Avoid These Common Mistakes and Make a Flawless Crème Brûlée (2024)

Just what is it about crème brûlée? Even the words sound unattainably fancy; the sort of dish better left to a swanky French restaurant (you know, the kind with white tablecloths and snooty mustachioed waiters). We won't lie: It's not as easy to make as no-bake drop-cookies. But once you've ID'd the most common ways to screw it up, and how to avoid them, you'll be cracking into a perfectly torched sugar crust in no time. These are the most common mistakes people make with this iconic dessert.

These ramekins are great for traditional puddings and pots de crème, but they don't have enough surface area for a crème brûlée sugar crust. Photo: Alex Lau

Alex Lau

1. Using the Wrong Size Ramekin

Crème brûlée is traditionally baked in a wide, shallow ramekin. If you plan on making it at home, you'll need to invest in a few. The deeper 4- to 6-ounce ceramic pots used for most other puddings and pots de crème aren't an adequate substitution. Because they're deeper, the pudding takes longer to bake, meaning your crème brûlée base will be overcooked at the edges and undercooked in the center. Additionally, and most importantly, the whole point of this dessert is the expansive caramelized crust of sugar. The wide and shallow ramekin allows for optimal sugar-to-pudding radio, and a more impressive crust.

2. Using Whole Eggs

The pudding portion of crème brûlée should be trembling and tender, but still rich and creamy. That's why egg yolks, rather than whole eggs, are used, explains Rick Martinez, BA's associate food editor. Whites help set pudding, giving it a firmer texture. For this dish, use just the yolks and save the whites for another recipe, like meringue.

Water is the enemy of perfectly smooth pudding. Photo: Gentl & Hyers

Gentl & Hyers

3. Getting Water in the Pudding

Puddings are baked in a hot water bath to retain their silky-smooth texture (the water conducts heat, baking them more gently and evenly). But a hot water batch is a danger zone for pudding: Getting water in the mix will ruin the texture, giving it a pebbled surface and soggy interior. Avoid this problem with a tip from Martinez: wrap the bottoms and sides of your ramekins with aluminum foil that reaches up higher than the ramekin. This "fence" helps guard against any splashes as you transport the water bath. Additionally, you can wait until the ramekins are in a pan in the oven before pouring boiling water in the pan. This minimizes any potential for spilling.

4. Torching the Wrong Sugar

This is not the time for your fancy, raw and organic coconut sugar. "You really need to use white granulated sugar," says senior food editor Chris Morocco. The small granules caramelize quickly, meaning the sugar won't get overly burnt and the pudding won't melt. Also, he points out: The white crystals provide a visual cue as you're torching it. As soon as the white sugar turns a golden brown, you know you're close. The crystals of raw sugar are already brown, making it harder to know if you're overshooting the mark.

6. Trying to Broil the Caramel

Yes, you absolutely need a kitchen torch for this task. Morocco's pick is found at most hardware stores and will run you around $20. Don't even think about trying to replicate the effect under a broiler. No matter how hawk-eyed you are, it's nearly impossible to get the perfect amount of color without burning it to a crisp. Besides, points out, test kitchen contributor Lily Freedman, you'll never get as evenly cooked a crust as you will with a torch.

You're ready for this: Caramelized-Honey-Brûlée

Once you've mastered that, you can move on to brûléed eggs

Avoid These Common Mistakes and Make a Flawless Crème Brûlée (2024)


Avoid These Common Mistakes and Make a Flawless Crème Brûlée? ›

I'm not being entirely facetious — it's actually a little tricky. That's because you must cook the custard — a thin batter of cream, egg yolks and sugar — in a water bath; surrounding the ramekins with hot water keeps the custard moist and prevent it from breaking into a lumpy, curdled mess.

What can go wrong making crème brûlée? ›

  1. Whisking too much which will incorporate air bubbles in the custard. ...
  2. Not using a water bath in the oven or enough water up the sides of the ramekin. ...
  3. Overbaking, the custard should just jiggle a in the center when you remove from the oven. ...
  4. Using granulated sugar for the brulee.
Feb 18, 2021

How do you keep crème brûlée smooth? ›

I'm not being entirely facetious — it's actually a little tricky. That's because you must cook the custard — a thin batter of cream, egg yolks and sugar — in a water bath; surrounding the ramekins with hot water keeps the custard moist and prevent it from breaking into a lumpy, curdled mess.

