Les Prophéties - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia (2024)

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Les Prophéties (The Prophecies) is a collection of prophecies by French physician Nostradamus, the first edition of which appeared in 1555 by the publishing house Macé Bonhomme. His most famous work is a collection of poems, quatrains, united in ten sets of verses ("Centuries") of 100 quatrains each.

The first edition included three whole Centuries and 53 quatrains. The book begins with a preface, in the form of a message to his son César, followed by the Centuries themselves. The second edition was published in the same year and has minor differences from the first.

The third edition was published in 1557, and included the full text of the previous edition, supplemented by three more Centuries. The fourth edition was published two years after the death of the author, in 1568. It is the first edition to include all ten Centuries, as well as a second preface, the Letter to King Henry II. However, quatrains 55 to 100 of the seventh Century were never completed.

The first English edition titled The True Prophecies or Prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, Physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. Kings of France, was published in London by Thomas Ratcliffe and Nathaniel, in the year 1672.

The predictions do not follow chronological coherence and were written combining French, Greek, Latin and Occitan. It is believed that it contains anagrams, mythological and astrological references, in a subjective language that makes comprehension difficult. Some scholars claim that this was a resource used by Nostradamus to evade the Holy Inquisition, for fear of being persecuted for heresy.

Most of the quatrains deal with disasters, and Nostradamus gained notoriety for the belief in his ability to predict the future.


Full text of English translation


Courteous Reader.


Before thou goest on further to the perusing of this Work, thou arthumbly intreated by the Authour, to forgive him his Anglicisme; for beingborn a Forreigner, and having had no body to help him to the polishingof it, for several reasons, it cannot be expected he should please thineEars, so much as he may perhaps do thy Fancy. Every Exotick Plant canhardly become Domestical under one or two Generations: Besides that,the Crabbedness of the Original in his own Idiome, can scarce admit aPolite Eloquency in another. The very Antient _English_ Language in thisrefined Age, is become both obsolete and unintelligible, as we may see in_Chaucer_, _Gower_, and others. If you adde to this, that the AuthoursNation hath been alwayes famous for its Civility to those that wereStrangers to their Language, as not onely to abstain from laughing atthem when they spoke amiss, but also in redressing them charitably to thebest of their power. I may probably expect you will measure me with thesame measure, as you would be if you were in my case.

As for the Errataes of the Press, I could not help them, being out ofTown most part of the time that the Book was a Printing; when you meetwith any, I hope your Charitable Pen will either mend or obliteratethem, and not lay another mans fault upon me, who neither for pride norostentation undertook this laborious Work, but that I might give someSatisfaction and Recreation to the Learned and Curious, who have had alonging for it ever since its Birth.



Explicatum à doctissimo sagacissimoq; Viro Domino




Nostradami Vaticinium.

 _Abdita qui medici legit præsagia Vatis,_ _Non valet hoc quisquam pandere carmen, ait._ _Falleris, en Medicus merito quoque nomine Vates,_ _Invia luminibus permeat antra novis._ _Sed minus ingenio tantum mirere laborem_ _Id succisivo tempore fecit opus._
 Petrus Cottereau.


 _Præteritos in vate tuo cognoscere casus_ _Vix licet; ast etiam nota futura tibi._ _Si potes è mediis lucem proferre tenebris;_ _Ipsa metallorum semina te-ne latent?_ _Nulla tuum fugiunt naturæ arcana cerebrum,_ _Per quem ~Nostradami~ Pythica verba patent._

Perenni Famæ Doctissimi Viri _Theophili de Garencieres_ Doctoris MediciColleg. _Lond._ de Interpretatione _NOSTRADAMI_ Fatidici Tetrastichon hocdicavit.

Dudleyus, _dimidia pars ipsius animæ_.

 _Qvæ primus fecit, facit illa secundus ~Apollo~,_ _Conjungens medicis oracula sacra triumphis._ _Quis major, rogitas? facile est discernere noris_ _Si Latonigenæ cessare oracula ~Phœbi~._

_By the same, To the Author of this, and a more Excellent Work._


 The God of Arts that gives thee Light, as clear As his, that thou might’st be his Agent here In all his Secrets; courts thee to go on, Till thou hast made thy self another Sun.
 _Æternum vivant si vera Oracula Phœbi_ _~Nostradami~ vivent; & Patris illa mei;_






Before I speak any thing of the Author, or of his Works, I think itconvenient to speak somthing of my self, and of my intention in settingout this Translation, with my Annotations.

The Reputation that this Book hath amongst all the _Europeans_, since itsfirst coming out, which was in the year 1555. and the curiosity that fromtime to time the learned have had to see the Mysteries contained in it,unfolded: is a sufficient warrant for my undertaking.

Many better Pens (I confess) could have performed this work with bettersuccess, but not with greater facility than I, having from my youth beenconversant with those that pretended or endeavered to know somthing init. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for a man of my professionto wade through it. This Book was the first after my Primmer, whereinI did learn to read, it being then the Custom in _France_, about theyear 1618. to initiate Children by that Book; First, because of thecrabbidness of the words; Secondly, that they might be acquainted withthe old and absolete _French_, such as is now used in the _English_ Law;and Thirdly, for the delightfulness and variety of the matter, so thatthis Book in those days was printed every year like an Almanack, or aPrimer for Children. From that time, without any other Study than readingof History, and observing the events of the world, and conversing withthose that made it their Study, (some of which were like to run mad aboutit) I have attained to so much Knowledge, as to bring it into a Volume.

The Book is written in the Nature of Prophecies, digested into old_French_ Verses, most of which are very hard to be understood, and othersimpossible at all, whether the Author did affect obscurity, or elsewanted the faculty to express himself, which is the cause that it couldnot be rendred into _English_ Verses, it being troublesome enough to beunderstood in Prose, as the Reader will find. That’s the reason that Ihave translated it almost word for word, to make it as plain as I could;as also because the Reader (if curious of it) may benefit himself in theknowledge of the _French_ Tongue, by comparing the _English_ and _French_together. The rest that can be said upon this subject, you shall findeither in the Authors Life, or in the Appology made for him.

And because I have told you before, that many have been like to run madby over-studying these, and other Prophecies, give me leave to give youthis advice, that in vain, or at least without any great profit, thoushalt bestow thy time, care, and study upon it: for which I will givethee the chief reasons, that have disswaded me from it.

The first is, that the thing it self, which you may think to understand,is not certain in it self; because the Author disguiseth it in severalmanners, sometimes speaking a double sense, as that of the ancient Oracle.

 _Aio te Æacida Romanos vincere posse._

Which is to be understood two ways, and cannot be determinated, till theevent of it be past.

It is true, that the Author doth mark so many particular Circ*mstances,that when the thing is come to pass, every one may clearly see thathe pretended to Prophecie that particular thing. And besides he dothsometimes deliver the thing in so obscure terms, that without a peculiar_Genius_, it is almost impossible to understand it.

The second is, that though the Prophecie be true in it self, yet no bodyknoweth, neither the time, nor how: For example, he plainly foretelleth,that the Parliament of _England_ should put their King to death;nevertheless no body could tell, nor when, nor how, till the thing wascome to pass, nor what King it should be, till we had seen it.

The third is, that he marketh the times with Astrological terms, _viz._when such and such Planets, shall be in such and such Signs; but asthose Planets are often here, and go out of it, and come there again, nocertain judgement can be made of it.

The fourth is, that many times he giveth some peculiar Circ*mstances tothose he speaketh of, which may be found in others. Thus _the Royal firstborn_ might have been applied to _Lewis_ the XIII. to _Lewis_ the XIV. tothe first born of _Philip_ the II. and _Philip_ the III. King of _Spain_,and to Kings of _England_, Father and Son. Nevertheless we find that thisword _Royal first born_, was intended for _Henry_ IV. Grandfather on hisMothers side, as we shall shew hereafter. This being so, it cannot beexpounded, but after the event.

The fifth is, that the knowledge of future things, belongeth toGod alone, and no body can pretend by any study, to have a certainacquisition of it in all its Circ*mstances.

The sixth is, that the orders of Gods providence, which cause the severalevents in all States, will not permit that men should have a publicknotion of his designs, sometimes he revealeth them to his Servants, or tosome particular man as he pleaseth, but he will not have them to be knownamong the common sort of men.

The seventh, is the experience we have had of many, who pretendingto understand the Author, have made a quantity of false Prophecies,expounding the Stanza’s according to their fancy, as if God had giventhem the same understanding that he gave the Author, and what oughtto confirm us more in this point, is, that they have expounded someProphecies, as if they were to come to pass, which were past already, bywhich we see the darkness of humane wit, who without authority pretendethto bite into the forbidden fruit of knowledge.

The eighth is, that this knowledge is no way profitable for the Vulgar;because those things being decreed by God, they shall come to passwithout forceing our liberty, nor hindering the contingency of sublunarythings, where we must observe that the Prophecies which were revealed tomen, are many times conditional, as we see in that of _Jonas_ against_Ninive_, but those that they have left in writing for the times thatshould come after them, are absolutely true, and shall infallibly cometo pass, as they have foretold them. This no ways hindereth, but God mayreveal some secrets of his to private men, for their benefit, and thatof their friends, without imparting it to the Vulgar, who may be, shouldlaugh at them.

The ninth is, that God hath peculiarly reserved to himself the knowledgeof times. _Daniel_, by a special favour, knew the end of the _Babylonian_Captivity, and the time of the _Messiah_’s birth, and yet theinterpreters can scarce yet expound clearly the meaning of the seventyweeks of _Daniel_, and we see, that since 1600 years ago, holy men, fromage to age, have foretold the proximity of Dooms-day, and the coming ofAntichrist.

The tenth is, that the foretelling of future things in this Author, isfor the most part included in business of State, and one might be guiltyof a criminal temerity, if he would discover things that concern us not,and the concealing of which, is commended by all prudent persons, seeingthat we owe respect, love, and submission to those that bear rule over us.

For these reasons (dear Reader) I would not have thee intangle thy selfin the pretentions of knowing future things. If you have light concerningthem, keep thine own secret, and make use of it for thy self: Preservepeace, and let the Almighty govern the World: for he can turn all thingsto his Glory, and may when he pleaseth, raise up some Wits that will makeknown unto us, what we desire, without any further trouble to our selves.Before I make an end, I cannot but acquaint thee for gratitude sake, ofmy Obligation to several persons, which have lent me Books, to help metowards the finishing of this work, as namely that worthy Gentleman, andthe Honour of his profession Mr. _Francis Bernard_, Apothecary to St._Bartholemews_ Hospital, and Mr. _Philip Auberton_ Gentleman, belongingto the Right Honourable the Earl of _Bridgwater_. Farewell.




Michael Nostradamus,

Physitian in Ordinary to HENRY the II. and CHARLES the IX. Kings of_France_.

_Michael Nostradamus_, the most renowned and famous Astrologer, that hathbeen these many Ages, was born in St. _Remy_, a Town of _Provence_, inthe year 1503. upon a _Thursday_, the 14th of _December_, about noon.His father was _James Nostradamus_, a Notary of the said Town, hisMother was _Renata_ of St. _Remy_, whose Grandfathers by the Fathers andMothers side, were men very skilfull, in Mathematick and Physick, onehaving been Physitian to _Renatus_, King of _Jerusalem_, and _Sicily_,and Earl of _Provence_, and the other Physition to _John_, Duke of_Calabria_, Son to the said _Renatus_, whence cometh that our Authorsaith in his Commentaries, that he hath received from hand to hand theKnowledge of Mathematicks, from his ancient Progenitors. After the deathof his great Grandfather by the Mothers side, who first gave him aslight tincture, and made him in love with the Mathematicks, he was sentto School to _Avignon_. After that he went to Mount _Pelier_, to studyPhilosophy and Physick, till a great Plague coming, he was compelled togo to _Narbonne_, _Thoulouse_, and _Bourdeaux_, where he first beganto practise, being then about 22 years of age. Having lived four yearsin those parts, he went back again to _Monpelier_, to get his degrees,which he did with a great deal of applause. Going to _Thoulouse_, hepast through _Agen_, where _Julius Cæsar Scaliger_ stayed him, withwhom he was very familiar and intimately acquainted, though they fellout afterward; there he took to wife a very honourable Gentlewoman, bywhom he had two Children, a Son and a Daughter, all which being dead,and seeing himself alone, he resolved to retire himself into _Provence_his Native Countrey. After he had gone to _Marseille_, he went to _Aix_,where the Parliament of _Provence_ sitteth, and was there kept threeyears at the City Charges; because of the violent Plague that raged thenin the year 1546. as you may read in the Lord of _Launay_’s Book, calledthe Theater of the World, who describeth that Plague according to theinformations our Author gave him. Thence he went to _Salon de Craux_, aCity distant from _Aix_ one dayes Journey, and in the middle way between_Avignon_ and _Marseille_; there he Married his second Wife _Anna PonceGenelle_, by whom he had three Sons and one Daughter, the eldest was_Michael Nostradamus_, who hath written some pieces of Astrology, Printedat _Paris_ in the year 1563.

The second was _Cæsar Nostradamus_, who hath deserved to be numbred amongthe _French_ Historians, by reason of the great Volume he hath written of_Provence_.

The third was a Capuchine Frier. _Cæsar_ did insert in his History thepropagation of that Order in _Provence_. The fourth was a Daughter.

_Nostradamus_ having found by experience that the perfect knowledge ofPhysick dependeth from that of Astrology, he addicted himself to it, andas this Science wanteth no allurement, and that besides his Genius he hada peculiar disposition and inclination to it; he made such a progressin it, that he hath deserved the Title of the most illustrious one in_France_, insomuch that making some Almanacks for recreation sake, he didso admirably hit the conjuncture of events, that he was sought for farand near.

This success was the cause of an extraordinary diminution of his fame;for the Printers and Booksellers seeing his fame, did print and ventabundance of false Almanacks under his name for lucre sake, whence itcame that his reputation suffered by it, and was the cause that the Lord_Pavillon_ wrote against him, and that the Poet _Jodele_ made this bitterDistichon.

 _~Nostra damus~ cum falsa damus, nam fallere nostrum est,_ _Et cum falsa damus, nil nisi ~Nostra damus~._

To which may be answered.

 _~Nostra damus~ cum verba damus quæ ~Nostradamus~ dat,_ _Nam quæcunque dedit nil nisi vera dedit._

Or thus

 _Vera damus cum verba damus quæ ~Nostradamus~ dat,_ _Sed cum ~Nostra damus~, nil nisi falsa damus._

Nevertheless the Beams of Truth did shine through the Clouds of Calumny;for he was singularly esteemed of by the Grandees, Queen _Katharine_ of_Medicis_, who had a natural inclination to know future things.

And _Henry_ the II. King of _France_, who sent for him to come to theCourt in the year 1556. and having had private conference with him aboutthings of great concernment, sent him honourably back again with manygifts. He went from _Salon_ to the Court upon the 14 of _July_ in theyear 1555. and came to _Paris_ upon the 15 of _August_. As soon as hewas come to Town, the Lord Constable of _Montmorency_ went to see himat his Inn, and presented him to the King, who received him with muchsatisfaction, and commanded that his lodging should be at the Palace ofthe Cardinal of _Bourbon_ Archbishop of _Sens_.

There he was taken with the Gout for ten or twelve days, after whichhis Majesty sent him one hundred Crowns in Gold in a Velvet Purse, andthe Queen as much. Their Majesties desired him to go to _Blois_ to seethe Princes their Children, and to tell them his opinion of them. Itis certain that he did not tell them what he thought, considering theTragical end of those three Princes, _viz._ _Francis_ the II. _Charles_the IX. and _Henry_ the III.

Having been so much honoured at Court, he went back again to _Salon_,where he made an end of his last Centuries, two years after he dedicatedthem to the King _Henry_ the II. in the year 1557. and in his LuminaryEpistle discovereth unto him the future events that shall happen from theBirth of _Lewis_ the XIV. now Reigning, till the coming of Antichrist.

While he was at _Salon_ he received there the Duke of _Savoy_, andthe Lady _Margaret_ of _France_, Sister to _Henry_ the II. who was toMarry the said Duke according to the treaty of the general Peace madeat _Cambresis_, both entertained him very familiarly, and honoured himoften with their presence. The Duke came in _October_ and the Lady in_December_.

When _Charles_ the IX. went a progress through his Kingdom, he came into_Provence_, and did fail not to go to _Salon_ to visit our Author, who inthe name of the Town went to salute him, and make a Speech, this was inthe year 1564. the 17 of _November_.

The extraordinary satisfaction that the King and the Queen Motherreceived from him was such, that being both at _Lion_, they sent for himagain, and the King gave him 200 Crowns in Gold, and the Queen almost asmuch, with the quality of Physician in Ordinary to the King, with theSalaries and profits thereunto appertaining. Being come back to _Salon_he lived about 16 Months longer, and died upon the 2 of _July_ 1566.in his Climacterical year of 63. having all his senses about him: HisDisease was a Gout at first, which turned into a Dropsie; the time ofhis death it seemeth was known to him; for a friend of his witnesseth,that at the end of _June_ in the said year he had writen with his ownhand upon the Ephemerides of _John Stavius_ these Latine words, _Hicprope mors est_; that is, near here is my death, and the day before hisdeath that friend of his having waited on him till very late took hisleave, saying, I shall see you again to morrow morning, you shall notsee me alive when the Sun riseth, which proved true. He died a _Roman_Catholick, having received all his Sacraments, and was solemnly buried inthe Church of the _Franciscan_ Friers at _Salon_, on the left hand of theChurch door, where his Widow erected him a Marble Table fastened in theWall with this Epitaph, with his Figure to the Life, and his Arms aboveit.

 The Inscription of his EPITAPH is in imitation of that of _Titus Livius_, and is thus.
 _D. M._
 _Ossa clarissimi ~Michaelis Nostradami~, unius omnium pene mortalium digni, cujus Divino calamo totius Orbis ex astrorum influxu futuri eventus conscriberentur. Vixit annos ~LXII.~ menses ~VI.~ dies ~X.~ Obiit. Salonæ ~CIↃ IↃLXVI~. ~Anna Pontia Gemella~, conjugi optimo. ~V. E.~_

Which may be rendred thus:

 Here lies the Bones of the most famous _Nostradamus_, one who among Men hath deserved by the opinion of all, to set down in writting with a Quill almost Divine, the future Events of all the Universe, caused by the Cœlestial influences; he lived 62. years 6. Months and 10. days, he died at _Salon_, in the year 1566.
 O Posterity do not grudge at his rest.
 _Anna Pontia Gemella_ wisheth to her most loving Husband the true Happiness.

He had a Brother named _John Nostradamus_, famous for several Works thathe hath written, the Catalogue of which is in the Book of Mr. _du Mainede la Croix_, Intitled, the _Library_.

As for our Author, he hath left several Works, among which is a Book ofReceits, for the preservation of health, Printed at _Poitiers_, in theyear 1556.

Another concerning the means of beautifying the Face and the Body,that was Printed at _Antwerp_ by _Plantin_ in the year 1557. whichhe Dedicated to his Brother _John Nostradamus_, an Attorney at theParliament of _Aix_.

Besides this, he Translated from Latine into French the _Paraphases ofGalen_, upon the Exhortation of _Menedotus_, which was Printed at _Lyon_by _Antony du Rhosne_, in the year 1557.

But before we conclude, it will not be amiss to give some recreation tothe Reader, by relating a merry passage that happened to _Nostradamus_being in _Lorrain_, for being in the Castle of _Faim_, belonging to theLord of _Florinville_, and having in cure the Mother of the said Lord; itchanced one day that they both walking in the Yard, there was two littlePiggs, one white, and the other black, whereupon the Lord enquired of_Nostradamus_ in jest, what should become of these two Piggs? he answeredpresently, we shall eat the black, and the Wolf shall eat the white.

The Lord _Florinville_ intending to make him a Lyar, did secretly commandthe Cook to dress the white for Supper; the Cook then killed the white,drest it, and spitted it ready to be rosted when it should be time; Inthe mean time having some business out of the Kitchin, a young tame Wolfcame in, and eat up the Buttocks of the white Pig, that was ready to berosted; the Cook coming in the mean time, and fearing least his Mastershould be angry, took the black one, killed it, and drest it, and offeredit at Supper. Then the Lord thinking he had got the Victory, not knowingwhat was befallen, said to _Nostradamus_, well Sir, we are eating now thewhite Pigg, and the Wolf shall not touch it. I do not believe it (said_Nostradamus_) it is the black one that is upon the Table. Presently theCook was sent for, who confessed the accident, the relation of which wasas pleasing to them as any meat.

In the same Castle of _Faim_, he told many that in a little Hill thatwas near the Castle, there was a Treasure hidden, which should never befound, if it were sought with design, but that it should be discoveredwhen the Hill should be digged for some other intent. There is a greatprobability in this prediction, for there was an ancient Temple builtupon it, and when they dig there, many times several Antiquities arefound. All _France_ telleth several Histories foretold by the Author, butI am unwilling to write any thing without good warrant. His Stanza’s aresufficient to prove the extraordinary Talent he had in foretelling futurethings.



Michael Nostradamus.


It is not unusual for Calumny to follow the best Wits, and those whom Godhath endowed with so extraordinary Talent, upon weak and slight grounds.It is not also unusual for Men to side easier with calumny againstinnocent persons, then with those truths that justifie them; thereforeno body ought to wonder, if _Michael Nostradamus_ hath been so muchcried down and defamed by several Authors, being in the number of thoseextraordinary persons, whom God had priviledged with that grace so muchdesired by curious Men, _viz._ the knowledge of future events.

Besides that, there was four things in him, which might have been thegrounds of this diffamation.

The first was the vulgar life which he led in the Roman CatholikReligion, which seemed to bear no proportion with such an extraordinaryfavour of God.

The second was his application to judicial Astrology, which is condemnedby many learned Men, and detested by those that pretend to ignorantdevotion.

The third was a suspition brought by his enemies, and many devout personsin his time, that he was a Negromancer, and had familiarity with theAngel of darkness.

The fourth was the obscurity of his Stanza’s, which was made worse by theenormous faults of those that first Copied them, and by the carelesnessof the Printers.


_How the first Objection hath caused the Author to be reputed a falseProphet._

In consequence of the first Objection, calumny hath endeavoured to placehim among the false Prophets, because scarce any body can persuadehimself, that there being among the Faithful so many Illustrious personsin Holiness and Learning, the Holy Ghost would have made choice of acommon person, and to reveal him so many rare secrets, concerning thefuture Estate of his Church, and of those Kingdoms that acknowledgeher for their Mother, seeing that the Holy Scriptures shew us, thatthe knowledge of future things (chiefly if it be extraordinary in itsextent) is a special Priviledge wherewith God honoureth his most faithfulServants.

And to say truth, when the Holy Fathers and the Interpreters of theScripture speak of the Prerogatives of the Apostle St. _John_, they makethe chiefest to be that by which being full of Prophetical Spirit, heforetold the future Estate of the Church; and in the Old Testament, somany Prophets were so many Miracles and Prodigies of Holiness, and theonly name of Prophet in the Scripture is the most glorious Title that isgiven to those that were Gods most faithful Servants.

If we find in the Scripture that _Balaam_ hath Prophesied notwithstandinghis perfidiousness, and that the High Priest _Caiaphas_, notwithstandinghis wicked design of murdering Christ, hath also Prophesied; it was onlyfor a few things, and in such cases where God would singularly shew forthhis Glory, by those that would have smothered it.

How can we then believe the same of _Nostradamus_, who had not so much asan extraordinary atom of Christian piety, by which he might have been somuch priviledg’d of God, as to know by his Divine Light the future Estateof the Church, her Persecutions and her Victories from the year 1555. tothe end of the World.

Can it be possible that a Physician, an Astrologer, and one of the commonsort of people should have been chosen of God among so many thousands hisbetters, to impart unto him those Graces, which have been the reward ofthe purity and holiness of his Apostles, and of the faithfulness of St._John_ the Evangelist.

This seemeth altogether improbable to Christian piety.


_The second Objection hath ranked the Author among Dreamers and falseVisionaries._

Some are more moderate in the censuring of this Author, and beingunwilling to call him maliciously a false Prophet, would have him to be afoolish Dreamer, who believed his own imaginations, and took pleasure inhis own fancies, whence came that Latine Distick of the Poet _Jodelle_,

 _~Nostra damus~ cum falsa damus, nam fallere nostrum est,_ _Et cum falsa damus, nil nisi ~Nostra damus~._

This Distick was so pleasing to the Wits of the times, that withoutfurther inquiry, since that time _Nostradamus_ went for a Dreamer and adoting fool.

This opinion increased more and more by his making of many Almanacks,wherein every body may see how much he was taken with judicial Astrology;and we see often in his Stanza’s the decision of the times, by theconjunction of the Planets with the Signs, and by the Eclipses, whencesometimes he doth infer some events that were to happen.

But what did undo him most, was the covetousness of the Printers andBooksellers of his time, who seeing his Almanacks so well received, didset forth a thousand others under his name, that were full of lies andfopperies.

From that time the Author went for one of those poor Astrologers, whoget their living by foretelling absurdities; and pretend to read in theHeavens, that which is only in their foolish imagination.


_The third Objection accuseth the Author of medling with the black Art,of being a Negromancer, and a Disciple of the Devil._

If the precedents have been moderate in their censure; others have beenmore severe in delivering their opinion, accusing him to have keptacquaintance with the Devil, as the Negromancers and other Prestigiatorsof the ancient times did.

The reason that made them think so is, that seeing so many things cometo pass, just as the Author had foretold; they could not attribute itto the knowledge of judicial Astrology, nor to Divine Revelation, andconsequently concluded, that it must of necessity come from Satan.

They could not attribute it to judicial Astrology, either because theyhad no opinion of it, or that the greatest defensors of that Astrologydo agree among themselves, that it cannot reach so far as to foretell athousand peculiar circ*mstances, which depend purely from the freedomof Men, such as proper names are, and the like, which nevertheless ourAuthor did foretell.

They could neither attribute it to Divine Revelation, for the reasonsalledged in the first objection; moreover, because he was accused of athousand falsities and fopperies, Printed in those Almanacks that wentfalsly under his name, whence they concluded that it could not come byDivine Revelation, seeing that the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth.

It followeth then (say they) that it must come from the Devil, bythe help of the Black Art; the Lord _Florimond de Raimond_ a veryconsiderable Author, was of that opinion in his Book of the _Birth ofHeresies_, Chap. 3.


_The fourth Objection maketh him the Head of those Seductors andImpostors, which are dangerous in a Common-wealth._

As Fame doth increase by continuation of time, so doth calumny increaseby the multiplicity of opinions, she was not contented to deflourslightly the Authors reputation, by making him pass for some sottishDreamer, and to rank him amongst the false Prophets, by accusing himto meddle with the black Art, but must needs also sacrifice him to theinfernal Furies, by making him the Prince of Seductors and Impostors,that ought to be banished out of every Common-wealth. The fondamentalreason of this was the obscurity of his Stanza’s, where there was neitherrime nor reason; the obscurity did proceed of abundance of gross faults,which the Copisters and Printers have inserted in them, from the omissionof several words, from the changing and altering of others, and from theaddition of some others, which did destroy the sense.

From this great obscurity, calumny draweth this argument, to ruineutterly the Author, charging him to be all at once a false Prophet, adotish Dreamer, a Magician, and an infamous Seductor of people.

If God had inspired him what he hath written, he would have done it forthe good of his Church and true Believers, seeing he never granteth thisProphetical Grace to any, but to that end as it appeareth in the HolyScriptures.

This being so, what profit can any body draw from him, if the sense ofhis Stanza’s be so obscure, as not to be understood? and although itshould be granted, that some accidents that have happened in Christendom,may sometimes be found in his Prophecies, what fruit hath the Churchreaped of it, seeing that those accidents that were foretold, were neverknown, till they had come to pass, and that there was no avoiding of them?

It cannot therefore be believed, that God should have been the Author ofhis Predictions, but rather the Subtle Spirit of Satan, with whom he wasacquainted by such like black Arts.

According to those four Objections, the Lord _Sponde_ in the third Volumeof his _Annals_, made him this Epitaph in the year 1566. _Mortuus est hocanno nugax ille toto orbe famosus ~Michael Nostradamus~, qui se præscium& præsagum eventuum futurorum per astrorum influxum venditavit, sub cujusdeinceps nomine quivis homines ingeniosi suas hujusmodi cogitationesprotendere consueveruent, in quem valde apposite lusit qui dixit.~Nostra damus~ cum falsa damus_, &c. In _English_. In the year 1566. diedthat Trifler so famous through all the World, _Michael Nostradamus_who boasted while he lived, to know and foretell future things, by theknowledge he had of the influences of the Planets, under whose nameafterwards many ingenious Men have vented their Imaginations, insomuch,that he that made that Distick, Nostra damus _cum falsa damus_, &c.seemeth to have very well said.


_Proofs setting forth evidently that ~Nostradamus~ was enlightned by theHoly Ghost._

In consequence of these objections forged by calumny, _Nostradamus_ namehath been so cried down, that I have thought me self oblidged to makehis Apology, to give the greater credit to his Prophecy, the expositionof which I do here undertake, and to proove, that effectually he wasenlightned by the Holy Ghost: first, by writting the History of his Life,as I have done in the beginning of this Book; Secondly, by answering toall the said Objections; Thirdly, by alledging the Elogies given him byseveral Grave and Authentical Authors.

First, I maintain that he was enlightned by the Holy Ghost, by anunanswerable reason, drawn out the Theology, but before we discourse ofit, let us suppose that _Nostradamus_ hath foretold many things, whichabsolutely depends from the free will of men, and cannot be known,neither by judicial Astrology, nor by Satan himself, such are for exemplethe proper names of Persons, which nevertheless he doth in his Prophecies.

He nameth the Lord of _Monluc_, the Sprightful _Gascon_, the Captain_Charry_, his Camerade, the Lord _de la Mole_, Admiral of _Henry_ theII. Galleys, _Entragues_, who was beheaded by order of _Lewis_ the XIII.the Headsman of the Duke of _Montmorency_, named _Clerepegne_; the Bassa_Sinan_, destroyer of _Hungary_; the Murderer of _Henry_ the III. named_Clement_; the Attorney _David_, the Captain _Ampus_; the Mayor of theCity of _Puy_ in _Gelay_, named _Rousseau_, under Henry the IV. _Lewis_Prince of _Condé_, under _Francis_ II. _Sixtus_ V. calling him the Sonof _Hamont_; _Gabrielle d’Estrée_; the Lord _Mutonis_ sent to _Paris_ bythose of _Aix_, under _Charles_ the IX. the Lord Chancellor of _France_,named _Antony de Sourdis_; the Queen _Leuise_: _Antony_ of _Portugal_:the Governour of _Cazal_ under _Henry_ II.

Secondly, The number of things is of the same nature: _Nostradamus_ dothoften calculate it; he reckoneth fourteen Confederates for the service of_Henry_ IV. in the City of _Puy_: ten great Ships prosecuting extreamlythe Admiral in the Battle of _Lepanto_: five Ships taken from the_Spaniard_ by those of _Diepe_, under _Henry_ II. nine hundred thousands_Mores_ that went out of _Spain_ under _Henry_ IV. three hundred andfifty thousands killed under _Charles_ IX. and _Henry_ III. three savedat the taking of a Town in _Hungary_ by the _Turks_: nine separated fromthe company of Seditious, that were to be put to death, three Princesof _Turky_ Massacred, and the fourth being the youngest saved; thirtyConspirators upon _London_ Bridge, against the Majesty of King _Charles_I. and such like.

Thirdly, We find in these Prophecies, the Prodigies that have no othercauses in nature, then the meer will of God; such as Comets are, thecasting of monstrous Fishes by the Sea upon the Land, the Armies in theAir, the speaking of Dogs, the birth of Monsters, and such like.

Fourthly, We find in those Prophecies those actions that are purelyindifferent; for example, that the King of _England_ did appear upon aScaffold without his Doublet; that in the place where he was beheaded,another man had been killed three days before; that _Libertat_ went aHunting with a Greyhond, and a Blood-hond; that the two little Royalswere conducted to St. _Germain_, rather then to any other place, and suchlike.

Fifthly, We find the Birth of several particular persons that were bornafter his death.

Sixthly, The Governments of Places given by the free will of Kings tosuch and such.

All these things cannot be known by judicial Astrology, seeing that inHeaven there is neither Names, nor Numbers, nor extraordinary Prodigies:seeing also that judicial Astrology presupposeth the Birth of persons,that one may foretel their future actions; the same things are alsounknown to Satan, for the Angelical species know nothing of individualthings, but under the notion of possible, and not of future.

Whence I conclude with this irrefragable Argument, that the Author hathknown many several things that are not written in the Heavenly Book, norrepresented to him by Angelical Species, therefore he hath known themfrom God himself.

The Author himself in his Epistle to his Son _Cæsar Nostradamus_confesseth, that he hath foretold many things by Divine Virtue andInspiration.

And a little after he saith, that the knowledge of those things, whichmeerly depends from free will, cannot be had either by humane auguries,nor by any other humane knowledge, nor by any secret virtue thatbelongeth to sublunary things, but only by a Light, belonging to theOrder of Eternity.

This is not a small Argument, to confirm what we have said, and toprove that the Author hath evidently been conscious, that his knowledgecame from Heaven, and that Gods goodness did him that grace; for havingrejected and abhorred other means, that Impostors make use of forforetelling something.

He writteth all these things of himself: First, in his Liminary Epistleto his Son _Cæsar_, he conjureth him, that when he should go about tostudy the foretelling of future things by Astrology, to avoid all kind ofMagick, prohibited by the Holy Scripture, and the Canons of the Church;and to encourage him the more to it, he relateth what happened to him,_viz._ that having been Divinely enlightned, and fully persuaded that Godonly can give the knowledge of future things, which absolutely dependsof the free will of men, he did burn abundance of Writings, wherein wastaught the Art of Prophecying, and as they were a burning, there cameout a great flame, which was like (he thought) to burn his House all toashes, by which accident he understood the falsity of such Writings,and that the Devil was vexed to see his plots discovered; besides that,he confesseth that being the greatest Sinner of the World, neverthelesshe got that favour from Heaven by a Divine Inspiration; and because nobody should doubt of it, he learnedly expoundeth wherein consisteth thatinspired Revelation, he saith that it is, _A participation of the EternalDivinity_, by which we come to judge of what the Holy Ghost imparteth tous; by that participation of Eternity, the Author doth not understand acommunication of the continuance of the Divine being, but a participationof the Divine knowledge, measured by its Eternity, as the Schools termsit.

Effectively, the Author compareth this participation to a glisteringflame, which createth a new day in our understanding, which flameproceeding from Gods infinite knowledge, who seeth and comprehendethwhat is Eternity, doth impart unto us what is inclosed in the volubilityof the Heavens.

After this testimony, which wholly destroyeth the Sinister opinions thatmen had of his Prophecies, he sheweth how Judicial Astrology may agreewith the knowledge of that which proceedeth from a Prophetical Spirit.

It is true, saith he, that sometimes God imparteth this Light not onlyto the unlearned, and to his Holy Prophets, but also to those thatare versed in Judicial Astrology, making that instrumental for theconfirmation of his inspired truths: As we see that natural Sciences,help the light of the Faith, and make a certain disposition in the mindfitter then ordinary, to receive those Divine impressions.

Thus (saith he) in the beginning of the Epistle, God did supernaturalyinspire me, not by any Bacchick fury, nor by Lymphatical motions, as hedid the _Sybilles_; but by Astronomical assertions; that is to say, thatGod gave him that grace, not by any Extasy, but by studying those rules,which Astrology teacheth.

The same things he saith again a little after in this manner: theAstrologer being in his Study, and consulting the Astronomical Rules uponthe motions of the Heavens, the Conjunction and several Aspects of thePlanets, he guesseth at some future events, of which being not certain,this Divine Light riseth in his mind, and imparteth clearly to him whathe knew before, only _Ænigmatically_ and obscurely, and in the shade ofthat natural light.

Sometimes also (saith he) this Light cometh the first into theAstrologers mind, and he afterwards comparing the thing revealed unto himwith the Astronomical rules, he seeth that they do wholly agree together;and this is the method that he hath made use of, to know whether theinspired truths were agreeing with the Astronomical Calculations; amethod that he hath made use of some times, but not always, for he hathforetold many things, which he could not read in the Heavens.

By these testimonies of the Author himself, every one may see how hemade use of Judicial Astrology, and wherefore he studied it so much; howfar his knowledge did extend; the glory he giveth to God alone, for hisProphetical knowledge; what horrour he hath always had against unlawfulmeans to attain unto it; how much he did value that Grace, consideringhis unworthiness; and the manner how the Lord was pleased to gratifie him.


_Answer to the first Objection against ~Nostradamus~, which pretendeth torank him among the false Prophets._

Let us see now what calumny pretendeth for the obscuring this Prophetof our days; the knowledge of future things (saith she) is a priviledgebelonging to the Saints, and to those whom God hath endowed with aneminent vertue. I acknowledge, it is so commonly, and in the ordinaryway of Grace, but if God be pleased to impart that priviledge to thosethat have not attained to that Degree of Holiness, and that it reallyappeareth by the reasons of Theologie, that they have been gratifiedwith it, we are bound to admire his Royal bounty, which giveth when, andto whom he pleaseth: for example, no body deserveth to be a Marshal of_France_, but he that hath been in several Battles, and at the takingof many Towns; but if the King be pleased to honour with that Dignity aGentleman that never Warred but against the Deer, the Kings goodness isto be praised, which extendeth even to those that have not deserved it;it is the same reason here, it is visibly apparent that _Nostradamus_hath been enlightned by the Holy Ghost, and yet he hath not imitatedthe lifes of those great Saints of the Church: what can be inferred fromthence, but that it was Gods pleasure to extend his bounty upon hispoor Creatures, which is easie to be granted in this point, because thegift of Prophecy is not a sanctifying Grace, but a supernatural gift,of which a sinner is capable of, as we see in _Balaam_, _Caiaphas_,and the _Sybilles_, and much more in a Christian, who observeth GodsCommandments, and endeavoureth to keep himself in his Grace.

But (saith calumny) Christian piety seemeth to be repugnant to thisDivine disposition, seeing that in _Nostradamus_ time, there werethousands in the Church of God that were capable of this favour, and toprefer to them a Physitian, an Astrologer, and an Almanack-maker, is athing that the Wits cannot apprehend so well, as to frame a good opinionfor this Author.

Hold there Reader, do not enter into the Sanctuary of Gods secretJudgements, you should loose you self, and never find the way out: howmany such questions might I ask you? why did God in former times chusethe Family and person of David, and preferred it to so many others of theChildren of _Israel_? why did Christ raise _Judas_ to the dignity of anApostle, preferring him before _Nathaniel_, and so many others that livedHolily.

Bring therefore no more such questions, but say with the Scripture, _Asit pleased the Lord, so it was done_: I will nevertheless give you somesatisfaction in that point. There was two things in the Author whichmight have procured that blessing from God.

The first is, that having in his possession those writtings whichpromised the knowledge of future things, to which he was much inclined,he slighted and burnt them, being persuaded that God alone was the Authorof this Grace; I do esteem that action very Heroical in its circ*mstance,because being inticed by a vehement curiosity to know future things, andhaving in his hand the means that opened the way to it, he did Sacrificethem to God, for which perhaps God was willing to gratifie him with thisfavour.

The second thing that was in _Nostradamus_ is, that he had naturally a_Genius_ for the knowing of future things, as himself confesseth in twoEpistles to King _Henry_ the II. and to _Cæsar_ his own Son, and besidesthat _Genius_, the knowledge of Astrology, did smooth him the way todiscover many future events. Having those two things, he had a greaterdisposition then others to receive those Supernatural Lights; and as Godis pleased to work sweetly in his Creatures, and to give some forerunningdispositions to those Graces he intendeth to bestow, it seemeth that tothat purpose he did chuse our Author to reveal him so many wonderfulsecrets.

We see every day that God in the distributing of his Graces carriethhimself towards us, according to our humours and natural inclinations,he employeth those that have a generous and Martial heart for thedefence of his Church, and the destruction of Tyrants; he leadeth thoseof a melancholick humour into Colledges and Cloisters, and cherishethtenderly, those that are of meek and mild disposition; even so, seeing_Nostradamus_ inclined to this kind of knowledge, he gave him in a greatmeasure the grace of it.


_Answer to the second Objection, which would have him pass for a Doctor._

We shall not have much to say to these more moderate persons, seeingthat we have already given the reason of it, _viz._ the covetousness ofthe Booksellers and Printers, who made use of the Authors name, for thebetter sale of their false Almanacks, therefore if _Jodelle_ the Poetgrounded upon this opinion, made that Satyrical Distick.

 _~Nostra damus~ cum falsa damus, nam fallere nostrum est,_ _Et cum falsa damus, nil nisi ~Nostra damus~._

We answer him,

 _~Nostra damus~ cum verba damus quæ ~Nostradamus~ dat,_ _Nam quæcunque dedit nil nisi vera dedit._

Or thus

 _~Vera damus~ cum verba damus quæ ~Nostradamus~ dat,_ _Sed cum ~Nostra damus~, nil nisi falsa damus._


_Answer to the third Objection, which accuseth him of the Black Art, andof Negromancy._

The more doth Calumny lift up her self against this great man, the weakerare her arguments, like the smoke which is so much the easier dissipated,as it ascendeth higher.

Her reason is impertinent in this distributive argument, he hath knownthose things (saith she) which he could not know by the Planets, and hehad them not from God, therefore he had them from Satan.

And we answer this argument in the same way, he hath known those thingswhich he could not know by the Planets, nor by Satan, therefore he hadthem from God; this Argument is concluding, but that of calumny halteth,for it ought to have proved that he had not his knowledge from God, andthat all those things he hath known may be known to Satan, which twothings we have manifestly proved to be false, therefore if the Lord_Florimond de Raimond_ was alive, I believe he would correct what he hathwritten against him.


_Answer to the fourth Objection, of Calumny, which brandeth our Authorwith the title of Chief of the Seductors and Impostors._

The Weapons of this _Medusa_ are sharper in this point then in others,therefore our Buckler accordingly must be of the best mettle and temper.

We cannot deny but _Nostradamus_ hath affected obscurity, himselfacknowledgeth it in his two Epistles, in that to _Cæsar_ his son, hesaith, he hath done it, not only because of the times wherein he lived,but also by reason of those that were to follow, in the times wherein helived the Case was as it is now, _Veritas odium parit_, and this hatredin powerful men is prejudicial to those that speak the Truth, he was alsocautious in that, by reason of the times following; for if he had plainlydeclared what he meant, the Wits would have laughed at it, and would nothave believed those strange revolutions that came to pass, and which ourAuthor had foretold. In his Epistle to _Henry_ the II he telleth him,that he doth purposely make use of obscure terms to express his mind, forthe reasons before alledged.

Now _Calumny_ saith, that this affectation of obscurity is a sign thatGod was not the Author of his Knowledge, seeing that by this obscuritythey have proved unprofitable to the Church.

I answer first, that the consequence is false; for the Holy Prophets havespoken so obscurely, that a great part of what they had Prophecied wasnot known till after it had come to pass.

I answer secondly, that although Prophecies were not understood tillafter the fulfilling thereof, it doth not follow that they wereunprofitable; because by their fulfilling in due time, we gather, thathe who revealed them was the true God, Lord of times and Eternity, andtherefore being the God of _Israel_, and of the Christians, he ought tobe worshiped. By this principle _Cyrus_ and _Alexander_ knew the trueGod, _Cyrus_ by having seen the Prophecies of _Isaiah_, and _Alexander_those of _Daniel_.

Therefore as the Prophecies of the Saints have not been fruitless, thoughnot understood till they were fulfilled, even so we must not infer that_Nostradamus_’s Prophecies have been useless, though they have remainedin obscurity so long a while.

Besides, there is no doubt but _Nostradamus_ having Prophecied so manyseveral things that are come to pass, but that hereafter when theHeathen shall see it they shall glorifie God, and shall acknowledge atrue Religion, as did _Cyrus_, who many Authors believe to have obtainedSalvation.

I answer in the third place, that God permitteth ordinarily thatProphecies lie long in the dark, and then raiseth the Spirit of some mento expound them, as he did that of _Daniel_ to interpret the 70 Weeks ofthe _Babylonian_ Captivity, Prophecied by _Jeremiah_, to incourage thefaithful three ways.

First, in shewing them, that if the first Prophecies have been punctuallyfulfilled, the rest will likewise come to pass, seeing the same God hathdictated them.

Secondly, in unfolding to them the future wonders, of which they shall bepartakers.

Thirdly, in giving warning how they may attain to them, and shew thoseaccidents that might be an hindrance. Thus God did permit, that for thespace of 100. years _Nostradamus_ Prophecies should lie in darkness, andbe contemned, but after that time God will raise some body to interpretthem, whence the faithful seeing so many things foretold come to pass soexactly, will incourage one another by seing so many wonderful prodigies,of whom they shall be Eye Witnesses.

As for my part I have undertaken this Work, only to authorise the wondersthat shall be seen in our days, and to invite the Christian Princes tothe same design.

The conclusion of this discourse is, that our _Medusa Calumny_, mustneeds retreat in her dens, and that we ought to forgive those Authorsthat have spoken so ill of our Author, seing they wanted the Intelligenceof his Prophecies, and that the Church did suspend the authorising ofthem.


_Some difficulties against what we have said, drawn out of ~Nostradamus~his own Epistles._

We have (thanks be to God) sheltered this famous man from the back-bitingof _Calumny_, but that we may clear wholly the Heaven of this reputation,we add this Chapter more for the clearing of some words that are inhis Epistles, which seem to contradict some of those things we havesaid; the Author in his Epistles to his Son _Cæsar_, after he had saidthat God had disposed him to receive thy impression of supernaturallights, not by a _Bacchant furor_, nor by a _Lymphatical motion_, but by_Astronomical assertions_, he saith in the same Epistle towards the end;_That sometimes in the Week being surprised by a Lymphatick humor, andmaking his Nocturnal Studies sweet by his calculations, he made Books ofProphecies, each one containing a hundred Astronomical Stanza’s, which heendeavoured to set out something obscurely_, from which words it might begathered, that he made his Prophecies by a Lymphatical Spirit, and by theonly judicial Astrology.

And in the Epistle to King _Henry_ the II. he seemeth to confess,that his Prophecie is nothing but a natural Genius, which he had byInheritance from his Ancestors.

To these difficulties I answer, supposing first that anciently those werecalled Lymphaticks, who were mad for Love; because the first that wasobserved among the Ancients to be mad with that passion, threw himselfinto the water, which in Latine is called _Lympha_, whence all those thatwere afterwards transported with the excess of any passion, either ofLove, Melancholy, Choler or Envy, have been called Lymphaticks.

So that in this place a Lymphatical motion is nothing properly but a deepMelancholy, which separating us from all Earthly things, doth transportthe mind to extraordinary thoughts either good or bad.

This being suposed, I say that the Author confesseth, that his retreat,solitariness, nocturnal Watchings, and Melancholy, have disposed himmuch to the receiving of that Heavenly flame, which is the cause ofVaticination and Prophecie.

And because he did often spend the whole nights in this study, thisNocturnal retreat caused in him a retirement from all worldly things,at which time he felt a Divine elevating Virtue, that raised hisunderstanding to those Divine Knowledges.

And because this elevating Vertue was caused in him by Divine operation,he doth attribute always his Prophecies to God alone; and by reason thatthis elevation hath some resemblance with that of the Lymphaticks, hesaith, that sometimes he did Lymphatise not properly speaking, but byresemblance.

So that it is true, our Author did not receive his Prophecies byLymphatical motion, or _Bacchant furie_, but from God himself, who didwork in him while he observed his Astronomical assertions; and it isalso true, that he felt this Divine operation by a kind of a Lymphaticalmotion.

Concerning what he saith to _Henry_ the II. it is certain he maketh useof that Language as much by a motive of Truth to conceal that Grace whichhe had received from God, as of Humility.

By a Motive of Truth, because effectually; because all the_Nostradamus_’s had some tincture of Prophecie, and his Son the Capucinacknowledgeth it himself.

By a Motive of Humility; because acknowledging himself to be a miserablesinner, and seeing that this gift of Prophecie was not ordinarily grantedbut unto Saints. He chuseth rather to attribute his Prophecies to hisGenius, than otherways to procure a Fame and Authority to his predictions.

In confirmation of what we have said, _That he was often in thattransport_, many years before his death he made the Stanza of theCentury, in which is contained all the great Works of the Philosophers,and foretelleth, that a great Divine shall attain to the perfection ofthat great Work, which Divine is called, the _Divine Verbe_, turninginto _French_ the Word θεολογος, which signifieth Divine Word or Verb.Nevertheless he never wrought himself at that Work, but got his livingHonourably by his practise of Physick, by which we may see, that he didwrite some things which himself understood not, unless they were suchgeneral ones, as might be read in the Heavens.


_Elogies given to ~Nostradamus~ by several Authentical Authors._

If several Authors either by envy or ignorance have defamed our Author,others of no shall repute have taken his defence in hand.

D’_Aurat_ one of the most excellent Poets of _France_, living at thesame time as _Nostradamus_, made a few explications of his Prophecies,which as the report goes, did please the Readers. I am sorry I could notget them, it would have been some ease to me; for it is easier to addthan to invent. The first Volume of the Lord _la Croix du Main_, makethhonourable mention of him, the same saith, that his Motto was _FelixOviam prior Ætas_, Happy the first Age that was contented with theirFlock, shewing by that, what esteem he had of frugality and sincerityof manners, and what aversion he had against the Vices of his Age,the unruliness of manners, and cousenage of men. _Ronsard_ the Princeof the _French_ Poets singeth his praises: The Lord _Boucher_ in thatgreat Volume, intitled the _Mistical Crown_, in favour of the future_Croisade_, doth vindicate our Author from _Calumny_, and expoundeth someof his Prophecies pretty happily.

I will not relate here what his Son _Cæsar Nostradamus_ writeth modestlyof him in his History of _Provence_, under _Lewis_ the XII. _Henry_ theII. and _Charles_ the IX. his Evidence may be suspected, because of theConsanguinity.

One of the greatest Wits of this last Age, who desireth to be nameless,giveth him this Character.

First, That God Almighty hath chosen _Michael Nostradamus_ among thecommon sort of Christians, to impart unto him the knowledge of manyprodigious and extraordinary future things.

