Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (2024)

The shift from conventional spray deodorant formulas to natural alternatives is becoming more prevalent as consumers seek products that align with a health-conscious and eco-friendly lifestyle.

Organic deodorants do not only neutralize odors using gentle components but also embrace and enhance our natural body scent.

Coconut oil is a STANDOUT among natural deodorant ingredients, prized for its versatility and myriad benefits. It is a key player in many natural personal care products.

This valuable ingredient works effectively to combat odor-causing bacteria and provides a pleasant, subtle scent.

The benefits of coconut oil shine even more when combined with other ingredients like baking soda and essential oils (e.g., tea tree and lavender). You can use these to create a homemade deodorant that is fragrant, gentle, and skin-friendly.

These ingredients offer a way to craft a deodorant that is uniquely yours, with a different scent that caters to your personality and a formulation that suits you best.

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is derived from the flesh of the coconut fruit. Known for its stable shelf life and melting point, it is widely regarded as an excellent moisturizing agent.

The composition of coconut oil is remarkable. It is rich in saturated fats that are popular for their nourishing properties. It is primarily composed of medium-chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid, which are known to benefit health.

Coconut oil's properties are vast and beneficial. It possesses natural antibacterial and antifungal characteristics, making it an excellent choice for maintaining personal hygiene.

Historically, coconut oil has been utilized in many ways, from cooking to skin and hair care. Cultures around the world have harnessed its properties for centuries for its health benefits.

Coconut oil's popularity continues, particularly in natural deodorants and other organic products. Its gentle yet effective nature makes it a staple in formulations that aim to replace harsh chemicals with natural ingredients.

Coconut Oil in Deodorant

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (1)

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The market has seen a significant uptick in the demand for natural deodorants, with consumers increasingly opting for products that keep the body healthy. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of the BENEFITS of natural ingredients over synthetic ones.

Creating a homemade deodorant is simple. It often requires nothing more than a few common ingredients found in household pantries. This do-it-yourself formula allows for a personalized touch and control over what goes onto your skin.

Central to many homemade deodorant recipes is coconut oil, a natural and effective base that ensures the deodorant remains SOLID at room temperature. Including it in the formula is also key to achieving a smooth application.

Coconut oil excels in controlling body odor. It targets odor-causing bacteria. It also creates an environment where bacteria struggle to thrive, which is essential for maintaining freshness.

Here is an overview of the benefits of coconut oil in deodorants:

  • Coconut oil is gentle on sensitive skin. It reduces the risk of irritation, making it ideal for those with skin sensitivities.
  • The antibacterial properties of coconut oil are effective against odor-causing bacteria. This helps keep the underarms smelling fresh naturally.
  • Coconut oil in natural deodorants doesn't block pores. It allows the skin to breathe and perspire naturally.
  • Coconut oil smells amazing. It offers a light, natural fragrance that can make the user feel clean and refreshed.
  • Many coconut oil-based deodorants are cruelty-free and all-natural. They align with ethical consumer practices and avoid harsh chemicals.

Today, coconut oil remains a popular ingredient in many personal care products, especially in natural deodorants. It is highly valued for its odor protection properties without the need for harsh chemicals like those found in traditional anti-perspirant products.

Natural Odor Control

Sweating is a natural and essential process for the body, which helps regulate temperature and expel toxins. It is mostly prevalent during physical activity or in response to heat.

While sweating is often linked to body odor, it is not a stand-alone reason why this happens. A person's odor or natural scent can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  • Diet: Eating certain foods like onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red meat, and hot sauce, as well as those containing MSG, caffeine, spices like curry or cumin, and alcohol have compounds that can be excreted through sweat, leading to a distinct body scent.
  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations, especially during puberty, menopause, menstruation, or ovulation, can alter the composition of sweat, often intensifying the body's odor.
  • Stress levels: Stress activates the apocrine glands, which produce sweat that is more likely to cause noticeable body odor when it interacts with bacteria.
  • Bacterial growth on the skin: The bacteria naturally present on the skin break down sweat into acids. This is the main cause of body odor.
  • Intense physical activity and hot weather: This increases sweat production, which conversely produces a noticeable odor when sweat interacts with skin bacteria.
  • Being overweight: This can increase the folds of skin, providing more area for bacteria to grow and cause odor.
  • Genetics: This can influence how much you sweat and your body's unique scent, affecting how noticeable your odor is.
  • Medications or underlying conditions: Certain drugs and health issues, such as diabetes or kidney disease, can alter how your sweat smells.

