Edmondsons in Maryland, Delawa - Genealogy.com (2024)

By S W Edmondson August 16, 2009 at 05:35:12

To assist anyone doing research in these states, I am posted my accumulated data, organized by counties chronologically.I hope others will post similar compilations.


1658.John Edmondson was transported as a servant.(EARLY SETTLERS OF MARYLAND, 1633-1680, Book 4, Folio 4, original lists).
1665.John Edmondson was transported to Maryland. (Book 8, Folio 203)(Who was this John Edmondson?)
1668.Mary Edmondson was transported to Maryland. (Book 11, Folio 582, original lists).
1668.William Edmondson was transported to Maryland (Book 11, Folio 582, original lists).
It would appear William and Mary were married.


March 23, 1695.At the second meeting of the new vestry of St. James Parish, the clerk was ordered to write to the Clerk of the county court for a copy of the law pertaining to the settlement of parishes and building of churches.The law was received and studied and on April 29, the vestry minutes reported that a contract had been made with Robert Edmundston to build a church forty feet long and twenty feet wide and twelve feet high in ye side walls, seven windown frames and archt roof fitt for sealing.Edmundson was later ordered to add a porch to the church nine foot square, ye doors to be archt, August 3, 1695.The contract price was twenty two thousand pounds of tobacco.Edmundston must pay workmen and sawyers.
The sheriff was ordered to pay Edmundston 12,000 pounds of tobacco, Dec. 14, 1695.800 of 20d nails were delivered to Robert Edmundston, for 100 lbs. tobacco.800 half crown nails were delivered to him for 400 lbs. Tobacco.
April 14, 1696. At this vestry meeting the death of Robert Edmundston was announced.His son came to the vestry and refused to goe on and finish the work on the church. (See: ST. JAMES, OLD HERRING CREEK PARISH, ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND, by Edith Stansbury Dallam)

The Rev. William Edmunston was married to Maria Woodward, daughter of William Woodward. See: Maryland Counties Gazette, July 21, 1768, State Library.


Ann Jane Edmondson, eldest daughter ofwealthy Baltimore merchant Thomas Edmondson,married General George Steuart.Steuart was elected twice to the Maryland Legislature.They had:
George Hume Steuart who graduated from West Point in 1848, served in Texas, Kansas and Nebraska.He married Jan. 14, 1858, Maria Kinzie, daughter of Col. Robert A. Kinzie.
Isaac Edmondson Steuart
William James Steuart, who died in 1864 in the Confederate Army in the Battle of the Wilderness.
Thomas Edmondson Steuart who died in 1865.
James Henry Steuart
Charles David Steuart
Mary Elizabeth Steuart who died in 1861.
Ann Rebecca Steuart who died in 1865.
Margaret Sophia Steuart who died in 1860.
Henrietta Elizabeth Steuart who died in in 1867.

Gen. Steuart was born in Annapolis, Nov. 1, 1790.During the Civil War, he went to the South and spent the entire war there. Too aged to fight, he stayed with the army and was present at many battles.He went to Europe to live at the end of the War, returning in 1867, and died the same year at the residence of his son, Gen. George H. Steuart. (See: OLD KENT: THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND, by Hansen, p. 371).

Edmondson Avenue in Baltimore was named for Thomas Edmondson,the merchant.He came to Baltimore in 1798 from the North of England.He marriedMary co*ckbaine,in Liverpool in 1803.Their son, Thomas Edmondson, was born in 1808 and graduated in medicine from the University of Maryland in 1834. .He does not appear to have practiced.He was a horticulturalist and had a deep interest in the fine arts.He had a large country estate, Harlem, in the western suburbs of Baltimore, near later Harlem Square.The house and greenhouses were located on an eminence now bounded by Edmondson, Harlem, Fulton and Mount.A portrait of his wife, Mary Havell, 1822-1852, was presented to the Maryland Historical Society by the estate of Mrs. George D. List, and shows the house and greenhouses.This was painted by E. Fisher, who painted many other works owned by Thomas Edmondson.Mary Havell was the daughter of John Brown Havell, a wealthy Baltimore shipping merchant, and his wife Susan Miles.Dr. Edmondson and Mary Havell were married in 1845 and had four children.He died in 1856.A portrait of MaryEdmondson, daughter of Dr. Thomas Edmondson, waspainted by Michael Laty.Mary was born in 1846 and married Samuel Johnson Hough of Baltimore in 1868.She died in 1920.
(See EFAB, No. 74).
First Methodist Episcopal Church Records, Baltimore, Maryland, Vol. I, by Annie Walker Barns, Section 184.
1800Mary Edminston,Approved.Leader: McCannons.
The following persons were married, Section 20.
March 14, 1813.Richard Perine and Nancy Edmondson.Minister: A. Shinn.
Section 44.
Feb. 15, 1823.Thomas B. Edmondson to Mary Ann Lainhart.Minister: The Rev. Joseph Shane.
Section 329.
Oct. 6, 1847.James E. Alford to Mary Jane Edmondson. Minister: L.F. Morgan.

The Light Street Methodist Episcopal Church Record of Burials.
Section 58. Sept.18, 1825.Mr. Edmondson’s daughter, age 8.Lot 336.
Section 124.June 17, 1833.Mr. Edmondson’s child, age 2 mos.

1870 Census, Baltimore County.
Thomas Edmondson, 44, b. in MD.Wife: Mary, 37, b. in VA. Calvana, 4 months, born in Feb.Harriet, 77, b. in MD.Randallstown, June 28.

Thomas Edmonson, 13, b. in MD.Living with Aquila McComas and family.Reisterstown, June 23.

Elizabeth Edmundson, 50, born in MD. Her father of foreign birth. Ann, 19. Thomas, 18.Leonidas, 16.George Dubre and his wife lived in the household.Seventh Ward, Baltimore, June 23.(Louisa LaBrouquere, daughter of Barnard and Frances LaBroquere of Baltimore, married George Dubree.Louisa’s sister, Elizabeth, married Leonidas Edmondson.See EFAB No. 110, p. 36).

Albert Edmondson, 36, sailmaker.Julia, 32.Catherine Wyatt, 39.Kate, 19.Joseph, 17, a sailor.All born in MD.Ward 15.August 25.

Samuel Edmiston, 40, b. in PA.Wife: Mariah, 30, b. in VA.Malinda, 42, sister, b. in PA.James G., 11, b. in VA.William L., 9, b. in VA.Laura R., 7, b. in MD.Damuel, 2, b. in MD.Ward 16.August 1.

Owen J. Edmonston, 55, carpenter.Caroline, 45, wife.Francis, 25, clerk in a store.Emma, 22.Emily, 20.Kate, 14.William O., 5 months.All born in Maryland.Ward 19.July 23.

March 3, 1695/96.Maryland Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 16, Folio 141.
Came Archibald Edmondson of Calvert County Maryland & shewed to the judge that his father Robert Edmondson lately deceased intestate, and prayed for letters ofAdministration on thee estate of his father decd, and the which was to him granted and was sworn Administrator, and entered into a Bond with Otho Holland, John Meritton? His Securities in 100 pounds sterling the which was ordered to be filed, wart to DavidSmall & Joshua Hall to appraise the decd estate and wart to Mr. Thomas Greenfield to swear them & Letters of Administration to these do administer. Issued out under the said administrator.Seale of this office.Inventory returned.
(Archibald Edmondson/Edmonston was probably from Scotland.He married Jane Beall).(See Prince Georges County).

August 23, 1776.Enlisted by Frederick Skinner and passed by Benjamin Mackall. Archibald Edmondson and others. (From Anne Kemp).


Dec. 6, 1780. Rebecca Edmondson, daughter of William Edmondson of Caroline County, married Richard Bartlett, son of Joseph Bartlett of Talbot, Marshy Creek Meeting House.
May 1, 1788.William Edmondson, son of James Edmondson of Caroline, married Sarah Regester, daughter of John Regester of Talbot, at Third Haven Meeting House.
Peter Edmondson, Jr., was a justice in Caroline in 1791.
Nov. 23, 1803.Esther Edmondson, daughter of James Edmondson of Caroline County, marriedIsaac Atkinson, son of Aaaron Atkinson, Talbot County,at Marshy Creek Meeting House.

Carroll County.
1870 Census.
John W. Edmondson, 40, farmer. Eliza, 40.James L., 16.George, 14.John T., 11. Jacob A., 9.Noah A., 7.Martha E., 5.Elizabeth, 3.Henry H., 1.
All born in Maryland.4th District, New Windsor, Sept. 5.

Jacob H. Edmondson, 32, blacksmith, b. in MD. Margaret H., 25, b. in NH. Sarah E., 6.Emily, 4.William H., 3.Arretta M., 1.All born in MD.
New Windsor.

Cecil County, Maryland.

1724.John Edmundson bought land in Cecil County in 1724, and more land in 1738.He sold it in 1748.. Did he move to Lancaster County, PA, in June, 1749?He married Isabella and might be the father of Thomas and Robert Edmondson in Lancaster County.

1724.William Edmiston bought land in Cecil Countyfrom Abraham Hollingsworthwhich he sold by 1743. He also had land in Chester County, PA, in 1743, when he sold the Hollingsworth land.His wife was Mary. He had a son, Moses, who might be the man of that name in Washington County, Virginia, in 1778, and who might have lived in the frontier area of SC for a few years.He is thought to have had a son William in Washington County, Virginia, in 1775.John Edmiston whose wife was Isabella also bought land from Hollingsworth this year.William and John might be brothers or father and son.

1732. David Edmiston was on the Tax List in Cecil County this year, had 890 acres on Octorara Creek.West Nottingham Parish was partly in Cecil County, Maryland, and part in Chester County, Pennsylvania.He was born in 1700 and died Nov. 2, 1771.He married Margaret Donnell.They had:
Martha, b. in 1733 who married Hugh Alexander in Cecil County, Maryland; Samuel, (1746-1816) who married Martha Blair; David, Jr., who died in 1809 in Elkton, Maryland, a wealthy bachelor who left property to nephews, sons of John and Samuel Edmiston of Abingdon, Virginia; Margaret who married ____Dennet and moved to N.C.; Elizabeth who married Samuel Edmiston, a cousin in Washington County, Abingdon, Virginia; Mary who married John Stephenson of Cecil County, Maryland; Hannah who married _____Scott of Maryland; Sarah who married John Edmiston of Abingdon, Virginia, a cousin, and had John Edmundson who was in Williamson County, TN, in 1810. (Ref. EFAB, No. 81, p. 17-20).

William Edmondson (Edmiston) was born in Cecil County in 1734, according to the testimony of one of his sons.His brother Samuel was probably born there as well.William moved to the Virginia frontier to Augusta County, now Rockbridge County,and was married about 1760 to his first wife, Margaret Montgomery, born about 1736.He was a leader in southwestern Virginia and commanded Virginia troops as a Lt. Colonel in the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1781 under Colonel WilliamCampbell.He participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant.He was promoted to colonel in 1783.Appointed by the Governor of Virginia as a commissioner, he helped to lay out the boundaries of Washington County, Virginia.He died there July 30, 1822, at Glade Springs.See Virginia records for his children and descendants.The late Alice Edmundson Galusha claimed he was the son of John and Margaret Edmondson and grandson of William Edmondson, the wealthy merchant of Talbot County, Maryland. However, William Edmundson, EFAB editor, and others are sure he was the son ofWilliam and Elizabeth Edmundson of London Grove and West Nottingham.

William Edmundson, editor of EFAB, and other genealogists who have searched European and American records, say the Edmiston spelling of the family name is used only in America. Edmondson and Edmundson are standard in England.Edmondston and Edmonston are used in Scotland and Ireland for the Scots family, a different lineage entirely, who settled in Maryland in the persons of Robert and Archibald Edmonston ofMaryland in the 1690’s. It would appear the Edmiston spelling derives frompoor literacy, not conscious intention.


William Edmundson, immigrant, settled in Cecil County, Maryland.According to some genealogists, he had brothers named John Edmundson who owned land with him in 1724, and David who witnessed a deed in 1724.William and Elizabeth had:

1.John Edmundson who married Margaret. He lived in Cecil County and signed the marriage certificate for his brothers Samuel and Caleb Edmundson in 1736. He moved to Augusta County, VA, about 1740 and died in 1771.
2.Robert Edmundson who moved to Augusta County and lived about 20 miles southwest of Staunton.He lived on land next to John in Augusta County and died about 1750. His son was William Edmundson, Sr.Matthew Edmundson lived east of John and Robert and north of the James River in present Rockbridge County.Relationship is undetermined.
3.Caleb Edmundson who married Ester (Hester) Underhill in 1736 in Chester County, PA, and moved to South Carolina in the 1770’s.
4.Samuel Edmundson who lived in Chester County, PA.
5.William Edmundson who married in Chester County, PA and moved to South Carolina.

John Edmundson, d. 1771
John Edmundson who settled in Augusta County, VA, about 1740, was a son of William and Elizabeth Edmundson of Cecil County, Maryland,according to William Edmundson, long time editor ofEFAB who was a descendant of this line of Edmundsons.John was not a Quaker, nor was his father, but had become Presbyterians.John received land in 1737 with the Joist Hite group in Virginia, lived in Cecil County at the time. He signed as a relative at the marriages of his brothers Caleb and Samuel in 1736.John moved on to Washington County, Virginia.His children:
1.William, born in Cecil County, Maryland, in 1736. Lived in Augusta County Virginia and was active as an officer on the frontier and in the war for independence. Moved to Washington County, Virginia, where he died. Many descendants.
2.Samuel, born in 1738, probably in Cecil County.
3.Thomas, born in 1740,probably in Virginia.
4.John, born about 1742.
5.Mary, born ?
His sons Samuel and John went back to Chester County, PA, and married two daughters of David Edmiston who died in Chester County. This David Edmiston had brothers named William and John.All three left wills in Chester County when they died. .

John Edmiston of Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, sent to EFAB, printed in No. 82, the following list of children of Col. William Edmondson.
First wife, Margaret Montgomery:
1.Margaret Edmiston, b. Feb. 16, 1762.
2.John Edmiston, b. Jan. 21, 1764.
3.Esther Edmiston, b. April 13, 1766.
4.Samuel Edmiston,b. Dec. 7,1768.
5.Robert Edmiston, b. May 24, 1771.
6.Thomas Edmiston, b. August 4, 1773.
7.Mary Edmiston, b. Jan. 22, 1776.
8.Martha Edmiston, b. Jan. 29, 1779.

Second wife, Elizabeth Kennedy:
1.Wiliam Edmiston, b. May 5, 1781.
2.Andrew Edmiston, b. August 3, 1783.
3.Gen. Wm. Campbell Edmiston, b. Nov. 18, 1785.
4.Betsy Edmiston, b. Feb. 17, 1788.
5.Sally Edmiston, b. July 31, 1790.
6.Kate Edmiston, b. March 12, 1795.
All these children were stated by John Edmiston to have been born in Glade Springs, Washington County, Virginia.

Caleb Edmundson, son of William Edmundson and Elizabeth (Stair ?) Edmundson, was born in 1713 in Teneel, Ireland, and moved with his parents to London Grove, Pennsylvania, about 1715.He married (1) Esther Underhill on the 16th day of the 4th month, 1736, at East Nottingham Meeting in Cecil County, Maryland (June 16, 1736). .They moved from London Grove to Nottingham in 1744 and in 1748 to Warrington, PA.In 1771, they moved to Padgett’s Creek in Newberry County, S.C. He died in Union County, SC, in 1791.Several of his sons moved to SC with him.Esther U. Edmundson died the 28th day of the 5th month, 1783, in Union County, SC.She was of “Cecil County, Province of Maryland”, when she married Caleb in 1736. (BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS OF THE NOTTINGHAM QUAKERS, 1680-1899, by Alice L. Beard).Esther Underhill was daughter of John Underhill, whose will was probated in Cecil County, Maryland, May 12, 1760.Her mother was Frances Underhill.

William Edmundson, editor of EFAB for many years, was a descendant ofJohn Edmundson of Talbot, the great Quaker merchant and landowner.He tried to put together the connections of various Edmistons, Edmondsons and Edmundsons in Cecil County.In issue No. 74, he made the following comments (summarized):
“I firmly believe that because so many Edmondsons married Edmistons it is nearly impossible to know what name spelling they used later. I believe the John Edmunson who went to Augusta County, Virginia, in 1740, was the same John who signed the marriage certificates of Samuel and Caleb Edmundson of West Nottingham, Chester County, PA.I have very dim copies of these certificates but new copies can be obtained from Swarthmore College, Chester County, a Quaker college.That John Edmundson was a son of William Edmundson and his wife Elizabeth.Other sons were Thomas who also was reported to have gone to Virginia, William, Samuel and Caleb. Bordens Tract was settled by many Quakers and many Presby-terians.The name used on all the records I have seen is spelled John Edmondson.It is known that John’s son Samuel married a daughter of David Edmiston of Chester County, PA.John’s oldest son was William and other sons Samuel, John, Thomas and Andrew, and possibly Robert.John and Samuel, sons of William of London Grove and West Nottingham, were no doubt in Ireland.It is possible that some of the Edmistons of Cecil County, MD, intermarried with the Edmondsons of Cecil County and Chester County, PA.John and William Edmiston owned land bought in 1724 from a Hollingsworth.David Edmiston signed the land transaction as a witness.Was he the David Edmiston who went to Virginia or the David whose daughter married Samuel, son of Johnof Augusta County?John Edmiston (Edmondson) of Augusta County arrived there about 1740 and died in 1771.His wife was Margaret”.
John Edmiston (Edmundson) of Cecil County sold the last of his land there in 1748.He might be the man who received a 50 acre land grant in Lancaster County, PA, June 17, 1749.

May 3, 1738.Samuel Edmondson was born in Cecil County, Maryland, son of John and Margaret Edmondson.He married Elizabeth Edmiston and died April 4, 1808.He would appear to be a brother of Colonel William Edmondson of Kings Mountain fame, who moved eventually to Washington County, Virginia. Their daughter Martha Edmondson married William Gilmore, Jr. (first wife).

Dec. 29, 1748. William Edmiston, whose wife is Elizabeth, deeded land in Cecil Countyto Samuel and Mary Edmiston and to James and Margret Edmiston.William and Elizabeth appear to be giving land to their sons.
1749.Samuel and James Edmiston deed this land to Hugh Edmiston.Hugh was a brother of James and Samuel.John Edmistonappears tobe another brother who died in 1748.David Edmiston and Hugh Edmiston were John’s executors.In 1749, William and Elizabeth Edmiston were deeded 980 acres fromThomas Sisom.
1749.Another John Edmiston, married to Isabella, sold land which he acquired in 1738.He might be the man who had a land warrant in Lancaster County, PA, in June, 1749, for 50 acres.He might be the father of Robert and Thomas Edmondson who had settled in Lancaster somewhat earlier.This John appears to be the son of William and Mary Edmiston/Edmondson.Information on John and Isabella after 1748 is needed.

1757.James Edmiston whose wife was Margaret died in 1757.Hugh Edmiston was his brother.James’ children were underage when he died. One son William might have been a Tory clergyman whose land was confiscated. This William later returned to the U.S. to his children (James, Alexander, a daughter).

April 24?, 1760.John Underhill died in Cecil County, Maryland. His property lay on both sides of Lower North East Creek, above Gilpin Falls, Cecil County.This included the famous Underhill Mill. This plantation of 300 acres was left to his son Thomas.John Underhill is found in the records of Nottingham Monthly Meeting, Chester County, PA, Nov. 16, 1730. The meeting had been started in April, 1730. He married his second wife, Ann, widow of Robert Dutton and daughter of William Brown, Sept. 23, 1736.He added 250 acres to his property, bought from his son-in-law, Samuel Edmundson, which he left in his will to the four children of Isabel and Samuel.
Children (of the first marriage):
1. Joseph Underhill married Sept. 11, 1736, Martha Oldham, daughter of Thomas Oldham of East Nottingham.
2. Esther Underhill who married Caleb Edmundson, April 16, 1736, son of William Edmundson of London Grove, Chester County, PA. They moved to York County and then to upper South Carolina where Caleb died.See Union County, SC.
3. Isabel Underhill who married Samuel Edmundson, brother of Caleb, Sept. 10, 1736.They moved to York County, PA, and then to SC.
4. Elizabeth Underhill who married Henry Clark, Nov. 5, 1741, Notttingham Monthly Meeting, Chester County.They moved to York County, PA, about 1747.She and her husband were in Union County, SC, in the 1790 Census.
5. Thomas Underhill who married (1) Elizabeth Norton of Cecil County, MD, April 23, 1748.She died June 24, 1753. He married (2) Rachel, widow of Joseph Mendenhall, of Wilmington, DE.Thomas was noted for the manufacture of cheesewhich the farm had long produced, an art brought from England. Thomas retained his old English habits, manners, dress and speech. .(See: SOME UNDERHILL-EDMUNDSON CONNECTIONS, by Mrs. Kathryn J. Van Scoyoc, Williamsport , IN,EFAB No. 31;OUR CAMPBELL ANCESTORS, by Sarah E. Temple, Burbank, CA, p. 197).

1789.William Edmundson patented “New Connaught” in Cecil County. He married Mary who was a widow in 1805.His brother was Joseph Edmundson and sister Rebecca Fincher.(See EFAB, No. 81, p. 22).Rebecca Fincher and her husband moved to Union County, SC.

1806. Caleb Edmundson, born about 1782 in Pennsylvania, was living in Cecil County. He was one of the trustees of Goshen Church.Land records mention him in 1813.His first wife was Sarah ____.
Children of the first marriage:
1.Mary Edmundson, b. April 15, 1804; married Absolem McVey,Feb. 21, 1825; died Sept. 28, 1838, in Georgetown, Missouri.
2.Sarah, m. _____Howard.(Was it she who married William Green in 1833?).
3.Caleb Edmundson,m. Eliza M. Boulden, Feb. 3, 1836.
4.Thomas Edmundson m. Eliza Jane Janney, Feb. 3, 1836.
Caleb Edmundson, Sr.’s second marriage was to Eliza Jane Campbell, Jan. 25, 1839.They had:
1.Mary Edmundson, b. in 1840.
2.Samuel, b. in 1842.
3.Thomas, b. in 1844.
4.Jane, b. in 1847.

Caleb was son of John Edmundson, grandson of Caleb Edmundson, great-grandson ofLondon Grove, Chester County, Pennsylvania.

August 16, 1809.The will of David Edmiston, Jr., was probated in Cecil County. The will was dated Feb. 11, 1809. He nominated as heirs of his plantation two of his nephews, sons of John Edmistonand Samuel Edmiston, living in the Holston district, Washington County, Virginia, near Abington Post Office. The two nephews to inherit were to be selected by their fathers. He named a niece Mary Stephenson, daughter of John Stephenson; Martha Moore (no relationship stated); a brother, Samuel; a sister, Mary Stephenson, wife of John; Hanna McKee (no relationship stated); children of his deceased sister Hanah Scott (Abraham Scott, David Scott, Alexander Scott, Sarah Scott, Margaret Scott); nephew, Samuel Dennet, son of sister Margaret Dennet.
The settlement of this will proved to be complicated.A deposition of John Edmiston of Davidson County, TN, is recorded in Cecil County (Vol. J.S.8, folio 253).This John Edmiston was a son of John Edmiston formerly of Holston, Washington County, VA., and deposed he was husband to Sarah Edmonston, daughter of David Edmiston of Cecil County, MD. He nominated his son David, of Davidson County, as heir to the plantation in Maryland, together with John Edmiston, Jr., and Samuel Bell, husband of Margaret Edmondson.In another deposition another John Edmondson of Williamson County, TN, son of Samuel Edmondson and Elizabeth Edmiston, who was sister to David Edmiston ofMaryland, states Samuel had died before he nominated a son to receive a share ofthe Maryland estate.Thus this property passed to Samuel as an heir at law to Davidthetestator. (Vol. J.S. 7, folio 496. March 30, 1812.This was a settlement between Samuel and David, signed by their wives Martha and Mary. A year later David appears to deed his share to his relative Samuel (Vol. J.S. 9, folio 225).
Related to this estate settlement, there is in Cumberland County, PA, a document dated July 16, 1812 (Deeds V, p. 79) in which Robert Clark and Mary ofCumberland County appoint Samuel Edmiston of Chester County as their attorney to obtain their share of the estate of David Edmiston late of Cecil County.Mary might be Mary Edmiston Stephenson, now remarried.
(See EFAB No. 62 for Howard V. Jones’ discussion of this family).