Secondly, He maintaineth, that after the Apostles and CanonicalProphets, he is the first of all in three things, in his certainty andinfallibility, in the generality and in the quantity. As to the first,he doth not doubt but the Abbot _Joachim_ ought to give him place; forthough he hath foretold some things that have come to pass, he hathwritten a hundred others which are meer fopperies.

Thirdly, He maintaineth that the Emperour _Leo_ in his prophetical Tablesis far below him; for he doth only aim at those things which regard theEastern Empire, as _Theophrastus Paracelsus_ hath done for the Western.

Concerning the quantity of things, he maintaineth, that none of theothers can dispute it with him; for _Nostradamus_ hath made above athousand stanza’s (if we had them all) each of which containeth two orthree prophetical Truths, some of which regard the East, others the West,others some private Kingdoms and States others private and particularthings, and all with Truth and certainty.


_What these Stanza’s Prophecie of._

The Author in his Epistle to King _Henry_ the II. saith, that he treatethof things which were to happen in many Cities and Towns of _Europe_, andof a part of _Asia_ and _Africa_.

And to say Truth, I have found nothing in them concerning the East orWest, _Jappan_ or _China_.

He treateth chiefly of _France_ as of his Native Kingdom, and of his ownCountrey _Provence_, and that which is next to it, viz. _Piemont_.

He speaketh amply of the Popes, and of _Italy_, _Turky_ and _England_:As for the Empire _Spain_, and _Suedeland_, he doth moderately speakof them. Concerning _Æthiopia_ and _Africa_ there is some nine or tenStanza’s.

In all those places he foretelleth many things, not only general forevery State, but also particular and individual for several persons. Healso foretelleth many supernatural prodigies in the Heavens, the Air, theSea, and the Land.

He hath inserted among his Prophecies four Horoscopes, the first of theGrandfather of the Lord l’_Ainier_ in the Province of _Anjou_; the secondof one called _Urnel Vausile_; the third of one _Cosme du Jardin_; andthe fourth of one, whom he nameth not, but describeth him by his stature.


_Since what time these Prophecies began._

It is certain that they began in _January_ 1555. because he dedicatedthe first seven Centuries to his Son _Cæsar_ the first day of _March_ inthe said year, and consequently they were made before that time, and wecannot allow less than two Months to an Author for the making of 700.Stanza’s: Nevertheless for a greater manifestation of his propheticalSpirit, I have not found any of his Prophecies that did come to passbefore the first of _March_ 1555.

As for the Eight, Ninth and Ten Century, there is reason to believe, thatthe effect of them doth not begin before the _27 June 1558_. which is thedate of his Liminary Epistle to _Henry_ the II. Nevertheless he saithin the same Epistle, that in a writing by it self he will set down theexposition of his Prophecies, beginning the 14 of _March_ 1557. and inthe Epistle to _Nostradamus_ his Son, he saith in general that he hathcomposed Books of Prophecies, each one containing one hundred Stanza’s,without specifying whether he spoke of the seven that he dedicated tohim, or of all the others.

As for my part, I believe he had made them all in the year 1555. butthat he had not yet examined the three last Centuries, according to theCalculation of his Astronomical assertions, as he seemeth to indicateoften in his Epistle to _Henry_ II. and to say the truth, I have foundsome Stanza’s, which were fulfilled before the year 1558. though very few.

As for the extent of his Prophecies, it is certain, that it is to the endof the World, as I shall make it appear in the explication of the 48, the49, and 56. Stanza’s of the first Century, and the 72, 73, and 94. of thetenth, and all according to the Holy Scripture.

All these things being premised, we shall proceed to the explication ofthe Prophecies, setting first the Authors Luminary Epistle to his Son.



TO _Mr._

Michael Nostradamus



_Ad ~Cæsarem Nostradamum~ Filium vita & Felicitas._

Thy late coming, _Cæsar Nostradamus_, my son, hath caused me to bestowa great deal of time in continual and nocturnal watchings, that I mightleave a Memorial of me after my death, to the common benefit of Mankind,concerning the things which the Divine Essence hath revealed to me byAstronomical Revolutions; and since it hath pleased the immortal God,that thou are come late into this World, and canst not say that thy yearsthat are but few, but thy Months are incapable to receive into thy weakunderstanding, what I am forced to define of futurity, since it is notpossible to leave thee in Writing, what might be obliterated by theinjury of times, for the Hereditary word of _occult prædictions_ shallbe lockt up in my brest, considering also that the events are definitelyuncertain, and that all is governed by the power of God, who inspiredus not by a Bacchant fury or Lymphatick motion, but by Astronomicalaffections. _Soli numine Divino afflati præsagiunt & Spiritu Propheticoparticularia_: Although I have often foretold long before what hathafterwards come to pass, and in particular Regions, acknowledging all tohave been done by Divine Vertue and Inspiration, being willing to hold mypeace by reason of the injury, not onely of the present time, but alsoof the future, and to put them in Writing, because the Kingdoms, Sects,and Regions shall be so Diametrically opposed, that if I should relatewhat shall happen hereafter, those of the present Reign, Sect, Religionand Faith, would find it so disagreeing with their fances, that theywould condemn that which future Ages shall find and know to be true;considering also the saying of our Saviour, _Nolite Sanctum dare canibusne conculcent pedibus & conversi discumpant vos_, which hath been thecause that I have withdrawn my tongue from the Vulgar, and my Pen fromPaper. But afterwards I was willing for the common good to enlarge myself in dark and abstruse Sentences, declaring the future Events, chieflythe most urgent, and those which I foresaw (what ever humane mutationhappened) would not offend the hearers, all under dark figures more thenProphetical, for although, _Abscondisti hæc a sapientibus & prudensibus_,i. e. _potentibus & Regibus enucleasti ea exiguis & tennibus_, andthe Prophets by means onely of the immortal God and good Angels, havereceived the Spirit of Vaticination, by which they foresee things, andforetel future events; for nothing is perfect without him, whose powerand goodness is so great to his Creatures, that though they are but men,nevertheless by the likeness of our good Genius to the Angels, this heatand Prophetical power draws near us, as it happens by the Beams of theSun, which cast their influence both on Elementary and not Elementarybodies; as for us who are men, we cannot attain any thing by our naturalknowledge, of the secrets of God our Creator. _Quia non est nostrum nossetempora nec momenta_, &c.

Besides, although there is, or may come some persons, to whom GodAlmighty will reveal by impressions made on his understanding somesecrets of the future, according to the Judicial Astrology, as it hathhappened in former times, that a certain power and voluntary facultypossessed them as a flame of fire, so that by his inspiration, theywere able to judge of Divine and Humane things: for the Divine worksthat are absolutely necessary, God will end. But my son, I speak tothee too obscurely; but as for the secrets that are received by thesubtle Spirit of fire, by which the understanding being moved, dothcontemplate the highest Celestial Bodies, as being active and vigilantto the very pronunciation without fear, or any shameful loquacity: allwhich proceeded from the Divine Power of the Eternal God, from whomall goodness floweth. Now my son, although I have inserted the name ofProphet here, I will not attribute to my self so sublime a Title, for_qui Propheta dicitur hodie olim vocabatur videns_, and Prophets arethose properly (my Son) that see things remote from the natural knowledgeof Men; but put the case, the Prophets by the means of the perfect lightof Prophecy, may see as well Divine things as Humane, (which cannot beseeing the effects of future predictions) do extend a great way, for thesecrets of God are incomprehensible, and the efficient power moveth afaroff the natural knowledge, taking their beginning at the free will, causethose things to appear, which otherwise could not be known, neither byhumane auguries, or any hidden knowledge or secret virtue under Heaven,but only by the means of some indivisible Eternal being, or Comitialand Herculean agitation, the causes come to be known by the Cœlestialmotion. I say not therefore my Son, that you may not understand me well,because the knowledge of this matter cannot yet be imprinted in thy weakbrain, but that future causes afar off are subject to the knowledge ofhumane Creatures, if (notwithstanding the Creature) things present andfuture were neither obscure nor hidden from the intellectual seal; butthe perfect knowledge of the cause of things, cannot be acquired withoutthe Divine Inspiration, seeing that all Prophetical Inspiration received,hath its original principle from God the Creator, next, from good Luck,and afterwards from Nature, therefore cases indifferently produced ornot produced, the Prophecy partly happens where it hath been foretold,for the understanding being intellectually created, cannot see occultthings, unless it be by the voice coming from the _Lymbo_, by the meansof the thin flame, to which the knowledge of future causes is inclined;and also my Son I intreat thee not to bestow thy understanding on suchfopperies, which drie up the Body and damn the Soul, bringing vexationto the Senses; chiefly abhor the vanity of the execrable Magick,forbidden by the Sacred Scriptures, and by the Canons of the Church; inthe first of which is excepted Judicial Astrology, by which, and by themeans of Divine Inspiration, with continual supputations, we have putin writting our Prophecies. And although this occult Philosophy was notforbidden, I could never be persuaded to meddle with it, although manyVolums concerning that Art, which hath been concealed a great while,were presented to me; but fearing what might happen, after I had readthem, I presented them to _Vulcan_, who while he was a devouring them,the flame mixing with the Air, made an unwonted light more bright thenthe usual flame, and as if it had been a Lightning, shining all thehouse over, as if it had been all in a flame; therefore that henceforthyou might not be abused in the search of the perfect Transformation, asmuch selene as solar, and to seek in the waters uncorruptible mettal; Ihave burnt them all to ashes, but as to the judgement which cometh to beperfected by the help of the Cœlestial Judgement, I will manifest to you,that you may have knowledge of future things, rejecting the fantasticalimaginations that should happen by the limiting the particularity ofPlaces; by Divine inspiration, supernatural, according to the Cœlestialfigures, the places, and a part of the time, by an occult, property, andby a Divine virtue, power and faculty, in the presence of which the threetimes are comprehended by Eternity, revolution being tyed to the causethat is past, present, and future, _Quia omnia sunt Nuda & aperta_, &c.therefore my Son, thou mayst notwithstanding thy tender brain comprehendthings that shall happen hereafter, and may be foretold by cœlestialnatural lights, and by the Spirit of Prophecy; not that I will attributeto my self the name of a Prophet, but as a mortal man, being no fartherfrom Heaven by my sence, then I am from Earth by my Feet, _possum errare,falli, decipi_; I am the greatest Sinner of the World, subject to allhumane afflictions, but being supprised sometimes in the week by aProphetical humour, and by a long Calculation, pleasing my self in myStudy, I have made Books of Prophecies, each one containing a hundredAstronomical Stanza’s, which I have joyned obscurely, and are perpetualVaticinations from this year to the year 3797. at which some perhapswill frown, seeing so large an extention of time, and that I treat ofevery thing under the Moon, if thou livest the natural Age of a Man, thoushalt see in thy Climat, and under the Heaven of thy Nativity the futurethings that have been foretold, although God only is he who knoweth theEternity of his Light, proceeding from himself; and I say freely tothose to whom his incomprehensible greatness hath by a long melancholickinspiration revealed, that by the means of this occult cause Divinelymanifested, chiefly by two principal causes, which are comprehended inthe understanding of him that is Inspired and Prophecyeth, one is thathe cleareth the supernatural Light in the person that foretelleth bythe Doctrine of the Planets, and Prophecyeth by inspired Revelation,which is a kind of participation of the Divine Eternity, by the meansof which the Prophet judgeth of what the Divine Spirit hath given himby the means of God the Creatour, and by a natural instigation, _viz._that what is predicted is true, and hath taken its original from above,and such light and small flame is of all efficacy and sublimity, noless then the natural light makes the Philosophers so secure, that bythe means of the principles of the first cause, they have attained thegreatest depth of the profoundest science; but that I may not wander toofar (my Son) from the capacity of thy sense, as also, because I findthat Learning would be at a great loss, and that before the universalConflagration shall happen so many great Inundations, that there shallscarce be any Land, that shall not be covered with water, and this shalllast so long, that except _Ænographies_ and _Topographies_ all shallperish, also before and after these Inundations in many Countreys thereshall be such scarcety of rain, and such a deal of fire, and burningstones shall fall from Heaven, that nothing unconsumed shall be left,and this shall happen a little while before the great conflagration; foralthough the Planet _Mars_ makes an end of his course, and is come to theend of his last Period, nevertheless he shall begin it again, but someshall be gathered in _Aquarius_ for many years, others in _Cancer_ alsofor many years, and now we are governed by the Moon, under the power ofAlmighty God; which Moon before she hath finished her Circuit, the Sunshall come, and then _Saturn_, for according to the Cœlestial Signs,the Reign of _Saturn_ shall come again, so that all being Calculated,the World draws near to an Anaragonick revolution, and at this presentthat I write this before 177. years, three Months, eleven Days, throughPestilence, Famine, War, and for the most part Inundations, the Worldbetween this and that prefixed time, before and after for several timesshall be so diminished, and the people shall be so few, that they shallnot find enough to Till the Ground, so that they shall remain fallow aslong as they have been Tilled; although we be in the seventh Millenary,which ends all and brings us near the eighth, where the Firmament of theeighth Sphere is, which in a _Latitudinary dimention_ is the place wherethe great God shall make an end of the revolution, where the CœlestialBodies shall begin to move again. By that Superiour motion that makeththe Earth firm and stable, _non inclinabitur in seculum seculi_, unlesshis will be accomplished, and not otherwise; although by ambiguousopinions exceeding all natural reasons by _Mahometical_ Dreams, alsosometimes God the Creator by the Ministers of his Messengers of fireand flame shows to our external senses, and chiefly to our eyes, thecauses of future Predictions, signifying the future Event, that he willmanifest to him that Prophecyeth for the Prophecy that is made by theInternal Light, comes to judge of the thing, partly with and by the meansof External Light, for although the party which seemeth to have by theeye of understanding, what it hath not by the Lœsion of its imaginativesense, there is no reason why what he foretelleth should come by DivineInspiration, or by the means of an Angelical Spirit, inspired into theProphetick person, annointing him with vaticination, moving the fore partof his fancy, by divers nocturnal apparitions, so that by Astronomicaladministration, he Prophecyeth with a Divine certitude, joyned to theHoly prediction of the future, having no other regard then to thefreedom of his mind. Come now my Son, and understand what I find by myrevolutions, which are agreeing with the Divine Inspiration, _viz._ thatthe Swords draws near to us now, and the Plague and the War more horridthen hath been seen in the Life of three Men before, as also by Famine,which shall return often, for the Stars agree with the revolution, asalso he said _visitabo in virgâ ferreà iniquitates eorum & in verberibuspercutiam eos_, for the Mercies of God shall not be spread a while, mySon, before most of my Prophecies shall come to pass; then oftentimesshall happen sinister storms, (_Conteram ergo ~(said the Lord)~ &confringam & non miserebor_) and a thousand other accidents that shallhappen by Waters and continual Rains, as I have more fully at largedeclared in my other Prophecies, written in _solutâ oratione_, limitingthe places, times and prefixed terms, that men coming after, may see andknow that those accidents are certainly come to pass, as we have markedin other places, speaking more clearly, although the explication beinvolved in obscurity, _sed quando submovenda erit ignorantia_, the caseshall be made more clear; making an end here, my Son, accept of this Giftof thy Father _Michael Nostradamus_, hoping to expound to thee everyProphecy of these Stanza’s, praying to the Immortal God, that he wouldgrant thee a long Life in Felicity.

 _From ~Salon~ this 1. of ~March~ 1555._






Michael Nostradamus,

Physician to _HENRY_ II. _FRANCIS_ II. And _CHARLES_ IX. Kings of FRANCE,and one of the most excellent _Astronomers_ that ever were.



 Estant assis, de nuit secrette estude, Seul, reposé sur la selle d’airain, Flambe exigüe, sortant de solitude, Fait proferer qui n’est a croire vain.
 Sitting by Night in my secret Study Alone, resting upon the Brazen Stool, A slight flame breaking forth out of that solitude, Makes me utter what is not in vain to believe.


In this _Stanza_, _Nostradamus_ expresseth those Humane dispositionswhich he made use of to be favoured of God, for the knowledge of futurethings, to the benefit of the Publick.

The first Disposition, was the tranquility of Mind, when he saith,_Sitting by night_; Because a troubled Mind cannot see clearly the Thingsit is busie about, no more than tossed Waters can distinctly representthe Objects that are opposed to them. Thus we read in the Scripture,that the Prophet _Elishah_, being transported with Zeal against _Joram_King of _Israel_; and nevertheless willing to consult God concerning theevent of the Warr against the _Moabites_, called for a Minstrel, that theHarmony of the Instrument might quiet his Mind, as it did happen. _Andit came to pass when the Minstrel played, that the Hand of the Lord cameupon him_, 2 Kings _chap. 3. ver. 15._

The Author in his _Dedicatory Epistle_ to his Son _Cæsar_, calleththis Tranquility of Mind, _A long Melancholick Inspiration_; becausethe Melancholick Humour and Mind sequestreth a Man from the concernsof worldly things, and maketh him present to himself, so that hisUnderstanding is not darkned by a multitude of _Species_ that troublesits Operation.

The Second Disposition, was, the Silence of the Night; For Man who iscompounded of Body and Soul, doth notably intricate himself in Externalthings by the commerce of the Senses with the Objects; which obligethhim to withdraw himself from visible things, when he intends to applyhimself to some serious Study. And as the silence of the Night causeth inthe Universe a cessation of noises and clashings in Business, Visits andColloquies, the Mind is then more at rest. Besides that, Night coveringwith her Darkness our Hemisphere, our Senses are less distracted, andour Internal Faculties are more united to serve the Operations of theUnderstanding.

Therefore the Author in his two _Liminary Epistles_, makes often mentionof his continual Nocturnal Watchings, of his Sweet-smelling nocturnalStudies, and of his Nocturnal and Prophetical Calculations.

The Third Disposition, was Solitariness; that is, having no otherConversation then that of his Books, being retired in his Study, Alone.For it seemeth that God commonly maketh use of Solitariness when he dothimpart himself to Men, and revealeth them his Oracles: And the _Sybils_were chosen to be Prophets, as much for their Solitariness, as for theirChastity.

The Author saith, that with those three Dispositions he raised himselfto the knowledge of future things; which is signified by those words,_Resting upon the Brazen Stool_. _Servius_ in his _Commentaries_ upon_Virgil_, speaking of this Brazen Stool, saith two things of it. TheFirst, that this Stool was a Table set upon a _Trevet_, called by the_Greeks_ τρίπους, and by the Latines _Tripus_. The Second is, that the_Sybils_, or the Priests of the _Delphick_ Temple of _Apollo_, got uponthat Table, when they went about to pronounce their Oracles. _Pliny_, inhis 33. Book, Chap. 3. saith, that they called those Tables _Cortinas_,and that some were made of Brass for the use aforesaid.

From the use of that Brazen _Trevet_ is come the Proverb, _Ex tripodeloqui_. When one speaketh like an Oracle. Thus the Author willing toexpress, that being in his Study in the solitariness of the Night, heraised himself to the Knowledge of Future things, to write them, andtransmit them to Posterity; he saith, _He was sitting or resting upon theBrazen Stool_.

Thus raising himself, and taking his Pen in hand to write what he shouldlearn, he saith in the Third Verse, that _A slight Flame_, or smallLight did insinuate it self in his understanding, by whose splendor andbrightness he saw future things.

The Author in his Epistle to _Cæsar_ his Son, expoundeth always thisProphetical Light, by the comparison of a shining Flame, and callethit rather a Flame than a pure Light, because this Light doth not onlydiscover the Mysteries, but more-over it lightens in us a certain Heatand Prophetical Power, as himself terms it; as if we should say a SacredEnthusiasm, even (saith he) as the Sun coming near us with his Light,not only darteth upon all Elementary things the brightness of his Beams,but withal infuseth in them a certain quickning heat, which causeththe Vegetables to grow, and upholdeth the Being of all other naturalthings; Even so (saith he) this good _Genius_, as the Ancients term it;or as we Christians say, that Divine Spirit of Prophecy coming nearour understandings, not only importeth a Light to them, but more-overa certain heat and Prophetical Power, which strenghteneth them in theknowledge of the aforesaid things, and causeth them to breath out, as bya Sacred Enthusiasm some Prophetical Verses.

Which happeneth to them (saith the Author) coming out of Solitude, thatis to say, when their Spirit stoopeth down, and by degrees cometh downfrom that sublime Region and high elevation, taking the Pen to write downthe future time. Therefore he with his dispositions participating of that_slight flame, coming out of his solitude_, began to write and to utter,_What is not in vain to believe_.

The things that the Author hath written, shall not be unprofitable as wehave proved already, and the time will come, when by the means of DivineProvidence the Church shall receive the fruit thereof, at which we oughtnot to wonder, seeing that God saith of himself in _Isaiah_ _Chap. 48.Ver. 17._ _I am the Lord thy God, which teacheth thee to profit._

The Author foretelleth many wonders, of which we ought to be certain bythe verification of those that are already past, seeing that it is thesame Spirit that shewed them all.

The same Prophecies are also profitable, in that every where the Authorcondemneth Seditious and Rebellious persons, and Prophecieth the ChurchesVictory over her Enemies.

They are also profitable for particular Men that understand the meaningof them, for by it they may provide for their own business, according tothe storm, undertaking nothing but upon sure grounds, following alwaysthe best party, and disposing themselves to patience, when the calamitiesare general, and involve together the guilty and guiltless. Therefore ourAuthor saith well, _A slight flame breaking forth out of that solitude,makes me utter what is not in vain to believe_.


 La Verge en main, mise au milieu des Branches, De l’Onde je moüille & le Limbe & le Pied, En peur j’escris fremissant par les manches; Splendeur Divine: le Divine prez s’assied.
 With Rod in hand, set in the middle of the Branches, With water I wet the Limb and the Foot, In fear I writ, quaking in my sleeves, Divine splendor! the Divine sitteth by.


Amongst the customs, the Ancients observed, before they pronounced theirOracles; one was to take a Tuffie Branch of Laurel, and with it dipt inwater, to sprinkle the edges and Columns of the Table, that was upon theBrazen Trevet, by which ceremonies they procured credit to their Oracles.

The Author willing to let us know, that his Verses were not only a simplewriting, but also Prophetical and full of Oracles, doth represent themto us by this Metaphore of the Ancients, when they did amuse the peoplewith their ambiguous, and many times fallacious Oracles.

Being then sitting and quiet in his solitariness; coming out of thatgreat devotion of mind, animated by the virtue of his good _Genius_, heputteth first _the Rod into his hand_, that is the Pen, and putteth it_in the middle of the Branches_, putting it between his Fingers. Secondlyhe dippeth this Rod _into Water_, dipping his Pen in his Ink; with thisPen dipt in Ink, _he wetteth the Limb and the Foot_, writing upon hispaper from one end to the other, and from the top to the bottom.

Which we must understand by this word _Lymbe_, which is a Latin word,signifying the long and narrow pieces of stuffe, which women wore at thebottom of their Petticoats, therefore the Latins called them _Lymbos_,from the Latin Verbe _Lambo_, which in matter of cloths signifieth, toleek or sweep; and because those pieces of cloath were in the bottom oftheir Garments, the word hath been afterwards employed to signifie thebrims of some things, so that the Lymbs of a sheet of paper, are the twomargines, and the top and the bottom, as if it were the four ends of aQuadrangular Figure.

The third Verse sheweth the internal disposition of the Author, after hehath described his external one; that disposition was a Sacred quaking,which putting his heart into a palpitation, caused his hands and arms toshake, as if he had been taken with some fit of an Ague. This quaking isthe disposition which the good _Genius_ causeth in Prophets, that theymay be humbled, and not be puffed up with pride, when they come near theMajesty of God, as we read in _Daniel_, St. _John_, and the _4th._ of_Esdras_. Therefore the Author saith:

_In fear I write, quaking in my sleeves._ And because the Divine Spiritafter he hath cast down those, to whom he will impart himself, dothafterwards quiet them; the Author therefore addeth, that a _Divinesplendor did sit by him_.


 Quand la littiere du tourbillon versée, Et seront faces de leurs Manteaux couvers, La Republique par gens nouveaux vexée, Lors blancs & rouges jugeront a l’envers.
 When the litter shall be overthrown by a gust of wind, And faces shall be covered with Cloaks, The Common-wealth shall be troubled with a new kind of men, Then white and red shall judge amiss.


The two first Verses signifie that a great tempestuous wind was tohappen, in which a litter should be overturned, and every one shouldmuffle his face in his Cloak, for the fierceness of the wind.

And that presently after the Common-wealth should be troubled withnew Sects and Opinions, which may be understood of the beginning ofReformation by _Luther_ and _Calvin_, which was about that time.

The last Verse by the white and red signifieth here (as it doth thoroughall the Book) the _French_ and the _Spaniards_, because the _French_wear white Scarfes, and the _Spaniards_ red ones: and consequently thetroubles and jars that happened presently between those two Nations.


 Par l’Univers sera fait un Monarque, Qu’en paix & vie ne sera longuement, Lors se perdra la Piscature Barque, Sera regie en plus grand detriment.
 In the World shall be one Monarch, Who shall be not long alive, nor in peace, Then shall be lost the Fishing Boat, And be governed with worse detriment.


That Monarch was _Henry_ the II. King of _France_, who did not Reignlong, but was unfortunately slain, running at Tilt against the Earl of_Montgomery_ (as we shall see hereafter) and almost during all his Reignhad Wars with _Charles_ the V. Emperour, and his Son _Philip_ the II.King of _Spain_; the said Emperour in that time did sack _Rome_, took thePope _Clement_ the VII. prisoner, which is signified here; as also inseveral other places by the loss of the _Fishing Boat_; the Roman Churchbeing often compared to a Ship or Boat.


 Chassez seront sans faire long combat. Par le Païs seront plus fort grevez, Bourg & Cité auront plus grand debat, _Carcas_, _Narbonne_ auront cœurs esprouvez.
 They shall be driven away without great fighting, Those of the Countrey shall be more grieved, Town and City shall have a greater debate, _Carcas_, _Narbonne_ shall have their hearts tryed.


Herein is nothing mystical, the meaning is that some of the Protestantparty intending to take or vex the Cities of _Carcassone_ and _Narbonne_in _Languedoc_, shall be easily repulsed, and shall afterward fall uponthe Countrey round about, which shall suffer for.


 L’œil de _Ravenne_ sera destitué, Quand a ses pieds les aisles sailliront; Les deux de _Bresse_ auront constitué, _Turin_, _Verceil_, que _Gaulois_ fouleront.
 The eye of _Ravenna_ shall be forsaken, When the wings shall rise at his feet, The two of _Brescia_ shall have constituted, _Turin_, _Verceil_, which the French shall tread upon.


This is a confirmation of the fourth Stanza, concerning the loss of thePope, _Clement_ the VII. who is called here the eye of _Ravenna_, becausehe is Lord of that famous City, which was once an Exarchat of the Empire.

The wings that shall rise at, or against his feet, shall be those of theEagle, which are the Arms of the Emperour.

The two of _Brescia_ were the Governour and Proveditor of _Venice_ inthat place, who would at that time have endeavoured to seize upon _Turin_and _Verceil_, the two chiefest Towns of _Piemont_, but were prevented bythe _French_.


 Tard arrivé, l’execution faite, Le Vent contrare, Lettres au chemin prinses, Les Conjurez quatorze d’une Secte, Par le Rousseau seront les entreprinses.
 One coming too late, the execution shall be done, The Wind being contrary, and Letters intercepted by the way, The Conspirators fourteen of a Sect, By the Red-hair’d Man the undertaking shall be made.


The sense of the whole is this, there shall be fourteen Conspiratorsof one mind, and their Ring-leader, a Red-haired man, who shall be putto death, because their Reprieve could not come timely enough, beinghindered by cross winds, and Letters intercepted. I could find noparticular things in History concerning this.


 Combien de fois prinse Cité Solaire, Seras, changeant les Loix barbares & vaines, Ton mal s’approche, plus seras tributaire, Le grand _Adrie_ recouvrira tes veines.
 How often taken O solar City, Shalt thou be? changing the barbarian and vain Laws, Thy evil growth nigh, thou shalt be more tributary, The great _Adria_ shall recover thy veins.


It is hard to judge what he meaneth by the Solar City that shall be sooften taken.

As by _Adria_, it is certain he meaneth _Venice_, that was so calledanciently, because of its scituation in the _Adriatick_ Sea.


 De l’Orient viendra le cœur punique, Fascher _Adrie_, & les hoirs _Romulides_, Accompagné de la classe Libique, Trembler _Melites_, & proches Isles vuides.
 From the East shall come the _African_ heart, To vex _Adria_, and the Heirs of _Romulus_, Accompanied with the _Libian_ fleet _Melites_ shall tremble, and the Neighbouring Islands be empty.


This was a clear and true Prognostication of that famous Invasion madeupon _Maltha_, by the grand Signor _Solyman_ the magnificent, in theyear of our Lord 1565. and just ten years after the writing of thisProphecy, wherein that Island, and some of the Neighbouring ones werewholly depopulated by the _Turks_, to the terror of _Venice_, calledhere _Adria_, and of all the Islands of the _Adriatick_ Sea. For thebetter understanding of this, the Reader must observe, that _Punicus_ inLatin signifieth _Africa_, so that the _African_ heart signifieth thehelp the _Turk_ had from _Tunis, Tripoly_, and _Algier_, Cities seatedin _Africa_, and under the Turkish Dominion; by which not only _Maltha_(which in Latin is _Melita_) but _Venice_ and _Rome_ were put into agreat fright; the conclusion of this Siege was, that after six weekstime, and the loss of 26000. Men, the _Turks_ were constrained shamefullyto retire. _Vide_ _the Turkish History_.


 Sergens transmis dans la Cage de Fer, Ou les Enfans septains du Roy sont pris, Les vieux & Peres sortiront bas d’Enfer, Ains mourir voir de son fruit mort & cris.
 Sergeants sent into an Iron Cage, Where the seven Children of the King are, The old Men and Fathers shall come out of Hell, And before they die shall see the death and cries of their fruit.


This Prophecy signifieth, that some Sergeants or Executioners shall besent into a Prison, to put to death seven Children, servants of a Kingthat were Imprisoned there, and that some old Men their Fathers, shallsee their death, and hear their cries.


 Le mouvement de Sens, Cœur, Pieds, & Mains, Seront d’accord, _Naples_, _Leon_, _Sicile_, Glaives, Feux, Eaux, puis au Noble Romains, Plongez, Tuez, Morts, par cerveau debile.
 The motion of the Sense, Heart, Feet and Hands, Shall agree, _Naples_, _Leon_, _Sicily_, Swords, Fires, Waters, then to the noble _Romans_, Dipt, Killed, Dead, by a _weak-brain_.


The two first Verses signifie the concord that shall be among the_Spanish_ dominions, expressed here by _Sense_, _Heart_, _Feet_, and_Hands_. After which, the _Romans_ or those of _Rome_, shall be evillyintreated, being _drowned, killed, and put to death by a weak brain_.I guess this to have come to pass, when the Emperour _Charles_ the V.his Army sacked _Rome_, under the command of the Duke of _Bourbon_, whowas killed at the Assault; and of the Prince of _Orange_, who permittedlicentiousness to his Souldiers, and suffered them to commit moreviolence, than ever the _Goths_ or _Vandales_ did, and therefore iscalled here _weak brain_. This Prince of _Orange_ was of the House of_Chalon_, after which came that of _Nassau_.


 Dans peu ira fauce brute fragile, De bas en haut eslevé promptement, Puis en estant desloyal & labile, Qui de _Verone_ aura gouvernment.
 Within a little while a false frail brute shall go, From low to high, being quickly raised, By reason that he shall have the Government of _Verona_, Shall be unfaithful and slippery.


This foretelleth of a wicked person, who in a short time shall be froma low degree exalted to a high one, by reason that those that have theGovernment of _Verona_, shall be unfaithful and slippery. That personseemeth to be some Pope, who from a low degree shall be exalted to thatdignity, by the unfaithfulness and slipperiness of the _Venetians_, whoare now Lords of the City _Verona_ in _Italy_.


 Les exiles, par ire, haine intestine, Feront au Roy grand conjuration, Secret mettront ennemis par la mine, Et les vieux siens, contre eux sedition.
 The banished, by choler, and intestine hatred Shall make against the King a great conspiracy, They shall put secret enemies in the mine, And the old his own against them sedition.


Although this Prophecie seemeth to be indefinitely spoken, because inevery Countrey or Kingdom where there is banished people, they mostcommonly plot against their King and Countrey; nevertheless I find tworemarkable Histories to make this good, one in _France_, and the other in_England_. That of _France_ is thus.

The Cardinal of _Lorrain_, and the Duke of _Guise_ his Brother, beingin great favour with _Henry_ II. the Queen Mother promoted them in thebeginning of the Reign of _Francis_ II. his successor, so that theCardinal was made Lord high Treasurer, and the Duke General of theArmies, to the prejudice of the Constable of _Montmorency_. Those twofavourites, fearing the persecution that is raised by envy, did removeall the great ones from the Court, whether they were commanded to do so,or whether they had any other pretences.

The Princes of _Condé_, and of _la Roche sur yon_, were sent into_Flanders_ to _Philip_ II. _Condé_, to confirm the alliance between thetwo Crowns, and _la Roche sur yon_ to carry the Order of _France_.

_Diana_ of _Poitiers_ Dutchess of _Valentenois_, was banished from Court,and compelled to surrender to the Queen all the Jewels she had extortedfrom the King, besides the Castle of _Chenonceaux_, which the Queen tookfor her self.

The Marshal St. _Andrew_ was likewise banished from the Court. The Kingof _Navarre_ was in _Bearn_.

The Constable took also his leave, and surrendred to the King the Sealof his Office. On the other side, the Protestants began to stir notably,having on their part many Princes, as that of _Condé_, of _Porcien_,_Gaspard_, of _Coligny_, Admiral of _France_, d’_Andelot_, and theCardinal of _Chastillon_ his brothers, _Magdalene_ of _Mailly_, theirSister, Lady of _Roye_, the King of _Navarre_. All these discontentedpersons, and the Protestants made a great conspiracy under pretence ofReligion, and of freeing the King from the tyranny of the _Guisians_.

They did by _Choler_, the Protestants because they had been so illused, in the time of _Francis_ I. and _Henry_ II. and lately by the_Guisians_. And the discontented, for to pull down their power, it wasalso by an _intestine hatred_, because the Constable could not brook tobe dispossessed of his Office of great Master, which was given to theDuke of _Guise_; and the others to see themselves from the management ofAffairs, and the Protestants by the spirit of a contrary Religion.

Their _conspiracy_ tended to expel the _Guisians_, and to seise upon theQueen, the King, and his Brothers.

To compass their end, they secretly sent some trusty persons of theirown, who nevertheless feigned to be their Enemies; insomuch that the Kingof _Navarre_ sent them word, that he would be always of their party,though apparently he took the Courts part.

But _the Old his own_, saith the fourth Verse, that is to say, the Kingsold friends shall raise _Sedition_ against them, which happened in theyear 1650. when the _Guisians_ having discovered the conspiracy that wasmade at _Nantes_, the 1. of _February_ 1560. whose chief Ring-leader wasthe Lord _La Renaudie_; they presently got the King out of _Blois_, andcarryed him to _Amboise_, caused the Town to be fortified, and set strongGuards upon all the passages.

The day appointed for the execution of the conspiracy at _Blois_, was the10th of _March_: But the King being got to _Amboise_, the Conspiratorswent thither in such great numbers, and under such specious pretences,that had they not been betrayed, no body would have suspected them.All the Suburbs and the Countrey Towns thereabouts were full of them.The Prince of _Condé_, the Admiral, d’_Andelot_, and his Brother theCardinal, were all there.

Then the _Guisians_ began to fall to work, and to set upon theConspirators on all sides.

Abundance were taken, some in the City, some in the Suburbs, others inthe Countrey round about.

Most of these were slain before they could come to Town, or be carriedto Prison. And their process was so short that they were hanged in theirBoots and Spurs.

The Scouts did every where kill those they met withall. To conclude, itproved a very Bloody Tragedy.

_La Renaudie_ the Chief of the Conspirators, was met with by the Lord_Pardaillan_ a _Gascon_. At the first approach _La Renaudie_ killed him;but himself was killed by _Pardeillan_’s Servant, and his dead bodybrought and hanged at _Amboise_.

The second History is concerning _England_, which palpably makes thisProphecie good, if we make reflection upon what hath happened in thislast Century of years, concerning banished people that have conspiredagainst their King and Countrey, as we may see through all the Life ofQueen _Elizabeth_, and by that famous Plot of the Gun-powder-Treason inKing _James_’s time, which must be understood here by the _Mine_.


 De gens esclave, chansons, chants, & requestes, Captifs par Princes, & Seigneurs aux prisons, A l’advenir par Idiots sans testes, Seront receus par divins oraisons.
 From slavish people, Songs, Tunes and requests, Being kept Prisoners by Princes and Lords, For the future by headless Idiots, Shall be admitted by divine prayers.


This is a prognostication of the beginning and increase of theProtestants in _France_, who began to sing their Psalms in _French_, andfrom time to time presented their request for tolleration. The Authorbeing a zealous Papist calleth them _Idiots_, and that notwithstandingthe persecution that should be against them, being put in Prison by_Princes_ and _Lords_, they should at last be admitted by reason of theiroften praying to God.


 _Mars_ nous menace par la force bellique, Septante fois fera le sang respandre, Auge & ruine de l’Ecclesiastique, Et par ceux qui d’eux rien ne voudront entendre.
 _Mars_ threatneth us of a Warlike force, Seventy times he shall cause blood to be shed, The flourishing and ruine of the Clergy, And by those that will hear nothing from them.


The Author having premonished us in his Preface, that God having impartedto him the knowledge of many future things, he was curious to know ifhis Divine Majesty had written the same thing in the Cœlestial Book,as concerning the States, Empires, Monarchies, Provinces and Cities,and he found that it was even so as it had been revealed to him, sothat the Book of Heaven, written with Gods own hand, in so many shiningCharacters, might serve to studious men for a light and a Torch todiscover very near the common estate of the world.

He then having learned from God in his solitariness, the prosperitiesand afflictions of the Clergy, from the beginning of the year 1555. tothe end of the world; he found that there was an agreement between hisprophetical Knowledge, and the motion of the Heavenly Bodies; becausehaving made the Systeme of the years after 1550. he found that _Mars_ wasin a dangerous Aspect to the Ecclesiastical estate, and found that thisPlanet by its position did presage a long, bloody and horrid Catastrophein the world, by which the Ecclesiastical estate should suffer much.

To make good this prediction, the Author doth assure us in his Preface,that he had considered the disposition of this Planet, not only in theyear 1555. but also in the years following, and joyning together allthat he had found in his Ephemerides, he found that this Planet did onall sides presage most bloody actions. Although, saith he, the Planetof _Mars_ maketh an end of its course, and is come to its last Period:nevertheless it will begin it again, but some gathered in _Aquarius_ formany years, and others by long and continual years.

As if he would say that his prediction ought not to be rejected; because_Mars_ ended his course, and cometh to its late period; for it would takeagain its Exaltation and Dominion with a worse conjunction, having hisAstronomical dignities, with the Conjunction of other Planets in the Signof _Aquarius_ during many years, and in the Sign of _Cancer_ for manyyears more.

Which maketh the Author conclude, that within the space of 177. years,three months and eleven dayes, the world shall be afflicted with Wars,Plagues, Famines and Innundations, that scarce any body shall be left toTill the Ground. By which prediction we learn that those evils began inthe year 1555. the first of _March_, which is the date of the AuthorsBook, and shall last till the second of _June_ 1732. abating the ten daysof the Gregorian Calender.

During which time, he saith, that _Mars_ threatneth us with bloody Warsthat shall be reiterated 70 times.

This word seventy doth not signifie a determinate number, but a greatnumber indeterminated according to the Phrase of the Scripture, whichby the number of seven signifieth many times, and by that of seventyincomparably many times more. Thus the Scripture saith, that the just manfalleth seven times in one day, that is many times, and our Saviour saithto St. _Peter_, that we ought to forgive our Enemies, not only seventimes, but seventy times seven; that is innumerable times.

We have found the truth of this Prophecie to this very day. 1. In_France_, by the Wars between _Henry_ II. and _Charles_ V. and _Philip_II. 2. By the Wars of _Charles_ IX. against the Protestants, whereinso much blood was spilt on both sides. 3. By _Henry_ III. againstthe same Protestants, and factions of his time, and then against the_Parisians_ and others of their league. 4. Between _Henry_ IV. andthose of the league in his revolted Kingdom. 5. By the Wars of _Lewis_XIII. against the Protestants, against the Duke of _Savoy_, in the_Valteline_, in _Piemont_, in _Lorrain_, in _Alsatia_, in _Catalonia_, in_Franche-Conty_, in _Flanders_, and for the defence of _Portugal_, whichhave been continued by his successor _Lewis_ XIV. now Reigning.

_Italy_ did also find the truth of this prophecie, by the Wars between_Paul_ IV. and the _Spaniard_, between _Pius_ V. and the _Turks_, between_Clement_ VIII. and the Duke of _Ferrara_, between the Emperour and theDuke of _Mantua_, between _Urban_ VIII. and the Duke of _Parma_, betweenthe _Venetians_ and the _Florentines_, by the revolt of the Kingdom of_Naples_, under the conduct of the Duke of _Guise_.

_England_ hath had its share of it under Queen _Elizabeth_, by the revoltof _Yorkshire_, and some other Provinces, by the _Spanish_ fleet of 88.

By the death of Queen _Mary_, by the revolt of the Kingdom against_Charles_ I. And by the horrid perfidiousness of _Cromwel_.

_Germany_ hath made it good by the War against the _Turks_, theProtestants and the _Swedes_.

_Poland_ hath done the same against the _Russians_, _Tartars_, _Turks_,_Cassaks_ and _Swedes_.

And _Venice_ against the _Turk_, for the Islands of _Cyprus_ and_Candia_, the Battle of _Lepanto_, and the Wars of _Dalmatia_.

This _Mars_ besides presageth two contrary things, one is the _Auge_or Exaltation, the other the _ruine of the Clergy_: where it is to beobserved, the _Auge_ in tearms of Astrology signifieth mounting orascending, and cometh from the Latin _verbe augere_, which signifieth toaugment or increase. This augmentation and ruine of the _Clergy_ is madegood by the several changes that have been in the Ecclesiastical estate,in _France_, _England_, Low-Countreys, _Denmark_, _Swede_, _Poland_,_Hungary_, _Valachia_, _Transylvania_, _Moldavia_, _Dalmatia_, _Geneva_,_Switzerland_, &c.

The fourth Verse saith. By those that will hear nothing from them: thatis, by the Protestants that will hear nothing from the _Roman_ Catholicks.


 Faux a l’Estang, joint vers la _Sagittaire_, En son haut _Auge_ de l’Exaltation, Peste, Famine, mort de main Militaire, Le Siecle approcher de renovation.
 The Sith to the Fish-pond, joyned to _Sagittarius_, In the highest _Auge_ of the Exaltation, Plague, Famine, Death by a Military hand, The age groweth near to its renovation.


The sense of all this is, that when a Meadow that was a _Fish-pond_before, shall be Mowed, the Sign of _Sagittarius_ being in its _Auge_ orascendant, then shall _Plague_, _Famine_, and _War_ Reign, and that age(which a Century of years shall be near its end and renovation _viz._ ofanother Century.)


 Par quarante ans l’Iris n’apparoistra, Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu, La Terre aride en siccité croistra, Et grand deluge quand sera apparceu.
 During fourty years the Rainbow shall not appear, During fourty years it shall be seen every day. The parched Earth shall wax dryer and dryer, And great Flouds shall be when it shall appear.


The Interpretation of this is easie, and signifieth nothing else but thatduring 40. years the _Rainbow_ shall not be seen, and during that timethere shall be an exceeding great drought upon the Earth, and that for40. years after the _Rainbow_ shall be seen every day, which shall causegreat flouds and innundations.


 Par la discorde, negligence _Gauloise_, Sera passage a _Mahomet_ ouvert, De sang trempé la Terre & Mer _Senoise_, Le Port _Phocen_ de Voiles & Nefs couvert.
 Through the discord and negligence of the _French_, A passage shall be opened to _Mahomet_, The Land and Sea of _Sienna_ shall be bloody, The _Phocen_ Haven shall be covered with Sails and Ships.


In the year 1559. _Sultan Solyman_ called _Leonclavius_, according to thealliance made between him and _Francis_ I. King of _France_, was desiredby _Henry_ II. his Son to send him some succours: Whereupon he sentsome of his Gallies to scour the _Tyrrhenean_ Sea (otherwise the Sea of_Tuscany_) to give a diversion to the _Spanish_ forces in _Italy_, whilethe King by the means of the Marshal of _Brissac_, should continue hisConquests in the _Piemont_ and _Milanese_.

All what this _Turkish_ Fleet did, was to plunder and over-run theIsland of _Elbe_, and to attempt _Piombino_ without effect; and becausethese places were seated upon the Sea of _Sienna_, called in Latin _MareTirrhenum_, the Author saith that both the Land and Sea of _Sienna_ shallbe died with Blood, and at that time the Haven of _Marseilles_, whichwas called by the Ancients, Port-_Phocen_ was full of Sales and Ships,as well to go into the Island of _Corse_, as for other designs. ThisHistory makes good that _Stanza_ which saith, that through the _discord_and _negligence_ of the _French_, a passage shall be opened to _Mahomet_,wherein it is to be observed that the Marshal of _Brissac_ doing wondersfor the King in _Piemont_, his virtue got him abundance of enviers andenemies in the Kings Councel, which was the cause of a great discordamong them, by the diversity of opinions, and this diversity was thecause of a prodigious negligence in sending to him relief, as _Turpin_witnesseth in his History of _Naples_, and _Paradin_ in the continuationof his History.

By this discord and negligence, _a passage was opened to Mahomet_, hisFleet going freely upon the _Mediterranean_ Sea near the Coasts of_France_. And the reason of it was, because this discord and negligencedid compel _Henry_ the II. to ask succours of _Solyman_, that the_Spaniard_ might be compelled to divide his Forces in sending some to theSea-Towns, and so should not be so strong in _Piemont_; and thus must beunderstood the _French discord and negligence_, in the first and secondVerse. As for the many Sails and Ships that were then in the Haven of_Marseilles_, to go into the Island of _Corsica_, the following Stanza’sare full of predictions concerning it.


 Lors que Serpens viendront circuir l’Air, Le sang _Troien_ versé par les _Espagnes_, Par eux: grand nombre en sera fait tare, Chef fuit, caché aux Marets dans les saignes.
 When Serpents shall come to encompass the Are, The _Trojan_ blood shall be vexed by _Spain_, By them, a great number shall perish, Chief runneth away, and is hid in the rushes of the Marishes.


By the _Serpents_, the Author being a Roman Catholick, meaneth theProtestants, who then began to appear numerous in the Reigns of _Francis_the I. and _Henry_ the II. in whose time the Admiral _Coligny_ was thechief among them, for his great feats in War.

These Serpents or Protestants begun to encompass the _Are_, that is tosay, the Church and the Altar, which in Latin is called _Ara_.

And that happened when _the Trojan-blood was vexed by Spain_. By the_Trojan-blood_, the Author meaneth the _French_ blood, according to thevulgar opinion, that the _French_ are descended from the _Trojans_.The _French_ were then vexed by the _Spaniards_, at the Battle of St._Laurence_, and at the taking of St. _Quentin_, and other places in theYear 1557.

The third Verse saith _by them_, that is, by the Protestants _a greatnumber shall perish_, that is to say, a great number of _French_. Amongwhom the Admiral of _Chatillon_ having done what was possible to be doneat the defence of St. _Quentin_, and seeing the Town taken, run awaywith three more, and hid himself among the Rushes that are in the Boggsabout the Town, where he was found, and carried Prisoner to the Duke of_Savoy_, who received him very honorably, according to his valour anddeserts.

Observe that the word _Saignes_ here signifieth in old _Provencal_ a_Marish_.


 _Tours_, _Orleans_, _Blois_, _Angers_, _Renes_ & _Nantes_, Cités vexées par soudain changement, Par Langues estranges seront tendues Tentes, Fleuves, Darts, Rennes, Terre & Mer tremblement.
 _Tours_, _Orleans_, _Blois_, _Angers_, _Renes_, and _Nantes_, Cities vexed by a sudden change, By strange Languages Tents shall be set up, Rivers, Darts, _Rennes_, Land, and Sea shall quake.


All the Cities mentioned in the first Verse are seated by the Riverof _Loire_, and are threatned here of a sudden change, and that somestrangers shall set up their Tents against them, and chiefly at _Rennes_,there shall be an Earth-quake felt both by Sea and Land.


 Profonde argile blanche nourrit rocher, Qui d’un abysme istra l’acticineuse, En vain troublez ne l’oseront toucher, Ignorant estre au fond terre argileuse.
 A deep white clay feedeth a Rock, Which clay shall break out of the deep like milk, In vain people shall be troubled not daring to touch it, Being ignorant that in the bottom there is a milky clay.


It is a Rock in the middle of the Sea, whose Roots are fed by a whiteclay, which is at the foot of this Rock, in the bottom of the Sea, andtherefore called deep.

This clay being softned, and dissolved by the Sea-water, shall appearupon the superficies of it like milk about the Rock. Those that shall seethis wonder, _being ignorant that in the bottom there is a milky clay_,shall in vain be troubled at it, and shall not dare to touch it.


 Ce qui vivra & n’aura aucun sens, Viendra le Fer a mort son artifice, _Autun_, _Chalons_, _Langres_ & les deux _Sens_, La Guerre & la Glasse fera grand malefice.
 That which shall live, and shall have no sence, The Lion shall destroy the art of it, _Autun_, _Chalons_, _Langres_, and both _Sens_, The War and the Ice shall do great harm.


This is a great Riddle, which was never found out till now; and had I notbeen born in the Countrey where the History did happen, it might havebeen unknown to this day, and buried in oblivion.

[Sidenote: _The History of a λιθοπαίδιον or petrified child_.]