Conventional deodorants tackle underarm odor by masking scents with fragrances. These products typically contain chemicals that work to conceal odors rather than addressing the root cause.

For some individuals, the ingredients in regular deodorant can be less than ideal, leading to skin irritation or allergic reactions. This has prompted a shift toward creating one's own deodorant or opting for a natural deodorant, which is considered safer and more SKIN-FRIENDLY.

Coconut oil is a cornerstone of many natural deodorant formulas. Its science-backed odor-control properties lie in its natural antibacterial agents, which reduce the bacteria that cause underarm odor.

Testimonials often highlight the positive experiences users have with coconut oil deodorants. Many report a noticeable decrease in underarm odor and appreciate the absence of harsh chemicals typically found in anti-perspirants.

Benefits of Coconut Oil in Deodorant

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (2)

The allure of organic deodorants is significantly enhanced when they include coconut oil, known for its multitude of beneficial properties.

Some of the most acclaimed advantages of coconut oil in deodorant include the following:

  • Skin-friendly and hypoallergenic
  • Moisturizing
  • Antimicrobial and antibacterial properties
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable

Embracing a natural deodorant, particularly one that features coconut oil, can yield numerous positive outcomes for your personal care routine, helping you maintain your skin health.

Skin-Friendly and Hypoallergenic

For those with skin sensitivity, the quest for skin-friendly products is paramount, especially if normal deodorants cause allergic reactions that greatly affect the armpits.

Essential oils and naturally derived ingredients are often sought after for their being gentle on the skin while masking unwanted smells. They are a GREAT ALTERNATIVE to artificial fragrances, which can contribute to allergies.

Coconut oil, in particular, stands out as a skin-friendly choice. Its composition is well-tolerated by sensitive skin types, providing a low risk for allergy or irritation due to its compatibility with the skin.

Moreover, coconut oil's compatibility with various skin types makes it a preferred ingredient in natural personal care products. Its gentle properties offer a soothing alternative to the harsh chemicals found in many conventional deodorants.

Moisturizing Effects

Coconut oil’s reputation as a natural moisturizing agent is unparalleled, making it a staple in the formulation of skincare products. Its ability to lock in hydration caters to the needs of dry skin, offering a SOOTHING and ENRICHING experience.

Natural brands particularly champion coconut oil as a core ingredient, harnessing its organic benefits. This preference underscores a commitment to nourishing skin without synthetic compounds.

They are also commonly featured in DIY recipes for homemade deodorants. Apart from adding significant nutrients to keep the skin well-moisturized and healthy, it is also easy to find in the market.

This emphasis on its moisturizing effects, combined with organic brands' dedication to purity, positions coconut oil as an essential element in the realm of organic deodorants. It is not just about odor control — it is also about maintaining the skin's health and vitality.

Antimicrobial and Antibacterial Properties

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (3)

The unpleasant odors that we associate with sweating are actually the result of bacteria on the skin breaking down sweat into acids.

This is the main reason why you produce a distinctive smell commonly referred to as body odor, particularly when you sweat a lot.

Coconut oil's natural makeup is inherently rich in medium-chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid, which have been shown to possess antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

These properties are instrumental in keeping the bacterial growth under control.

By applying coconut oil to deodorants, the antimicrobial and antibacterial agents actively work to reduce the bacteria on the skin, which, in turn, helps MASK and PREVENT unpleasant scents.

