Clean Eating Coconut French Toast Recipe (2024)

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This coconut french toast offers a tropical twist on this homestyle, classic breakfast.

Love coconut? This french toast brings coconut to whole new levels. You can toast the coconut flakes or not, but either way, this is amazing French toast. It’s perfect for breakfast or brunch and is dairy-free for those who need it. This also happens to accidentally be vegan French toast for those who want that.

Clean Eating Coconut French Toast Recipe (1)

Where Is French Toast From?

While the concept of French toast dates back as early as Roman times, the “French Toast” of today most likely originated in England in the 17th century. They called it “French” because of the French culinary influence on the English nobility at the time. As time went on, it made its way to North America via settlers and eventually became popular here for breakfast. Can you blame us? It’s good stuff!

Is French Toast The Same As Gypsy Toast?

Yep! Just different names for the same thing. The term “Gypsy” is actually a derogatory word, and most folks don’t really use that term any longer. But French toast has been known by many names around the world.

  1. French Toast (English-speaking countries)
  2. Eggy Bread (United Kingdom)
  3. Arme Ritter (Germany)
  4. Pain Perdu (France and French-speaking regions)
  5. Torrijas (Spain)
  6. Rabanadas (Portugal and Brazil)
  7. Arme Riddere (Norway)
  8. Arme Riddere (Denmark)
  9. Arme Riddere (Sweden)
  10. Arme Riddere (Iceland)
  11. Cinnamon Toast (Netherlands and Belgium)
  12. Bombay Toast (India)
  13. Poor Knights of Windsor (New Zealand)
  14. Suppegnash (Malta)
  15. Amerikaner (Israel)
  16. Pain Doré (Canada – French-speaking regions)

Can I Toast The Coconut First?

You can! In fact, this will bring out lots of wonderful coconut flavor. That said, you don’t have to do that to enjoy this recipe. Do what you have time for.

Can I Toast Coconut In A Frying Pan?

Absolutely! The trick is to stir it constantly. You want to brown it, not burn it. Do try to brown coconut while you do other things. Pay attention to it and stir.

How To Toast Coconut Flakes?

Warm a skillet over medium heat.

Add the coconut flakes to the pan.

Stir constantly until the flakes are browned. It won’t take long.

Once golden brown, remove the coconut from the pan immediately to stop the browning process.

Tips For How To Make French Toast

Making French toast is a very simple, basic skill anyone can master. The trick is to set up a small assembly line with your bread, egg wash, and skillet (in that order).

Once you have that set up, you’ll simply dunk your bread in the egg mixture, making sure to quickly flip the bread so it gets wet on both sides and then transfer it into your skillet. DO NOT TOTALLY SATURATE THE BREAD! (It won’t cook properly if the bread is soggy. Think of this as a topical egg wash. Not something to soak the bread in.).

Fry it for about 10 minutes (5 on each side) or until the egg is fully cooked and the bread is nicely browned.

Can You Bake French Toast Instead Of Frying It?

Absolutely! If that’s your preference, here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat your oven to 375F.
  2. Dip each piece of bread into the egg mixture. Make sure you allow any excess mixture to drip off.
  3. Place the wet bread slices on the greased baking sheet in a single layer.
  4. If you have leftover egg mix, you can pour it over the bread slices in the baking dish if you don’t want to waste it or save it for something later.
  5. Bake the French toast for about 25-30 minutes or until the bread is golden and cooked through. Baking time will depend, to some degree, on the thickness of your bread, so times can vary.
  6. Once baked, remove the French toast from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving.

Topping Ideas

  • Chopped pecans
  • Butter
  • Maple syrup
  • Honey
  • Coconut syrup
  • Nutmeg
  • Coconut cream or coconut whipped cream
  • Fresh strawberries, pineapple or blueberries.

About The Ingredients

Largeeggs– The amount called for is for standard-size bread slices. If your bread is larger or cut thicker, you may need an additional egg.

Light coconut milk – You can use either canned or boxed (refrigerated), but the ingredients. It should not be sweetened.

Pure vanilla extract – Use the real stuff.

Ground cinnamon – Just cinnamon. Not cinnamon sugar.

Whole grain bread – Opt for something that is 100% whole grain and has no added sugar.

Coconut flakes– Unsweetened.

Honey– For the topping. You can use any topping you wish.

How To Make Coconut French Toast

In a medium size mixing bowl, whisk together the egg whites, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon.

Submerge the bread into the mixture, being sure to turn it several times to get all sides coated and wet.

Using a non-stick pan and a very light coat of olive oil from a sprayer, cook on medium heat until the bread is cooked through, paying special attention to being sure that the egg and the middle of the bread slices are cooked through.

Put the toast on a plate and sprinkle each piece with 1 tbsp. of the coconut flakes.

Add a little honey to taste and serve.

More Healthy French Toast Recipes

  • French Toast
  • French Toast Strips

Coconut French Toast Recipe Card

Clean Eating Coconut French Toast Recipe (3)

Coconut French Toast Recipe

A tropical twist on a homestyle classic breakfast.

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Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Servings: 4 servings

Calories: 165kcal


  • 2 large eggs (If your bread in larger, you may need 3 eggs)
  • ½ cup light coconut milk
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 4 slices whole grain bread
  • ¼ cup coconut flakes (unsweetened)
  • honey for topping

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  • In a medium size mixing bowl, whisk together the egg whites, coconut milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon.

  • Submerge the bread in to the mixture, being sure to turn it several times to get all sides coated and wet.

  • Using a non-sick pan and a very light coat of olive oil from a sprayer, cook on medium heat until the bread is cooked through, paying special attention to being sure that the egg and the middle of the bread slices are cooked through.

  • Put the toast on a plate and sprinkle each piece with 1 tbsp. of the coconut flakes.

  • Add a little honey to taste and serve.


Please note that the nutrition data given here is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible.


Serving: 1serving (slice of french toast) | Calories: 165kcal | Carbohydrates: 14g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 93mg | Sodium: 170mg | Potassium: 133mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 135IU | Calcium: 50mg | Iron: 1mg

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Clean Eating Coconut French Toast Recipe (2024)
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