In the year of the Lord 1613. which was that of my Birth. There was inthe Town of _Sens_ a Taylors Wife named _Columba Chatry_, who presentlyafter her marriage conceived, and for the space of 28. years persuadedher self to be with Child, had all the signs of it in the beginning ofher impregnation, and having gone her compleat time, she begun to feelthe pains of a woman in Labour, with great gripings in the Guts. TheUrine was suppressed for a while, but at last it broke out with a strongcurrent. This quantity of water not coming so much out of the Bladder aswas supposed, as from the womb, by the breaking of the Membrane, called_Amnion_, seeing that with those serous excrements, she avoided someconjealed blood. After that her breast begun to fall, and the Child hadlittle or no motion, her pains being less than they were, which causedno small admiration to the Midwifes, who expected a safe deliverance.For the space of three years after, this woman kept her Bed, and wasbrought to Deaths door, complaining of gripings and a hard swelling,which she desired all the Physitians and Chyrurgeons to feel, havinglost all appetite, but that little which she recovered by the use ofsharp things, as Verjuice, Lemmons, _&c._ she was wont to say to herNeighbours, that she bare a Child that should be the cause of her death.After she was dead, her Husband got two experienced Chyrurgeons to openher body, who having opened the belly, and taken away the _Peritonæum_,saw the Womb of several colours, as the flesh that is about the head andneck of a Turky-co*ck, but as it were of a Horny substance. They begun tomake an incision in it with a Rasour, but finding it resisted the edge,they begun to use their Incision knives with all their strength; at lastone of them by chance hit the Scull, and after that some Ribs, and thenthe Shoulder bone, by which, knowing that there was bones contained inthat lump, with greater strength they made a deeper incision, and havingparted the edges of the womb, saw in the bottom of the womb a Child,wrapped in the membrane, called _Allantoides_; at which the Chyrugeonswondering, sent for the Physitians to have their opinion in a thing thatis almost beyond belief; in the mean time people flocking thither fromall parts, and troubling the Chyrurgeons in their operation; they thoughtgood to take away with their Instruments all that Lump, as a Tree fromits Roots, and to carry it home, that they might with more time andleasure examine the whole Anatomy of it. In that hasty pulling out of theChild, they had no time to observe what Chorion it had, what umbilicalVessels, and what connexion there was of the Allantoides with the Womb,and with the Child, chiefly about the right hip, the Buttocks, and theBack-bone being all grown solid together.

The scituation of the Child was almost _Spherical_, the face leaning uponthe breast, and the Nostrils upon the Knees; the bones of the Head werebut thin, but very hard, and shining like Horn; the skin of the Headwas hairy in many places; the head did hang so much upon the left arm,that the Ear, and part of the skull had given way to the Shoulder-bone;the Elbow was bent towards the Shoulder stretching only his hand, whichwas so close shut, and the fingers sticking so fast to the Palm of it,that although they did appear distinct one from another, nevertheless itwas all but one and the same stone; the right arm did stretch its handtowards the Navel, which unadvisedly was broken by the wrist, and leftin the Mothers Belly; the left Thigh, Knee and Leg were on the top ofthe right ones, with which they were so entangled, that the left heel,and the sole of the foot were planted upon the right foot, who seemedto have given place to them, and were almost inseparably joyned; for allsuch hardness of the matter, the body was not less than that of otherChildren of the same age, but kept a perfect fulness and proportionall the internal parts, as the Brains, the Heart, the Liver, had theirnatural shape, and were not altogether so hard as the external parts, sothat to this very day this little body defieth all kind of corruption.

This Child was kept in my time by one Mr. _Michel_ a Chirurgion of_Sens_, who kindly shewed it to all the strangers that came far and nearto see it. The Fame of it was so great, that Doctor _Mayerne_ coming from_Switzerland_ to _England_, took his way through _Sens_ to see it, andwould have perswaded King _Charles_ I. to buy it, as himself told me;since that I hear it was fallen into the hands of the _Venetians_. Inthis History there is two observable wonders. One, that the Child dyingin the Womb, did not corrupt, and so cause the death of its Mother. Theother, by what vertue or power of the body this child was petrified,seeing that the Womb is a hot and moist place, and therefore more subjectto putrifaction. Those that will satisfie themselves with the reasons ofit, and the truth of the History, may read _Johannes Alibosius_ Physicianof _Sens_, who was an eye witness of it, and _Sennertus_ in his book ofSympt. _quam feminis in utero accidant_.

Now this accident being so rare, and without parallel, our Authorthought fit to foretel it, and to cover it in abscure tearms, that hemight not appear ridiculous in so admirable an event. When therefore hesaith, _That which shall live and shall have no Sense_, he meaneth thisλιθοπαίδιον or child petrified, which had a Life while it was in theMothers belly, being tied to it by the several Vessels and connexions,known to Anatomists, and yet was senseless in that it was petrified. Whenin the second verse he saith, _The Iron shall destroy the art of it_, hemeaneth that it should be spoiled by the rasour, in the two last verseshe saith, that the Towns of _Autun_, _Chalons_, _Langres_, and _Sens_ theTown in which this did happen should that same year suffer much damage byHail and Ice, which did come to pass, as many persons may justify in thatCountrey, that are alive to this day.


 Au mois troisiesme se levant le Soleil, Sanglier, Leopard, aux champs _Mars_ pour combatre, Leopard lassé au Ciel esttend son œil, Un Aigle autour du Soleil voit sesbatre.
 In the third month at the rising of the Sun, The Boar and Leopard in _Marth_ camp to fight; The Leopard weary, lift his eyes to Haven, And seeth an Eagle playing about the Sun.


This signifieth a particular accident, _viz._ that in the third Month,which is that of _March_, at the rising of the _Sun_, the _Boar_ and the_Leopard_, that is, two persons of quality hidden under these names,shall go into the fields to fight a Duel. The _Leopard_ one of them beingweary, shall lift up his eyes to Heaven, calling upon God, and thereuponshall see an _Eagle_ playing about the _Sun_, that is, shall get theVictory, of which the _Eagle_ is the Emblem.


 A Cité nevue pensif pour condamner, Loisel de proie au ciel se vient offrir, Apres Victoire a Captifs pardonner _Cremone_ & _Mantoue_ grands maux auront souffert.
 In the new City for to condemn a Prisoner, The Bird of pray shall offer himself to Heaven, After the Victory, the Prisoners shall be forgiven, After _Cremona_ and _Mantua_ have suffered many troubles.


This name of new City is appropriated to several ones in every Countrey.The _French_ have many _Villeneufuas_, the Germans many _Newstads_, the_Italians_ and _Spaniards_ many _Villanovas_, so that it is hard to guesswhich of them the Author meaneth. The missing of this dore makes the restof the Prophecie so obscure, that I had rather leave it to the liberty ofthe Reader, than to pretend a true explication of it. I shall only say,that _Cremona_ and _Mantua_ are two famous Towns in _Italy_, which arehere threatned.


 Perdu, trouvé, caché de si long siecle Sera Pasteur demy-Dieu honoré, Ains que la Lune acheve son grand Siecle, Par autre vents sera deshonoré.
 Lost, found again, hidden so great a while, A Pastor as Deme-God shall be honoured; But before the Moon endeth her great Age, By other winds he shall be dishonoured.


The Prophecie is concerning the body of a famous Churchman, which waslost, and shall be found again, and worshiped as a _Demy-God_, but beforethe _Moon_ hath run her great age, which is of 13 Months, it shall bevilified and dishonoured.


 Le grand du Foudre tombe d’heure diurne, Mal & predit par Porteur populaire, Suivant presage tombe d’heure nocturne, Conflit _Rheims_, _Londres_, _Etrusque_ Pestifere.
 The great Man falleth by the Lightning in the day time, An evil foretold by a common Porter; According to this foretelling another falleth in the night, A fight at _Rhemes_, and the Plague at _London_ and _Tuscany_.


This is concerning some great man, who being premonished by a commonCarrier not to travel upon a certain day, did slight the advice, and wasstrucken by Lightning in the day time, and another in the night; at thesame time there was a fight at _Rhemes_, and the Plague at _London_ andin _Tuscany_, which in Latin is called _Etruria_.


 Des soubs le Chesne _Guyen_ du Ciel frappé, Non loin de la est caché le Thresor, Qui par long Siecles avoit esté grappé, Trouvé mourra, l’œil crevé de ressor.
 Under the Oak _Guyen_ strucken from Heaven, Not far from it is the Treasure hidden, Which hath been many Ages a gathering; Being found he shall die, the eye put out by a spring.


The sense of it is, that some body (who is named here _Guyen_) beingunder an Oak shall be strucken with the lightning, and that near thatplace there is a great Treasure, that hath been many years a gathering,and that he who shall find it shall die, being shot in the eye with aFire-lock.


 La Tour de _Bouk_ craindra fuste Barbare, Un temps, long temps apres Barque _Hesperique_, Bestial, gens meubles tous deux feront grand tare, _Taurus_ & _Libra_, quelle mortelle pique?
 The Tower of _Bouk_ shall be in fear of a Barbarian Fleet, For a while, and long after afraid of _Spanish_ shipping, Flocks, peoples, goods both shall receive great damage, _Taurus_ and _Libra_, O what a deadly feud.


The Tower of _Bouk_ is a strong place seated by the _Rhosne_, where itentereth into the Mediterranean Sea; it is said here that it shall be infear of a Barbarian Fleet, and after that of a _Spanish_ one, and thatboth the _Spaniard_ and the _French_ shall have great losses in Cattle,People and Goods, and this shall happen when the Sun shall be in theSigns of _Taurus_ and _Libra_.


 Quand le Poisson, Terrestre & _Aquatique_, Par forte vague an gravier sera mis, Sa forme estrange suave & horrifique, Par Mer aux murs bien tost les Enemies.
 When the Fish that is both Terrestrial and Aquatick, By a strong Wave shall be cast upon the Sand, With his strange fearful sweet horrid form, Soon after the enemies will come near to the Walls by Sea.


This signifieth no more but that after, a Fish, Terrestrial and Aquatick,that is which, liveth in Land and Water, called by the Greeks αμφίβιον,shall be cast upon the Sand by a storm, then a little while after, thatTown which lieth near to that place where the Fish was cast, shall beBesieged by her Enemies, who shall come by Sea.


 La Nef estrange par le tourment Marin, Abordera pres le Port incognu, Nonobstant signs du rameau palmerin, Apres mort, pille, bon advis tard venu.
 The Outlandish Ship by a Sea storm, Shall come near the unknown Haven, Notwitstanding the signs given to it with Bows, It shall die, be plundered, a good advice come too late.


It is a Forrein Ship which by a storm shall be driven to an unknownHarbour, and notwithstanding the signs that shall be made to it withBranches, by those that are upon the Land to beware of the entrance ofthe Harbour, it shall be cast away, and plundered; thus a good adviceshall come too late.


 Tant d’ans les guerres, en _Gaule_ dureront, Outre la course du _Castulon_ Monarque, Victoire incerte trois grands couroneront, Aigle, Coq, Lune, Lion Soleil en marque.
 So many years the Wars shall last in _France_, Beyond the course of the _Castulon_ Monarque, An uncertain Victory three great ones shall Crown, The Eagle, the co*ck, the Moon, the Lion having the Sun in its mark.


That is, the Wars shall last so long in _France_ after the death of oneKing of _Spain_, till three great ones shall challenge an uncertainVictory, these three great ones are the Emperour designed by the Aigle,the King of _France_ by the co*ck, and the _Turk_ by the Moon, and thisshall happen when the Sun is in the sign of the Lion. I suppose that cameto pass in the time of _Charles_ the V. _Henry_ the II. and _Soliman_.For the _Turk_ had no great odds upon the Emperour, nor he upon the Kingof _France_.


 La grand Empire sera tost translaté, En lieu petit qui bien tost viendra croistre, Lieu bien infime d’exigue Comté, Ou au milieu viendra poser son Scepter.
 The great Empire shall soon be translated, Into a little place which shall soon grow afterwards. An inferiour place of a small County, In the middle of which he shall come to lay down his Scepter.


This is concerning the same _Charles_ the V. Emperour, who about threeyears before his death, being weary of the World, resigned his Dominionsof _Spain_ and of the _Low-Countries_, to his Son _Philip_ the II.and his Empire to his Brother _Ferdinand_, and retired himself into aMonastery of _Castile_, called l’_Escurial_, which after his death, wasmuch enlarged and beautified by his Son _Philip_: and that is the meaningof our Author when he saith:

 _Into a little place which shall soon grow afterwards,_ _An inferiour place of a small County,_

For this _Escurial_ being seated in a Desert place of a County of_Spain_, called _Castilia_, which the _Spanish_ vanity calleth a Kingdom,(whose Use, Fruit, or Revenues, the said _Charles_ only reserved for hismaintenance) is now by the _Spaniards_ accounted to be the eighth wonderof the World.


 Pres d’un grand Pont de plaine spacieuse, Le grand Lion par force, Cesarées, Fera abatre hors Cité rigoureuse, Par effroy portes luy seront reserrées.
 A great Bridge near a spacious Plain, The great Lion by _Cæsarean_ Forces, Shall cause to be pulled down, without the rigorous City, For fear of which, the Gates shall be shut to him.


The meaning of this is, that a great Captain, Commander of the ImperialForces, shall cause a Bridge that was built near a spacious Plain to bethrown down. The City near the Bridge being terrified at it, shall shutup their Gates against him.


 L’Oiseau de proye volant a la Fenestre, Avant conflict, fait au _Francois_ parure, L’un bon prendra, l’autre ambigue sinistre, La partie foible tiendra pour bonne augure.
 The Bird of Prey flying to the Window, Before Battle, shall appear to the _French_; One shall take a good omen of it, the other a bad one, The weaker part shall hold it for a good sign.


It is a Hawk which in presence of two Armies ready to give Battle,shall fly to a window and perch upon it, in the presence of them all,one of the Armies shall take it for a good sign; and the other, for anambiguous and sinister one. In Conclusion, the weaker party shall get theVictory.


 Le Lion jeune le vieux surmontera, En champ bellique par singulier Duelle, Dans Cage dor Lœil il lui crevera, Deux playes une puis mourir mort cruelle.
 The young Lion shall overcome the old one, In Martial field by a single Duel, In a Golden Cage he shall put out his Eye, Two wounds from one, then he shall die a cruel death.


This is one of the Prophecies that hath put our Author in credit, as wellfor the clearness as for the true event of it.

_Cæsar Nostradamus_ our Authors son, in his History of _Provence_,writeth that by this _Stanza_ his father intended to foretell the mannerof _Henry_ the second’s death.

The _French_ Histories relate that this great Prince desiring to honourthe Nuptial of his Daughter _Elizabeth_, married to _Philip_ II. King of_Spain_, did appoint a Tournament to be kept in St. _Anthony_’s street in_Paris_, where himself would be one of the Defendants against all comers,and for that purpose chose for his companions and associates _Don Alfonsod’Este_ Duke of _Ferrara_, and _Francis_ of _Lorrain_, Duke of _Guise_.

The Tornament being almost ended, in which the King had shewed muchValour being mounted upon a Horse of the Duke of _Savoy_, _Philibert_’s,_Emanuel_ his Brother in Law, this Duke intreated the King to leave off,because he had got the Victory; and the weather was hot, and the nightdrawing on: But this Martial King would need break one Launce more, andcommanded the Captain _Gabriel de Lorges_ to be called, a young andvaliant Lord and Captain of the _Scottish_ Guard. Being come, the Kingcommanded him to run against him, which he refused a great while; but theKing waxing angry, he obeyed, and set Spurs to his Horse, he did hit theKing in the lower part of his Beaver, the Launce was broken into shivers,and the mean stump lifting up the Beaver, a splinter got in, and woundedthe King a little above the right _Eye_, where finding the Bone too hard,it went very deep under the said _Eye_, and broke some Veins belonging tothe Membrane, called _Pia Mater_.

The blow was so violent that the King bended his head towards the lists,and fell, into a Swound, being presently disarmed, they perceived thesplinter of the Launce in his _Eye_, and his face all bloody. He livedten days after, and died with great Convulsions, because the Sinews wereoffended, whereupon he suffered grievous Torment.

His death was also foretold by _Luke Gaurick_ a great Astrologer, whobeing constrained by the Queen _Catharine_ of _Medicis_, to tell her bywhat kind of death her Husband should end his days, told her it shouldbe in a _Duel_, which made him to be hissed at, Kings being exempted ofthose accidents.

According to this Narrative the Author calleth the King an old _Lion_,and the Captain _Lorges_, since Earl of _Montgomery_, the _young Lion_;because both fought like _Lions_. The _young Lion_ overcame the old onein _Martial field_, and in a fight of one against one, and consequently a_Duel_.

He overcame him by putting his _Eye_ out in a _Golden Cage_, that is, inhis Gilded Helmet.

Of which _Wound_ there came another, because the blood of some brokenVeins, creeping into the Brains by the vehement agitation of the head,caused an Impostume there, which could not be remedied: therefore theAuthor saith _two Wounds_ from one, that is, one wound made two: and theKing died of a cruel death, as we have said before.


 Tard le Monarque se viendra repentir, De navoir mis a Mort son Adversaire, Mais viendra bien a plus haut consentir, Que tout son sang par Mort sera deffaire.
 The Monarque shall too late repent, That he hath not put to death his Adversary; But he shall give his consent to a greater thing than that, Which is to put to death all his Adversaries Kindred.


The words of this are plain, though it be questionable whether the thingis come to pass already, or not.


 Un peu devant que le Soleil sabsconse, Conflict donné, grand peuple dubieux, Profligez, Port-Marin ne fait responce, Pont & Sepulchre en deux estranges lieux.
 A little before the Sun setteth, A Battle shall be given, a great people shall be doubtful, Of being foiled, the Sea-Port maketh no answer, A Bridge and Sepulchre shall be in two strange places.


The two first verses I believe are concerning the Battle of Saint_Denis_, which was fought in the Evening hard by _Paris_, and where theConstable of _Montmorency_ was kill’d, which made that great people of_Paris_ to be doubtful.

The other two Verses I leave to the interpretation of the Reader.


 Le Sol & l’Aigle Victeur paroistront, Response vain au vaincu lon asseure, Par Cor ne cris, harnois narresteront, Vindicte paix, par Mort lacheve a l’heure.
 The Sun and the Eagle shall appear to the Victorious, A vain Answer shall be made good to the vanquished, By no means Arms shall not be stopped, Vengeance maketh Peace, by death he then accomplisheth it.


This Stanza being full of Figures and Equivoques, I will not interpose myJudgement in it, lest I undertake too much, and perform too little.


 De nuit dans le lit le supresme estranglé, Pour avoir trop suborné blond esleu, Par trois l’Empire subroge Exancle, A mort mettra, Carte ne Pacquet leu.
 By night in the bed the chief one shall be strangled. For having too much suborned fair Elect, By three the Empire subrogate Exancle, He shall put him to death, reading neither Card nor Packet.


The Author hath purposely obscured this Prophecie in the third Verse,to take away the Knowledge of it from the Reader; because the partiesconcerned were then alive, _viz._ _Philip_ II. King of _Spain_, whocaused his only son _Don Carlo_ to be strangled in his bed, for suspicionof being too familiar with his wife _Elizabeth_ of _France_, and Daughterto _Henry_ II. The last Verse saith, that he was so implacable, that hewould read neither _Card_ nor _Packet_, that is, no requests.


 La tourbe fausse dissimilant folie, Fera _Bizance_ un changement de loix, Istra d’_Ægypt_ qui veus que l’on deslie, Edict, changant Monnoys & alloys.
 The false Troup dissembling their folly, Shall make in _Bizance_ an alteration of _Laws_. One shall come out of _Ægypt_ who will have untied The Edict, changing the Coin and allay.


There is two things in this Prognostication, the first that in _Bizance_,which is _Constantinople_, a _Troop_ of tumultuous persons gatheredtogether, and dissembling their folly, shall cause an alteration in the_Laws_.

The other, that some _Bassa_ come out of _Ægypt_, shall perswade them at_Constantinople_ to alter their _Coin_, and the allay of it.


 Siege a Cité & de nuit assaille, Peu eschapez non loing de Mer conflict, Femme de joye, retour fils, de faillie, Poison & Lettres caché dedans le plie.
 A Siege laid to a City, and assaulted by night, Few escaped, a fight not far from the Sea, A woman swoundeth for joy to see her son returned; A poison hidden in the fold of Letters.


After the taking of _Vulpian_, the _French_ came to _Montcalvo_, and inthe night surprized it by _Scalado_, and _Paradin_ saith, that not a dropof Blood was shed on either side.

The Town being taken, the Citadel did hold out a good while, and atlast did surrender, _Don Arbre_, who was in the place of the Marques of_Pescaire_, and of the Duke of d’_Alva_, knowing that the besieged hadnot made a sufficient resistance, caused the Captain, and eleven more ofthe chief ones to be hanged; because the place was of consequence, andthose within had not made a sufficient resistance.

The Author saith in the first Verse, Siege was laid to a City, that is,it was resolved to besiege _Montcalvo_, as the Martial of _Brissac_ hadadvised. In the execution it was assaulted by night, in the taking fewescaped; for they were all taken, and yielded to the Victorious. Therewere none killed or wounded, all were taken, except few who ran away, andcarried the news to the _Spaniards_.

At the same time _a fight not far from the Sea_, that is, at the sametime there was another Battle by the Sea, between the _Spaniards_ and the_Pope_, as we shall shew hereafter.

The third and fourth Verses are concerning a particular accident, whichhappened presently after the taking of _Montcalvo_, which is, that awoman seeing her Son come back safe, fell in a swound, or died for joy,because knowing the danger wherein he was, she had lost all hopes of everseeing him. This fellow had brought Poison in a Letter to give to onethat had not rewarded him according to his desire. His wickedness beingdiscovered, his Master put him in Prison, whence he escaped, and cameback again to _Montcalvo_; the Author speaketh of the same in anotherplace, which we shall set down in its order.


 Les dix Calendes d’_Avril_ de fait _Gothique_, Resuscité encor par gens malins, Le feu estaint, assemblée Diabolique, Cherchant les Os de _Damant_ & _Psellin_.
 The tenth of the Calends of _April_, _Gothik_ account, Raised up again by malitious persons, The fire put out, a Diabolical assembly, Shall seek for the Bones of _Damant_ and _Psellin_.


The tenth of the Calends of _April_ is the 23. of _March_, _Gothik_account signifieth the old account of the Calendar, before thereformation of it by Pope _Gregory_ the XIII. which old account is calledhere _Gothik_, because it is kept still by the Northern Nations, which donot acknowledge the Pope, as _Sweden_, _Denmark_, _Holland_, _England_,&c. at that time saith our Author, a Magician shall be raised up bymalitious persons; which fire or tumult being put out, that Diabolicalassembly will go about to seek the bones of two famous Magicians, _viz.__Damant_ and _Psellin_ that were dead before.


 Avant qu’aviene le changement d’Empire, Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux, Le Champ mué, le Pilier de _Porphyre_, Mis, translaté sur le Rocher Noileux.
 Before the change of the Empire cometh, There shall happen a strange accident, A field shall be changed, and a Pillar of _Prophyry_, Shall be transported upon the Chalky Rock.


This will not seem incredible to those that have read the _English_Chronicles, who relates that in a County of _England_ (I think it is_Herefordshire_) there was an Earthquake, which transposed a large pieceof ground in another place, with the Trees that were in it, and if Iremember well, half a Chappel, those that have the Books may examine thetruth of the History, and satisfie themselves better.


 En bref seront de retour Sacrifices, Contrevenans seront mis a Martyre, Plus ne seront Moins, Abbez ne Novices, Le Miel sera beaucoup plus cher que Cire.
 Within a little while Sacrifices shall come again, Opposers shall be put to Martyrdom; There shall be no more Monks, Abbots, nor Novices, Honey shall be much dearer then Wax.


This is a true Prophecy of the miserable condition of the Church andClergy in our Fore-fathers times, and chiefly of _Henry_ the II. in_France_, and _Henry_ the VIII. in _England_, when in the beginningof the Reformation there was such a confusion of opinions, and suchunsettledness in Ecclesiastical Government, that sometimes the Popishparty prevailed, and put to death the Opposers; at another time theProtestants, who drove away the Monks, Abbots and Novices, as isexpressed here, and proved true in _Henry_ the VIII. time. As for what hesaith, that _Honey shall be much dearer than Wax_. It is to be understoodof the downfal of the Romish Religion, who maketh use of Wax Candles andTapers in their superstitious ceremonies, as if he would say, that theRomish Religion being down, Wax shall be cheap, and Honey dear.


 Secteur de Sectes, grand paine au Delateur, Beste en Theatre, dresse le jeu Scenique, Du fait antique ennobly l’Inventeur, Par Sectes, Monde confus & Schismatique.
 Follower of Sects, great troubles to the Messenger, A Beast upon the Theatre prepareth the Scenical play, The Inventor of that wicked fact shall be famous, By Sects the World shall be confounded and Schismatik.


The Author being a Papist, is probable that in this Prophecy he aimedat _Luther_, after whose coming the world hath been full of Sects andSchisms.


 Tout aupres d’_Auch_, de _Lectoure_ & _Mirande_, Grand feu du Ciel en trois nuits tombera, Chose adviendra bien stupende & mirande, Bien peu apres la Terre tremblera.
 Near _Auch_, _Lectoure_ and _Mirande_, A great fire from Heaven shall fall three nights together, A thing shall happen stupendious and wonderful, A little while after, the Earth shall quake.


_Auch_, _Lectoure_ and _Miranda_ are three Towns in _Guyenna_, a Provinceof _France_, the chief City whereof is _Bourdeaux_. The rest is easie.


 Du Lac _Leman_ les Sermons fascheront, Des jours seront reduits par des Sepmaines, Puis mois, puis an, puis tous defalliront, Les Magistrats damneront leurs Loix vaines.
 The Sermons of the _Leman_ Lake shall be troublesome, Some days shall be reduced into weeks, Then into months, then into year, then they shall fail, The Magistrates shall condemn their vain Laws.


The _Leman Lake_, in Latin _Lacus Lemanus_, is the Lake of _Geneva_,therefore it is palpable, that by this Prophecy, the Author aimeth at_Calvin_, and his Successors, who began the Reformation in that Town. Ileave the rest to the Readers Judgement, it is enough I have opened thedoor.


 Vingt ans du Regne de la Lune passez, Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa Monarchie, Quand le Soleil prendra ses jours laissez, Lors accomplit & fine ma Prophecie.
 Twenty years of the Reign of the Moon being past, Seven thousands years another shall hold his Monarchy, When the Sun shall reassume his days past, Then is fulfilled, and endeth my Prophecy.


All this signifieth no more, but that the Authors Prophecies extend tothe end of the world.


 Beaucoup, beaucoup avant relics menées, Ceux d’Orient par la vertu Lunaire, L’An mil sept cens feront grands emmenées, Subjugant presque le coin Aquilonaire.
 A great while before these doings, Those of the East by the virtue of the Moon, In the year _1700._ shall carry away great droves, And shall subdue almost the whole Northern corner.


I desire Posterity to take special notice of this _Stanza_, that in caseit should come to pass, our Author may be admired for the specificationof the time, which is so punctually set down, here that it admitteth noambiguity. The plain meaning is, that the _Turks_, which he calleth thoseof the East. By the virtue of the Moon, which is their Ensign and Badge,shall in the year 1700. carry away abundance of people, and shall subduealmost the whole Northern Countrey, which to them is _Russia_, _Poland_,_Hungary_, _Sweden_, _Denemark_, &c.


 De l’Aquatique triplicity naistra, Un qui fera le _Jeudy_ pour sa feste, Son Bruit, Loz, Regne & puissance croistra, Par Terre & Mer, aux Orients tempeste.
 From the Aquatick triplicity shall be born, One that shall make _Thursday_ his Holiday, His Fame, Praise, Reign, and Power shall grow, By Land and Sea, and a Tempest to the East.


The meaning is, that at that time, as such conjunction of Planets shallbe, which he calleth here _Aquatick triplicity_, there shall be born upona _Thursday_ a famous man, such as he describeth here, who shall be a foeand a terrour to the _Turks_, signified here by the _Orients_.


 Chef d’_Aries_, _Jupiter_ & _Saturne_, Dieu Eternel quelles mutations! Puis apres long siecle son malin temps retourne, _Gaule_ & _Italy_ quelles emotions?
 Heads of _Aries_, _Jupiter_ and _Saturn_, O Eternal God, what changes shall there be! After a long age his wicked time cometh again, _France_ and _Italy_, what commotions?


This signifieth, that when _Jupiter_ and _Saturn_ shall be in conjunctionin the head of _Aries_, that then shall be great commotions in _France_and _Italy_.


 Le deux malins de _Scorpion_ conjoint, Le grand Seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle, Peste a l’Eglise par le nouveau Roy joint, L’_Europe_ basse, & Septentrionale.
 The two malignants of _Scorpion_ being joyned, The grand Seignor murdered in his Hall, Plague to the Church by a King newly joyned to it, _Europe_ low, and Septentrional.


This third position of the Celestial bodies foretelleth the death of thegreat _Turk_, who should be murdered in his own Chamber, as happenedto Sultan _Osman_, who was strangled in his Chamber, by the command of_Daout Bassa_ great Vizeir, about the year 1622. _vide_ the TurkishHistory.

The rest of the Prophecy is concerning a King, who being newly joyned tothe Church, (I suppose of _Rome_) shall bring much mischief to it, and inhis time _Europe_ shall be brought very low, and in a manner confined toa corner of the North, which hath relation to the foregoing 49. Stanza,which see in its place.


 Las, qu’on verra grand peuple tourmenté, Et la Loy Sainte en totale ruine, Par autres Loix toute la Chrestienté, Quand d’Or, d’Argent trouve nouvelle Mine.
 Alas, how a great people shall be tormented, And the Holy Law in an utter ruine; By other Laws, all Christendom troubled, When new Mines of Gold and Silver shall be found.


This is a true Prophecy of the mischiefs that have happened in theWorld by the finding of the Mines in _America_; first to the _Indians_themselves, called here a great People, by the cruelty of the_Spaniards_, and then to all Christendom besides, by the evils that thisIdol _Mammon_ hath brought into it.


 Deux revolts faits du malin facigere, De Regne & Siecles fait permutation, Le mobil signe a son endroit s’Ingere, Aux deux egaux & d’Inclination.
 Two revolts shall be made by the wicked Link-carrier, Which shall make a change of the Reign and the Age, The moveable Sign doth offer it self for it, To the two equals in inclination.


This obscure Stanza must be interpreted thus.

_Two revolts shall be made by the wicked Link-carrier_; that is, _Paris_which is the _Link-carrier_ of _France_, and whose example the restof the Towns follow, shall revolt twice, the first revolt was against_Henry_ III. in the time of the _Barricadoes_, the second against _Henry_IV. his successor.

_Which shall make a change of the Reign and the Age_: This happened whenthe house of _Valois_ was extinguished, and the house of _Bourbon_ camein, and that is _the change of the Reign_. _The change of the Age_, was,because this did happen about the end of the year 1599. and the beginning1600. which was a _change of Age_.

_The moveable sign offers it self for it_: That is, the position of theHeavens was such as to forward these accidents.

_To the two equals in ambition_: That is, to _Henry_ III. and _Henry_ IV.who both intended, and went about to reduce _Paris_ to obedience.


 Soubs lopposite climat _Babilonique_, Grande sera de sang effusion, Que Terre, & Mer, Air, Ciel sera inique, Sectes, Faim, Regnes, Pestes, Confusion.
 In the Climat opposite to the _Babylonian_, There shall be a great effusion of Blood. Insomuch that the Land, and Sea, Air and Heaven shall seem unjust Sects, Famine, Reigns, Plague, Confusion.


There is nothing difficult here, but what _Climat_ is that is _oppositeto the Babylonian_, of which every body may satisfie himself by perusingthe Globe.


 Vous verrez tost on tard faire grand change, Horreurs extremes & vindications, Que si la Lune conduite par son Ange, Le Ciel sapproche des inclinations.
 You shall see soon or late great alterations Extreme horrours and revenges, The Moon leaden by her Angel, The Heaven draweth near its inclinations.


I conceive there is some things omitted, and corrupted by the Press inthis Stanza, which rendreth it so difficult, therefore I had rather leaveit to the decision of the impartial Reader, than venture my opinion uponit.


 Par grand discord la trombe tremblera, Accord rompu, dressant la teste au Ciel, Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera, Au Sol la face ointe le loit & Miel.
 By great discord, the Trumpet shall sound, Agreement broken, lifting the head to Heaven, A bloody mouth shall swim in blood, The face turned to the Sun anointed with Milk and Honey.


The words and sence are plain, and I cannot believe that there is anygreat mystery hidden under these words.


 Trenché le ventre, naistra avec deux testes, & quattre bras, quel qu’ans entiers vivra, Jour qu’Aquilare celebrera ses festes, _Fossan_, _Thurin_, chef _Ferrare_ fuiera.
 Slit in the belly, shall be born with two heads, And four Arms, it shall live some years, The day that _Aquilare_ shall celebrate his Festivals, _Fossan_, _Thurin_, chief _Ferrare_ shall run away.


In the first Verse the Author speaketh of a Monster that had two heads,and four Arms, and the Belly slit, that is to say, it was a female.

His Son _Cæsar_ in his History of _Provence_, saith, that in the Town of_Senan_ in _Provence_, a Child was born with two heads, and that it wasforetold by some that were skilful in Astronomy, by which words I guesshe spake of his Father, sith the Astrologers cannot foretel the birth ofa particular Monster, and therefore _Nostradamus_ only was able to do itin those days.

He saith in the same place, that it was born in _February_ 1554. and wasbrought to _Salon_ to be shewed to his Father, and thence was carried to_Claudius_ Earl of _Savoy_ Governour of _Provence_, who commonly had hisresidence at _Salon_.

He maketh no mention if he had four Arms, nor what Sex it was of, it maybe that being in swadling cloths, nobody took notice of the Arms or Sex.

The Author Prophecieth that it should live some years, it may be two orthree, and that is was preserved to see, whether in time it should havethe use of its Senses, of the Tongue, and understanding of its two Heads,to see whether there were two Souls, or onely one, and to say the Truth.I think that in such an accident both Heads ought to be Baptized, thatin case there should be two Souls, both should partake of the blood ofChrist, for their Eternal Salvation.

I do not find in the same History how long it lived, it being a thing notmuch material to History. In the third Verse he marketh, _The day that_Aquilare_ shall celebrate his Festivals_; and in the fourth he saiththat _Fossan, Thurin, chief Ferrare shall run away_.

To understand this, one must suppose here that the Town of _Cazal_ iscalled here the chief of _Ferrare_; because it is the chief City of_Montserrat_, and as _Paradin_ saith, is called _Cazal_ St. _Bas_, ahandsom and strong place, honoured with many Nobles and antient Families,as of the Earls of St. _George_ and of _Biandratte_.

Secondly, We must suppose that in the year 1554. the Lord _Figuerol_,Lieutenant to the Governour of _Milan_ did command in that place. Ofthis _Figuerol_ I find in the Author of the four Volumes of the Statesand Empires, (when he speaketh of _Spain_) that the House of _Figueroas_was the root of that of _Aquilar_, which hath several branches, out ofwhich came the Duke of _Feria_, and the Marquess of _Pliego_, so that_Figuerol_ and _Aquilar_ is the same thing.

If it be objected that _Figueroas_ and _Figuerol_ are not the same,_Paradin_ teacheth us, that this _Figuerol_ was bred up amongst the_Genoeses_, and the corrupted _Italian_ of _Genoa_ may have named theCaptain _Figuerol_ in stead of _Figueroas_.

Thirdly, We must suppose here that _Cazal_ was taken in the nightthat is between _Shrove-Tuesday_ and _Ash-Wednesday_, and that from_Shrove-Sunday_ to that day there were great rejoycings, because of afamous Marriage that was made between two persons of quality, where theLord _Figuerol_ was one of the chief persons invited.

Fourthly, That these rejoycings were the occasion of the taking of_Cazal_; because the Lord _Salvaison_ Governour of _Verrüe_ hearing ofthis Feast, resolved to be among them, though with a different intention.He had before hand made himself sure of one _Fontarole_, who underpretence to sell fruit, went up and down the Town to spie what was adoing.

Fifthly, The resolution of surprizing _Cazal_ was agreed upon, andthe time appointed to be the night between _Shrove-Tuesday_ and_Ash-Wednesday_, when the Governour, Inhabitants and Souldiers should beburied in sleep, weary of debaucheries committed the day before.

Sixthly, This resolution was so happily put into execution, that_Figuerol_ hearing the noise of the _French_ being in Town, came outof his house, having only his night Gown upon him, and a Halbert in hishand, to quiet those whom he only thought to be some drunken persons;but hearing the cry of _France, France_, he presently retired into theCastle, with all those that were come to the Nuptials.

Seventhly, The Marshal of _Brissac_ coming about seven of the Clock inthe Morning, caused the Tower of _Cazal_ to be assaulted, which was takenwith a considerable loss of the _French_, and after that the Castle whichheld out 12 days.

All this being supposed, mark what the Author saith in the third Verse.

The day that _Aquilare_ shall celebrate his Festivals, that is, the daythat _Figuerol of the house of Aquilare shall celebrate his Festivals_,not only one Festival, but his Festivals, that is of three days.

_Fossen_, _Thurin_, saith the fourth Verse, _Chief Ferrare shall runaway_.

_Fossen_, _Thurin_, doth not signifie two Towns, but one onely; foralthough _Fossen_ and _Thurin_ be two Towns, of which _Fossen_ in thetime of the Wars in _Italy_ under _Henry_ II. belonged to the _Spaniard_,and _Thurin_ to the _French_. These two Towns signifie but one, which isthat of _Fossen_, to which to distinguish it from _Marseilles_, he giveththe Epithete of _Thurin_, so much as to say, that he speaketh of _Fossen_a Town of _Piemont_, the chief Town of which is _Thurin_, and not of_Fossen_, which the Author taketh often for _Marseilles_.

Which the Author maketh plain, when he saith in the singular number, that_Fossen, Thurin, chief Ferrare shall run away_, to shew that it is onelyone Town of which he speaketh, otherwise if he had intended to speake oftwo, he would have put it in the plural number, which is more manifest bythe History, wherein we learn that _Fossen_ belonged to the _Spaniards_,and _Thurin_ to the _French_, and consequently, being of contraryparties, they could neither follow, nor fly from a Town which belonged toone of them.

If any one should object, that the sense of the fourth Verse is, that the_Chief Ferrare_ shall fly or follow these two Towns, the preceding reasonis repugnant to that sense; because a Town that is of one party, cannotbe friend to two Towns, one of which is of its party, and the other ofthe contrary.

The reading of this work shall convince every body, that the Authorsetteth down sometimes two Towns for one, to distinguish them fromothers, as he nameth _Paul Mansol_, to distinguish that Town of St._Paul_, which is three Leagues from the _Rhosne_, over against _Pont_ St._Esprit_, from that St. _Paul_ which is in _Provence_.

Now that _Fossen_ in _Piemont_ shall run from _Cazal_ the chief City of_Montserrat_, because that being taken by the _French_, _Fossen_ couldnot expect but perpetual damages from it.

But why? will you say, doth the Author speak rather of _Fossen_, than ofother places that held for the _Spaniards_? I answer, because _Fossen_was the strongest place that the _Spaniards_ had in _Piemont_ and whichcould not be taken by the _French_, though her neighbour _Saviliane_ was,as we shall shew hereafter.

In the Vulgar impression of this Stanza, there is two faults, one is,that in the first Verse it puts _Aquileya_, which is a Town that is notin _Italy_, truth it is, that there is _Aquilee_ a little above _Venice_,but this hath no correspondency with _Fossen_, _Thurin_, nor the _Chiefof Ferrara_.

In the fourth Verse the impression setteth down _shall follow_, whichmaketh nonsense, and therefore I put _shall run away_, which is a word in_French_ near the other, and maketh a compleat sense, to which agreeththe birth of that Monster in _February_, and the taking of _Cazal_ in theMonth of _March_. In that year, _John Statius_ setteth _Shrove-Tuesday_upon the 16 of _February_, and consequently we must say, that the Townwas not taken that year 1554. for the Citadel was taken 12 days after,which should have been the 19 of _February_, and notwithstanding theHistory marks that it was taken upon the 14 of _March_.

Therefore we must conclude, that it was taken the year following 1555.and to say truth, in that year _Ash-wednesday_ was the 27. of _February_;in that day the Town was taken, and two days after the Tower of _Cazal_;after which the Citadel was besieged the second of _March_, and the first_Saturday_ of Lent, and was taken twelve days after, which was the 14.of _March_, which convinceth me that _Cazal_ was taken in the year 1555.upon the 27. of _February_, and therefore that this Stanza is whollyProphetical.


 Les exilez deportez dans les Isles, Au changement d’un plus cruel Monarque, Seront meurtris & mis dans les Scintilles, Qui de parler ne seront este parques.
 They banished that were carried into the Islands, At the change of a more cruel Monarque, Shall be murdered, and put in the sparks of fire, Because they had not been sparing of their tongues.


This is very plain, and signifieth no more, but that some persons thatwere banished into Islands, and could not hold their tongues; upon thecoming of a Monarque, more cruel than his Predecessor, shall be murdered,and burnt.


 Un Empereur naistra pres d’_Italie_, Qui a l’Empire sera vendu bien cher, Diront avec quels gens il se ralie, Qu’on trouvera moins Prince que Boucher.
 An Emperour shall be born near _Italy_, Who shall cost dear to the Empire, They shall say, what people he keepeth company! He shall be found less a Prince, than a Butcher.


This Prophecy is for the future; for since _Nostradamus_’s time till now,such an Emperour was not heard of, that was born near _Italy_, that costthe Empire so dear, and proved more a Butcher, than a Prince.


 La Republique miserable infelice, Sera vastée du nouveau Magistrat, Leur grand amas de l’exil malefice, Fera _Suede_ ravir leur grand contract.
 The miserable and unhappy Common-wealth, Shall be wafted by the new Magistrate; Their great gathering from exiled persons, Shall cause _Swedeland_ to break her Contract.


The two first Verses foretell what hath happened to _England_ under theGovernment of a Common-wealth, and how their new Magistrate _Cromwel_made a havock of them. The third and fourth Verses, mention what greatsums they exacted from those of the Kings party, and how for that cause_Swedeland_ foresook their friendship.


 La grande perte las que feront les Lettres, Avant le Circle de Latona parfait, Feu, grand Deluge, plus par ignares Sceptres, Que de long siecle ne se verra refait.
 Alas what a great loss shall learning suffer, Before the Circle of the Moon be accomplished, Fire, great flood, and more by ignorant Scepters, Then can be made good again in a long age.


Here the Author bemoaneth the loss of one eminent person in Learning,be like of _Julius Scaliger_, who lived in his time, and was once hisintimate friend, the two last Verses that great miseries, as Fire andFlood shall happen by the ignorance of Princes.


 Les Fleaux passez, diminué le Monde, Long temps la Paix, Terres inhabitées, Seur marchera par le Ciel, Terre, Mer & Onde, Puis de nouveau les Guerres suscitées.
 The Scourges being past, the World shall be diminished, Peace for a great while, Lands inhabited, Every one safe shall go by Heaven, Land and Sea, And then the Wars shall begin a fresh.


This foretelleth a great tranquillity every where, and after that, Warsagain:


 De nuit Soleil penseront avoir veu, Quand le Pourceau demy homme on verra, Bruit, Chant, Bataille au Ciel battre apperceu, Et bestes brutes a parler on orra.
 They shall think to have seen the Sun in the night, When the Hog half a man shall be seen, Noise, Singing, Battles in Heaven shall be seen to fight, And brute beasts shall be heard to speak.


This Stanza is full of prodigies that are to happen, and for that in thelast Verse, it is no great wonder, for many brute beasts have spoken,speak now a days, and shall speak hereafter.


 Enfant sans mains, jamais veu si grand Foudre, L’Enfant Royal au jeu d’esteuf blessé, Au puy brisez, fulgures allant moudre, Trois sur les champs par le milieu troussez.
 A child without hands, so great Lightning never seen, The Royal Child wounded at Tennis, Bruised at the Well, Lightnings, going to grind, Three shall be strucken by the middle.


The meaning of all this is, that when a child shall be born withouthands, there shall be fearful Lightning; a Royal child shall be hurt at_Tennes_, and by that Lightning some shall be bruised by a Well, and in aMill, and three in the Field shall be killed.


 Celuy qui lors portera les nouvelles, Apres un peu il viendra respirer, _Viviers_, _Tournon_, _Montferrand_ & _Pradelles_, Gresle & tempeste les fera souspirer.
 He that then shall carry the news, A little while after shall draw his breath, _Viviers_, _Tournon_, _Montferrant_, and _Pradelles_, Hail and storm shall make them sigh.


This Stanza hath a connexion with the foregoing, for the two first Versessignifie, that he who shall carry the news of that fearful Lightning, andof the mischief done by it, shall have much ado to recover his breath.

In the last two Verses, the Towns are named which shall suffer most bythat storm, and chiefly by the Hail and the Wind.


 La grand famine que je vois approcher, Souvent tourner puis estre universelle, Si grande & longue qu’on viendra arracher, Du Bois racine, & l’Enfant de mamelle.
 What a great famine do I see drawing near, To turn one way, then another, and then become universal, So great and long, that they shall come to pluck The root from the Wood, and the child from the breast.


The words and sense of this are plain, and foretell a great famine, whichbeing first in one Countrey and then in another, shall at last becomegeneral, and last so long, that people shall pluck the Roots from theTrees, and the children from the breast to feed upon.


 O quel horrible & malheureux tourment, Trois innocens qu’on viendra a livrer, Poison suspect, mal garde tradiment. Mis en horreur par Bourreaux enyvrez.
 O to what a horrid and unhappy torment Shall be put three Innocents! Poison shall be suspected, evil Keepers shall betray them, They shall be put to horrour by drunken Executioners.


This is very plain concerning three innocent persons, who shall bedelivered up by their unfaithful keepers, and shall be put to greattorments by drunken Executioners, which torments shall be suspected tocome by poison.


 La grand Montagne ronde de sept Stades, Apres Paix, Guerre, Faim, Inondation, Roulera loing, abisuant grand contrades, Mesmes antiques, & grand Fondation.
 The great Mount in compass seven Stades, After Peace, War, Famine, and Innundation, Shall tumble a great way, sinking great Countries, Yea ancient Buildings, and great Foundation.


A Stade cometh from the Greek word σταδιον, ἀπὸ τῆς στασεος, because_Hercules_ did overrun so much ground at one breath; but what space ofground the Author meaneth by seven Stades, is unknown to me. The rest ofthe Prophecy may very well be appropriated to the last fearful eruptionof Mount _Ætna_, which sunk so many Towns and Buildings, and the relationof which is so handsomly and truly made by the most honourable the Earlof _Winchelsey_, who was an eye witness to it, in his return from hisEmbassy at _Constantinople_.


 Pluye, Faim, Guerre en _Perse_ non cessée, La foy trop grande trahira le Monarque; Par la finie en _Gaule_ commencée, Secret augure pour a un estre parque.
 The Rain, Famine, War, in _Persia_ being not ceased, Too great credulity shall betray the Monarque; Being ended there it shall begin in _France_, A secret Omen to one that he shall die.


The meaning of the two first Verses, is, that while the Rain, Famine, andWar shall be in _Persia_, a Monarque shall be betrayed by his credulity.The third Verse signifieth that this Rain, Famine and War being ended in_Persia_, it shall begin in _France_. And the fourth Verse, that thisshall be an Omen to a great Person of his approaching death.


 La Tour Marine troisfois prise & reprise, Par _Espagnols_, _Barbares_, _Ligurins_, _Marseille_ & _Aix_, _Arles_ par ceux de _Pise_, Vast, feu, fer, pille, _Avignon_ des _Thurins_.
 The Sea-tower three times taken and retaken, By _Spaniards_, _Barbarians_, and _Ligurians_, _Marseilles_ and _Aix_, _Arles_ by those of _Pisa_, Wast, fire, Iron, plunder, _Avignon_ of _Thurins_.


It is hard to guess what this Sea Tower is, which was taken and retakenthree times; first by the _Spaniards_, next by the _Barbarians_, andthen by the _Ligurians_, that is, either the _Genoeses_, or those of_Ligorne_, unless he meaneth the _Pignon de Velez_ in _Africa_, firsttaken by _Charles_ the V. upon the _Barbarians_, then retaken again bythem, taken again by the _Spaniards_, by the help of the _Genoeses_. Inthe third Verse _Marseille_, _Aix_, and _Arles_, are threatned by thoseof _Pisa_, that is the _Florentines_, of being ruinated by Fire andSword, and to be plundered, as also _Avignon_ by those of _Piemont_.


 Du tout _Marseille_ des habitans changee, Course & poursuite jusques pres de _Lion_, _Narbon_, _Tholoze_ par _Bourdeaux_ outragée, Tuez, Captifs presque d’un Milion.
 _Marseille_ shall wholly change her Inhabitants These shall run and be pursued as far as _Lion_, _Narbon_, _Tholoze_ shall wrong _Bourdeaux_, There shall be killed and taken prisoner almost a Milion.


_Marseilles_ is a Sea-Town in _Provence_, _Narbon_, and _Tholoze_ areCities of _Languedoc_, and _Bourdeaux_ is the chief Town in _Gascony_,the rest is easie to be understood.


 _France_ a cinq parts par neglect assaillie, _Tunis_, _Argier_, esmeus par _Persiens_, _Leon_, _Seville_, _Barcelonne_ faillie, N’aura la chasse par les _Venetiens_.
 _France_ by a neglect shall be assaulted on five sides, _Tunis_, _Argier_ shall be moved by the _Persians_, _Leon_, _Sevil_, _Barcelone_ shall be missed, And not be pursued by the _Venetians_.


This Stanza is concerning as many Countreys, as there are Verses:the first is _France_, which by neglect and carelesness of her inInhabitants, _shall be assaulted on five several sides_. The second isconcerning _Tunis_ and _Argier_, Cities of _Barbary_, _which shall bestirred and moved_ (I suppose) to rebel. The third regardeth _Leon_,_Sevil_, _Barselona_, Cities in _Spain_, and the fourth the _Venetians_.


 Apres sejourné vogueront en Empire, Le grand secours viendra vers _Antioche_, Le noir poil crespe tendra fort a l’Empire, Barbe d’Airain se rostira en broche.
 After a stay, they shall Sail towards an Empire, The great succours shall come towards _Antioch_, The Black Hair Curled, shall aim much to the Empire, The Brazen Beard shall be roasted on a Spit.