What makes crème brûlée not set? ›

This is most likely due to underbaking. Creme Brulee is perfectly baked when it is set and firm around the edges but still has a wobble / jiggle in the middle when shaken. Additionally, it is important to chill thoroughly, ideally overnight, before diving in.

What makes a good crème brûlée? ›

10 Tips for Making Perfect Crème Brûlée
  1. Use high quality ingredients.
  2. Whip egg yolks and granulated sugar.
  3. Scald cream.
  4. Temper egg yolks.
  5. Remove air bubbles.
  6. Even custard in ramekins.
  7. Bake in the center of the oven.
  8. Bake in a water bath.
Dec 11, 2023

What is the best sugar to use on crème brûlée? ›

For the caramelized sugar crust, we recommend turbinado or Demerara sugar. Regular granulated sugar will work, too, but use only 1 scant teaspoon on each ramekin or 1 teaspoon on each shallow fluted dish.

What happens if you cook crème brûlée too long? ›

If your crème brûlée still looks runny after the recommended baking time, give it a few minutes more, but don't go crazy – overcooking it can cause it to separate. You'll know it's ready when it's firm around the edges but still jiggles slightly in the middle.

Can you put too much sugar in creme brulee? ›

There shouldn't be too much sugar in a crème brûlée (in the custard itself, that is) as that can easily make this dessert slimy. But because sugar doesn't just provide sweetness but also affects the texture, you need to think ahead before reducing it.

How long should crème brûlée be set in the fridge? ›

Bake just until the creme brulee is set, but still trembling in the center, approximately 40 to 45 minutes. Remove the ramekins from the roasting pan and refrigerate for at least 2 hours and up to 3 days. Remove the creme brulee from the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes prior to browning the sugar on top.

Why is my crème brûlée jiggly? ›

I will say the trickiest part of making a creme brûlée is deciding when to pull it from the oven. It is ready when the middle jiggles, but the edges are set, like in my video. If the whole thing is still super jiggly, it needs more time, check every 10 minutes after. If the none if it jiggles, it is overcooked.

How hot should cream be for crème brûlée? ›

  1. Heat cream to 158°F (70°C) over low heat. Cream can scorch easily, so heat gently, and spot-check the cream with a Thermapen to verify its temperature.
  2. Scrape the vanilla bean (if using) and incorporate it into the sugar by rubbing between your hands.

Why is my crème brûlée not crispy? ›

It could be your sugar. I find sugar in the raw to be the easiest and most even burning sugar for creme brûlée. You could also combine equal parts brown sugar and white sugar. When burning the sugar make sure to keep moving the torch evenly across the sugar.

How to know if creme brulee is bad? ›

Freshness Indicators
  1. Appearance: Custard should be smooth and free of discoloration.
  2. Odor: Fresh crème brûlée should lack strong, off-putting odors, which are a sign of spoilage.
  3. Texture: The custard should be firm yet creamy. Any separation or watery consistency indicates spoilage.
Mar 9, 2024

What causes creme brulee to curdle? ›

If the heat is too intense, the egg protein sets up quite rigid and can quickly curdle over the stovetop, or may become too firm after baking in the oven—low and slow is the key. The final texture of crème brûlée is soft-set, similar to the texture of Greek yogurt, not a firm custard like flan.

Can you fix undercooked creme brulee? ›

If the creme brulee is underbaked, it will still taste delicious. As a note, you can also rebake the creme brulee at 300 F for a few minutes, but it's more likely that the edges of the creme brulee will overbake.

Is it better to overcook or undercook creme brulee? ›

Undercook the creme brulee and it will still be liquid. Overcook it, and it might curdle. It's why during this step you carefully cook the egg yolks. In a creme brulee you want the entire filling to be set, smooth and firm.

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