Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning | Microsoft Azure (2024)

Applications of AI and machine learning

Companies in several industries are building applications that take advantage of the connection between artificial intelligence and machine learning. These are just a few ways that AI and machine learning are helping companies transform their processes and products:


Retailers use AI and machine learning to optimize their inventories, build recommendation engines, and enhance the customer experience with visual search.


Health organizations put AI and machine learning to use in applications such as image processing for improved cancer detection and predictive analytics for genomics research.

Banking and finance

In financial contexts, AI and machine learning are valuable tools for purposes such as detecting fraud, predicting risk, and providing more proactive financial advice.

Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing teams use AI and machine learning for personalized offers, campaign optimization, sales forecasting, sentiment analysis, and prediction of customer churn.


AI and machine learning are powerful weapons for cybersecurity, helping organizations protect themselves and their customers by detecting anomalies.

Customer service

Companies in a wide range of industries use chatbots and cognitive search to answer questions, gauge customer intent, and provide virtual assistance.


AI and machine learning are valuable in transportation applications, where they help companies improve the efficiency of their routes and use predictive analytics for purposes such as traffic forecasting.


Manufacturing companies use AI and machine learning for predictive maintenance and to make their operations more efficient than ever.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning | Microsoft Azure (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.