There is no difficulty in this, but in the last Verse, which I had ratherleave to the judgment of the judicious Reader, than to offer any thingthat might make me ridiculous.


 Le Tyran _Sienne_ occupera _Savone_, Le fort gaigné tiendra classe Marine, Les deux Armées par la marque d’_Ancone_, Par effrayeur le chef sen examine.
 The Tyrant _Sienna_ shall occupy _Savona_; The Fort being won, shall hold a Fleet, The two Armies shall go in the mark of _Ancona_, By fear the chief shall be examined.


For the explication of this Stanza, you must understand that _Sienna_ isa City in _Italy_, now under the Dominion of the Duke of _Tuscany_, whoshall occupy _Savona_, a City now under the Dominion of the Common-wealthof _Genoa_; the rest is plain enough.


 D’un nom farouche tel proferé sera. Que les trois Sœurs auront _Fato_ le nom, Puis grand peuple par langue & fait dira, Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.
 By a wild name one shall be called So that the three Sisters shall have the name of _Fato_, Afterwards a great people by Tongue and Deeds, shall say, He shall have fame and renown more than any other.


By the three Sisters, he meaneth the three Destinies, _viz._ _Clotho_,_Lachesis_ and _Atropos_, which the Poets have fained to Spin every mansdestiny, which he calleth here _Fato_, from the Latin word _Fatum_. Therest may be interpreted as well by the Reader, as by my self.


 Entre deux Mers dressera promontoire, Qui puis mourra par le mors du Cheval, Le fier _Neptune_ pliera Voile noire, Par _Calpre_, & Classe aupres de _Rocheval_.
 Between two Seas shall a Promontory be raised, By him, who shall die by the biting of a Horse, The proud _Neptune_ shall fold the black Sail. Through _Calpre_, and a fleet shall be near _Rocheval_.


I could not find what he meaneth by _Calpre_, nor by _Rocheval_, whichI suppose to be the proper names of places, when he saith, that proud_Neptune_ shall fold the black Sail; he maketh an allusion to the Historyof _Theseus_, Son of _Ægeus_ King of _Athens_, who being sent with otherChildren into _Candia_, to become a prey to the _Minotaure_, his Fathersent the Ship with black _Sails_, as in a case of Mourning, charging_Theseus_, that if he came back again safe he should put on white Sails,but coming in sight of _Athens_, _Theseus_ for joy forgot to put on thewhite Sails, so that his Father _Ægeus_ thinking he had miscarried, casthimself from a Rock into the Sea, so that he saying that _Neptune_ shallfold the black Sail, he meaneth, that there shall be joyful news.


 D’un chef vieillard naistre sens habeté, Degenerant par scavoir & par Armes, Le chef de _France_ par sa Sœur redouté, Champs divisez concedez aux Gensdarmes.
 An old head shall beget an Idiot, Who shall degenerate in Learning and in Arms, The head of _France_ shall be feared by his sister, The fields shall be divided and granted to the Troopers.


The sense of this is so plain, that any body may make his interpretationof it.


 _Bazas_, L’_Estoure_, _Condom_, _Auch_, _Agine_, Esmeus par Loix, querelle & Monopole, Car _Bourd_, _Tholose_, _Bay_, mettra en ruine, Renouveler voulant leur _Tauropole_.
 _Bazas_, L’_Estoure_, _Condom_, _Auch_, _Agen_, Being moved by Laws, quarrels and Monopoly, For they shall put to ruine _Bordeaux_, _Tholose_, _Bayonne_, Going about to renew their _Tauropole_.


This Key of the sense of this Stanza lieth in the last word _Tauropole_,which is compounded of the Latin word _Taurus_ a Bull, and of the Greekword πολέω, that is, to sell; so that the meaning of it is, that thoseCities mentioned shall rise in Rebellion against the _Monopolites_, andthose that shall lay a Tax upon Cattle.


 De la sixiesme claire splendeur Celeste, Viendra Tonnerre si fort en la _Bourgongne_, Puis naistra monstre de treshideuse beste, _Mars_, _Avril_, _May_, _Juin_, grand charpin & rogne.
 From the sixth bright Cœlestial splendour, Shall come very great Lightning in _Burgundy_, After that shall be born a Monster of a most hideous beast, In _March_, _April_, _May_, _June_ shall be great quarelling and muttering.


The first Verse is of a most dark and abstruse sense, in which I confessmy ignorance, unless he meant from the sixth of the seven Planets, therest is plain enough.


 D’humain troupeau neuf seront mis a part, De Jugement & Conseil separez, Leur sort sera divisé en depart, _Kappa_, _Theta_, _Lambda_, mors, bannis egarez.
 Nine shall be set aside from the human flock, Being divided in Judgement and Counsel Their fortune shall be to be divided, _Kappa_, _Theta_, _Lambda_, dead, banished, scattered.


There is nothing difficult here, but what he meaneth by _Kappa_, _Theta_,_Lambda_, which are three Letters of the Greek _Alphabet_.


 Quand les Colomnes de Bois grande tremblée, D’_Auster_ conduite, couverte de rubriche, Tant videra dehors grande assemblée, Tremble _Vienne_, & le Païs d’_Austriche_.
 When the wooden Columns shall be much shaken, By _Auster_, and covered with rubbish, Then shall go out a great assembly, And _Vienne_, and the Land of _Austria_ shall tremble.


_Auster_, in Latin is the Southwind. _Vienna_ is the chief City of_Austria_, belonging to the Emperour of _Germany_.


 L’Agent estrange divisera butins, _Saturne_ & _Mars_ son regard furieux, Horrible, estrange, aux _Thoscans_ & _Latins_, _Grees_ qui seront a frapper curiux.
 The stranger Agent shall divide booties, _Saturn_ in _Mars_ shall have his aspect furious, Horrid, and strange to the _Tuscans_ and _Latines_, The _Grecians_ shall be curious to strike.


By the _Tuscans_ are meant the people under the Dominion of the Duke of_Florence_; and by the _Latines_, those under the _Pope_.


 Lune obscurie aux profondes tenebres, Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine, Le grand caché long temps soubs les tenebres, Tiedera Fer dans la Pluie sanguine.
 The Moon shall be darkned in the deepest darkness, Her brother shall pass being of a ferrugineous colour, The great one long hidden under darkness, Shall make his Iron lukewarm in the bloody Rain.


This signifieth, that when the Moon shall be totally Eclipsed in thenight, and that all the next day her Brother the Sun shall be seen of aferrugineous, (that is an Iron like colour) then shall a great one thatwas hidden arise, and do great feats of Arms with the death of many men.


 Par la responce de Dame Roy troublé, Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie, Le grand ses Freres contrefera doublé, Par deux mourront, hain, ire, & envie.
 A King shall be troubled by the answer of a Lady, Embassadors shall despise their lives, The great one being double in mind shall counterfeit his Brothers, They shall die by two, anger, hatred, and envy.


There is nothing difficult here, but the last Verse, which yet will beplain enough, if you make these three words anger, hatred, and envy notco-herent with the foremost, but subsisting by themselves; as if oneshould say, there shall be anger, hatred, and envy.


 La grande Roine quand se verra vaincue, Fera exces de Masculin courage, Sur le Cheval, Fleuve passera nue, Suite par Fer, a Foy fera outrage.
 When the great Queen shall see her self vanquished, She shall do a deed of a Masculine courage, Upon a Horse, she shall pass over the River naked, Followed by Iron, she shall do wrong to her Faith.


It is some great Queen, who seeing her self vanquished, shall swim nakedon Horseback over a River, being followed by those that would have eitherkilled or taken her, and after that shall forfeit her faith, but whetherit be to her Husband, Friends, or Relations, is not expressed.


 _Ennosigee_ feu du Centre de Terre Fera trembler autour de Cité Neuve, Deux grands Rochers long temps feront la guerre, Puis _Arethuse_ rougira nouveau fleuve.
 _Ennosigee_, fire of the Center of the Earth, Shall make quake about the New City, Two great Rocks shall a great while War one against the other, After that, _Arethusa_ shall colour red a new River.


_Ennosigee_ is a Greek word εννοσίγαιος, in Latin _Terræ quassator_, fromἔνίω _moveo_, and γαῖα _Terra_, and is an Epithete of _Neptune_. Themeaning then of this Stanza is, that the Sea shall make the Earth quake,and fire come out of the Earth about _Naples_, which in Greek is called_Neapolis_, that is, a _New City_.

_Arethusa_ is a Fountain in _Sicily_, which a little way from its Spring,groweth into a River. The rest is left to the interpretation of theReader.


 Le Divin mal surprendra un grand Prince, Un peu devant aura femme espousée, Son appuy & credit a un coup viendra mince, Conseil mourra pour la teste rasée.
 The Divine sickness shall surprise a great Prince, A little while after he hath married a woman, His support and credit shall at once become slender, Council shall die for the shaven head.


By the Divine sickness, he meaneth the _falling sickness_, called by theGreeks _Epilepsia_, and by the Latines _Morbus Sacer_. By the shavenhead, he meaneth some Ecclesiastical person of the _Romish_ Religion; theconstruction of the whole is easie.


 Tous ceux d’_Illerde_ seront dans la _Moselle_, Mettant a mort tous ceux de _Loire_ & _Seine_, Le course Marin viendra pres d’_Hautevelle_, Quand _Espagnols_ ouvrira toute veine.
 All those of _Illerde_ shall be in the _Mosel_, Putting to death all those of _Loire_ and _Seine_, The Sea course shall come near _Hautevelle_, When the _Spaniard_ shall open all veins.


By _Illerde_ he meaneth the City of l’_Isle_ in _Flanders_, the _Mosel_is a River that runneth through _Lorrain_, the _Loire_ and _Seine_ aretwo other Rivers of _France_, the first of which passeth at _Orleans_,and the second at _Paris_; the two last Verses are too hard for me tointerpret.


 _Bourdeaux_, _Poitiers_, au son de la Campane, A grande classe ira jusqu’a _Langon_, Contre _Gaulois_ sera leur _Tramontane_, Quand Monstre hideux naistra pres de _Orgon_.
 _Bourdeaux_, _Poitiers_, at the sound of the Bell, With a great Navy shall go as far as _Langon_, Against the _French_ shall their _Tramontane_ be, When an hideous Monster shall be born near _Orgon_.


_Tramontana_, in _Italian_, is the North-wind. _Orgon_, is the name of aTown in _Gascony_, the rest of the construction is not difficult.


 Les dieux feront aux humains apparence, Ce quils seront auteurs de grand conflict, Avant ciel veu serain, Espée & Lance, Que vers main gauche sera plus grande affliction.
 The Gods shall make it appear to Man-kind, That they are the Authors of a great War; For the Heaven that was Serene, shall shew Sword and Lance, Signifying, that on the left hand the affliction shall be greater.


He foretelleth here some Prodigies that shall be in the Air, as _Swords_and _Lances_ after fair weather, which shall be forerunners of greatWars, and chiefly in those Countries that shall be situated on the lefthand of these Prodigies.


 Soubs un la paix, par tout sera clemence, Mais non long temps, pille & rebellion, Par refus Ville, Terre & Mer entamée, Morts & Captifs le liers d’un Million.
 Under one shall be peace, and every where clemency, But not a long while, then shall be plundering and Rebellion, By a denyal shall Town, Land and Sea be assaulted, There shall be Dead and taken Prisoners the third part of a Million.


The words and sense are plain.


 Terre _Italique_ des Mons tremblera, _Lion_ & _Coq_ non trop confederez, en lieu & peur l’un l’autre saidera, Seul _Catulon_ & _Celtes_ moderez.
 The _Italian_ Land of the Mountains shall tremble, The _Lion_ and the _co*ck_ shall not agree very well together, Shall for fear help one another, The only _Catulon_ and _Celtes_ shall be moderate.


By the _Lion_ he understandeth the _English_, because of their Arms, andby the _co*ck_ the _French_, called in Latin _Gallus_, which signifieth aco*ck; _Catulon_ is the _Spaniards_, as if he should say _Castilian_; the_Celtes_ are the _Dutch_ of the Low-Countries.


 Au _Port Selyn_ le Tyrant mis a Mort, La liberté non pourtant recouvrée, Le nouveau _Mars_ par vindict & remort, Dame par force de frayeur honorée.
 In the _Port Selyn_ the Tyrant shall be put to death And yet the liberty shall not be recovered, The new _Mars_ by vengeance and remorse, Lady by excess of fear honoured.


By the _Port Selyn_, is meant _Constantinople_, because of severalEmperours of the _Turks_ that have been of that name, therefore theintention of this Prophecy, is, that one of the Turkish Emperours shallbe put to death at _Constantinople_, which for all that, shall notrecover her liberty. The _new Mars_, be like he is so called, that shallput him to death _by vengeance without remorse_. _The Lady by excess offear honoured_, may be applied to the present great Sultaness, Mother tothis present Emperour of the _Turks_, who hath hitherto made her selfvery considerable by a great party, which she hath raised against herSon, to prevent him from putting his Brothers to death, as is usuallypractised in that Court.


 Devant Moustier trouvé enfant besson, D’Heroik sang de Moine & vetustique, Son bruit per Secte, Langue, & puissance Son, Qu’on dira fort eslevé le Vopisque.
 Before the Minster shall one twin be found, From Heroik blood, of a Monk and Ancient, His fame by Sect, Tongue, and Power shall be sounded, So that they shall say the Vopisk is much raised.


The meaning of the whole is, that a Twin shall be found before a Church,begot by a Monk, of Illustrious and Ancient Family, and shall become veryfamous, _So that they shall say the Vopisk is much raised_. _Vopiscus_ inLatin, is, that one of the Twins, which cometh to perfect Birth.


 Celuy qu’aura la charge de destruire, Temples & Sectes changez par fantaisie, Plus aux Rochers, qu’aux vivans viendra nuire, Par langue ornée d’oreille rassasie.
 He that shall have charge to destroy, Churches and Sects, changed by fancy; Shall do more harm to the Rocks, than to the living, By a smooth tongue filling up the Ears.


As the words of this Stanza are plain, so is the sense most obscure, andso to be left to the Readers private Judgement.


 Ce que fer, flamme, na sceu parachever, La douce langue au conseil viendra faire, Par respos, songe le Roy fera resuer, Plus l’Ennemy en feu sang militaire.
 What neither Iron nor Fire could compass, Shall be done by a smooth tongue in the Councel, In sleep a dream shall make the King to think, The more the Enemy in fire and Military blood.


The sense of this is plain, though the words be somthing untowardlyexpressed.


 Le Chef qu’aura conduit peuple infiny, Loin de son Ciel: de mœurs & langue estrange, Cinq mille en _Crete_ & _Thessalie_ finy, Le Chef fuiant sauvé en la Marine Grange.
 The Captain that shall lead an infinite deal of people Far from their Countrey, to one of strange manners and Language, Five thousand in _Candia_ and _Thessalia_ finished, The Head running away, shall be safe in a Barn by the Sea.


It is some great Commander that shall lead a multitude of people into astrange Countrey, far from their own; suppose _Candia_ and _Thessalia_,where the said Commander shall be compelled to run away, and to savehimself in a Barn by the Sea side.


 Le grand Monarque qui fera compagnie, Avec deux Rois unis par amitié, O quel souspir fera la grand mesgnie, Enfans, _Narbonne_ alentour, quel pitié!
 The great Monarch shall keep company, With two Kings united in friendship; O what fights shall be made by their followers! Children, O what pity shall be about _Narbon_.


This Stanza requireth no interpretation more, than what every one will bepleased to give himself.


 Long temps au Ciel sera veu gris Oiseau, Aupres de _Dole_ & de _Tuscane_ Terre, Tenant au Bec un verdoiant rameau, Mourra tost Grand, & finira la Guerre.
 A great while shall be seen in the Air a gray Bird, Near _Dola_ and the _Tuscan_ Land, Holding in his Bill a green bough; Then shall a great one die, and the War have and end.


_Dola_ is a Town in _Burgundy_. The _Tuscan_ Land, is that whichbelongeth to the Duke of _Florence_.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Vers _Aquitaine_ par insults _Britanniques_, De par eux mesmes grandes incursions, Pluyes, Gelees, feront terroirs iniques, _Port Selyn_ fortes fera invasions.
 Towards _Gascony_ by _English_ assaults, By the same shall be made great incursions, Rains, Frosts, shall marre the ground. _Port Selyn_ shall make strong Invasions.


Three Prophecies are contained in this Stanza, the first that the_English_ shall make an incursion in _Gascony_; the second, that thereshall be a great dearth by Rains and Frosts; the third, that the _Turks_shall make great Incursion.


 La teste glue sera la teste blanche, Autant de mal que _France_ a fait leur bien, Mort a l’_Anthene_, grand pendu fus la branche, Quand prins des siens, le Roy dira combien.
 The Glue-head shall do the white head As much harm, as _France_ hath done it good, Dead at the Sails yard, a great one hang’d on a Tree, When a King taken by his own, shall say, how much?


I did never find that word of Glue-head before in any Author, and Ibelieve if _Cotgrave_ were alive again, it would puzzle him to give theinterpretation thereof.

The third and fourth signifie, that one shall be hanged on theSails-yard, and another on a Tree, when a King shall be taken by his ownMen, and shall say how much? that is, how much money shall I give you toset me free.


 Par la chaleur Solaire sur la Mer, De _Negrepont_, les Poissons demy cuits, Les Habitans les viendront entamer, Quand _Rhode_ & _Genes_ leur faudra le Biscuit.
 By the heat of the Sun upon the Sea Of _Negrepont_, the Fishes shall be half broiled, The Inhabitants shall come to cut them up, When _Rhodes_ and _Genoa_ shall want Biscake.


_Negrepont_ is an Island of the _Archipelago_ near _Morea_, ancientlycalled _Eubœa_. _Rhodes_ is another Island, and, _Genoa_ a City in_Italy_, by the Seaside. The rest is plain.


 Depuis _Monac_ jusqu’aupres de _Sicile_, Toute la plage demoura desolée, Il ny aura Fauxbourgs, Cité, ne Ville, Que par _Barbares_ pillée soit & volée.
 From _Monaco_ as far as _Sicily_, All the Sea coast shall be left desolate, There shall not be Suburbs, Cities, nor Towns, Which shall not be pillaged and plundred by _Barbarians_.


_Monaco_ is a Town seated by the Sea-side in _Italy_, between _Provence_and _Genoa_. This Prophecy hath been once already fulfilled, when thefamous Pyrate _Barbarossa_, being sent by the grand Seignor, to help the_French_ King against the Emperour _Charles_ the V. in his return home,plundered all that Coast, and carried away an innumerable multitude ofpeople into slavery.


 Quand dans Poisson, Fer & Lettre enfermée, Hors sortira qui puis fera la Guerre, Aura par Mer sa classe bien ramée; Aparoissant pres de _Latine_ Terre.
 When in a Fish, Iron and a Letter shall be shut up, He shall go out that afterwards shall make War, He shall have his Fleet by Sea well provided, Appearing by the _Roman_ Land.


The words and the sense are plain.


 Aupres des Portes & dedans deux Citez, Seront deux Fleaux & onc n’aperceu un tel, Faim, dedans Peste, de Fer hors gens boutez, Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.
 Near the Gates and within two Cities Shall be two Scourges, I never saw the like, Famine, within Plague, people thrust out by the Sword, Shall cry for help to the great God immortal.


This needeth no Interpretation.


 Entre plusieurs aux Isles deportez, L’un estre nay a deux dens en la gorge, Mourront de Faim, les Arbres esbroutez, Pour eux neuf Roy, nouvel Edict leur forge.
 Among many that shall be transported into the Islands, One shall be born with two Teeth in his mouth, They shall die of hunger, the Trees shall be eaten, They shall have a new King, who shall make new Laws for them.


This is so plain, that it needeth no explication.


 Temples Sacrez, prime facon _Romaine_, Rejetteront les goffes Fondemens, Prenant leurs Loix premieres & humaines, Chassants non tout, de Saints le cultement.
 Churches Consecrated, and the ancient _Roman_ way, Shall reject the tottering Foundations, Sticking to their first humane Laws, Expelling, but not altogether the worshipping of Saints.


This Prophecy, is concerning the beginning of the Reformed Religion, whenthe _Roman_ Church rejected it, yet nevertheless, for shame they leftoff many of their fopperies, for ever since they never appeared so greatWorshippers of Saints as before.


 Neuf ans le Regne le maigre en paix tiendra, Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire, Pour luy grand peuple sans Foy & Loy mourra, Tué par un beaucoup plus debonaire.
 Nine years shall the lean one keep the Kingdom in Peace, Then he will fall into such a bloody thirst, That a great people shall die without Faith or Law, He shall be killed by one milder than himself.


It is a lean man that shall keep in Peace the Kingdom, for the space ofnine years, and then shall become cruel; so that he shall put to deathmany people without Law, or regard of his promise.


 Avant long temps le tout sera rangé, Nous esperons un siecle bien senestre, L’Estat des masques & des seuls bien changé, Peu trouveront qui a son rang vueille estre.
 Before it be long, all shall be set in order, We look for a sinister Age, The state of the Visards and of _the alone_ shall be changed, They shall find few that will keep their ranks.


All the difficulty of this consisteth in what he meaneth by the _Visard_and _alone_, for my part, I believe he aimeth at the _Popish_ Clergy andMonks; the first by reason of their Hypocrisy, the other by reason oftheir solitariness. The rest is plain.


 Le prochain, fils de l’_Aisnier_ parviendra, Tant eslevé jusqu’au au Regne des fors, Son aspre gloire un chascun la craindra, Mais les enfans du Regne jettez hors.
 The eldest Son of l’_Aisnier_ shall prosper, Being raised to the degree of the great ones, Every one shall fear his high glory, But his children shall be cast out.


This is an Horoscope, for the Interpretation of which we are beholdingto, Mr. _Mannessier_ of _Amiens_, who saith that the Father of the Lordsl’_Aisniers_ writ to _Nostradamus_ his friend, to know his childrensfortune, who sent him those four Verses for an answer, by which it isevident that the eldest should be an eminent Man, as it fell out, beingone of the chiefest men in the Province of _Anjou_, and one of thechiefest instruments to make Peace between _Louis_ the XIII. and hisMother _Mary_ of _Medicis_, after the Battle of _Pont de Cé_.

The fourth Verse saith, that some of his other Children should beexpelled the Kingdom, as it happened by reason of a false report raisedagainst one of them, which compelled him to retire into _Portugal_ tillthe truth was known, as it was afterwards to his great repute and honour.


 Yeux clos ouverts d’antique fantaisie, L’habit des seuls sera mis a neant, Le grand Monarque chastiera leur frenesie, Ravir des Temples le Thresor par devant.
 Eyes shut, shall be open by an antick fancy, The cloths of the alone shall be brought to nothing. The great Monarck shall punish their frenzy, For having ravished the Treasure of the Temple before.


I can fasten this upon no body, but upon some Monks, which are calledhere _The alone_, because of their solitary life, who shall be punishedby a King, for having robbed the Church.


 Le corps sans ame plus n’estre en sacrifice, Jour de la mort mis en Nativité. L’Esprit Divin sera l’ame fœlice, Voiant le Verbe en son Eternité.
 The body without the soul shall be no more admitted in Sacrifice, The day of the death shall be put for the Birth-day, The Divine Spirit shall make the Soul happy, By seeing the Word in its Eternity.


The first Verse seemed to Prophecy the Reformation of Religion, and thechange of opinion concerning the Lords Supper, which should be no morea Sacrifice (as the _Roman_ Church calleth the Mass) of a body withouta soul, but only a commemoration of the Lords death, as the secondVerse confirmeth, saying, _The day of the death shall be put for theBirth-day_, seeing, that by the commemoration of that death, we arerenewed into a newness of life, and as it were born again. The last twoVerse are easie.


 A _Tours_, _Gien_, _Gergeau_, seront yeux penetrans, Descouvriront le long de la grande _Sereine_, Elle & sa Suite au Port seront entrans, Combat poussez Puissance Souveraine.
 At _Tours_, _Gien_, _Gergeau_, shall be piercing eyes, Who shall discover along the great _Syren_, She and her Attendans shall enter into the Port, By a fight shall be thrust out the Soveraign Power.


_Tours_, _Gien_, and _Gergeau_ are Cities upon the River of _Loire_,which is called here _the great Syren_, because of the length of itscourse, the meaning then is, that those Cities shall be watchful, andstand upon their guard, and shall fight against a King, which if it hathalready come to pass in the Civil Wars, or shall happen hereafter, Icannot affirm.


 Un peu devant Monarque trucidé, _Castor_, _Pollux_, en nef astre crinite, L’Airain public, par Terre & Mer vuidé, _Pisa_, _Ast_, _Ferrare_, _Turin_ Terre interdite.
 A little before a Monarch be killed _Castor_, and _Pollux_ shall appear, and a Comet in the Ship; The publick brass, by Land and Sea shall be emptyed, _Pisa_, _Ast_, _Ferrare_, _Turin_, Countreys forbidden.


The meaning of this is, that a little before a Monarck be killed,_Castor_ and _Pollux_ two Meteores so called, as also a Comet in thatconstellation of the Heavens, called _the ship of Argos_, and _thePublick Brass_, that is, the Canons by Land and Sea shall be emptied, andthese Towns of _Italy_, viz. _Pisa_, _Ast_, _Ferrare_, _Turin_, shall beexcommunicated by the _Pope_.


 _Naples_, _Palerme_, _Sicile_, _Syracuse_, Nouveaux Tyrants, fulgures, feu Cœlestes, Force de _Londres_, _Gand_, _Bruxelles_, & _Suse_, Grand Hecatombe, Triomphe, faire Festes.
 _Naples_, _Palermo_, _Sicily_, _Syracusa_, New Tyrants, Lightnings, Celestial fires, Army from _London_, _Ghent_, _Bruxelles_, and _Suse_, A great Hecatomb, Triumphs, and Feasts.


There is nothing difficult but the word _Hecatomb_, which is a Greekword, signifying a Sacrifice of an hundred Oxen.


 Le Camp du Temple de la Vierge Vestale, Non esloigné d’_Ethene_ & Monts _Pyrenées_, Le grand conduit est chassé dans la Male, North gettez Fleuves, & Vignes mastinées.
 The Camp of the Temple of the Vestal Virgin, Not far from _Ethene_ and the _Pyrenean_ Mountains, The great Conduit is driven in the Clock-bag, Rivers overflown in the North, and the Vines spoiled.


There is so many faults in the impression of this, and so hard to berectified, that I had rather leave it to the liberty of the judiciousReader, then make my self ridiculous in not giving him satisfaction.


 Nouvelle Pluie, subite, impetueuse, Empeschera subit deux excercites, Pierre, Ciel, Feux, faire la Mer pierreuse, La mort de sept, Terre & Marin subites.
 A new Rain, sudden, impetuous, Shall suddenly hinder two Armies, Stone, Heaven, Fire, shall make the Sea stony, The death of seven shall be sudden upon Land and Sea.


The first two Verses signifie, that a sudden and impetuous Rain shallhinder two Armies from fighting.

The two last Verses foretell several Prodigies, the which happening,seven persons shall suddenly die upon the Sea and Land.


 Nouveaux venus, lieu basty sans defence, Occuper place pour lors inhabitable, Prez, Maisons, Champs, Villes prendre a plaisance, Faim, Peste, Guerre, arpent long labourable.
 New comers shall build a place without fence, And shall occupy a place that was not then habitable, They shall at their pleasure take Fields, Houses and Towns. There shall be Famine, Plague, War, and a long arable field.


This is so plain, that it needeth no Interpretation.


 Freres & Sœurs en divers lieux captifs, Se trouveront passer pres du Monarque, Les contempler ses deux yeux ententifs, Des plaisant vont, Menton, Front, Nez les marques.
 Brothers and Sisters shall be made slaves in divers places, And shall pass before the Monarck, Who shall look upon them with attentive eyes, They shall go in heaviness, witness their Chin, Forehead and Nose.


This is obvious to the meanest capacity.


 L’Ambassadeur envoié par _Biremes_, A my chemin incogneus repoulsez, De Sel renfort viendront quatre triremes, Cordes & Chaines en _Negrepont_ troussez.
 The Embassadour that was sent in _Biremes_, In the midleway shall be repulsed by unknown Men, From the Salt to his succours shall come four triremes, Ropes and Chains shall be carried to _Negrepont_.


_Bireme_ is a Galley that hath two ranges of Oares, _Trireme_ is onethat hath three ranges. The meaning then of this is, that an Embassadourshall be sent in a Galley with two ranges of Oares, and that he shall bemet in his way by unknown men, that is, Pyrates; there shall come to hissuccours _from the Salt_, that is, from the _French_ four _Triremes_,that is four Galleys, every one having three ranges of Oares, but theyshall all be carried to _Negrepont_, an Island belonging to the _Turk_.


 Le Camp _Ascop_ d’_Europe_ partira, Sadioignant proche de l’Isle submergée, D’_Arton_ classe Phalange partira, Nombril du Monde plus grand voix subrogée.
 The Camp _Ascop_ shall go from _Europe_, And shall come near the drowned Island; From _Arton_ shall go an Army by Sea and Land, By the Navel of the World a greater vice shall be substituted.


The Author hath darkned this Stanza with so many barbarous words, as_Camp Ascop_, _drowned Island_, D’_Arton_, _Navel of the World_, thatit is very like either he did not understand himself, or would not beunderstood by others.


 _Palaces_ Oiseaux, par Oiseau dechassé, Bien tost apres le Prince parvenu, Combien qu’hors Fleuve ennemy repoulsé, Dehors saisy, trait d’Oiseau soustenu.
 _Palais_ Birds, driven away by a Bird, Soon after that, the Prince is come to his own, Although the enemy be driven beyond the River, He shall be seased upon without, by the trick of the Bird.


The meaning of this is, that many Courtiers (called here _Palace_ Birds)shall be justled out of favour by another principal Bird, that is a greatCourtier, as soon as the Prince shall come to his own.

The two last Verses seem to foretell that the said principal Courtiershall seize upon the Prince, notwithstanding that some succour shall cometo his help, which shall be beaten back beyond the River.


 Bestes farouches de faim Fleuves traner, Plus part du Champ encontre _Ister_ sera, En Cage de Fer le grand fera traisner. Quand rien enfant de _Germain_ n’observera.
 Wild Beasts for hunger shall swim over Rivers, Most part of the field shall be near _Ister_, Into an Iron Cage he shall cause the great one to be drawn, When the Child of _German_ shall observe nothing.


_Ister_ is a River, _German_ is a proper name of some considerableperson, whose Son shall not observe or take notice when that eminentperson mentioned here, shall be drawn into an Iron Cage.


 La Garde estrange trahira Forteresse, Espoir & umbre de plus haut mariage, Garde deceüe Fort prins dedans la presse, _Loire_, _Saone_, _Rhosne_, _Gar_, a Mort outrage.
 The Garrison of strangers shall betray the Fort, Under the hope and shadow of a higher Match, The Garrison shall be deceived, and the Fort taken in the crowd, _Loire_, _Saone_, _Rhosne_, _Gar_, shall do harm to Death.


There is no difficulty but in the last Verse, where you must observe that_Loire_, _Saone_, _Rhosne_, and _Gardon_, which for the Verses sake iscontracted into _Gar_; are Rivers of _France_, which are threatned hereof overflowing, and causing the death of many people.


 Pour la faveur que la Cité fera, Au grand qui tost perdra Camp de Bataille, Le sang d’ans _Pau_ le _Thesin_ versera, De sang feux, mors, noyez de coup de taille.
 Because of the favour the City shall shew, To the great one, who soon after shall loose the Battle, The _Thesin_ shall pour blood into the _Pau_, Of blood, fire, dead, drowned, by Edgeling.


This is plain, if you observe that the _Thesin_ is a River of _Italy_,and the _Pau_ another, into the which the _Thesin_ runneth.


 Le Divin Verbe sera du ciel frappé, Qui ne pourra proceder plus avant, Du resserrant le secret estoupé, Quon marchera par dessus & devant.
 The Divine Word shall be struck by Heaven, So that he shall proceed no further, The secret of the close Keeper, shall be so closed up, That people shall tread upon, and before it.


By the _Divine Word_, you must not understand the second person of theTrinity, or else all this Stanza would be absurd; but you must understanda Divine or Theologian, called in Greek θεόλογος, which signifieth a_Divine Word_. The meaning therefore of it, is, that a _Theologian shallbe struck by Heaven_; that is, shall die, so that he shall proceed nofurther in his work, which I suppose by the two last Verses, was thePhilosophers stone; for in the two last Verses he saith, that the _secretof the close Keeper_, that is, of him that wrought secretly, shall (byhis death) be so closed up, _that people shall tread on, and before it_.


 Le penultiesme de Surnom de Prophete, Prendra _Diane_ pour son jour & repos, Loing vaguera par Frenetique teste, Et delivrant un grand peuple d’Impos.
 The last, but one of the Sirname of the Prophet, Shall take _Diana_ for his day and his rest, He shall wander far by reason of his Frenetick head, Delivering a great people from impositions.


This is concerning a _false Prophet_, which is called here the last butone of that Surname, who shall make _Diana_ (that is _Monday_ which isdedicated to _Diana_) his _Sunday_ or _Sabbath day_, and so wandring toand fro in a _Frenetick_ manner, shall perswade many people to pay noTaxes.


 L’Oriental sortira de son Siege, Passer les Monts _Apennins_, voir la _Gaule_, Transpassera le Ciel, les Eaux & Neige, Et un chacun frappera de sa Gaule.
 The Oriental shall come out of his Seat, Shall pass over the _Apennine_ Mountains, and see _France_, Shall go over the Air, the Waters and Snow, And shall strike every one with his Rod.


It is an Eastern Prince, who leaving his Countrey, shall come over the_Apennine_ Mountains, which divide _Italy_, and come as far as _France_,destroying all before him.


 Un qui les Dieux d’_Annibal_ infernaux, Fera renaistre, effrayeur des Humains, Onc plus d’horreur ne plus dire journaux, Qu’avint viendra par _Babel_ aux _Romains_.
 One that shall cause the infernal Gods of _Hannibal_ To live again, the terror of Mankind, There was never more horror, not to say ill dayes, Did happen, or shall, to the _Romans_ by _Babel_.


This Prophecy was concerning _Charles_ V. Emperour, who sacked _Rome_,took the Pope Prisoner, and filled it with more horror and slaughter than_Hannibal_ did, though a Heathen.


 En _Campanie_ le _Cassilin_ fera tant, Quon ne verra que d’Aux les Champs couvers, Devant apres la pluye de long temps, Hormis les arbres rien lon verra de verts.
 In _Campania_ the _Cassilin_ shall so behave himself, That nothing shall be seen but Fields covered with Garlick, Before, and after it, shall not Rain for a good while, Except the Trees, no Green shall be seen.


This hath a dependance upon the foregoing Stanza; for _Campania_ is theProvince wherein _Rome_ is seated, and _Cassilin_, called _Campaniadi Roma_, is the same as _Castillan_, because _Charles_ V. was notonly Emperour, but also King of _Spain_, the chief Province of whichis _Castilia_: therefore the Author describeth here the misery anddevastation of _Campania di Roma_ by the _Castilian_, who left nothing inthe ground, but Garlick, which is their most delicate food, and nothingGreen but the Trees.


 Lait Sang, Grenovilles, escouldre en _Dalmatie_, Conflit donné, peste pres de _Balene_, Cry sera grand par toute _Esclavonie_, Lors naistra Monstre pres & dedans _Ravenne_.
 Milk, Blood, Frogs shall reign in _Dalmatia_, A Battle fought, the Plague near _Balene_, A great cry shall be through all _Sclavonia_, Then shall be born a Monster, near and within _Ravenna_.


_Dalmatia_ and _Sclavonia_, are Countreys joyning to the _Adriatick_ Sea,belonging to the _Venetians_. _Ravenna_ is a City in _Italy_, the restneedeth no interpretation.


 Dans le torrent qui descend de _Verone_, Par lors qu’au Pau guidera son entrée, Un grand Naufrage, & non moins en _Garonne_, Quand ceux de _Genes_ Marcheront leur contrée.
 In the torrent which cometh down from _Verona_, About the place where it falleth into the _Pau_, A great Shipwrack, and no less in _Garonna_, When those of _Genoa_ shall go into their Countrey.


_Verona_ is a City in _Italy_, belonging to the _Venetians_, throughthe middle of which runneth a River called _Adde_, which falleth intothe River _Pau_, about which place there shall be a great Shipwrak; asalso another in the River of _Garonna_, which passeth at _Bordeaux_, thetime that the Author marketh, is when those of _Genoa_ shall go intotheir Countrey, that is to say, when some Ships of _Genoa_ shall come to_Bordeaux_.


 L’Ire insensée du Combat furieux, Fera a Table par Freres le Fer luire, Les departir, blessé, curieux, Le fier duel viendra en _France_ nuire.
 The mad anger of the furious fight, Shall cause by Brothers the Iron to glister at the Table, To part them one wounded, curious, The fierce Duel shall do harm after in _France_.


It is the short History of two Brothers, who fought at the Table, wherebyone that was curious to part them was wounded, they afterwards fought aDuel, in whose imitation many since have been fought, to the great harmof the _French_ Gentry.


 Dans deux Logis de nuit le feu prendra, Plusieurs dedans estoufez & rostis, Pres de deux Fleuves pour seur il adviendra, Sol, l’Arc, & Caper, tous seront amortis.
 The fire shall take by night in two Houses, Many shall be stifled and burnt in it; Near two Rivers it shall for certain happen, Sun, Arc, Caper, they shall all be mortified.


By _Sun_, _Arc_, _Caper_, he meaneth the Sun being in the Signs of_Sagitarius_ and _Capricornus_.

This Prophecy was fulfilled about 90. years ago in the City of _Lion_,seated upon two Rivers, _viz._ the _Rhosne_ and the _Saone_, for aboutthat time several Merchants coming to the Fair, some went to lodge at theSilver Head, in the street _de la Grenete_, where being in an upper room,as they were talking of their businesses, and passing the time merrily,the fire took in the Kitchen where was abundance of Oil, which did burnso suddenly and so violently, that the lower part of the House waspresently consumed. Those Merchants that were in the upper room towardsthe street, begun to look for their Clock-bags, that were lockt up in aTrunk; but while they were busie about opening the Trunk, the Stair-casefell, and the fire got into their Room, then begun they to cry for helpthrough the Windows. They would willingly have thrown themselves downthe Windows, but they were barred with Iron, so that they could not savethemselves, the House being a fire on all sides; Moreover, the neighbourstaking more care of their own Houses, then of those Strangers, did runevery one to his own concerns, so that they all miserably perished._Parradin_ in his 3. Book of the History of _Lyon_, _Chap. 22._


 Du grand Prophete les Lettres seront prinses, Entre les Mains du Tyran deviendront, Frauder son Roy seront ses entreprinses, Mais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront.
 The Letters of the great Prophet shall be intercepted, They shall fall into the hands of the Tyrant, His undertakings shall be to deceive his King, But his extortions shall trouble him soon.


It is some eminent Churchman, whose Letters shall be intercepted, bywhich he intended to betray his King, therefore his actions shall becalled in question, and being found guilty of extortion, he shall sufferfor it.


 De ce grand nombre que l’on envoiera, Pour secourir dans le fort assiegez, Peste & Famine tous les devorera, Horsmis septante qui seront profligez.
 Of that great number which shall be sent, To succour the besieged in the Fort, Plague and Famine shall devour them all, Except seventy that shall be beaten.


This is so plain, that it needeth no explication.


 Des Condamnez sera fait un grand nombre, Quand les Monarques seront conciliez, Mais l’un deux viendra si mal encombre, Que guere ensemble ne seront raliez.
 There shall be a great number of condemned men, When the Monarchs shall be reconciled, But one of them shall come to such misfortune, That their reconciliation shall not last long.


The words and sense of this are easie to be understood.


 Un an devant le conflict _Italique_, _Germains_, _Gaulois_, _Espagnols_ pour le Fort, Cherra l’Escole maison de republique, Ou horsmis peu, seront suffoquez morts.
 One year before the _Italian_ fight, _Germans_, _French_, _Spaniards_ for the Fort, The School-house of the Common-wealth shall fall, Where, except few, they shall be suffocated, and dead.


It seemeth there should be a Battle between the _Italians_, _Germans_,_French_, _Spaniards_ for a Fort, which I suspect to have been that of_Serizoles_, wherein all those Nations were engaged, and that one yearbefore that Battle, the publick house of a _Common-wealth_ should fall,and kill abundance of people; But of this I could find nothing in History.


 Un peu apres non point long intervalle, Par Mer & Terre sera fait grand tumulte, Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne Navalle, Feu, Animaux, qui plus feront d’Insulte.
 A little while after, without any great distance of time, By Sea and Land shall a great tumult be made, The Sea fight shall be much greater, Fire and Beasts which shall make greater insult.


This hath a Relation to a foregoing Stanza, and likewise is not hard tobe understood.


 La grand Estoile par sept jours bruslera, Nuce fera deux Soleils apparoir, Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera, Quand grand Pontife changera de terroir.
 The great Star shall burn for the space of seven days, A Cloud shall make two Suns appear, The big Mastif shall houl all night, When the great Pope shall change his Countrey.


The meaning of this is, that those three Prodigies, contained in thefirst three Verses, shall appear when a _Pope_ changeth his Countrey.


 A Coq, Chiens, & Chats de sang seront repeus, Et de la playe du Tyran trouvé Mort, Au lict d’un autre, Jambes & Bras rompus, Qui n’avoit peu mourir de cruel Mort.
 A co*ck, Dogs, and Cats shall be fed with Blood, And with the wound of the Tyrant found dead, In the bed of another, with Legs and Arms broken, Who could not die before by a cruel Death.


These words signifie, that a great man or Tyrant shall be found dead inanother mans Bed, having his _Legs_ and _Arms_ broken, the body of whichshall be devoured by these three kinds of Creatures, a _co*ck_, a _Dog_,and a _Cat_. The last Verse signifieth that this Tyrant had escaped a_cruel Death_.


 Durant l’estoile cheuelue apparente, Les trois grand Princes seront faits ennemis, Frappez du Ciel, Paix, Terre tremulente, _Arne_, _Tibre_, undans Serpent sur le bord mis.
 During the hairy apparent Star, The three great Princes shall be made Enemies, Struck from Heaven, Peace, quaking Earth, _Arne_, _Tyber_, full of Surges, Serpent cast upon the Shore.


In the year 1556. upon the first day of _March_ appeared a blazing Starwhich lasted three Months, and in that year the three great Princes weremade Enemies, _viz._ _Paul_ IV. Pope, _Henry_ II. King of _France_, and_Philip_ II. King of _Spain_, about the breaking of the Truce by _Henry_II.

The Affairs not succeeding according to the Pope’s, and the King of_France_’s desire, they made Peace with the _Spaniard_ the 14th of_October_ 1557. and because it was an effect of Gods Providence, whichmoved the Pope’s, and the Kings hearts; the Author saith, they were_struck from Heaven_.

After this _Peace_ the Author mentions an _Earth-quake_, which is verylikely considering the overflowing of the _Tyber_, which followedimmediately.

The night after, that _Peace_ was proclaimed at _Rome_, on a _Tuesday_the _Tyber_ did so overflow his Banks, that the inundation was thoughtthe greatest that ever was, yea greater than that which happened in theyear 1530. under _Clement_ VII.

There were ten or twelve Mills carried away, all the Vine-yards along the_Tyber_, from _Pontemole_ to St. _Peters_ Church, were buried under theSands, that the water carried.

Abundance of Houses fell to the ground. In _Rome_ many Gardens and housesof pleasure were destroyed, the loss of the Wines, Hay, Wood, and Corncould not be valued.

In _Florence_ the River of _Arno_ did more mischief than the _Tyber_ at_Rome_, the History of the Genealogy of the house of _Medicis_, madeby _Peter de Boissat_, mentioneth, that in some places of the City of_Florence_, the water overflowed to the heigth of eight Fathoms, andcovered all the valley of _Arne_.

The damage was yet greater at _Empoly_, a Town in _Tuscany_, where, ofthree thousand people, there escaped but eighteen.

But to return to _Tyber_, its waters being retired into their Channel,left so much mud, where it had overflowed, that no body could walkupon it, and upon that mud near the _Tyber_, was a Serpent seen of aprodigious bigness, which was killed by the Countrey people.

This is the Authors meaning in the last Verse, _Arne, Tyber, full ofSurges, Serpent cast upon the Shore_.

In the third Verse he saith, those three Princes were struck or movedfrom Heaven to make _Peace_, that is, from God; every one consideringthat this War was only for their mutual distruction.

The Vulgar impression putteth in the fourth Verse, _Pau_, _Tyber_, instead of _Arne_, _Tyber_, which is a visible fault; for the Historymentioneth only the inundation of those two Rivers in _Italy_, it may bethat the likeness of those words, _Pau_ and _Arne_, is the cause of themistake; as also because the name of _Pau_, which is the biggest Riverin _Italy_, is more famous in History than that of _Arne_, which is theRiver that passeth through _Florence_.


 L’Aigles poussée entour de Pavillons, Par autre oiseaux d’Entour sera chassé, Quand bruit de Timbres, Tubes, & Sonaillons, Rendront le sens de la Dame insensée.
 The Eagle flying among the Tents, By other Birds shall be driven away, When noise of Cymbals, Trumpets, and Bells, Shall render the sense to the Lady that was without it.


It is an Eagle driven from the Tents by other Birds, when a mad Ladyshall recover her senses by the noise of Cymbals, Trumpets, and Bells.


 Trop le Ciel pleure l’_Androgyn_ procrée, Pres de Ciel sang humain respandu, Par mort trop tard grand peuple recrée, Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.
 The Heaven bemoaneth too much the _Androgyn_ born, Near Heaven humane blood shall be spilt, By death too late a great people shall be refreshed, Late and soon cometh the succours expected.


_Androgyn_, is one that is Male and Female, from the Greek word ἀνηρ,which signifieth a Male, and γυνή, which signifieth a Female; the meaningthen of the first Verse is, that some great persons, suppose a King andQueen, which he calleth Heaven, by reason of their exaltation above thecommon sort of people, shall bemoan too long one of their Children, thatwas, or shall be born Male and Female.

The second Verse is easie to be understood, if you take Heaven in thesame sense that we have said. The last two Verses are plain.


 Apres grand troche humain, plus grand sapreste, Le grand Moteur les siecles renouvelle, Pluye, Sang, Lait, Famine, Fer & Peste, Au Ciel veu feu courant longue estincelle.
 After a great humane change, another greater is nigh at hand, The great Motor reneweth the Ages, Rain, Blood, Milk, Famine, Sword, Plague, In the Heaven shall be seen a running fire with long sparks.


_Troche_ in Greek is a Pulley, the meaning therefore of the Author, thatafter a great mutation, God shall renew the Ages, and according to hispromise shall create a new Heaven, and a new Earth.

By those prodigies related in the two last Verses, it seemeth the Authorintendeth to speak of the last day, and of the fore-runners of it.


 L’Ennemy grand viel, deult, meurt de poison, Les Souverains par infinis subjugues, Pierres pleuvoir cache soubs la Toison, Par mort Articles en vain sont alleguez.
 The great and old Enemy grieveth, dieth by Poison, An infinite number of Soveraign’s conquered, It shall rain stones, they shall hide under Rocks, In vain shall death alledge Articles.


This hath a relation to the foregoing Stanza, and is as it were thesecond part of it. For as the foremost speaketh of the last day, so doththis of Dooms-day.

First, he saith that _the great and old Enemy grieveth and dieth byPoison_, that’s the Devil who shall be cast into a Lake of Fire andBrimstone. The second Verse signifieth, that all the Kings of the Earthshall be subdued by him that is _Lord of Lords and King of Kings_. Thethird Verse expresseth, the anguish of the reprobate, when they shall cryto the Rocks, hide us, and to the Mountains, fall upon us. And the fourthVerse saith, that Death shall alledge in vain, the Articles she made withthe Devil, and his Angels.


 La grand Copie qui passera les Monts, _Saturne_, _Aries_, tournant au Poisson _Mars_, Venins cachez sous testes de Moutons, Leur chef pendu a fil de _Polemars_.
 The great Army that shall pass over the Mountains, _Saturn_, _Aries_, _Mars_, turning to the Fishes, Poisons hidden in Sheeps heads, Their Captain hang’d with a thred of _Polemars_.


_Paradin_ relateth in his History, that after the Duke of _Alba_ hadrelieved _Vulpian_ with Victuals, which was done from the 22. of _July_to the first of _August_, a Captain of the Emperors Army named _laTrinité_, went out of _Valfrenieres_ the same first day of _August_, toplunder the Countrey of _Piemont_.

He had 400 Horses, and 500 Foot: The news being brought to the Marshalof _Brissac_, he sent out a great number of Horses, who did utterlydestroy their Foot, so that but thirty escaped, to carry the news to_Valfrenieres_.

The _Spanish_ Horse, seeing the _French_ in such a fury, ran away, andgot some to _Ast_, some to _Alexandria_.

After that, the _Spaniards_ seeking to revenge themselves, took a Castlethree miles from _Cazal_, called _Frezene_, or _Fracinet du Pau_, wherethey hanged up the Captain, put to the sword all the _Italians_, and sentall the _French_ to the _Galleys_.

This proceeding being not according to the Laws of Arms, we may believe,that the victorious discovered a malitious craft of the vanquished,who had left some Sheeps-heads poisoned, to revenge themselves of thevictorious, which obliged the _Spaniards_ to serve so the Captain, the_Italians_ and the _French_; and because the _French_ were not so illused, as the _Italians_, we may judge that the _Italians_ were the chiefcontrivers of this business.

Therefore the Author foreseeing this, saith, that the great Army of the_French_, which shall go over the Mountains, shall come to this mischief,because of the poison that was hidden in the Sheeps heads.

The Vulgar impression erreth much in putting _Salmons_, for _Muttons_;for every body knoweth that the _Salmons_ do not come into the Mountainsof _Montserrat_, and that in the Month of _August_ it is not a meat fitfor Souldiers, therefore in stead of _Salmons_, we have put _Muttons_, orSheep.

_The Captain was hanged with a thread of Polemars_, that is, with aMatch, of which, I am perswaded, that one certain _Polemars_ was theInventor.