May 24, 1810.Elizabeth Edmondson, daughter of William and Sarah, married Thomas Hopkins, son of Thomas and Sarah, at Northwest ForkMeeting House.

Cecil County Marriages from DAR records:
March 6, 1811.Mary M. Edmondson m. John Baker.Min.: McGraw.
July 4, 1811.David Edmundson m. Mary Stevenson. No minister listed.
Feb. 21, 1825. Mary Edmonson m. Absolom McVey.Min.: Griffith.
Dec. 26, 1826. William Edmundson m. Marie White.Min.: Beem.
Nov. 19, 1833.Sarah Edmundson m. William Green. Min.: Duke.
Feb. 3, 1836.Caleb Edmundson m. Eliza M. Boulden.Min.: Houston.
Feb. 3, 1836.Thomas Edmundson m. Eliza Jane Janney.Min: Houston.
Jan. 25, 1839. Caleb Edmundson m. Eliza Jane Campbell. Min.: Hoffman.

Charles County, Maryland.
March 20, 1670.Emanson, Nicholas.Will leaves to daughter Phebe, personalty.To wife Eliza and daughter Mary Emanson, residue of the estate, real and personal, equally.Mary to have her share at 16 years of age. Attested by Jas. Martin, Stephen Mountegue, Wm. Marrit.Sept. 8, 1671.
(Provided by Anne Kemp, May, 2007)

Dorchester County.

The Edmondsons/Edmundsons of Dorchesterwere descended fromWilliam Edmondson of Talbot, son of John, the great Quaker merchant and landowner.
1695.John Edmondson sold to his son William 1100 acres in Dorchester, called Richardson’s Folly, located on Skillington Creek and Fox Creek and adjacent to Timber Point.

July 27, 1696.William Edmonson owned “Out Range Addition”, 824 acres.

1697.William Edmondson inherited from his father, John, 1000 acres on Duck Creek.William Edmondson inherited from his father William 600 acres in Dorchester, called “Addition”, lying on or near Chinco*kee and 100 acres near Fowling Creek, called “Hackett’s Neck”.
1702.John Edmondson inherited from his father William 600 acres in Dorchester, called Addition, lying in or near Chinco*kee and 100 acres near Fowling Creek called Hackett’s Neck.

Nov. 7, 1710?Will of DorothyStevens, Dorchester County. Proved Nov. 10, 1810.To son John Stevens, personalty, including a negress which he will transfer to his sister Magdalen Edmondson.To daughter Magdalen aforesaid, widow of James Edmondson.To four grandchildren, viz. Walter, Joannah, Mary and William, children of deceased son William Stevens.To daughter Grace Woolford, wife of James.To granddaughter Sarah Edmondson.To Thomas, son of brother Christopher, personal estate.Daughter Magdalen executrix with James Woolford.Vol. III, p. 191.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Sept. 10, 1716.John Edmondson owned “Edmondson’s Right”, 168 acres.

Jan. 14, 1717-18.Will of Richard Johns probated.To grandson Aquila and heirs, a tract bought ofJohn Edmondson on Choptank River, 600 acres, “Cold Spring”.Vol.IV.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

March 24, 1724/25.Will of Abraham Loyde (Lloyd), Dorchester County.Proved March 30, 1725.Executor was William Edmondson.

June 14, 1727.William Edmundson, merchant, sold to his brother John Edmondson, carpenter, 150 acres in Dorchester, part of“Edmondson Purchase” and part of“Taylor’s Ramble.”
1728.William Edmondson and other inhabitants of Armitage Hundred petitioned for a bridge over the Blackwater River.

May 11, 1726.John Edmondson, owned Edmondson’s Difficulty, 1,258 acres.

July 29, 1729.William Edmondson owned “Edmondson’s Purchase”, 212 acres.

Oct. 14, 1729.Solomon Edmondson owned “Edmondson’s Desire”, 200 acres.

5th month 30th day 1730.John Edmondson of Dorchester County and Mary Neale of Talbot County announded marriage intentions.(Third Haven MM minutes, Swarthmore College).

3 day 7 month, 1730.John Edmondson of Dorchester County, carpenter,married Mary Neal, of Talbot County,spinster,at the Meeting House,at ye head of Tredhaven Creek in Talbot County.Witnesses:William, Peter, John and Mary Edmondson; Frances Neal; Peter Harwood; Elizabeth Stevens;ElizabethTroth;William Sharp.
The Third Haven Register of Births lists their children:
30 Dec. 1731.Elizabeth Edmondson.
1 Dec.1733.John Edmondson.
10 April1736.Francis Edmondson.
16 Feb. 1739.Thomas Edmondson.
26 Sept1744.Solomon Edmondson.
27 June 1747.Mary Edmondson.

Sept. 12, 1731.Will of Joshua Kenarly (Kennerly), planter, Dorchester County.Proved Jan. 10, 1732. To son Joshua and heirs, 2 tracts bought of John Loockerman lying on Fishing Creek, known as “Kennerly’s Addition”.Said son dying without issue to pass to grandson William Edmondson.Also mark for stock bought of Edward Harden. To grandson Joshua Edmondson and heirs, a lot and house at Viana, lot being No. 22, bought from Wm. Rounds and John Hampton.Said grandson dying without issue, to pass to granddaughter Mary Edmondson and heirs. To children William, Sarah and Hester Edmondson, residue of personal estate, certain personalty.Two accounts of goods delivered to Wm. Kennerly and Solomon Edmondson are inclosed in will, so said accounts may be equalized and daughter Sarah to have the same value.Overseers: Peter Sharp, William Edmondson, Thomas Bannock, Dan Cox.Executors:Sons William and Solomon Edmondson.Vol. VI, p. 247.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Jan. 13, 1734.Will of William Fountain, Dorchester County. To son Nicolas and heirs, “Edmondson’s Defiance”, to be in care of brother until 21.Vol. VII, p. 116.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Nov. 19, 1738.Will of Elizabeth Holland, Dorchester County.Proved Nov. 1, 1739.Test. John Trippe, Peter Edmondson, Francis Allen.

Dec. 14, 1740. Maryland Account Book No. 18, p. 21.
The account of Mrs. Esther Edmondson, admrx. of Solomon Edmondson, late of Dorchester County, deceased.Payment to William Edmondson.Representatives are the widow and William, Joshua, Peter, James, Samuel, and Mary Edmondson, children of the deceased.

April 8, 1741. Will of Jacob Lockerman, Dorchester County.Proved Aug. 14, 1741.To Peter Edmondson, 5 pounds.

1743.Book 20, Folio 71.Peter Edmondson was administrator of the estate of William Kitt, deceased.
Sept. 26, 1744.Solomon Edmondson was born, son of John and Mary.

Dec. 23, 1744. The Will of Edward Hardikin of Dorchester was witnessed by William Edmondson III, Charles Loud and William Edmondson, Jr.Liber 28, folio 502. Sworn to by Charles Loud and William Edmondson, Jr., who said the saw the other William Edmondson sign. Provided by Ann Kemp.

Feb. 24, 1759. Will of Joseph Ennalls, Dorchester County.Liber 30, folio 831. To wife, Mary Ennalls, for life, the plantation I dwell on, one half of Ennall’s Regulation of Prosperity, and the plantation I bought of Charles Stanford, where negro Robin lately dwelled.To son William Ennalls, one half of Ennalls Regulation of Prosperity, and on said wife’sdeath, the other half of Ennalls Regulation of Prosperity.To son John Ennalls, on the death of his mother, land I bought of Charles Stanford,all of my land north of a ditch, part of Prosperity, part of Adventure, Stewarts Kindness, part of Rawlings Folly, part of Rawlings Range, Beaver Neck which I bought of John and William Hayward and John Travers, 135 a. I bought of Henry Hayward, and part of North Yarmouth I bought of Ennalls Hooper and Mary, his wife, where they lived.
(He devises to daughter Mary Ennalls, to daughter Elinor Ennalls, to daughter Elizabeth Ennalls, to daughter Ann Ennalls,various tracts which he names.To Ann, 200 acres of Edmondson’s Reserve, which I bought of Thos. Stapleford, another 150 acres of Edmondson’s Reserve which I bought of Joseph Blackwell, etc.
Sworn to: Jan. 30, 1760, by three witnesses.

13 day 9 month 1760.Solomon Edmondson went to Wilmington, Delaware.In the first month, 1759,John Edmondson applied to the Third Haven Monthly Meeting for a certificate for his son Solomonto the Montlhly Meeting in Wilmington.William Edmondson was appointed to make necessary inquiry as to his life and conversation and to prepare a few lines for the Wilmington. Meeting. 12th month 27 day 1759: Certificate was signed and given to William Troth to send to Solomon Edmondson.

Dec. 19, 1752.Maryland Account Book No. 33, p. 29.Account of William Edmondson, Jr., of Dorchester County, Admr. of Esther Edmondson, late of said county, deceased.Mentions that Esther Edmondson was admtrx of Solomon Edmondson.

Dec. 15, 1755. Maryland Account Book No. 39, p. 9. Account of Thomas Taylor and Ann, his wife, admx. of James Edmondson, late of Dorchester County, deceased.Sureties: John Stevens and Thomas McKeel.Representatives: Elizabeth, a minor, the deceased’s child.

June 15, 1759. Maryland Account Book No. 44, p. 9. Additional Account of James Edmondson, deceased, by Thomas Taylor, who intermarried the widow and admtrx of the deceased, late of Dorchester County.

13th day, 8th month, 1760. Solomon Edmondsonan apprentice to Henry Troth produced a certificate from Third Haven to Wilmington Men’s Monthly Meeting of his orderly behavior and attendance at meetings which was read and received.

Solomon returned the16th day, 12th month, 1764, to Marshee Creek, Dorchester County.He and Henry Troth had requested a certificate from Wilmington to Third Haven Monthly Meeting on 10th day 10th month, 1764.

Sept. 17, 1761. 2nd Additional Account of Thomas Taylor and Ann, his wife, admr. of James Edmondson, late of Dorchester County, deceased. Representatives are this Accountant, Ann, who was the deceased’s widow, and Elizabeth, his only child.Sureties: John Stevens and Thomas McKeel.

Jan. 10, 1764. Maryland Account Book No 52, p. 24. Dorchester County. The Account of Thomas Edmondson and Sophia his wifeadmx of Peter Edmondson, Jr., late of said county, deceased.Sureties: William Edmondson and Peter Edmondson.Representatives are the widow and two children whose names are Sarah and Peter.

16 day 12 mo 1765.Solomon Edmondson m.Susannah in Pennsylvania. Though he had a certificate from Wilmington in late 1764, signifying his clearance in relation to marriage,he was reported from Marshee Creek 26 day 12th month, 1765 to being contrary to good order by being married by a Magistrate in Pennsylvania.30th day first month, 1766, he was disowned from membership.Later that year, 26th day 10th month, he appeared before the meeting and acknowledged his outgoing marriage.William Edmondson and William Troth were appointed to inspect his future conduct.
26th day 11th month, 1772.William Troth and William Edmondson reported that they believe Solomon’s life and conversation is such as friends can have unity with him and he was received into full membership.
Solomon and Susannahmoved to Duck Creek, Kent County, Delaware, in 1773with three children: Samuel, Mary, and Solomon, Jr.The Third Haven Meeting debated all year what to do with him as he had not settled affairs with the executors of Francis Neal.In early 1774, the situation was further complicated by a report he had sold a negro as a slave.He was disowned.The women of Third Haven produced a certificate for Susannah and the three children to Duck Creek. This was produced by Susannah at Duck Creek, 22nd day 10th month, 1774.
They moved nextto Craven County, NC.In 1781, Solomon Edmondson and possibly one of his sons was at the battlefield at Guilford Courthouse, NC, andare thought to have helped with the wounded.No proof of this story yet.A certificate was given from Duck Creek MM ? to Susanna Edmondson for herself and five children; Samuel, Mary, Solomon, Margaret and Sarah to Hopewell MM, Prince George County, Virginia. Their sons, Solomon and Samuel, were members at Deep Creek MM, in Guilford County, NC, in 1785, where their mother Susannah and four sisters were accepted about the same time, again on a certificate from Duck River MM, Delaware, bearing date of 27th day, 9th month, 1783. This is now in Yadkin County, NC.Their father, Solomon, was apparently not in good standing.They moved on to Greene County, TN, which was in the verge of Westfield MM, Surry County, NC.
Children of Solomon andSusannah:
1. Samuel Edmondson, out of verge of the Deep River MM in 1787 and disowned in 1788. Hemarried Elizabeth Johnson in Greene County, TN, Sept. 25, 1791. .
2. Mary Margaret Edmondson who married Garrett Dillion in 1797.
3. Solomon Edmondson, Jr.
4. Sarah Edmondson
5. Susannah Edmondson who married William Dillion in 1806.
6. Thomas Edmondson
7. John Edmondson, b. July 16, 1786; married Nancy Grayson in Knox County, TN,Sept. 19, 1808 (or 1809); moved to Martin County, Indiana, and died there Feb. 28, 1856.See EFAB No. 41 for his family Bible.
Solomon Edmondson was brother ofElizabeth Edmondson, b. in 1731; John Edmondson, b. in 1733; Francis Edmondson, b. in 1736;Thomas Edmondson, b. in 1739; Samuel Edmondson; Mary Edmondson b. in 1747;.Francis and Rachel Edmondson had: Mary,Mark Greer, Samuel who married Susannah Kemp and William who married Ann Kemp.

Another Peter Edmondson owned land in Dorchester, Talbot and Caroline Counties. He was born in Dorchester at Great Choptank Hundred, September 9, 1759, and died October 21, 1819,in Dover Bridge, Talbot County.He was son of Peter Edmondson, Sr., grandson of Solomon Edmondson, great-grandson of William Edmondson and great-great grandson of John Edmondson, the Large Merchant of Talbot.He married (1) Mary Newport, May 1, 1782; and (2) Eunice Osborne, October 5, 1784.He and his third wife, Elizabeth Driver, were married May 5, 1791, in Talbot.Her father was Matthew Driver.He owned 2600 acres in Caroline and Talbot, served in the Maryland legislature in 1788, was sheriff and tax collector in Caroline 1783-85 and was Justice of the Peace 1786-1789. He owned 804 acres in Caroline, 457 acres inherited from his father.He and Eunice Driver had:
1.Sarah Edmondson, b. about 1785.
2.Sophia Edmondson, b. about 1786.Married Daniel Palmer.
3.Eunice Edmondson
4.Osbourne Edmondson.
5.James Edmondson.

Edward Edmondson, born April 16, 1792, in Camden, Kent County, Delaware, would have been a son of the third marriage.He died May 19, 1876, in Richmond, Indiana and burial was at Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio.He had Thomas Edmondson, possibly other children.

1761.Thomas Taylor and Ann his wife (who was the widow of JamesEdmondson) were administrators of the estate of James Edmondson, deceased.Sureties: John Stevens, Thomas McKeel.One child: Elizabeth.Book 3, Folio 80.(EFAB, No. 76, No. 106)

Feb. 26, 1770.The will of John Edmondson, born in 1699, was probated in Dorchester County.The will was dated August 31, 1768.He married Mary Neall, daughter of Francis Neall.Their son married Mary Neall, daughter of Edward Neall.

May 16, 1774. Maryland Account Book No. 70, p. 499.Dorchester County. The Account of William Edmondson of Caroline County, admr. of Bonds now of Joseph Edmondson, late of Dorchester County, deceased.Mentions Mary Edmondson, exerx., deceased.Sureties: Thomas Edmondson and James Edmondson.

June 7, 1774.Maryland Account Book No. 70, p. 225.Dorchester County.The Account of William Edmondson of Caroline County, admr of Mary Edmondson, late of Dorchester County, deceased.Payment of money to the Creditors of Joseph Edmondson, deceased.Sureties: Thomas White and Henry Dickenson.

31 day 3 mo 1774.William Edmondson and James Edmondson were reporting members from Marshee Creek to the Third Haven meeting. Solomon, Susannah, Samuel, Mary, and Solomon Edmondson, Jr. moved to Duck Creek, Kent County, Delaware.
Jan.9, 1775.Peter Edmondson was a surety for Benoni Banning, executor for Abraham Clark, deceased.Balances of final distributions, Folio 46.

1781.Battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C.Solomon Edmondson is thought to have been there, helped with the wounded.Need proof. He moved to Craven County, NC, and on to Guilford County.

Aug. 23, 1783.The women’s meeting, Duck Creek, informed the Men’s Meeting that Susanna Edmondson requests that her two youngest children not heretofore received, Margaret and Sarah, be joined to the friends, her husband not being a member.The same was granted.Jonathan Emerson and John Bowers were appointed to visit the parents and labor to promote in them a right concern for their virtuous education with their other children.Susanna requests a certificate for her and all five children to Hopewell Monthly Meeting in Virginia.
27 day 9 mo 1783.Certificate was given to Susanna Edmondson for herself and five children: Samuel, Mary, Solomon, Margaret and Sarah to Hopewell Monthly Meeting, Prince George County, Virginia.
Feb. 7, 1785: Samuel and Solomon Edmondson, Jr. were accepted by certificate to Deep River M.M., in the western part of Guilford County, NC.
Feb. 27, 1785: Susannah, Mary, Margaret and Sarah were accepted at Deep River on certificate from Duck Creek M.M., Delaware, dated 9th month 1783.Samuel was out of the verge of Deep River Meeting in 1787 and was disowned Dec. 1, 1788.He settled in Greene County, TN.

1782.Tax Lists, Dorchester County.Page 7.“Edmondsons Regulation”.Owner: Pollard Edmondson.

1788.James Edmondson Barroll, son of William Barroll and Lucretia Edmondson Barroll,was born (in Cecil County or elsewhere?). He married Henrietta J. Bedford Hackett.They settled at “Holly Hall” in Cecil County and had: Henrietta J., who married Charles Medcalf of Baltimore; Laura, who settled in Elkton, John Leeds, Sallie, who died young, S. Rose who died unmarried, Ellen, James Edmondson, who died young, and Victoria.James Edmondson Barroll died in 1875, and his wife Henrietta in March, 1877.
(Tilghman-Tillman Family, 1225-1945, by Col. Stephen F.
Tillman, p. 27.)

March 26, 1789.Pollard Edmondson married Elizabeth Airey.
July 16, 1798.Thomas Edmondson married Sarah Smith.
April 11, 1799. Joseph Edmondson married Elizabeth Simmons.
Nov. 2, 1813.Moses Edmondson married Maria Airey.
March 1, 1815.Thomas Edmondson married Louisa Airey.

October, 1806. Dorchester County Court Minutes, pp. 141-178. Mentions land, “Bradley’s Lott” and “Tucker’s Regulation”, property of John Noble, deceased. Mentions son James Noble. Daughter Betsey, wife of Thomas Edmondson.Daughter Nancy, wife of Thomas Thompson.Daughter Jane, wife of Henry Hooper Edmondson.Daughter Sally Noble.

Oct. 13, 1816.Joseph A. Edmondson, son of Moses Edmondson (a sea captain) and Maria Airey Edmondson,was born in Dorchester County. He moved to Tallahassee, Florida, in 1837, and engaged in contracting and building.There he married Annie Goff in 1838.Children: Joseph A. Edmondson, Jr.; Jessie C. Edmondson; Georgia D. Edmondson; James W. Edmondson.
He married again, to Louisa C. Damon, daughter of George Damon. (BIOGRAPHICAL SOUVENIR OF GEORGIA AND FLORIDA, p. 257)

Nov. 4, 1833.Will of Richard Jones, deceased.Folio 403, Box 5.
Catherine Travers, wife of John Edmondson, is listed as one of the heirs.
Dec. 24, 1855.William V.M. Edmondson and Eugenia S. Manning were married.

1870 Census.
Eugenia Edmondson, 35, lived in the household of James Jacob, 36, and his wife Emma, 33.All born in Maryland.Vienna Post Office.


May 19, 1749.Liber 28, folio 127.Alexander Magruder, Sr., Frederick County, to son Nathaniel, Grubby Thicket, 333 acres; to son Samuel, 214 acres taken up in partnership with Samuel Magruder,3rd,and one third of two lots in Marlborough; to son Ezakiah, 100 acres next to Zachariah Magruder’s part of the land I live on,and on his mother’s death, the whole tract; to daughter Sarah, 5 pounds; to daughter Elizabeth, for life, 100 acres taken up in partnership with Samuel Magruder, 3rd,where Thomas Edmonston settled, and on her death to son Maximilan; to daughter Anna, negro girl Mercer; to daughter Eleanor, negro girl Eve; to wife, Anne, whom I leave executrix with her son Nathaniell, negro wench Jenny; to my five children: Nathaniel, Samuel, Ezakiah, Anna and Eleanor, the rest of my personal estate.Witnesses: Alex Beall, Samuell Magruder ye 3d, Zach Magruder.June 18, 1751.Sworn to by all three witnesses.
Dec. 7, 1749.Mr. James Edmonston of Prince George County, Gentleman, sold land to William Beall, planter of Frederick County.Book E, p. 122.

May 17, 1753. Archibald Edmonston, Jr., purchased land from William Devall.Book E, p. 744, Recorder of Deeds Office.

August 16, 1753. A bill of sale in which Thomas Edmonston discharged Archibald Edmonston Beall and Robert Beall ofbonds and judgment.
Book E, p. 243,Recorder of Deeds Office.

Sept. 18, 1754.Jane Edmonston purchased land in Frederick County from Jemima Beall and William Beall, Sr.Book E, p. 543, Recorder of Deeds Office.

June 4, 1757.Liber 30, folio 378.Will of Joshua Hickman, Frederick County, planter.To son Eekial Hickman, etc.
To son Joshua Hickman, a still, a new anvil, 6 hammers and anvil, a young horse I had of Amos Thacher, and my right to the Accord that I leased of James Edmondton, etc.
August 17, 1757.Sworn to by three witnesses.

Nov. 16, 1760.Maximilion Edmonston sold land to Samuel Magruder.Book H, p. 258.

Dec. 18, 1762. Ninian Edmunston sold land to Henry Hickman.
Book L, p. 258.

March 13, 1764. James Edmonston sold land to William Coupland in Frederick County. Book J, p. 192.

Mary Edmonston, daughter of James Edmonston, married Benjamin Beall.See: Liber J, folio 189-91, Clerks Office, Frederick, Maryland.

June 29, 1769.Archibald Edmonston, Jr., sold the land bought in 1753 to Deborah and Elizabeth Brook.Book M, p. 303.Recorder of Deeds.
June, 1772.Thomas Edmonston and his wife Jean bought three parcels of land, signed with their mark.Witnessed by Evan Shelby and Thomas Parker.
Jan. 14, 1775.Thomas Edmonston and Mary his wife, Jeremiah Beall and Sabina his wife, and Martha Beall of Frederick sold land to James Allen. Book 1-BD, p. 79.

Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service, Frederick County.
Ensign Thomas Edmondson served under Capt. Edward Burgess, 1st Lt. John Gaither and 2nd. Lt. Thaddeus Beall in the Lower District.

Oct. 2, 1776. Council of Safety. A list of Capt. Edward Burgess’Company of Militia in the Lower District of Frederick County:
Edward Burgess, Capt.;Thomas Edmonston, 1st Lt.; Alexander Estep, 2nd Lt.; Zephaniah Beall, Ensign.Among enlisted men: Nathan Orme, Jeremiah Beall, Samuel Taylor Orme, Thomas Beall, William Hopkins, Alexander Edmonston Beall.

June 13, 1777. Thomas Edmonston and his wife Jean sold to David Miller land in Frederick County.Book P, p. 126.