This makes coconut oil a powerful ingredient for natural odor control.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Plain coconut oil, extracted directly from the coconut fruit, is a product of the tropics, where coconut palms flourish sustainably.

The oil is obtained through processes that are typically less resource-intensive than those used for synthetic ingredients, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.

The use of plain coconut oil in products is a nod to eco-conscious living.

Its biodegradable nature makes it a preferred option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Moreover, sustainably sourced plain coconut oil supports not only ecological balance but also the economies of the producing regions.

This aspect of coconut oil production encapsulates a commitment to SUSTAINABILITY that resonates with eco-aware consumers and brands alike.

Different Effects Compared to Regular Deodorants

Regular deodorant sticks and antiperspirant formulas work by masking body odor with fragrances. They often contain chemicals that temporarily block sweat ducts to reduce perspiration.

While effective in odor and sweat control, these substances can DISRUPT the skin's natural processes and microbiome.

In contrast, deodorants with natural ingredients, like coconut oil, work in harmony with the body's functions.

They focus on neutralizing odor without inhibiting the natural sweating process, which is essential for regulating body temperature and expelling toxins.

Organic deodorants support the body's innate rhythms, providing a balance between effective odor control and maintaining skin health.

How to Choose and Use Coconut Oil Deodorant

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (4)

Consumers are increasingly opting fornatural deodorants, and those containing coconut oil are particularly favored for their GENTLE and EFFECTIVE properties.

When on the hunt for the perfect coconut oil deodorant, keep these additional tips in mind to increase the chances of getting an effective natural deodorant:

  • Confirm that coconut oil is a primary ingredient due to its excellent antibacterial qualities and ease of absorption into the skin.
  • Look for deodorants that incorporate baking soda and arrowroot or cornstarch to help with odor and moisture control.
  • Personalize your deodorant experience by selecting products with your preferred essential oil blends for a pleasant scent and additional antibacterial action.
  • If baking soda causes irritation, search for a deodorant with a lower baking soda content or a baking soda-free version. You can opt for a formula that uses an alternative, like arrowroot powder or corn starch, to maintain the right consistency.

Proper application involves applying the deodorant to clean and dry underarms and massaging it thoroughly. A small quantity is typically sufficient, so start conservatively.

Others can also opt to make their own deodorant instead, noting the different organic ingredients they can work with to create a homemade deodorant.

When selecting a natural deodorant, it is crucial to look beyond coconut oil, considering the full list of ingredients to ensure they meet your health and ethical standards while providing effective odor control.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you are transitioning from regular deodorants and antiperspirants, it is normal to experience a period of adjustment. As your body adapts to the new product, it will tend to sweat a lot temporarily.

Potential Drawbacks and Allergies on Coconut Deodorants

When it comes to choosing deodorants, natural or otherwise, you should not focus solely on the fragrance or the promise of all-day protection. It is likewise important to consider potential drawbacks. We believe that this also plays a significant role in decision-making.

Factors like skin type, lifestyle, and personal sensitivities can influence the suitability of a deodorant. It is crucial to weigh these considerations to ensure that your formula of choice aligns with your body's needs and health.

Before making the switch to a coconut oil deodorant, you would need to consider the following:

  • Skin sensitivities and allergies
  • The importance of patch tests
  • Possible alternatives if natural deodorant options don't suit your needs

It is essential to be aware of potential effects and assess whether a product might be detrimental to your skin’s health.

Making an informed choice can help ensure that the switch to a natural deodorant is beneficial and free from adverse reactions.

Skin Sensitivities and Allergies

Coconut oil is generally considered SAFE for the skin, but like any ingredient, it can cause negative reactions in certain skin types.

Individuals with specific allergies or highly sensitive skin might experience adverse reactions to coconut oil.

Allergic reactions to coconut oil might manifest as redness, itching, or irritation in the area where the deodorant is applied.

In some cases, individuals might develop contact dermatitis, which is characterized by an itchy rash and blisters.