The Author saith in the second Verse, that the time when this accidenthappened, was, when _Saturn_ was in _Aries_, the Vulgar impressionputteth _Are_ in stead of _Aries_, but that’s false, therefore set down_Aries_. _Saturn_ was in that Sign in the year 1555. from the 20th of_February_, to the 14th of _July_, where from the 12th degree and fourMinutes, he began to retrograde in the same Sign of _Aries_, till the18th of _November_, so that _Saturn_ was almost all that year in _Aries_.

He saith also that _Mars_ was going back to _Pisces_; because in thatsame year, _Mars_ that was gone out of the Sign of _Pisces_ from the 19of _March_ 1554. was retrograding to come back again into it upon the20th of _January_ 1556.

Thus the Author meaneth, that this accident should happen in the yearthat _Saturn_ should be in _Aries_, and _Mars_ should be near the Sign of_Pisces_.

And to say truth, in the Month of _August_, _Mars_ was in the Signof _Scorpio_; upon the 23 of _September_, he entred into that of_Sagitarius_; the third of _November_, into that of _Capricornus_; the12th of _December_ into that of _Aquarius_; and the year following,_viz._ 1556. into that of _Pisces_; so that _Mars_ was returning into_Pisces_, which is the end of its particular motion.

By this Astrological and Historical discourse we correct the Vulgarimpression, which putteth turning from _Pisces_, _Mars_, in stead ofwhich, we put, turning to _Pisces_, _Mars_, which we do by changingonly _from_, into _to_, and sheweth us how careful we ought to be inthe explication of these Stanza’s, when the time is prefixed to us byAstronomical calculations.

The Authors Phrase doth confirm us in this correction, when he useth thisword _turning_, which signifieth the motion that tendeth towards its end,and not the motion that cometh from its end.


 Les conseillers du premier Monopole, Les Conquerans seduits par la _Melite_, _Rhodes_, _Bisance_ pour leur exposant pole, Terre faudra les pour-suivans de fuite.
 The advisers of the first Monopoly, The Conquerors seduced by the _Melite_, _Rhodes_, _Bizance_, for exposing their Pole, The ground shall fail the followers of runaways.


All the difficulty of this lieth in the signification of the word _Pole_,which in Greek signifieth a City. The word _Monopoly_ is Vulgar, andsignifieth when one or few would engross all the Trade of a Town. Therest is so obscure, that I had rather leave it to the liberty of theReader, than break my Brains about it, considering chiefly that I amgoing to bed, the precedent Stanza having exhausted all my Spirits, andso farewell till to morrow.


 Quand ceux d’_Hainault_, de _Gand_, & de _Bruxelles_, Verront a _Langres_ le Siege devant mis, Derrier leur flancs seront guerres cruelles, La playe antique sera pis qu’Ennemis.
 When these of _Hainault_, of _Gand_, and of _Bruxelles_, Shall see the Siege laid before _Langres_, Behind their sides shall be cruel Wars, The old wound shall be worse then Enemies.


_Hainault_ is a Province of the Low-Countries, and _Gand_ the chiefTown in _Flanders_, and _Bruxelles_ the chief Town of the Dukedome of_Brabant_.

_Langres_ is a City in _France_, in the Province of _Champagne_, which iscalled the Maiden Town; because it was never besieged. The rest is easie.


 Le sang du juste a _Londres_ fera faute, Bruslez par feu de vingt & trois les Six, La Dame antique cherra de place haute, De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
 The blood of the just shall be wanting in _London_, Burnt by fire of three and twenty, the Six, The antient Dame shall fall from her high place, Of the same Sect many shall be killed.


Leaving unto the impartial Reader his liberty to judge of this Prophecy,we for our part understand by it the impious and execrable murder,committed upon the person of our last most gracious Sovereign King_Charles_ I. of blessed memory, to whose expiation it seemeth our Authorattributeth the conflagration of _London_. By that proportion _of threeand twenty, the Six_, is to be understood the number of Houses andBuildings that were burnt, which is about the proportion of three infour, and cometh near to the computation, as also by that _three twentiesand Six_, may be understood the year 66. _By the antient Dame that shallfall from the high place_, is understood the Cathedral Church of St._Paul_, which in the time of Paganism was dedicated to _Diana_, meanthere by the title of an antient Dame, the _fall from her high place_,hath relation both to the sumptuousness and height of her building, asalso to her situation, which is in the most eminent place of the City.

By this Verse, _Of the same Sect many shall be killed_, is signified thegreat number of other Churches even the number of 87 (which he intimatethhere by the name of the same Sect), that should be involved in the samewoful conflagration.


 Dans plusieurs nuits la Terre tremblera, Sur le printemps deux efforts feront suitte, _Corinthe_, _Ephese_ aux deux Mers nagera, Guerre sesmeut par deux vaillants de Luitte.
 During many nights the Earth shall quake, About the Spring two great Earth-quakes shall follow one another, _Corinth_, _Ephesus_ shall swim in the two Seas, War shall be moved by two great Wrestlers.


_Corinth_ is a City of _Grecia_ and _Ephesus_ one of _Asia_; the rest isplain.


 Le grande Peste de cité maritime, Ne cessera que Mort ne soit vengée, Du juste sang par prix damné sans crime, De la grande Dame par feinte noutragée.
 The great Plague of the Maritime City, Shall not cease till the death be revenged Of the just blood by price condemned without crime, Of the great Dame not fainedly abused.


This is a confirmation of the LI. Stanza and foretelleth the great Plaguewe have had here in the year 1665. which he saith shall not cease tillthe death of the Just blood, meaning King _Charles_ the I. be avenged whowas as is here expressed, condemned without crime, and sold for a Price.

By the great Dame unfainedly abused, he meaneth the sumptuous Cathedralof St. _Paul_, which was polluted and made a Stable by those prophanewretches.


 Par gent estrange & Nation lointaine, Leur grand Cité, apres eau fort troublée, Fille sans trop different de domaine, Prins chef, serreure, navoir esté riblée.
 By a strange people and remote Nation, The great City near the water shall be much troubled, The Girl without great difference for a portion, Shall take the Captain, the Lock having not been pickt.


In the explication of this mystical Stanza, I believe every body may beas wise as I.


 Dans le conflit le grand qui peu valoit, A son dernier fera cas merveilleux, Pendant qu’_Adrie_ verra ce qu’il failloit, Dans le Banquet poignarde l’orgueilleux.
 In the fight the great one who was but little worth, At his last endeavour shall do a wonderful thing. While _Adria_ shall see what was wanting, In the Banquet he shall stabb the proud one.


This is concerning some eminent person, who having shewed no great valourin a Battle, shall nevertheless in a Banquet be so bold as to stab aperson of quality, that was proud.

This accident must happen somewhere about _Venice_, because he saith that_Adria_, which is taken for _Venice_ shall look on.


 Que Peste & Glaive n’a sceu definer, Mort dans les pluies, sommet du Ciel frappé, L’Abbé mourra quand verra ruiner, Ceux du Naufrage, l’Escueil voulant graper.
 He whom neither Plague, nor Sword could destroy, Shall die in the Rain being stricken with Thunder, The Abbot shall die when he shall see ruined, Those in the Shipwrack, striving to catch hold of the Rock.


There is two accidents contained in this Stanza, the first is in thetwo first Verses, where he saith that some considerable person, who hadescaped the Sword, and the Plague shall be strucken by the Thunder, anddie in a great showr of Rain.

The second is, in the two last Verses, where he saith, an Abbot shallperish by Shipwrack, thinking to save himself by holding the Rock.


 Avant conflit le grand tombera, Le grand a mort trop subite & plainte, Nay miparfait, la plus part nagera, Aupres du Fleuve, de sang la Terre teinte.
 Before the Battle the great one shall fall, The great one to death too sudden and bewailed; One shall be born half perfect, the most part shall swim, Near the River the Earth shall be dyed with blood.


The words are plain enough, but of the sense every one may think what hepleaseth.


 Sans pied ne main, dent aigue, & forte. Par Globe au fort de Port & laisne nay, Pres du portail, desloial le transporte, _Seline_ luit, petit grand emmené.
 Without foot or hand, sharp and strong tooth, By a Globe, in the middle of the Port, and the first born, Near the Gate shall be transported by a Traitor, _Seline_ shineth, the little great one carried away.


The sense of the whole is this, that an Infant begot by some person ofquality shall be exposed in the night time, the Moon Shining, which hecalleth _Seline_, from the Greek word σεληνη, which signifieth the Moon.


 Classe _Gauloise_ par appuy de grand Garde, Du grand _Neptune_ & ses tridens Soldats, Ronger _Provence_ pour soustenir grand bande, Plus _Mars_, _Narbon_, par Javelots & Dards.
 The _French_ Fleet by the help of the great Guard, Of great _Neptune_ and his Tridentary Soldiers Shall gnaw _Provence_ by keeping great company, Besides, _Mars_ shall plague _Narbon_ by Javelins and Darts.


Here be two things designed in this Stanza one is concerning _Provence_,which shall be eaten up by Soldiers, and the other concerning the Cityof _Narbon_, which shall be Besieged, or the Citizens fall out amongthemselves.


 La foy Punique en Orient rompue, Grand _Jud._ & _Rhosne_, _Loire_ & _Tag_ changeront, Quand du Mulet la faim sera repeue, Classe espargie, Sang & Corps nageront.
 The punick faith broken in the East, Great _Jud._ and _Rhosne_, _Loire_ and _Tag._ shall be changed, When the Mules hunger shall be satisfied, The Fleet scattered, Blood and Bodies shall swim.


The Punick Faith in Latine _Punica fides_, a false Faith, was socalled from the _Carthaginians_, called in Latine _Pæni_, which was anunfaithful Nation.

I do not know what he meaneth by great _Jud._ as for _Rhosne_, _Loire_and _Tag_, they are three Rivers, the two first in _France_, the last isthe River of _Lisbone_ called in Latine _Tagus_. The rest is easie.


 _Agen_, _Tonneins_, _Gironde_ & la _Rochelle_, O sang _Troien_ mort au Port de la fleche, Derrier le Fleuve au Fort mise leschelle, Pointes, feu, grand meurtre sur la bresche.
 _Agen_, _Tonneins_, _Gironde_ and _Rochelle_, O _Trojan_ blood death is at the harbour of the Arrow, Beyond the River the Ladder shall be raised against the Fort, Points, fire, great murder upon the breach.


_Agen_ and _Tonneins_ are two Towns in _Gascony_, _Gironde_ is a Riverthat passeth in that Countrey, the sense therefore of the whole is, thatthere shall be great Wars, and fightings in those Towns, as also uponthat River, which happened in the time of the civil Wars in _France_, asevery body may read in the _Annals_, and also in the Commentaries of theLord of _Monluck_.


 _Mabus_ puis tost alors mourra, viendra, Des gens & bestes un horrible desfaite, Puis tout a coup la vengeance on verra, Sang, Main, Soif, Faim, quand courra la Comete.
 _Mabus_ shall come, and soon after shall die, Of people and beasts shall be an horrible destruction, Then on a sudden the vengeance shall be seen, Blood, Hand, Thirst, Famine, when the Comet shall run.


Here is nothing hard but who should be this _Mabus_, at last I found bytransposition of Letters that he meaneth _Ambus_, which was the name ofthe Heades man that beheaded the Duke of _Montmorency_ at _Thoulouse_,how miraculous therefore appeareth our Author, who did not only foretellgeneral things, but also particular accidents, even the names of thepersons that were to be born a hundred years after.


 _Gaulois_, _Ausone_ bien peu subiuguera, _Pau_, _Marne_ & _Seine_ fera _Perme l’Vrie_, Qui le grand Mur contre eux dressera, Du moindre au Mur le grand perdra la vie.
 The _French_ shall a little subdue _Ausonne_, _Pau_, _Marne_, and _Seine_ shall make _Perme l’Urie_, Which shall raise a great Wall against them, From the less to the Wall the great one shall loose his life.


_Ausonne_ is always taken by the Author for the City of _Bordeaux_,because _Ausonius_ a famous Latine Poet was born there, the rest is soobscure, and the text so corrupted, that I had rather leave it to theliberty of the Reader, then to become ridiculous, by not acknowledging myignorance.


 Seicher de faim, de soif, gent _Genevoise_, Espoir prochain viendra au defaillir, Sur point tremblant sera Loy _Gebenoise_, Classe au grand Port ne se peut accueillir.
 Those of _Geneva_ shall be dried up with hunger and thirst, A near hope shall come when they shall be fainting, The _Gebenna_ Law shall be upon a quaking point, The Navy shall not be capable to come into the Port.


Here you must observe that _Gebenna_ in Latine signifieth _Geneva_, andtherefore this whole Stanza is concerning the City of _Geneva_.


 Le park enclin grande calamité, Par l’_Hesperie_ & _Insubre_ sera, Le Feu en Nef, Peste, & Captivité, _Mercure_ en l’_Ar_, _Saturn_ fenera.
 The Park enclineth to great calamity, Which shall be through _Hesperia_ and _Insubria_, The Fire in the Ship, Plague, and Captivity, _Mercury_ in _Aries_, _Saturn_ shall wither.


Though the words be plain, nevertheless the sense is very obscure, andchiefly as I suppose by the faults of the impression, all what I can tellyou here, is, that _Hesperia_ in Latine, is _Spain_, and _Insubria_, is_Savoy_.


 Par grand dangers le Captif eschapé, Peu de temps grand a fortune changée, Dans le Palais le peuple est attrapé, Par bonne augure la Cité assiegée.
 The Prisoner escaped through great danger, A little while after shall become great, his fortune being changed, In the Palace the people shall be caught, And by a good Sign the City shall be besieged.


All this is plain, both in the words and the Sense.


 Le blond au nez forche viendra commettre, Par le Duel & chassera dehors, Les exiles dedans fera remettre, Aux lieux marins commettans les plus forts.
 The fair one shall fight with the forked Nose, In Duel, and expel him out, He shall re-establish the banished, Putting the stronger of them in Maritine places.


Both the Sense and the words are plain.


 De l’Aquilon les efforts seront grands, Sur l’Occean sera la Porte ouverte, Le Regne en l’Isle sera re-integrand, Tremblera _Londres_ par voiles descouvertes.
 The endevours of the North shall be great, Upon the Ocean the gate shall be open, The Kingdom in the Island shall be re-established, _London_ shall quake, for fear of Sails discovered.


This is a very remarkable one, which hath been fulfilled since the happyrestauration of his sacred Majesty King _Charles_ II. now Reigning: Forthe endevours of the North, (_viz._ the _Dutch_) have been very great.The _ocean_; like a _gate_, hath been open to all kind of Armies, to playtheir pranks upon. His Majesty, and Kingdom, have been happily restored.


 Le Roy _Gaulois_ par la Celtique dextre, Voiant discorde de la grand Monarchie, Sur les trois parts fera fleurir son Sceptre, Contre la Cappe de la grand Hierarchie.
 The _French_ King, by the Low-Countreys right hand, Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy, Upon three parts of it, will make his Scepter to flourish, Against the Cap of the great Hierarchy.


This signifieth, that the _French_ King, through the discord that is inthe _Spanish_ Monarchy, shall cause his _Scepter to flourish_ upon threeparts of the _Netherlands_; notwithstanding the assistance of the King of_Spain_, who is called here _the Cap of the great Hierarchy_; that is,the great defender of the Popedom and Popery.


 Le Dard du Ciel fera son estendue, Morts en parlant, grande execution, La pierre en larbre la fiere gent rendue, Brait Humain, Monstre purge expiation.
 The Dart of Heaven shall make his circuit, Some die speaking, a great execution, The stone in the tree, the fierce people humbled, Humane noise, a Monster purged by expiation.


All this Stanza signifieth nothing but a fearful Thunder and Lightning,called here, _the Dart of Heaven_, that shall do a great deal ofmischief; for as he saith, _some shall die speaking_, there shall be_a great execution_, the _Thunderbolt_ shall stick in the _Tree_,_the people that was fierce, shall be humbled, and a Monster purged byexpiation_, that some notorious wicked person shall be consumed by thatCœlestial fire.


 Les exiles en _Sicile_ viendront, Pour delivrer de faim la gent estrange, Au point du jour les _Celtes_ luy faudront, La vie demeure a raison Roy se range.
 The banished persons shall come into _Sicily_, To free the forrain Nation from hunger, In the dawning of the day the _Celtes_ shall fail them, Their Life shall be preserved, the King shall submit to reason.


It is hard to judge what he meaneth by that _Forreign Nation_, whichshall be relieved in _Sicily_, by the banished, nor what _King_ is thatwhich _shall submit to reason_; let it be left to every body’s privatejudgement.


 Armée _Celtique_ en _Italie_ vexée, De toutes partes conflit & grande perte, _Romains_ fuis O _Gaule_ repoulsée, Pres du _Thesin_, _Rubicon_ pugne incerte.
 The _French_ Army shall be vexed in _Italy_, On all sides fighting, and great loss, The _Romans_ run away, and thou _France_ repulsed, Near the _Thesin_, by _Rubicon_ the fight shall be doubtful.


A _French_ Army shall be distressed, if not destroyed in _Italy_. The_Romans_, that is, those under the Pope, that shall take their part,shall be put to flight, and this battle shall be fought by the River_Thesin_. Another shall be fought by the River _Rubicon_, whose eventshall be doubtful, that is to say, it shall hardly be known who got thevictory.


 Au Lac _Fucin_ de _Benacle_ Rivage, Pres du _Leman_ au port de _Lorguion_, Nay de trois Bras prædit Bellique Image, Par trois courones au grand _Endymion_.
 At the _Fucin_ Lake of the _Benacle_ Shore, Near the _Leman_, at the Port of _Lorguion_, Born with three Arms, a Warlike Image, By three Crowns to the great _Endimion_.


There is a Lake in _Italy_ called _Lacus Fucinius_; the Lake of _Geneva_is called _Lacus Lemanus_; the meaning then of this obscure Stanza, is,(if I understand any thing) that a Monster shall be _born with threeArms_, near one of those Lakes, which shall be a sign of great Wars: whathe meaneth by the _three Crowns to the great Endymion_, is unknown to me.


 De _Sens_, d’_Autun_ viendront jusques au _Rhosne_, Pour passer outre vers les Monts _Pyrenée_, La gent sortir de la Marque d’_Ancone_, Par Terre & Mer Suivra a grand trainées.
 They shall come from _Sens_ and _Autun_, as far as the _Rhosne_, To go further to the _Pyrenean_ Mountains, The Nation come from the Mark of _Ancona_, By Land and Sea shall follow speedily after.


_Sens_ and _Autun_ are two Cities in _France_, the _Pyrenean_ Mountains,are those which divide _France_ from _Spain_.


 La voix ouie de l’Insolit oiseau, Sur le Canon du respiral estage, Si haut viendra du froment le boisseau, Que l’homme d’homme sera _Antropophage_.
 The noise of the unwonted Bird having been heard, Upon the Canon of the highest story, The Bushel of Wheat shall rise so high, That man of man shall be _Antropophage_.


This is a prediction of a mighty Famine, wherein men shall eat up oneanother, when an _unwonted Bird_ shall be seen and heard to cry, beingperched upon one of the biggest pieces of _Ordinance_.

_Antropophage_ is a Greek word, signifying a _Man-eater_, from ἄνθροπος,_hom*o_, and φαγος, _comedens_, of which sort of men there be too manyalready.


 Foudre en _Bourgongne_ avec cas portenteux, Que par engin oncques ne pourroit faire, De leur Senat _Sacriste_ fait boiteux, Fera Scavoir aux ennemis l’affaire.
 Lightning in _Burgundy_, with marvellous accidents, Which could never have been done by art, Of their Senate _Sacriste_ being lamed, Shall make known the business to the enemies.


The _Senate_ or Parliament of _Burgundy_, sits at _Dijon_, among themthere is always a Church-man, that is one of the Judges, to see thatnothing be done to the prejudice of the Church. I suspect that it is he,that is called here _Sacriste_, and who shall reveal the business to the_Enemies_. The two first Verses need no explication.


 Par Arcs, Fœux, Poix, & par feux repoussez, Cris hurlemens sur la minuit ouys, Dedans sont mis par les rempars cassez, Par Canicules les Traditeurs fuis.
 Being repulsed with Bows, Fires, and Pitch, Cries and howlings shall be heard about midnight, They shall get in through the broken Walls, The betrayers shall run away through the Conduits.


It is a Town Besieged, where after a repulse given to the Besiegers, theyshall get in by the Treason of some within, who shall run away throughthe Conduits or Channels of the Town.


 Le grand _Neptune_ du profond de la Mer, De sang punique & sang _Gaulois_ meslé, Les Isles a sang pour le tardif ramer, Plus luy nuira que loccult mal celé.
 The great _Neptune_ in the middle of the Sea, Having joyned _African_ and _French_ blood, The Islands shall be put to the Sword, and the slow rowing Shall do them more prejudice, than the concealed evil.


To understand this, you must know that Henry the II. King of _France_,having renewed his Alliance with the Grand Seignior _Sultan Solyman_,he asked him succours for to take _Nice_, which he pretended to belongto the Earldom of _Provence_. To that purpose the Marshal of _Brissac_went from Court with the Kings Army in the year 1557. to set upon _Nice_,_Savona_, and _Genoa_, and so to hinder the _Spaniard_ from coming bySea in _Piemont_, and the _Milanese_. The _Turk_ sent him a good Fleet,consisting of 105. Galleys, and 14. Galliots.

The _French_ Fleet consisted of 26 Galleys, of which the great Prior wasAdmiral, who went with them from the Castle of _Yf_, the 9. of _June_1558.

Being at Sea, and not knowing where the _Turkish_ Fleet was, he went toand fro to seek it out, at last he found it pillaging and plunderingthe Island of _Minorica_. The _Turks_ had already taken the chief Town,where 800. _Turks_ were killed, which so incensed the rest, that they setthe Town on fire; then going up and down the Countrey, they took 5000.Prisoners, and if the Lords of _Carces_ and _Vence_ had not stayed them,they would have ruinated the whole Island.

Then forsaking the Island, they joyned with the _French_, but theperfidious _Bassa_ being bribed by the _Genoeses_, and those of _Nice_,went slowly to work, and at last retreated without doing any thing forthe _French_. This is the relation of _Cæsar Nostradamus_, in his Historyof _Provence_ under _Henry_ the II. and according to this the Authorsaith, that _the great Neptune in the middle of the Sea, shall joyn~French~ and ~African~ blood_. _Neptune_ signifieth the _MediterraneanSea_.

_The Islands shall be put to the Sword_, by the taking of _Minorica_,after which the _Turks_ being bribed, went slowly to work, and inconclusion did nothing of consequence.

The third and fourth Verse adds, that this _Bassa_’s slow rowing, _shalldo them more prejudice then the concealed evil_; that is, shall do moredamage to the _French_ by his hidden design of the Bassa of not servingthe _French_; because this slowness of the Bassa spoiled the _French_activity, lessened their provisions, and at last discouraged them;whereas if the _Turks_ had not come, the _French_ Galleys alone were ableto take _Nice_.


 La Barbe crespe & noire par engin, Subjuguera la gent cruelle & fiere, Le grand _Cheyren_ ostera du longin, Tous les Captifs par _Seline_ Baniere.
 The frizled and black Beard by fighting, Shall overcome the fierce and cruel Nation, The great _Cheyren_ shall free from Bands, All the Captives made by _Selyne_ Standard.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the year 1571. upon the seventh day of_October_, when that famous Battle of _Lepanto_ was fought between theChristians and the Turks, the General of the Christians being _Don Juanof Austria_, whom he calleth here the _frizled and black Beard_.

In this Battle the Christians lost 7566. men, and the Turks about 32000.besides 220. Ships of all sorts, and all the Christian slaves releasedthat were in them. By the _Selyne_ Banner is understood that of the greatTurk, whose name at that time was _Selyne_. By the great _Cheyren_ isunderstood _Henry_ the II. King of _France_, who redeemed many slaves,for _Cheyren_ by transposition of Letters is _Henry_.


 Apres conflit du læse l’Eloquence, Par peu de temps se trame Saint repos, Point l’on admet les grand a delivrance. Des ennemis sont remis a propos.
 After the Battle, the eloquency of the wounded man, Within a little while shall procure a holy rest, The great ones shall not be delivered, But shall be left to their Enemies will.


After the Battle of St. _Laurence_, the Prisoners taken by the _Spaniard_were the Constable of _France_, the Dukes of _Montpensier_, of_Longueville_, the Marshal S. _André_, _Ludovic_ Prince of _Mantua_, the_Rhingrave_ Colonel of the _Germans_, the Earl of _la Rochefoucaud_, andseveral other persons of quality.

They were Prisoners from the _10th_ of _August_ 1557. to the third of_April_ 1559. that is, one year and eight Months; during which time thePope’s _Nuncios_, _Christierne_ Dutchess Dowager of _Lorraine_, theConstable, and Marshal St. _André_ endeavoured to make the peace.

Among them the Constable was chief, and _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_gave him leave to go to and fro upon his Paroll; and of him it is ourAuthor speaketh in the first Verse; _After the Battle the eloquency ofthe wounded man_, that is after the Battle of _Saint Laurence_, where theConstable of _Monmorency_ was wounded in the hip. His eloquency procuredthe peace, which was concluded in a short time, for had it not been forthe death of Queen _Mary_ of _England_, that happened upon the 15 of_November_ 1558. it should have been concluded three Months after theconference that was begun in the Abbey of _Cercamp_ near _Cambray_.

The third Verse saith, that _the great ones shall not be delivered_,because during the Treaty of Peace, _Philip_ the II. would not hearkento take any Ransom, but they were kept Prisoners till the Peace. It isthe meaning of the fourth Verse, when it saith, _but shall be left to theEnemies will_, _viz._ the _Spaniards_ who gave them liberty after thePeace.


 Par feu du Ciel la Cité presqu’aduste, L’Urne menace encor _Deucalion_, Vexée _Sardaigne_ par la punique fuste, Apres le _Libra_ lairra son _Phaeton_.
 By fire from Heaven the City shall be almost burnt, The Waters threatens another _Deucalion_, _Sardaigne_ shall be vexed by an _African_ Fleet, After that _Libra_ shall have left her _Phaeton_.


All is plain but the last Verse, the sense of which is, that the thingsbefore spoken, shall happen when the Sun is newly come out of the sign of_Libra_.


 Par faim la proye fera Loup prisonier, L’Assaillant lors en extresme detresse, Lesnay ayant au devant le dernier, Le grand neschape au milieu de la presse.
 By hunger, the prey shall make the Wolf prisoner, Assaulting him then in a great distress, The eldest having got before the last, The great one doth not escape in the middle of the crowd.


The two first Verses signifie, that an hungry Wolf seeking for a Prey,shall be caught in some trap, where being almost famished, the Prey shallassault him. The last two Verses being obscure and not material to anything I have neglected them.


 Le gros Traffic d’un grand Lion changé, La pluspart tourne en pristine ruine, Proye aux Soldats par playe vendangé, Par _Jura Mont_, & _Sueve_ bruine.
 The great Trade of a great Lion alter’d, The most part turneth into its former ruine, Shall become a Prey to Soldiers and reaped by wound, In _Mont-Jura_, and _Suaube_ great Foggs.


This Prophecy is concerning the City of _Lion_ in _France_, which isa Town of an exceeding great Trade, and is threatned to suffer analteration, and a decay by War.

The last Verse is concerning a great Mist or Fogg, which shall be upon_Mont-Jura_ and in _Suabeland_.


 Entre _Campagne_, _Sienne_, _Pise_ & _Ostié_, Six mois neuf jours ne pleuvra une goute, L’Estrange Langue en Terre _Dalmatie_, Courira sus vastant la Terre toute.
 Between _Campania_, _Sienna_, _Pisa_ and _Ostia_, For six Months and nine days there shall be no rain, The strange Language in _Dalmatia_’s Land, Shall overrun, spoiling all the Countrey.


All those places mentioned, in the first Verse are seated in _Italy_; theAuthor saith that in that Countrey it shall not rain for the space of sixMonths and nine days, which if it be past, or to come, I know not.

The two last Verses signifie, that a strange Nation shall come into_Dalmatia_, and overrun and spoil all that Countrey.


 Le vieux plein barbe soubs le statut severe, A Lion fait dessus l’Aigle Celtique, Le petit grand trop outre persevere, Bruit d’Arme au Ciel, Mer rouge _Ligustique_.
 The old plain beard under the severe Statute, Made at _Lion_ upon the _Celtique_ Aigle, The little great persevereth too far, Noise of Arms in the Skie, the _Ligustrian_ Sea made red.


I could scrape no sense out of the first three Verses; the lastsignifieth, that a noise of Arms shall be heard in the Skies, and thatthe _Ligustrian_ Sea, which is that of _Genoa_, shall be made red withblood, when the former prodigy hath appeared.


 Naufrage a classe pres d’Onde _Adriatique_, La Terre tremble emeue sur l’Air en Terre mis _Ægypt_ tremble augment Mahometique, L’Heraut soy rendre a crier est commis.
 A Fleet shall suffer Shipwrack near the _Adriatick_ Sea, The Earth quaketh, a motion of the Air cometh upon the Land, _Ægypt_ trembleth for fear of the Mahometan increase. The Herald surrendring shall be appointed to cry.


In the two first Verses is foretold a great storm by the _Adriatick_ Sea,in which a Fleet shall be dispersed, and many suffer Shipwrack.

The two last Verses relate the great fear _Ægypt_ was in, when the greatTurk _Sultan Selyn_ went to conquer it.

The last Verse is concerning a Herald, which was surrendered to thecontrary party, and by them was appointed to perform that office in theirbehalf.


 Apres viendra des extremes Contrées, Prince _Germain_ dessus Throsne d’Oré, La servitude & les Eaux rencontrées, La Dame serve son temps plus n’adoré.
 After that shall come out of the remote Countreys, A _German_ Prince upon a gilded Throne, The slavery and waters shall meet, The Lady shall serve, her time no more worshipped.


This Prophecy is concerning _Gustavus Adolphus_ King of _Swedeland_, whois called _German_ Prince, because his Ancestors came out of _Germany_,he came out of a remote Countrey, that is _Swedeland_, he came upon agilded Throne, that is a Ship gilded, he shall make slavery and watersmeet, because as soon as he was Landed he began to conquer, and to subduethat Lady (_viz. Germania_) that was no more worshipped since as she wasbefore.


 Le Circuit du grand fait ruineux, Le nom septiesme du cinquiesme sera, D’un tiers plus grand l’estrange belliqueux, De _Ram_, _Lutece_, _Aix_ ne garentira.
 The circumference of the ruinous building, The seventh name shall be that of the fifth, From a third, one greater, a Warlike man, _Aries_ shall not preserve _Paris_ nor _Aix_.


The Circumference of that ruinous building, was the _French_ leagueagainst _Henry_ III. and _Henry_ IV. which numbers being joyned together,make seven, mentioned in the second Verse.

_By the strange Warlike man_, in the third Verse, is understood _Henry_IV. because he was not born in _France_, but in _Navarre_, and thereforecalled a stranger, who subdued both _Paris_ and _Aix_, seated under theconstellation of _Aries_. If you had not rather, by the name of the_Ram_, or _Aries_, understand the Duke of _Mayenne_, who was head of theleague.


 Un jour seront amis les deux grands Maistres, Leur grand pouvoir se verra augmenté, La Terre neufue sera en ses hauts estres, Au sanguinaire le nombre raconté.
 One day the two great Masters shall be friends, Their great power shall be increased, The new Land shall be in a flourishing condition, The number shall be told to the bloody person.


We must suppose here three Kings of _Europe_, two of which shall becomefriends, and by their agreement, _the new Land_, that is, either thePlantations, or the Trade either in the _East_ or _West Indies_, shallflourish, their prosperities shall be related and told to the third King,who shall be a bloody and cruel man.


 Par vie & mort changé Regne d’_Hungrie_, La loy sera plus aspre que service, Leur grand Cité d’Urlemens plaine & crie, _Castor_ & _Pollux_ ennemis dans la Lice.
 By Life and Death the Kingdom of _Hungary_ shall be changed, The Law shall be more severe than the service, Their great City shall be full of howling and crying, _Castor_ and _Pollux_ shall be enemies in the List.


There shall happen a great change in the Kingdom of _Hungary_, caused bythe birth of one, and the death of another.

The meaning of the second Verse is, that it will be more tolerable to goto War, than to Law.

The last verse signifieth, that this dissention shall happen between twoBrothers; because _Castor_ and _Pollux_ were such.


 Soleil levant ungrand feu lon verra, Bruit & clarté vers Aquilon tendans, Dedans le rond mort & cris lon orra, Par Glaive, Feu, Faim, mort les attendans.
 At the rising of the Sun a great fire shall be seen, Noise and light tending towards the North, Within the round death and cries shall be heard, Death by Sword, Fire, Hunger watching for them.


These are Prodigies that shall be seen, a little before that a greatCalamity shall happen.


 Feu couleur d’or, du Ciel en terre veu, Frappé du haut nay, fait cas merveilleux, Grand meurtre humain, prinse du grand Neveu, Morts de spectacles, eschapé lorgueilleux.
 A fire from Heaven of a Golden colour shall be seen, Stricken by the high born, a wonderful case, Great murder of Mankind, the taking of the great Neveu, Some dead looking, the proud one shall escape.


This is a continuation of the former, relating more Prodigies that are tohappen.


 Aupres du _Tybre_ bien pres la _Lybitine_, Un peu devant grand Inondation, Le chef du nef prins, mis a la sentine, Chasteau, Palais en conflagration.
 Near the _Tyber_, going towards _Lybia_, A little before a great Innundation, The Master of the Ship being taken shall be put into the Sink, And a Castle and Palace shall be burnt.


This is plain.


 Grand _Pau_, grand mal par _Gaulois_ recevra, Vaine terreur au Maritin Lion, Peuple infiny par la Mer passera, Sans eschaper un quart d’un Million.
 Great _Pau_ shall receive great harm by the _French_, A vain terrour shall seize upon the Maritine Lion, Infinite people shall go beyond Sea, Of which shall not escape a quarter of a Million.


The first Verse signifieth that the Countrey about the _Pau_, (which isthe greatest River in _Italy_) shall receive great damage by the _French_.

The second, that the Maritine Lion, _viz._ the _Hollanders_ shall fear invain. The third and fourth are plain.


 Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables, Pour Champs avoir grande division, Regnes livrez a prudents incapables, Lors les grands Freres mort & dissension.
 The populous places shall be deserted, A great division to obtain Fields, Kingdoms given to prudents incapable, When the great Brothers shall die by dissention.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Flambeau ardant au Ciel soir sera veu, Pres de la fin & principe du _Rhosne_, Famine, Glaive, tard le secours pourveu, La _Perse_ tourne envahir _Macedoine_.
 A burning shall be seen by night in Heaven, Near the end and beginning of the _Rhosne_, Famine, Sword, too late succours shall be provided, _Persia_ shall come against _Macedonia_.


This is easie.


 _Romain Pontife_ garde de taprocher, De la Cité que deux fleuves arrouse, Ton sang viendras aupres de la cracher, Toy & les tiens quand fleurira la Rose.
 _Roman Pontife_ take heed to come near, To the City watered with two Rivers, Thou shall spit there thy blood, Thou and thine, when the Rose shall blossom.


Although there may be many Cities watered with two Rivers, yet I knownone more famous than _Lions_ in _France_, where two famous Rivers, the_Rhosne_ and the _Saone_ meet together, and I believe this is the placethat our Author forewarneth the _Pope_ to come to, for fear of his death,and that of his attendants.


 Celuy du sang respersé le visage, De la Victime proche du Sacrifice, Venant en _Leo_, augure par presage, Mis estre a mort alors pour la fiance.
 He that shall have his face bloody, With the blood of the Victim near to be sacrificed, The Sun coming into _Leo_ shall be an Augury by presage, That then he shall be put to death for his confidence.


I suppose this to be spoken of a Jewish Priest, who going about topractice the Ceremonial Law, in a Countrey where it is forbidden, shallbe put to death for his bold confidence.


 Terroir _Romain_ qu’interpretoit _Augure_, Par gent _Gauloise_ par trop sera vexée, Mais Nation _Celtique_ craindra l’heure, _Boreas_, classe trop loing l’avoit poussée.
 The _Roman_ Countrey in which the _Augur_ did interpret, Shall be too much vexed by the _French_ Nation, But the _Celtique_ Nation shall fear the hour, The Northwind had driven the Navy in too far.


Since the Reign of _Henry_ the II. King of _France_, the Historiansdo not mention that the Countrey about _Rome_ hath been troubled bythe _French_ Armies. It was only in the time of _Paul_ the IV. who wasassisted by the _French_ Troops, under the conduct of the Lord _Strozy_,and Captain _Monluc_, therefore this Stanza belongeth to the time of thatKings Reign.

And indeed what he foretelleth here, came to pass in the year 1556.for the Countrey about _Rome_ was vexed by the _French_ Nation, whowent about then to take the places, which the Duke of _Alba_ had takenfrom the _Pope_, and thereby caused those disorders, which commonly areincident to War.

The second Verse saith, _the Countrey shall be too much vexed_, and not alittle, because _Monluc_, whom the Author calleth the _quick Gascon_, didcontinually torment the Enemies, which could not be done without a greatprejudice to the Countrey; Moreover, his Troops being for the most part_Gascons_, and consequently active men; the Soldiers did more harm thanordinary.

In the first Verse he saith, that this Countrey about _Rome_ was markedby an _Augury_, to be the place upon which the sad effect of the _Augury_should fall, which proved true; for the first of _March 1556_, appeared aBlazing Star, which did presage to that Countrey of _Rome_, its disaster.

_Roman Countrey in which the Augur did interpret_, that is to say, whichthe _Augur_ did signifie, and presage should be vexed by the _French_Nation.

Afterwards the Author saith, that the same _French_ Nation, or_Celtique_, shall fear the hour when _Boreas_ should drive to far theFleet, that is to say, shall fear much, when the Baron _de la Garde_was so troubled with the storm (as we have said) and in truth it was_Boreas_, or the _Northwind_, that drove him into St. _Florents_ road.


 Dedans les Isles si horrible tumulte, Rien on n’orra qu’une bellique brigue, Tant grand sera des predareurs l’Insult, Qu’on se viendra ranger a la grand ligue.
 In the Islands shall be so horrid tumults, That nothing shall be heard but a Warlike surprise, So great shall be the insult of the Robbers, That every one shall shelter himself under the great League.


This is plain, if by the great League, you understand the soundest andmost powerful party.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Apres Combat & Bataille Navale, Le grand _Neptune_ a son plus haut beffroy, Rouge adversaire de peur de viendra pasle, Mettant le grand _Occean_ en effroy.
 After the fight and Sea Battle, The great _Neptune_ in his highest Steeple, The red adversary shall wax pale for fear, Putting the great _Occean_ in a fright.


I find no mystical sence in this, unless by the red adversary he shouldunderstand the _Pope_, because clothed in Scarlet. Therefore I leave theexplication to the judgement of every particular Reader.


 Le Divin Verbe donra a la substance, Compris Ciel, Terre, or occult au lait mystique, Corps, Ame, Esprit, ayant toute puissance, Tant sous ses pieds comme au Siege Celique.
 The Divine Word shall give to the substance, Heaven and Earth, and Gold hid in the mystical milk, Body, Soul, Spirit, having all power, As well under his feet, as in the Heavenly Seat.


I desire the judicious Reader, and chiefly if he be given to theHermetick Philosophy, to take a special notice of this Stanza, for init is contained the secret of the _Elixir_ or Philosophers Stone, moreclearly and plainly then in the _Tabula Smaragdina_ of _Hermes_, which tomake appearent, we shall expound it Verse by Verse.

_The Divine Word shall give to the substance_; by the Divine word youmust not understand the second person of the Trinity, but a Doctor inDivinity or a Theologian, called in Greek θεόλογος or Divine word, whoshall be an _Adeptus_, a Disciple of _Hermes_, and one that shall attainto the secret of the Philosophers stone.

That man shall give to the substance, that is, to Gold; _Heaven andEarth, and gold hid in the mystical Milk_. Heaven and Earth, that is allthe Celestial and Terrestrial qualities, lurking in the Gold, which ishid in the mystical milk, that is in the _Azoth_, or _Mercury_ of thePhilosophers.

_Body, Soul, Spirit, having all Power_, that is, the three principles, ofwhich the Philosophers say their stone is compounded, _viz. Body, Soul,and Spirit_.

Having _all Power_, that is, having the power to transmute all Mettalsinto its kind; as also having all the powers from above and below, as_Hermes_ saith, _Pater ejus est ~Sol~, Mater vero ~Luna~, & Terra nutrixejus_.

Which is confirmed by the last Verse, _As well under his feet, as in theHeavenly Seat_.


 _Mars_ & _Mercure_, & Largent joint ensemble, Vers le Midy extreme siccité, Au fond d’_Asie_ on dira Terre tremble, _Corinthe_, _Ephese_ lors en perplexite.
 _Mars_ and _Mercury_, and Silver joyned together, Towards the South a great drought, In the bottome of _Asia_ shall be an Earth-quake, _Corinth_ and _Ephesus_ shall then be in perplexity.


After the Author hath in the foregoing Stanza expressed the misteryof the Philosophers stone, he seemeth to give here a receit, thoughSophistical, for the relief of the Inquisitors, and as it were a_Viaticum_, for them to subsist till they can attain to the perfection,as _Basilius_, _Valentinus_ hath done since to his disciples.

He saith then, that with _Mars_, that is, Iron, _Mercury_ and Silverjoyned together, some thing may be done, if you beware of a _droughtin the South_; that is, in the middle of the operation; and this isconcerning the two first Verses. Those that shall desire to be betterand further informed, may come to me, and they shall have all thesatisfaction I can afford them.

The two last Verses have no relation to the first two, and foretel onelya great _Earthquake_ in _Asia_, by which, those two Towns, _Corinth_ and_Ephesus_, shall be in great perplexity.


 Quand seront proches le defaut des Lunaires, De l’un a lautre ne distant grandement, Froid, siccité, dangers vers les frontieres, Mesme ou l’Oracle a pris commencement.
 When the want of the Luminaries shall be near, Not being far distant one from another, Cold, drought, danger towards the Frontiers, Even where the Oracle had his beginning.


The word _near_, sheweth that the two Eclipses, one of the Sun and theother of the Moon, shall be near one another.

The Ephemerides of _John Stadius_, teach us, that in the year 1556 in theMonth of _November_, these two Eclipses did meet. That of the Sun uponthe first of _November_, at 17 hours (as the Astrologers reckon) and 53Minutes. That of the Moon at 12 hours and 43 Scruples; and thus the twolast Verses are plain.

Concerning the other two: _Belleforest_ teacheth us two things; thefirst, that the same year was extraordinary dry, in so much that from_April_ to _October_ it did not rain, but only upon the Eve of St. _John_the Baptist, and that the Vintage was made in _August_, the Wine provingexcellent. The second is, that in the Month of _December_ began a horridFrost, which lasted a great while. Thus there was _Cold and drought_.

Concerning the dangers towards the Frontiers, _Belleforest_ saith, thattowards _Pickardy_ the _Spaniard_ began to break the truce, makinginrodes about _Abbeville_, St. _Spirit_ of _Rue_, _la Chapele_, _Rozoy_,_Thierasse_, and _Aubenton_.

When complaints were made of it, they alledged their necessity and wantof Victuals; which did oblige the Lord Admiral to permit the Souldiersretaliation; and in this manner, _there was danger towards the Frontiers_.

As for the Town where the _Oracle_ (that is, our Author) had hisbeginning or birth, whether it be that of St. _Remy_ or _Salon de Craux_.The dangers that were there, proceeded from the Civil Wars between theProtestants and the _Roman_ Catholicks.


 Pres le defaut des deux grands luminaires, Qui surviendra entre l’_Avril_ & _Mars_, O quel cherté! mais deux grands debonnaires, Par Terre & Mer secourront toutes parts.
 Near the Ecclipses of the two great Luminaries, Which shall happen between _April_ and _March_, O what a dearth! but two great ones bountiful, By Land and Sea shall succour them on all sides.


There shall happen two great Ecclipses between _March_ and _April_, oneof the Sun, and the other of the Moon; then shall be a great dearth, butthe afflicted shall be relieved by the two powerful Princes of a goodNature.


 Dans Temple clos le foudre y entrera. Des Citadins dedans leur fort grevez, Chevaux, Bœufs, Hommes, l’Onde mur touchera, Par faim, soif, soubs les plus foibles armez.
 Into a close Church the lightning shall fall, The Citizens shall be distressed in their Fort, Horses, Oxen, Men, the Water shall touch the Wall, By hunger, thirst, down shall come the worst provided.


This is plain.


 Les fugitifs, feu du Ciel sur les Piques, Conflit prochain des Corbeaux sesbatans, De Terre on crie, aide, secours Celiques, Quand pres des murs seront les combatans.
 The runaways, fire of Heaven upon the Pikes, A fight near hand, the Ravens sporting, They cry from the Land, succours O Heavenly powers When near the walls shall be the fighting men.


The first Verse signifieth, that there shall be some _Fugitives_, uponwhose _Pikes_ the Lightning shall fall.

The second, that when a multitude of _Ravens shall be sporting_, a greatfight shall be near hand.

The third, that there shall be a great exclamation and prayers, when theSouldiers shall come near the wall to give an assault.


 Les _Cimbres_ joints avecques leurs voisins, Depopuler viendront presque l’_Espagne_, Gens ramassez, _Guienne_ & _Limosins_, Seront en ligue & leur feront Compagne.
 The _Cimbres_ joyned with their neighbours, Shall come to depopulate almost all _Spain_, People gathered from _Guienna_ and _Limosin_, Shall be in league with them, and keep them Company.


The _Cimbres_ and _Teutons_ were a Northern people, _viz_: the _Swedes_and _Danes_, who came once out of their Countrey to sack _Rome_, and wereovercome by _Marius_, near the Town of _Orenge_, in a place where hisTriumphal Arch is seen to this day. The rest is easie.


 _Bourdeaux_, _Rouan_ & la _Rochelle_ joints, Tiendront autour la grand Mer Occeane, _Anglois Bretons_, & les _Flamans_ conjoints, Les chasseront jusque aupres de _Rouane_.
 _Bourdeaux_, _Rouan_, and _Rochel_ joyned together, Will range about upon the great Ocean, _English Brittans_, and _Flemings_ joyned together, Shall drive them away as far as _Rouane_.


By mentioning _Bourdeaux_, _Rouan_, and _Rochel_, the Authorunderstandeth the whole Naval forces of _France_, which (he saith) shallbe defeated, by the _English_, _Brittains_, and _Hollanders_, and pursuedas far as _Rouane_, which is a Town at the head of the River _Loire_,from whence it runneth down for the space of 500 Miles to _Nantes_, and awhile after dischargeth it self into the Ocean.


 De sang & faim plus grand calamité, Sept fois sapreste a la Marine plage, _Monech_ de faim, lieu pris, captivité, Le grand mené, _Croc_, enserré en cage.
 Of blood and famine, what a great calamity! Seven times is ready to come upon the Sea Coast, _Monech_ by hunger, the place taken, captivity, The great one carried away, _Croc_, shut up in a Cage.


_Monech_ or _Monaco_ is a Town and Principality belonging to theFamily of the _Grimaldi_ of _Genua_, and is seated by the Sea side,between _Provence_ and _Genoa_; that place is threatned here with manyafflictions, as is plain in this Stanza.


 Les Armées battre au Ciel longue saison, L’Arbre au milieu de la Cité tombé, Vermine, Rogne, Glaive en face tison, Lors le Monarque d’_Adrie_ succombé.
 Armies shall fight in the Air a great while, The tree shall fall in the middle of the City, Vermin, Scabs, Sword, fire-brand in the face, When the Monarck of _Adria_ shall fall.


The three first Verses contain several prodigies, that shall happenbefore the death of the Duke of _Venice_, or rather (because he is noMonarck) before the fall of that Monarchy or Common-wealth.


 Par la tumeur du _Heb._ _Po._ _Tag._ _Tibre_ de _Rome_, Et par lestang _Leman_ & _Aretin_, Les deux grands chefs, & Citez de _Garonne_, Prins, Morts, Noiez. Partir humain butin.
 By the swelling of _Heb._ _Po._ _Tag._ _Tiber_ of _Rome_, And by the Lake _Leman_ and _Aretin_, The two great Heads, and Cities of _Garonne_, Taken, Dead, Drowned. The human booty shall be divided.


_Heb._ is the River _Hebrus_ in _Thracia_, _Po_, is the great River of_Italy_, _Tag._ is _Tagus_, the River of _Lisbonne_; the rest is plain.


 Par Foudre en Arche Or & Argent fondu, De deux Captifs l’un l’autre mangera, De la Cité le plus grand estendu, Quand submergée la Classe nagera.
 By Lightning shall gold and silver be melted in the Arch, Of two Prisoners one shall eat up the other, The greatest of the City shall be laid down, When the Navy that was drowned shall swim.


The words and the sense are plain.


 Par le Rameau du vaillant personage, De _France_ infirme, par le Pere infelice, Honeurs, Richesses, travail en son viel Age, Pour avoir creu le conseil d’homme nice.
 By the Bow of the valliant men, Of weak _France_, by the unfortunate Father, Honours, Riches, labour in his old age, For having believed the councel of a nice man.


Every body may understand this as well as I do.


 Cœur, vigueur, gloire, le Regne changera, De tous points contre, ayant son adversaire, Lors _France_ enfance par mort subjuguera, Un grand Regent sera lors plus contraire.
 Heart, vigour, and glory shall change the Kingdom, In all points, having an adversary against it, Then shall _France_ overcome Childhood by death, A great Regent shall then be more adversary to it.


The two first Verses seem to have foretold of the late Tyrant _Cromwel_.

The two last Verses may be applied to _France_, when the Infant of_Spain_ _Don Balthazar_ died, _&c._


 Un Prince _Anglois_ _Mars_ a son cœur du Ciel, Voudra poursuivre sa fortune prospere, Des deux duelles l’un percera le fiel, Hay de luy, bien aymé de sa Mere.
 An _English_ Prince _Mars_ hath his heart from Heaven, Will follow his prosperous fortune, Of two Duels one shall pierce the gall, Being hated of him, and beloved of his Mother.


By this Stanza is promised to _England_ a Martial Prince, who shall havehis heart from Heaven, and with all endeavours follow his prosperousfortune, which is a remarkable and commendable part in a man.