Nov. 21, 1789. Dorothy Edmonston, daughter of Thomas and Mary Beall Edmonston, married Benjamin Waters.
March 24, 1791.Nathan Edmonston of Washington County, Maryland, sold land to John Van Swearingen.Book WR 9, p. 676.
(These deeds from the papers of Dr. Frank Edmundson of Pittsburgh, research done by a genealogist, Mrs. Sanders).

Feb. 13, 1818.Liber HG #2, p. 4.
“We the subscribers, Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Frederick in the State of Maryland and by virtue of the act of the assembly entitled “an act for the better regulation of apprentices’ have bound out and placed and by these presents do bind out and place as an apprentice with his own consent, Thomas Edmonston, an orphan aged seventeen years, the Twenty second day of October last unto Lewis Birsley, paper maker, until the said Thomas Edmonston shall arise to the age of twenty one years, during which time he shall well and truly behave and conduct and demonstrate himself in every way as a good and faithful apprentice ought to do toward his said master and the said master shall furnish and provide for his said apprentice good and sufficient meal, drink, clothes washing, and other requisite necessaries during his apprenticeship, to cause him to be taught to read, write, count up accounts and also to teach him the art of paper making in the different branches thereof and when free to give his said apprentice a suit of cloths and thirty dollars or in current money as the said apprentice may choose.Witness our hands and seals this Thirtieth Day of May 1818.
Andrew Smith and LevinHays

April 10, 1815.The will of Robert Edmondson who died in 1815 was probated.Book R.B.-1, p. 499-500, Register of Wills Office.The will mentions his mother, Martha Edmonston, tracts of land called “Locust Grove”,son Archibald, wife Sarah, land in Montgomery County, Maryland: “Deer Park”,“Bear Garden”,“Edmonston Range”.Mentions daughter Patty Edmonston, cousin Brooke Edmonston, son ofArchibald son of Thomas, Robert Orme, son of Robert Orme, James and Archibald Orme, sons of Robert Orme, and Roger Orme, son of Robert Orme. (From Dr.Frank Edmundson’s papers).

From Marriage Record Book, Recorder of Deeds Office.
Sept. 10, 1817.Brooke Edmondson m. Harriet Fish.
Jan. 22, 1851.Robert A. Edmondson m. Margaret P. Carlin.

Archibald Edmonston once owned 592 acres about one half mile north ofthe Little Falls of the Potomac River, called Cool Spring Level, in Prince George County, now Washington, DC.A family cemetery there had these graves:
Thomas Edmonston, died 1698.
Archibald Edmonston, died 1734.
William McKay, died 1796.
William Edmonston, died in 1793.
Thomas Edmonston, died 1824.
Ann Beall (nee Nichols, nee Edmonston), died in 1848.
Maximillion Edmonston

(EFAB printed some records from Saint James Parish, the location in Maryland not clear, No. 59)
Children of Thomas Edmonston and wife Elizabeth (Magruder?):
William Edmunston, born Dec. 17, 1742.
Maximillion Edmunston, bornMarch 29, 1744.
Thomas Edmunston, born Sept. 9, 1746.
Ann Edmunston, born Feb. 1, 1749.

The editor stated William H. Edmonston died in 1832 and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, the Episcopal Church cemetery,Gerorgetown, D.C., with his mother Matilda Brooks Edmonston, who died in 1846.

Records of German Reformed Church, Frederick County.
P. 673.June 16, 1852.Charles Winfield Edmonston was born to Richard Edmonston and Margaret P. Carlin Edmonston who were married Jan. 23, 1851.
P. 682. March 26, 1854.Cora May Edmonston was born to Richard A. Edmonston and wife Margaret.She was baptized July 19, 1854. (Editor of EFAB says Richard A. Edmonston was a son of Decuis Edmonston, brother of Brooke Edmonsston, No. 59).
P. 1126. December, 1793.Thomas Edmonston and Ruth Sheckells were married.Thomas was son ofThomas Edmonston and Mary Beal Edmonston.


Jan. 4, 1819.Hezekiah Edmonstone married Hester Berry.
August 14, 1824.Minutes of Montgomery County, 1811-1831, p. 98.
The Court appoints Tyson Beall and Josiah Jones to review and report to the Court the yearly value of the Real Estate belonging to Archibald Edmonston, a minor, and report in writing the situation of the dwelling houses and other improvements as the law directs.Saturday, August 14, 1824.Copy delivered.(Louise Edmonston noted that this minor was son of Robert Edmonston, grandson of Roger Edmonston, great-grandson of Archibald Edmonton and great-great grandson of Archibald Edmonston, Sr.)

March 29, 1853.Session Laws 1853, Vol. 403, p. 123.E. Louis Lowe, Esq. Governor.Chap. 116.An act to make valid certain proceedings in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County.Enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland that the circuit court for Montgomery County sitting as a court of equity, be authorized and directed to ratify and confirm sales of land belonging to the estate of Colonel Robert Edmonstone, late of said county, deceased….. in the cause pending in the said court, in which Edward Jarvis and Lewellyn Powell are complainants, and Benjamin B. Edmonstone and others are defendants. ……And be it enacted that the title of the purchasers ……shall be valid… (Provided by Anne Kemp, 2007).

(A lawsuit was attempted in 1911 against the federal government for land in and around Washington which once belonged to the Edmonstons, the claimants alleging no clear title had ever been established to properties left by Thomas Edmonston and his brothers.Descendants of Thomas who were parties in the suit included Archibald T.Edmonston, Jefferson City, Missouri; Filix Edmonston, St. Louis, MO; Mrs. Helen Helmeke and Mr. Matilda Vieser of Chicago; Mrs. E.M. Fuller of Clinton, Illinois; J.G. Edmonston of Luray, Virginia.See Washington Post, Feb. 10, 1911).

1870 Census.
Maria Edmonson, 44, b. in NY, lived in the household of Eliza Groome, 56, b. in Maryland.Alice Edmonson, 18, b. in MD, lived in the household.
Easton.July 18.


Archibald Edmondstone lived in this county as early as 1680 by some accounts.He is believed to be fromCounty Antrim,Ulster Province, Ireland, where the Edmondstones of Red Hall had been established for several generations, arriving in 1600.The home exists today as does the Church of Ballycarry near it.In this church is a silver communion bowl which bearsthe Edmondstone arms and an inscription: “The gift of Archibald Edmondstone, Sr., to the Presbyterian Congregation of Ballycarry Church”.A silver baptismal cup bears the Brice coat of arms and is inscribed: “The gift of Captain Edward Brice”.The Brices and Edmondstones were related.The Edmondstones of Red Hall were the only one of this name in Ireland at the time of the great migration to America.Sir William Edmondstone, from Scotland, settled in Antrim.His son Archibald and grandson Archibald lived there while the great migration was going on.The grandson was imprisoned for holding a meeting to try to overthrow the Episcopacy in the private chapel at Dunteath Castle in Scotland, and when released returned to Ireland.He helped defend Culmore near Londonderry during the siege of that city by James II in 1689.Dunteath Castle fell into decay.

1689. Archibald Edmondstone patented 1000 acres in Prince Georges County which he named “Beall’s Camp”. He added to this through the years. He married Jane Beall, daughter of Col. Ninian Beall of Prince Georges.

March, 1696. Francis Harbin Demands Capias (arrest) against Thomas Edmonson for non payment of debt of 2320 pounds of tobacco.John Boyde and Hugh Ryly came into court and acknowledged themselves to be security for Thomas Edmonson to pay this debt.

Nov. 1696.Court Cases. Thomas Trench Esquire, plaintiff.Edmundson, administrator, defendant.Archibald Edmundson late of Prince George County, administrator of the goods and Chattels of Robert Edmundson, Deceased, was atteached to answer unto Tench in a Plea of Trespass upon etc. for the sum of 1885 lbs. oftobacco.Case continued many times and the family name ofArchibald and Robert was spelled Edmonson, Edmonston, Edmundson. Finally settled in August, 1698.(EFAB, No. 59).

September, 1697.Court Record.To the worshipful Justices of Prince Georges County the Humble Petition of Hannah Edwards humbly Shewed.
That your poore petititioner having had a Child of Sarah Sumers and bred it up from its infancy as my owne child and as I am informed the said Sarah Sumers and now Sarah Smart unjustly intends to take this child from me without any consideration of my great Care in bringing him up and providing for him Notwithstanding Likewise the estate of my husband is Seized on at this present time for his education to the value of Sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco and Upwards your poor petitioner Requests only Justice at your hands and your petitioner as in Duty bound Shall for Ever Pray.
Anthony Smart and his wife Sarah Came into Court and binds the above Said boy in the above petition Mentioned unto Archable Edmonson until he Arrives to the age of twenty one yeares he being now Eleven year old the next November and the said Archable in open Court Acknowledges to pay Mr. Samuel Magruder Sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco And likewise promisesto give the above said boy a yeare Schooling and doe his Endeavor to Learne him the trade of a Carpenter and give him two Suites of Cloaths at the Expiration of his terme of time.
Upon which it is ordered by the Court here the Said Archable Edmonson fetch the Said boy from Mrs. Edwards by the last of October next.
(This was printed in EFAB, No. 82, and was somehow construed to mean Archibald Edmonson was the father of this illegitimate boy,son ofSarah Sumers.This is preposterous.The document is clearly an apprentice’s bond.Edmonson pays off the debt for education to Magruder in the exact amount Mrs. Edwards owes and gives the standard promise of two suits of clothes at age 21when the apprenticeship ends).

1698.Accounts of Thomas Edmonston.Book XVII, page 146.

1711. Deposition for a free school farm by Col. Ninian Beall, age 86.This refers to a “survey” made by Capt. Archibald Edmonston in the presence of Ninian Beall.Four young boys are named: James Edmondson, Bigger Head, Thomas Claggett, Jr., and Richard Claggett, Jr.

(This was sent by a genealogist to William Edmundson, editor ofEFAB.It seems to refer to a school sponsored by Col Beall and four boys who would be boarding students.The eldest son ofArchibald Edmonston and Jane Beall was James Edmonston who in turn married Mary Beall and had a daughter Sarah.James was born about 1687.If so, he should have completed school by 1711, suggesting the student James Edmondson would not be he.Stephen W. Edmondson, compiler).

For court records ofPrince George County for the late 1600’s, see:
AMERICAN LEGAL RECORDS, Vol. 9: Court Records of Prince George’s County Maryland, 1696-1699.Edited by Joseph H. Smith, Professor of Law, Columbia University School of Law, 1964.

Land owned by Archibald Edmonston in Baltimore County:
Nov. 10, 1695.“Beale’s Camp”, 1000 acres.

Land owned in Prince Georges County by Archibald Edmonston:

July 29, 1714.“Easy Purchase”,900 acres.
Sept. 2, 1714.“David’s Industry”, 177 acres.
Dec. 10, 1714.“Brotherhood”, 1,238 acres
Dec. 10, 1714.“Leith”, 248 acres.
Dec. 10, 1714.“Thomas and Mary”, 100 acres.
Dec. 10, 1714.“Yarro”,410 acres.
April 25, 1717.“Grove”, 262 acres.
April 28, 1717.“Cool Spring Level”, 592 acres.
August 6, 1719.“Wedge”, 48 acres.
March 1, 1722.“Bear Garden, Enlarged”,800 acres.
July 1, 1723.“Edmundson’s Pasture”, 315 acres.
May 20, 1724.“Deer Park”,622 acres.

1729.Jane Edmondson was the wife of William Smith and daughter of Archibald and Jane Edmonston, Prince Georges County.See Deeds Book M, folio 563, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Jan. 18, 1731. Will of Sarah Magruder, widow, Prince Georges County.Proved May 9, 1734.To daughter Eleanor, wife of Nehemiah Wade and granddaughter Sarah, daughter of George Clagett and deceased daughter Mary, and their heirs, 300 acres, “Headake” on the east branch of the Potomack, divided without issue survivor to inherit the portion of the deceased. To daughters Eleanor Wade and Mary Edmondson.Executor: son, John Bell.Vol. VII, p. 113.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

1733. Eleanor Edmonston, daughter of Archibald Edmonston, married Edward Offutt.See Deeds Book T, Folio 58, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.See also: Wills liber 21, folio 159; Accounts Liber 14, folio 71; Test Pro Liber 33, folio 71.Land Office, Annapolis.

March 30, 1734.Will of Archibald Edmonston, Hall of Records, Annapolis, Box 4, Folder 51.
“IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Archibald Edmonson of Prince Georges County in the Province of Maryland…..do make and ordain this my present and last will….to be decently Buried at ye discretion of my Wife Jan Edmonson whom I leave and appoint to be my sole administratrix…..
Item…I give unto my Son James Edmonson all my wearing apparel.
Item…I give unto my daughter Mary Beal the sum of four pounds.
Item…I give unto my Daughter Elenor Offutt the sum of four pounds.
Item… I give unto my Daughter Ruth Orme the sum of five pounds.
Item… I give unto my Son Archibald Edmonson the sum of twenty shillings and my cane.
Item… I give unto my Daughter Martha Allen my now dwelling Plantation with the land their with belonging itt being part of a tract of land called Dunkoll ….after the decease of my Wife Jane Edmonson.
Item… I give unto my Son in Law Thomas Allen Two hundred acres of Land to be laid out of Two Tracts of land ye one called Dear Park ye other Bare Garden Enlarg’d to be laid out on ye outermost bounds of Sd two Tracts to ye East North East of ye Plantation my Son Ninian Edmonsons Land …
Item… I give unto my Daughter Martha Allen one negro Man nam’d Samm & one feather bed and furniture.
Item… I give unto my Grand Daughter Jane Allen one pound five shillings to pay for a years schooling.
Item….. I give unto my Son Thomas Edmonson ye remaining part of the two tracts of Land before mentioned Call’s Dear Park & Bare Garden Enlarg’d. Also a tract ofLand Call’dye Goar lieing on the Eastern Branch of Potomock Containing five hundred acres & also a tract call’d ye Addition to ye Goar Containing Sixty Acres with the improvements…and also one Malato Man Nam’d John or Jack & one Negrow girl nam’d Dollo ….
Item….It is my will that if my Son Thomas Edmonson die without heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten that those ye two parts of tracts of Land Call’s Dear Park & Bare Garden Enlarg’d fall to my son Archibald Edmonson and those call’d ye Goar & ye Addition to ye Goar to my Son James Edmonson.
Item…. I give unto my Dear & Loving Wife Jane Edmonson one Negrow Man nam’d Tony one Negrow woman call’s Mollone other Negrow woman Call’d Sarahone other call’d Clare also tow Negrow men Call’d Cephas and Anmede….
Item…. I give ye remaining part of my personal Esteat to be equally divided between my wife Jane Edmonson & my Son Thomas Edmonson.
Item….Itt is my will that ye Negrow & Mallato with ye part of my personall Esteat before left to my Son Thomas Edmonson be kept in ye possession of my Wife Jane Edmonson until he arrive att ye Age of Twenty one years & that he have his education out of ye Labour &that the Remaining part of ye personall Esteat left him be kept inmy Wife’s Possession for him till he arrive att ye age of twenty one years.
Item….It is my will that my Son James Edmonson & my wife Jane Edmonson inspect into ye behavior of & deportment of my Son Thomas Edmonson & he be under their controulment during his minority.
Item…. I give unto Mr. Clement Hill & his heirs for ever ye half part Moiety of a tract of Land Call’d Cool Spring Level …ye one half of which I have conveyd by deed of gift to my Daughter Elenor Offutt…
Item…. I do hereby revoak….all former wills…as witnesseth my hand and seal this thirteenth day of March one Thousand seven hundred Thirty four.
Signed: Archibald Edmonston

Signed..in ye presents of us:Attested by:
George WellsGeorge Wells
Samuel WhiteWilliam Beall
William BeallSamuel White
Elizabeth Whitebefore D. Dulaney, Comm.
June 20, 1734.
Recorded in Will Book LDFolio 159.

Sept. 9, 1735.Maryland Account Book No. 13, p. 55.Account of Capt. James Edmonston of Prince Georges County, admr. of Ninian Edmonston, late of said county, deceased.

It is not clear why land was left to Clement Hill.Archibald’s daughter Jane had married William Smith as her nine children of this marriagehas a share ofthe estate of Ninian Edmonston who died in 1733.A deed for real estate mentioned “son-in-lawWilliam Smith”.

Sept. 9, 1735. Maryland Account Book No. 13, p. 55.Account of Mary Beall of Prince Georges County, the widow and admrx. of James Beall, late of said county, deceased.

Nov. 10, 1735. Maryland Account Book No. 14, p.23. Account ofJane Edmonston of Prince Georges County, widow, the relict and admrx. of Capt. Archibald Edmonston, late of Prince Georges County, deceased.Legacy left to the deceased’s son James Edmonston; left to the deceased’s daughter Mary Beall; left to the deceased’s daughter Ellinor Offutt; left to the deceased’s daughter Ruth Orme; left to the deceased’s son Archibald Edmonston; left to the deceased’s daughter Martha Allen.

June 2, 1737.Maryland Account Book No. ??.Additional account of Capt. James Edmonston, admr. of Ninnian Edmonston, late of Prince Georges County, deceased.

June, 1734.Col. Archibald Edmonston, born about 1667, died in Prince Georges County and was buried in a family cemetery about ½ mile north of Little Falls on the Potomac, in that county.The location of this cemetery has been lost and it is possible it was moved at some point as much expressway and highway construction has taken place in southwest Washington, D.C., where it was located.It should lie in the area of Glen Echo near the Cabin John Parkway.His wife, Jane Beall,was born about 1660 and married Archibald about 1680.Her parents were Ninian Beall and Ruth Moore Beall.She died in October, 1745, in Prince George County.Though a claim was made in EFAB that Robert Edmonston, assumed to be his father and whose estate he administered,was buried at this same site, there is no proof.Col. Archibald Edmonston had one known sibling,Thomas Edmonston, b. about 1668 and died in 1698.He is buried in Alexandria, Virginia, in a cemetery at Little Falls by the Potomac, the location of which is in doubt at last word.

Children of Col. Archibald Edmonston and Jane Beall Edmonston:
1.James Edmonston, b. 1698 in Prince George County, later Capt. James Edmonston.Said to be the eldest son, he would have been born some 18 years after his parents’ marriage date if1698 is correct for his birth year. He married Mary Beall, daughter of Ninian Beall, Jr.He died in 1753.Mary was born in 1700 and died after 1753.
2.Mary Edmonston, m. James Beall. See: Wills Liber 21, folio 159; Accounts Liber 14, folio 23, Land Office, Annapolis;Wills Liber 1, folio 238; Deeds Liber F, folio 25, Upper Marlboro.
3.Ruth Edmonston, m. the Rev. John Orme. See: Wills Liber 21, folio 159; Liber 40, folio 198; Adm. Accounts Liber 14, folio 23; Deeds Liber M, folio 564, and I, folio 85, Upper Marlboro;
4.Eleanor Edmonston m. Edward Offutt. See Edward Offutt, His Account, Nov. 10, 1735; Adm. Accounts Liber 14, folio 23, Land Office, Annapolis.
5.Archibald Edmonston, born in 1700.Married Dorothy Brooke in 1727, and died in 1778.She was born in 1709 and died in 1779. A grandson is alleged to have settled in Hagerstown, Maryland.
6.Ninian Edmonston
7.Martha Edmonston, married Thomas Allan. See: Wills Liber 21, folio 159; Accounts Liber 11, folio 23; Liber 39, folio 175, Land Office, Annapolis; Deeds Liber B, folio 265-267; Wills Liber 1, folio 238, Upper Marlboro; His Account Nov. 10, 1735; Adm. Accounts Liber 14, folio 23, Land Office.
8.Thomas Edmonston, b. in 1718.There is no proof he marriedRuth Offutt, as someone has claimed.He married Elizabeth Magruder who was born about 1720.After Elizabeth’s death, he married again, her name not known, possibly Ruth Offutt.He died in 1795.

See: Probate Records, Colonial Index, 1734, 1735, 1737, Prince George County, Box 9, folder 32, for Inventories of Archibald Edmonstone’s estate.

Capt. James Edmonston (1698-1753)
Supposedly the eldest son of Col. Archibald Edmonston and Jane Beall Edmonston,Capt. James Edmonston married Mary Beall, daughter of Ninian Beall, Jr., and granddaughter of Col. Ninian Beall, the immigrant (Mary would thus beJames’ first cousin).
See Warrants Liber L, folio 139, Land Office, Annapolis, Maryland.
The will of Ninian Beall, Jr., was dated Nov. 10, 1710, and proved Jan. 6, 1711. It named his wife, Elizabeth.To hisson Samuel Beall, the tract called Collington.To his daughter Mary, the Addition to Bacon Hall.
Elizabeth Beall, the widow, then married a kinsman of her husband, William Beall.
William Bealland Capt. James Edmonston patented LABYRINTH, 1000 acres in Frederick County, Maryland.

April 19, 1753.James Edmonstone swore that he had witnessed the will of Hugh Conn of Prince George’s County. Liber 28, folio 460.
The will of Capt. James Edmonston was dated Jan. 23, 1750, and proved in Prince Georges County Oct. 16, 1753, by Thomas Hillary, William Magruder and Archibald Edmonston.At probate, Archibald Edmonston, brother of the deceased, declared that the heir at law Archibald Edmonston, had a copy of the will and approves thereof, he now being at Monocoy.The will provided that his wife,Mary, would have use of the dwelling house plantation, YARROWS, during her widowhood.Son Archibald to have BROTHERS CONTENT.Daughter Margery to have HERMITAGE, 120 acres, and also the 10 acres of Hermitage conveyed to Thomas Butler, also, PREVENTION near Rock Creek, and also her claims in LABYRINTH near Rock Creek.Daughter Jane, BARREN RIDGE, 48 acres.Daughter Mary, BACHELOR’S FORREST.Daughter Sarah,DIAMOND and ACCORD. Son Ninian,PILES DELIGHT.Son James,LONG GREEN and SILENT GROVE.Also,COOL SPRING MANOR.Daughter Rachel,LAND OF EASE and GEORGES DELIGHT.

Children of Capt. James Edmonston and Mary Beall Edmonston:
1.Ninian Edmonston, b. in 1735.He married a cousin, Dorothy Brook Edmonston, daughter of Archibald Edmonston and Dorothy Brook Edmonston, Jan. 5, 1761.He died in 1816.
2.Archibald Edmonston, b. in 1737.Three wives. Died 1787.
3.Margery Edmonstonwho married John Lackland.
4.Jane Edmonston.
5.Mary Edmonston
6.Sarah Edmonston
7.James Edmonston
8.Rachel Edmonston

Ruth Edmonston (__-1775) and the Rev. John Orme (1691-1767)

The Rev. John Orme was a well known Presbyterian leader in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties.The Captain John Church was founded in 1723 (later called Cabin John) on Cabin John Creek, three miles west of Bethesda.The Rev. John Orme of thePatuxent Presbyterian Church, Upper Marlboro, was sent to it.The Magruders and the Bealls were early members.The site was bought by the Methodists a hundred years later and only a history marker placed in 1922 marks the old church location. John Orme was born in Wiltshire, England, Jan. 21, 1691, and died in 1767.His will was probated in 1758 in Prince Georges County and his wife’s in 1775.
His children:
1.John Orme, b. Feb. 13, 1721; m. Elizabeth Collet, widow, and then Lucy Beall, widow.
2.Archibald Orme, b. Nov. 19, 1723; d. Nov. 18, 1725.
3.Hannah Orme, b. Sept. 13, 1726; d. Dec. 8, 1726.
4.James Orme, b. Jan. 25 ?; d. 1801.
5.Mary Orme, b. Jan. 25, 1728; d. Oct. 2, 1729.
6.Archibald Orme, b. June 1, 1730; m. Elizabeth Johns, 1757; d. in 1810.
7.Hannah Orme, b. April 19, 1732; d. Jan. 5, 1733.
8.Jane Orme, b. Oct. 25, 1734; m. Joseph Threlkeld; d. 1808.
9.Elizabeth Orme, b. Sept. 14, 1737.Died same day.
10.Septima Orme, b. ____; m. ______Allen; d. age 55.
11.Octavia Orme, b. Feb. 13, 1745: d. 1780.

