Frequently Asked Questions » Gatorade Australia (2024)

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Is Powder just as effective as ready-to-drink liquid Gatorade?

Yes. Both deliver advanced hydration and performance benefits provided Gatorade Powder is mixed in the recommended proportions with water.

When should I use Powder vs. ready-to-drink liquid Gatorade?

Since the advanced hydration and performance benefits of Gatorade are the same in both liquid and powdered forms, it is a matter of personal preference.

What is the difference between Powder and ready-to-drink liquid Gatorade?

All powder products deliver the same great hydration and performance benefits as ready to drink Gatorade, provided they are mixed in the recommended proportions with water.

If Gatorade is for use during activity is it OK to drink it before or after it?

Yes. Athletes can benefit from drinking Gatorade before or after activity to maintain a healthy hydration level.

Usage guidelines

How is Gatorade different from energy drinks?

Gatorade is a thirst quencher, a fluid replacement beverage for use when people are hot and thirsty. Many energy drinks contain caffeine and about three times as much carbohydrate as Gatorade, as well as other substances such as ginseng, taurine, etc. As a result, these drinks slow fluid absorption and should not be used for those occasions when rapid replacement of fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes is important.

Why is Gatorade better than other sports drinks?

More than 50 years of scientific research has gone into Gatorade to assure its formula is optimal.

Should Gatorade be diluted 50:50 with water?

No it should not. Diluting Gatorade reduces its effectiveness because doing so waters down the taste, reduces the amount of carbohydrate that can be delivered to active muscles, and dilutes the electrolytes necessary to promote rehydration. That is why care must be taken anytime Gatorade powder is mixed. Adding too much or too little water to the mix will adversely affect Gatorade effectiveness.

Do I need to shake Gatorade before consuming?

Some flavours are naturally cloudy due to high flavour oil content. Cloud can be difficult to keep in solution over time and can occasionally settle on the bottom of the bottle or rise to the top. That is the reason for the Shake Well instructions on the label.

Why should I refrigerate Gatorade?

Gatorade tastes best when refrigerated. Additionally, refrigeration is recommended to avoid spoilage after opening. Under normal conditions, Gatorade will stay fresh about 3-5 days in a refrigerator if tightly capped and refrigerated after opening or mixing up the powder in water.

Why is Gatorade effective?

The ingredients in Gatorade assist in the hydration process to make the body absorb it faster, and retain it longer, which is why we say it is effective in instances such as sports hydration. Studies have shown that athletes who hydrate with Gatorade perform better than when they drank just water. The performance improvements included the ability to exercise longer before fatigue (1, 2), maintaining a faster sprint speed (3, 5) and exhibiting higher explosive power (4, 5 ) in the second half of a competition period. The studies show what the inventors of Gatorade hypothesized over 40 years ago when faced with the task of determining why many Florida Gator players were both underperforming and succumbing to the effects of heat and heat related illnesses: when it comes to optimal field performance, water isn't enough.

  1. Davis JM, et al. Effects of carbohydrate and chromium ingestion during intermittent high-intensity exercise to fatigue. Int J Sports Nutr 10:476–485, 2000. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
  2. Davis JM, et al. Effects of branched-chain amino acids and carbohydrate on fatigue during intermittent, high-intensity running. Int J Sports Nutr 20:309–314. 1999. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
  3. Dougherty KA, et al. Two percent dehydration impairs and six percent carbohydrate improves boys' basketball skills. Med Sci Sports Exerc 38:1650-1658, 2006. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
  4. Fritzsche RG, et al. Water and carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise increase maximal neuromuscular power. J Appl Physiol 88:730–737, 2000. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
  5. Winnick JJ, et al. Carbohydrate feedings during team sport exercise preserve physical and CNS function. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37:306-315, 2005. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)

Why do people need electrolytes when they aren't competing or working out?

Athletes and active people sometimes do a poor job of rehydrating themselves. Electrolytes, particularly sodium, are critical for proper hydration, helping maintain electrolyte balance, and helping your body hold on to the fluid it needs.

When should I drink Gatorade?

Gatorade is not just for serious athletes, but can benefit all of us who enjoy being physically active.

Gatorade Packaging, Shelf-life and Storage

Are the plastic Gatorade bottles recyclable?

Yes. Additionally, we're constantly working to reduce the amount of material we use to make a bottle. In fact, a 600 ml Gatorade bottle weighs 10 percent less than it did in 1998.

Why aren't tamper bands on all Gatorade packages?

Gatorade plastic caps have bands that separate once the cap has been loosened. Tamper bands are not used on the powder canisters as these have an induction seal underneath the cap.

Where is the date on the Gatorade bottle? What does it stand for?