It is also worth noting that individuals with a coconut allergy might experience eczema-like symptoms, with patches of itchy, cracked, and sore skin.

Additionally, scalp dermatitis is a possibility if coconut oil is present in hair care products, leading to symptoms like a red, flaky, and itchy scalp.

For those with a known sensitivity to coconut or other ingredients commonly found in organic deodorants, it is crucial to READ LABELS CAREFULLY and, if possible, perform a patch test before regular use to ensure there is no adverse reaction.

How to Perform a Patch Test

A patch test is a simple method to determine how your skin will react to a new product, such as coconut oil deodorant. It is an important follow-up to the concerns mentioned in the previous section on skin sensitivities and allergies.

It helps identify potential adverse reactions before you commit to regular use.

You can conduct a patch test on your coconut oil by doing the following steps:

  1. Apply a small amount of the deodorant on a discreet patch of skin, like the inside of your wrist or elbow.
  2. Wait for 24 hours, keeping the area dry and undisturbed.
  3. After the time has elapsed, check the area for any signs of reaction, like redness, itching, bumps, or swelling.

If you notice any adverse reactions during the patch test, it is advisable to DISCONTINUE use and consider other products or ingredients that may be more suitable for your skin type.

If there is no reaction, the product is likely safe for you to use.

Alternative Natural Deodorant Options

While coconut oil is a popular choice for natural deodorant, it may not be suitable for everyone.

If you find that coconut oil-based deodorants do not work for your skin or preferences, there are alternatives you can explore.

You may want to consider the following alternatives when choosing a natural deodorant or making your homemade deodorant:

  • Shea Butter: It is moisturizing, does not leave an oily residue, and is suitable for all skin types due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Arrowroot Powder: This thickening agent is also great for absorbing moisture and oil, providing a solid base for DIY body care. It is also a common replacement for baking soda, which may be harsh for some skin types.
  • Baking Soda: It is known for its odor-absorbing qualities but should be used sparingly by those with sensitive skin.
  • Essential Oils: Oils such as aloe vera, tea tree oil, clary sage, and lavender add fragrance and have antibacterial properties. You do not have to restrict yourself to one essential oil. A good blend can address multiple concerns with your skin.
  • Witch Hazel: Recognized for its soothing and astringent properties, witch hazel can help control sweat and odor without irritating the skin.
  • Zinc Oxide: This ingredient is used for its ability to reduce odor and is generally well-tolerated by the skin, making it a good alternative for those who are sensitive to baking soda.

If you are uncertain about what natural deodorant to use, especially after experiencing skin sensitivities, consulting with a physician or a dermatologist is a practical step.

They can provide guidance tailored to your skin's needs and help you find a suitable natural deodorant option.

DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant Recipes

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (5)

If you are not sure about the different store-bought deodorants, whether they are artificial or organic, and want to try something different, why not try making your own deodorant with coconut oil?

Crafting one is easier than you think, and many people find that homemade deodorants work well for them. Plus, you can make so much with just coconut oil.

Making your own deodorant lets you pick what you put on your skin, avoid harsh chemicals, and can even save you money. You are bound to have AT LEAST half of the ingredients at your home right now.

Plus, it is usually pretty straightforward — a lot of recipes just need a few common ingredients and a little bit of your time. All of them have similar results: sweet coconut smell paired with essential oils and moisturizing properties.

It is a great way to be sure about what you are using and could be a fun little project, too. The best part is these would last you a few weeks before you have to make it again.

Take a look at this natural deodorant recipe you can try at home!

3-Ingredient DIY Deodorant Recipe

The 3-ingredient DIY deodorant recipe is by far one of the simplest and most cost-effective options available. Not only is it quick to make, but it is also significantly cheaper than many store-bought deodorants in the market.

For this recipe, you will need the following materials:

  • Non-fractionated coconut oil acts as a base and helps with smooth application.
  • Arrowroot powder or cornstarch to thicken and absorb moisture. It can be difficult to find arrowroot powder, so cornstarch may be more accessible.
  • Baking soda to neutralize any body odor.
  • A deodorant container to store your finished product.