By the last two Verses, it seemeth that this Prince shall have a Son, whoshall fight two duels, for one of which his Father shall be angry andhate him, but his Mother shall love him for it.


 Mont _Aventine_ brusler nuit sera veu, Le Ciel obscur tout a un coup en _Flandres_, Quand le Monarque chassera son Neveu, Lors gens d’Eglise commettront les esclandres.
 Mount _Aventine_ shall be seen to burn in the night, The Heaven shall be darkned upon a sudden in _Flanders_, When the Monarch shall expel his Neveu, Then Churchmen shall commit scandals.


Mount-_Aventine_ is one of the seven Mountains in _Rome_. The rest isplain.


 Apres la pluye de lait assez longuette, En plusieurs lieux de _Rheims_ le Ciel touché, O quel conflit de sang pres deux lapreste, Pere & Fils Rois, noseront approché.
 After a pretty long rain of Milk, In many places of _Rhemes_ the lightning shall fall, O what a bloody fight is making ready near them, Father and Son, both Kings, shall not dare to come near.


_Rhemes_ is a City in _France_. The rest is easie.


 En _Lucques_ sang & lait viendra pleuvoir, Un peu devant changement de Preteur, Grand Peste & Guerre, Faim & soif sera voir, Loin ou mourra leur Prince Recteur.
 In _Luca_ it shall rain Blood and Milk, A little before the change of the Magistrate, A great Plague, War, Hunger and Thirst shall be seen, A great way off, where their Prince Ruler shall die.


_Luca_ at present is a strong Town, and a little Common-wealth by it selfin _Italy_, governed by their own Magistrate: That Town is threatned hereto see those prodigies mentioned, a little before the change of theirGovernment, besides a great Plague and dearth; as also the death of theirchief Magistrate, who shall die far off that Countrey.

As for the _raining Milk and Blood_, they are Prodigies that haveappeared often before, and therefore not incredible, as those that areVersed in History may justifie: and although the reasons may be drawnfrom natural causes, yet would they be too tedious if I should insertthem here.


 Par les Contrées du grand flevue _Betique_, Loin d’_Ibere_, au Royaume de _Grenade_, Croix repoussées par gens Mahometiques, Un de _Cordube_ trahira a la fin Contrade.
 Through the Countreys of the great River _Betis_, Far from _Iberia_, in the Kingdom of _Granada_, Crosses beaten back by Mahometan people, One of _Corduba_ shall at last betray the Countrey.


The great River, called in Latine _Betis_, and in Spanish _Guadalquivir_,is the River of _Sevilia_, the most famous Town in _Spain_ for Trade.This River runneth through most of the _Spanish_ Dominions, anddischargeth it self into the Ocean about the mouth of the Straights,over against _Barbary_, upon which Coast of _Spain_ lyeth the Kingdom of_Granada_, the chief City of which is _Corduba_, in _Spanish Cordua_.This Kingdom was of time almost immemorial, occupied and inhabited bythe _Moores_, till they were expelled and driven back into _Barbary_, by_Ferdinand_ and _Isabella_, King and Queen of _Castilia_. The rest iseasie.


 Au _Crustamin_ pres Mer _Adriatique_. Apparoistra un horrible poisson, De face humaine & de corps aquatique, Qui se prendra dehors de l’Hamecon.
 In the _Crustamin_ near the _Adriatick_ Sea, An horrid Fish shall appear, Having a mans face, and a fishes body, Which shall be taken without a hook.


I suppose this _Crustamin_ to be some place so called, near the_Adriatick_ Sea.

As for Fishes with an humane face, we have several examples of them._Ambrosius Paræus_ relateth divers, and in his works hath inserted thePictures of them.

1. When _Mena_ was Governour of _Ægypt_, and walked by the _Nilus_ side,he saw a Sea-man rising out of the River, having an humane shape as faras the Navel, and with a grave look and fair hairs, intermixed with whiteones, bony Breast, and distinct Arms, the rest of the body was like aFish. Three days after in the Morning appeared another Sea-monster like awoman: those two Monsters appeared so long, that every body had time toconsider them.

2. _Rondeletius_ saith, that in our age was taken a Fish in the Seaof _Norway_, which every body presently called a Monk, because of theresemblance.

3. In the year 1531. was seen a Sea-monster, covered with Scales, whichfor the resemblance was called a Bishop, _Rondeletius_ and _Gesuerus_have the Picture of it.

4. In the year 1523. was seen in _Rome_ a Fish about the bigness of aChild of five years old, that had humane shape to the Navel, except theears: So that all those things related of _Tritons_, _Nereides_ and_Sirens_ seem not altogether fabulous, and we may conclude with _Pliny_:_Vera est vulgi opinio, quicquià nascatur in parte naturæ ulla, & inMariesse, præterque multa quæ nusquam alibi_, lib. 9. cap. 2.


 Six jours lassaut devant Cité donné, Livrée sera forte & aspre Bataille, Trois la rendront, & a eux pardonné, Le reste a feu & sang trauche taille.
 Six days shall the assault be given to the City, A great and fierce Battle shall be fought, Three shall surrender it and be pardoned, The rest shall be put to fire and sword, cut and slasht.


Some famous City must be here understood, which the Author hath notnamed. The same shall be assaulted for six days continually, and inconclusion shall be surrendred or betrayed by three men, who shallbe pardoned, and all the rest put to Fire and Sword. Most men thathave knowledge in History, interpret this of the City of _Magdebourg_in _Germany_, that was destroyed with Fire and Sword by the Earl of_Tilly_, General for the Emperour against _Gustavus Adolphus_, King of_Swedeland_. For the like devastation and cruelty was never heard of in_Europe_.


 Si _France_ passe outre Mer _Liquistique_, Tu te verras en Isles & Mers enclos, Mahomet contraire plus Mer l’_Adriatique_, Chevaux & Asnes tu rongeras les os.
 If _France_ goeth beyond the _Ligustick_ Sea, Thou shall see thy self inclosed with Islands and Seas, _Mahomet_, against thee besides the _Adriatick_ Sea, Of Horses and Asses thou shalt gnaw the bones.


This is concerning the miseries which the _French_ were to suffer in theIsland of _Corsica_, till the peace was concluded in the year 1559. TheAuthor directeth his speech to the _French_ Fleet that went to _Corsica_in the year 1555.

He saith in the first Verse, _If France goeth beyond the Ligustik Sea_;that is, if thou goest to _Corsica_, which is beyond the _Ligustik_ Seatowards _Africa_. _Thou shalt see thy self enclosed with Islands andSeas_; that is, thou shalt be constrained to keep within those two Townswhich thou hast there, without going out either by Land or Sea; not bySea for want of Ships, nor by Land the Garrisons being weak, because theKing had then so much business that he could not suffice all.

Moreover the Author addeth that _Mahomet shall be contrary_; not thathe was an Enemy to _France_, but because he was then Master of the_Adriatick_ Sea; so that the _Venetians_, which were then friends to the_French_, could not succour them.

And thus the news of the peace being brought, the _French_ did eat theirHorses and Asses, and there was never a peace so well come as to the_French_ that were in _Corsica_.


 De l’Entreprise grande confusion, Perte de gens Thresor innumerable, Tu ny doibs faire encore tension, _France_ a mon dire fais que sois recordable.
 From the undertaking great confusion, Loss of people and innumerable Treasury, Thou oughtest not yet to tend that way, _France_ endeavour to remember my saying.


This is annexed and hath relation to the precedent, therefore needeth noother interpretation.


 Qui au Royaume _Navarrois_ parviendra, Quand la _Sicile_ & _Naples_ seront joints, _Bigorre_ & _Landes_ par _Foix_ lors on tiendra, D’Un qui d’_Espagne_ sera par trop conjoint.
 He that shall obtain the Kingdom of _Navarre_, When _Sicily_ and _Naples_ shall be joyned, _Bigorre_ and _Landes_ then by _Foix_ shall beheld Of one who shall too much be joyned to _Spain_.


_Bigorre_ is a Town in _Gascony_, the _Landes_ is a desert Countrey about_Bourdeaux_ wherein nothing groweth but _Pine-Trees_, _Foix_ is a Countryof _Gascony_, called the County, of _Foix_. The rest is easie.


 Des Rois & Princes dresseront simulachres, Augures, creux eslevez aruspices: Corne victime dorée, & d’_Azur_ & de Nacre, Intrepretez seront les extispisces.
 Some Kings and Princes shall set up Idols, Divinations and hollow raised Divinators, Victim with gilded Horns, and set with _Azur_ and Mother of Pearl The looking into the Entrals shall be interpreted.


I can find nothing in this but a description of the Heathens sacrificesin ancient times, where they brought the Victim, that is, the beastthat was to be sacrificed, trimmed in a gallant manner, having theHorns gilded, and set with Azure and Mother of Pearl, and after theEntrals were taken out, by the inspection of them they practised theirSoothsaying. This inspection of Entrals was called by the Latines_Extispicium_, from the word _Exta_ which signifieth Entrals, and_specto_ which signifieth to look.


 Prince _Libique_ puissant en Occident, _Francois_ d’_Arabe_ viendra tant enflammer, Scavant aux Lettres sera condescendent La Langue _Arabe_ en _Francois_ translater.
 A _Libian_ Prince being powerful in the West, The _French_ shall love so much the _Arabian_ Language, That he being a Learned man shall condescend, To have the _Arabian_ tongue translated into _French_.


This Prophecy is _de Futuro_, and is concerning a _Libian_ Prince(now _Libia_ is a Kingdom of _Africa_) who shall be a powerful man inthe West, and being a lover of learning shall condescend to have the_Arabian_ Language translated into _French_, because the _French_ at thattime shall be much in love with it.


 De Terre foible & pauvre parentale, Par boute & paix parviendra a l’Empire, Long temps regner une jeune femelle, Qu’oncques en Regne nen survint un si pire.
 One weak in Lands and of poor Kindred, By thrusting, and peace shall attain to the Empire, Long time shall Reign a young woman, Such as in a Reign was never a worse.


The words are so plain, that every body may interpret them.


 Les deux Neveux en divers lieux nourris, Navale pugne, Terre peres tombez, Viendront si haut eslevez aguerris, Venger l’Injure ennemis succombez.
 The two Nephews brought up in divers places, A Sea fight, fathers fallen to the Earth, They shall came highly educated, and expert in Arms, To avenge the injury, their enemies shall fall down under them.


This is concerning two _Nephews_, who shall be educated in divers places,and grow expert in Arms, their Fathers shall be killed, but those_Nephews_ shall come, and having fought at Sea, shall revenge the injurydone to them, overcoming their enemies.


 Celuy qu’en luitte & fer au fait Bellique, Aura porte plus grand que luy le prix, De nuit au lit six luy feront la pique, Nud sans harnois subit sera surprins.
 He who in Wrestling and Martial affairs, Had carried the prize before his better, By night Six shall abuse him in his bed, Being naked, and without harness, he shall suddenly be surprised.


Many attribute this to the Earl of _Montgomery_ in _France_, who havingrun a tilt against _Henry_ II. unfortunately killed him, for which, andfor being of the Protestant party, he was afterwards beheaded, thoughquarter had been given him.


 Aux Champs de _Mede_, d’_Arabe_, & d’_Armenie_, Deux grands Copies trois fois sassembleront, Pres du Rivage d’_Araxes_ la mesgnie, Du grand _Soliman_ en Terre tomberont.
 In the fields of _Media_, _Arabia_, and _Armenia_, Two great Armies shall meet thrice, Near the Shore of _Araxes_, the people Of great _Solyman_ shall fall down.


This signifieth no more, but the loss of three famous Battles on the_Turks_ side, against the _Persians_.

The first that I find after the coming out of these Prophesies, is theBattle of _Sancazan_, seven miles from _Tauris_, and hard by the River_Araxes_, where 20000 _Turks_ were slain, without any considerable lossof the _Persians_; this was in the time of _Amurath_ the III. Emperourof the _Turks_, and son to _Selyman_ the second. The other two BattlesI could not make good, because I want the supplement of the _Turkish_History, as also because they have not yet happened.


 Le grand sepulchre du peuple _Aquitanique_, S’aprochera aupres de la _Toscane_, Quand _Mars_ sera pres du coin _Germanique_, Et au terroir de la gent _Mantuane_.
 The great grave of the _Aquitanick_ people, Shall come near _Tuscany_, When _Mars_ shall be in the _German_ corner, And in the Territory of the _Mantuan_ people.


The Lord of _Thou_ saith in his History, that the Cardinal _Caraffa_ gotby the King of _France_’s permission, out of _Corsica_, several Troopsof _Gascons_, and brought some with them, to the number of about 2000which were quartered about _Rome_. Many of them were among the Troops ofthe Duke of _Guise_, being allured thither by the reputation of theirCountreyman Captain _Monluc_.

The Author foretelleth, that they shall find their Graves near _Tuscany_,because the Territory of _Rome_ joyneth to that Province.

Then in the 3 and 4 Verse he specifieth the time by two marks; one is,_when ~Mars~ shall be near the German corner_; the other, _when he shallbe in the Territory of the Mantuan people_, and the War was then in thatTerritory; for the Duke of _Ferrara_ to shew he would not stand still,sent his son _Alphonso d’Este_ to make incursions there, and to take someplaces.

Moreover the War was then near the _German corner_, which is _Lorrain_,when _Henry_ II. besieged _Thionville_ in the year 1558. _Paradin_sheweth, that _Mars_ was in the _German corner_ two years before, sithabout the end of the year 1555; the Duke of _Nevers_ by an extraordinaryendeavour in the middle of the Winter, did relieve _Mariembourg_: andthe following years the _French_ Garrisons kept the fields to avoidsurprises. And in the year 1557. when the Duke of _Guise_ fought in_Italy_, the Duke of _Savoy_ brought his Army against _Mariembourg_; soit proved true that _Mars_, _viz._ the War was in the _German corner_;for that Town is in the borders of _Germany_, and was in that corner tillthe taking of _Thionville_.


 En la Cité ou le loup entrera, Bien pres de la les ennemis seront, Copie estrange grand pais gastera, Aux Monts des _Alpes_ les amis passeront.
 In the City wherein the Wolf shall go, Near that place the enemies shall be, An Army of strangers shall spoil a great Countrey, The friends shall go over the Mountains of the _Alpes_.


The two last Verses make me think that this Prophesie was fulfilled inthe time of _Henry_ II. King of _France_, because the _French_ being thenfriends to the Pope, went over the _Alpes_ to serve him.

This Stanza might also be applyed to _Lewis_ 13, who caused his Army togo beyond the _Alpes_, but that word _Friends_ is more convenient to thetime of _Henry_ II. because the _French_ went then over the _Alpes_ inquality of friends to serve the Pope.

According to this conjecture, the _wolf_ which signifieth the _Spaniard_,came _anno_ 1556. into many Towns, which the Duke of _Alba_ took, as wehave said in another place, and because among those Towns _Neptune_ wasone of the most considerable, being seated by the Sea side near _Rome_: Ibelieve that by this word _City_ he meaneth that Town which belonged tothe _Colonese_.

And to say truth, the _French_ were then very near it, to endeavour therelief of it.

Afterwards came the Duke of _Guise_’s Army, which is named by the Author,_an Army of strangers_, because the _French_ and _Germans_ are strangersto _Italy_. _This Army shall spoil a great Countrey_; for in that year itwent through all _Italy_, and where an Army passeth, nothing but ruinecan be expected.


 Quand le defaut du Soleil lors sera, Sur le plein jour le Monstre sera veu, Tout autrement on l’Interpretera, Cherté na garde, nul ny aura pourveu.
 When the Ecclipse of the Sun shall be At noon day, the Monster shall be seen, It shall be interperted otherways, Then for a dearth, because no body hath provided against it.


The sense of this is, that when the Sun shall be Eclipsed at noon, aMonster shall be born, which shall presage a dearth, though no body willbelieve it, because they were unprovided against it.


 Du plus profond de l’Occident d’_Europe_, De pauvre gens un jeune enfant naistra, Qui par sa langue seduira grande troupe, Son bruit au Regne d’Orient plus croistra.
 Out of the deepest part of the West of _Europe_, From poor people a young child shall be born, Who with his tongue shall seduce many people, His fame shall increase in the Eastern Kingdom.


This needeth no explication.


 Ensevely non mort Apoplectique, Sera trouvé avoir les mains mangees, Quand la Cité damnera l’Heretique, Qu’avoit leur Loix ce leur sembloit changees.
 One buried, not dead, but Apoplectical, Shall be found to have eaten up his hands, When the City shall blame the heretical man, Who as they thought had changed their Laws.


Many persons (according to Histories being only in a fit of Apoplexy)have been buried for dead, and being afterwards taken out of the ground,have been found to have eaten up their hands, as I my self have seen onedigged out of Saint _Bartholomews_ Church-yard, about the time that theCity of _London_ began to be weary of _Cromwels_ devices and Tyranny, yetI would not here definitively assert, he was the man here pointed at bythe Title and Epithete of Heretical man, unless it were in the point ofgovernment.


 Avant l’assault l’Oraison pronouncée, _Milan_ prins l’Aigle, par embusche deceus, Muraille antique par Canons enfonsée, Par feu & sang a mercy peu receus.
 Before the assault the Prayer shall be said, An Eagle shall take a Kite, they shall be deceived by an Embuscado. The ancient wall shall be beaten down with Canons, By fire and blood, few shall have quarter.


The sense of this is easie.


 La gent _Gauloise_ & Nation estrange, Outre les Monts, morts pris & profligez, Au mois contraire & proche de vendange, Par les Seigneurs en accord redigez.
 The _French_ Nation, and another Nation, Being over the Mountains, shall die, and be taken, In a month contrary to them, and near the vintage, By the Lords agreed together.


Two kind of Nations were led into _Italy_ by the Duke of _Guise_ tosuccour the Pope, _viz._ _French_ and _Germans_, meaning by the _Germans_all those that use the _German_ Tongue, as _Switzers_, &c.

The Author saith, these two Nations were led beyond the Mountains,because they went beyond the _Apennine Alpes_, to come down into theChampion Countrey of _Italy_, where some of them died by the Sword,others by famine and sickness; others lost their liberty, being madeprisoners of War, others were exposed to the inconveniences that attend aruined Army. He addeth, that these accidents shall befall them in a Monthnear the _Vintage_, that Month is _September_: He calleth it _Contrary_,because the Grapes being ripe, the starved Souldiers did eat abundance ofthem, and so fell into a bloody flux. The _Pope_’s Tenants made use ofthis Stratagem to ruine that Army.

The _Spaniard_ had his revenge the year following, for the Duke of_Guise_ having missed his design, and being stept before _Civitella_,and incensed that the _Pope_ did not keep his word with him, he resolvedto go back again into _France_, and so the _Pope_ did by the means ofthe Common-wealth of _Venice_, and of the Duke of _Florence_, it wasconcluded and signed with the 23 of _September_.

This is the Authors meaning in the 4 Verse, that all the misfortunewhich befell the _French_, was by reason of that peace; for the _Pope_disbanded his Troops, consisting most of _French_ and _Switzers_, thegreatest part of whom fell into the hands of their enemies, and of theCountrey people, others died of sickness. It is true, that the Duke of_Guise_ brought his own Army back without much loss, but the Authorspeaketh here of the _Gascons_ and _Switzers_, that were in the _Pope_’sservice, under the command of Marshal _Strozzy_, _Monluc_, Cardinal_Caraffa_, and others.

The time of this peace agreeth with the Prophesie, for it was concludedon the 23 of _September_, which is a Month near the _Vintage_.


 Les sept en trois Mois en concorde, Pour subjuger les _Alpes Apeninnes_, Mais la tempeste & _Ligure_ coüarde, Les profligent en subites ruines.
 The seven shall agree together within three Months, To conquer the _Apennine Alpes_, But the tempest, and coward _Genoese_, Shall sink them into sudden ruines.


There shall be seven persons, who shall be three Months in making anagreement to go beyond the _Apennines_, but they shall be hindred by atempest, and by the cowardliness of the _Genoeses_.


 Le grand Theatre se viendra redresser, Les dez jettez & les rets ia tendus, Trop le premier en glaz viendra lasser, Par arc prostrais de long temps ia fendus.
 The great Theatre shall be raised up again, The Dice being cast, and the nest spread, The first shall too much in Glass. Beaten down by Bows, who long before were split.


This must be put among _Insolubilia de Alliaco_.


 Bossu sera esleu par le Conseil, Plus hideux Monstre en Terre napperceu, Le coup volant luy crevera un œil, Le traistre au Roy pour fidele receu.
 Crook-back shall be chosen by the Councel, A more hideous Monster I never saw upon Earth. The flying blow shall put out one of his eyes, The Traitor to the King, shall be admited as faithful.


This needs no explication.


 L’Enfant naistra a deux dents en la gorge, Purres en _Tuscie_ par pluie tomberont, peu d’ans apres ne sera Bled ny Orge, pour saouler ceux qui de faim failleront.
 A Child shall be born with two Teeth in his mouth. It shall rain stones in _Tuscany_, A few years after there shall be neither Wheat nor Barley To feed those that shall faint for hunger.


Those two Prodigies mentioned in the two first Verses, do presage a greatFamine that shall ensue a few years after.


 Gens d’alentour du _Tar_, _Lot_, & _Garonne_, Gardez les Monts _Apennins_ de passer, Vostre tombeou pres de _Rome_ & d’_Ancone_, Le noir poil crespe fera Trophée dresser.
 People that live about the _Tar_, _Lot_, and _Garonne_, Take heed to go over the _Apennine_ Mountains, Your Grave is near _Rome_ and _Ancona_, The black frisled hair shall dress a Trophy of you.


The _Tar_, the _Lot_, and the _Garone_, are three Rivers of _Gascony_,the Inhabitants of which are forewarned not to go over the _Apennine_Mountains, or else they shall meet with their Graves near _Rome_ and_Ancona_. This hath relation to the 38 Stanza, and to the interpretationthereof, therefore _vide_.


 Quand l’Animal a l’Homme domestique, Apres grands peines & sauts viendra parler, Le foudre a vierge sera si malefique, De Terre prinse & suspendue en l’Air.
 When the Beast familiar to Mankind, After great labour, and leaping shall come to speak, The Lightning shall be so hurtful to a Virgin, That she shall be taken from the Earth, and suspended in the Air.


It is a Dog that shall come howling and leaping to his Mistressesfriends; because she was killed and suspended in the Air by the Lightning.


 Les cinq estranges entrez dedans le Temple, Leur sang viendra la Terre prophaner, Aux _Thoulousain_ sera bien dur exemple, D’un qui viendra ses loix exterminer.
 The five strangers having come into the Church, The blood shall prophane the ground, It shall be a hard example to those of _Thoulouse_, Concerning one that came to break their Laws.


I suppose these _five strangers_ to be _five Commissioners_, for thealtering something in the Government of _Thoulouse_, who shall be allkilled in a Church, and the ground prophaned by their blood, according tothe _Romish_ opinion.


 Le Ciel (de _Plancus_ la Cité) nous presage, Par clercs insignes & par estoiles fixes, Que de son change subit saproche lage, Ne pour son bien, ne pour ses malefices.
 The Heaven foretelleth concerning the City of _Plancus_, By famous Clerks, and fixed Stars, That the time of her sudden change is near hand, Neither because of her goodness, or wickedness.


The City of _Plancus_ is _Lion_, because he was the Founder of it. ThatCity is threatned here of a sudden change, caused neither by her goodnessor wickedness, but by a certain position and aspect of the fixed Stars,which makes it fatal.


 Le vieux Monarque dechassé de son Regne, Aux Orients son secours ira querre, Pour peur des Croix ploiera son Enseigne, En _Mitylene_ ira par Mer & par Terre.
 The old Monarch being expelled out of his Kingdom, Shall go into the East to get succours, For fear of the Crosses he shall fold up his Colours, He shall go into _Mitylene_ by Sea and Land.


_Mitylene_ is an Island of the _Archipelago_, belonging to the Turk.


 Sept cens Captifs attachez rudement, Pour la moitie meurtrir, donné le sort, Le proche espoir viendra si promptement, Mais non si tost qu’une quinziesme mort.
 Seven hundred prisoners shall be tied together, To murder half of them, the lot being cast, The next hope shall come quickly, And not so quickly, but fifteen shall be dead before.


By the next hope, he meaneth the reprieve. The rest is clear.


 Regne _Gaulois_ tu seras bien changé, En lieu estrange est translaté l’Empire, En autre mœurs & Lois seras rangé, _Rouan_ & _Chartres_ te feront bien du pire.
 _French_ Kingdom thou shalt be much changed, The Empire is translated in another place, Thou shalt be put into other manners and Laws, _Rouan_ and _Chartres_ shall do the worse they can to thee.


_Rouan_ is the chief City of the Province of _Normandie_, and _Chartres_the chief City of that of _Beausse_.


 La Republique de la grande Cité, A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir, Roy sortir hors par Trompette Cité, L’Eschelle au Mur la Cité repentir.
 The Common-wealth of the great City, With great harshness shall not consent, That the King should go out being summoned by a Trumpet, The Ladder shall be put to the Wall, and the City repent.


It is hard to know what he meaneth by the great City wherein there is aCommon-wealth, whether it be _Venice_, _Genoa_, _Geneva_, _Luca_, or someof the Cities of _Switzerland_; but it seemeth that a King shall takeshelter in it, who shall be summoned by a Trumpet to come out, but theCity will not suffer it, for which the said City shall be scaled, andrepent.


 _Paris_ conjure un grand meurtre commettre, _Blois_ le fera sortir en plein effet, Ceux d’_Orleans_ voudront leur Chef remettre, _Angers_, _Troyes_, _Langres_, leur seront un mes fait.
 _Paris_ conspireth to commit a great murder, _Blois_ will cause it to come to pass, Those of _Orleans_ will set up their head again, _Angers_, _Troyes_, _Langres_ will do them a mischief.


The Prophecy contained in the two first Verses came to pass in the timeof _Henry_ the III. King of _France_, when the _Parisians_ did rebelagainst him, and made Barricadoes in the streets, thinking to have takenhim, who was compelled to run away for his life, and fly to _Chartres_.This rebellion was raised and fomented by _Henry_ of _Lorraine_ Dukeof _Guise_, whom the King afterwards caused to be murdered, with hisbrother the Cardinal of _Lorraine_, at the Convention of the threeEstates kept at _Blois_.

_Orleans_, _Angers_, _Troyes_, _Langres_, are remarkable Cities in_France_.


 En la _Campagne_ sera si longue pluye, Et en l’_Apoville_ si grande siccité, Coq verra l’Aigle l’aisle mal accomplie, Par Lion mise sera en extremité.
 In _Campania_ shall be so long a rain, And in _Apulia_ so great a drought, The co*ck shall see the Eagle with his wing disordered, And by the Lion brought to extremity.


_Campania_, and _Apulia_ are two Provinces of the Kingdom of _Naples_.

The last two Verses of the Prophecy came to pass about the years 1630 and1631. when _Gustavus Adolphus_ King of _Swedeland_, called here the Lion,brought the Empire (signified by the Eagle) to extremity; the King of_France_ signified by the co*ck, looking upon, and underhand assisting him.


 Quand le plus grand emportera le prix, De _Nuremberg_, d’_Ausbourg_, & ceux de _Basle_, Par _Agripine_ Chef de _Frankfort_ repris, Traverseront par _Flandres_ jusqu’en _Gale_.
 When the great one shall carry the prize, Of _Nuremberg_, _Ausbourg_, and _Basil_, By _Agrippina_ the Chief of _Frankfort_ shall be taken, They shall go through _Flanders_ as far as _France_.


_Nuremberg_, _Ausbourg_, and _Basil_ are Cities of _Germany_.

By _Agrippine_ is understood the City of _Cologne_, called in Latine_Colonia Agrippina_, from the Founderess of it _Agrippina_, Mother of theEmperour _Nero_, or from _M. Agrippa_ favourite of _Augustus Cæsar_.


 L’un des plus grands fuira aux _Espagnes_, Qu’en longue playe apres viendra seigner, Passant Copies par les hautes Montagnes, Devastant tout, & puis apres regner.
 One of the greatest shall run away into _Spain_, That shall cause a wound to bleed long, Leading Armies over the high Mountains, Destroying all, and afterwards shall Raign.


This is so plain, that it needeth no interpretation.


 En l’an qu’un œil en _France_ Regnera, La Cour sera en un bien fascheux trouble, Le grand de _Blois_ son amy tuera, Le Regne mis en mal & doubte double.
 In the year that one eye shall Reign in _France_, The Court shall be in a very hard trouble, The great one of _Blois_ shall kill his friend, The Kingdom shall be in an ill case, and double doubt.


The meaning of the first Verse is, when a King having but one eye shallReign in _France_.

_Blois_ is a City in _France_ upon the River _Loire_.


 _Montauban_, _Nismes_, _Avignon_ & _Besier_, Peste, Tonnerre & Gresle a fin de _Mars_, De _Paris_ Pont, de _Lion_ Mur, _Monpelier_, Depuis six cens & sept vingt, trois parts.
 _Montauban_, _Nismes_, _Avignon_ and _Besier_, Plague, Lightning and Hail at the end of _March_, The Bridge of _Paris_, the Wall of _Lion_, and _Monpelier_, shall fall, From six hundred and seven score, three parts.


_Montauban_ is a Town in _Gascony_, _Nismes_ and _Besiers_ are Towns in_Languedoc_; _Avignon_ is a Town in _France_ belonging to the Pope, whichshall suffer these damages by Lightning at the end of _March_.


 Sept fois changer verrez gens _Britanique_, Teints en sang en deux cens nonante an, _France_ non point par appuy _Germanique_, _Aries_ double son Pope _Bistarnan_.
 Seven times you shall see the _English_ to change, Died in blood, in two hundred ninety year, Not _France_, by the _German_ support, _Aries_ doubleth his _Bastarnan_ Pole.


The two first Verses concern _England_; the third _France_; the fourthmarketh the time by the motion of the Sign of _Aries_, which shall befavourable to _France_.

We shall leave the two first Verses to be interpreted by the _English_Nation, which is most concerned in it, and come to the last two, whichconcern _France_.

The third Verse saith that _France_ shall not change as _England_, byreason of the help it shall have from _Germany_, which hath been madegood already for these hundred years, notwithstanding the Wars between_Henry_ II. and the _Spaniard_; the Conspiracy of the Protestant partyagainst _Francis_ the II. at _Amboise_; the civil Wars under _Charles_the IX. the League under _Henry_ III. and _Henry_ IV. the Forrain Warsunder _Lewis_ XIII. and _Lewis_ XIV. now Reigning.

The Authors meaning by these words, _but France not_, is, you shall notsee _France_ change seven times in two hundred ninety years, as the_Brittish_ nation, and then he giveth the reason of it, _by German help_,that is to say, that _France_ shall have help from _Germany_.

The fourth Verse saith, that during those two hundred ninety years,_Aries doubleth his Bastarnan Pole_, to understand this, we must supposefirst that the Sign of _Aries_ ruleth over _France_, _Palestine_,_Bastarnia_, &c.

Secondly, we must learn from _Ptolomy_ and other Geographers, that_Bastarnia_ containeth the people that are towards _Sarmatia_ or_Poland_, which were called by the Ancients, the people of _Admone_,_Sidane_, _Roxolane_, and by others _Peucins_, from the Island _Peuce_,which is in _Istria_.

Thirdly, we must suppose, that the Sign of _Aries_ hath two Poles, thefirst is that of the Æquinoctial Line, and the second, that of the_Eccliptick_, because the Sign of _Aries_ beginneth just in the Line ofthe _Equator_, and afterwards stretcheth towards the North. Now it is sothat the place where its extension endeth in the Eccliptical Line of theSun, is called by the Author the _Bastarnan Pole_.

It is a _Pole_ sith in the constellations of Heaven, we call _Poles_,the two ends or extremities of them, and in the constellations of theZodiack, we call the first Pole that which is next to the Equator, andthe second Pole that which stretcheth towards the North, or towards theSouth in the Eccliptical Line.

In this sense, the first Pole of the Sign of _Aries_, is that which hathits first degree in the Equator; the second is, that which stretchethtowards the North in the Eccliptick, and this last Pole is called_Bastarnan_, because it is Vertical to _Bastarnia_, as the Astrologersset down their Climates, Kingdoms, Provinces and Towns under the twelveSigns.

Fourthly, We must suppose that this word _to double_, may signifie threethings. 1. In Sea-mens tearms; it signifieth to go beyond some place,as to double the Cape of _bona Speranza_, which is called in _Italian_,_Tramontare_; that is, to go beyond. 2. It signifieth to do twice thesame thing, as _Jacob_ did double his service for _Rachel_, &c. 3. Inmatter of traveling; it signifieth to go twice as far as is requisite.

_To double_, in this place cannot be understood in the first sense;because the constellations never stretcht out of their compasses, thoughthe Stars of which they are compounded, have their peculiar motions.

To understand this, we must know that the Stars of the Firmamenthave their peculiar motions from West to East, upon the Pole of theEccliptick, and that they go that way a matter of one Degree, in thespace of about 100 years, and consequently the Stars do retrogradeevery year in the Eccliptick from West to East 52 Seconds. _Ptolomeus_holdeth this opinion, but other renowned Astrologers give them more:For my part I am of _Tychobrahe_’s opinion, who allowed them one Degreeof retrogradation in 70 years and 7 Months, and consequently 51 Secondsevery year.

According to this Doctrine the Star that is in the Horn of _Aries_, wasobserved by _Tymocharis_ in 2d Degree; 150 years after, _Hipparchus_observed it in the first; 265 years after, _Ptolomeus_ saw it in the 6Degree; 740 years after, _Albathognius_ observed it in the 18 Degree; 304years after, _Alphonsus_ King of _Spain_, found it in the 6 Degree; 265years after, _Copernicus_ did observe it to be in the 27 Degree and twoMinutes; 61 years after, _Tychobrahe_ saw it in the 27 Degree, and above37 Minutes; so that in the space of 61 years it had gone 35 Minutes.

By this Doctrine we see that the whole constellations do not go beyondtheir Poles, though the Stars that Compound them change their Poles everyyear of 51 Seconds.

To double, then here cannot be taken in the first sense, nor in the thirdsense, for the first reason, it must then be in the second sense; andthus _Aries doubleth his Bastarnan Pole_; that is, _Aries_ maketh twicehis Pole, which answereth to _Bastarnia_.

If you ask how it cometh to pass that _Aries_ doubleth this Pole, andin what place of Heaven we set this _Bastarnan Pole_. I answer to thefirst, that _Aries_ doubleth his Pole, when one of those 13 Stars comethto that point, which is a Northern or Western Pole to that sign in theEccliptick. As to the second: I answer, that the place ought to be itslast Degree, _viz._ the end of the 30 Degree.

Why? (will you say) did the Author mark that difference of the Sign of_Aries_, rather than that of _Taurus_, or of another?

I answer, that it was in favour of _France_; because _Aries_ doth governin _France_, and if it hath been favourable to it, when it came first tothe _Bastarnan Pole_, it will be so too when it doubleth the same Pole,seeing that it will have the same position and Aspect. Now we see, thatin the space of these 100 years, _France_ was not overcome, much lessshall it be hereafter, seeing that the Stars do promise its exaltationfor a long continuance.

If I were a great Astrologer, I should observe exactly by this, thatwithin the space of 290 years, _Aries shall double his Cape Bastarnan_,and consequently _Aries_ should come to that Pole just in the year 1845.which is according to that we have said.


 Aupres du _Rhin_ des Montagnes _Noriques_, Naistra un grand de gens trop tard venu, Qui defendra _Sarmates_ & _Pannoniques_, Qu’on ne scaura quil sera devenu.
 Near the _Rhine_, out of the _Norick_ Mountains, Shall be born a great one, though too late come, Who shall defend the _Polonians_ and _Hungarians_, So that it shall not be known what is become of him.


This is plain.


 _Barbare_ Empire par le tiers usurpé, La plus grand part de son sang mettre amort, Par mort senicle par luy quart frappé, Pour peur que sang par le sang ne soit mort.
 A _Barbarian_ Empire shall be usurped by a third person, Who shall put to death the greatest part of his Kindred, By death of old age, the fourth shall be stricken by him, For fear that blood should not die by blood.


The two first Verses are plain, I acknowledge my Ignorance in the lasttwo.


 Par toute _Asia_ grande proscription, Mesme en _Mysie_, _Lydie_, & _Pamphilie_, Sang versera par dissolution, D’un jeune noir remply de felonie.
 Through all _Asia_ shall be a great proscription, Yea in _Mysia_, _Lydia_, and _Pamphilia_, Blood shall be spilled by the debauchness Of a young black man, full of felony.


_Mysia_, _Lydia_, and _Pamphilia_, are Countreys of _Asia_.


 La grande bande & secte Crucigere, Se dressera en _Mesopotamie_, Du proche Fleuve compagnie legere, Qui telle Loy tiendra pour ennemie.
 The great troop and sect wearing a Cross, Shall rise up in _Mesopotamia_, Near the next River shall be a light company, Which shall hold that law for enemy.


It is an Army of Christians (be like _Armenians_) that shall rise in_Mesopotamia_ against whom shall an Army of Turkish Horseman come, whodid live by the next River.


 Proche del _Duero_ par Mer _Cyrene_ close, Viendra percer les grands Monts _Pyrenees_, La main plus courte & sa percée gloses A _Carcasonne_ conduira ses menées.
 Near the _Duero_ closed by the _Cyrenian_ Sea, Shall come to pierce the great _Pyrenean_ Mountains, The shorter hand and his pierced glose, Shall in _Carcassone_ lead his plot.


The _Cyrenian_ Sea, is that Sea which is by the Province of _Cyrene_. The_Pyrenean_ Mountains part _Spain_ from _France_. _Carcassonne_ is a Townin _France_ near unto _Spain_. The rest passeth my understanding.


 _Romain_ pouvoir sera du tout a bas, Son grand Voisin imiter les vestiges, Occultes haines civiles, & debats, Retarderont aux boufons leur folies.
 The _Roman_ power shall be quite put down, His great Neighbour shall follow his steps, Secret and civil hatreds and quarrels, Shall stop the Buffons folly.


The first Verse signifieth, that the _Pope_’s Authority shall be put down.

The second, that his great neighbour, that is the Empire shall follow hissteps, that is, be put down too. The two last Verses are plain.


 Le Chef de _Perse_ remplira grand _Olchade_, Classe trireme contre gent _Mahometique_, De _Parthe_ & _Mede_ & piller les _Cyclades_, Repos long temps au grand Port _Jonique_.
 The Head of _Persia_ shall fill a great _Olchade_, A Fleet of Galleys against the _Mahometan_ Nation, From _Parthia_ and _Media_ they shall come to plunder the _Cyclades_, A long rest shall be on the _Jonique_ Port.


I could not find what he meaneth by _Olchade_. The second Verse is plain.

_Parthia_ and _Media_ are two Kingdoms depending from that of _Persia_.The Islands of _Cyclades_ are in the _Ægean_ Sea, and are so calledbecause they are like a Garment about the City of _Delos_, for κυκλας inGreek signifieth a round garment of a woman.

The _Jonique_ Sea is that Sea in _Grecia_, which is about _Athens_ and_Corinth_, &c.


 Quand le Sepulchre du grand _Romain_ trouvé, Le jour apres sera esleu Pontife, Du Senat gueres il ne sera prouvé, Empoisonné, son sang au Sacre _Scyphe_.
 When the Sepulcher of the great _Roman_ shall be found, The next day after a Pope shall be elected, Who shall not be much approved by the Senate, Poisoned, his blood in the Sacred _Scyphe_.


This seemeth to foretel the finding out of the Sepulcher of some famous_Roman_, and that the next day after a _Pope_ shall be Elected, who beingnot well approved of by the Conclave, shall be poisoned in the Chalice,which is the Communion Cup that the Roman Catholicks use at _Mass_,signified here by the Latine word _Scyphus_.


 Le grand Baillif d’_Orleans_ mis a mort. Sera par un de sang vindicatif, De mort merite ne mourra, ne par sort, Des pieds & mains mal, le faisoit captif.
 The great Bailif of _Orleans_ shall be put to death, By one of a revengeful blood, He shall not die of a deserved death, nor by chance, But the disease of being tied hand and foot, hath made him prisoner.


The Bailif of _Orleans_ is a great Officer, for he is there Lord ChiefJustice, and of all the precincts. It seemeth that this man shall be putto death, by one of a revengeful blood, not that he had deserved it, orcome to it by chance, but because he shall be tied hand and foot, and diein prison.


 Une nouvelle Secte de Philosophes, Mesprisant mort, or, honneurs & richesses, Des Monts _Germains_ seront fort limitrophes, A les ensuivre auront appuy & presses.
 A new Sect of Philosophers shall rise, Despising Death, Gold, Honours and Riches, They shall be near the Mountains of _Germany_, They shall have abundance of others to support and follow them.


This is properly said of the Anabaptists in _Germany_, in the time of_John de Leyden_, and now of the Quakers in _England_, and elsewhere.


 Peuple sans Chef d’_Espagne_ & d’_Italie_, Morts, profligez dedans le _Cheronese_, Leur dict trahy par legere folie, Le sang nager per tout a la traverse.
 A people of _Spain_ and _Italy_ without a Head, Shall die, being overcome in the _Cheronese_, Their saying shall be betrayed by a light folly, The blood shall swim all over at random.


_Cheronese_ is a Land or ground unmanured; the rest is plain.


 Grand exercite conduit par jouvenceau, Se viendra rendre aux mains des ennemis, Mais le vieillard nay au demy pourceau, Fera _Chalon_ & _Mascon_ estre amis.
 A great Army led by a young man, Shall yield it self in the hands of the enemies, But the old man born at the sign of the halfe-Hog, Shall cause _Chalon_ and _Mascon_ to be friends.


The two first Verses are plain; as for the third Verse, I could not findwho that _Old man_ should be, that shall be born at the sign of the_half-Hog_.

_Chalon_ and _Mascon_ are two Cities in _France_, the first in_Champagne_, the last in _Burgundy_.


 La grand _Bretagne_ comprise d’_Angleterre_, Viendra par eaux si haut a inondre, La Ligue nevue d’_Ausone_ fera gerre, Que contre eux ils se viendront bander.
 Great _Britany_ comprehended in _England_, Shall suffer so great an Inundation by Waters, The new League of _Ausone_ shall make Wars, So that they shall stand against them.


This Prophecie is divided in two parts. The first two Verses foretel agreat Innundation, that was to happen in _England_.

The last two speak of a league and insurrection, that shall be at_Bordeaux_, which is here called _Ausone_, from a famous Latine Poet,named _Ausonius_, who was born in that City.

As to the first part, after much seeking and enquiry: I found the truthof it in a Latine book, called _Rerum in Gallia, Belgia, Hispania,Anglia, &c. gestarum anno 1607. Tomi septimi Liber secundus conscriptus a~Nicolao Gotardo~ Artus Dantiscano_, where the History is related thus.

About the end of _January_ 1607 the Sea broke out so violently in_England_, that after the breaking of Fences and Dikes, it caused verygreat damages to the Inhabitants. The greatest mischief was done in_Somersetshire_, where the water did overflow, ten Leagues in length,and two in breadth, twelve foot high in the most eminent places. Thissudden Innundation brought a fearful alarm to the Countrey people; someof them going to their Plough, were fained to run back to their houses,where they found their enemies at their doors, _viz._ Death and Water,who without distinction swept them away. In a little time, the Townsappeared like Islands, encompassed on all sides, and presently afterwere swallowed up, so that the tops of the Trees were scarce seen. Thisnew Flood covered so the Towns of _Hansfield_, in the same County, thoseof _Grantham_, _Kenhus_, _Kingston_, and _Briandon_, with several Farmsbuilt in the Champion Countrey, that none of the Buildings could be seen.If you add to this the devastation of the places, the quantity of Corn,Fruit, and Grass that was lost, the misery shall be so great, as not tobe expressed. During this fearful quarrel between the Water and the Land,an exceeding great number of people died of all Ages, and Sexes, it wouldavail them nothing to get into the upper Stories and Roofs of houses,nor upon the highest Trees; for the imperious Waters did so swell andrage, that the Foundations of the houses, and roots of the Trees wereloosened, so that both fell to the Ground, or rather into the Water. Thepeople seeing no way to escape, resolved to die patiently. No body couldwithout great grief see the Oxen and Sheep drowning; for there was such anumerous quantity of them, that afar off one would have thought them tobe Rocks in the Sea, but seeing them swiming, and hearing them bleatingand bellowing, one would have thought them to be a storm and hissing ofwinds. A rich Farmer, and father of seven Children, being involved in theFlood, and much astonished at this accident, nevertheless thinking thedanger less then it was, went about to save some of his best Goods; butseeing the Waters to increase, he forsook all, and went to save one ofhis Children, whom he loved best; but the Waters followed him so close,that all he could do, was to get upon the Roof of his house. Among theChildren there was a little one sleeping in a Cradle, which being made ofclose boards, did swim upon the Waters about three Miles, and was takenup alive, and sound. The Hay-co*cks did swim like Ships upon the Waves,the Pigeons and Pigs were upon the Sheaves that the Water carried away.The Coneys being driven out of their holes, had leapt upon the backs ofthe swiming Sheep. A certain Shepheard being about to gather his Sheepinto their Fold, was followed by the Flood, ran for his life, and climbedupon a high Tree, where seeing his Sheep bleating in the water, he beganto tear his hair, to smite his breast, to lift up his hands and his eyesto Heaven, and when his Sheep had all perished, and himself endured anextream cold and hunger, he was at last taken up in a Boat that was sentto save the distressed.

But here we must talk of _Bristol_, which is one of the chiefest Citiesin _England_, by reason of the Haven, which bringeth thither abundance ofMerchants, from several Nations. The same day of that Inundation, the Seabreaking into a great Channel, did presently overflow the Countrey withsuch quickness and violence, that it covered the Valleys, and the smallerHills, in so much that nothing but an utter ruine was expected; manywhole houses were turned upside down, and carried away with the Flood.The Barns full of Corn, Hay, and Straw, were overthrown, and the Cattlecarried away, besides abundance of people of all sorts. The Merchantsof _London_ and _Bristol_, and the rest of the Inhabitants, besides theloss of Provisions, suffered an inestimable one in their Commodities,which they had provided for the Fair, that was then near hand, the mostpart of them being carryed away by the Flood, and the rest so spoiled,that the owners could not tell what to do with them. A Gentleman dwellingbetween _Barnstable_ and _Bristol_, and two Leagues off from the Sea,being gone abroad in the Morning to oversee his grounds, did look towardsthe Sea, ran back again to his house, to bring this sad news to his Wifeand Servants, while they were endeavouring to pack up the most preciousof their Goods, the Water came about the house so fast, that they alteredtheir resolution, and bethought themselves only to save their lives;the servants busied themselves about tying the Goods together, thinkingthe Water could not have carryed them away. As for the Gentleman, hewent with his Wife and Children to the top of the house, and got uponthe rafters of the Roof. Although nothing appeared to them but theImage of death; nevertheless some hope and desire of escaping, madethe Gentleman come down to save a little Trunk, wherein his papers ofgreatest concernment were. Being come down from the Rafter, he laid holdof the Trunk, and fastened it to a Manger; while he was busie about it,the Waves of the Sea did so beat against that house, that it fell downto the Ground. The Wife, Children, and Servants were swallowed up in theruine. The Gentleman laid hold on a Rafter, and was carryed away with itabove half a League further, to a Mountain, where he set his foot upondry Ground, being half dead with fear and grief, and bewailing the lossof his Wife, Children, and Servants, he spyed the little Trunk and theManger, which he drew to Land, and that was all he saved, besides hisLife.

Another Gentleman living thereabouts, and newly married, was resolvedthat day to go to the next Town, and make merry with some friends,whereupon he bid his man make his Horse ready, and himself went to put onhis Boots; after he had put on one, and whilst he held the other in hishand, the Waters came so fiercely into that house, that they compelledthe half Booted Gentleman to run away for his life, in an upper Chamber,but he was followed so close by that merciless Element, that he wasfained to get upon the top of the Roof, to save his life, and to rideupon the upper Rafter, but the house and Roof melting by the violence ofthe Waves, this new Knight was carryed by the violence of them towardsthe Town where he intended to make merry, and there was saved with muchadoe.

It happened at the same time near _Markand_, in the Dutchy of _Norfolk_,that two Thieves, going about to steal some Cattle, while they weredriving of them, perceived in the Morning the Justice of God followingthem; it was the Water, which having overtopped the Dikes, threatned thetakers of being taken, and compelled them to save themselves with allspeed. From their wickedness did arise a great good; for to the next Townthey went, and bid the Sexton to Ring the Bell, and to cry Water, Water:The Inhabitants being for the most part asleep, did not know what to doin such an Alarm: Some climbed into the Church’s Steeple; others thinkingthere were Thieves went about to fence and defend their houses; othershearing of a Flood, laughed at it, and said, that those who broughtthis News, deserved to be punished; but presently they altered theirLanguages, and their laughing was turned into a fearful mourning, everyone flying to save himself, his Wife, and Children, and whatsoever theycould pack up of their most precious Goods. Some thinking to have morewit than others, went about to divert the Current of the Water from theirhouses; but seeing there was no remedy, they went with their Wives andChildren to the tops of their houses, in a lamentable fright.

But when the Water came to seize upon the houses, wherein there were somePlaying, some Drinking, others already Drunken, a great part of them weredrowned, others ran to a Hill near the Town, where they spent the rest ofthat night, and the day following with great lamentations.

The next day they saw their houses half under Water, and many people,who from the windows and Steeples cryed for help; others endeavoured tosave themselves upon Boards and Rafters; the Horses tyed to the Mangerwere all suffocated. The Cattle in the fields, were by this time drivento the Mount called _Truhill_, and for all that, were not out of danger;for the Mountain was encompassed with Water to such a heighth and depth,that without Boats there was no access to it; chiefly because of theThickets and Bushes. Thus so much Cattle was about to perish, had notsome Shepherds brought Boats loaded with provisions for Men and Beasts,till the Waters retired again, and the Dikes were made good.


 Ceux dans les Isles de long temps assiegez, Prendront vigueur force contre ennemis, Ceux par dehors morts de faim profligez, En plus grand faim que jamais seront mis.
 Those in the Islands that have been long besieged, Shall take vigour and force against their enemies, Those without shall die for hunger; being overcome, They shall be put in greater famine then they were before.