The date on the first line of the neck of the bottle indicates when Gatorade is at its optimal freshness and flavour. Gatorade can be safely consumed past that date if the seal is intact and the product has been stored in a clean, dry, cool environment.

Which Gatorade products are available in Powder?

Original Gatorade.

What is the shelf life of an unopened Gatorade?

For optimal flavour, the product should be consumed within 9 months or less. Please check the best before date on pack for the shelf life.

How long can I keep a bottle of opened Gatorade to drink later?

Once opened, Gatorade should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 3-5 days after opening.

Science & Nutrition

Why doesn't Gatorade contain fruit juice?

Fruit juice contains sugars such as fructose and added sucrose in concentrations that slow gastric emptying and may result in intestinal upset when athletes drink it during exercise.

What is sucralose? Is it sucrose?

Sucrose is a type of sugar commonly known as table sugar. Sucralose is an artificial sweetener providing zero calories (kilojoules). Like many no- and low-calorie sweeteners, to provide bulk and volume, sucralose contains a very small amount of common food ingredients, e.g., dextrose and/or maltodextrin. As the amount of these ingredients is small, it still has an insignificant calorie value per serving and meets the FSANZ standard as an intense sweetener.

The safety of sucralose is well documented in more than 100 scientific studies conducted over a 20-year period. In addition, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), the peak food regulatory body for Australia & New Zealand, reviewed all the studies and has classified sucralose as safe for use as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and international health authorities such as the World Health Organization, and found to be safe for use by all consumers.

Does Gatorade contain Gluten? Why not?

No, as none of our Gatorade products have gluten containing ingredients.

Does Gatorade contain caffeine? Why not?

Currently, caffeine is not present in Gatorade products. Caffeine is a stimulant and many sports health professionals have concerns about athletes over-consuming caffeine.

Does Gatorade include High Fructose Corn Syrup? Why not?

HFCS is not used in Australia for Gatorade products, as cane sugar is freely available in this region.

Why do you use artificial colour? Can you make Gatorade without artificial colours?

The colours of Gatorade not only look good but also help in flavour perception and enable you to tell different flavours apart. All colours and ingredients in Gatorade are approved for use by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ.)

What are the electrolytes in Gatorade?

In Gatorade, the key electrolytes are sodium, potassium and chloride. When athletes sweat, they lose electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and chloride that are essential to hydration and muscle function. Gatorade is lab-tested to ensure it helps replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat and stimulates thirst so athletes will ingest an adequate amount of fluid and electrolytes to stay better well-hydrated compared to when using beverages without electrolytes, particularly sodium.123

  1. Maughan RJ. Fluid and electrolyte loss and replacement in exercise. J Sports Sci 9:117-142, 1991.
  2. Passe D, et al. Impact of beverage acceptability on fluid intake during exercise. Appetite 35:219-229, 2000. (Full disclosure: GSSI study)
  3. Wilk B and O Bar-Or. Effect of drink flavor and NaCl on voluntary drinking and hydration in boys exercising in the heat. J Appl Physiol 80:1112–1117, 1996. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)

Is there any scientific basis for the way Gatorade tastes?

Yes, Gatorade is formulated to taste best during physical activity because it contains electrolytes and the right flavour profile to help drive the thirst mechanism. The right flavour profile is achieved by creating flavours that are light and not overpowering so that they can be consumed in large quantities with minimum sensory overload during physical activity.

What is the osmolality of Gatorade?

In scientific terms, osmolality is a measure of the number of particles in a solution and can affect absorption properties. For example, water has a very low osmolality (close to zero) whereas orange or apple juice has a higher osmolality because there is more sugar molecules dissolved in it. The osmolality of Gatorade ranges from 300mOsmol/L up to a maximum of approximately 380mOsmol/L over the shelf-life. That and the types of carbohydrate and electrolytes help assure rapid absorption. If beverage osmolality becomes too high (e.g. soft drinks and fruit juices), the rate of fluid absorption is slowed and can promote stomach upset during exercise.

What does it mean that Gatorade is a 6% carbohydrate beverage? How is carbohydrate percentage calculated?

Six per cent is the concentration, and means six grams of carbohydrate per 100 mL of fluid (metric units). The label will list 14 g per 250ml serving. Years of laboratory research has shown that a 6% carbohydrate solution provides an appealing taste profile when exercising, is rapidly emptied from the stomach and absorbed by the intestine, and delivers performance-enhancing energy to active muscles. Sports drinks with lower or higher concentrations than 6% carbohydrate are unlikely to deliver on all these key attributes. When checking carbohydrate percentages, refer to the Nutrition Information Panel and the per 100ml column. For example 6g per 100ml is 6% carbohydrate.