Here are the steps to follow to create this all-natural deodorant:

  • Put coconut oil, baking soda, and cornstarch or arrowroot powder into a bowl. You can lessen the baking soda to make the deodorant less harsh on the skin. It can greatly depend on your skin type and preferences.
  • Stir well to combine. Make sure all ingredients are well incorporated and there are no lumps from the cornstarch, arrowroot powder, or baking soda. You can use a spoon or popsicle stick to combine all the ingredients. You should end up with a hom*ogenous paste-like substance.
  • Transfer everything into a clean deodorant container or small glass jar for storing.
  • Apply the deodorant as needed. Simply dip a clean finger or popsicle stick into the mixture to get a tiny amount and swipe it onto your underarm area. Note that consistency can vary depending on the temperature.

To use, simply take a small amount and apply it to your underarms. The consistency may change with the temperature, but it should always be spreadable.

If you find the mixture too thick, gently warm the coconut oil before mixing, as this will help it blend more easily with the other ingredients.

Note that this DIY deodorant only relies on coconut oil. You can also add tea tree oil or any other essential oils to help it smell nice, based on your preferences. The next homemade deodorant recipes can further tackle these oils.

PRO TIP: Blend the ingredients right in the container, saving you the need to transfer from a bowl.

Homemade Deodorant Recipe with Shea Butter

Introducing the Homemade Deodorant Recipe with Shea Butter — an excellent choice for a natural and skin-nourishing option.

This recipe needs the following ingredients:

  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • Shea butter
  • Optional: Essential oils (like tea tree oil, grapefruit, and sweet orange oil)
  • Optional: Arrowroot powder or organic cornstarch

You can follow these simple steps to make your own natural homemade deodorant:

  1. Melt shea butter and coconut oil together in a mason jar placed in a water bath over low heat.
  2. Once melted, remove from heat, and stir in baking soda and, if using, arrowroot powder or cornstarch.
  3. Add in a few drops of essential oils of your choice for fragrance.
  4. Pour into a glass container and let it set in a cool, dry place.

This deodorant does not require refrigeration, but a short stint in the fridge can quicken the setting process.

If you prefer, you can repurpose an old deodorant stick container for convenience. Just be mindful that it may soften in warm weather.

If you are keeping it in a small jar, you can use a popsicle stick to apply it to your pits.

Fragrant Homemade Deodorant Recipe

This Fragrant Homemade Deodorant Recipe strikes a perfect balance with coconut oil and a blend of essential oils to provide a naturally fragrant alternative without artificial fragrances.

For this natural homemade deodorant recipe, you will need the following materials:

  • Unrefined coconut oil as a base.
  • Unrefined shea butter for its soothing properties.
  • Arrowroot powder or flour for consistency.
  • Baking soda for odor control, though it can be irritating to some.
  • Grapefruit essential oil for a vibrant scent.
  • Lavender essential oil for a soothing aroma.
  • Optional tea tree essential oil for its antibacterial benefits.

This Natural homemade deodorant is also very straightforward and easy to make. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Melt the coconut oil and shea butter by placing it in a glass jar in the middle of a saucepan with water on low heat. This will function like a double boiler.
  2. Once liquified, remove from heat, then whisk in the baking soda, arrowroot powder, and essential oils. Remember only to add a few drops of your essential oils so the scent isn't too overpowering.
  3. Pour the mixture into a glass container and allow it to set, either at room temperature or in the fridge, before sealing it for storage.

Feel free to use an old deodorant container for convenience. Typically, you will only need to apply this deodorant once daily. But on hotter days, after workouts, or if you tend to perspire more, a second application might be necessary.

