How to eat: lasagne (2024)

It originated in ancient Rome (as a nauseating miscellany of thrush, tripe and raisin wine), and the al forno/alla bolognese form of the dish most common in northern Europe was perfected in Emilia-Romagna. But nonetheless, in the UK, we have a deep love for lasagne. We have made this month’s How to Eat subject our own.

An early version of “loseyns” features in the 14th-century English cookbook, The Forme of Cury, while, in 2016, the Good Housekeeping Institute found that, 700 years later, it was still Britain’s second most popular ready-meal. That is some staying power, and may explain why lasagne has become an unexpected bit player in so many political bridge-building exercises. Left or right, it seems, leave or remain, we all adore lasagne.

Even if, as How to Eat [HTE] – the series examining how to best eat Britain’s favourite dishes – will now explain, people are doing it all wrong. Probably.

The lasagne variations

Given that, even within Italy, lasagne (essentially, a catch-all name for savoury ingredients layered between pasta sheets) can range from a Ligurian pesto version to the Neapolitan carnevale of meatballs and boiled eggs, only a fool would attempt to disbar any of the potential iterations of lasagne. And HTE is just that fool. Let’s face it, not all lasagnes were created equal, and we should be upfront about that. HTE will concentrate on the lasagne alla bolognese because:

1) HTE’s mind is closed to the open lasagne, that impractical, unsatisfying confusion of huge pasta folds unsuited to conveying the accompanying oily sauces and, often, random ingredients. Every open lasagne could immediately be improved by being arranged in a stack formation, doused with béchamel and baked in the oven.

2) If you are looking for a metaphor for the self-defeating insularity of Brexit, look no further than Theresa May serving chicken lasagne (with boiled potatoes!) at Chequers. There is some ancient historical precedent for using chicken in lasagne, but, in 21st-century Britain, there is barely a dish in existence that would benefit from having beef replaced by this paltry meat. Alhough, in the Brexit wastelands of the 2040s, we may look back on the halycon days of chicken lasagne with fondness. It could be all turkey mince by then.

3) Like a good U2 song or a comfortable journey on a commuter train, eating an impressive vegetable lasagne is possible. But it is an experience so vanishingly rare as to be statistically insignificant. For every restaurant doing something exquisite with jerusalem artichokes or wild mushrooms, there are 10,000 lumpen veggie lasagnes layered with an overly sweet, overly acidic ratatouille-like slurry of “Mediterranean” vegetables that have all the sunshine flavour of an abandoned graveyard in Telford. If anyone ever talks to you about putting lentils in a lasagne, just run. And hide. You should be out of earshot before they complete the sentence.

How to eat: lasagne (1)

4) Seafood lasagne, see vegetable lasagne – only with the added threat of tuna and poached salmon in the mix.

5) Some people suggest serving spinach with lasagne, in lasagne or, fiendishly, worked into the pasta sheets which, at first, you might imagine someone has amusingly augmented with green food colouring. Ignore those people. Say no to the spinach-lasagne crossover. Say no to lasagne verdi.

A note on lasagne alla bolognese

HTE defers to Felicity Cloake on the minutiae of how to cook lasagne, but it must make the case for dried egg pasta sheets as the building material of choice. There are experts, as diverse as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Giorgio Locatelli, who insist on fresh pasta. But crucially the, respectively, River Café alumni and Michelin-starred chef can probably create pasta that, despite being thinner than a Tory promise on the NHS still retains its bite and structure. Most of us are not nearly that skilled. Instead, we produce, not gossamer-thin pasta sheets, but overly thick, galumphing great folios of flour and water that bring a dead, lead weight to a lasagne. A lot of commercial fresh pasta is similarly flawed.

How to eat: lasagne (2)

Dried egg pasta is the way to go, particularly if you are a connoisseur (the kind of connoisseur who would fight their family members to the death for the prized corner portion of a homemade lasagne) of the crispy, slightly scorched curls of pasta at a lasagne’s exposed edges. Think of it as lasagne’s crackling. Note: under no circ*mstances should that pasta be replaced with grilled slices of aubergine.

In terms of the filling, while it is tempting to say there is no such thing as too much cheese, in lasagne’s case that is incorrect. Layered with mozzarella or piled high with cheddar, it can quickly become a cloying, artery-clogging gloopfest. A circ*mspect top layer of intense parmesan (or grana padano, for the cost-savvy), perhaps mixed with a few breadcrumbs, is really all that lasagne needs.


It does not need any. No prissy basil leaves. No scattered flat-leaf parsley (the surest way to ruin that cheesy top layer). No crossed chives, the tell-tale mark left by the unimaginative chef.


