Any helpful recommendations would help.
    Thank you


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Are smelly armpits a sign of illness? | Harley Street Health Centre Blog (2024)


Can smelly armpits be a sign of illness? ›

Serious liver disease can make breath smell musty or like garlic and rotten eggs. Compounds that are transported through the blood can also be released through your sweat glands. That can make your armpits and skin smell bad. It's normal for stress to cause smelly compounds to be released through your sweat.

Why are my armpits so stinky all of a sudden? ›

Your body odor can change due to hormones, the food you eat, infection, medications or underlying conditions like diabetes. Prescription-strength antiperspirants or medications may help.

When body odor is an indicator of disease? ›

You may need to call your doctor if an odd odor sticks around. A urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder inflammation, and uncontrolled type 2 diabetes can trigger unusual smells. So can metabolic disorders, diabetic ketoacidosis (a complication of diabetes), and gastrointestinal-bladder fistulas.

What autoimmune disease causes body odor? ›

Disease Overview

Trimethylaminuria is a rare disorder in which the body is not able to metabolize the chemical trimethylamine, and this causes body odor.

What does your armpit smell tell you? ›

The bottom line

Smelly armpits occur when bacteria break down the otherwise odorless sweat on your skin. Some people sweat more than others and have a condition called hyperhidrosis. This excess sweating can lead to body odor. While it might cause people to be self-conscious, there are many solutions that can help.

Why do my armpits smell bad even with good hygiene? ›

If sweating is excessive, it can cause smelly armpits even if a person washes regularly and uses deodorant or antiperspirant. The first thing that a doctor will recommend is usually a prescription strength antiperspirant. Sometimes, these might burn or irritate the skin.

Can a vitamin deficiency cause body odor? ›

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies (when you don't get enough vitamins or minerals in your diet) or malabsorption (when your body can't absorb the nutrients in what you eat) can sometimes cause body odor, or a smell to occur in your stool or urine.

What does kidney disease body odor smell like? ›

A person's sweat may smell like ammonia due to a high protein diet, exercise, or health conditions such as kidney disease and diabetes.

Can thyroid problems cause smelly armpits? ›

Finally, an overactive thyroid can cause the body to smell due to the increase in sweat due to the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Thyroid dysfunction has many long-term and immediate-term health implications. If you are sweating too much, take it seriously.

What does liver disease smell like? ›

Fetor hepaticus is the characteristic breath of patients with severe parenchymal disease, which has been likened to a mixture of rotten eggs and garlic. Gas chromatography reveals that the principal compound causing the odor is dimethylsulfide.

What infections cause bad body odor? ›

7 Reasons You May Smell Bad Despite Good Hygiene
  • A Forgotten Tampon in Your vagin*. ...
  • vagin*l Yeast Infection. ...
  • Bacterial Vaginosis. ...
  • Urinary Tract Infection. ...
  • Diabetes. ...
  • Sinusitis. ...
  • Foot Infection.
Jun 10, 2024

Why do I smell bad even with good hygiene down there? ›

A strong vagin*l odor may be a sign of vaginitis, or it may be a temporary smell related to your hygiene, lifestyle or other changes. Take note of whether you have other symptoms. If the odor is related to an infection, you'll usually notice other changes, like vagin*l itching, burning and discharge.

Why is my bo so bad all of a sudden? ›

Changes in body odor are often the result of lifestyle changes, such as an altered diet or exercise regimen. However, in some cases, a sudden change in body odor may be a sign of an underlying health condition. Generally speaking, body odor can affect anyone, and it should not usually cause a person to worry.

What is the enzyme deficiency that causes body odor? ›

Primary TMAU is an autosomal recessive genetic condition that results in the deficiency or dysfunction of the hepatic enzyme flavin monooxygenase 3. Trimethylamine is a foul-smelling metabolite excreted in body fluids causing affected individuals to exude a fishy odor.

How to remove smell from underarms permanently? ›

By keeping your underarms clean, using baking soda, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice, wearing natural fibers, staying hydrated, and eating a healthy diet, you can get rid of underarm odour naturally. Give these natural remedies a try and see what works best for you.

Can being sick cause body odor? ›

After entering the blood stream, VOCs are released through breath, saliva, urine, feces, the skin and blood [16]. When sick, individuals may produce novel VOCs or different expression patterns and ratios of VOCs. Accordingly, changes in human body odor may indicate a disease state.

Does liver disease make your armpits smell? ›

“In the case of liver disease, sufferers can experience excessive sweating and a foul-smelling odor that's been likened to rotten eggs; which is the result of a blood-sugar spike, causes both fruity-smelling breath and a pungent body odor; and excessive sweat and odor can occur in people with due to their overactive ...

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.