Safety Precautions When Creating DIY Deodorant

When crafting your own DIY deodorant, it is important to proceed with caution to ensure both the safety and effectiveness of your homemade product. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Be mindful of the amount of baking soda used. While effective for neutralizing odors, too much can cause skin dryness or irritation. Alternatives like arrowroot powder can serve the same purpose with less risk of irritation.
  • If you find baking soda irritating, arrowroot powder or tapioca starch is an excellent substitute. These have similar absorbent and antimicrobial properties and can be used alone or mixed with baking soda. Some can also look into bentonite clay and gluten-free alternatives based on their needs or preferences.
  • Coconut oil is beneficial for the skin and is known for soothing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, not everyone can use a coconut deodorant. You should also look into possible alternatives, especially if you have an allergy.
  • Essential oils can add fragrance and also offer antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Personalize your deodorant with oils like lavender, lemon, or bergamot for a simple, clean scent.
  • If you live in a warm climate, your deodorant might not stay solid. Refrigeration can help maintain its consistency.
  • When reusing old deodorant containers or a deodorant tube, clean them thoroughly to prevent bacterial growth. This can usually be done with hot water and a bit of apple cider vinegar or rubbing alcohol to disinfect.
  • It may take about a week to fully see how your homemade deodorant works with your skin, so be patient to see if you should use the same recipe or tweak it to your needs.

Remember, everyone's skin is DIFFERENT, so what works for one person may not work for another. You will have to experiment to find the best natural deodorant recipe for your armpits.

Always do a patch test with any new deodorant formula to ensure you do not have a reaction.

Fresh Monster Natural Deodorant for Kids

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (6)

Introducing young family members to deodorants can be a delicate step, and opting for a natural deodorant is often a wise choice compared to regular deodorant. Organic deodorants are gentler on young skin, given that these are free from harsh chemicals.

The Fresh Monster Natural Deodorant for Kids and Teens is among the best natural deodorants available for younger users. It is designed to be gentle, safe, and effective for their developing bodies.

This product is an aluminum-free deodorant, hypoallergenic, and dermatologist-tested, ensuring 24-hour protection. It is formulated with natural ingredients, including coconut oil, that are gentle and nourishing.

It is a vegan, paraben-free, and aluminum-free option, offering an all-natural and effective solution that will not stain clothes. This is a significant consideration for both kids and parents when it comes to choosing personal care products.

Fresh Monster Natural Deodorant comes in two different scents that kids will absolutely love. It is a fun way for them to learn about personal hygiene with fragrances they will enjoy.

For those seeking an alternative to homemade deodorant, this product can be a more convenient option. It smells AMAZING and can often work better than spray deodorant or anti-perspirant products on the market without the potential hassle of creating a DIY version.

Key Takeaways on Coconut Oil Deodorants

The benefits of coconut oil in deodorants are clear — from its skin-friendly properties to its natural odor-fighting capabilities.

It is a POWERFUL ingredient that can replace chemicals found in traditional spray deodorants.

These organic deodorants come in different scents that cater to personal preferences. You can even leverage on this when you create a DIY option using essential oils like tea tree and lavender.

You will also love how coconut works with different ingredients so it can be more nourishing while preventing moisture and eliminating odor-causing bacteria.

Delve into the world of natural deodorant choices, particularly those featuring coconut oil.

By doing so, you not only choose healthier options for your body but also support eco-friendly personal care alternatives. Embrace the change and give your skin the natural care it deserves.

Coconut Oil in Deodorant: Natural Odor Control and Benefits (2024)


Does coconut oil help with smelly armpits? ›

Coconut oil is a cornerstone of many natural deodorant formulas. Its science-backed odor-control properties lie in its natural antibacterial agents, which reduce the bacteria that cause underarm odor.

Does coconut oil get rid of odor? ›

Ditch the stink

The smell comes from the bacteria that make your skin their home. Virgin coconut oil specially is bursting with antibacterial properties, as it's processed without heat. This means that, when applied topically, it combats the smell at the source.