In a wide, shallow bowl with a broad rim (useful for balancing bread on, see below), which means the lasagne will sit squat in its own sauce, rather than those juices running all over the plate and going cold too quickly.


Does it need any? Arguably not; a well-made lasagne is really a self-contained meal. However, if not essential, certain sides are more preferable than others.

In many quarters, there seems to be a carte blanche carbs-on-carbs ban when it comes to lasagne. And as Theresa May’s boiled potatoes prove, such combinations can be horrific. However, there is a whiff of snobbery to all this too, a sense that carbs are now somehow déclassé.

How to eat: lasagne (3)
How to eat: lasagne (4)

Yet, unsophisticated as serving thickly buttered crusty bread with lasagne may be, it is delicious. How could it not be? As you mop up beefy gravy, tomato, béchamel and cheese from around your bowl, you are, essentially, creating several fleeting bursts of the same flavours you love in everything from a Sunday roast to pizza. HTE may draw the line at the “lasandwich” – it is too much of a potentially good thing – but, a little bread, like a few chips (it’s cheesy chips … it’s chips’n’gravy; what’s not to love?), is a glorious thing. Note: avoid stiff garlic bread, it is neither manoeuvrable nor absorbent enough.

Lasagne is more commonly served with a salad, which is far worthier and far less successful. True, if your lasagne is exceptionally rich, greasy and filling, a side-salad can make a pleasant palate-cleanser. But it must be served separately. No one wants to see those salad leaves wilt into a bowl that is swimming in hot gravy, béchamel and cheese.

How to eat: lasagne (5)

For such a salad, HTE would recommend a mix of peppery watercress, sweet red oak leaf etc, simply dressed with oil and salt. No rocket (increasingly woody and hedge-like) and no overly bitter combinations of frisee or radicchio, either. They would ruin your next mouthful of lasagne. As will, for different reasons, creamy chopped, mayo- or ranch-dressed salads, or any salads that involve, say, tomato or beetroots. Who wants to eat cold vegetables (please do not write in, HTE is fully aware that tomatoes are not vegetables), halfway through a hot meal?

If, for medical reasons, your body is crying out for vitamins, then peas or broccoli are not the worst vegetable options. They have a natural affinity with cheese and meaty gravy and, texturally, fold unobtrusively into the wider meal. Beyond that, on an arc from kale (too assertive), via grilled courgettes (likewise, a potentially mineral clanger) to roasted peppers (unholy slime at the best of times), the vegetables that do not work with lasagne are many and varied. This is a dish best left to stand alone.


One Guardian colleague (“I’m an animal”) confesses to loving reheated lasagne with loads of ketchup. HTE has checked and, unfortunately, this is not a sackable offence.

Eating cold lasagne – yes, shrivelled, set, solidified lasagne – is in the same bizarre ballpark. As 10cc once sang: “Life is a minestrone… death is a cold lasagne.”


Lasagne is surely an evening meal, too filling for lunch (when you can ill afford the mid-afternoon carb crash), but perfect for when you want to flop down on the sofa in front of the TV, put your brain in neutral (or watch an improving documentary about Renaissance fresco restoration on BBC4) and let yourself melt into the warm, comforting arms of a bowl of lasagne as big as your head.


Red wine, beer, sparkling water.

So, lasagne, how do you eat yours? Post your comments below the line.

How to eat: lasagne (2024)


What is the correct way to eat lasagna? ›

When eating baked lasagna, use a fork to carefully cut through the layers and lift a bite-sized portion to your mouth. Enjoy the combination of flavors and textures, savoring each delicious bite. Be sure to have a napkin handy, as lasagna can be a bit messy to eat!

How do Italians eat lasagne? ›

Served. In a wide, shallow bowl with a broad rim (useful for balancing bread on, see below), which means the lasagne will sit squat in its own sauce, rather than those juices running all over the plate and going cold too quickly.

Is it okay to eat cold lasagne? ›

Really, all pasta with anything is awesome regardless of temperature. Lasagna in particular, though, is fantastic when eaten cold as it becomes a much more manageable beast to consume. With its slippery layers of pasta, sauce, cheese and whatever else, hot lasagna never stays together like you want it to.

