Laxatives: What They Do, Types & How To Use Them (2024)

What are laxatives?

Laxatives are medicines that help you have a bowel movement (poop) if you’re constipated. Most of us are familiar with the tell-tale signs of constipation — struggling to poop, hard or dry stools and the feeling that your bowels aren’t empty even after you’ve passed some stool. It’s miserable.

Usually, lifestyle changes can kick your digestive system into gear so you can poop. Eating high-fiber foods, taking probiotics, drinking more fluids and exercising often help.

If you’ve tried these changes and you’re still having trouble, it may be time to try a laxative. You can buy them over the counter in pharmacies, grocery stores and online. They may be labeled as laxatives, stool softeners or fiber supplements.


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Who needs laxatives?

Laxatives treat constipation in adults. You may need a laxative if:

  • You’re experiencing occasional constipation that hasn’t improved with lifestyle changes.
  • You have a chronic condition that causes constipation, like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
  • You need a bowel cleanse to flush stool out of your colon (large intestine) before a procedure on your digestive system.

But laxatives aren’t safe for everyone with constipation. Check with your healthcare provider before taking laxatives if you’re pregnant. Never give your child a laxative unless their pediatrician recommends it. And some laxatives can counteract the effects of certain medicines, so talk with your healthcare provider before taking one if you’re on a prescription medication.

How do laxatives work?

Laxatives cause changes in your digestive system that make it easier for you to poop. Some work by making your stool softer so it’s easier to pass. Others stimulate the muscles in your colon to move the stool along. Some types do both. It all depends on the type you use.

What are the types of laxatives?

Most laxatives are available without a prescription. Although they work differently to relieve constipation, they’re generally used to treat occasional or short-term constipation. Taking them for long periods can cause side effects (sometimes, serious ones) and even worsen your constipation.

You may need a prescription laxative if over-the-counter options aren’t working or if you have a chronic (long-term) condition that causes constipation.

Bulk-forming laxatives (fiber supplements)

These laxatives “bulk” up your stool or make it bigger. They add an ingredient to your poop called soluble fiber. Soluble fiber draws water from your body into your stool, making it bigger and softer. The size increase stimulates your colon to contract and push the stool out.

These laxatives are generally considered the gentlest. They’re least likely to cause side effects and often the best laxative to try first — unless your provider recommends a different type.

Bulk-forming laxatives include:

  • Fybogel.
  • Psyllium (Metamucil®).
  • Polycarbophil (FiberCon®).
  • Methylcellulose (Citrucel®).

Osmotic laxatives

Osmotic laxatives pull water from other body parts and send it to your colon. As the water collects, it softens your stool so it’s easier to pass. Saline laxatives are a type of osmotic laxative. They contain salt that holds water in your colon.

Osmotic laxatives include:

  • Polyethylene glycol (Gavilax®, MiraLAX®).
  • Magnesium hydroxide solution (Dulcolax®, Ex-Lax®, Phillips’® Milk of Magnesia).
  • Glycerin (Colace Glycerin®, Fleet Pedia-Lax®).

Stool softener laxatives

Stool softeners are also called emollient laxatives. They increase the water and fat your poop absorbs, softening it.

Stool softeners include docusate (Colace®).

Lubricant laxatives

Lubricant laxatives coat your colon, making it slick. The coating prevents your colon from absorbing water from your stool, so it stays soft. It also makes for a slippery passage that makes pooping easier.

Lubricant laxatives include mineral oil.

Stimulant laxatives

Stimulant laxatives activate the nerves that control the muscles in your colon. They force your colon into motion so it moves your stool along. You may need a stimulant laxative if other over-the-counter types haven’t helped.

Stimulant laxatives include:

  • Bisacodyl (Dulcolax®).
  • Senna (Fletcher’s® Laxative).

Prescription-only laxatives

You may need a prescription laxative if you have chronic constipation, including constipation associated with a condition like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You may need a prescription if you’re taking opioids, which can cause constipation.

Prescription laxatives that treat chronic constipation include:

  • Lactulose (Duphalac®).
  • Linaclotide (Linzess®).
  • Lubiprostone (Amitiza®).
  • Prucalopride (Prudac®, Motegrity®).
  • Plecanatide (Trulance®).
  • Lactulose (Cephulac®, Kristalose®).
  • Lactitol (Pizensy™).

Prescription laxatives that treat opioid-induced constipation include:

  • Methylnaltrexone (Relistor®).
  • Naloxegol (Movantik®).
  • Naldemedine (Symproic®).

How should I take a laxative?

Take laxatives exactly as the instructions say, so they work correctly, while also reducing your risk of side effects. For example, you’ll need to take some types of laxatives during certain times of the day or only at night. Some laxatives need to be taken with food or drink, while others need to be taken alone. Some you shouldn’t take with other types of medicine.

Most importantly, don’t take more of a laxative than the instructions (or your provider) say. It can be tempting to overdo it, especially when you’re looking for fast relief. But it’s possible to overdose on laxatives, even over-the-counter ones. Be patient if the laxative you’re using isn’t working. Reach out to a provider instead.