Oct. 28, 1757.Liber 30, folio 562. Prince Georges County. (provided by Anne Kemp).Will of John Orme, Prince Georges County, in the ministry of the Gospel, far advanced in years.To sons, John, James and Archibald, 10 shillings.To daughter, Jane, negro Nan and 20 pounds.To daughter Elizabeth, negro Morea, and 20 pounds.To daughter Septima, negro Charles and 20 pounds.To daughter Octava, negro Sal and 20 pounds.My son Ebenezer Edmonston is to depend for his schooling and clothes on my executrix, his mother.To granddaughter Nancy, 1 year schooling.To wife and executrix, Ruth Orme, all my land whether Leigth or Collington for life, and on her death, to son Ebenezer Edmonston if living, otherwise to one or two of my said daughters.Witnesses: Robert Bradly, Ruth Allen, Joseph Belt, Jr.Aug. 24, 1758.Sworn to by Bradly and Belt.

(It would appear from this will that John Orme had most of his children by a first wife and that Ebenezer Edmonston was son of his wife Ruth by a former husband.Ebenezer was still in school at the time the will was made. Who was Ruth’s Edmonston husband and what was her maiden name?)

Archibald Edmonston (1737-1787)

Son of Capt. James Edmonston and Mary BeallofPrince Georges County, Archibald Edmonston was born in 1737 and settled in Culpeper County, Virginia.He moved to Winchester,Frederick County, and to Clark County, Kentucky.He died April, 1787, in Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland.He was married three times:(1) Martha Prather; (2) Susannah Edmonston, about 1755; (3) Blanchianna Shane, Dec. 11, 1777, Washington County, Maryland ?

His first wife, Martha Prather, was a daughter of William Prather and Martha Prather, cousins.Martha Prather was born in 1738. Date of death is not known to this compiler. (See EFAB No. 4).

Thomas Edmonston (1718-1795)

Children ofThomas and Elizabeth Magruder Edmonston:
1.William Edmonston, b. Dec. 17, 1742.Died in 1793 and is buried in the cemetery ½ mile north of Little Falls, in Prince Georges County.
2.Maximilian Edmonston, b. March 29, 1744.
3.Thomas Edmonston, b. Sept. 9, 1746.
4.Ann Edmonston, b. in 1748.Married Nichols, b. about 1745.She married (2) Beall.She died in 1848 in Prince Georges County, Maryland, and was buried in the Edmonston graveyard ½ mile north ofLittle Falls, in the same county.This property was sold in 1814 to George Magruder by Elizabeth Edmonson of Kentucky (of the family of Archibald Edmonston and Blanchianna Shane Edmonston.Blanchianna removed the t from the family name).

Archibald Edmonston (1700-1778)
He married Dorothy Brooke in 1727.She was born in 1709 and died in 1779.Her brothers were James Brooke,Roger Brooke and Bazil Brooke.Her sisters were Ann Brooke Carmichael, Mary Brooke Hamersly, Priscilla Brooke Brown and Margaret Brooke Willson.See: Judgments Liber 42, folio 773 & 87-101,Queen Ann’s County, Land Office, Annapolis.They had:
1.Jane Edmonston, b. in 1728.
2.Thomas Edmonston, b. in 1740 and died in 1805.Married Mary Beall who was born about 1740.Their son, Archibald, born about 1765, married Susannah Seyleand died before 1805.
3.Dorothy Brook Edmondston, b. in 1741.Married a cousin, Ninian Edmonston.Died in 1817.See EFAB No. 5, p. 7, for her will. Also, records for Washington, D.C., in this file.
4.Elizabeth Edmonston, b. about 1744.

(Research done by Louise Edmonston, who settled in Dunwoody, Georgia, in 1997.Shecollated and confirmed much of the Edmonston history).

May 10, 1755.Maryland Account Book No. 37, p. 17.Account of Samuel Turner and Mary, his wife, exetx of Capt James Edmondson, late of Prince Georges County, deceased.

Thomas Edmondston married Ruth Orme, granddaughter of Benjamin Orme,Prince Georges County. See Wills Liber T, #1, folio 353, Upper Marlboro.
See also: Thomas Edmondston, Wills Liber T, #1, folio 352.Was Ruth Orme a widow, born Ruth Sheckills, daughter of John and Ann Sheckills?

Jan. 15, 1753.Ann Carmichael of Queen Ann’s County made a will in which she left to her sister Dorothy Edmondson, a negro man Toney & a negro girl Joanah; to her cousin Ann Edmondson “who lives with me”, a negro girl Lucy, d.o., Candise; to her cousins Ann Beall andMary Beall, a negro boy Ben and negro woman, Easter, that always waited on me, & her issue, equally divided; to cousin James Brown, negro girl Bett, d.o. Old Rose; to cousin Elizabeth Brown, a legacy left me by Mrs. Alice Lloyd, deceased, in the hands of the executors of Mr. John Blake, deceased;to sister Priscilla Brown, my wearing apparel and other personal utensils.My cousin Mary Beall and her estate are to be under the care of her brother in law & sister, John and Elizabeth Brown.To my daughter Elizabeth Brooke Carmichall & the child I go with, the residue of my estate, & if they both die before age 16, I give the rest of my estate as follows: one eighth part apiece to Brother James Brook; brother Roger Brooke, brother Basil Brooke, children of sister Elizabeth Elizabeth Beall, late wife of Nathaniell Brooke, equally divisions.Sister Dorothy Edmondson, sister Mary Hamersly, sister Priscilla Brown, & sister Margaret Willson. Executor: myhusband, Wm. Carmichaell. Witnesses: James Calder, Jr., Elizabeth Lewis, Ann Mahany. Liber 28, folio 510.May 17, 1753.Proving the above was objected against by Mr. Wm. Carmichall, husband of the deceased, who forbad me to proceed.Wm. Tilghman, Deputy Commy.Sept. 12, 1753.Sworn to by James Calder, Jr.
(This is the will of Ann Brooke Carmichael, sister of Dorothy Brooke Edmondson/Edmondston.Ann Edmondson must be a cousin by marriage, perhaps a child?)

18__?Robert O. Edmonston and Miss Elizabeth Waters , both of Prince Georges County, were married September 19, ____ by the Reverendd Mr. Waters.(The National Intelligencer, Sept. 23,??.(See VITAL STATISTICS FROM THE NATIONALINTELLIGENCER, 1800-1820, by Frank J. Metcalf and George H. Martin, 1968).

1815. Dorothy Edmonston married J. Waters. THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER.
1815. Elizabeth B. Edmonston married T. Given.
Sept. 10, 1820. Brooke Edmonston, Constable, died in this city. THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 1820.

Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service.
Drafts from the classes for filling up the quota of men from Prince George’s County:Ninian Edmonson and others. (From Anne Kemp).

(Some genealogists insist the Edmistons in Augusta County and Washington County in Virginia were Edmondstons, including Col. William Edmondson/Edmiston who was at Kings Mountain. This appears to be interesting speculation without proof).

Talbot County.On the eastern shore of Maryland.

John Edmondson left England about 1658 after serving in Cromwell’s army.He came to Maryland indentured to Captain John Horne, merchant of London, for five years, apparently in the field of law.He probably lived in Barbados before coming to Maryland. He completed his indenture and married Sarah Parker Morgan, widow of Abraham Morgan and daughter of the Hon. William Parker.Within a few years John Edmondson was appearing as attorney in cases at law and in 1663 represented John Horne in that capacity. He and his wifelived at first in Calvert County but moved to the Eastern Shore and amassed much land and property, ships and servants.
In March, 1665, he patented 50 acres in Talbot County, on the north side of the Choptank River, on Treavon Creek, at the head of Cooke’s Cove. He patented another 50 acres adjoining the first, Sept. 1, 1665, called Great Poplar Neck. He patented another 50 acres on the north side of the Choptank, on Dividing Creek.He acquired vast acreages as the years passed.
He travelled to the Barbadoes and had extensive business and personal dealings with prominent people there, several of whom moved to Delaware and Pennsylvania.He owned “Adventure”, 400 acres in Talbot County, in 1679.Francis Gamble and Roger Fretwell purchased 4000 acres from Edmondson in 1685 in the vicinity of Mispillion Hundred, Delaware. John was among the wealthiest men in Maryland in the 1600’s. He owned some 40,000 acres in Maryland in Talbot, Dorchester, and Kent, some of it in present Queen Anne and Caroline counties. In Delaware, now Pennsylvania, he owned 27,000 acres.He built a fine mansion near Easton which he called Cedar Point, three miles by road from the Third Haven Meeting House.The old church stands today near a newer structure now in use.Edmondsonwas thought at one time to have deeded the land in 1682 for the Third Haven Meeting House but such is an error.Part of Edmondson’s house has survived, included in a much larger columned mansion built in the 1800’s, the site known still as “Edmondson’s Neck”.The owner in 1994 had a painting of the original house as it looked in the 1700’s.John Edmondson entertained the famous Quaker leader, George Fox, a number of times at Cedar Point.Fox and theQuaker evangelist, William Edmundson, traveled together and both visited the Eastern Shore.However, William Edmundson’s Journal does not mention seeing John Edmondson.
He represented Talbot County in the Maryland Assembly for years.
“We are Englishmen ourselves and free born though in scorn commonly called Quakers”, he testifed with William Berry and Richard Johns in 1681, in petitioning for modification of the law on oaths.
He died in 1697 or early 1698.One son, John, had died, as had a daughter, Grace.The last of his descendants to live at Cedar Point was Horatio Edmondson, Jr.,(See: JOHN EDMONDSON—LARGE MERCHANT OF TRED HAVEN CREEK, by Frank B. Edmundson and Emerson B. Roberts, Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 3, Sept., 1955).

The Thomas Sears Collection, Filing Case A, Maryland Historical Society, was reviewed by Stephen W. Edmondson in 1964.The following genealogy was abstracted:
Jno. Edmondson, the immigrant=Sarah
They had: Wm. Edmondson=Sarah Sharp (dau. of Wm. Sharp and Eliz. Thomas).They married in 1692.He died in 1702.
Wm. Edmondson and Sarah had Jno. Edmondson, born in 1699.He lived in Dorchester County and married Mary Neall of Talbot County in 1730.

John Edmondson and Mary had Francis Edmondson in 1736.Francis married Rachel Williams.

Francis Edmondson and Rachel had Sam. Edmondson who married Susanne Kemp, daughter of Benj. And Ann Fairbanks Kemp, of Camden, Delaware.

Samuel and Susanne Edmondson had Mary Edmondson, born in Camden, Delaware,who married John Dickinson of Bucks County, Pa., cousin of Gov. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania, Jan. 3, 1799.

A second manuscript in this collection gave this genealogy:

John Edmondson = Grace and had in 1664 John Edmondson who married Sarah Morgan.
John and Sarah Edmondson had William Edmondsonwho married Sarah Sharpe in 1692.
William and Sarah Edmondson had Soln Edmondson who married Esther Kenerly in 1723.
Soln and Esther Edmondson had James Edmondson who married Martha Bartlett in 1773.
James and Martha Edmondson had Esther Edmondson who married Isaac Atkinson in 1803.

The Goldsborough Collection,Maryland Historical Society, includes more manuscript notes on the Edmondsons of Maryland.A typewritten copy ofEdmondsons in theThird Haven Monthly Meeting Register of Births and Deaths of Talbot and Dorchester counties is available at this site as well. (This was copied from notes of Frank Edmundson, Rt. 2, Squaw Run Road, Pittsburgh, Aug. 1, 1946)

Sarah the Daughter of John Edmondson of Talbot County and Sarah his wife was borne ye 24th day of ye 11th month called January, 1664.
John Edmondson, son of John Edmondson and Sarah was born 2nd day of ye 2nd month called Aprill, 1666.
Grace, daughter of John Edmondson and Sarah, was born the 22nd day of the 9th month, 1668.
James the son of John Edmondson and Sarah, was born the 25th day of the 2nd month, called April, 1670.
Henrietta Maria, dau. of John and Sarah, was borne the 16th day of the 12th month, called February, 1671.
Martha, dau. of John and Sarah, was born the 6th day of the 2nd month, called April, 1763, and departed this life ye 20th day of the same month.
John Edmondson of Talbot County, Planter, and Susannah O’Mealy of ye said county, spinster, were married the 3rd month, May 28, 1685, at the Publick Meeting House at Beti Cove.Jo. Edmondson and Sarah Edmondson were witnesses.(p.25).
James Edmonson of Talbot County, Planter, married Magdalen Stevens, spinster, of Dorchester County, 10th month (December) 18, 1691, at Dorothy Stevens House on Great Choptank, Dorchester County, Maryland.
Witnesses: Jno. Edmondson, Wm. Edmondson, Eliz. Edmondson, Tho. Edmondson, James Edmondson, Magdalen Edmondson, Sarah Edmondson.
(p. 28).
William Edmondson and Sarah Sharp were married the 12 month (February) 25, 1692-3 at the house of William Sharp in Talbot County, Maryland.
Witnesses: John, James, Tho., Sarah, Eliz., and Magdalen Edmondson. (p.41)
Wm. Edmondson, son of Wm. and Sarah, was born 1 mo. 1, 1694 (p.150).
William Stevens of Talbot County and Elizabeth Edmondson were married the 12 month (February) 5, 1695.John, Mar., Wm., Thomas, Sarah, Magdalen and Sarah Edmondson “junior” were witnesses.(p.44).
Solomon Edmondson, son of Wm. and Sarah, was born 4 mo. 25, 1697 (p. 150).
Thomas Edmondson of Talbot County, Planter, married Mary Grason, relict of Robt. Grasum, on Aug. 7, 1699, at the Meeting House on Tredhaven Creek.(p. 56)
William Edmondson of Dorchester County, Planter, married Margaret, dau. of James Berry, at the meeting house. Thomas Edmondson and Eliz. Edmondson were among the witnesses.(p. 96)
Howell Powell married Sarah Edmondson, Talbot County, Oct. 2, 1718. (p. 106).
John Edmondson of Dorchester County, carpenter, married Mary Neel of Talbot County, 7 mo. 3, 1730.William Edmondson and Peter Edmondson were witnesses(p.130).
William Edmondson of Dorchester County married Elizabeth Troth, 10 month 1, 1730.Witnesses: Peter Edmondson, John Edmondson, Mar. Edmondson, Sol. Edmondson(p. 131).

1661.William Edmondson was born to John and Sarah.

c. 1663. Mary Edmondson was born to John and Sarah.

Oct. 3, 1664. Will of Francis Riggs of London.To John Edmondson and Richard Collett, estate in equal parts.Test. Robert South, Mary South.
Nov. 24, 1664.Sarah Edmondson was born to John and Sarah Edmondson.

1672. Will of William Parker, Stepney, Middlesex County, England. Mentions ship and money owed him. Wife, Grace. Daughter, Elizabeth Parker. Other daughters, Thomasine Kent, Sarah Edmondson and Dorothy Whittle.(AMERICAN WILLS PROVED IN LONDON, 1611-1775, by Peter Wilson Coldham).This would appear to be the father of Sarah Parker Morgan Edmundson.

June 20, 1685.Will of Emanuel Jenkinson, Talbot County.Probated Sept. 7, 1685. Overseers:Father, John Edmundson, William Sharpe. Book I, p. 154.

Feb. 21, 1685.Will of Edmond Gibbon.Probated June 4, 1786.Executors: John Edmundson, Francis Gibbon, Cecil Gibbon, James Nevell.(Volume II, p. 5. Maryland Calendar of Wills, by Baldwin.)

Feb. 13, 1685/86.Will of John Edmondson, Jr..Probated March 28, 1687.To father, John Edmondson and mother Sarah, personalty.To brother James and heirs, dwelling plantation, Cook’s Manor.To brothers William and Thomas and heirs, land in Fowling Creek, Dorchester County.To brother Samuel and heirs, 400 acres, Fresh Run, in Tred Haven Creek.To sister Elizabeth and heirs land given to testor by his father.Cousin Emanuel Jenkinson and to Jacob Abraham and Abraham Morgan, personalty.James Edmondson aforesaid, executor and residuary legatee of estate. Test. Jas. Smith, Wm Rigway, Edmond Rotte, Timothy McCarty.(Vol. II, p. 21, Maryland Calendar of Wills, by Baldwin).

Feb. 2, 1666.John Edmondson was born to John and Sarah Edmondson.
Sept. 22, 1668.Grace Edmondson was born to John and Sarah.
Feb. 25, 1670. James Edmondson was born to John and Sarah. Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register (copied by Frank Edmundson, Pittsburgh).
Dec. 26, 1671. Henrietta Maria Edmondson was born to John and Sarah.
1673.Thomas Edmondson was born to John and Sarah.

Feb. 18, 1674.John Edmondson was born to John and Hannah Edmondson.

Jan. 6, 1675.Will of Ewen William of the Clifts, Calvert County. Probated Feb. 15, 1675.Wife Ann, executrix, sole legatee during life of estate real and personal, including three plantations: Woobekston, Morgan’s Fresh or Clift, obtained by testator from John Edmundson, Break Neck or My Misery.To John Edmundson aforesaid, the said plantation at death of wife. Overseers: Richard Ladd of Calvert County; John Edmundson of Talbot County, who are to inherit personal property at the death of wife.Test.John Halles, Henry Janson, Jno. Norman.(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. I, p. 117, by Baldwin).

Feb. 5, 1678. Martha Edmondson was born to John and Sarah Edmondson.
Feb. 20, 1678.Martha Edmondson died at 14 days.

Nov. 16, 1678.Will of William Foorde, Choptank River, Dorchester County.Executors: Thomas Taylor, John Edmondson, William Sharp, Benjamin Hunt.Probated March 11, 1679.Vol. I, p. 154, Maryland Calendar ofWills, by Baldwin).

Jan. 8, 1682.Deed, Book HH, p. 182, Easton, Maryland.John Edmondson and his wife Sarah deeded land to Wm. Johnson, mentioning a contemplated marriage between said Wm. Johnson and Sarah Edmondson, John Edmondson’s daughter.

Jan. 2, 1684.Will of Bryan Omealy of Talbot County.Proved March 24, 1685.Executors were wife Mary and John Edmundson, Ralph Fishborn, Abraham Morgain, Wm. Dixson, Wm. Sharpe, all Quakers.

May 28, 1685.John Edmondson of Talbot County, planter,m. Susannah O’Mealy, spinster, at Publick Meeting House, Beti Cove.John and Sarah Edmondson, witnesses.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p.25.

1685.Susannah Edmondson left property to her husband, John Edmondson.Her father was Bryan O’Neal. Wills No. 1, 1665-1715, Easton.

May 1, 1688.Will of Robert Dixon.To son Robert 100 acres at age 21, land in possession of John Edmondson.Probated May 21, 1695.Vol. II, p. 86.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Dec. 18, 1691. James Edmondson of Talbot County, planter,son of John Edmondson, married Magdalen Stevens, spinster, ofDorchester County, at Dorothy Stevens’ house on Great Choptank, Dorchester County, Maryland. Witnesses:Jno. Edmondson, Wm. Edmondson, Eliz. Edmondson, Tho. Edmondson, James Edmondson, Magdalen Edmondson, Sarah Edmondson. Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register.P. 28.

Feb. 26, 1692. William Edmondson, son of John and Sarah, married Sarah Sharp, daughter of William Sharp and Elizabeth Thomas Sharp, at the house of William Sharp in Talbot County.Quaker records of the Third Haven Monthly Men’s Meeting,Swarthmore College.Witnesses were: John,James, Thomas, William, Sarah, Elizabeth and Magdalen Edmondson; William and Sarah Sharp;William Sharp, Jr.; Peter and Elizabeth Sharp; Elizabeth Morgan; William Stevens; Mary Ball; Elizabeth Harwood and others.
He was born in 1677.He was founder of the family in Dorchester County.See: Wills Liber 6, folio 95, 289, Land Office, Annapolis.He was left a thousand acre plantation in his father’s will in 1697, bought of John Hollan, in Duck Creek.He refused to pay taxes levied for the Church of England and lost his estate as a result.William was a shipowner. He gave bond to the Royal Collector in 1698 for the ship, “William and Mary”, and his ship, the “Dove of Maryland”, a shallop built in 1699, 9 tons, entered the Upper James River in 1700 (See: ENGLISH DUPLICATES OF LOST VIRGINIA RECORDS, by des Cognets, 1958). He and his wife died on the same day in June, 1702, when his brother James appears also to have died,in the sinking of their boat.He and Sarah were buried in a single grave near Island Creek. William and Sarah had five children:William Edmondson, Jr. who died in 1743;Solomon, b. in 1697 and married in 1723;John, b. in 1699, witness to his brother Solomon’s marriage;Elizabeth, b. in 1700;and Peter Sharpe Edmondson b. in 1702 and died in 1732.

Jan. 1, 1694.William Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

Sept. 21, 1694.John Edmondson was chosen Delegate to the Assembly from Talbot County but refused to take the oath.Proceedings of the Assembly, 1694.Maryland Archives, Vol. 19, p. 29.

1695.John Edmondson sold to his son William 1100 acres in Dorchester County on Skillington Creek and Fox Creek, called Richardson’s Folly, adjacent to Timber Point.
February 5, 1695 (O.S.)Elizabeth Edmondson, daughter of John and Sarah, married William Stevens, Jr.Witnesses: John, Mas., Wm., Thomas, Sarah, Magdalen, Sarah Edmondson “junior”.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 44.See Wills Liber 6, folio 95; Test Pro Liber 23, folio 171, Land Office, Annapolis.

Jan. 9, 1696. Will of William Parrott.Probated March 18, 1696.To daughtersRebecca and Hannah, 100 acres, equally, of “Edmondson’s Reserve”.Volume II, p. 121, Maryland Calendar of Wills, by Baldwin.

March 16, 1696.Will of William Sharp of Talbot.Proved Sept. 7, 1699.
To daughter Sarah Edmondson and grandson William Edmondson, personalty.To son Peter and heirs, land bought of George Ladmore, being part of “Redley”.To son William and heirs land bought of John Edmondson at the head of Dividing Creek.Vol. II, p. 183.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Oct. 9, 1697.Will of John Edmondson of Talbot County.Proved April 9, 1698.
John Edmondson ofTalbot County inTredhaven Creekof Maryland, Merchant….To my son James Edmondson two Negroes James and his wife and all the land lying together here in these necks where I dwell and Remainder of Cooks Manor and all adjoining to it as far as the Stoney Branch being in eight or nine patents…..and also Thirteen hundred acres of land in the Indian town.…..To my sonn William Edmondson one thousand acres of Land bought of John Hollan lying in Duck Creek….. To my sonn Thomas Edmondson four cows and calves, two negroes, one feather bed and Furniture and the remaining part of Richardson’s Folly which is without the Lynes of that Land I give to my son William Edmondson, and also the Land calling Willing Brough and also that Land on the other side ofJacks Cove called Tilghman’s Fortune, in estimation five hundred and fifty acres…at the age of twenty years. …..To my sonn Samuel Edmondson four cows and calves, two negroes, one feather bed and furniture and also part of that Land called Huckark lying part on the east side and part on the west side of the Main Branch and the remaining part of Freshes and Freshes Addition, and also four hundred Acres of Fresh Runn and Hauk’s Hill and Hauk’s Hill Addition and part of Clifton and fifty acres of land out of Tilghman’s Fortune on the back side of my Plantation where Joseph Rogers lives…at the age of twenty years. ……To my Daughter Elizabeth Stevens five hundred acres of Land on ye South east side of the northeast branch of Choptank River bought of John Richardson and also all my interest of Ould Town and that Plantation and Land which I bought of John Sharp lying in co*kiacas Creek …andalso an Able Man servant and two cows and calves….To my grand child Edmondson Stevens that tract of Land lying in Kent County in the territory of Pennsylvania which was bought of Daniel Browne Nine hundred acres …and also one cow and calfe and five ewes and one young mare two years old……To Emanuel Jenkinson one Heifer two years old. …To Phillip Morgan, James Morgan and Abraham Morgan jun. Eight hundred acres of Land lying at the head of Motherkill in the Territoryes of Pennsylvania and each of them one ewe……To my sonn Abraham Morgan and Elizabeth each twenty shillings…..To my loving wife Sarah Edmondson that plantation which I dwell on and the Land called the Negroes Quarter and Twelve Negroes and two beds and furniture, with the Chest of Drawers, Spice Box and Great Case and the sixth part of my personal estate forever, ant the two Plantations during her lifetime.I do also ratify and allow what my sonn John Edmondson, deceased, by his Will give andbequeath by Legacies unto his brothers and sisters……To Katherine Brooks grandchild two hundred Acres of land out of thirteen Acres that I have by the Indian Town…..
Folio 97..To William Lockwell one hundred and fifty Acres of Land near Henry Bowing and beginning at John Glovers tree…to the land of Roger Summers….out of that land I bought of Henry Sewell…..To Robert Smith fifty shillings to buy him a Hatt…..I give full Power to my Executrix and Executors to dispose of all land in the Territorys of Pennsylvania or in Maryland that is not given in my Will………what remains …may be divided among my Wifeand Five Children… I do also appoint my Loving Wife, James, William and Thomas to be Executors of this my last Will….in Witness hereunto I set my hand and fix my Seale this 9th day of the 8th month, 1697.Signed: John Edmondson.
In the presence ofJohn Nedells, Francis Perkins, William Harris, Michael (x) Markginny,Thomas Robins.
April 9, 1698. Then did Francis Perkins another witness to this within will depose upon by Oath that he did see John Edmondson the testator sign….
Signed: J. Lanolin Chesoldyne, Commissioner General.
Volume II, p. 144,Maryland Calendar of Wills.Wills, Liber #6, Folio 95, 96, 97. EFAB No. 3, pp. 58-59.
(Another source states John Edmondson’s will was dated August 8, 1697, and probated March 2, 1698, recorded in Kent County,Delaware.Was it probated in two colonies?)

