Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (2024)

Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (1)

‘Tis really the season of sweetness and love this Valentine’s Day. People are giving each other flowers and chocolates to show how much we appreciate one another. Show friends and loved ones just how much you love and cherish them by giving them some homemade raspberry chocolate fudge as a token of appreciation.

Dark chocolate and raspberry make a treat that compels us to keep having more. The sweet tangy taste of raspberries and the rich bittersweet flavor of dark chocolate create a well-balanced flavor. Show someone on your romantic dinner for two that you love them today. Make these addictive delectable bites by trying out this raspberry chocolate fudge recipe.

Chocolate Vs Chocolate Fudge – The Difference

We have our entire lives of familiarity with chocolate. Our childhood basically revolved around chocolate sweets, but what’s the difference between chocolate and chocolate fudge? It’s kind of confusing when you look at them from afar but their distinctions are pretty clear.

  • Chocolate fudge is softer. They are almost spongy in texture, as compared to smooth and hard surfaces of standard chocolates.
  • Consistency and flavor-wise, chocolate is silkier and has a stronger cocoa flavor. In contrast, chocolate fudge has a soft and chewy texture with a milkier flavor.
  • Fudge can be made with chocolate but it’s not all chocolate. It may have chocolate as one ingredient if you want to make chocolate fudge. But fudge can be made with a lot of flavors like peanut butter, graham, or even coffee! It contains other components like butter and milk. Some fudge may not even have chocolate at all.
  • Chocolate is made with cacao beans, cocoa butter, milk, and sugar. Besides nuts, dried fruits, and flavorings, the main chocolate would only have those 4 ingredients. The fewer, the better and the more expensive it becomes especially when it has high cacao content. On the other hand, the fudge itself can be made with various ingredients, with or without chocolate. Modern fudges rely on condensed milk, but the old-fashioned recipe uses marshmallow cream to set the base.

We both love to give and receive chocolates or fudges on occasions like Valentine’s Day. But if you’re the one giving it away this year, then you might love to know of the chocolate gift box tips we have below.

3 Tips For Arranging Your Fudge Gift Box

A homemade treat is perfect to show appreciation by pouring personal efforts into it. You know how they say that when we cook, we must always have the most important ingredient – Love. Making a meal or a dish for someone we value turns out to be really good, don’t you think? Here are some ideas you can use for giving away those chocolate treats you’re about to make.

  • Mix a variety of fudge in your box. Fudges are very easy to make and customizing flavors wouldn’t be a fuss. Make different fudges like a batch of S’mores Fudge or the marshmallow cream alternative like Kahlua Cream Fudge. You may also love this inspired version of the famous Fannie May Chocolate Fudge, too. Make your gift box fun and exciting by including assorted flavors. Put a small adventure in a box and celebrate love together.
  • You don’t always have to go big and grand. A box with 3 to 5 pieces of fudge will suffice. But here’s a little heads-up: they WILL want more of these berrilicious raspberry fudge after just one bite.
  • Choose a simple yet elegant-looking box. A minimalist touch on the outside will definitely surprise them with the full and exciting fudge flavors inside! Finishing it off with a simple ribbon and a note will do the trick. Also, don’t forget to put silica gel with it so it absorbs all the extra moisture to keep your chocolate (and other types, if you intend to) fudge fresh.

Tips For Making Raspberry Chocolate Fudge

This chocolate fudge recipe is so easy to make that you can whip it up in 10 minutes. Here are extra tips you can implement when making this fudge recipe this Valentine’s Day:

Consider other fudge shapes

Ditch the usual square shapes by chilling your raspberry fudge in heart-shaped molds. In case you don’t have it, you can easily craft an improvised one using paper and staples.

  • Create a heart-shaped paper mold by cutting a piece of thick paper rectangularly. The length and thickness will vary depending on how big you want your fudge to be.
  • Subsequently, take both ends of the cut paper and staple them together.
  • Next, take the adjacent circular end and pinch to create the bottom of the heart. Staple it so it won’t revert to the circular shape once you put your chocolate fudge in.
  • Last, fill the paper mold with the chocolate fudge mixture. When filling, do it directly on the tray you’re going to put on the fridge to chill. Don’t worry, the paper mold will hold just fine.

Sprinkle some extra bites on top

You can also sprinkle some chopped nuts of your choice for added crunch and flavor to your raspberry chocolate fudge. Almonds and hazelnut go well with raspberries and of course, chocolates!

Set forth the season of hearts’ spirit by giving away love in each bite of your raspberry chocolate fudge. Happy Valentine’s Day!