Laxatives come in different forms, including:

  • Pills: Some laxatives come in capsule or tablet form that you take by mouth.
  • Powders: Some laxatives come in powder form that you can mix in water or other liquids and drink.
  • Liquids or syrups: Some laxatives are liquids you can measure out and drink.
  • Suppositories: Some laxatives are inside tiny dissolvable capsules you insert directly into your anus (butthole).
  • Enemas: Some laxatives are inside small squeezable tubes. You inject the medicine into your anus by squeezing the tube.


How long does it take for laxatives to work?

It depends on the type of laxative and how you take it. For example, the laxatives that will help you poop fastest (within minutes or hours) are enemas and suppositories that inject the medicine directly into your anus. But there are tradeoffs. These types have a greater risk of side effects, like diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Gentler types of laxatives, like bulk-forming laxatives, are less likely to cause side effects, but it may take a few days (instead of a few minutes) for them to help you poop.

Type of laxativeHow long it takes to help you poop
Enemas and suppositories15 minutes to one hour.
LubricantsSix to eight hours.
StimulantsSix to 12 hours.
Stool softeners12 hours to three days.
Bulk-forming laxatives12 hours to three days.
Osmotic laxativesOne to three days (saline types act quicker, from 30 minutes to six hours).
Type of laxative
Enemas and suppositories
How long it takes to help you poop
15 minutes to one hour.
How long it takes to help you poop
Six to eight hours.
How long it takes to help you poop
Six to 12 hours.
Stool softeners
How long it takes to help you poop
12 hours to three days.
Bulk-forming laxatives
How long it takes to help you poop
12 hours to three days.
Osmotic laxatives
How long it takes to help you poop
One to three days (saline types act quicker, from 30 minutes to six hours).

How long do laxatives last?

Bulk-forming laxatives leave your body with your poop. Other types gradually break down in your digestive system. Timing depends on how much medicine you’re taking and its ingredients. A pharmacist can give you an idea of the timeline based on the type of laxative and the dose.

How long will I poop after taking a laxative?

Some people hesitate to take laxatives because they worry that once they start pooping, they may have trouble stopping. The thought can be just as concerning as constipation. Read the label on the medication. If you take it as directed, you should poop within the timeframe indicated.

If you’ve tried a laxative that isn’t working, or if you’re experiencing side effects (like severe diarrhea), contact a provider.

What are the side effects or complications of taking laxatives?

Following the instructions on the medicine can prevent side effects. For example, laxatives that pull water from your body to soften your stools, like bulk-forming laxatives and osmotics, can cause dehydration. This is why the instructions say to supplement by drinking more liquid. Taking stimulant laxatives for longer than directed can cause you to lose muscle tone in your colon. This can prevent your colon from helping you poop, worsening constipation. It’s essential not to overdo it.

If you’re taking a laxative, don’t skip reading the label to learn about potential side effects.

General side effects include:

  • Bloating and passing gas.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Dehydration (symptoms include feeling weak and having darker-than-normal pee).

Overuse can lead to complications that sometimes require a visit to your provider or even the ER. These include:

  • Electrolyte imbalance (imbalance of water and salt in your body).
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Blockage in your intestine.
  • Severe diarrhea.

One of the biggest downsides to taking laxatives is that it can delay your diagnosis if you have a condition causing constipation. Laxatives treat constipation symptoms, but they don’t treat the cause. Usually, the cause is easy to fix, like getting more fiber or drinking more water. But if you have a condition causing constipation, laxatives can mask the problem.

This is why it’s essential to contact a healthcare provider if you try a laxative and it doesn’t work or if you find you’re frequently getting constipated.

When should I contact my healthcare provider?

Contact your provider if you’re having trouble pooping or if you’re uncertain about whether taking a laxative is safe for you. Reach out if you’ve tried one type of laxative, but it hasn’t helped. They may advise you to try a different kind of laxative, or they may recommend you come in so they can check for conditions that cause constipation.

If nothing is working, don’t wait it out. It’s better to contact your healthcare provider to get the guidance (and relief) you need.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Laxatives aren’t the first option you should try to relieve constipation, but they’re a good “plan B” if lifestyle changes haven’t done the trick. Moving stool naturally is always the best option. Eating high-fiber foods and getting plenty of water usually gets things moving. Exercise can sometimes help, too. If nothing’s working, a gentle laxative may do the trick. Read and follow the instructions closely. This increases your chances of experiencing relief — without the unpleasant side effects. If all else fails, contact your healthcare provider.

Laxatives: What They Do, Types & How To Use Them (2024)


What are the main types of laxatives and how do they work? ›

Stimulant laxatives: These stimulate the digestive tract walls, speeding up bowel movements. Usually, they take effect within 6–12 hours. Stool softener laxatives: These decrease the surface tension of stools so that they absorb more water, making them softer. Usually, they work within 12–72 hours.