Acts of the Maryland General Assembly, 1694-1702.Public Record Office, London C.O. 5, Vol. 731.
An Act empowering Thomas Edmondson of Talbot County Surviving Executor of his father John Edmondson to sell and dispose of the Lands by the said John Edmondson left for the payment ofhis debts.
Whereas John Edmondson late of Talbot County deced by his Last will and testament in wrigting bearing date the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety Seven did give full Power and authority to his Executrix and Exrs to dispose of all his lands in the Territories of Pensilvania or in Maryland which he had not given by his said will to maintain his Children and to bring them up to pay all his Just Debts and the remainder to be devided among his wife and Children And of his said will did Constitute his wife Sarah his Sons, James, Wm and Tho. Sole Exrs who after the death of the said John Edmondson tooke upon them the said Executorship and paid the debts of the said John Edmondson so far forth as his personall Estate Extended, but that not being Sufficient, fully to Satisfie and pay, the said John Edmondsons debt.And before any of his said Lands Left to be sold Could be disposed of, and Legally Converyed, the said Sarah the wife, James, and Wm the sons dyed, and the said Thomas only Left Surviveing Exr And forasmuch as the said Thomas as Surviving Executor of the said willis not Sufficiently Impowered to Sell and dispose of the said Lands according to the Intent an bequest of the Testator, There-fore prayed this present generall Assembly that an Act might pass to Em-power him the said Thomas Edmondson to sell and dispose of the said Lands Soe left to be sold for payment of the said John Edmondsons debts which be thought reasonable it’s humbly prayed that it may be Enacted. And be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with the advice and Consent of her Majestyes President Councill and Assembly of this province and the authority of the same that the said Thomas Edmondson by Vertue of the Last will and Testament of the said John Edmondson deced and of this present Act, shall be and is hereby fully and amply authorized and Impow-ered to Sell and dispose of all or any part of the said Land, Left to be Sold by the said John Edmondson and make or Cause to be made to any purchaser or purchasors and their heires forever a good Sure and Indefeazable Estate of
Inheritance in fee simple, & to Execute and performe all the trusts reposed in the said Executors, as fully and Effectually to all Intents and Purposes, as if said Executors were all Living and did or Could Joyne in the performing the said will and that he shall and may and is hereby authorized and Impowered
and Obliged to Apply the money or tobacco arriseing by Such Sale or Sales to the Uses in the said will appointed by Law, Statute useage or Custome or want of Authority so to do by the words in the said Last will & testament of the said John Edmondson to the Contrary Notwithstanding Provided that this act nor any thing herein Contained shall Extend or be Construed to Extend to Enable the said Thomas to make Sale of any lands tenements or Hereditaments which were persuant to the Tennor of the will afd disposed of Aliened, or Sold to any person or persons whatsoever Jointly by William and James Edmondson deced two of the Executors of the testament of the said John Edmondson deceased.
(Printed in the Edmondson Family Association Bulletin, No. 130, p. 18).

1697.William Edmondson inherited 1000 acres on Duck Creek from his father, John Edmondson.

4th month 25 day 1797.Solomon Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

1698.William Edmondson gave bond in Virginia to the Royal Collector for the ship “William and Mary”. (ENGLISH DUPLICATES OF LOST VIRGINIA RECORDS, by des Cognets, 1958).

March 2, 1698.The will of John Edmondson was probated March 2, 1698, and recorded in Kent County, Delaware, a copy at Dover, Delaware.The will was dated August 9, 1697.

Aug. 7, 1699. Thomas Edmondson married Mary Grasum, relict of Robert Grasum, at the Meeting House, Tredhaven Creek.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 56. A record in 1720 mentions Mary, wife of Thomas Edmondson, who was a kinswoman of Robert Grundy? ofTalbot County.Wills Liber 16, folio 227; Test Pro Liber 25, folio 117-118.Land Office, Annapolis.A genealogical work (title not noted), p. 233, states:
Thomas, fourth son (of John Edmondson—Large Merchant) married August 7, 1699, Mary Grasson (sometimes Grasum, and again Grayson), the widow of Robert Grasson.He was Burgess from Talbot1718-1719 and held town lots at Oxford. They left a family of sons and daughters who married into the Hopkins and Tibballs families.He died in 1719, the last surviving son and executor of his father.(William Edmundson, editor of EFAB, emphatically stated in No. 51, p. 60, that Thomas had no children.A document granting administration onJohn Edmondson’s property in Pennsylvania in 1704 stated Thomas was dead at that time???)

Sept. 1, 1699. John Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.His will was dated Aug. 31, 1768, and probated Feb. 26, 1770.

Cognets, 1958:The “Providence” of Maryland, 30 tons, a sloop, owned by William Edmondson and three others, entered the Rappahannock District.It was built at Choptank, Maryland, 1698.
The “Dove of Maryland”, a shallop built in Maryland in 1699, 9 tons, owned by William Edmondson, entered the Upper James River in 1700.

Oct. 8, 1700.Will of William Stevens (Stephens) of Talbot County.Proved April 17, 1701.To son William land on Catling’s Plaine, Island Creek.To son Samuel and heirs, dwelling plantation “Compton” and “Edmondson’s Lower Cove”.To wife Sarah part of above. (His daughter Magdalene was wife of James Edmondson, son of John.She was also a witness to the will of her brother William Stevensin 1709).Vol. II, p. 220.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Nov. 26, 1700.Elizabeth Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

Feb. 10, 1702. Peter Sharp Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

June 27, 1702.James Edmondson, son of John and Sarah, died, apparently in his brother William’s craft.He appears, as the oldest surviving son, to have inherited his father’s best properties.He and his wife Magdalen had four children: John Edmondson who married Margaret Pollard; William Edmondsonwho married Catherine Berry in 1716; Sarah Edmondson who married Howell Powell. ; James Edmondson who died in 1731.
The widow, Magdalen Stevens Edmondson, married Jacob Loockerman at St. Peter’s parish church in 1711.
Magdalen Stevens was daughter of Dorothy PrestonStevens of Dorchester County whose will is found in Liber 13, Folio 194, Land Office, Annapolis.
See also: Judgements, Liber 8, folio 354.
William and Sarah Edmondson died in the boat accident with James. They were buried in July, 1702, at Island Creek, in the same grove on William Sharp’s plantation in the grove.

1704.Samuel, tenth and youngest child of John Edmondson, Large Merchant, was born October 14, 1684, and died in 1704.For some reason not yet known, he was baptized in St. Peter’s Parish Church, March 19, 1703.A summons was served on his brother Thomas Edmondson, April 5, 1708, who had filed an accounting on his brother Samuel’s estate (See John Edmondson –Large Merchant, p. 233.)

Nov. 1, 1709.Will of William Troth, planter, of Talbot County.Proved Nov. 6, 1710.To daughter Judith 200 acres of “Mount Hope” bought of William and James Edmondson.Test. William Edmondson (William was Troth’s son-in-law).Vol. III, p. 188, Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714, Volume 29, page 29.A Bill empowering Thomas Edmonson of Talbot County Surviving Executor of his Father John Edmonson to sell and dispose ofthe Lands by the said John Edmonson left for payment of his Debts.

April 7, 1713. Will of Philemon Armstrong. Proved May 13, 1713. Test. Thomas Edmondson and William Bush.Vol. III, p. 247.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Oct. 7, 1714.Will of John Dickinson of Talbot County.Proved April 29, 1718.To son Charles and heirs, 150 acres, partof a tract bought of William Edmondson and lying in Dorchester County, he to choose which part he shall have.Vol. IV, p. 156.Maryland of Wills.

Feb. 4, 1717.Thomas Edmondson and Edmondson Stevens took inventory of the estate of William Stevens of Talbot County, Maryland.Wills I, p. 264 (See The County Court Notebook, Vol. I, No. 7, 1922)

July 11, 1718.Maryland Account Book No. 4 ??(From MARYLAND ACCOUNT BOOKI,compiled by Annie Walker Burns). The account of Jacob Lockerman and Magdalen his wife, admrx. of James Edmondson, late of Talbot County, decd. They charged themselves with balance of their last accountmade up July, 1714.The accountant Jacob Lockerman made oath July 11, 1718, that the account was true.

Oct. 2, 1718.Sarah Edmondson married Howell Powell in Talbot County. Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 106.Her brother James’ will, probated May 24, 1732, is another reference. Wills, Liber 20, folio 380-210, Land Office, Annapolis.

March 29,1720.William Edmondson m. Priscilla Cole, Society of Friends.
June 28, 1720. Sarah Edmondson married Dennis Hopkins.

1723.3rd day, 8th month.Solomon Edmondson married Hester (Ester) Kennerly.She was daughter of Joshua Kennerly who died in 1732. See Wills, Liber 20, folio 157, Land Office, Annapolis.See Talbot County Quaker Records, Vol. 2, folio 237-240, Maryland Historical Society.

1723.William Edmondson was married to Susanna co*ckayne, widow ofWilliam co*ckayne.See: Inventory No. 9, folio 266, Land Office.

Oct. 5, 1723. Maryland Account Book No. 5, p, 24. Talbot County. Additional account of Jacob Lockerman, Gent., and Magdalen, his wife, lately called Magdalen Edmondson, admrx. of James Edmondson, deceased.

1724. James Edmondson married Susanna Clayton, sister ofWilliam Clayton.See: The Addition Rent Roll, Book 1, folio 32, Talbot and Queen Anne Counties, Land Office, Annapolis.

April 20, 1727.John Edmondson married Mary Williams, Talbot County.
June 14, 1727. William Edmundson, merchant, sold to his brother John Edmondson, carpenter, 150 acres in Dorchester County, a part of Edmondson Purchase and part of Taylor’s Ramble.

1730.7th month, 3rd day.John Edmondson of Dorchester County. carpenter,married Mary Neale of Talbot County.Witnesses: Wm. Edmondson, Peter Edmondson. Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 130.Quaker Records, Vol. 2, folio 329, Easton, Maryland.

1730. 1st day, 10th month. William Edmondson m. Elizabeth Troth. Society of Friends. Witnessed by: Peter Edmondson, John Edmondson, Mar. Edmondson, Sol. Edmondson.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p.131.

1731.3rd day, 11th month. William Edmondson married Margaret Berry, daughter of James Berry, at the Meeting House.Witnesses: Thomas Edmondson, Eliz. Edmondson and others.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 96.
Oct. 30, 1731. Elizabeth Edmondson was born to John and Mary.

1731, 9th month, 28th day.James Edmondson, son of James Edmondson and Magdalen his wife, died this day.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 153.

1732, 4th month 18th day.Peter Sharpdied, in his 49th year. (Who was he?) Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register, p. 153.Ont

May 24, 1732.Will of James Edmondson, brother of Sarah Edmondson Powell, was probated. See Wills, Liber 20, folio 380-210, Land Office, Annapolis.
Jan. 1, 1733.John Edmondson was born to John and Mary Edmondson.

Jan. 15, 1734/35.Will of Catherine Clayton, Talbot County.Proved Sept. 10, 1735.To daughter Susanah, wife of William Edmondson. To grand-daughters Katherine Noble, Susanah Edmondson, Sarah Edmondson, Magdalin Edmondson,Mary Edmondson and Mary Clayton at age 16, personalty.To grandsons William and James Edmondson, personalty.To son in law William Edmondson, discharge from all debts due estate of husband William Clayton, but in case son William shall refuse to discharge said debts then sufficient tobacco and money is bequeathed to said son-in-law as will discharge said debts.Vol. VII, Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Feb. 10, 1736.Francis Edmonson was born to John and Mary Edmondson.
Nov. 4, 1736.James Edmondson was born to Solomon and Esther.

March 5, 1738.Pollard Edmondson, son of John and Margaret Edmondson, married Mary Dickinson, daughter of Hon. James Dickenson andHannah Dickenson.(See Adminsitrative Account, James Dickenson, August 6, 1742. Wills Liber 19, folio 180, Land Office, Annapolis; Will of Hannah Dickenson, probated Nov. 11, 1747, Talbot County. Liber 25, folio 180, Land Office, Annapolis). Pollardserved in the Colonial Troop of Horse in 1748, was a member of the Lower House of Assembly 1751-1768, was a member of the Provincial Convention in 1775-76, and member of the Convention ratifying the Constitution of the U.S. in 1788.He died in 1794.
His second wife was Rachel McManus.His children: Sarah, who married Edward Harris; John; Harriott who married Richard Trippe (he was born in 1763, and died in 1849); Mary who married Christopher Birckhead; Horatio who married Charlotte Leeds Thomas; Lucretia who married Severn Leakle; James who married Rachel Leeds Bozman; Pollard, Jr. who married Elizabeth Airey in 1789.Horatio and Charlotte Edmondson had Charlotte Matilda who married John Rousby Plater, son of George Plater who was governor of Maryland in 1791-92.Charlotte knew Martha Custis and her children well.Horatio inherited funds in 1771 from his uncle, William Harrison Birckhead of TalbotCounty. (See EFAB Vol. 18, p. 52).
The mother of Pollard Edmondson, Sr., was almost certainly the son of John Edmondson and his first wife, Margaret Pollard.John’s second wife was Margaret Finney.

Dec. 16, 1739.Thomas Edmondson was born to John and Mary.

Dec. 2, 1740. Will of William Clayton, Sr., Talbot County.Proved Jan. 23, 1741?To sister Susanna, wife of William Edmondson, and heirs, the dwelling plantation at death of my wife Mary.Also, the “Addition” and “Doctors Gift” on the Wye River.Susanna torelease to Mary all claims on the personalestate of deceased mother Katherine.To nephews James and Blaney Edmondson, sons of sister Susanna, “Poplar Hill” and “Wisbich” at the death ofwife.Vol. VIII, p. 119.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Date ?Will of Mary Edmondson, Talbot County.To grandchildren, viz., Francis Hopkins and Elizabeth Grason.To daughter Ann Tibbles and grandchildren Thomas and Elizabeth Tibbles.To grandchildren Edmond, Joshua and Mary Grason, personalty.Test.Elizabeth Pew, Stephen Stichbury, Frances Parratt.Vol. VIII, p. 176.Maryland Calendar of Wills.

Apr. 9, 1742-15 Aug. 1743.Wills DD, No. 2, Folio 172. Liber 27, folio 290; Liber 23, folio 172.Annapolis. John Edmondson of Talbot County, gentleman.Children: James, John, Pollard, Elizabeth, Samuel, Rachel.To wife,Margaret, residue of the estate as long as she remains a widow.If she remarries she is to have one third, and residue to be divided between children, John, Elizabeth, Samuel, Rachel.Leaves toson Samuel all of “Cooks Hope Manor” in Talbot, beginning at Cook’s Creek and bordered by Henry Parrot’s point and land of Nicholas Glen.To daughters Elizabeth and Rachel, “Harworth” in Talbot where testator’s aunt Mary Edmondson lives, this to be divided for them by George Robbins.To son Pollard, 25 shillings.Wills DD, No. 7, Folio 168, 2 March 1750-51to July, 1751, Annapolis.
When Samuel died he left all his estate to his sister Rachel .
John’s wife was Margaret Pollard, daughter of Tobias and June Pollard of Dorchester County.Their son Pollard married Mary Dickinson, from whom wasdescended Wallis Warfield, who divorced her first husband Simpson andafter her marriage to the abdicated King Edward VIIIwas madeduch*ess of Windsor.

1743, 10th month, 17th day.William Edmondson of Dorchester County died.Third Haven Monthly Meeting Register.

Nov. 30, 1743. Maryland Account Book No. 20, p. 20 (See: THE MARYLAND ACCOUNT BOOK, Vol. 4, compiled by Annie Walker Burns)Account of Robert Harwood, Acting Excr. ofMary Edmondson, late of Talbot County, widow, deceased.Representatives of the deceased are this accountant, a legacy to her grandsonFrancis Hopkins; to her granddaughter Elizabeth Greason; to her own daughter Ann, the wife of John Tibbalds; to her grandson Tibbalds, son of the said John Tibbalds; to her granddaughter Elizabeth Tibbalds; to her grandson Edmund Greason; to her grandson Joshua Greason; to her granddaughter Mary Greason.Sureties: Daniel Powelland Richard Ewbanks.

July 26, 1744. Solomon Edmondson was born to John and Mary Neal Edmondson.

William Edmondson was married to Eliza Troth, daughter of Henry Troth.1744.See: Adm. Accounts Liber 20, folio 407, Land Office.
Oct. 17, 1745. William Edmondson died.

Jan. 20, 1746.Sarah Edmondson married Thomas Ray. Talbot County Marriage Licenses.
Sept. 2, 1746.William Edmondson married Margaret Neighbors, Talbot.
April 27, 1747. Mary Edmondson was born to John and Mary.

1748-1751. Mr. Edward Oldham, Mr. Pollard Edmonson and Mr. Matthw Tilghman sat in the Maryland General Assembly for Talbot County. (Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, Volume 46, p. 648.Proceedings of the Lower House).

March 2, 1750. Liber 28, folio 168. Samuel Edmondson, Talbot County. To sister and executrix Rachel Edmondson, slaves Peter, Abner & Judith & all the rest of my estate. Witnesses: Robert Harwood, William Thomas, Rachel Herbert. July 11, 1751. Sworn to by Thomas and affirmed by Harwood (Quaker).

Nov. 23, 1750.Maryland Account Book No. 29, p. 16. Additional account of Margaret Edmondson, acting Exectrx of John Edmondson, late of Talbot County, Gent., deceased.Sureties: William Thomas, Tristram Thomas, William Finney.

March 6, 1750-51.Will of William Finney, Talbot County, probated this date, Book 27, folio 504, mentions his daughter Margaret Edmondson.

Dec. 21, 1751. Will of Andrew Renalls, Talbot County.Liber 28, folio 234. Witnessed by Pollard Edmondson, William Rakes, John Domohoy.Sworn to by all three witnesses, Jan. 7, 1752.(Anne Kemp)

Dec. 3, 1756.Will of Michael Maginnis, Talbot County, planter. Liber 30, folio 262. To wife and executor Sarah Maginnis.Three youngest children, John, Cloudsby and Mary.Witnesses: Pollard Edmondson,James Clark.Sworn to by both on Jan. 14, 1757. (Anne Kemp)

Nov. 6, 1759. Will of William Taylor, Talbot County. Liber 30, folio 689.To son Foster Taylor, all real estate.To wife, her one third for life.To daughter Rebeckah Taylor and sister-in-law Rebeccah Haines, as long as they are unmarried, the right to live in my son’s part of the house.
To sister-in-law Rebeckah Francis Edmondson Haynes,10 pounds, including a bed, and on her death, the residue, equivalent division, to wife, Elizabeth Taylor, and son and daughter Foster and Rebeckah.My said sister-in-law and Aaron Atkinsonare to hold my son Foster’s part of my estate until he is 21.My children are to have my negroes.My friends Robert Hurrwood and William Willson are to appraise and divide my estate.
Witnesses: John Walker, Rebeckah Taylor.
May 8, 1759.Sworn to by Walker (who wrote the will) and affirmed by Edmondson and Taylor (Quakers) and the widow elected her one third of the estate, real and personal.(Some details here are confusing.Why is “Francis Edmondson” inserted in Rebeckah Haynes name?If “Edmondson” was a witness, why was this not shown among the witnesses?) (Anne Kemp)

March 22, 1760.William Edmondson was born to James and Jane.

May 17, 1761. Dority Edmondson was born to James and Jane Edmondson. She died at age 11, Dec. 20, 1772.

Oct.11, 1764.John Edmundson, son of Caleb and Esther, married Sarah Mendenhall, daughter of Joseph and Rachel Mendenhall.Society of Friends.(Is this Talbot County, Maryland? SWE)

Aug. 11, 1767.James Edmondson was a surety with Lawrence Dove for the estate of Richard Dove, deceased.
1769. 6th day, 12th month.William Edmondson m. Sarah Smith, Society of Friends.
Nov. 8, 1768.James Edmondson was born to James and Jane Edmondson.

1769.The Account of Patrick Mullikin, Talbot County, indicates his widow Ann married William Edmondson.Balance Book Liber 5, folio 204, Land Office, Annapolis.

1771.Will of Wm. Harrison Birckhead, Talbot County, leaves funds to his nephew, Horatio Edmondson, son ofPollard Edmondson, not yet of lawful age.Lucretia Edmondson is also left funds.Wills WD, No. 38, p. 595.

May 1, 1772.John Edmondson married Esther Bartlett.
August 1, 1773.Administrator’s Bond for the estate of George Sailes indicates his daughter Mary Ann married William Edmondson.Judgements Liber 40, folio 59, Land Office, Annapolis.

Jan. 28, 1773.John Edmonson married Mary Neal. (John Edmondson, Jr.).

Dec. 31, 1773.James Edmondson married Martha Bartlett, Talbot County. See Quaker Records, Vol. 6, folio 148-149, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.The will of Joseph Bartlett, probated Dec. 12, 1772, refers to his daughter Ester Bartlett who married John Edmondson.Liber 38, folio 991, Land Office, Annapolis.Was he also father of Martha Bartlett? Or was Martha his widow?Esther Edmondson, wife of John and daughter of Joseph Bartlett, died at 39, Sept. 7, 1777.

Dec. 14, 1774.Richard Edmondson was born to James and Martha.
Nov. 8, 1775.Richard Edmondson died at 19 months.

Sept. 23, 1776. Another Richard Edmondson was bornto James and Martha.

March 29, 1779.Joseph Edmondson was born to James and Martha.
August 31, 1779.Richard Edmondson, age 2, died.

Dec. 6, 1780.Rebecca Edmondson, daughter of William Edmondson of Caroline County, married Richard Bartlett, son of Joseph Bartlett of Talbot County at Marshy Creek Meeting House.
August 2, 1781.Ann Edmondson was born to James and Martha.
Sept. 28, 1781.James Edmondson died, son of James and Magdalen.
Nov. 14, 1783.Esther Edmondson was born to James and Martha.

May 4, 1786. Martha Edmondson, daughter of Joshua and Mary Edmondson, married Uriah Yarnall, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Yarnall, at Third Haven Meeting House.
May 1, 1788.William Edmondson, son of James Edmondson of Caroline County, married Sarah Regester, daughter of John Regester of Talbot County at Third Haven Meeting House. Peter Sharp Edmondson, son of William and Sarah, born Feb. 10, 1702, was probably their child.Also, Elizabeth Edmondson, born Nov. 26, 1700, andJohn Edmondson, born Sept. 1, 1699.