Does coconut deodorant work? ›

I'm completely in love with Kopari's Coconut Deodorant—it's without a doubt one of the most effective natural deodorants I've ever used. While the wet and slightly sticky texture can be off-putting at first, it does a great job at fighting odor and keeping me fresh all day long.

How long to leave coconut oil on underarms? ›

Pamper your underarms with coconut oil by massaging a few drops onto the skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes, and then cleanse your underarms with lukewarm water and a gentle soap. This regimen can be repeated two to three times per week for optimal results.

What naturally kills body odor? ›

How do you get rid of body odor naturally?
  • Baking soda: Make a paste using baking soda and water. ...
  • Green tea: Put green tea bags in warm water. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar: Mix apple cider vinegar with a small amount of water in a spray bottle. ...
  • Lemon juice: Mix lemon juice and water in a spray bottle.
Mar 4, 2022

Which oil is best for body odor? ›

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil not only has a calming aroma but also acts as a natural deodorant. Its pleasant scent can mask body odour while its antibacterial properties keep your skin fresh. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and use it as a natural body spray.

How do I stop my armpits from smelling? ›

The following suggestions may help:
  1. Bathe daily. Regular bathing, especially with an antibacterial soap, reduces the growth of bacteria on your skin.
  2. Choose clothing to suit your activity. For daily wear, choose natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool and silk. ...
  3. Try relaxation techniques. ...
  4. Change your diet.

How to remove rancid smell from coconut oil naturally? ›

The results of deodorization have shown that active charcoal powder is the most effective for deodorization compared to granular and middle size charcoal. Within 1 day the virgin coconut oil could be deodorized after applying 1:2 w/w active charcoal powder:oil.

Can I replace deodorant with coconut oil? ›

The theory is that because coconut oil is an antibacterial, it will protect against odor-causing bacteria. "Coconut oil does have some mild antibacterial properties, so it's not inconceivable that it could act as underarm deodorant," says Randy Schueller, a cosmetic chemist and the brains behind

What is the healthiest deodorant to use? ›

Below, we list top-rated and Select staff-favorite natural deodorants that are in line with our experts' guidance.
  • Native ​​Regular Deodorant.
  • Necessaire The Deodorant Gel.
  • Schmidt's Deodorant Stick.
  • Salt & Stone Natural Deodorant.
  • Soapwalla Deodorant Cream.
  • Evolvetogether Natural Deodorant.
  • Kosas Chemistry Deodorant.
May 10, 2023

How do you use coconut oil to detox your armpits? ›

Simple Oil Cleanse - Some people use a simple oil cleansing method by mixing a few drops lavender, tea tree and geranium essential oils into pure sesame or coconut oil. Rub some of this oil over your armpits before you get in shower. Leave on during the shower, and then just run hot water over the oil. No soap.

Can coconut oil help with armpit odor? ›

Coconut oil is incredibly versatile for hair and skin needs. It's also antibacterial and antiviral, meaning it can eliminate odor-causing bacteria in the underarm area.

What is the best deodorant for strong odor? ›

Give your pits the protection they need with our top pick, the Uriage Clinical Strength Deodorant. It's a roll-on antiperspirant that glides on in just a few swipes to keep sweating at bay. The aluminum-based formula works by reducing underarm wetness, though it also targets odors.

What is the best natural oil for armpits? ›

Tea Tree Essential Oil

One of the best essential oils for treating odorous armpits is tea tree oil. Apply a few drops of this essential oil to keep yourself smelling fresh all day long and possibly as a natural deodorant.

How do you get rid of smelly armpits fast? ›

Baking Soda

This might be a pretty straightforward remedy to get rid of smelly armpits. You can take a small amount of baking soda and mix a little bit of water to form a semi-solid paste. Apply this paste to your armpits and allow it to dry. After it dries, wash it off.

What is the best essential oil for underarm odor? ›

Because it includes compounds that are antibacterial, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, tea tree is one of the best essential oils for deodorant. This product is a perfect substitute for any artificial perfumes because these ingredients relieve underarm concerns like body odor.

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