Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (2024)

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Chiesa in Valmalenco (località Chiareggio)

Key to symbols Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (1)

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Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (3) Intermediate accommodation possibility
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (4) Summit
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (5) Pass
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (6) Town, village
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (7) Other locality
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (8) Catering
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (9) Doctor
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (10) Chemist
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (11) Bakery / grocery
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (12) Hardware / sports shop
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (13) Post
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (14) Bank / cash dispenser
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (15) Train
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (16) Coach
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (17) Taxi
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (18) Open automobile access
A Tarred or paved road
B Dirt track
C Mule trail
D Mountain trail
E Equipped trail (cables, ladders)
F No trail
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (19)Stroll / tourism (broad, non-exposed trail)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (20)Hiking (mountain trail, in places narrow and exposed)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (21)Alpine route (equipped or very exposed section, snow field, blocks)
R78 Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio

Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (22) | 6h40 | 16 km | 50 m | 446 m

From the Zoia hut a dirt track and then a comfortable trail lead to the Alpe Musella pasture. The trail then leads down to Alpe Campascio and on along a flatter section followed by a long climb to the Bochel Del Torno pass. After that the trail leads down to the Palù hut on the shores of the lake of the same name, and down to Chiareggio, a small summer resort in Valmalenco.

Point Segment
Name Services Information Marking
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (25) Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro)
1998 m

Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (26)Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (27)

| BCD4 km / 1h20 Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (28)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (29) Alpe Musella
2021 m

Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (30)

| CD5.5 km / 2h30 Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (31)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (32) Alpe Palù
1965 m

Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (33)

| CD4 km / 1h30 Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (34)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (35) Palolungo
1653 m
| CD2.5 km / 1h20 Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (36)
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (37) Chiareggio
1607 m
Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (38)Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (39)Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (40)Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (41)Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (42)

Detailed route description Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (43)

Natural and cultural heritage Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (44)

Useful topographic maps

  • 676, 93 ~ Kompass (50000)
  • 213, 214 ~ Multigraphic (25000)
  • Valmalenco ~ Edizioni Di Val Sondrio (30000)

Useful guidebooks

  • Bernina (Guida ai Monti d'Italia) ~ CAI - TCI (ISBN )

Websites relative to natural and cultural heritage

Tourist offers

  • Via Alpina trek, the adventure continues!

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  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (49)

    Valentine - 2023-08-19

    You can put your tent near the Rifugio Mitta if you ask. Thé staff is the kindest, the food amazing (and not expensive! We paid 20 euros for pizzoccheri, meat with veggie and a desert, 15 for vegetarian) and the place is beautiful!

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (50)

    POPEYE GG - 2020-08-12

    Mardi 25 juin 2019
    Etape sans grand intérêt, à part le lac Palù; par contre, beau village de Chiarregio.
    Ai trouvé à être hébergé à l'hôtel Tana del Grillo, très sympa et pas cher (DP59€ avec bière).

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (51)

    Günter - 2019-07-11

    In Chiareggio bietet sich das neue Rifugio Tartaglione - Crispo zum Übernachten an. HP 50€, sehr gutes Essen, sehr schöne Zimmer und freundliche Wirtinnen.
    Lage: 1/2 Std. westlich von Chiareggio, oberhalb von Forbesina
    Insbesondere, wenn man über die Sella del Forno und Rif. Forno weiter nach Maloja geht.

    Automatic translation[Google]

    In Chiareggio, the new Rifugio Tartaglione - Crispo is the place to stay. HP 50 €, very good food, very nice rooms and friendly hosts. Location: 1/2 hour west of Chiareggio, above Forbesina In particular, passing the Sella del Forno and Rif. Forno continues to Maloja.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (52)

    Daniel - 2018-08-27

    At Chiareggio, bar St.Anna has rooms. They don't advertise it, so go in and ask. Conditions are basic, but very cheap €20 pppn, no meals. In the morning, you can order a coffee and a roll, though. The co-owner, Marco is willing to help you with any problem you have.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (53)

    Berta - 2018-06-19

    Hotel Genziana kann ich bur empfehlen, guter Service, reichliches und gutes Essen, gute Zimmer. Halbpension 55€

    Automatic translation[Google]

    I can recommend Hotel Genziana, good service, ample and good food, good rooms. Half board 55 €

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (54)

    julianefry - 2016-08-29

    As others have commented, this stage has much larger climbs and descents than the 50 m / 446 m indicated. There are many alternative trails. The shorter route via Bocchel de Torno includes a very steep rockfall descent (if we repeat, we will go the longer southern route via Alpe Palu) Rifugio Lago Palu is a great place for a break! If you find yourself running late, there is a bus up the valley from San Giuseppe to Chiareggio. The schedule is posted at Rifugio Lago Palu

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (55)

    Tentorini Chantal - 2015-09-28

    Nuit au Bar Santa Anna, à la fin du village, sur la route principale : 20€.