Does Gatorade contain Benzene?

No. Benzene is thought to form as a result of a reaction between benzoate (a preservative) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Gatorade does not contain either of these ingredients.

My local supermarket hasn't had my favourite flavour for a while. Does Gatorade still make it?

Gatorade is sold in Coles, Woolworths / Safeway, Metcash companies and some convenience stores.

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that your favourite flavour will be sold in all outlets as this is up to the discretion of the store manager.

Is it safe to drink Gatorade when pregnant?

It is safe to drink Gatorade during pregnancy.

In fact, many doctors specifically recommend Gatorade during the later stages of the pregnancy as they replace electrolytes losses cause by sweating (contractions) and the six per cent carbohydrate solution gives a reasonable amount of carbohydrate for energy.

Another benefit is Gatorade has less salt than milk and less carbohydrate than fruit juices.

How can I get a job at Gatorade?

For employment opportunities, please fill in the online application.

What is the pH of Gatorade?

The pH of Gatorade is about 3.3

I'm gluten intolerant, can I still drink Gatorade?

All Gatorade products (liquid and powder formulations) are gluten-free and are therefore suitable for gluten-sensitive individuals. The dextrose we use in these products is gluten-free.

Also for your information Pepsi products (diet and regular), including Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew and 7UP are gluten-free. The caramel colour used in the beverages is gluten-free.

I would like Gatorade to sponsor me / my event.

Many of the requests for sponsorship that we receive are extremely worthwhile. Whilst we would like to support all of them, unfortunately this is not always possible. Sponsorship decisions are made according to strict criteria, through a structured process that ensures all requests are thoroughly reviewed and considered. Please send a sponsorship request

Can you please tell me how I can order Gatorade in bulk?

Unfortunately we do not sell Gatorade in bulk to the general public.

However, if you are buying on behalf of a business and have an ABN, you can purchase Gatorade in bulk from Campbell's Cash and Carry or contact Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd to set up a business account.

Alternatively the four packs - which retail for around $7.99 through the grocery channel -- is the most cost effective way to order larger quantities.

You may also wish to buy Gatorade powder -- available in Lemon-Lime, Orange Ice and Berry Chill-- as the number of 250ml serves is 32 per 560g canister.

Are the plastic Gatorade bottles recyclable?

Yes, these are currently manufactured out of PET which is easily recycled and can be re-used to make new bottles or other items.

What flavours of Gatorade do most people prefer?

The most popular flavours of Gatorade continue to be Lemon Lime and Orange.

Where does the Gatorade name come from?

The Gatorade name comes from The University of Florida football team, the 'Gators'. Gatorade Thirst Quencher was invented at The University of Florida to aid their athletes in combating the dehydration that limited their performance, hence 'Gator...ade.' For more information on the origins of Gatorade, please visit theBorn in the Labsection.

Common questions about Dental Health

Wasn't there a study linking sports drinks and dental erosion?

There have been studies conducted outside of the mouth, which fail to take into account the protective effect of saliva and the natural biological system.

One published case study1(one athlete) did not measure the intake of other acidic beverages, did not take into account that the athlete did not use fluoridated water or toothpaste, and did not check on the patient's saliva flow. Without investigating any of these factors the study author suggested a link between the erosion in one athlete to sports drinks.

An additional study by the same author, which contained 45 subjects and did assess salivary flow within the participants, found no association between dental caries or erosion and sports drinks.2

A 2002 study of more than 300 athletes at The Ohio State University (OSU), published in the journal Caries Research, reported that the level of dental erosion in athletes regularly using sports drinks was 36 per cent versus 40 per cent erosion in non-users, disputing the idea that acidity in sports drinks contribute to dental erosion.3


  1. Milosevic A. Sports drinks hazard to teeth. Br J Sports Med. 1997; 31:28-30
  2. Milosevic A. Sports supplement drinks and dental health in competitive swimmers and cyclists. Br Dent J. 1997;182:303-308
  3. Matthew, T; Casamassimo, PS; Hayes, JR. Relationship between Sports Drinks and Dental Erosion in 304 University Athletes in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Caries Res 2002; 36:281-287, 2001

Are sports drinks linked to dental erosion?

There is no research linking sports drinks to dental erosion. In fact, the only cross-sectional study undertaken to assess this possibility found no association between sports drink consumption and dental erosion.

In a recent review in the International Dental Journal, it was concluded that "consumption of an acidic drink or food alone is highly unlikely to cause erosion."1


  1. Moss, S.J. Dental erosion. Int Dental J. 1998; 48:529-539
Frequently Asked Questions » Gatorade Australia (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.