1788. William Barroll, b. Aug. 6, 1764, married (1) Lucretia Edmondson in 1788.They had: Julianna Barroll who died young; James Edmondson Barroll, b. Aug. 24, 1779, at Easton, Maryland, and died Dec. 24, 1875.William Barroll died March 9, 1834. (See: THE TILGHMANS, by Col. Stephen Tilghman). (See Cecil County, Maryland, for James Edmondson Barroll, who lived at “Holly Hill”).See: Barroll in Great Britain and America, Maryland Historical Society.

July 8, 1790. Elizabeth Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

June 23, 1794. Lydia Edmondson died at age 1.

Sept. 16, 1794.Will of Pollard Edmondson of Talbot County.Property to: son, Horatio, home plantation, Haven Creek;son, John, lands; daughter Lucretia Leakle, widow of Capt. Severn Leakle, deceased, lots in Easton; daughter, Harriet Trippe, wife of Richard Trippe; wife, Rachel, residue of the estate.Wife Racheland two sons, executors.Signed by Pollard Edmondson.Wills,Book I, No. 5, p. 7, Easton.
(Horatio Edmondson would be the son who married Charlotte Leeds Thomas and whose daughter Charlotte Matilda Edmondson married John Rousy Plater, son of George Plater, governor of Maryland, 1791-92.

Oct. 22, 1794. James Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.
Dec. 13, 1794.William Edmondson died at 71.

Jan. 1, 1795. William Edmondson of Kent County, Delaware, married Ann Kemp, daughter of Benjamin and Ann Kemp and sister of Susannah Kemp, at Bayside Meeting, Talbot County.He and Samuel Edmondson were sons of Francis and Rachel Edmondson.

Feb. 2, 1795.William Edmondson married Lydia Osborne. Minister: Bowie.

Feb. 2, 1796.William Edmondson died.

Oct. 14, 1796. Samuel Edmondson married Susannah Kemp at Bayside Meeting, Talbot County.He was born in 1761 and died in Tennessee.He is reported to have married Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of John B. Johnson, in Knox County, TN, but this marriage was that of a nephew, son of his brother Solomon.

March 14, 1797.James Edmondson married Lydia Clark.Minister: Jackson.

1797.Samuel Edmondson married Susannah Kemp at Bayside Meeting, Talbot County.He was son of Francis Edmondson and Rachel Greer Edmonson.Their sons: John Edmondson, born ca 1797-98, moved to Tennsessee and married Sarah Grayson, Aug. 28, 1816; moved on to Clay County, Indiana, where he died in 1867;Francis Edmondson, born July 26, 1802, in Tennessee, married Jane Grayson, Feb. 3, 1828, moved to Hendricks County, in 1831, and died there Nov. 19, 1885.

Sept. 28, 1798.Lydia Edmondson was born to William and Sarah.

April 1, 1799.Baltimore Telepraph.Married in Annapolis last Thursday, March 28, John Edmondson, Esq., of Talbot County, and Miss Susan Howard, dau. of Samuel Howard, Esq.

Feb. 19, 1801. Sarah Edmondson, daughter of???, married Daniel Wright, son of Lemuel Wright, at Third Haven Meeting House.
Nov. 23, 1803. Esther Edmondson, son of James Edmondson of Caroline County, married Isaac Atkinson, son of Aaron Atkinson, Talbot County, at Marshy Creek Meeting House.
Dec. 7, 1805. Eleanor Edmondson married Henry Covey.Minister: Stokes.
May 15, 1810. Elizabeth S. Edmonston m. Anthony Banning.Minister: McClasky.
May 24, 1810. Elizabeth Edmondson, daughter of William and Sarah Edmondson, married Thomas Hopkins, son of Thomas and Sarah, at Northwest Fork Meeting House.
April 23, 1811.Rachel Edmondson married Alex Hands.Minister: Walker.

July 16, 1811.Moses Edmondson married Polly Carey. Minister: Thomas.

August 12, 1813. Martha Maria Edmondson moved from Maryland to the Center Meeting House, Pennsylvania.
Dec. 14, 1816. Margaret M. Edmondson m. John Rogers.Minister: Bayne.
Oct. 5, 1820. Samuel Edmondson married Elizabeth Kersey.Minister:Warfield.

May 17, 1821.Samuel Edmondson, Jr. moved to the Duck Creek Meeting from Maryland.

Oct. 14, 1821. William Edmondson was born to Joseph and Elizabeth.
May 9, 1822. Matilda Edmondson m. John R. Plater, Jr.Minister: Bayne.
(Was thisCharlotte Matilda Edmondson? One reference states the daughter or Charlotte Matilda Edmondson and John Rousy Plater,Charlotte Matilda,married Edmund Law Rogers, son of Nicholas Lloyd Rogers and Elizabeth Parke Custis, the granddaughter ofMartha Custis Washington.

April 19, 1823. James Edmondson was born to Joseph and Elizabeth.
He died June 29, 1823, 2 months old.
June 19, 1823. Elizabeth Edmonston m. Wm. Hopkins. Minister: Schull.
May 22, 1824. John Francis Edmondson was born to Joseph and Elizabeth.
Oct. 28, 1824. William Edmondson married Mary Barton.Minister: Schull.
Sept. 20, 1825. Elizabeth Edmondson m. Wm. M. Hayward.Minister: Bayne.

Sept. 27, 1825.Easton Star. Married Sept. 20, Wm. H. Hayward, Esq., to Miss Eliz. Edmondson, all of this county.

August 17, 1825.Mary Edmondson moved from Maryland to the Short Creek Meeting in Ohio.

May 13, 1827.Joseph Edmondson died at 48.
Sept. 25, 1827. Mary Elizabeth Edmondson was born to Joseph and Elizabeth Edmondson.
Nov. 18, 1838.Elizabeth Edmondson moved from Maryland to the Cherry Street Meeting, Philadelphia.

Jan. 21, 1840. Sarah Edmondson m. Daniel Merrick.Minister: Cunningham.
Aug. 17, 1843.William Edmondson moved from Maryland to the White Water Meeting, Indiana.

1845. High Court of Chancery Records, State Archives.Jacob Cryer, Sr., of Talbot County, deceased.Wife Sally.Sons Henry, Levin, Robert, William, Jesse, John (of Washington, D.C.)Daughter Ellen, wife of Samuel Edmonson of Talbot County.Daughter Margaret, wife of Job North of Dorchester.Son, Jacob, Jr., deceased Jan. 15, 1836, whose wife was Ethelinda, etc.
June 9, 1846. Horatio L. Edmondson m. Marie E. Dawson, widow, of Easton, Maryland.Minister: Spencer.(EFAB, No. 93)(Horace Leeds Edmondsonwasfather by a first wife, Elizabeth Ann Lowndes ( b. 1805, to Charles and Eleanor Lloyd Lowndes) of: John Edmondson, Horace Leeds Edmondson, Maria Lloyd Edmondson and Charles Lowndes Edmondson. (See: OLD KENT: THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND, by George A. Hanson, p. 32).

Charles Lowndes Edmondson, b. in 1838, married in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1873, Rosalie Genevieve Cooke, dau. of Judge William Mordecai Cooke of St. Louis?See COLONIAL FAMILIES OF THE SOUTHERN STATES OF AMERICA, p. 170, by Hardy).

June 16, 1846.Easton Star.Married at St. Michael’s on Tuesday last, June 9, by the Rev. D. Spencer, Col. H.L. Edmondson to Mrs. Maria Dawson,both of this town.(They had two children: William Groome Edmondson and Alice Leeds Edmondson.Alice married Feb. 29, 1876, the Hon. James Black Groome, ex-governor of Maryland.He was governor in 1874-75 and was son of John Charles Groome and Elizabeth Black Groome.(OLD KENT: THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND, by Hansen,p. 182)

June 26, 1862.Buried,Greenmount Cemetery, Eliz. Edmondson, relict of Wm H. Hayward.

March 7, 1898.Died, Eliz. Edmondson, wife of Wm. S. Bryan.

Edmondson References from the Baltimore Sun.
April 20, 1727.John Edmondson and Mary Williams were married.
Oct. 27, 1730.John Edmondson, son of John and Mary, was born.
July 3, 1730.John Edmondson, a carpenter of Dorchester,and Mary Neal, a spinster of Talbot County, were married.
Nov. 1, 1730.William Edmondson of Third Haven and Elizabeth Throth of Talbot County were married.
Dec. 1731.Margaret Edmondson, daughter of John and Mary, was born.
Aug. 12, 1733.William Edmondson, son of John and Margaret, was born.
Oct. 13, 1734.James Edmondson, son of John and Mary Edmondson, was born at Banbury.
May 13, 1736.Thomas Edmondson, son of John and Mary Edmondson was born.
March 1, 1738.Pollard Edmondson married Mary Dickinson at St. Peter’s Parish, Talbot County.
Dec. 24, 1739.Mary Edmondson, daughter of John and Mary, was born.
April 26, 1741. Mary Edmondson and Thomas Brown were married.
April 1, 1799.John Edmondson of Talbot County and Susan Howard, daughter of Samuel H. Howard, were married in Annapolis.
Sept. 19, 1800.Edward Edmonson of Montgomery County andMrs. Crowner, widow of the late Dr. Crowner of Prince George County, were married.
Oct. 19, 1812.Miss Olivia Edmonston m. Thomas D. Jones.
Nov. 7, 1816. Franklin Edmondson and Sarah Ann Wray, both of Baltimore, were married by the Rev. Richards.License date was Oct. 31.
Oct. 8, 1838.Elizabeth Edmonston m. Henry Groome.
May 9, 1839.John H. Edmondson died 7 May and was buried 9 May.
Oct. 29, 1840.Charles Edmonston married Ann H. Barnelo.
Sept. 10, 1841.Jackson Edmonston, son of Elijah and Mary A. Edmonston, died.
25 Feb. 1841.Jackson Edmonston married Jane E. Bowen.
Dec. 2, 1842.Jacob T. Edmonson died Dec. 1 and was buried Dec. 2.
Nov. 14, 1843. Susan A. Edmondson m. William Keene.He died March 27, 1849, of liver failure.
May 8, 1844.Susan W. Edmonston m. O.M. Miller.
May 8, 1844.Susan W. Edmonson, daughter of Robert C. Edmonston, died.
June 9, 1846.H.L. Edmondson married Maria E. Groome, daughter of Perry. (The widow Dawson).
Dec. 19, 1846. Ann E. Edmondson m. Charles A. Dennis, she the daughter of John Edmondson.
Sept. 12, 1847.Sarah Edmondson, wife of Moses, died.
Oct. 6, 1847. Mary J. Edmundson m. James E. Alfred.
Dec. 12, 1848.Brook Edmunston married Martha A. Wills, daughter of Joshua Wills, Jr.
March 5, 1850. Mary A.K. Edmondson m. Joshua C. Higgins.
May 16, 1850.James Edmonsonmarried Mary E. Brooks.
Nov. 30, 1850.Margaret H.R. Edmondson died Nov. 27 and was buried November 30.She was the wife of Joseph A. Edmondson and daughter of C.H. Pattison.
April 14, 1851. Elizabeth Edmundson m. George W. Jones.
Oct. 27, 1853. Mary E. Edmondson m. Samuel R. Jones.
May 1, 1855.Jeremiah Edmondson married Emily F. Crowle.
Aug. 1, 1856.Susan A. Edmondson, widow of Thomas Edmondson, died.
Daughter of Levin Keene and Ann Travis Keene, she married second her cousin, William Keene, son of Benjamin and Ann Keene.(EFAB, No. 83)

No date: Lottie A. Edmonston, a daughter of J.A. Edmonston, married Richard A. Shekell.

1685.Eliza Edmondson, daughter ofJohn Edmondson, married Emmanuel Jenkinson.John Edmondson’s will was probated Sept. 7, 1685. Wills, Book 4, folio 140, Land Office, Annapolis.Who was this John Edmondson?

Cambridge Herald, Feb. 26, 1860.Sarah Rebecca Edmondson, daughter of the late James Edmondson of Taylor’s Island,married today to Levi Pagon.

George Edmonson.Served as Quarter Master in the Maryland Line. See: MARYLAND REVOLUTIONARYWAR RECORDS, Provo, Utah, USA.Harry Wright Newman, Baltimore, MD, Maryland Archives, 1938.
Jan. 23, 1776.George Edmondstone,8th Company of the 1st Battalion, Capt. Samuel Smith.
To which family does this man belong?

Edmiston, Samuel, 378, 476, 478, 620, 862, 865.
Edmondson, Archibald, 38.
Edmondson, Sam., 74, 203.
Edmondson, Thomas, 42.
Edmonson, Ninian, 382.
Edmonston, Alexander, 69.
Edmonston, Thomas, 42.
(Provided by Anne Kemp, 2007).

Marriages.See Old Record Book No. 1.
Sept. 18, 1813. Mary Edmonston m. Benjamin B. Myers.
July 2, 1814. Brooke Edmonston m. Mary Carr.
Aug. 31, 1815. Decius Edmonston m. Charlotte Griffith.
Dec. 7, 1815. Elizabeth Edmonston m. Thomas Given.
Nov. 9, 1816. Thomas Edmonston m. Amelia Selby.
June 25, 1818. Thomas Edmonston m. Matilda Boots.
Feb. 16, 1820. Dorothy Edmonston m. Samuel Killman (Kilmain).
April 6, 1822.Octavia Edmonston m. Joseph Bryan.
Jan. 26, 1825. Ann Maria Edmonston m. Benjamin B. Myers.
May 23, 1826. Grafton Edmonston m. Elizabeth A. Harding.
May 24, 1828. Dorothy Edmonston m. Silas Moore.
Nov. 16, 1831. Catherine Edmonston m. James Towles.
Oct. 29, 1833. John Edmonston m. Mary Ann Burch.
April 21, 1836. Harriett L. Edmonston m. Leonidas Coyh.
Nov.24, 1836. Thomas Edmonston m. Rebecca Boulton.
Nov. 6, 1839. Elijah Edmonston m. Mary Ann Bowen.
Oct. 29, 1840. Charles Edmonston m. Ann Barelco (Barneals).
Feb. 25, 1841. JacksonEdmonston m. Jane Eliza Bowen.
June 10, 1843. Sarah Edmonstonm. Daniel Ball.
Oct. 18, 1849. Catherine Edmonston m. Charles Stuart.
Feb. 27, 1850. Charles T. Edmonston m. Mary Ann Trunnell.
May 30, 1853. Cornelia Edmonston m. Richard J. Beall.
March 29, 1858. Charles Edmonston m. Mary E. Cammack.
March 19, 1858. Edwon H. Edmonston m. Mary Louisa Dawson.
Oct. 13, 1870. RichardEdmonston of Washington and Elizabeth Mason.

Sept. 13, 1816. Will of Dorothy Edmonston.Will Book 2, p. 72.District of Columbia Court House, Register of Wills.I,Dorothy Edmonston, late of Prince Georges County, Maryland, but now of the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, being sick and weak of body….I then bequeath and devise to my son, Archibald Edmonston, the sum of one dollar and no more; to my son Bazil B. Edmonston the sum of one dollar and no more; to my son Elijah Edmonston, the sum of one dollar and no more.
I then bequeath all the rest …of my estate….unto my five following children, to wit: James Brooke Edmonston, Brooke Edmonston, Hosea Edmonston, Thomas Edmonston and Enoch Edmonston to be equally divided… I do hereby appoint … my three sons, that is Brooke Edmonston, Thomas Edmonston and Hosea Edmonston sole executors ….In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand…this thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.
Dorothy Edmonston

Witnesses: James M. Varnum, B.H. Tomlinson, Andrew Tate.
The will was attested Feb. 21, 1817, by the three witnesses before John Hewitt, Registrar of Wills, Washington County.
(Complete will provided to EFAB, No. 5, by Charles Ninian Edmonston).

See Buncombe County, NC, for Bazel Brook Edmonston who was granted land by the State of NC in 1795.He is almost certainly the son named in Dorothy’s will.She was the widow ofNinian Edmonston, a cousin.

Charles Edmonston married (1) Ann Barelco, Oct. 29, 1840. They had:
1.Mary Eliza Edmonston, b. October, 1841.
2.William Edgar Edmonston, b. April 2, 1843.MarriedMary Frances Davis.
3.Catherine Elizabeth Edmonston, b. April 12, 1850.Married George W. Pearson, Dec. 15, 1877.
Charles Edmonston died Jan. 1, 1897, Washington, D.C.

William Edgar Edmonston married Mary Francis Davis, Oct. 19, 1875.They had:
1.Edgar Davis Edmonston who married Martha Moore Hendrick.
2.Leila Edmonston who married Benjamin DeWitt Riegel.
3.Katherine Edmonston who died young Aug. 20, 1903.

July, 1781.Arrangements of the Maryland Line.The most senior officer listed is Col. Otho H. Williams.Among other officers: Lieut. Samuel Edmiston, commissioned 14 March, 1781, promoted when Danelly resigned. This was apparently the First Regiment. (Who was Samuel Edmiston?)

Muster and Pay Rolls for 1783, Maryland Troops in the Continental Line.Jan. 1, 1783.First Regiment, commanded by Col. John Gunby.
Lieut. Samuel Edminston, commissioned March 14, 1781.

Muster Rolls of Capt. Jona. Morris’ Company, 7th Maryland Regiment, Commanded by Col. John Gunby, April 1778-July 1779.
Geo. Edmondstone, enlisted Jan. 23, 1776.

Edmondsons who moved to other states:

Census of 1850, Wayne County, IN.
John Edmondson, 25, blacksmith, b. in Maryland.Living with Frederick Hoover, 66, b. in NC.
William Edmonson, 28, carpenter, b. in Maryland.Wife Susan, 25, b. in Indiana.
1860 Census of St. Louis, Missouri.Ward 9, p. 589.
John Edmonson, 52, b. in MD. Wife, Rebecca, 49, b. in PA. Charles, 25, b. in Ohio. Bodnegus, 19, b. in OH.Edmund, 11 and Emma, 3, b. in MO.

1880 Census, Henry County, MO.
Job Edmondson, b. in Kentucky.Father born in Maryland and mother in Delaware. (Probablya descendant of Solomon and Susannah Edmondson).

Delaware has three counties: Newcastle, Kent, Sussex.

Henry Holladay, born about 1725, married Mary Faile, daughter of William Faile and Mary Edmondson.They were married March 3, 1746, at Old Swede’s Church, Wilmington, Delaware.He died Sept. 9, 1800, in Chatham County, NC.Her mother, Mary Edmondson, was daughter of William Edmondson and Margaret Stamford.(See: Hinshaw’s Encyclopedia of Quaker Genelogy, Vol. I).One of the daughters of the famous Quaker missionary preacher, William Edmundson, married a Fayle in Ireland. Margaret Fayle, wife of Judge Fayle, who owned and lived in Swarthmore Manor House in the English midlands, became a Quaker and made her estate a center for the Quakers after her husband’d death.She married George Fox, the other famous Quaker leader of the time.

Vital Records of Kent and Sussex Counties, Delaware: 1686-1800, by F. Edward Wright:

From Duck Creek Monthly Meeting (1705-1800).

2-18-1756.Sarah, the first daughter of Peter and Sophia Edmondson his wife was born.

9-4-1759.Peter, first son of Peter and Sophia Edmondson, was born.

12-12-1762. John Edmondson, son of Peter and Sophia, was born.

9-18-1765.Edward Edmondson, son of Peter and Sophia, was born.

7-30-1767. Rachel Edmundson produced a certificate from Third Haven M.M. in Maryland.

1-25-1769.John Edmundson produced a certificate from Third Haven M.M. in Maryland, dated 3-31-1768 on behalf of himself,his wife and two children, Elizabeth and Ann Edmondson.

9-9-1769.John Edmondson was born to John and Mary Edmondson.

1-25-1772.A certificate was drawn for Rachel Edmundson, wifeof Francis Edmundson, to Third Haven M.M.

2-22-1772.John Edmondson requested a certificate in order to marry a Friend belonging to Third Haven M.M. in Maryland.

3-23-1772.Thomas Edmondson, son of Peter and Sophia Edmondson, was born.

8-22-1772.Esther, wife of John Edmondson, produced a certificate from Third Haven, dated 6-25-1772.

2-28-1773. Joseph Bartlett Edmondson was born to John Edmondson and his second wife, Esther.

9-18-1774.Elizabeth Edmondson, daughter of Peter and Sophia, was born.

7-24-1773.Rachel, wife of Francis Edmondson, produced a certificate from Third Haven M.M. dated 6-25-1772.
10-22-1774.Susanna Edmondson, wife of Solomon Edmondson, produced a certificate from Third Haven M.M. in Maryland in behalfin her behalf and that of her three children, Samuel, Mary and Solomon Edmondson.
1-25-1776.Thomas Edmondson produced a certificate from Third Haven M.M. for himself, his wife and six children: John, Edward, Elizabeth, Sophia, Thomas and Margaret.

5-25-1776.Sarah Edmondson, daughter of Peter and Sarah Edmondon, produced a certificate from the Third Haven MM for herself.

4-24-1779.John Edmondson requested a certificate in order to marry Margaret Johnson, a member of the Nottingham M.M.
9-25-1779.Margaret, wife of John Edmondson, produceda certificate fromNottingham M.M.

12-22-1781.A certificate from Third Haven MM, dated 11-29-1781, was produced for Peter Edmondson.

5-1-1782.Peter Edmondson, son of Peter Edmondson, deceased,and Sophia his wife, late of Caroline County, Maryland, was married to Mary Newport of Kent County, Delaware, at publick meeting at Little Creek.

6-9-1783.A daughter was born to Peter and Mary Edmondson and died within the year.
6-15-1783. Mary Edmondson, wife of Peter Edmondson and daughter of Jesse and Eliza Newport, died and was interred in Friends Burying Grounds at the meeting house in MurtherKill.
8-23-Susanna Edmondson requested that her two youngest childrennot heretofore received, Margaret and Sarah Edmondson, may be joined to Friends, her husband not being a member.She requested a certificate for herself and all her children, Samuel, Mary, Solomon, Margaret and Sarah, to Hopewell MM, Virginia.

10-15-1784.Peter Edmondson married Eunice Ozbourne at Public Meeting at Little Creek, Kent County, Delaware.She was the daughter of Johathan Ozbourne and his wife Eunice.

11-27-1784.The marriage of Peter and Unice Edmondson Jun. was reported.

8-25-1785.John Edmondson requested a certificate for his son Johnwho isput as an apprentice within the verge of Third Haven MM.

10-28-1786. John Edmondson requested that his nephew Samuel Edmondson, a minor, to whom he stands guardian, may be taken under the care of Friends.
4-26-1787.Samuel Edmondson produced a certificate from Third Haven MM.
7-26-1788.John Edmondson requested a certificateto New Garden MM in order to marry Lydia Miller a member of that meeting.
2-27-1790. Martha Edmondson produced a certificate from Mother Kill MM.
9-10-1791. Little Creek Preparative Meeting complained against Peter Edmondson for leaving his family under deception and without settling with his creditors.
11-10-1792.Martha Edmondson requested a certificate to Cecil MM.

Sept. 11, 1793.Will of Thomas Edmondson, Kent County.Daughters: Sophia and Margaret who married Thomas Lee (he died in 1793) and then Williams; son: John Edmondson.Margaret and Thomas Lee had a son, Thomas Edmondson Lee. (See EFAB No. 5, p.14).

1796.Mary Edmondson was born to Wm. and Ann Edmondson of Camden,Delaware.Mary died 5-2-1797.

1-5-1798.John Edmondson was born to Wm. and Ann Edmondson.John died 10-16-1798.

1-3-1799.Mary Edmondson was born to Samuel and Susannah Edmondson of Camden, Delaware.
11-25-1800.Rachel Edmondson was born to Samuel and Susannah Edmondson.

Kent County.