This Prophecy came to pass when the _Spaniards_ Besieged _Leyden_ in_Holland_, for the _Dutch_ broke the Dikes, whereby the water came uponthem so fast, that they were more besieged and starved then those of theTown, and their Army wholly destroyed. Read Cardinal _Bentivoglios_ hisHistory of the _Low-Countreys_, as also _Strada_.


 Le bon Vieillard tout vis Ensevely, Prez du grand Fleuve par faux soupcon, Le nouveaux vieux de richesse ennobly, Prins en chemin tout l’or de la Rancon.
 The good old man shall be buried alive, Near the great River by a false suspicion, The new old one made noble by his riches, The gold of his ransom shall be taken in the way.


This Prophecy is divided into two parts: the two first Verses areconcerning an old man that shall be buried alive near a great River, upona false suspition.

The latter two are concerning a young man, who shall assume unto himselfthe name of a noble Family, and so make himself noble by his riches, butbeing afterward taken prisoner, the money that was sent for his Ransom,shall be taken in the way.


 Quand dans le Regne parviendra le boiteux, Competiteur aura proche Bastard, Luy & le Regne viendront si fort rogneux, Qu’ains quil guerisse son fait sera bien tard.
 When the lame man shall attain to the Kingdom, He shall have a Bastard for his near competitor, He, and his Kingdom shall be so scabby, That before he be cured it will be late.


The words and the sense are plain.


 _Naples_, _Florence_, _Fayence_ & _Imole_, Seront en termes de telle fascherie, Que pour complaire au malheureux de _Nole_, Plaint d’avoir fait a son Chef moquerie.
 _Naples_, _Florence_, _Fayenza_, and _Imola_, Shall be put into so much distress, For being complaisant to the unhappy one of _Nola_, Who was complained of for having mocked his Superiour.


_Naples_, _Florence_, _Fayenza_, _Imola_ and _Nola_ are all Cities in_Italy_; the rest is plain.


 _Pau_, _Verone_, _Vicence_, _Saragousse_, De Glaive atteints, Terroirs de sang humides, Peste si grande viendra a la grand gousse, Proche secours & bien long les remedes.
 _Pau_, _Verona_, _Vicenza_, _Saragossa_, Shall be hit by the Sword, the Countrey shall be moist with blood, So great a plague and so vehement shall come, That though the succours be near, the remedy shall be far off.


By _Pau_ here are understood the Towns that are seated upon that River.

_Verona_, _Vicenza_, are two Cities in _Italy_, belonging to the_Venetians_. _Saragossa_ is a City in _Sicily_.


 En _Germanie_ naistront diverses Sectes, Saprochant sort de l’heureux _Paganisme_, Le cœur captif & petites receptes, Feront retour a payer le vray disme.
 In _Germany_ shall divers Sects arise, Coming very near the happy _Paganism_, The heart captivated and small receivings, Shall open the gate to pay the true Tithes.


The first and second Verses have been verified sufficiently.

By the two last Verses, he meaneth that the heart of everyone shall bein fear, so that they shall come to an agreement, which the true Tithesshall be paid, and every one come to his own again.


 Le tiers climat soubs _Aries_ comprins, L’An mil sept cens vingt sept en _Octobre_, Le Roy de _Perse_ par ceux d’_Ægypte_ prins, Conflict, mort, perte, a la Croix grand opprobre.
 The third Climat comprehended under _Aries_, In the year 1700. the twenty seven of _October_, The King of _Persia_ shall be taken by those of _Ægypt_, Battle, death, loss, a great shame to the Christians.


Here be three notable things to be observed: one is the plain andpunctual specification of the time, in which the Prophecy shall come topass, _viz._ the 7. of _October_ in the year 1700. The second is, thatthe King of _Persia_ shall be taken by those of _Ægypt_. The third is,the shame and confusion that the Christians shall suffer for the same.


 Le Chef d’_Escosse_ avec six d’_Allemagne_, Par gents de mer Orientaux captif, Traverseront le _Calpre_ & _Espagne_, Present en _Perse_ au nouveau Roy craintif.
 The Chief of _Scotland_ with six of _Germany_, Shall be taken prisoners by Seamen of the East, They shall go through the _Calpre_ and _Spain_, And shall be made a present in _Persia_ to the new fearful King.


By the _Calpre_ is understood the _Capzor_ promontory, which is at themouth of the _Streights_, by and beyond which these Prisoners will becarried into _Persia_ for a present to the King, who then shall be somefearful person.


 Le grand criard sans honte audacieux, Sera esleu Governeur le d’Armée, La hardiesse de son contentieux, Le pont rompu, Cité de peur pasmée.
 The great bawler proud without shame, Shall be elected Governour of the Army, The stoutness of his Competitor, The Bridge being broken, the City shall faint for fear.


_Paradin_ saith, that in the year 1558. the Lord of _Bonnivet_ beingdead, the King of _France_ did chuse _Francis_ of _Vendosme_, _Vidame_ of_Amiens_, to succeed the said _Bonnivet_, in the Office of Colonel of the_French_ Foot. This _Vidame_ is noted by all Historians, for a rash proudman, that had a good opinion of himself, and found fault with all thecommands of the Marshal of _Brissac_, then General of the Army.

The King in consideration of his Birth, and that he was a good Souldier,gave him the place of the Lord _Bonnivet_, according to what the Authorsaith, _The great Bawler, ~&c.~ shall be elected Governour in the Army_.If you ask in what Army he was elected Governour, the third Verseanswereth, _in the Army of his Competitor_, that is, the Marshal of_Brissac_, who did chide him severely for disobeying his commands, andwas like once to have killed him.

The fourth Verse proved true at the taking of _Queiras_, where theBridge, through which the succours came to relieve the Town, beingbroken, the Town grew so fearful, that it surrendred it self to theMarshal of _Brissac_.


 _Erins_, _Antibe_, villes auteur de _Nice_, Seront vastées fort par Mer & par Terre, Les Sauterelles Terre & Mer vent propice, Prins, morts, troussez, pillez, sans loy de guerre.
 _Erins_, _Antibe_, and the Towns about _Nices_, Shall be destroyed by Sea and Land, The Grashopers shall have the Land, the Sea, and Wind favourable, They shall be taken, killed, thrust up, plundered, without Law of War.


_Erins_ and _Antibe_ are Towns of _Provence_, bordering upon _Nice_,which is a Town of _Piemont_, all that Coast is threatned here to beruined by the Grashopers, that is, the _Turks_, which fell out about theyear 1558. for the King of _France_ having called the _Turks_ to hissuccours against _Charles_ V. Emperour, they came and took _Nice_ in thebehalf of the _French_, where they committed unheard cruelties, as alsoupon all that Coast.


 L’Ordre fatal sempiternal par chaisne, Viendra tourner par ordre consequent, Du Port _Phocen_ sera rompue la chaine, La Cité prinse, l’ennemy quant & quant.
 The fatal and eternal order by chain, Shall come to turn by consequent order, Of Port _Phocen_ the chain shall be broken, The City taken, and the enemy presently after


This Prophecy regardeth onely the City of _Marseilles_, which is the mostfamous Port Town that the _French_ have upon the _Mediterranean_ Sea,and which was anciently a _Greek_ Colony, peopled by the _Phocen_ Seas.This City is threatned here to have the chain of her Port broken, and tobe taken by her enemies, and the said enemies to be a little while aftertaken in it.


 Du Regne _Anglois_ le digne dechassé, Le Conseiller par ire mis a feu, Ses adherans iront si bas tracer, Que le bastard sera demy receu.
 From the _English_ Kingdom the worthy driven away, The Councellor through anger shall be burnt, His partners shall creep so low, That the bastard shall be half received.


This is one of those Prophecies that concern the _English_ Nation, andwhich by its event, hath made this Book and the Author thereof famous,for nothing can be more plain to the meanest capacity, then the sense andwords of these four Verses.

By the first, is meant the Kings most excellent Majesty _Charles_ II.now Reigning, who being the true Heir to the Kingdom, and most worthy torule, was driven out of the Kingdom by a rebellious rout of his Subjects.

The second Verse expresseth, the punishment inflicted upon theCouncellors and Abettors of so hainous a crime, who were most of themhanged, drawn and quartered, their entrals burnt.

The third Verse, signifieth the low estate of the Abettors of thatpernicious Councel.

The fourth Verse, is understood that bastard Faction, which was like tosupplant _Cromwel_, upon the division of the Army.


 Les longs cheveux de la _Gaule Celtique_, Accompagnez d’Estranges Nations, Mettront captif l’Agent _Aquitanique_, Pour succomber a leurs intentions.
 The long hairs of the _Celtian France_, Joyned with forrain Nations, Shall put in prison the _Aquitanick_ Agent, To make him yield to their intentions.


The _Celtan France_ is that part of _France_ included between the River_Loire_, and that of _Scheld_ in _Flanders_. they are called here the_long hairs_; because in antient time they used to wear long hairs.


 La grand Cite sera bien desolée, Des habitans un seul n’y demoura, Mur, Sexe, Temple, & Vierge violée, Par Fer, Feu, Peste, Canon, peuple mourra.
 The great City shall be made very desolate. Not one of the Inhabitants shall be left in it, Wall, Sex, Church, and Virgin ravished, By Sword, Fire, Plague, Canon, people shall die.


This is concerning the Town of St. _Quentin_, which was taken by the_Spaniards_ in the year 1557. upon the 27 of _August_, and 17 days afterthe Battle of St. _Laurence_, it was taken by assault, and all theInhabitants put to the Sword.


 La Cité prinse par tromperie fraude, Par le moyen d’Un bean jeune attrapé, Assaut donné, _Raubine_ pres de _Laude_, Luy & touts morts pour avoir bien trompé.
 The City shall be taken by cheat and deceit, By the means of a fair young one caught in it, Assault shall be given, _Raubine_ near _Laude_, He, and all shall die, for having deceived.


It is a City that shall be taken by the cheat and deceit of a young fairman, who himself shall be taken in his craft.

The difficulty lyeth in the third Verse, _viz._ what he meaneth by_Raubine_ and _Laude_. I could find nothing by transposition of Letters:therefore I suppose the Author had a mind to reserve the exposition tohimself, and to one that should be clearer sighted than I.


 Un chef d’_Ausonne_ aux _Espagnes_ ira, Par Mer, sera arrest dedans _Marseilles_, Avant sa mort un long temps languira, Apres sa mort on verra grand merveille.
 A chief man of _Ausone_ shall go into _Spain_ By Sea, he shall stay at _Marseilles_, He shall languish a great while before his death, After his death great wonders shall be seen.


Here is nothing obscure but the word _Ausone_, by which is meant the Cityof _Bordeaux_, so named by the Author every where, for having broughtforth that famous Latine Poet, and Counsul of _Rome_, _Ausonius_.


 Classe _Gauloise_ naproche de _Corsegne_, Moins de _Sardaigne_ tu ten repentiras, Tretous mourrez frustrez de laide _Greigne_, Sang nagera, captif ne me croiras.
 _French_ Fleet do not come near unto _Corsica_, Much less to _Sardinia_, thou shalt repent of it, All of you shall die frustrate of the help _Greigne_, Blood shall swim, being Captive thou shalt not believe me.


The Baron of _la Garde_ coming from _Rome_, where he had carryedthe Cardinals of _Tournon_ and _Lorrain_, received order to go into_Corsica_, to relieve with ammunition the two Towns, that the _French_kept still in possession in that Island, _Glasse_ and St. _Boniface_,which after the general peace made at _Cambray_, _anno_ 1559. wererestored to the Common-wealth of _Genoa_. When he was coming near theIsland, there arose such a storm, that they were constrained to go asnear land as they could, _viz._ in St. _Florents_, till the storm wasover.

At the same time, by reason of the said storm, eleven Ships loaded withsix thousand _Spaniards_, going for _Italy_, took shelter in the sameplace, a good way off from the said Baron.

At the first, the _Spanish_ Ships did not spie the _French_ Galleys, butthe Baron _de la Garde_ discovered the _Spaniards_, and bid his Galleysto set upon them. Two of the _Spanish_ Ships were taken, in which were1200. or 1500. _Spaniards_, part of which were drowned, and the rest madeslaves.

The Baron chased the rest, but the storm so scattered them, that the nineescaped.

Before this encounter the _Genoese_ Captain, _Andrew d’Oria_, took allthe Island from the _French_, _Anno_ 1553. and kept it ever since, bysending continual supplies. On the other side, the King of _France_ sentsupplies by the Lord of _Termes_, to those that were retired in theIsland of _Glasse_.

One time among the rest, about the latter end of the year 1555. there wassent a notable supplie from the _French_, to which the Author speakethnow in these tearms.

_French fleet do not come near unto ~Corsica~_, nor _Sardinia_, which isanother Island near _Corsica_. The third Verse giveth the Reason of it;_ye shall die, being frustrated of the help ~Greigne~_. _Greigne_ is theProvencal Language, which was the Maternal one of our Author, signifietha Galley: The sense therefore is this, you shall be frustrate of the helpof the Galleys, that are under the command of the Baron _de la Garde_,who carryed unto you men, money, and ammunition; because he shall be thenin pursute of the _Spanish_ fleet, that were scattered by a storm.

In the mean time _Blood shall swim_ in the fight of the Baron _de laGarde_, and thou, _poor Prisoner_ in that Island, _Thou shalt not believeme_; those slaves were they, which went in the year 1555. And the Authorsaying, _Thou shalt not believe me_, sheweth, that being very famous in_Provence_, for his Prophecies, the General of the Army had asked himconcerning the success of his Journey, and that he did warn him not toundertake it; but having an express command from the King, his Master, hewould need go. Therefore he saith, _Poor prisoner thou shalt not believeme_. We find in this work many examples of those, who went to consultwith the Author concerning the success of their undertakings, as didthe Earl of _Sommerive_, before the besieging of _Bagnole_, to whom heanswered, that he should leave the Trees loaded with a new kind of fruit,that is to say, of the Rebels, whom he caused to be hanged on Trees.


 De _Barcelone_ par Mer si grande Armée, Toute _Marseille_ de frayeur tremblera, Isles saisies, de Mer aide fermeé, Ton traditeur en Terre nagera.
 There shall come from _Barcelona_ by Sea so great a fleet, That _Marseilles_ shall quake for fear, The Islands shall be seized, the help by Sea shut up, Thy Traitor shall swim to Land.


_Barcelona_ is a Town in _Spain_, upon the _Mediterranean_ Sea;_Marseilles_ is another in _France_, upon the same Sea. The rest iseasie.


 En ce temps la sera frustrée _Cypre_, De son secours, de ceux de Mer _Ægée_, Vieux trucidez mais par _Mesles_ & _Lipre_, Seduit leur Roy, Roine plus outragée.
 At that time _Cyprus_ shall be frustrated Of its succours, of those of the _Ægean_ Sea, Old ones shall be killed, but by _Mesles_ and _Lipre_, Their King shall be seducted, and the Queen more wronged.


The two first Verses are plain, the two last have need of an _Oedipus_.


 Le grand _Satyre_ & _Tygre_ d’_Hircanie_, Don presenté a ceux de l’Occean, Un chef de Classe istra de _Carmanie_, Qui prendra Terre au _Thyrren Phocean_.
 The great _Satyr_ and _Tyger_ of _Hircania_, Shall be a gift presented to those of the Ocean, An Admiral of a fleet shall come out of _Carmania_, Who shall Land in the _Thyrren Phocean_.


_By the great Satyr and Tyger of Hircania_, is meant, the King of_Persia_, who is also King of _Hircania_, abounding with _Tygers_.

That King of _Persia_ shall be made a gift to those of the Ocean; thatis, shall be either drowned in it, or do some wonderful things upon it.

_Carmania_ is a Province in _Asia_, belonging to the _Turk_.

The _Thyrren Phocean_ is the City of _Marseilles_ in _France_, so calledby the Author in this Book; because it was a Colony of the _Phocenses_in _Greece_; it is also called _Thyrren_, because it is seated upon the_Tyrrhenean_ Sea, as _Virgil_ saith,

 ————_Thyrrenum navigat Æquor_.


 L’Arbre qu’estoit par long temps mort seiché, Dans une nuit viendra a reverdir, Son Roy malade, Prince pied attaché, Craint d’ennemis fera Voiles bondir.
 The Tree that had been long dead and withered, In one night shall grow green again, His King shall be sick, his Prince shall have his foot tied, Being feared by his enemies, he shall make his Sails to rebound.


The two first Verses are Metaphorical, and are to be understood of aconsiderable person, who having been for a long time despised and under acloud, shall on a sudden rise again and be in repute. The two last Versesare intelligible enough.


 Le monde proche du dernier periode, _Saturn_ encor sera tard de retour, Translat Empire devers Nations brode, L’œil arraché a _Narbon_ par Autour.
 The world being near its last period, _Saturn_ shall come yet late to his return, The Empire shall be translated into _brode_ Nations, _Narbon_ shall have her eye pickt out by a Hawk.


The meaning of the first and second Verses is, that the world shall be atan end, before _Saturn_ hath performed his whole course, which (if I donot mistake) is thought by the Astronomers to be of 36000. years.

The third Verse signifieth, that before the end of the world, the Empireshall be translated or possessed by a black Nation, for _brode_ in old_French_ signifieth black, whence it cometh that to this day they call ahandsom black woman, _une belle Brode_, that is a fair black woman.

_Narbon_ is a famous City in _Languedoc_, and the seat of an Archbishop.


 Dans _Avignon_ tout le Chef de l’Empire, Fera arrest, pour _Paris_ desole, _Tricast_ tiendra l’_Annibalique_ ire, _Lion_ par change sera mal consolé.
 In _Avignon_ all the Chief of the Empire, Shall stay, by reason of _Paris_ being desolate, _Tricast_ shall stop the _Annibalik_ anger, _Lion_ by change shall be ill comforted.


The first and second Verse signifie, that the Pope once more shall keephis seat in _Avignon_, which is a Town in _France_ belonging to thePope, and where formerly they kept their See, for the space of above anhundred years. As for the word _Tricast_, there must be a foul errourin the impression or else; I must confess I understand it not. By the_Annibilik_ anger, is meant those of _Barbary_, where _Annibal_ was born._Lion_ is a famous Town in _France_, where is kept the greatest tradingfor Bills of Exchange.


 De cinq cens ans plus compte l’on tiendra, Celuy qu’estoit l’ornement de son temps, Puis a un coup grande clarté donra, Que pour ce Siecle les rendra tres-contens.
 For five hundred years no account shall be made, Of him who was the ornament of his time: Then on a sudden he shall give so great a light, That for that age he shall make them to be most contented.


The words and the sense are plain.


 Lu Loy _Morique_ on verra defaillir, Apres un autre beaucoup plus seductive, _Boristhenes_ premier viendra faillir, Par dons & langue une plus attractive.
 We shall see the _Morish_ Law to decline, After which, another more seducing shall arise, _Boristhenes_ shall be the first that shall fall, By gifts and tongue that Law shall be most seducing.


This foretelleth the declining of the _Mahometan_ Religion, after whichanother Religion shall be set up worse then the _Mahometan_. The firstdecay of it shall begin in _Scythia_, a Kingdom belonging to the King of_Persia_, through which runneth the River _Boristhenes_.


 Chef de _Fossan_ aura gorge coupée, Par le Ducteur du Limier & L’curier, Le fait patré par ceux du Mont _Tarpée_, _Saturne_ en _Leo_ 13. de _February_.
 The Chief of _Fossan_ shall have his throat cut, By the Leader of the Hunt and Greyhond, The fact committed by those of the _Tarpeian_ Mountain, _Saturn_ being in _Leo_ the 13. of _February_.


_Fossan_ is a City in _Piemont_, belonging to the Duke of _Savoy_, theChief man or Governour of which is threatned here to have his throat cutby some Souldiers, either of _Rome_, or belonging to _Rome_, signifiedhere by the _Tarpeian_ Mountain, upon which the Capitol was built, andthis fact to be committed by one that shall be a famous Huntsman; uponthe 13 of _February_, _Saturn_ being then in the Sign of _Leo_.


 Nouvelle Loy, Terre neuve occuper, Vers la _Syrie_, _Judée_ & _Palestine_, Le grand Empire, _Barbare_ corruer, Avant que _Phebe_ son Siecle determine.
 A new Law shall occupy a new Countrey, Towards _Syria_, _Judea_ and _Palestina_, The great _Barbarian_ Empire shall fall down, Before _Phœbe_ maketh an end of her course.


The words and sense are plain.


 Deux Royal Freres si fort guerroieront, Qu’entreux sera la guerre si mortelle, Qu’un chacun places fortes occuperont, De Regne & vie sera leur grand querelle.
 Two Royal Brothers shall War so much one against the other, That the War between them shall be mortal, Each of them shall seize upon strong places, Their quarrel shall be concerning Kingdom and Life.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Aux Champs Herbus d’_Alein_ & du _Varneigre_, Du Mont _Lebron_ proche de la _Durance_, Camps des deux parts conflict sera si aigre, _Mesopotamie_ defaillira en _France_.
 In the Meadow Fields of _Alein_ and _Varneigre_, Of the Mountain _Lebron_ near the _Durance_, Armies on both sides, the fight shall be so sharp, That _Mesopotamia_ shall be wanting in _France_.


_Alain_ and _Varnaigre_ are two small Towns in _France_, seated by theMountain _Lebron_, near the River called _Durance_, where the Authorsaith there shall be such a sharp fight, that _Mesopotamia_ shall bewanting in _France_, to understand this you must know, that _Mesopotamia_is a Countrey between two Rivers from the Greek words μεσος, whichsignifieth middle, and ποταμὸς which signifieth a River, the meaning thenof the Author is, that the Battle so sharp, the ground shall be wantingto bury the dead.


 Entre _Gaulois_ le dernier honoré, D’homme ennemy sera victorieux, Force & terreur en moment exploré, D’Un coup de trait quand mourra l’envieux.
 He that is the least honoured among the _French_, Shall be Conqueror of the man that was his Enemy, Strength and terrour shall in a moment be tried, When the envious shall be killed with an Arrow.


This is plain.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Sera du reste de sang non espandu, _Venice_ quiert secours estre donné, Apres avoir bien lon temps attendu, Cité livrée au premier Cor sonné.
 There shall be a remnant of blood unspilt, _Venice_ shall seek for succours, After having long waited for it, The City shall be surrendred at the first sound of the Trumpet.


This to my judgement is concerning the Siege of _Candia_, in which the_Venetians_ for the space of about twenty years desired and expectedsuccours from the Christian Princes, which came so slowly, that the Citywas fained to surrender upon honorable terms, which is the meaning of thefirst Verse, _There shall be a remnant of blood unspilt_.


 Par mort la _France_ prendra voiage a faire, Classe par Mer, marcher Monts _Pyrenées_, _Espagne_ en trouble marcher gent militaire, Des plus grands Dames en _France_ emmenées.
 By reason of a death, _France_ shall undertake a Journey, They shall have a Fleet at Sea, and march towards the _Pyrenes_, _Spain_ shall be in trouble by an Army, Some of the greatest Ladies in _France_ carried away


The whole sense of this is, that by reason of some bodies death, _France_shall make war against _Spain_ by Sea and Land, and put _Spain_ in greattrouble.

The fourth Verse saith, that some of the greatest Ladies in _France_shall be carried away, but the question is, whether by the _Spaniards_,or (which is more probable) by their own Husbands going to war against_Spain_.


 D’_Arras_ & _Bourges_ de Brodes grands enseignes, Un plus grand nombre de _Gascons_ battre a pied, Ceux long du _Rhosne_ saigneront les _Espagnes_, Proche du Mont ou _Sagunte_ sassied.
 From _Arras_ and _Bourges_ many colours of black men shall come, A greater number of _Gascons_ shall go on foot, Those along the _Rhosne_ shall let _Spain_ blood, Near the Mountain where _Saguntus_ is seated.


_Arras_ and _Bourges_ are Cities of _France_. As for _brodes_, we havesaid before that it signifie brown men, such as are the _Gascoins_,inhabiting the Province of _Aquitania_ near _Spain_.

_Saguntus_ is a City in _Spain_, that was destroyed by the _Romans_.


 L’Important Prince fasché, plaint & querelle, De rapts & pillé par Coqs & par Libiques, Grand & par Terre, par Mer infinis Voiles, Seule _Italie_ sera chassant _Celtiques_.
 The considerable Prince vexed, complaineth and quarelleth, Concerning rapes and plunderings done by the co*cks and Libiques Great trouble by Land, by Sea infinite Sails, _Italy_ alone shall drive away the _French_.


This considerable Prince was _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_, who wasvexed to see the co*cks, that is the _French_, and Libiques that is the_Turks_ joyned together, under _Barbarossa_ to commit so many Rapes andviolences upon his Subjects.


 Croix Paix, soubs un accomply Divin Verbe, L’_Espagne_ & _Gaules_ seront unis ensemble, Grand clade proche & combat tresacerbe, Cœur si hardy ne sera qui ne tremble.
 The Cross shall have peace, under an accomplished Divine Word, _Spain_ and _France_ shall be united together, A great Battle near hand, and a most sharp fight, No heart so stout but shall tremble.


We have said before that by _Divine Word_, we must not understand thesecond person of the Trinity, but a Divine or Theologian, called in Greekθεόλογος, which also signifieth _Divine Word_. Therefore the meaning ofthe first Verse is, that under the Goverment of some eminent Divine, (belike a good Pope) the Cross shall have peace, that is, the ChristianReligion shall be in Peace, and persecution shall cease. The last threeVerses are plain.


 D’Habits nouveaux apres faite la treuve, Malice, trame, & machination, Premier mourra qui en fera la preuve, Couleur _Venise_, insidiation.
 After the new Cloaths shall be found out, There shall be malice, plotting and machination, He shall die the first that shall make trial of it, Under colour of _Venice_, shall be a conspiracy.


Everybody may be as wise as I in the interpretation of this.


 Le fils mineur du grand & hay Prince, De Lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache, De dueil mourra triste & mince, Et il mourra la ou tombe chair lache.
 The younger Son of the great and hated Prince, Being twenty years, old shall have a great touch of Leprosie, His mother shall die for grief, very sad and lean, And he shall die of the disease loose flesh.


This is easie to be understood, if we remember that _Charles_ IX. Kingof _France_, younger son to _Henry_ II. died of a foul disease, and hisMother _Catharine_ of _Medicis_ died of grief.


 La grand Cité dassaut prompt repentin Surpris de nuit, gardes interrompus, Les Excubies & veilles Saint _Quentin_, Trucidez gardes, & les Portails rompus.
 The great City shall be taken by a sudden assault, Being surprised by night, the Watch being beaten, The Court of Guard and Watch of Saint _Quentin_ Shall be killed, and the Gates broken.


This great City was the City of St. _Quentin_ in _Picardy_, taken byassault by _Philip_ the II. _Anno_ 1557.


 Le Chef du Camp au milieu de la presse, D’un coup de flesche sera blessé aux cuisses, Lors que _Geneve_ en larmes & destresse, Sera trahie par _Lozanne_ & _Souisses_.
 The Chief of the Camp in the middle of the crowd, Shall be wounded with an Arrow through both his thighs, When _Geneva_ being in tears and distress, Shall be betrayed by _Lozane_ and the _Switzers_.


The words and sense are plain.


 Le jeune Prince accusé faucement, Mettra le camp en trouble & en querelles, Meurtry le chef par le souslevement, Sceptre appaiser, puis guerir escroüelles.
 The young Prince being falsely accused, Shall put the Camp in trouble, and in quarrele, The chief shall be murdered by the tumult, The Scepter shall be appeased, and after cure the Kings-evil.


This Prophecie must needs be concerning _England_ or _France_; for thereis but those two Kings that challenge the cure of the Kings-evil.


 Celuy quaura couvert de la grand Cappe, Sera induit a quelque cas patrer, Les douze rouges viendront soüiller la nappe, Soubs meurtre, meurtre se viendra perpetrer.
 He that shall be covered with a great Cloak, Shall be induced to commit some great fact, The twelve red ones shall Soil the Table-cloth, Under murder, murder shall be committed.


Every one may interpret this as well as I, provided that by the _twelvered ones_, he understandeth twelve Cardinals.


 Le Camp plus grand de route mis ensuite, Gueres plus outre ne sera pourchassé, Ost recampé & legion reduite, Puis hors, des _Gaules_ du tout sera chassé.
 The greatest Camp being in disorder, shall be routed, And shall be pursued not much after, The Army shall incamp again, and the Troops set in order, Then afterwards, they shall be wholly driven out of _France_.


This Prophecie is concerning an out-landish Army that shall invade_France_, and though numerous, yet shall be put to flight, and shall notbe much pursued: therefore it shall incamp again, and collect and gatheragain its Troops, and afterwards shall be wholly driven out of _France_.

I am much mistaken if this Prophecie came not to pass, when the Duke of_Parma_ at the head of a _Spanish_ numerous Army came into _France_ infavour of the League; for _Henry_ IV. met him at the siege of _Roven_,beat him off, and suffered him to retire quietly, and as the commonsaying is, made him a Golden Bridge, to retreat into the Low-Countriesagain.


 De plus grand perte nouvelles rapportées, Le rapport fait le camp festonnera, Bandes unies encontre revoltées, Double _Phalange_, grand abandonnera.
 News being brought of a great loss, The report divulged, the Camp shall be astonished, Troops being united and revolted, The double _Phalange_ shall forsake the great one.


This hath a connexion with the precedent; for while the Prince of_Parma_ was busied in _France_, news was brought to his Camp, that the_Hollanders_ had taken _Antwerp_, which discouraged his whole Host, andmade him retire with all speed.

The Word _Phalange_ signifieth a Battailion or part of an Army, whichbeing expressed here by the word _double Phalange_, signifieth, that bothHorse and Foot deserted the Duke of _Parma_ upon the hearing of this news.


 La mort subite du premier personage, Aura changé & mis un autre au Regne, Tost, tard venu a si haut & basage, Que Terre & mer faudra que lon le craigne.
 The sudden death of the chief man, Shall cause a change, and put another in the Raign, Soon, late come to so high a degree, in a low age, So that by Land and Sea he must be feared.


The two first Verses are plain.

The two last signifie, that a youth shall come to the Kingdom, _soon_,that is, by reason of the sudden death of the _chief man_, and _late_;because being but young, he shall Reign so long, that he shall be famous,and feared by Sea and Land.


 D’ou pensera faire venir famine, De la viendra le rassasiement, L’œil de la Mer par avare canine, Pour de l’un lautre donra Huile, Froment.
 Whence one thought to make famine to come, Thence shall come the fulness, The eye of the Sea through a doggish covetousness, Shall give to both Oyl and Wheat.


This Prophecie was fulfilled at the famous Siege of _Ostend_, whichlasted three years and three Months; for the _Hollanders_ that broughtrelief to the Town, did for covetousness sell the ammunition to the_Spaniards_ that besieged it, for which complaint being made by theStates to the Prince of _Orenge_, _Maurice_ of _Nassaw_, as also that theydid the like to _Newport_, which he had besieged; he replyed smartly, doyou not know that your Countrey men would Sail into Hell, were it not forfear to have their Sails burnt.


 La Cité franche de liberté fait serue, Des profligés & resueurs fait azyle, Le Roy changé a eux non si proterue, De cent seront devenus plus de Mille.
 The free City from a free one shall become slave, And of the banished and dreamers shall be a retreat, The King changed in mind, shall not be so froward to them. Of one hundred they shall become more than a thousand.


Here you must observe that the Author being a Papist, speaketh thisconcerning the City of _Geneva_, which he saith from a free City became aslave, when it shook off the Duke of _Savoy_’s domination, and became aretreat to the Protestants, whom he called the _banished_ and _dreamers_.

In the third Verse, by _the King changed in his mind that shall not beso froward to them_, he meaneth, _Henry_ IV. who having changed theProtestant Religion, to be a _Roman_ Catholick, did undertake theirprotection against the Duke of _Savoy_ their Prince.

Hence followeth the explication of the fourth Verse, when he saith, that_of one hundred they shall become more than a thousand_; for in fewyears the Protestants became so numerous, that they drove the _Roman_Catholicks wholly out of the Town, and so have remained to this dayMasters of it.


 Changer a _Beaune_, _Nuis_, _Chalons_, & _Dijon_, Le Duc voulant amender la barrée, Marchant pres Fleuve, Poisson, bec de plongeon, Verra la queüe: Porte sera serrée.
 There shall be a change at _Beaune_, _Nuis_, _Chalons_, _Dijon_, The Duke going about to raise Taxes, The Merchant near the River shall see the tail Of a Fish, having the Bill of a Cormorant: the door shall be shut.


_Beaune_, _Chalons_, and _Dijon_, are Cities in _France_, _Nuis_ is aTown in _Germany_ near the _Rhyne_, three or four Leagues below _Colen_.

For the rest, every one may make his own interpretation, for it is hardto guess who this Duke should be, or that Fish either, that shall have aCormorants Bill after whom the door shall be shut.


 Les plus Lettrez dessus les faits Cœlestes, Seront par Princes ignorans reprouvez, Punis d’Edict, chassez comme scelestes, Et mis a mort la ou seront trouvez.
 The most Learned in the Celestial sciences, Shall be found fault with, by ignorant Princes. Punished by proclamation, chased away as wicked, And put to death where they shall be found.


This is plain, and signifieth no more then a persecution against theProfessors of Heavenly sciences, such as are Astrologers, Astronomers,_&c._


 Devant _Rouan_ d’_Insubres_ mis le Siege, Par Terre & Mer enfermez les passages, D’_Hainaut_, de _Flandres_ de _Gand_ & ceux de _Liege_, Par leurs levées raviront les Rivages.
 Before _Rouan_ a Siege shall be laid by the _Insubrians_. By Sea and Land the passages shall be shut up, Those of _Hainaut_, _Flanders_, _Ghent_, and _Liege_, With their Troops shall plunder the Sea-shore.


This is still concerning the Duke of _Parma_’s Army, when he came into_France_ against _Henry_ the IV. in favour of the League, for his Armywherewith he Besieged _Rouen_, was compounded of all those Nations; thegreatest part of which were _Italians_, called here _Insubrians_, fromthe Latin word _Insubria_, which signifieth the Countreys of _Savoy_ and_Piemont_.


 Paix uberté long temps on ne loüera, Part tout son Regne desert la fleur de Lis, Corps mort d’Eau, Terre on apportera, Sperants vain heur d’estre la ensevelis.
 Peace and plenty shall not be long praised, All the time of his Reign the Flower de Luce shall be deserted, Bodies shall die by water, Earth shall be brought, Hoping vainly to be there Buried.


This only foretelleth a great Famine and Inundation in _France_,signified here by the _Flower de Luce_.


 Le changement sera fort difficile, Cité Province au change gain fera, Cœur haut, prudent mis, chassé l’Inhabile, Mer, Terre, Peuple, son estat changera.
 The change shall be very hard, The City and Countrey shall gain by the change, A high prudent heart shall be put in, the unworthy expelled, Sea, Land, People shall change its condition.


This needeth no Interpretation.


 La grand Copie qui sera dechassée, Dans un moment fera besoing au Roy, La Foy promise de loing sera faucée, Nud se verra en piteux defarroy.
 The great Army that shall be rejected, In a moment shall be wanted by the King. The faith promised a far off shall be broken, So that he shall be left naked in a pitiful case.


This is plain.


 La Legion dans la Marine classe, _Calcine Magnes_, Souphre & Poix bruslera, Le long repos de l’asseurée place, _Port Selin_ chercher, feu les consumera.
 The Legion in the Maritine Fleet, _Calcineth Magnes_, shall burn Brimstone and Pitch, The long rest of the secure place, They shall seek _Port Selyn_, but fire shall consume them.


Here we must observe four things, the first is, that _Calais_ is calledby the Author, _The long rest of the secure place_. Because then _viz._in the year 1555. it was yet in the power of the King of _England_, andhad been quietly before, for the space of 287. years, that is, from theyear 1347. till the year 1555. and was so still, till the year 1557. whenthe Duke of _Guise_ took it, whence we gather that it was a secure placethat had enjoyed so long a rest.

The second is, that those of _Diepe_ did watch for the _Spaniards_, inthe passage between _Dover_ and _Calais_, therefore the Author saith,_They shall seek Port Selyn_, _Selyn_ Port or Harbour is always taken bythe Author for an Harbour in the _Ocean_.

The third is, that the great fight between the _French_ and the_Spaniards_ was by fire, so that most part of the Ships on each side wereburnt, and the _Spanish_ and _French_ Souldiers did cast themselves intothe Sea, to save their lives in their enemies Ships, where they wereslain.

The fourth is, that those of _Diepe_ being extraordinary skilful inSea-fights had made great quantity of artificial fires, to cast into the_Spanish_ Ships, but the Ships grapling one with another, they were burnton both sides.

Upon those four circ*mstances the two first Verses say, that _the Legionin the Fleet Calcineth magnes_, that is Loadstone burnt, and shall _burnPitch and Brimstone_, to make Artificial fires.

The third and fourth Verse say, that this _Sea Legion_ shall seek anHarbour in the Ocean, which shall be _a secure place, by a long rest_,that is _Calais_. She will seek that _Selyn_ Harbour to shelter her self,because _Calais_ did then belong to the _English_, but by reason of thenarrowness of the _Sea_, the _French_ watched for the _Spaniards_ there,and to shew that they sought onely for _Calais_ to meet the _Spaniards_,they carried the _Spanish_ Ships which they took into _Diepe_, and notinto _Calais_.

The _French_ Impression hath a fault here, putting _Port Hercle_ insteadof _Port Selyn_, which is a manifest error, for the taking of _PortHercle_ by the _Florentines_ the 14. of _June_ 1555. was by a Land Army,besides, that _Port Selyn_ is always taken by the Author for a Port inthe Ocean.


 Ouy soubs Terre Sainte Dame voix feinte, Humaine flamme pour Divine voir luire, Fera des sœurs de leur sang Terre tainte, Et les Saints Temples par les impurs destruire.
 Under ground shall be heard the fained voice of a Holy Dame, An humane flame to see a Divine one, Shall cause the ground to be died with the sisters blood, And the Holy Temples to be destroyed by the wicked.


Every one may understand this as well as I.


 Corps sublimes sans fin a l’œil visibles, Obnubiler viendront par ces raisons, Corps, front compris, sens & chef invisibles, Diminuant les Sacrées Oraisons.
 The Celestial bodies that are always visible to the eye, Shall be darkened for these reasons, The body with the forehead sense and head invincible. Diminishing the Sacred Prayers.


This is of the same nature as the foregoing.


 Lou grand Cyssame se levera d’abelhos, Que non lauran don te siegen venguddos, Denuech lenbousq, lun gach dessous las treilhos, Ciutad trahido per cinq lengos non nudos.
 The great swarm of Bees shall rise, And it shall not be known whence they come, Towards the Ambush so the Jay shall be under a Vine, A City shall be betray’d by five tongues not naked.


The Author having made this Stanza in the _Provencal_ Language, that washis Mother Tongue, which hath very little relation to the rest of the_French_ tongue, hath put me to some trouble to understand it; at lastI found the meaning to be this, that when a great swarm of Bees shalllight on some place, and it shall not be known whence they came, thenshall be seen a Jay under a Vine, and a City shall be betrayed by fiveseveral Nations.


 _Salon_, _Mansol_, _Tarascon_, _de Sex_, Larc, Ou est debout encor la _Pyramide_, Viendront livrer le Prince _Denemark_, Rachat honny au Temple d’_Artemide_.
 _Salon_, _Mansol_, _Tarascon_, _Desex_, the arche, Where to this day standeth the _Pyramis_, Shall come to deliver the Prince of _Denmark_, A shameful ransom shall be paid in the Temple of _Artemis_.


_Salon_, _Mansol_, _Tarascon_, _Desex_, are Towns in _Provence_ and_Languedo_.

By the _Arch_, here is meant the Triumphal Arch of _Caius Marius_, whichhe erected after the defeat of the _Cimbres_ and _Teutons_, and remainethto this day in that Province, within two or three Leagues off the Town of_Orenge_.

_Artemis_ is an Epethete of _Diana_, so called ’πο τοῦ ἀερὰ τεμνειν, _asecando aerem_.


 Lors que _Venus_ du Sol sera couvert, Soubs la splendeur sera la forme occulte, _Mercure_ au feu les aura descouvert, Par bruit Bellique sera mis a l’Insulte.
 When _Venus_ shall be covered by the Sun, Under the splendor of it shall be an occult form, _Mercury_ in the fire shall discover them, And by a Warlike rumor shall be provoked.


If this Book cometh ever into the hands of _Hermes_’s Disciples, Ishall desire they would consider diligently this Stanza, and the threefollowing; for they are all concerning the _Elixir_ of the Philosophers,or the making of the Philosophers stone. To begin with this:

_When ~Venus~ shall be covered by the Sun._

This is the Astral point, so much sought after by the Philosophers, forthe beginning of their work, without the knowledge of which they cannotbegin their work, or come to any good.

_Under the splendor of it shall be an occult form_, that is, under thatconjunction lyeth a great mystery.

_~Mercury~ in the fire shall discover them_, _viz._ Mercury of thePhilosophers, made by Cœlestial fire.

_And by a Warlike rumor shall be provoked_; that is, the Planet of_Mercury_ shall be provoked to mix his variable and changable dispositionwith theirs, by his Aspects, Oppositions, Conjunctions, &c. It is notpossible to speak more plainly.


 Le Sol caché, eclipsé par _Mercure_, Ne sera mis que pour le Ciel second, De _Vulcan_ _Hermes_ sera faite Pasture, Sol sera veu pur, rutilant & blond.
 The Sun shall be hid and eclipsed by _Mercury_, And shall not be set but for the second Heaven, _Hermes_ shall be made a prey to _Vulcan_, And after that the Sun shall be seen pure, shining and yellow.


Here I must lead the Reader with _Ariadnes_ Thread, that he may extrecatehimself out of this Labyrinth.

_The Sun shall be hid and Eclipsed by ~Mercury~_; that is, Gold shall beEclipsed and dissolved by the Philosophers Mercury, which is the Key andfoundation of all the work.

_And shall not be set but for the second Heaven_; that is, shall not beused till you come to the second part of the work, which is that of theFurnace.

_~Hermes~ shall be made a prey to ~Vulcan~_; that is, the matter andcomposition of the _Elixir_, shall be put upon the fire in a Furnace.

_And after that the Sun shall be seen pure, shining, yellow_; that is,in conclusion after projection made, thou shalt see pure, shining, andYellow Gold.


 Plus d’unze fois Luna Sol ne voudra, Tous augmentes & baissez de degre, Et si bas mis que peu d’Or on coudra, Qu’apres faim, peste, descouvert le secret.
 The Moon will not have the Sun above eleven times, Then both shall be encreased and lessened in degree, And put so low, that a little Gold shall be sowed up, So that after hunger and plague, the secret shall be discovered.


_The Moon will not have the Sun above eleven times_; that is, the Moon ofthe Philosophers will not imbibe their Sun above Eleven times.

_Then both shall be encreased and lessened in degree_; that is, both shallbe encreased in quality, and lessened in quantity.

_And put so low that a little Gold shall be sowed up_; that is, thepowder of projection, or Philosophers stone shall be so small in Bulk,that one may sow it about him, and hide it in his Cloths.

_After famine and plague the secret shall be discovered_; that is,somebody shall die, with famine or plague, about which the secret shallbe found and discovered.


 La Lune au plain de nuit sur le haut Mont, Le nouveau _Sophe_ d’Un seul cerveau la veu, Par ses Disciples estre immortel semond, Yeux au Midy, enfin, mains corps au feu.
 The Moon at full by night upon the high Mount, The new _Sophe_ with one onely Brain hath seen it, Invited by his Disciples to become immortal, His eyes to the South, conclusion, his hands and body to the fire.


_Sophe_ in Greek signifieth a wise man or Philosopher, who shall find thePhilosophers stone, when the Moon shall come to the full in the nightupon a high Mount. His Disciples shall perswade him to make himselfimmortal, they being perswaded that the _Elixir_ cureth all diseases.

The last Verse saith, _His eyes to the South, his hands and body tothe fire_; that is, this Chymist or _Adeptus_, shall retire into someSouthern Countrey to work.

I cannot omit here that a conceited Chymist in _Paris_, whose name was_Haumont_, in _English_, _Highmount_, could not be disswaded but ourAuthor spake of him in this Stanza, and that he could not die till he hadgot the Philosophers stone, but to other matters.


 Es lieux & temps chair au poisson donra lieu, La loy commune sera faite au contraire, Vieux tiendra fort puis osté du milieu, Le _Panta_, _Choina_, _Philon_ mis fort arriere.
 In places and times, flesh shall give place to fish, The common Law shall be made against it, The old man shall stand fast, then being taken away The _Panta_, _Choina_, _Philon_, shall be set aside.


_Panta_, _Choina_, _Philon_, are three Greek words, παντὰ χοινα φιλῶν,which signifie in Latine, _omnia inter amicos communia_, and in_English_, all things are common among friends. The rest is easie.


 _Jupiter_ joint plus _Venus_ qu’a la Lune, Apparoissant de plenitude blanche, _Venus_ cachée soubs la blancheur _Neptune_, De _Mars_ frappée par la gravée branche.
 _Jupiter_ being more joyned to _Venus_ then to the Moon, Appearing in a full whiteness, _Venus_ being hid under the whiteness of _Neptune_, Stricken by _Mars_ through the ingraved branch.


These terms being _Astronomical_ and _Astrological_, it is hard to guessat the Authors mind.


 Le grand mené captif d’estrange Terre; Dor enchainé au Roy _Cheyren_ offert, Qui dans _Ausonne_, _Milan_ perdra la Guerre, Et tout son Ost mis a Feu & a Fer.
 The great one brought Prisoner from a far Countrey, And chained with Gold, shall be presented to the King _Chyren_, Being then at _Ausone_. _Milan_ shall loose the War. And all its Host shall be put to fire and sword.


The meaning of this is, that when a great one from a far Countrey, shallbe brought Prisoner chained with gold, and presented to a King called_Henry_ (for _Cheyren_ by transposition of letters is _Henry_) who thenshall beat _Bordeaux_; _Milan_ shall loose a great Army.


 Le feu esteint, les vierges trahiront, La plus grand part de la bande nouvelle, Pouldre a feu les seuls Rois garderont, _Hetrusque_ & _Corse_, de nuit, gorge alumelle.
 The fire being put out, the Virgins shall betray, The greatest part of the new troup, Gunpowder, Lance, shall keep only the Kings, In _Hetruria_ and _Corsica_ by night throats shall be cut.


_Hetruria_ is the Country _Tuscany_ now under the Duke of _Florence_,and _Corsica_ is an Island in the _Mediterranean_ Sea belonging to the_Genoese_. The rest is plain.


 Les jeux nouveaux en _Gaule_ redressez, Apres Victoire de l’_Insubre_ Campagne, Monts d’_Hesperie_, les grands liez troussez, De peur trembler la _Romagne_ & l’_Espagne_.
 The new plays shall be set up again in _France_, After the Victory obtained in _Piemont_, Mountains of _Spain_, the great ones tied, carried away, _Romania_ and _Spain_ shall quake for fear.


This is a Prognostication of the rejoycing that should be in _France_,after the winning of that famous battle _Serizoles_ in _Piemont_, againstthe Armies of the Emperour and the King of _Spain_.


 _Gaulois_ par saults Monts viendra penetrer, Occupera le grand Mont de l’_Insubre_, Au plus profond son Ost sera entrer, _Genes_, _Monech_ pousseront classe rubre.
 The _French_ by leaping shall go over the Mountains, And shall seize upon the great Mount of the _Savoyard_, He shall cause his Army to go to the furthermost, _Genoa_, and _Monaco_ shall set out their red Fleet.


This Prophecy is concerning _Henry_ the IV. King of _France_, who wentover the _Alpes_ and conquered the Duke of _Savoy_’s Countrey, becausehe would not restore the Markdom of _Salvees_. _Genoa_ and _Monaco_ areCities near _Savoy_.


 Pendant que Duc, Roy, Roine occupera, Chef _Bizantin_ captif en _Samothrace_, Avant lassault l’un l’autre mangera, _Rebours_ ferré suivra du sang la trace.
 While the Duke shall busie the King and the Queen, A great man of _Constantinople_ shall be prisoner in _Samothracia_, Before the assault one shall eat up the other, _Rebours_ shod shall trace one by the blood.


The three first Verses are plain, as for the fourth, either it is falslyPrinted, or I must confess I understand it not.


 Les _Rhodiens_ demanderont secours, Par le neglect de ses hoirs delaissée, L’Empire _Arabe_ ravalera son cours, Par _Hesperie_ la cause redressée.
 The _Rhodiens_ shall ask for succours, Being forsaken by the neglect of her Heirs, The _Arrabian_ Empire shall slack his course, By the means of _Spain_ the case shall be mended.


By the _Rhodians_ are understood the Knights of _Maltha_, because theydwelt first at _Rhodes_.

By the second Verse it is said, it was _the neglect of her Heirs_, thatis of the Heirs of _Rhodes_ the Knights of _Maltha_, who being carelessof themselves, were besieged by _Solyman_, which constrained them to asksuccours of all the Christian Princes, which came very slowly, at last_Dom Garcia_ Viceroy of _Sicily_ relieved them, and drove away the Turksthat had suffered great loss, therefore the Author saith in the thirdVerse, _The ~Arabian~ Empire shall slack his course_.


 Les Forteresses des Assiegez serrez, Par poudre a feu profondez en abysme, Les proditeurs seront tous vifs serrez, Onc aux _Sacristes_ navint si piteux schisme.
 The strong places of the Besieged shall be straightned, By Gunpowder they shall be plonged into a pit, The Traytors shall be shut up alive, Never did happen so pitiful schisme to the _Sacristes_.


By the _Sacristes_, he understandeth the Clergy of the Roman Religion.


 _Gynique_ Sexe captive par Hostage, Viendra de nuit custodes decevoir, Le Chef du Camp deceu par son language, Lairra la gente, sera piteux a voir.
 _Gynical_ sexe being captive by Hostage, Shall come by night to deceive her keepers, The Chief of the Camp being deceived by her Language, Shall leave her folks, a thing pitiful to behold.


_Gynical_ Sex is a woman from the Greek word γυνὴ, which signifieth awoman.