    Automatic translation[Google]

    Night at Bar Santa Anna at the end of the village, on the main road: 20 €.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (56)

    auf-guten-wegen - 2014-09-03

    Die Strecke ist nicht überall eindeutig markiert und lässt deshalb einige Varianten zu. Von Campo Moro nach Chiareggio beträgt die Höhendifferenz nach unserer Messung 760 Hm Aufstieg und 1170 m Abstieg - die Angaben in der Via Alpina Streckenbeschreibung liegen weit daneben. Schwierigkeitsgrad eher Stufe 1 statt 2.

    Automatic translation[Google]

    The route is not always clearly marked and therefore can be some variations on. From Campo Moro to Chiareggio the height difference is according to our measurements, 760 m ascent and 1,170 m descent - the information in the Via Alpina route description are deviated. Difficulty Level 1 rather take the second

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (57)

    John from bath - 2014-07-13

    Excellent accommodation and food at Chalet Tana del Grillo in Plan del Lupo, 10 mins up valley from Chiareggio. 48 half board.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (58)

    Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 2012-03-28

    En fin d'étape R78 ,je me suis arrété à l'HOTEL GENZIANA situé sur la rue principale,à gauche en entrant dans le village de CHIAREGGIO. Accueil trés agréable, repas de grande qualité et des prix trés corrects avec une atmosphère particuliere de petit centre de villégiature au fond d'une vallée des Alpes.
    On a envie de tout retenir de ces instants...
    Tel 00 39(0)342 451 005
    Fax 00 39 (0)342 452 240

    Automatic translation[Google]

    At the end of step R78, I stopped at HOTEL GENZIANA located on Main Street, left on entering the village Chiareggio. Home very nice, high quality food and very decent price with an atmosphere peculiar small resort in a valley of the Alps.We want to retain all of these moments ...Tel 00 39 (0) 342 451 005Fax 00 39 (0) 342 452 240www.albergogenziana.it

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (59)

    ViaAlpina 52 - 2011-07-16

    I pass the night at Albergo Genziana. I have 2 night there because the day after is too rainy. Good price and wonderful food. Chef and his son help me and ask a lot about my project. Really Friendly!

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (60)

    Martin Schreiber - 2010-12-04

    The cheapest accommodation in Chiareggio is the bar 'San Anna' which is next to the to the chapel 'San Anna'. To go out for dinner, I can recommend the pizzeria 'Al Portoni' close to the bar.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (61)

    murmel - 2010-07-26

    Alpe Palù war am Sonntag, 11.07.2010, leider bei schönstem Wetter kommentarlos geschlossen. Viele Wanderer und Radler kamen umsonst. Info trotz vieler Wegweiser erst an der Hütte. Besser keinen Besuch einplanen!

    Automatic translation[Google]

    Alpe Palu was on Sunday, 11.07.2010, unfortunately closed without comment in beautiful weather. Many walkers and cyclists were in vain. Info despite many signs only at the lodge. Schedule better not visit!

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (62)

    Valtellina Turismo - 2009-08-20

    thanks for your suggestion, at the moment it's not yet possible to show the best chart but we're working to introduce a chart with GPS data.

  • Hiking the Via Alpina - Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (63)

    Liebl Georg - 2009-08-10

    im Höhendiagramm ist der Bereich von Alpe Musella nach Alpe Palú falsch dargestellt. Es Fehlt die Campascio Alm 1800 m und die Torno Scharte 2203m. Dadurch sind auch die Höhenmeterangabe für die compl. Tour weit daneben.

    Automatic translation[Google]

    at the height of the graph area of ​​Alpe Musella to Alpe Palu is misrepresented. It is missing the Campascio Alm 1800 m and the 2203m col Torno. This is also the altitude specified for the compl. Far off the tour.

Last update : 2019-12-16

Hiking the Via Alpina             -
      Stage Rifugio Zoia (Campo Moro) » Chiareggio (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.