How To Make Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge

A chocolate fudge flavored with raspberry jam. This semi-sweet delectable rich dark chocolate fudge makes a perfect gift idea this season of hearts!

Prep: 10 mins

Chill Time: 2 hrs

Total: 2 hrs 10 mins



  • cup dark chocolate bar, chopped
  • 1⅓ cups white chocolate bar, or 12 oz, chopped, divided
  • 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup raspberry jam or marmalade
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • tbsp shortening
  • 1 tsp raspberry extract
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • cooking spray


  1. Grease a 10-inch baking casserole with cooking spray. Line with parchment paper.
  2. Combine condensed milk and dark chocolate in a bowl. Transfer to the microwave and heat at 15-second intervals over medium heat, stirring in between, until evenly melted and smooth
  3. Add vanilla extract, raspberry jam or marmalade, and salt to the melted chocolate mixture. Whisk until combined.
  4. Save ⅓ cup of white chocolate for later. Add 1 cup of white chocolate into the chocolate fudge mixture and fold until evenly incorporated.
  5. Transfer the mixture onto the lined baking casserole and leave it in a chilled area. Chill until firm.
  6. Prepare the red chocolate sauce while waiting. Combine shortening and remaining white chocolate into a bowl.
  7. Transfer to the microwave and heat at 10-second intervals over medium heat, stirring in between, until evenly melted and smooth.
  8. Add food coloring and extract. Stir until incorporated. Adjust color as necessary.
  9. Transfer chocolate sauce mixture into a piping bag and chill until set but not firm.
  10. Once the fudge has firmed up, remove it from the container and portion it into cubes.
  11. Drizzle with the prepared chocolate sauce, then return to the chiller for 2 hours, or until set and ready to serve.

Recipe Notes

We used raspberry jam instead of raspberry marmalade when making the raspberry chocolate fudge in our recipe tutorial video.


  • Sugar: 11g
  • :
  • Calcium: 34mg
  • Calories: 92kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 13g
  • Cholesterol: 4mg
  • Fat: 4g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Iron: 1mg
  • Potassium: 71mg
  • Protein: 1g
  • Saturated Fat: 2g
  • Sodium: 26mg
  • Trans Fat: 1g
  • Vitamin A: 21IU
  • Vitamin C: 1mg
Nutrition Disclaimer

Want to share your experience making this delectable raspberry chocolate fudge recipe or discuss tips and tricks with other bakers? Head over to the Baking and Desserts section of our forum and join the conversation!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does fudge last?

It’s so addictive we doubt that this fudge will even last a day. But you can keep it for at least 2 weeks while still keeping its top quality. This is possible even when kept at room temperature. If refrigerated, the raspberry chocolate fudge will stay good for as long as 3 weeks.

How do you properly store chocolate fudge?

You can store it at a cool room temperature and away from sunlight. If they came in a cardboard box or paper bags, consider transferring them to an airtight container if you will not consume them immediately. Moisture and heat will compromise your fudge’s quality.

Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (2)


Aside from the fun of creating this very easy raspberry chocolate fudge, it’s easy to love this no-fuss recipe because you can easily prepare it in under 10 minutes. In case you will want to make another batch some other time, which we’re sure you will, the steps and ingredients are not hard to remember. Celebrate your day of hearts filled with semi-sweet bites of these delectable raspberry chocolate treats.


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  • Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (15)

    Cheyenne Matses I made this recipe and my fudge came out more of a caramel consistency. I think I didn’t hear it long enough, I don’t have a microwave so I just used a pot on my stovetop, I didn’t keep it over direct heat the entire time while melting the chocolate because I didn’t want to risk burning it. I had it on a medium heat. I’m hoping that I just didn’t heat it long enough and I’m going to try again today to see if I can do it properly. I will say that I am in move with the flavor though! It’s amazing and the dark chocolate gives the perfect amount of rich but not to sweet flavor that pairs perfectly with the raspberry 🥰 simply in love ! Reply

    • Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (16) Team Thank you for your feedback, Cheyenne. Our team poured our hearts in creating and testing this recipe, and we love it just as much as you do! Right, it should be heated up well. It also helps to mix the condensed milk and dark chocolate well until they’re one smooth mixture before adding the other ingredients. We know you’ll do well! All the best! Reply

  • Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (17)

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Delectable Raspberry Chocolate Fudge Recipe - (2024)


What is the secret to good fudge? ›

Tips for Making Fudge
  • Monitor the Temperature with a Candy Thermometer. If you end up with soft fudge that turns into a puddle in your hands or hard fudge that is a bit reminiscent of a crunchy candy, improper temperature is likely to blame. ...
  • Avoid Stirring Once the Mixture Comes to a Simmer. ...
  • Beat Thoroughly.
Mar 8, 2023

What does cream of tartar do in fudge? ›

Cream of tartar is used in caramel sauces and fudge to help prevent the sugar from crystallizing while cooking. It also prevents cooling sugars from forming brittle crystals, this is why it's the secret ingredient in snickerdoodles!