What is the best laxative that works immediately? ›

Relief within minutes. Rectal enemas and suppositories are the fastest acting laxatives available. These include saline and mineral oil enemas as well as glycerin and bisacodyl rectal suppositories. Common OTC products in this group include Fleet enema, Pedia-Lax, and the Magic Bullet.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  • Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  • Squat when you poop. ...
  • Use a fiber supplement. ...
  • Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  • Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  • Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  • Try a stool softener. ...
  • Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

What is the best laxative to clean you out? ›

Instead, over-the-counter drugs such as polyethylene glycol (Miralax and generic), bisacodyl (Dulcolax laxative tablets and generic), or senna (Ex-Lax, Senokot, and generic) are a far better choice. They tend to work at least as well, often have more evidence for their safety, and are much cheaper.

What is the safest laxative for long-term use? ›

In general, fiber supplements are the gentlest on your body. These also are called bulk-forming laxatives. Metamucil and Citrucel fall into this category.

How to get rid of old feces in the colon? ›

How can I clean my colon naturally?
  1. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. ...
  2. Saltwater flush. You can also try a salt water flush. ...
  3. High fiber diet. ...
  4. Juices and smoothies. ...
  5. Juice fast. ...
  6. More resistant starches. ...
  7. Probiotics. ...
  8. Herbal teas.

What is the best laxative for stuck poop? ›

A doctor may recommend oral laxatives, such as polyethylene glycol (MiraLax) or bisacodyl (Dulcolax). A person should take the tablet as the doctor, pharmacist, or instruction leaflet advises. Polyethylene glycol comes as a powder to dissolve in water or another drink.

How to pass hard stool immediately? ›

Home remedies include increasing your fiber intake or taking a laxative, using a suppository, or taking a stool softener. Trying out a squat position, doing light exercise, or performing a colonic massage may also help. A doctor can check for other conditions affecting constipation and prescribe medication to help.

What if I take laxatives and still can't poop? ›

See your GP for advice if you're often constipated, despite making appropriate lifestyle changes, or if your constipation hasn't improved after taking laxatives for more than a week.

How do you push out a big hard stool? ›

Follow these 4 simple steps to relieve the symptoms of constipation and pass stool easily.
  1. Keep your knees higher than your hips – a foot stool may help with this.
  2. Lean forwards and put your elbows on your knees.
  3. Bulge out your abdomen.
  4. Straighten your spine.
Feb 10, 2023

What is the 7 second poop trick? ›

The seven second poop trick is a social media trend that claims holding your breath and straining for seven seconds during bowel movements can immediately relieve your constipation. Although this sounds quick and easy, there's no scientific evidence to support this claim.

How to flush out your bowels? ›

You can do a natural colon cleanse by adding more fiber and probiotics to your diet, as well as by trying a saltwater flush or mixing apple cider vinegar with honey. While you may find that the practice helps ease bloating or other digestive issues, there's no scientific support for doing a natural colon cleanse.

What laxative works in 30 minutes? ›

Dulcolax® Liquid is stimulant-free and works naturally with the water in your body to provide gentle, fast-acting constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes (30 minutes to 6 hours).

What is the best laxative for the elderly? ›

The osmotic laxative is the best laxative for the elderly. Most older adults tolerate polyethylene glycol (MiraLAX) well and use it daily. Senna and other stimulant laxatives are often helpful, too. You can also combine them with an osmotic laxative.

How to loosen a bowel blockage at home? ›

Bowel Obstruction Home Remedies
  1. Drink enough liquids to keep yourself well-hydrated.
  2. Eat several mini-meals throughout the day instead of fewer but larger meals.
  3. Always chew your food thoroughly.
  4. Avoid high-fiber foods, raw fruits and veggies, and fiber supplements.
  5. Get regular exercise.
Apr 9, 2024

What is the most common laxative? ›

Stimulant laxatives
  • bisacodyl (also called by the brand name Dulcolax)
  • senna (also called by the brand name Senokot)
  • sodium picosulfate.

Which is better, Miralax or Dulcolax? ›

Dulcolax vs.

Miralax, an osmotic laxative, typically takes 1 to 3 days to work. It's only available as a powder that you mix into a beverage. Compared to Dulcolax, Miralax can take longer to work. But it is much more tolerated and tends to cause fewer side effects than other laxatives.

What is the best laxative for impacted stool? ›

For proximal fecal impaction, the ideal laxative is polyethylene glycol. One may have to administer from 1 to 3 liters of polyethylene glycol over a period of hours before a response is seen. If abdominal cramps and nausea occur, then no more polyethylene glycol should be ingested.

What is the best natural laxative for constipation? ›

Natural laxatives include foods rich in magnesium, fiber, and probiotics, as well as drinks like water, prune juice, and coffee. Certain herbs, such as senna, ginger, peppermint, and aloe vera, can also help to keep your bowel movements more regular. Using natural laxatives to relieve constipation is usually safe.

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