What is traditionally served with lasagne? ›

15 Side Dishes To Serve With Lasagna
  1. 01 of 15. Stewed Squash. ...
  2. 02 of 15. Garlic Bread. ...
  3. 03 of 15. Oven-Roasted Asparagus. ...
  4. 04 of 15. Crispy Smashed Brussels Sprouts. ...
  5. 05 of 15. Marinated Cucumber, Tomato, And Onion Salad. ...
  6. 06 of 15. Chopped Kale Salad With Toasted Breadcrumbs. ...
  7. 07 of 15. Skillet- Roasted Carrots. ...
  8. 08 of 15. Creamed Spinach.

What is the correct layering for lasagna? ›

Quick Overview:
  1. The first thing that goes on the buttered tray is a layer of red sauce. This is so that nothing sticks to the bottom.
  2. After that, add a smaller layer of white sauce.
  3. Then finally a layer of pasta.
  4. Repeat the process: red sauce, white sauce, pasta.

What goes first on the bottom of lasagna? ›

Start by spreading a layer of your tomato-based sauce (either a plain tomato sauce or your pre-made ragù) on the bottom of your dish. Next, add a single layer of pasta sheets. Then, add a layer of white sauce, followed by another single layer of pasta sheets.

Do you eat lasagna with a fork or spoon? ›

Instead of picking up your knife to cut the precious pasta into bite-sized pieces, you should simply slice into it with the side of your fork. Considering the delicate nature of the stacked pasta dish, it actually makes a lot of sense to keep things as simple as possible when consuming it.

Do Italians put ricotta in lasagna? ›

In southern Italy lasagna is generally made with dried sheets of pasta layered with rich meat ragú, ricotta and mozzarella. In the north, especially in Bologna, the most popular version of lasagna features fresh egg pasta colored green with spinach and layered with ragú, bechamel and Parmigiano Reggiano.

What is the difference between lasagna and lasagne? ›

In Italian, lasagna is the singular form of the noun, referring to a single flat sheet of the pasta, while lasagne is the plural form and thus the go-to word for the whole dish, which is made up of many sheets of pasta.

Why can't you reheat lasagna? ›

Technically, you can reheat lasagna multiple times so long as you bring it up to an internal temperature of 165° each time. This temperature kills most bacteria that might be present in your leftovers. That said, the quality degrades with each reheat, so we suggest reheating lasagna one time only.

Why do you let lasagna rest after cooking? ›

When the lasagna is ready it is difficult to resist the temptation to immediately eat it, but be careful because even in this case you have to be a little patient. Wait for your lasagna to rest for about 20 minutes once it is baked, in this way it will not fall apart when cut.

Why does leftover lasagna taste better? ›

According to the Institute of Food Technologies, those protein breakdowns “enhance savory, meaty, umami taste, or reaction of amino acids with sugars to produce new flavor molecules by the Maillard reaction (browning), which can occur when the leftovers are reheated.”

Is lasagna healthy for you? ›

Lasagna is a quintessential comfort food, but there's nothing nutritious about white noodles layered with fatty ground meat and gobs of cheese. Fortunately it's possible to indulge in this Italian favorite without inhaling 800-plus calories and more than a day's worth of sodium and saturated fat in a single serving.

What is a good pair of lasagna? ›

Some of our favorites include fresh bread, cheesy garlic bread, or garlic knots. We also love going with a fresh salad such as an arugula salad, a simple salad with balsamic vinegar, or a classic wedge salad without the bacon. And if you're having a dinner party, a vegetarian antipasto platter is also a great idea!

Why is lasagne so good? ›

It has carbs, dairy, meat and vegetables. One could survive for months on lasagna alone. Likewise for the taste: there is something in it for everybody, whether one prefers the savoriness of the sauce, the cripy gratinated edges or the unbelievably creamy béchamel. This applies to the texture, as well.

Do you eat lasagna with a spoon or fork? ›

Instead of picking up your knife to cut the precious pasta into bite-sized pieces, you should simply slice into it with the side of your fork. Considering the delicate nature of the stacked pasta dish, it actually makes a lot of sense to keep things as simple as possible when consuming it.

How do you eat baked lasagna? ›

Serve with a leafy green salad and crusty garlic bread. Homemade lasagna isn't as hard to make as it seems.

What goes first in lasagna sheet or meat? ›

How to layer a lasagne…
  1. First, spread an even layer of bolognese sauce over the base of an oven-proof dish.
  2. Then, place a single layer of pasta sheets on top. ...
  3. Next, spread over a layer of the white sauce (or béchamel) and repeat the process until both sauces are used up.

How do you serve lasagna neatly? ›

After cutting the lasagna, use a spatula or a wide serving utensil to carefully lift each portion onto a plate. This will help maintain the integrity of the layers and prevent them from collapsing. Alternatively, you can also use a pie server for smoother and neater serving.

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