October 9, 1697.p. 20.Will of John Edmondson, merchant.Tredhaven Creek, Talbot County, Maryland.Heirs: Sons---James, William, Thomas, Samuel, John, dec’d.Daughter----Elizabeth Stevens.Grandson: Edmondson Stevens. Wife: Sarah Edmondson.Probated March 2, 1697/98.Calendar of Kent County, Delaware, Probate Records, 1680-1800.(Georgia State Archives Library, Volume A16, p. 47, Reg. of Wills, Liber B, fol. 34).

January 2, 1775.p. 350.Will of Francis Edmondson. Heirs: Wife, Rachel.Daughter, Mary.Sons, Mark Greer Edmondson, William Edmondson, Samuel Edmondson. Witnesses: Sarah Edmondson, Rebecca Edmondson, William Edmondson.Probated April 29, 1783.(Georgia State Archives Library, Vol. A16, p. 43.Reg. of Wills, Liber M, Books 11-12.

Sept. 11, 1793.Will of Thomas Edmonson.I, Thomas Edmonson of Kent County and the State of Delaware, being weak in body…..do make my last will….Imprimis I will …to my beloved wife, Sophia Edmonson, my dwelling house and garden and one third parts of the rents and profits of my plantation during her natural life...to my daughter, Sophia Edmonson, the sum of fifty pounds to be paid to her immediately after my decease… also the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds at the decease of her mother…I give and bequeath to my daughter, Margaret Lee, four acres of ground on the forest road that she and her husband is in possession of…also, twelve acres by running a straight line to the fence around my cleared land… I give to my son, John Edmonson, my mansion plantation,…he paying to my daughter at the death of her mother one hundred and fifty pounds as above described.
…..the residue thereof I devise to my beloved wife, Sophia Edmonson, and my three children, John, Sophia and Margaret, to be divided into equal parts.
…I nominate my beloved wife Sophia Edmonson and my son John Edmonson my …sole executors…. As witness I have set my hand…this eleventh day of the ninth month, 1793.Signed: Thomas Edmonson
Witnesses: Thomas Jenkins, William Edmonson.
Bond of five hundred pounds posted by the executors, Sept. 26, 1793.
Delaware Archives.
Children of Thomas Edmonson: Sophia Edmonson, Margaret Lee (Williams), John Edmonson.Margaret Lee’s first husband, Thomas Lee, died in the fall of 1793, shortly after the death of her father. She soon remarried.They had one son, Thomas Edmonson Lee, who was born March 1, 1793).(See EFAB, No. 5).

Jan. 1, 1795. William Edmondon of Kent County, son of Francis and Rachel, married Ann Kemp, daughter of Benjaminand Ann Kemp, at Bayside Meeting House.
Oct. 14, 1796. Samuel Edmondson, brother of Willim and son of Francis and Rachel, married Susannah Kemp, sister of Ann Kemp. ,

(The Calendar of Kent County, Delaware, Probate Records, 1680-1800.
Index lists: Edmondson, Elizabeth, p. 513.Emanuel, p. 391.Francis, p. 258, 325, 350.James, 20.John, 12, 13, 20, 276, 391, 468, 513, 536.Joseph, 391.Joshua, 442.Lydia, 513, 514.Margarett, 513. Mark Greer, 325, 250.Peter, 547.Martha, 442.Mary, 258, 325, 350.Rachel, 350. Receccah, 350. Samuel, 20, 325, 350, 536.Sarah, 20, 350, 371.Sophia, 468, 514.Thomas, 20, 391, 468, 471, 514.William, 20, 325, 350, 468. .

Newcastle County.
Census of 1850.
William Edmondson, 47, b. in Maryland.Maria, 44.Anna, 16. Caroline, 18.Clarissa, 20.Joseph, 10.Thomas, 10.
Ann Edmundson, 43.George, 10.James, 7.All born in Delaware. John, 12.Mary, 14.William, 16.All born in Pennsylvania.(EFAB, No. 107)

1783.William Comegys Edmondson, son of Emanuel and Esther Edmondson was born in Delaware.He married Mary Whitaker, Jan. 27, 1803, daughter of James Whitaker of Delaware. Theymoved to Kentucky after 1805 and were in Scott County, Ky, in 1820 (census). Mary died after 1840.William married Barbara after 1842. See Scott County for children.
Census of 1850, Clay County, Indiana.
Samuel Edmondson, 83, b. in Delaware, lived in the household of William Edmondson, 43, b. in Tenn., Delia, 38, b. in TN.Their children: Peter A., 19, William S.,16, Columbus L.,14, Mary E., 12, Malissa, 10, Rebecca, 8, John A., 7.
Samuel was son of Solomon and Susannah Edmondson of Dorchester County, MD, who lived for a few years in Kent County, Delaware.

Census of 1850.Hamilton County, IN.
Solomon Edmondson, 59, b. in TN. Wife Lavina, 60, b. in NJ. Elias, 20. William, 18.Francis, 15, all born in Delaware.Henry, 13, b. in NJ.
Census of 1850. Hanco*ck County, IN.
James W. Edmonson, 44, physician, b. in Delaware. Wife Mary, 40, b. in KY.William H., 13, b. in KY.John Barr, 57, a weaver, b. in Scotland, lived with them.


Oct. 25, 1703.Administration on the estate of William Edmondson late of Maryland, merchant, deceased, intestate, was granted to Edweard Smout of Philadelphia, merchant.(See Penn. Gen. Mag., Vol. XX, No. 1, 1955. Phila-delphia Administration Book B, 1702-1720).
March 2, 1704/5.Administration on the estate of John Edmondson, late ofTalbot County, Maryland, merchant, deceased, was granted to William Clark, Esq., of Sussex County.The three sons, James, William and Thomas Edmondson, executors who proved the will in Maryland and took out letters of administration in Pennsylvania, are all of them since dead. (Philadelphia Admin. Book B, 1702-1720.

An account ofDr.Walter F. Edmondson,a “Biography”, published in Vol. IV,The History Society ofPennsylvania, “Pittsburgh Illustrated & Her People”,Lewis Publishing Company, was abstracted by Patricia Humphreys, first editor of the Edmondson Family Association Bulletin. Her abstract is as follows:
“Dr. Walter F. Edmundsonwho practiced medicine thirty-six years in Pittsburgh, the son of Eli and Catherine A. (Batman) Edmundson, was born at Third Avenue and Smithfield corner in Pittsburgh.He is a descendant of one of the seven brothers who emigrated from England with William Penn. These brothers were: Caleb, Thomas, William, Isaac, Hugh, John, and Joseph.The last named, Joseph, was the grandfather of Dr. Walter F. Edmundson.Joseph Edmundson, born ca 1733 was among the first settlers of York County, Pennsylvania, later moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where he operated a tannery. In his religion a Quaker, in the time of the war of 1812, he furnished teams for the transportation of ammunition and supplies for the American Army. He lived to be 76 years of age.His family was as follows: Caleb, Thomas, William, Isaac, Hugh, John, and Joseph.
Joseph Edmundson’s children were: (1)James Edmundson, died at the age of 33 years, was unmarried; was an artist of considerable note. (2) Elizabeth Edmundson, became wife of Mr. Perine, of Baltimore, Maryland, and died at the age of 87 years; (3) Hannah Edmundson, aged 91, unmarried; (4) Elid Edmundson was born July 5, 1806, in Baltimore, Maryland, and died at 85 in 1892. He was 12 years of age when his father died. He learned the wagon making trade, was a wagon maker, worked for three years and then changed to cabinet making business and followed that together with upholstery business in Pittsburgh in 1832. Prior to this he worked at his trade in Philadelphia, Pennsylania, New York and Buffalo.His business burned causing him great loss in the fire in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1845.”

(There are many obvious historical discrepancies in the above account. If JosephEdmundson were born in 1733, he could not have come to the colony with William Penn, nor could his brothers.He would have been much too old to be the father of Eli Edmundson, born in 1806, and could not have furnished supplies in the War of 1812, but possibly in the War for Independence.However, this account is a starting point for a review of records on the Edmundsons in Pennsylvania who settled first in Chester County.)
Stephen W. Edmondson, compiler)

1788.Joseph Edmundson, son of Caleb and Esther Underhill Edmundson, moved from York County to Allegheny.He married Rebecca in 1782. William, his first child, was born Oct. 11, 1783, in York County.
Williammarried Jane McKee Sinclair who died in 1849.William died between 1850-1860. They had: Elizabeth, Rebecca, Catherine, Mary, Samuel Sinclair, Isaac, Jane, Caleb, Hiram and Sarah.

1802.The biography of John W. Edmundson of Buena Vista, Allegheny County, states he was born in 1825 on the homestead ofhis father, John W. Edmundson, Sr., in Lincoln Township, Allegheny County. The senior John W. Edmundson was born in 1787, son of Joseph Edmundson, who had settled in Mifflin Township, Allegheny County in 1802. Josephwas a native of York County. Josephlater bought propertyin Elizabeth Township, near McKeesport, where he died in 1822.John W. Edmondson, Sr., married Nancy Calhoun and farmed in Allegheny County until his death in 1863, a year after that of his wife.John and Nancy reared five children, of whom John W., Jr. and his unmarried sister Sarah were living at the time the biography was written.
John W. Edmundson, Jr., married Cordelia White, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Lane White.They had:
1. William A. Edmundson, a merchant in Buena Vista and McKeesport;
2. Nancy A. Edmundson
3. Sarah J. Edmundson who married John Calhoun and lived in Elizabeth Township.
4. Mary M. Edmundson
5. Annie M. Edmundson
6. Olive Edmundson
7. Josephine Edmundson.
This family were members of the Presbyterian Church.
(History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1889, pub. by A. Warner and Company).

Another biography in“The History of Allegheny County” is that of William E.Edmundson:
William E. Edmundson, farmer, Post office Remington, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, was born in 1857, a son of James Edmundson, whose father Joseph Edmundson was born near McKeesport, Pennsylvania, and in 1828 came to Robinson Township, Allegheny County, where hepurchased 250 acres of land.William’s grandfather, Joseph Edmundson, married Sarah Muse and they had five children, three of whom, John, Sarah, and James, grew to maturity.James was the third son and was born in 1828; married Eliza Ann Robinson, to whom were born eleven children, four ofwhom are now living (1889): William E. Edmundson, George R. Edmundson, Ida Edmundson and James A. Edmundson.James Edmundson, Sr., their father, was killed in 1871 accidentally by a kick from a horse.His widow now resides at her home, part of a valuable tract of land left her by her husband. William E. Edmundson, our subject, was educated at the public schools in the Township; he married Lida J. Harbison, daughter of John Harbison, and they have two children: Mary Ethel Edmundson and Jessie Eliza Edmundson.Mr. William E. Edmundson now owns one hundred acres of land, which is part of the 250 acres purchased by is grandfather.His grandparents and his parents, until 1870, were members of the Methodist Church, since which time the family have been active members of the Presbyterian Church.Politically, Mr. Edmundson is a Republican.
(See EFAB, No. 5).

A genealogy provided by Patricia Humphreys (EFAB No. 4) states Caleb Edmundson who married Jane Kenady, possibly the daughter of Hugh Cannady, lived on a farm at the confluence of the Monongahela and Youghiogheny rivers in Allegheny County in the 1790’s.She thought this Caleb to be a son of Caleb or William Edmundson of Chester County, PA. She lists the children of Caleb and Jane as:
1. Caleb Edmundson who married Rebecca Phillips, Dec. 5, 1799.
2. William Edmundson, b. Oct. 11, 1783.Married Jane McKee Sinclair who was born Feb. 17, 1792.
3. John B. Edmundson
4. Joseph Edmundson
5. Hugh Edmundson
6. Isaac Edmundson who married Rebecca Sinclair (born Oct. 7, 1793).
7. Thomas Edmundson
8. Rebecca Edmundson
9. Jane Edmundson

June 1, 1822.Samuel Sinclair Edmundson, son of William and Jane Sinclair Edmundson, was born in Allegheny County.He married Martha Ann Irwin, born April 10, 1828, and died Oct. 30, 1899, at Farmington, Fulton County, Illinois. They had six children, two of whom died in childhood: Sarah Jane, Pressley Sinclair, Harvey Gamble, and Finley Ellsworth.
Pressly Sinclair Edmundsonwas born Jan. 23, 1849, Allegheny County, and died Dec. 15, 1920, in Kansas City, Jackson County, MO. He married Sarah Jane Spilker, Jan. 15, 1872.She was born Jan. 5, 1848, Lynchburg, Ohio, and died Jan. 31, 1905, Kansas City, MO.They had two daughters: Anna Gertrude Edmundson and Katherine Vera Edmundson.
Katherine Vera Edmundson was born April 11, 1884, and married (1) Guy Thomas Bates and had Mildred Patricia Irene Bates,who later as Patricia Humphreys founded the Edmondson Family Association Bulletin. Katherine Vera Edmundson Bates died March 16, 1958, at Garden Grove, Orange County, CA.

Census of 1850.
Lower St. Clair Township.
Eli Edmundson,p. 136. Age 42, farmer. Born in Baltimore, Maryland.(Great Grandfatherof Walter F. Edmundson.)Louisa, 28, b. in Maryland.Daniel, 14, b. in PA.Thomas, 11.Walter, 5. (Son of John Edmundson and Ann March Edmundson)
Elizabeth Township.
Caleb Edmundson, 75, farmer, b. in PA.Rebecca, wife, 77. Grandchildren: Levi, 14. Rebecca, 12. Susanna, 10. William, 8. Susan Wagner, 7.All born in PA.P. 197.
Samuel Edmundson, 30, farmer, b. in PA. Rachel, wife, 26.Harry, 3. Samuel Wesley, 5.All b. in PA.P. 197
Thomas Edmundson, 32, carpenter, b. in PA. Mary Ann, wife, 22.P. 197. .
Levi Edmundson, 40, farmer, b. in PA. Estate value: $4000. Elizabeth, 39. Havilla, 8.Drusilla, 6.All b. in PA.P. 795.
William Edmundson, 66, farmer. Jane, 29, daughter.Hiram, 19. Emily, 14.P. 799.
Samuel Sinclair Edmundson, 28, farmer, b. in PA. Martha, wife, 29. Presley, 1, b. in PA.P. 800.
Isaac Edmundson, 59, farmer, b. in PA. Rebecca, wife, 58. Harriet, 33.Samuel, 31. Cyrus, 28.Elizabeth, 20.Louisa, 16. Trently, 25.P. 810.
John Edmundson, 63, farmer, b. in PA.Nancy, wife, 60. Alexander, 28. Mary, 18. Sarah, 30. John W., 24.Joseph, 18.P. 822.
McKeesport Borough.
Isaac Edmundson, 25, Shoe store.Hannah, wife, 23. Norris, 2.Orvil, 5 months.All born in PA.P. 119.
Robinson Township, p. 260.

Rufus Edmundson, 2, b. in PA,was living with Rufus Kunn, 32, b. in Germany, and his wife Margaret.
Joseph Edmondson, 64.Estate value: $22,800.Sarah, wife, 56. James, 22.All b. in PA.
Rufus Edmondson, 2.P. 107.
Thomas Edmondson, 32, farmer, b. in PA.Isabelle, wife, 33.Mary A., 7. Isabelle, 5.Sarah, 3.P. 72.
Samuel Edmondson, age 40, b. in Ireland, laborer. P. 52.

North Fayette Township, p. 295. Aug. 7, 1850.
Thomas Edmondson, 32, farmer, b. in Ireland. Wife, Isabella, 33, b. in Ireland. Mary A., 7.Isabella, 5. Sarah, 3.All b. in PA.

Pittsburgh, 7th Ward, p. 457.
Joseph Edmundson, 36, Captain (carpenter?), b. in Massachusetts. Sarah, 33, wife. William, 15, Jane, 13, John, 11. Joseph, 9. Jeffery, 7. Sarah, 6. Emily, 3.All children born in PA.(William Edmundson, EFAB editor, thought Joseph was born in Pennsylvania, and was a son of William Edmundson, 66, his wife being born in MA.

John M. Edmondson, 28, p. 433. Glover.Born in PA. Hester, 23, b. in PA.

1860 Census.
Eli Edmundson, 55, b. in Maryland.Louisa (age illegible).Thomas P.; Walter; Eli, 8;another son, illegible, 6; John H.
Walter Edmundson became a partner in the upholstery business with his father.

1874.Walter F. Edmundson, M.D., is first listed in Pittsburgh Directory.

See EFAB No. 5.A biography of Lacea Phillips Edmundson, published in “History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania”, in 1889, and DAR documentation of Anna Laura Bower Bowers provide this information:

Levi Edmundson was born in Mifflin Township, Allegheny County, September 29, 1809, ofa family prominently identified with the history of this county.Levi began life under peculiarly fortunate circ*mstances, as he inherited a handsome competency, to which by judicious investment in various directions he continually added until he was known as one of the most successful financiers of this area.He married (1) Elizabeth Gamble, April 7, 1837.She was born April 19, 1810, Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County.They located in Lincoln Township where she diedAugust 23, 1857.Her parents were John Gamble and Mary Sarah Douthett. .They had three children:
1.DrucillaDouthett Edmundson, b. May 3, 1844, Lincoln Township. She married Jan. 2, 1872,the Rev. John Andrew Bower who was born Feb. 16, 1842, in Mercer County, PA, and died March 17, 1904, in San Francisco, CA.She died Feb. 15, 1939.
2.Havillah Edmundson, deceased in 1889.
3.Lacea Phillips Edmundson, b. in Lincoln Township in 1852, and living in McKeesport, Allegheny County, in 1889.

LeviEdmundson’s second marriage was to Mary D. Fife. They had four children:
1.Jenny Edmundson
2.Sadie Edmundson
3.Mattie Edmundson
4.Lida Edmundson.

Levi Edmundson died Nov. 8, 1887, Lincoln Township.

Nathan Edmunston, 35, laborer. Celestia 30, wife. George, 9.Charles, 5. James. 3. All b. in PA.p. 300.

1850 Census.
Philip Edmonston, 55, b. in PA.Lutitia, 51, b. in PA. Angeline, 24. Maria L., 22.Samuel, 21. Philip, 18.Luticia, 16.Alexander, 14.Isaac, 12.Margaret, 9.All born in PA.(See Huntington County, 1820, 1830, 1840).

John Edmonston, 60, p. 17.Blacksmith, b. in PA. Elizabeth, 56. Samuel, 17. Philip R., 13. Jane Seymour, 12.All b. in PA.
Miles Edmunston, 25, farmer. Mary, 27. Mary H., 6. Adolphus, 2.All b. in PA.
John Edmunston, p. 127. Collier. Ann E., wife, 27. Mary H., 6.Thomas M., 3. John V., 1. All b. in PA.
Abner Edmundson, 26, miner. Hetty, 18. Nancy Reach, 60.James Reach, 5.Ann Reach, 3. All b. in PA.
Robert Edmundson, 36, laborer. Levina, 31, wife. William, 7.Charlotte, 6. Joseph, 5.All b. in PA.
Sarah Edmundson, 25, b. in PA. Living with Ann Hutchinson, 74, in the household of Thomas McMinn and his wife Rebecca.
William Edmiston, 19,p. 158, cabinet maker. Born in PA.
Samuel Edmondson, 44, p. 253.Iron Master. Elizabeth, 40.Ann Scott, 16. Thomas Duey, 6 months. All b. in PA.

1840 Census.
Alexander Edmiston, age 20-30.
1850 Census.
Bellefonte Borough.
David Edmundson, 33, contractor.Real estate value: $2000.
Berman Township.
Robert Edmundson, 43, farmer. Personal estate: $460.Levina, wife, 40. William, 17.Charlotte, 15.Joseph, 13.
William Edmundson, 18, farm laborer for John Lutz.
Boggs Township, Milesburg.
Alexander Edmison, 45, laborer.Estate: $5111.Mary, wife, 43.George, 9.
Furguson Township. Pine Grove Mills.
Anna E. Edmundson, servant of the Henry McWilliams family.Hesekiah, 20.
(From Walter F. Edmundson, Sarasota, FL, to EFAB, No. 52. )

1713.Thomas Jackson, born in Lancashire, moved to Ireland.He married Ann Mann, daughter of Francis and Judith Edmondson Mann and granddaughter of John and Judith Edmundson.John Edmundson was an older brother of William Edmundson, the famous Quaker preacher and missionary.Thomas Jackson and his familysailed from Dublin to Chester County, Pennsylvania on the 25th of the first month.They settled in New Garden Township where by deed of Jan. 1, 1713,Thomaspurchased200 acres of land.Jackson died in Marlborough, Chester County, about 1756.He and his wife had:
1. John Jackson,b. 9 month 14th day, 1703, in Ireland.He had: George, Sarah and David.
2. Judith Jackson, b. 12 month, 27th day, 1705.Married Daniel Every.
3. Mary Jackson, b. 12 month 8 day, 1708, in Ireland.Married Jacob Wright of East Marlborough, PA. , in 1741 at the London Grove Meeting.No issue.
4. Thomas Jackson,b. 6 month 10th day, 1710, at Drechet, Kings County, Ireland.Married Lydia, dau. ofJohn Smith in 1738 and had Ann, Caleb, Mary and Joshua.
5. Ann Jackson,b. 1714, in New Garden, PA.Died in 1757.
6. Johanan Jackson, b. in 1717 in PA.Married Mary Hayes in 1743 and had: Mary, Thomas, Sarah, Ann, Elizabeth and Ruth.
7. Elizabeth Jackson, b. in 1720. Married in 1740 Henry Chalfant, son of John Chalfant of London Grove.Children: Jonathan, Thomas, Henry, Ann, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary, Abner and Caleb.
(See: IMMIGRATION OF IRISH QUAKERS,by Albert Cook Myers).This family connection with the Edmundsons of Ireland, originally from Westmorelandshire,might have led to their immigration to Pennsylvania soon after the Jacksons.

1715.William Edmundson ofTineel, Ireland, son of Samuel Edmundson and grandson of William Edmundson, the great Quaker preacher, was born about 1782. He was admitted to the Merchant Guild as a free merchant in 1707 in Dublin.He owned a farm and dealt in hides, was a shoemakerand merchant.After the death of his grandfather, William leased his farm in Kings County, Ireland, for 44 years, packed up his family and came to Chester County, PA., with Thomas Lightfoot and other Quakers.He and hiswife were not Quakers but when his cousin William Seal was married in Birmingham Meeting in 1718,William Edmundson and his wife signed the certificate along with MichaelLightfoot and his wife Mary, who was a granddaughter of Thomas Edmundson,William’s great-uncle.William Seal was an apprentice to Michael Lightfoot in Ireland.William Edmundson owned land in Chester County near that of Michael Lightfoot. William Seal and his new wife lived near her parent, Joseph Gilpin.
William Edmundson who came to Pennsylvania in 1715, lived at London Grove, Chester County, and had 700 acres of land in the 1732 Tax List.His children:
1.Eleanor, who married a Quaker, David Brook, in 1725. .
2.Samuel, b. in 1709,who married Isabel Underhill, a Quaker, daughter of John Underhill.Samuel was old enough to be taxed in 1731.He and Isabel moved to York County, PA. in 1749 with Caleb and Esther.He and his wife died in an accident about 1757.They left four children: Joseph, William, Rebecca and Rachel.
3.Caleb, b. in 1713,who married Esther Underhill, a Quaker and sister of Isabell.Caleb was old enough to be taxed in 1735.He moved to SC and died there in Union County in 1792.
4.Thomas, who married ______Harry, daughter of William Harry.He signed a Friend’s wedding certificate in 1740.He became an inn keeper in Winchester, Virginia.See Frederick County.
5.Susannah who married John Thompson in 1744.
6.John, b. about 1711,who married Margaret(Johnson?).He moved to Virginia in 1736 with the Joist Hite group.
7.William, wife unknown.In later years he served as Treasurer of Pennsylvania.
William, Thomas and John Edmundson went to Virginia.
Samuel and Caleb went to South Carolina.
(See EFAB, No. 106).