What can you make with fudge that didn't set? ›

Options for what you can do with your unset fudge:

OPTION 1) Depending on how runny it is, you can either use it as a frosting for cakes, or a sauce for ice-cream. OPTION 2) Freeze it overnight. Cut it into squares. Cover each square thickly in melted chocolate, ensuring no part of the fudge is exposed.

Can you melt and reset fudge? ›

To fix soft fudge or hard fudge, simply follow these easy steps: Scrape the fudge back into a large saucepan and add 1 1/2 cups of water. Stir the fudge over low heat until it dissolves. Carefully taste the mixture, as the water probably diluted the flavor.

Is evaporated milk or condensed milk better for fudge? ›

Use Evaporated Milk- Make sure to use evaporated milk and not sweetened condensed milk. If you accidentally use sweetened condensed milk your fudge will be incredibly over the top sweet. Cut up the Butter– Before adding the butter in make sure to cut it into smaller pieces for faster melting.

How do you make fudge creamy and not grainy? ›

Grainy Fudge

To avoid this issue, swirl the pan instead of stirring it with a spoon. You can use a wet pastry brush to wipe down any sugar that sticks to the sides of the pot.

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Too cooked

The result is hard and brittle fudge. To save the fudge, put it in a saucepan with 45 to 60 ml (3 or 4 tbsp.) of 35% cream and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely melted. Then let it boil without stirring until the thermometer reaches 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

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Brush the sides of the pan with a wet brush at the beginning of cooking to dissolve sugar crystals stuck to the sides. Never stir the mixture during cooking or sugar could crystallize again. The mixture may seize and become grainy.

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​Harden the fudge:​ Place your container or tins in the fridge for 2 hours, which is the time it takes for the fudge to set. Once it's hardened, cut the fudge into 12 pieces or remove it from the muffin tins. Store in the fridge or the freezer (if you don't devour it right away).

Why can't you make fudge when it's raining? ›

As strange as it sounds, it is a fact that weather affects fudge making. This is because when the weather is damper with an increased humidity level your Homemade Fudge Recipe will take longer to boil.

How to rescue fudge that won't set? ›

If your fudge is soft or runny, it probably didn't come up to a high enough temperature while it was cooking. Put it back into the saucepan and add 1–2 US tbsp (15–30 ml) of 35% fat whipping cream. Stir the fudge as it heats, but only until the sugar in the chocolate is completely melted again.

What happens if you don't stir fudge? ›

By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals. Stirring would help sucrose molecules "find" one another and start forming crystals. Stirring also introduces air, dust, and small dried bits from the walls of the saucepan—all potential seeds for crystal formation.

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If the fudge is very soft and slightly chewy then it is possible that it did not quite cook to soft ball stage and next time the mixture should be cooked to a slightly higher temperature (soft ball is 112-116c/235-240F and a sugar or candy thermometer can help).

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Pour the fudge back into your pan, and add about a cup of water to it, along with a tablespoon or two of evaporated milk, whipping cream, or whatever cream you're using. Some people skip the water and just add cream to the mixture to reheat.

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This often happens when the condensed milk and chocolate chip mixture isn't hot enough to start. Everything must be completely melted before it is transferred to the pan to cool. Heat in 30-second bursts in the microwave, stirring well between each to ensure everything is melting evenly.

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You have to control two temperatures to make successful fudge: the cooking temperature AND the temperature at which the mixture cools before stirring to make it crystallize. Confectionery experiments have shown that the ideal cooking temperature for fudge is around 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

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While you ultimately want crystals to form, it's important that they don't form too early. The key to successful, nongrainy fudge is in the cooling, not the cooking.

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It should hold together well without being too hard and, above all, has to be melty and silky in your mouth. It's the size of sugar crystals that makes the knees of fudge lovers buckle…the smaller the crystals, the less they are perceived on the tongue and the more the fudge tastes smooth and creamy.

How do you keep fudge smooth? ›

So, the key to smooth yet firm fudge, pralines, and fondant is to first bring the mixture to a high enough concentration and then let it cool off somewhat before starting to stir. And once you do start to stir, stir fanatically and without stopping for the finest, creamiest texture.

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