Caleb and Esther Edmundson

Caleb Edmundson, son of William and Elizabeth Edmundson of Chester County, PA,married Esther Underhill, June 16, 1736, at Nottingham Monthly Meeting, the same year his brother Samuel married Isabella Underhill, Esther’s sister.Her parents were John Underhill and Frances Houseman Underhill.Caleb and Esther moved in 1749 with their children to York County.Caleb and Esther Underhill Edmundson were received May 20, 1752, on certificate from the Nottingham Monthly Meetingof the Society of Friends in Cecil County, Maryland,to the Warrington Monthly Meeting, York County, PA.Shortly thereafter, August 15, 1752, Caleb was complained of for drinking to excess and for fighting and was disowned.Esther and their sons, William and Joseph, were granted certificates of removal to Bush River MM, South Carolina, April 13, 1771.Several of his sonsmoved to SC to the Union County area.Joseph returned to Warrington MM Sept. 13, 1783.He, too, fell into disrepute with the Quakers when it was learned he had married a non-Quaker and had assisted in choosing military officers.He was disowned Nov. 8, 1783.
(See the Friends Historical Collection, Guilford College, 5800 W. Friendly Avenue,Greensboro, N.C., 27410, for records ofQuakers in the Carolinas and Georgia. Swarthmore College has records for many of the congregations in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland.Quaker dates were different until Jan. 1, 1752, but agree with standard dates since except in using a number instead of a name for each month.They forbade gravestones until about 1810.See EFAB, No. 110)Caleb and Esther had other sons who moved to SC: Caleb, Jr.; Isaac; William; Thomas; John.Thomas, said to have married Mary Penrose,and John who married a Mendenhall,returned to Pennsylvania.Caleb, Sr. moved to SC about 1771.Esther (Hester) died May 28, 1783 (Bush River records).Caleb’s second wife was the widow Judith Smith whom he married about 1785 in Union County. She died in 1811.

Children of Caleb and Esther Underhill Edmundson:
1.William Edmundson, b. in 1737, Chester County, PA.Dr. Walter Edmundson’s history states his wife was Sarah Bobo, but proof is needed. Moved to Bush River area of SC about 1774.He died in 1821, in Anderson County, SC.(Wasthis actually the William Edmundson who lived in Pendleton District near the Saluda River in the 1790’s, was Clerk of Court at Pickensville and J.P.. and moved to Jefferson County, Alabama, where he died in 1819?)
2.John Edmundson, b. in 1738, Chester County. Married Sarah Mendenhall, Oct. 11, 1764, in East Nottingham MM, Chester County.She was born in 1748 in Christiana Hundred, DE, daughter of Joseph Mendenhall, Jr. and Rachel Robinson Mendenhall, and died Jan. 12, 1797.He died Feb. 5, 1784, Warrington, Allegheny Co., PA.John was a large landholder in York County.He and his wifehad: Rachel, who died young; Joseph, b. in 1769, in York County who married Elizabeth Marsh; Esther, b. in 1771, York County, who married William Haines; Thomas, b. 1773, York County, and died in Frederick County, Maryland; Sarah, b. in 1775 in York County, m. Daniel Cookson; John, b. in 1777, York County, who married Ann Marsh; Rachel, b. 1780, York County, m. Fred Hallopeter; Caleb, b. 1782, m. Sarah ____ in 1803. then Eliza Jane Campbell.
3.Thomas Edmundson,b. in 1740, Chester County.Married Mary Penrose, Oct. 21, 1762, d. in 1812.They had: William, b. in 1763; Hannah, b. in 1765, m. Thomas Farquar; Abigail, b. 1767, m. Thomas Hussey; John, b. 1770; Mary b. 1774; Thomas, Jr., b. 1774, Mary’s twin, m. Elizabeth Morsell, April 18, 1803.Their son, John was born in 1825 in Frederick County, Maryland, and died in Balbec, IN.
4.Isaac Edmundson, b. 1742, Chester County, PA, m. Eleanor Counts and thenMary Margaret Duckett.Moved to SC in 1775.Margaretdied about 1790 and Isaac in 1789 in Union County, SC.They had: John, b. 1782 in Union County, moved to Giles County, TN, m.Elizabeth Reagin, thenSusan Turner then the widow Eleanor Cooper.
5.Joseph Hugh Edmundson, b. 1744, Cecil County, MD, m. Rebecca Cannady in 1783, lived briefly in SC (1774), and died in 1822 in Allegheny County PA.Children: Joseph Hugh, Jr., m. Sarah Muse; Rebecca, m. John J. Muse; Jane; Caleb, b. 1777 in PA, m. Rebecca ____; William E., b. 1783, York County, m. Jane McKee Sinclair; John W., b. 1787, m. Nancy Calhoun; Isaac, b. 1791, m. Rebecca E. Sinclair;Thomas, b. 1796, m. Margaret Muse.

Caleb Edmundson, Jr., b. 1747 in Chester County, PA,moved in 1775 to SC,d. 1800 in Anderson County, SC, m. Margaret______, July 30, 1785. Children: Elizabeth, b. 1786, Pendleton, SC, and married Joseph Dean, a native of Washington, Maryland, and moved to Mississippi.Died in Marshall County in 1874; Caleb III, b. 1800 in SC, m. Cyntha Camp/Kemp in 1820 and died in 1863 in south Alabama or northwest Florida;He married his second wife, Elizabeth Garmin, Jan. 17, 1863, shortly before his death.See Daphne, Baldwin County, AL.
(See EFAB No. 40. Patricia Humphreys, founder of EFAB and a descendant of Caleb Edmundson and Esther Underhill, did precise research on this family).

1720.Matthew Edmundson, son of Jane Thompson Edmundson, came to America from Ireland.He was born in 1715, in Dunagal County, Ireland.He lived first in Pennsylvania and married Margaret Patterson in 1745.He moved to Augusta County, VA, and lived east of John and Robert Edmondson and north of James Edmundson (who settled in present Rockbridge County near Buena Vista. See Augusta County, Virginia.) He died about 1790.Letter from Mrs. Max E. Alumbaugh, Omak, Washington, 1965, to EFAB.See No. 41.

1725 Tax Rates, Chester County, PA, Bradford.
Thomas Edmondson
(Names on this list are nearly all English, with only one, McMath, clearly Scottish.Buffington, Thornton, George Mendenhall, Temple, Woodward, Harlan, etc.)See: PA-OLD-CHESTER, rootsweb.com).

1732 Tax List, Chester County.
David Edmundson
William Edmundson
Samuel Edmundson (son of William Edmundson of London Grove)

1734 Tax List, Chester County.
Caleb Edmundson
David Edmundson
William Edmundson
Samuel Edmundson

1735 Tax List, Chester County.
The Widow Edmundson (widow of William Edmundson of London Grove)
Caleb Edmundson
Samuel Edmundson
(John Edmundson is living here at the time but does not appear on any tax list.He did sign the marriage certificates of Caleb and Samuel Edmundson in 1736 when they married the Underhill sisters.He moved to Virginia, possibly to Loudon County).(See EFAB, No. 57).

1736.Marriage certificates were issued for Caleb and Samuel Edmundson to marrythe daughters of John Underhill of Cecil County, Maryland, Quakers.

March 6, 1743.Will ofJohn Edmeston, West Nottingham, Chester County. …my plantation and all my goods and chattels to be sold and made money of and …all my debts be discharged …Secondly, ..what money remains …I order to be divided between Jane my beloved wife and Martha and Mary my daughters equally and for my son William I will him the sum of two shillings and six pence current money of Pennsylvania;Thirdly….I do appoint…David Edmiston and Hugh Edmiston my sole executors…and I likewise allow Mr. John Steel to have oversight of thismy last will….
SignedJohn Edmeston
Witnesses present: Joseph McNeely; James Correll, Robert Hyman.
(Full text provided by Dr. Howard Valance Jones, EFAB No. 50.Abstract by Stephen W. Edmondson).

September `12, 1753.Will of James Edmeston of West Nottingham, Chester County, Pennsylvania.James Edmeston being sick and weak of body but of sound mind…..recommends his Soul to the mercy of God in Christ….
To Margaret my dearly beloved wife one hundred pounds lawful money of this province, …together with a horse and saddle, a bed and furniture with such moveables as she shall choose not exceeding the value of forty pounds…
To my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Edmestona horse and saddle, a bed and furniture, with such other moveables as my executor and guardians judge most convenient for her when she comes of age, not exceeding forty pounds, with one hundred pounds lawful money of this province, one half to paid to her or put at interest when she comes of the age of twenty one years or if she should marry before she comes to said age to be paid one year after her marriage; the second half to be paid to her or put at interest two years after the first half comes due….
To my well beloved daughter Agness Edmiston a horse and saddle, a bed and furniture and such other moveables as my executors and guardians shall judge most convenient for her when she comes of age not exceeding the value of forty pounds, with one hundred pounds lawful money (to be paid on same terms as that to Elizabeth)….
To my well beloved son William Edmeston my clock and clock case….
To my well beloved son John Edmeston my writing desk….
And further …to my two sons all and singular my lands, deeds, bills of sale, or conveyands, messuages, and tenements, to be equally divided between my said sons….excepting only the saw mill and water course, which I order…to be kept in repair at the equal charge of both and they share alike in the benefit…and that the benefit of each of my said children be allowed for their education and maintenance until each child comes of age.
I order the wheat in the barn to be threshed and sold to defray the most urgent debts…all other moveables and chattels to be appraised by three honest neighbors such as my wife and guardians may choose….my wife shall have said moveables and chattels at said appraisem*nt if she choose to live with my children and take care of their education until they come of age….And when my eldest son William comes to age his mother shall be accountable to him and the guardians for one half of said goods and chattels as shall be proper for beginning on his part of the plantation and likewise to my son John when he comes to age.
It is my will that if either of my two sons should die in non-age, that his part of the land descend to the other surviving son, he paying to his mother if alive and in widowhood and to each of his sisters the sum of forty pounds.If both my sons should die in non-age, then the land is to descend to my daughters.If either of my daughters die in non-age, then her share is to be equally divided among the survivors.
I appoint…as guardians my well beloved and trusted Mr. John Steele my present pastor, James Porter, Hugh Edmiston my brother and John McCay.
I appoint my dearly beloved wife and my well beloved son William sole executors….In witness whereof I set my seal…
Signed, sealed, etc. by the said Jas. Edmeston the Testator in presence of Abraham Scott and Robert Moore.
Probated March 16, 1757.

October 23, 1750.Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Quaker Records, Vol. 2, p. 357.Priscilla Edmondson died.
April 9, 1751.Philadelphia Monthly Meeting.Henry Edmondson died.

March 15, 1757.Chester.Personally appeared Abraham Scott and Robert Moore …and on their oaths…did depose …that on or about the twelfth day of April in ….one thousand seven hundred and fifty three …these deponents were at the dwelling house of …James Edmeston, deceased…
(The complete wording ofthis will was provided by Dr. Howard Valance Jones to EFAB, Vol. 49,abstracted by Stephen W. Edmondson).

March 22, 1769.Will of William Edmiston, sen’r, of Oxford Township, Chester County, Province of Pennsylvania.To Mary Edmiston, “beloved wife”,twelve bushels of wheat, ten bushels of Indian corn, one hundred weight of either beef or pork at her election, four sheep, all the household goods and plenison, a milke cow and a horse to ride when she thinks proper, her own dwelling house and sufficiency of fire wood cut and hauled to her and if the said Mary sees cause not to live with her sons they shall then build her a sufficient house on any part of the plantation she pleases.All articles to be made good and payd to her yearly and every year during her natural life by my son Moses Edmiston and William Edmiston my son after my decease.
To JamesEdmiston my eldest son the sum of five pounds….
To David Edmiston five pounds Pennsylvania currency….
To James Tanner five pounds Pennsylvania currency on condition that the said James Tanner pays the five pounds that Wilm Edmiston is bound for him….
To Jean Edmiston my daughter forty shillings….
To Elizabeth Edmiston my daughter five pounds, three sheep and one heifer….
To Racchel Edmiston my granddaughter the cow and calf belonging to her and three sheep and three pounds Pennsylvania currency when she is of age.
To Abraham Edmiston my grandson a little calf and two sheep…..
I order and appoint Rachel Edmiston my granddaughter to stay with Mary my wife and Moses and William until she arrives at the age of eighteen…
To Moses Edmiston and William Edmiston jun’r my sons all and singular my whole real and personal estate by them after …paying off all the legatees and bequeathments herein mentioned.
I order and appoint that all my Just debts by me contracted be paid off by my executors and all just debts owing to me be collected by them.
Will’m Edmiston signed with his mark.
Signed, Sealed, Published and Pronounced and Declared in the presence of James Peak and William Peak.
N.B. Before signing I appoint Moses Edmiston my son and John Templeton my brother-in-law the Executors of this my last will and Testament.
May 31, 1769.Chester County.Personally appeared James Peak and William Peak who on their oaths on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose and say that they were personally present and did see William Edmondson the Testor within named sign….his last will and Testament and that he was of sound and disposing mind and memory…..
(Original text submitted by Dr. Howard Valance Jones to EFAB, No. 49.The above abstract done by Stephen W. Edmondson).

Feb. 19, 1770.Will of David Edmiston, East Nottingham, Chester County, PA. To beloved wife Marget Edmeston, alias Doanl, one third part of his plantation houses, fields, meadows, orchards, with two cows and ten sheep at her choice, one bed and furniture, one horse, saddle and bridle value to twenty pounds, one case of drawers, one chest, two pots of her choice, all the shelf things, one spinning wheel and all her own clothing.To beloved daughter Marey Edmeston ales Steveston, five pounds to be raised from his estate.To beloved son David Edmeston, the other two parts ofhis plantations with all goods and chattels to enable him to pay the above mentioned legacies.After wife Margret’s decease, son David is to receive the third ofhis plantations willed to her. To beloved daughter Sarah Edmeston, one horse, saddle and bridle to twelve pounds value, one case of drawers valued to four pounds, her wheel, all her own clothing and twenty pounds in cash.To beloved daughter Hannah Edmeston, one horse, saddle and bridle value to twenty pounds, one bed and furniture value to twelve pounds, one case of drawers value to four pounds, her wheel, all her own clothing and twenty pounds in cash. To beloved son Samuel Edmeston, one mare called Swift and her colt.David Edmeston sole executor.Witnesses: David Edmeston, Samuel Scott, James McMillan.Proved June 24, 1772 by Samuel Scott and May 27, 1773, by James McMillan.(Abstracted from the complete document which was provided by Howard Valance Jones to EFAB, No. 49).

Feb. 14, 1805. Francesca Blair Edmeston, daughter of Dr. Samuel Edmeston and Martha Blair. She wasborn in Chester County, PA, andmarried John Hamilton. She died at Fermanagh, PA, March 6, 1818.John Hamilton was born Sept. 10, 1782, Juniata County, PA, son ofJohn Hamilton and Margaret Alexander (who were married in 1772 in then Cumberland County, now Perry County; Margaret Alexander, born March 17, 1754,was daughter of Hugh Alexander and Martha Edmeston).Martha Blair, wife of Dr. Samuel Edmeston, was a daughter ofSamuel Blair, D.D.Dr. Samuel Edmeston was son of David Edmeston and grandson of David and Margaret Edmeston, who were said to have come to Maryland in 1647.(See: Pennsylvania Genealogies, p. 321, The Family of Hamilton;also, pp. 318-319.Martha Edmeston who married Hugh Alexander was a daughter of John Edmeston/Edmiston who bought land in Chester County in 1725 with his brother William.

Jan. 5, 1855.Sarah Johnson, 84 years, 8 months, daughter of William Edmundson and wife of Jethro Johnson, died in Highland Township, Chester County.She was buried in Pennsylvania.She was born in New York State, May 11, 1770.(Chester County Deaths in Your Family Tree, July, 1962).

1751.Hopewell Township Tax Records.
Listed among Freemen of Hopewell Township were John Edmonson, Thomas Edmonson and Josh Edmonson, with Richard Nicolson.
(The name of all three Edmonsons was spelled so).

Cumberland County, Pennsylvania church records of the 18th century
By F. Edward Wright, page 89
Jan 23, 1746/7.? Witnesses in the case of Thomas Edmiston: Deborah Dunlap, Willm. McCall mentioned Wm. Thomson.

Jan 1, 1747/8.? Robert Symenton and Hugh Breaddy were cited for being overtaken in drink lately at a funeral.? Thomas Edmiston applied to session re a squabble with William Jack. Witness George Cummins mentioned John Caldwell.

July, 1777.Associators and Militia, Cumberland County, Seventh Battalion. 1st Class, in service on this date:
James Edmondstone, Private, serving under Capt. James Fisher.
(See: MUSTER ROLLS, 1743-1777,by Thomas Lynch Montgomery, pp. 454-55.)

May 16, 1743.Land in Lurgan Township was surveyed on this date, on warrant dated Oct. 6, 1738.Neighbors at the time were Robert Edmonson, Samuel Reynolds and Edward Shippen, Esq.
(See: HISTORY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA, by Warner, Beers & Co., 1887). (From Anne Kemp).

1790 Census.
John Edmiston, p. 126. 1 white male above 16. 1 wm under 16. 2 wf.5 slaves.
1820 Census.
Philip Edmonston/Edmiston
1830 Census.
Philip Edmonston/Edmiston
1840 Census.
Philip Edmonston/Edmiston (See 1850 Census, Cambria County).

William Edmiston, age ? , p. 80.

1850 Census.
William Edmonson, 38, laborer, b. in PA. Julean, 30, wife. Sarah, 12.Josephine, 10. Martha, 8. Wilson, 4.All born in PA.

Land warrants were issued to Robert, Thomas and John Edmundson in Hopewell Township. Robert’s and Thomas’s purchases appear, too, in the Blunston License Book.Need dates and details.

March 20, 1737.A survey for 300 acres was made for Robert Edmundson..

Sept. 22, 1755. The pension papers of William Edmonson state he was born in Lancaster County and proof of his birth was in his father’s Bible in 1835. He served in the Revolutionary Army and came to Augusta County, VA, in April, 1779.He moved to Randolph County, Illinois, sometime after 1800, lived there one year, moved next to Christian County, KY, for one year,and lived in Warren County, TN,until 1835.His parents need to be identified.

Mary Edmondson, at age 83, said she was born in Lancaster County, married a Johnson and moved to New York State.
August, 1787.Thomas Edmundston sold land to George and Benjamin Johnston.Both were sons of John Johnston and Margaret Edmundston Johnson.Robert, Thomas, John and Margaret might have been children of William Edmundson of London Grove.
1850 Census, Columbia Township.
Richard Edmonson, 45, physician.Born in Maryland.

1850 Census, p. 146.
Joseph Edmindson, 23, farmer. Sarah, 22.Both born in PA.
Lewis Edminson, 19, living with H.H. Minehead and his wife Rachel, 27. All born in PA.p. 233.
Sarah Edmunson, 48, insane, b. in PA. p. 131.
John Edmundson, 23, school teacher, b. in PA. Both living with Eliza Philips.

1850 Census.
William Edmiston, 58, farmer. John Edmiston, 54. Charles Scott, 14.All born in PA.p. 273.
Sarah Edmiston, 15, b. in PA. Living with William Elliott and his wife Emily, 52, both b. in PA.p. 300.
Joseph Edmiston, 16, living with George W. Sigler and Jane E., 35, his wife. All born in PA.Living in Decatur Township.P. 314.

1850 Census.Lower Bethel Township.
John Edmiston, 47, b. in PA. Elizabeth, 45, wife, b. in Ireland. Mary, 18. James, 15. Leslie, 11. Elizabeth, 8.p. 423.


1850 Census.Page 298.2nd Ward, Mayenmensing Township.
Archibald Edmonston, 41, painter, born in Washington, D.C. Ann, 40, wife. Frances ?, 16.Tamer, 13.Thomas, 8.All born in PA.

John Edmundson, 21, attorney at law, b. in Virginia. P. 282, no ward.
Mary Edmondson, 55, clerk.Living with Alexander Whilleden, 40, merchant, and his wife Jane G., 32, all born in N.J.New Market Ward, p. 348.
James Edmondson, 30, b. in Ireland.Bridesburg Ward,p. 76.
Ann Edmonson, 40, b. in Ireland, living with Thomas Kinslow, 48, b. in Ireland. Richmond District, p. 231.
James Edmonston, 25, plasterer, b. in Washington, D.C. Lower Delaware Ward, p. 63.
James Edmonson, 40, weaver, b. in Ireland. Sarah, 40. William, 10. Henry, 7. Jane, 12.All born in Ireland, p. 411.
John Edmondson, 39, painter, b. in DE. Mary, 37, wife. Emma, 9. Bertram, 7.John, 4.All born in PA.p. 323.North Mulbery.
William Edmonson, 43, works in paper store, b. in PA. Catherine, 44, wife, b. in PA. Mary, 15. Susanna, 12. William, 10. Horatio, 7.Edmund, 4. All born in PA.Living with them, Edmunds Shaff, 42.P. 425.

1850 Census.
Joseph Edmonson, 18, laborer, b. in PA. Living with Christian Greenwalt, 70, and wife Hannah, 60.Sewickly Township, p. 316.
Samuel Edmonson, 45, laborer. Catherine, 43, wife. Daniel, 16. Nancy, 14. Mary, 9. Samuel, 7.Rebecca, 5. Catherine, 1. All b. in PA. Fairfield Township.


Caleb Edmundson moved in 1749 with his family to York County.He moved to SC in 1770-1771,reportedly after a visit there. He had bought land in Lincoln County, NC, as well.He lived in the Union County area of SC where his wife Esther died in 1783.He married the widow Judith Smith and died in 1792, leaving a will.
Caleb’s son John became a large landowner in York County and did not move with most of his family to SC.
Another son, Thomas, married a daughter of William Penrose, and remained in Pennsylvania. He died in 1812.
Joseph Edmundson wasborn in Cecil County, Maryland, son of Caleb and Esther Underhill Edmundson, on the farm of his grandfatherJohn Underhill.He moved to York County with his family from Chester County, in 1747, with his uncle Samuel Edmundson.Samuel and his wife died in an accident in 1757, leaving four children: Joseph, William, Rebecca and Rachel.
Joseph moved with his father Caleb to South Carolina about 1770. There in 1783, his mother died.Joseph married Rebecca in 1782 and returned to York County to live near his brother John.He was disowned by the Quakers for marrying a non-Quaker and for joining the army. He and Rebecca had:William, Caleb, John, Joseph, Hugh, Isaac, Thomas, Rebecca, Jane, order of birth not now known. He moved to Allegheny County around 1788 and lived until 1822, the last surviving son of Caleb and Esther.

1790 Census of Pennsylvania.

Chester County (Londonderry Township)
Edmonston, Samuel, Doctor, p. 67. 3 wm above 16, 7 wf.

Cumberland County. (Hopewell, Newton, Tyborn, West Pensboro)
Edmiston, Elizabeth, p. 80.4 free white females.
Edmiston, Joseph, p. 76. 1 wm over 16, 2 wm under 16, 3 wf.
Edmonson, James, p. 83.1 wm above 16,1wf.

Huntingdon County.
Edmiston, John, p. 126.1 white male above 16, 1 wm under 16, 3 wf.

Mifflin County (north of the Juniata River).
Edmiston, Samuel, p. 154. 2 wm above 16, 1 wm under 16, 2 wf, 5 slaves.
Edmiston, Joseph, p. 155. 3 wm above 16, 2 wm under 16, 3 wf.

York County.
Edmiston, Benjamin, p. 285. 2 free persons, no children.

1860 Census of Centre County, PA.
David Edmundson 33, contractor, living in Bellefonte Borough.
Robert Edmundson, 43, farmer.Wife, Lavina, 40.William, 17. Charlotte, 15. Joseph, 13. Living in Berman Township.
William Edmundson, 18, farm laborer, living with John Lutz.
Alexander Emison, 45.Mary, 43. George O.Milesburgh Township.
Anna E. Edmundson, 26, servant.Hesekiah Edmundson, 20, farm laborer, living in Fergeson Township.

Census of 1850.Floyd County, Indiana.
Caroline Edmundson, 39, b. in PA.John, 17. Peter, 13. Thomas, 10. Lucy Ann, 5.All born in Indiana.

Census of 1850.Jay County, Indiana.
ThomasEdmondson, 26, b. in PA.William Edmundson, 28, b. in PA.

Compiled by Stephen W. Edmondson.RevisedAugust,2009.

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