The meaning then of this Stanza is, that a woman being given in Hostage,and made prisoner, shall deceive her keepers, and among the rest, thechief Captain who shall forsake his Troops and run away with her.


 _Geneve_ & _Langres_ par ceux de _Chartre_ & _Dole_, Et par _Grenoble_ captif au _Montlimar_, _Seysset_, _Lausane_, par fraudulente dole, Les trahiront pour Or soixante mark.
 _Geneve_ and _Langres_ by those of _Chartres_ and _Dole_, And by one of _Grenoble_ captive at _Montlimar_, _Seisset_, _Lozanne_ by a fraudulent deceit, Shall betray them for thirty pounds weight of Gold.


All those Towns are in _France_, the sense is plain.


 Seont ouis au Ciel les Armes battre, Celuy an mesme les Divins ennemis, Voudront Loix Saintes injustement debatre, Par Foudre & guerre bien croians a mort mis.
 There shall be heard in the Air noise of Weapons, And in that same year the Divines shall be enemies, They shall unjustly put down the Holy Laws, And by the Thunder and the War true believers shall die.


There is no obscurity in this.


 Deux gros de _Mende_, de _Rhodez_, & _Millaud_, _Cahors_, _Limoges_, _Castre_, malo sepmano, De nuech l’intrado, de _Bourdeaux_ an cailhau, Par _Perigort_ au toc de la Campano.
 Two great ones of _Mende_, of _Rhodez_ and _Milliaud_, _Cahors_, _Limoges_, _Castres_ an evil week, By night the entry shall be from _Bourdeaux_ one cailhau, Through _Perigort_ at the ringing of the Bell.


This Stanza is half _French_ and half _Provencal_ language.

All the Cities named here, _Mende_, _Rhodez_, _Milliaud_, _Cahors_,_Limoges_, _Castres_, _Bourdeaux_, _Perigort_, are Cities of _France_,bordering upon _Provence_, which is the Countrey wherein our Author wasborn.

The meaning of it is, that all those Cities shall rise against theCollectors of the Kings Taxes, and shall set upon them by the sound ofthe Bell, which is already come to pass, and may come to pass yet.


 Par conflict, Roy Regne abandonera, Le plus grand Chef faillira au besoing, Morts, profligez peu en rechapera, Tous destrenchez un en sera tesmoin.
 By a Battle the King shall forsake his Kingdom, The greatest Commander, shall fail in time of need, They shall be killed and routed, few shall escape, They shall be cut off, one only shall be left for a witness.


This is a Prognostication of a great Battle, by the loss of which a Kingshall forsake his Kingdom, his chief Commander having deserted him intime of need. The slaughter shall be so great, that none shall be leftbut one for a witness.


 Bien defendu le fait par excellence, Garde toy _Tours_ de ta proche ruine, _Londres_ & _Nantes_ par _Rheims_ fera defence, Ne passes outre au temps de la bruine.
 The fact shall be defended excellently well _Tours_ beware of thy approaching ruine, _London_ and _Nantes_ by _Rhemes_ shall stand upon their defence, Do not go further in foggy weather.


_Tours_ is the chief City of a Province in _France_, called _Touraine_,which is commended here for having resisted excellently well; butis forewarned to look to her self after that, and to beware of herapproaching ruine.


 Le noir farouche quand aura essayé, Sa main sanguine par feu, fer, arcs tendus, Trestout le peuple sera tant effrayé, Voir les plus grands par col & pieds pendus.
 The wild black one, after he shall have tryed, His bloody hand by fire, Sword, bended Bows, All the people shall be so frighted, To see the greatest hanged by the neck and feet.


It is a description of a Tyrant, who after he shall have tryed hisbloody hand by Fire, Sword, and bent Bows, shall cause his chief men tobe hanged by the neck and feet. Since the Author did write there hadbeen such a Tyrant in the world, namely, _John Basilides_, great Duke of_Russia_, in the year 1572. Read _Paul Osburne_ in his Life.


 Planure _Ausone_ fertile spacieuse, Produira taons, & tant de sauterelles, Clarte solairé deviendra nubilense, Ronger le rout, grand peste venir delles.
 The Plain about _Bourdeaux_ fruitful and spacious, Shall produce so many Hornets and so many Grashopers, That the light of the Sun shall be darkened, They shall crap all, a great plague shall come from them.


I cannot find in History that this hath yet happened, since the writingof these Prophecies, therefore I reckon it _de futuro_.


 Devant le peuple sang sera respandu, Qui du haut Ciel ne viendra esloigner, Mais d’un long temps ne sera entendu, L’Esprit d’un seul le viendra tesmoigner.
 Before the people blood shall be spilt, Who Shall not come far from the high Heaven, But it shall not be heard of for a great while, The Spirit of one shall come to witness it.


This Prophecie is concerning some just person, that shall be murderedopenly: His blood shall cry to Heaven, but shall not be heard for a goodwhile, till at last it shall be discovered by some body.


 _Libra_ verra regner les _Hesperies_, De Ciel & Terre tenir la Monarchie, D’_Asie_ forces nul ne verra peries, Que sept ne tiennent par rang la Hierarchie.
 _Libra_ shall see _Spain_ to Reign, And have the Monarchy of Heaven and Earth, No body shall see the forces of _Asia_ to perish, Till seven have kept the Hierarchy successively.


_Libra_ is one of the twelve signs of the _Zodiack_, which is favourableto _Spain_, so that the meaning of this is, that _Libra shall see ~Spain~to Reign_.

And besides that, _to have the Monarchy of Heaven and Earth_; that is, tohave the command of the Pope, and of the best part of _Europe_. So thatno _Asian_ or _Turkish_ forces shall receive damage by the Christians,till seven Popes of the _Spanish_ faction have Reigned successively, andone after another.


 Un Duc cupide son ennemy poursuivre, Dans entrera empeschant la Phalange, Hastez a pied si pres viendront poursuivre, Que la journée conflite aupres du _Gange_.
 A Duke being earnest in the pursute of his enemy Shall come in, hindering the Phalange, Hastened on foot shall follow them so close, That the day of the Battle shall be near _Ganges_.


A _Phalange_, in Latine _Phalanx_, is a Squadron of Souldiers, which wordwas anciently proper only to the _Macedonians_. _Ganges_ is a River in_India_.


 En Cité obsesse aux murs hommes & femmes, Ennemis hors, le chef prest a soy rendre, Vent sera fort encontre les gens darmes, Chassez seront par chaux, poussiere & cendre.
 In a besieged City, men and women being upon the walls, The enemies without, the Governour ready to surrender, The Wind shall be strong against the Souldiers, They shall be driven away by lime, dust, and ashes.


This is a peculiar and remarkable accident, wherein the besiegers ofa City shall be driven away from their enterprise, by Lime, Dust, andAshes, scattered and dispersed against them by a mighty wind.


 Les fugitifs & bannis revoqués, Peres & Fils garnissant les hauts puits, Le cruel pere & les tiens suffoquez, Son Fils plus pire submergé dans le puits.
 The runnaways and banished men being recalled, Fathers and Sons garnishing the high wells, The cruel father and his retinue shall be suffocated, His Son being worse, shall be drowned in the Well.


The words are plain, out of which every one may make his own sense.


 Du nom qui on ne fut au Roy _Gaulois_, Jamais ne fut un Foudre si craintif, Tremblant l’_Italie_, l’_Espagne_, & les _Anglois_, De femmes estrangeres grandement attentif.
 Of the name that a _French_ King never was, There was never a Lightning so much feared, _Italy_ shall tremble, _Spain_ and the _English_, He shall be much taken with women strangers.


This foretelleth that when a _French_ King shall have a name that neverany of his Predecessors had, he shall be so much feared as that _Italy_,_Spain_, and _England_ shall tremble, and that besides he shall be muchgiven to women.


 Quand la Corneille sur Tour de Brique jointe, Durant sept heures ne fera que crier, Mort presagée, de sang Statue teinte, Tyran meurdry, aux Dieux peuple prier.
 When the Crow upon a Tower made of Brick, For seven hours shall do nothing but cry, Death shall be foretold, and the Statue died with blood, Tyrant shall be murdered, and the people pray to the Gods.


This extraordinary Prodigy of a Crow crying for seven hours together upona Brick Tower, foretelleth that some notorious Tyrant shall be put todeath, and his statue sprinkled with blood, and withall, that the peopleeither for joy or fear shall be much given to prayer.


 Apres Victoire de rabieuse Langue, L’Esprit tempté, en tranquil & repos, Victeur sauguin par conflict, fait Harangue, Roustir la Langue, & la Chair & les Os.
 After the Victory got over a raging tongue, The mind that was tempted, shall be in tranquility and rest, The bloody Conqueror by Battle shall make a Speech, And roast the tongue, the flesh, and the bones.


It is a Conquerour who having been much railed at by his enemies, shallin conclusion after he hath overcome them, take a severe vengeance ofthem.


 Ignare envie au grand Roy supportée, Tiendra propos deffendre les escrits, Sa femme non femme par un autre tentée, Plus double deux ira au fort de cris.
 Ignorant envy being supported by the great King, Shall talk of prohibiting the writtings, His wife no wife, being tempted by another, Shall more then they two prevail by crying.


Some ignorant envious person being in favour with the King, shall goabout to suppress learning, but the Kings wife no wife, that is hisConcubine, shall persuade him to the contrary, and shall prevail.


 Soleil ardent dans la gosier couler, De sang humain arrouser Terre _Etrusque_, Chef seille d’eau, mener son fils filer, Captive Dame conduite Terre _Turque_.
 Burning Sun shall be poured into the throat, This human blood shall wet the _Hetrurian_ ground, The chief pale of water, shall lead his son to Spin, A captive Lady shall be carried into the _Turkish_ Countrey.


By burning Sun must be understood melted gold, which shall be poured intoones throat, in the _Hetrurian_ ground, that is in _Tuscany_.

By the chief Pale of water is to be understood, some Water-bearer, whoshall make his son an Eunuch to make benefit on’t. The fourth Verse isplain.


 Deux assiegez en ardante ferveur, De soif estaints pour deux plaines Tasses; Le fort limé & un vieillard resueur, Au _Genois_, de _Nizza_ monstrera trace.
 Two besieged, being in a burning heat, Shall die for thirst, want of two Bowls full, The Fort being filed, an old doting man, Shall show to the _Genoese_ the way to _Nizza_.


The two first Verses are plain. The two last Verses signifie that an olddoting man shall shew to the _Genoeses_ the way how to take _Nizza_, aTown hard by them, by filing some Iron Grates, by which they shall getinto the Town.


 Les sept enfans en Hostage laissez, Le tiers viendra son enfant trucider, Deux par son fils seront d’estoc percez, _Genes_, _Florence_ les viendra seconder.
 The seven Children being left in Hostage, The third shall come to kill his child, Two by their sons shall be run through, _Genoa_ and _Florence_ shall second them.


The words being so plain, every body may give as good an interpretationas I.


 Le vieux mocqué & privé de sa place, Par l’Estranger qui le subornera, Mais de son filz mangé devant sa face, Le Frere a _Chartres_. _Orl._ _Rouen_ trahira.
 The old man shall be baffled and deprived of his place, By the stranger that shall suborn him, But of his son shall be eaten before his face, The Brother at _Chartres_. _Orl._ shall betray _Rouen_.


This Stanza is divided into two parts. The first part runneth from thefirst Verse to the middle of the fourth. The meaning is, that an oldman shall be baffled and deprived of his place by a stranger that shallsuborn him, but that strangers sons brother shall be eaten up before hisface in the Town of _Chartres_; what he meaneth by eaten up, is hard toguess, whether it be by poverty, sutes at Law, Envy, Lice, _&c._

The Hemisthikion of the last Verse, _~Orl.~ shall betray ~Rouen~_,signifieth, that _Orleans_ shall betray _Rouen_.


 Un Coronel machine ambition, Se saisira de la plus grande Armée, Contre son Prince feinte invention, Et descouvert sera soubs sa ramée.
 A Colonel deviseth a plot by his ambition, He shall seize upon the best part of the Army, Against his Prince he shall have a fained invention, And shall be discovered under the Harbour of the Vine.


I never saw the last Tyrant _Cromwel_ better painted to the life, then inthe three first Verses.

As for the fourth, it is certain that his intention among hisCamerades was first discovered by him unto them at the _Star Tavern inColeman-street_, which is the place that the Author calleth the _Harbourof the Vine_.


 L’Armée _Celtique_ contre les _Montagnars_, Qui seront sus & pris a la pipée, Paisants irez pulseront tost faugnars, Precipitez tous au fil de l’Espée.
 The _Celtique_ Army shall go against the _Highlanders_, Who shall stand upon their guard, and be taken with Bird-lime twigs, The Peasant being angry, shall roll down the stones, They shall be all put to the edge of the sword.


This is a description of the attempt made by the _French_ upon _Savoy_,which Countrey lieth in the Mountains of the _Alpes_, therefore calledhere _Highlanders_; where the Peasants being incensed for the loss oftheir goods and the ruine of their Countrey, rolled stones from the topof the Mountains against the _French_ Army, which could not hinder themfrom being destroyed; this came to pass under _Henry_ the IV. King of_France_, in the year 1662.


 Le defaillant en habit de Bourgeois, Viendra le Roy tenter de son offence, Quinze Soldats la pluspart Villageois, Vie derniere & chef de sa chevance.
 The guilty, in a Citizens habit, Shall come to tempt the King concerning his offence, Fifteen Soldiers the most part Countrey men, The last shall be his life, and the best part of his Estate.


This signifieth that a great man having committed an offence against theKing, shall come to him in a mean habit, to sue for his Pardon, and shallbe carried away by fifteen Souldiers, the most part Countrey fellows;and in conclusion he shall have his life saved, and the best part of hisEstate.


 Au deserteur de la grand Forteresse, Apres qu’aura son lieu abandonné, Son adversaire fera si grand provesse, L’Empereur tost mort sera condamné.
 After that the desertor of the great Fort, Shall have forsaken his place, His adversary shall do so great feats, That the Emperor, shall soon be condemned to death.


This is plain.


 Soubs couleur feinte de sept testes rasées, Seront formez divers explorateurs, Puits & Fontains de poison arrousées, Au Fort de _Genes_ humains devorateurs.
 Under the fained colour of seven shaven heads, Shall divers spies be framed, Wells and Fountains shall be sprinkled with poison, In the Fort of _Genoa_ shall be humane devourers.


The three first Verses belong to the same sense; _viz._ that seven menshall be spies, under pretence to be Priests or Monks, (which is themeaning of the shaven heads) and shall poison the Wells and Springs.

The last Verse signifieth that in the Fort of _Genoa_, their shall bedevourers of men, that is, Usurers and Extortioners, which is no newthing in that Nation.


 L’An que _Saturne_ & _Mars_ esgaux combust, L’Air fort seiché, longue trajection, Par feux secrets d’ardeur grands lieux adust, Peu pluye, Vent chauds, Guerres, Incursions.
 In the year that _Saturn_ and _Mars_ shall be fiery, The Air shall be very dry, in many Countreys, By secret fires, many places shall be burnt with heat, There shall be scarcity of Rain, hot Winds, Wars, in-roads.


This is the Prognostication of a mighty dry season, and other accidentsthat shall happen when _Saturn_ and _Mars_ shall be in a fierydisposition, which whether it be by Opposition, Conjunction, Aspect, &c.Let the Astrologers judge.


 En l’an bien proche non esloigné de _Venus_, Les deux plus grands de l’_Asie_ & d’_Affrique_, Du _Rhine_ & _Ister_ qu’on dira sont venus, Cris, pleurs a _Malthe_, & coste _Ligustique_.
 In a year that is to come shortly, and not far from _Venus_, The two greatest ones of _Asia_ and _Affrica_, Shall be said to come from the _Rhine_ and _Ister_, Crying, and tears shall be at _Maltha_ and in the _Ligurian_ shore.


The _Rhine_ is a River in _Germany_, _Ister_ is another in the Countreyof _Istria_, belonging to the _Venetians_.

By the first Verse, I conclude that this Prophecy came to pass a littlewhile after the Author wrote this Book, when the grand Segnor _Solyman_besieged _Maltha_, and put in fear all the _Ligurian_ Coast, which isthat of _Genoa_.


 La Cité grande les exilez tiendront, Les Citadins morts, meurtris & chassez, Ceux d’_Aquilee_ a _Parme_ promettront, Monstrer l’entrée par les lieux non tracez.
 The banished shall keep the great City, The Citizens being dead, murdered and expelled, Those of _Aquileia_ shall promise to _Parma_, To shew the entrance by unknown paths.


_Aquileia_ and _Parma_ are two Cities in _Italy_. The rest is easie.


 Bien contigu des grands Monts _Pyrenées_, Un contre l’Aigle grand copie, adresser, Ouvertes veines, forces exterminées, Que jusqu’au _Pau_ le chief viendra chasser.
 Near the great _Pyrenean_ Mountains, One shall raise a great Army against the Eagle, Veins shall be opened, forces driven out, So that the chief shall be driven as far as the _Pau_.


By the Eagle here is understood the Empire; because his Ensign is anEagle.


 En lieu d’Espouse les Filles trucidées, Meurtre a grand faute, ne sera superstite, Dedans le puis vestues inondées, L’Espouse esteinte par haut d’Aconite.
 Instead of the Bride, the Maid shall be killed, The murder shall be a great fault, none shall be surviving, In the Well they shall be drowned with their Cloaths, The Bride shall be extinguished by an high Aconite.


This is a Prophecie of a Tragical Nuptial, where all the Maids shall bedrowned with their Cloaths in a Well, insomuch that none shall survive,and the Bride shall be poisoned, and die by _Aconite_, which is one ofthe most poisonous herbs that is, witness _Juvinal_: _Lurida terribilesmiscent asonita novercæ._


 Les _Artomiques_ par _Agen_ & _Lectoure_, A saint _Felix_ feront leur Parliament, Ceux de _Bazas_ viendront a la malhoure, Saisir _Condon_ & _Marsan_ promptement.
 The _Artomiques_ through _Agen_ and _Lectoure_, Shall keep their Parliament at Saint _Fœlix_, These of _Bazas_ shall come in an unhappy hour, To seize upon _Condon_ and _Marsan_ speedily.


By the _Artomiques_ he meaneth the Protestants; because they take theCommunion with leavened Bread, which in Greek is called _Artos_.

_Agen_, _Lectoure_, saint _Fœlix_, _Bazas_, _Condon_ and _Marzan_, areCities of _Gascony_. The rest is plain.


 Le neveu grand par force prouvera, Le peche fait de Cœur pusillanime, _Ferrare_ & _Ast_ le Duc esprouvera, Par lors qu’au soir sera le _Pantomime_.
 The great nephew by force shall provoke, The sin committed by the pusillanimous heart, _Ferrara_ and _Ast_ shall make tryal of the Duke, When the _Pantomime_ shall be in the evening.


To understand the whole sense of this, we must first know what is meantby the particular terms.

The great Nephew is the Brother or Sisters son of some great person,who by force shall discover the Treason or Cowardise, committed by somepusillanimous or fearful man.

_Ferrara_ and _Ast_ are two towns in _Italy_, shall make tryal of a Duke,by being either taken or assaulted.

_When the Pantomime shall be in the evening_; that is, when the Comedyshall be acted; for _Pantomime_ in Greek signifieth a Comedian.


 Du lac _Leman_ & ceux des _Brannonices_, Tous assemblez contre ceux d’_Aquitaine_, Germans beaucoup encores plus _Sovisses_, Seronts des faits avec ceux du _Maine_.
 From lake _Leman_, and from the _Brannonues_, They shall be gathered against those of _Aquitania_, Great many _Germans_, and many more _Switzers_, Shall be routed together with those of _Maine_.


Lake _Leman_, is the Lake of _Geneva_. The _Brannonices_ are those of_Sens_, so called; because they took _Rome_ under the Conduct of theirCaptain _Brennus_, and afterwards built _Brenona_, a Town belonging sinceto the _Venetians_, who calls it _Verona_.

_Aquitania_ is that Province of _France_, called now _Gascony_. _Maine_is a Province in _France_. The rest needeth no explication.


 Prest a combattre fera defection, Chef adversaire obtiendra la victoire, Larriere garde fera defension, Les defaillans morts au blanc terretoire.
 One being ready to fight, shall faint, The chief of the adverse party shall obtain the victory, The rearegard, shall withstand it out, Those that fall away shall die in the white Terretory.


There is nothing difficult here, but what he meaneth by the whiteTerretory, whether it be positive, or Allegorical, I leave the judgementof it to the Reader.


 Les _Nictobriges_ par ceux de _Perigort_, Seront vexez tenants jusques au _Rhosne_, L’Associé de _Gascons_ & _Bigorre_, Trahir le Temple le prestre estant au Prosne.
 The _Nictobriges_ by those of _Perigort_, Shall be vexed as far as the _Rhosne_, The associate of the _Gascons_ and _Bigorre_, Shall betray the Church while the Priest is in his Pulpit.


_Nictobriges_ in Greek signifieth a people living in a dark and moistCountrey. _Perigort_ and _Bigorre_ are two Towns in _France_. The rest isplain.


 _Selyn_ Monarque, l’_Italie_ pacifique, Regnes unis, Roy Chrestien du monde, Mourant voudra coucher en Terre _Blesique_, Apres Pyrates avoir chassé de L’onde.
 _Selyn_ being Monarch, _Italy_ shall be in peace, Kingdoms shall be united, a Christian King of the world, Dying, shall desire to be buried in the Countrey of _Blois_, After he shall have driven the Pyrates from the Sea.


_Selyn_ is the name of a _Turkish_ Emperour, the meaning therefore ofthis, is, that under the Reign of one _Selyn_ a _Turkish_ Emperour,_Italy_ shall be in peace, and all the Christian Princes united.


 La grand Armée de la pugne civile, Pour de nuit _Parme_ a l’Estranger trouvée, Septante neuf meurtris dedans la Ville, Les estrangers passez tous a l’Espée.
 The great Army belonging to the Civil War, Having found by night _Parma_ possessed by Strangers, Shall kill seventy nine in the Town, And put all the Strangers to the Sword.


_Parma_ is a City in _Italy_. The rest is plain.


 Sang Royal fuis, _Monheurt_, _Mars._ _Aiguillon_, Remplis seront de _Bourdelois_ les _Landes_. _Navarre_, _Bigorre_, pointes & Aiguillons, Profonds de faim, vorer de Liege, Glandes.
 Royal blood run away from _Monheurt_, _Marsan_, _Aiguillon_, The _Landes_ shall be full of _Bourdeloir_, _Navarre_, _Bigorre_, shall have points and Pricks. Being deep in hunger, they shall devour the Cork and Akorns.


_Monheurt_, _Marsan_, _Aiguillon_, are Towns in _Gascony_.

_Landes_ is a desert Countrey, wherein nothing groweth but Pine-trees,_Bourdelois_ are those of _Bourdeaux_.

_Navarre_ is a Kingdom, and _Begorre_ a Province joyning to those_Landes_, or Pine-trees Countrey.


 Pres du grand Fleuve, grand fosse, terre egeste, En quinze parts l’eau sera divisée, La Cité prinse, feu, sang, cris, conflict mettre, Et la plus part concerne au collisée.
 Near the great River, a great pit, Earth digged out, In fifteen parts the Water shall be divided, The City taken, fire, blood, cries, fighting, And the greatest part concerneth the Collisés.


This Prophecy was fulfilled, when _Rome_ was taken and sacked by_Charles_ Duke of _Bourbon_, and _Philibert_ of _Chalon_ Prince of_Orenge_, Generals of the Emperour _Charles_ the V. with such cruelties,as never was committed by the bloody _Goths_ and _Vandales_, and to shewthat the Author intended _Rome_, is apparant by two instances. The firstis by _the great River_, which is the _Tyber_, which though not verygreat in its Channel and depth, yet is very great, yea, the greatest in_Europe_ by its fame. The other is the word _Colisée_, which is thatfamous Arch of _Traian_ in _Rome_, remaining yet to this day.


 Pont on fera promptement de nacelles, Passer l’Armée du grand Prince _Belgique_, Dans profondres, & non loing de _Bruxelles_, Outrepassez detrenchez sept a picque.
 A Bridge of Boats shall suddenly be made, To pass over the Army of the great _Belgick_ Prince, In deep places, and not far from _Bruxelles_, Being gone over, there shall be seven cut with a Pike.


This is concerning the Siege of _Antwerp_ by the Prince of _Parma_,Governour of the _Low-Countreys_ for the King of _Spain_, who havingbesieged, caused a Bridge of Boats to be made upon the River _Scheld_,to hinder the succours of the _Hollanders_, who by that means wereconstrained to surrender it.


 Amas sapproche venant d’_Esclavonie_, L’Olestant vieux Cité ruinera, Fort desolée verra sa _Romanie_, Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura.
 A great troop gathered, shall come from _Sclavonia_, The old Olestant shall ruine a City, He shall see his _Romania_ very desolate, And after that, shall not be able to quench that great flame.


That great troop from _Sclavonia_ shall be the _Venetians_, becausethey possess most part of that Countrey. _The old Olestant_ is theirDuke, because he is not chosen unless he be very old, by _Romania_ isunderstood what the _Venetians_ possess in that Countrey.


 Combat nocturne le vaillant Capitaine, Vaincu fuira, peu de gens profligé, Son peuple esmeu, sedition non vain, Son propre fils le tiendra assiegé.
 In a fight by night, the valliant Captain, Being vanquished shall run away, overcome by few, His people being moved, shall make no small mutiny, His own son shall besiege him.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Un grand d’_Auxerre_ mourra bien miserable, Chassé de ceux qui soubs luy ont esté. Serré de chaines, apres d’un rude cable, En l’an que _Mars_, _Venus_ & _Sol_ mis en Esté.
 A great man of _Auxerre_ shall die very miserably, Being expelled by those that have been under him, Bound with Chains, and after that with a strong Cable, In the year that _Mars_, _Venus_, and _Sol_ shall be in a conjunction in the Summer.


_Auxerre_ is a City of _France_, distant from _Paris_ 40. leagues to the_Southward_.


 Le Charbon blanc du noir sera chassé, Prisonier fait, mené au Tombereau, More Chameau sus pieds entrelassez, Lors le puisné fillera l’Aubereau.
 The white Coal shall be expelled by the black one, He shall be made Prisoner, carried in a Dung-cart, His feet twisted upon a black Camel, Then the youngest, shall suffer the Hobby to have more thread.


The first Verse is altogether Allegorical and Metaphorical, thereforeI leave it to the judgement of every Reader. I shall only deliver myopinion upon the whole: I take it to be some white Prince, that shallbe overcome by a black one, put in a Dungcart, after that, tied upon ablack Camel, and then the younger son of that black Prince shall give theprisonner a little more liberty.


 L’An que _Saturne_ en eau sera conjoint, Avecques _Sol_ le Roy fort & puissant, A _Rheims_ & _Aix_ sera receu & oingt, Apres Conquestes meurtrira innocens.
 In the year that _Saturn_ in _Aquarius_ shall be in conjunction With _Sol_, the King being strong and powerful, Shall be received and Anointed at _Rheines_ and _Aix_, After Conquest he shall murder innocent persons.


This Prophecy is remarkable for the things that it foretelleth, _viz._that in the year that _Saturn_ shall be in conjunction with _Sol_ inthe Sign of _Aquarius_, a King of _France_ shall be annointed both at_Rhemes_ and _Aix_, for _Rhemes_ is a City in _France_, where the Kingsuse to be Annointed and Crowned, and _Aix_ is another in _Germany_, wherethe Emperours use to be so. But the last Verse is ominous, where hesaith, that after his Conquests he shall murder innocent persons.


 Un fils de Roy tant de Langues apprins, A son Aisné au Regne different, Son Pere beau au plus grand fils comprins, Fera perir principal adherent.
 A son of a King having learned divers Languages, Shall fall out with his elder Brother for the Kingdom, His father in Law being more concerned with his elder son, Shall cause the principal adherent to perish.


One King shall have two Sons, the eldest shall succeed him in theKingdom, the youngest having been well brought up and educated, shallraise troubles, against the King his Brother; but he shall be destroyedby the means of his own Father in Law.


 La grand _Antoine_ du nom de fait sordide, De _Phtyriase_ a son dernier rongé, Un qui de plomb voudra este cupide, Passant le port d’_Esleu_ sera plongé.
 The great _Antony_ by name, but in effect sordid, Of _Phtyriasis_ shall at last be eaten up, One that shall be covetous of Lead, Going upon Port d’_Esleu_ shall fall into the Water.


_Phtyriasis_ in Greek is the disease called by the Latines _Morbuspedicularis_, when one is devoured by Lice, as were _Herodes_, _Sylla_,_Pherecydes_, and _Philip_ II. King of _Spain_, &c.

As for Port d’_Esleu_, the question is, whether it be the proper name ofa place, or the name of a man, that shall throw another in the water.


 Trente de _Londres_ secret conjureront, Contre Leur Roy, sur le pont l’Entreprise, Les _Satellites_ la mort desgouteront, Un Roy esleu blond & natif de _Frize_.
 Thirty of _London_ shall secretly conspire, Against their King, upon the Bridge the Plot shall be made, These _Satellites_ shall taste of death, A King shall be elected, fair, and born in _Friezeland_.


Here may be alleadged that passage of Scripture, _There is nothing sosecret but shall be revealed_; for here is plainly told the number ofthose wicked persons, who conspired against their lawful Sovereign King_Charles_ I. of blessed memory, as also the place where the Plot wasfirst laid; for it is well known that they used to assemble at the _Bear_at the Bridge foot.


 Les deux copies au murs ne pourront joindre, Dans cet instant trembler _Milan_, _Thesin_, Faim soif, doutance si fort les viendront prendre, Chair, pain, ne vivres nauront un seul boucin.
 The two Armies shall not be able to joyn by the Walls, At that instant _Milan_ and _Thesin_ shall tremble, Hunger, thirst, and fear shall so seize upon them, They shall not have a bit of meat, bread, nor victuals.


_Milan_ is a City in _Italy_, and _Thesin_ is the River that passeth byit.


 Au Duc _Gaulois_ contraint battre au Duelle, La nef de Mole, _Monech_ naprochera, Tort accuse, prison perpetuelle, Son Fils regner avant mort taschera.
 A _French_ Duke compelled to fight a Duel, The Ship of Mole shall not come near _Monaco_, Wrongfully accused shall have a perpetual Prison, His son shall endeavour to Reign before his death.


To understand this Stanza, we must suppose four Histories, _Paradin_relateth the first, which is, that the _French_ and _Spanish_ Armieshaving their Winter quarters in the Dukedome of _Milan_, _Anno_ 1555.

The Marquess of _Pescaire_, sent word to the Duke of _Nemours_, by a_French_ Gentleman, that he and three more desired to break a Lance withhim upon the borders of _Ast_.

The Duke accepted the challenge, without giving notice to the Marquess of_Brissac_, then General of the _French_ Army, who was very angry at it,nevertheless he advised the Duke to go, but not with a Guilt and lightArmour, but with a wrong one, such as became a Cavaliero, which he didnot do, nor the other three that went with him: whence it came, that theLord _Classe_ a _French_ man, running against _Malespine_, was woundedto death in the shoulder; nevertheless one of the seconds to the Dukeof _Nemours_, the Lord _Moncha_ killed upon the place _Carassa_, Nephewto pope _Marcel_ II. and the Lord _Manoa_, one of the Duke of _Nemours_party, falling from his Horse a little wounded, broke his neck.

As for the Duke of _Nemours_, he ran twice against the said Marquess,without hitting one another, but at the third time they both brake theirLances, without doing any harm. Thus, _the French Duke was compelled tofight a Duel_.

We have the second History from _Turpin_, and many others, which is,that the Marquess of _Masseran_, having put himself into the King of_France_’s service, in hopes to have the Government of _Bielais_; andproving a Traitor, the Marshal of _Brissac_, who had discovered hisperfidiousness, resolved to take him in his house of _Gaillany_, which hehad fortified to secure his retreat after his Treason.

The Lord _de Termes_ was commanded to do it, which he did so dexterously,that he took him into his house after dinner, and then compelled himpresently to surrender the Castle of _Jamaglia_, the Marquess obeying,sent thither presently his son _Claudius_, to put it into the hands ofthe Lords _de la Mante_, and of _Villars_.

These two viewing the Castle, to observe the places that might befortified, and going from room to room, heard a lamentable voice, crying._Have mercy upon me._ They caused presently the Prison doors to beopened, and found a poor Gentleman of _Vercelle_, whom the Marquess haddetained there 18 years, for endeavouring to serve an execution againsthim, in the Duke of _Savoy_’s behalf.

And it is remarkable that his Imprisonment was all this while concealed,so that no body ever heard of it, in so much that his friends suspectinghe had been killed by one of his enemies, they prosecuted him so hard,that after much tortering, he confessed what he had not done, and wasconsequently put to death in the presence of the said Marquess of_Masseran_, who knew the Countrey. Thus we see _one wrongfully accused_that was executed, and this Gentlemans Imprisonment, which was to beperpetual.

After this, they carryed the poor Gentleman almost all naked, and beingnothing but skin and bones, to the Lord of _Termes_, who caused him to beclothed, and gave him Money to go back to his friends.

The third History is, that the Duke of _Nemours_ Son was one of the chiefring-leaders of the League against _Henry_ IV. and did what he couldbefore he dyed to get the Kingdom of _France_, endeavouring first to makehimself Sovereign Prince of _Lion_, _Forrest_, and _Beaucolois_.

The fourth History is, that at the latter end of the year 1555. the Lord_la Mole_ carrying to _Rome_ the Cardinals of _Tournon_ and _Lorrain_,went directly to the Island of _Corsica_, whence he drew some Forces,which he joyned to his, and to those of _Monluc_, and would not Land at_Monaco_ for some reasons, but went directly to _Civita Vecchia_. By thiswe understand that Verse of the Stanza. _The Ship of the Mole shall notcome near ~Monaco~._


 Teste trenchée du vaillant Capitaine, Sera jettée devant son adversaire, Son corps pendu de la Classe a l’Antenne, Confus fuira par rames avent contraire.
 The head cut off the valliant Captain Shall be thrown down before his adversary, His body hanged at the Sails Yard, Confused, they shall fly with Oars against the Wind.


These words are plain enough, though no body can tell whether the thingis past already, or shall come to pass hereafter.


 Un Serpent veu proche du lict Royal, Sera par Dame nuict chien n’abageronts Lors nastre en _France_ un Prince tant Royal, Du Ciel venu tous les Princes verront.
 A Serpent shall be seen near the Royal bed, By a Lady in the night, the Dogs shall not bark, Then shall be born in _France_ a Prince so Royal, Come from Heaven all the Princes shall see it.


This seemeth to be an allusion to the Birth of _Alexander_ the great;for it is said, that when his mother _Olympia_ proved with Child of him,there was seen in her Bed, and about her Bed a great Serpent, which wasthe presage of his future greatness: therefore our Author also will have,that when such a Prodigie shall appear in _France_, that then shall beborn such a Prince as he mentioneth here: the circ*mstances are, thatthis Serpent shall be seen by a Lady in the night time, and that the Dogsof the house shall not bark at him.


 Deux grand, freres seront chassez d’_Espagne_, Laisné vaincu soubs les Monts _Pyrænæes_, Rougis Mer, _Rhosne_, sang _Leman_, d’_Alemagne_, _Narbon_, _Blyterre_, d’_Agath_ contaminées.
 Two great Brothers shall be driven from _Spain_, The elder of them shall be overcome under the _Pyrenean_ Mountains Bloody Sea, _Rhosne_, Blood _Leman_ of _Germany_, _Narbon_, _Bliterre_ of _Agath_ polluted.


The two first Verses are easily understood by those that know the_Pyrenean_ Mountains, to be those that part _Spain_ from _France_. Thetwo last Verses signifie there shall be bloody Wars in those places; the_Rhosne_ is a swift River of _France_, that passeth through the Cityof _Lyons_; _Leman_ is the Lake of _Geneva_, and _Narbon_ is a City of_Languedock_.


 Le Regne a deux laissé bien peu tiendront, Trois ans sept mois passez feront la guerre, Les deux vestales contre rebelleront, Victor puisnay en _Armorique_ Terre.
 The Kingdom being left to two, they shall keep it but a little while, Three years and seven months being past, they shall make War, The two Vestals shall rebel against them, The youngest shall be Conquerour in the _Armorick_ Countrey.


This signifies, that a Kingdom shall be left to two, who shall keep itbut a little while, about the space before mentioned.

By the two Vestals that shall rebel, are to be understood two Nuns, whohaving Interest in the state by their nearness of blood, shall challengea title in the Kingdom. The last Verse signifies, that the youngest thatcontended for the Kingdom, shall overcome the eldest, in the Province of_Gascony_.


 La sœur aisnée de l’Isle _Britannique_, Quinze ans devant le frere aura naissance, Par son promis moyenant verifique, Succedera au Regne de Balance.
 The eldest Sister of the _Brittain_ Island, Shall be born fifteen years before her Brother, By what is promised her, and help of the truth, She shall succeed in the Kingdom of _Libra_.


This signifies, that the Princess born so long after her Brother, shallbe married to a King of _France_, which is understood here by the Kingdomof _Libra_; therefore the last King _Lewis_ the XIII. was called _theJust_, because born under the Sign of _Libra_.


 L’An que _Mercure_, _Mars_, _Venus_ retrograde, Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillit, Esleu du peuple _Lusitant_ pres de _Pactole_, Qu’en Paix & Regne viendra fort enveillir.
 When _Mercury_, _Mars_ and _Venus_ shall retrograde, The Line of the great Monarch shall be wanting, He shall be elected by the _Lusitanians_ near _Pactole_, And shall Reign in Peace a good while.


This signifies the late change of state in _Portugal_, when they threwoff the _Spanish_ yoke, and chose a King amongst themselves, _John_ theIV. Duke of _Branganza_, Father to the present Queen of _England_;for by the _Lusitanians_ are meant the _Portugals_, so called fromtheir Countreys name _Lusitania_; _Pactoles_ is the River that runs by_Lisbonne_, otherwise called _Tagus_, in Greek χροσοροος from the Sands.


 Les _Albanois_ passeront dedans _Rome_, Moyennant _Langres_ demipiler affubles, Marquis & Duc ne pardonnes a l’homme, Feu, sang, morbilles point d’eau, faillir les blés.
 The _Albanians_ shall pass through _Rome_, By the means of _Langres_ covered with half Helmets, Marquess and Duke shall spare no man, Fire, blood, small Pox, Water shall fail us, also Corn.


The meaning is, that when the people of _Albania_ lying between the_Venetian_ Territories, and _Grecia_, shall come to _Rome_, by the meansof a Bishop of _Langres_, who is a Duke and Peer of _France_; being_covered with half Helmets_, a kind of a Cap that they wear in War; thenshall be _fire, blood, small Pox, and want of Corn_.


 L’Aisné vaillant de la fille du Roy, Repoussera si profond les _Celtiques_, Qu’il mettra Foudres, combien en tel arroy, Peu & loing puis profond es _Hesperiques_.
 The valliant eldest son of the daughter of the King, Shall beat back so far those of _Flanders_, That he will cast Lightnings, O how many in such orders Little and far, after shall go deep in _Spain_.


This is scarce to be understood of any body, but the present King of_France_ _Lewis_ the XIV. who was the elder son, and born of Queen _Ann_,Daughter to the King of _Spain_, who by his valour and fortune made lastyear such progress in the Conquest of _Flanders_, that it hath causedadmiration in every body; insomuch that is he do the like this year,it may be probably suspected, he will afterwards go deep into _Spain_according to the contents of this Prophecy.


 Du feu Celeste au Royal edifice, Quand la lumiere de _Mars_ defaillira, Sept mois grand Guerre, mort gent de malefice, _Rouen_, _Eureux_ au Roy ne faillira.
 Fire shall fall from the skies on the Kings Palace, When _Mars_’s light shall be Ecclipsed, A great War shall be for seven months, people shall die by witchcraft. _Rouen_, and _Eureux_ shall not be wanting to the King.


The meaning is, that when _Mars_ is Ecclipsed, the Lightning shall fallon some of the King of _Frances_ Palaces, then shall be a great War, forthe space of seven Months, and many shall die by witchcraft; and _Rouen_the chief City of _Normandy_, and _Eureux_ another of the same province,shall stick fast to the Kings Interest.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Avant venue de ruine _Celtique_, Dedans le Temple d’eux parlementeront, Poignard cœur d’un monté au coursier & picque, Sans faire bruit le grand enterreront.
 Before the coming of the ruine of _Flanders_, Two shall discourse together in the Church, Dagger in the heart by one, on Horse-back and Spurring, Without noise they shall bury the great one.


This is a further specification of the whole ruine of _Flanders_, beforewhich it shall happen, saith our Author, that two shall talk together inthe Church, and one shall stabb the other with a Dagger, and then takeHorse, and fly, the dead one being buried without Pompe or Ceremony.


 Sept conjurez au Banquet feront luire, Centre les trois le Fer hors de Navire. L’un les deux classes au grand fera conduire, Quand par le mail dernier au front luy tire.
 Seven Conspirators at a Banquet shall make their Iron glister Against three, out of a Ship: One shall carry the two Fleets to the great one, When in the Palle-malle the last shall shoot him in the forehead.


The two first Verses foretell a Conspiracy of seven against three, one ofwhich seven shall carry both Fleets to some eminent person, at which timehe shall be shot in the forehead by the last of the seven.


 Le Successeur de la Duché viendra, Beaucoup plus outre que la Mer de _Toscane_, _Gauloise_ branche la _Florence_ tiendra, Dans son Giron d’accord nautique Rane.
 The Successor to the Dukedom shall come, Far beyond the _Tuscane_ Sea, A _French_ branch shall hold _Florence_ In its Lap, to which the Sea-frog shall agree.


By the two first Verses is meant a lawful Successor to the Duke of_Tuscany_ who shall come to recover the said Dukedom, which shall then bein the possession of the _French_.

It is hard to guess what he means by the Sea-frog, unless it be someconsiderable Prince at Sea, which shall then be in League with the_French_.


 Le gros Mastin de Cité dechassé, Sera fasché de l’estrange Alliance, Apres aux Champs avoir le Cerf chassé, Le Loup & l’Ours se donront defiance.
 The great Mastif being driven from the City, Shall be angry at the strange Alliance, After he shall have hunted the Hart in the Fields, The Wolf, and the Bear shall defie one another.


By the strange Alliance is meant that which _Cromwel_ had with _France_,to the prejudice of his Majesty of _England_, who is here meant by theMastif, a Creature, for which _England_ hath been famous.

By the Wolf and the Bear are meant the _French_ King and the _Switzers_,or those of _Savoy_.


 Sous ombre faincte d’oster de servitude, Peuple & Cité l’usurpera luy-mesme, Pire sera par fraus de jeune pute, Livré au Champ lisant le faux proësme.
 Under the fained shadow of freeing people from slavery, He shall usurpe the people and City for himself; He shall do worse by the deceit of a young whor*, For he shall be betrayed in the field reading a false proem.


The two first are plain, and may be referred to the foregoing Stanzaconcerning _Oliver_.

The last Verses are plain, and I leave them to the judicious Reader.


 Au Roy l’_Augur_ sur le chef le main mettre, Viendra prier pour la Paix _Italique_, A la main gauche viendra changer le Sceptre, De Roy viendra Empereur pacifique.
 The _Augur_ shall come to put his hand upon the Kings head, And pray for the Peace of _Italy_, In the left hand he shall change the Scepter, Of a King he shall become a peaceful Emperour.


Although the _Augur_ in Latine signifieth one that telleth events ofmatters by the flying voices, or sitting of Birds, yet it is taken also(as here) for a Prelat or Clergyman, who shall put his hand upon a Kingshead, and pray for the peace of _Italy_, and shall put a Scepter in hishand, and install him Emperour, what King this should be, is easie to beconjectured by the Author, being a _French-man_, and setting down a Kingwithout any Epithite, and this Prophecy is a confirmation of one beforeof the same nature.


 Du _Triumuir_ seront trouvez les os, Cherchant profond Thresor ænigmatique, Ceux d’alentour ne seront en repos, Ce concaver Marbre & plomb Metallique.
 The bones of the _Triumuir_ shall be found out, When they shall seek for a deep and ænigmatical Treasure, Those there about shall not be in rest, This concavity shall be Marble and Metallick Lead.


I suppose none so ignorant in the Roman History, but knows, that therewas a combination between _Octavius Cæsar_, _Marcus Antonius_, and_Lepidus_, to make themselves Masters of the _Roman_ Empire, and todivide it amongst themselves, this plot being made by three, was made bythe _Triumuiri_, the meaning then is, that when they shall go to seek fora Treasure, they shall find the bones of one of those three persons, andin that cavity that they shall have digged, they shall find Marble andLead.


 Sera laissé le feu vif, mort caché, Dedans les Globes horrible espouventable, De nuict a classe Cité en poudre lasché, La Cité a feu, l’ennemy favourable.
 The fire shall be left burning, the dead man shall be hid, Within the Globes terrible and fearful, By night the Fleet shall shoot against the City, The City shall be on fire, the enemy shall be favourable unto it.


The two Verses signifie, that fire shall be hid within Globes, I supposethem to be Granado’s, or a Mine.

The two last Verses signifie, that the Fleet in the Harbour, or near it,shall set the City on fire, and that they shall come out of the Fleet tohelp to quench the fire, and so shall the enemy be favourable.


 Jusques au fond la grand Arche _Maluë_, Par chef Captif l’amy anticipé, Naistra de Dame front, face cheveluë, Lors par astuce Duc a mort attrapé
 To the bottom of the great Arch _Malüe_, By a Captain that is a Prisoner, the friend shall be anticipated, One shall be born of a Lady with a hoary face and forehead, Then by craft shall a Duke be put to death.


The meaning of the first is unknown to me: I leave it to the Reader.

The sense of the last is as obvious to the meanest capacity, as the twoprecedent are obscure.


 Un chef _Celtique_ dans le conflict blessé, Aupres de Cave, voiant, siens mort abattre, De sang & playes & d’ennemis pressé, Est se couru par incogneus de quattre.
 A General of _Flanders_ wounded in Battle, Near a Cellar, seeing death to overthrow his people, Being much oppressed with blood, wounds and enemies, Is succoured by four unknown.


This needeth no further interpretation, than that it seemeth to be nearits event.


 Mer par solaires seure passera Ceux de _Venus_ tiendront toute l’_Afrique_, Leur Regne plus _Saturne_ n’occupera, Et changera la part _Asiatique_.
 By solaries she shall pass secure, Those of _Venus_ shall hold all _Africa_, _Saturn_ shall hold their Kingdom no longer, And shall change the _Asiatick_ part.


This is so obscure in words and sense, that I can judge no more than thatit signifies a great change in _Africa_ and _Asia_, which I suppose isalready come to pass by _Taffaletta_.


 Au pres du lac _Leman_ sera conduite, Par garse estrange Cite voulant trahir, Avant son meurtre a _Ausbourg_ la grand suite, Et ceux du _Rhin_ la viendront envahir.
 Near the _Leman_ Lake shall be a Plot, By a strange whor* to betray a City, Before she be kill’d her great retinue will come to _Ausbourg_, And those of the _Rhine_ shall come to invade her.


We have said often before, that the _Leman_ Lake is that of _Geneva_. Therest is so manifest, that it needs no interpretation.


 Par grand fureur le Roy _Romain Belgique_, Veexer voudra par phalange _Barbare_, Furent grinssant chassera gent _Lybique_, Depuis _Pannons_ jusque _Hercules_ la bare.
 Through great anger the _Roman Belgick_ King, Shall come to vex with _Barbarian_ Troops, Gnashing with fury, he shall draw away the _Lybian_ people, From the _Pannons_ as far as _Hercules_.


By the _Roman Belgick_ King, is understood _Philip_ the second King of_Spain_; because he was made King in _Flanders_, by his father _Charles_V.

The second Verse signifieth the diverse Nations that his Army wascomposed of.

In the third, by the _Lybian_ people are understood the _Jews_, which hedrove away from _Spain_ into _Africa_.

The _Pannons_ are the people of _Hungary_, called _Pannones_, and themeaning that he drove them out as far as _Hercules_ Pillar, at the mouthof the Straits, signifies the great expulsion he made of them, which wereabout the number of 200000.


 _Saturne_ & _Mars_ en _Leo Espagne_ captifue, Par chef _Lybique_ au conflict attrapé, Proche de _Malte_, Herede Prinse vive, Et _Romain_ Sceptre sera par _Coq_ frappé.
 _Saturn_ and _Mars_ being in _Leo_, _Spain_ shall be captive, By a _Lybian_ General taken in the Battle, Near _Malta_, an Heirse shall be taken alive, And the _Roman_ Scepter shall be strucken by the _co*ck_.


By the _co*ck_ is meant the King of _France_. The rest is plain.


 En navigant Captif prins grand pontife, Grand apres faillir les clercs tumultuez, Second esleu absent son bien debife, Son favory Bastard a mort tué.
 In Sailing a Pope shall be taken Captive; After which, shall be a great uproar amongst the Clergy, A second absent elected, consumeth his goods, His favourite Bastard shall be killed.


These Verses signifie no more, but that a Pope going by water, shallbe taken Prisoner, for which, all the Clergy shall be in disorder, andelect a new one, who shall consume his Goods, and shall have a favouriteBastard, that shall be killed.


 A son haut prix plus la larme _Sabæe_, D’humaine chair par mort en cendre mettre, L’Isle _Pharos_ par _Croisars_ perturbée, Alors qua _Rhodes_ paroistra dur espectre.
 The _Sabæan_ Tear shall be no more at its high price, To turn humane flesh by death into ashes, The Island _Pharos_ shall be troubled by _Croisars_, When at _Rhodes_ shall a hard Phantasm appear.


The _Sabæan Tear_, is Frankincense, so called; because it is the Gum of aTree that groweth in that Countrey, whence the Poet saith,

 _India mittit ebur, molles sua thura Sabæi._

The meaning therefore of the two first Verses, is, that Frankincenseshall be no more so dear as it hath been; because it shall be no moreused, in enbalming and burning of dead bodies.

The third verse saith, the Island _Pharos_ (which is that little Islandthat lyeth before the Harbour of _Alexandria_) shall be troubled by_Croisars_, that is, Christians, when there shall appear a Phantasme, ora Vision shall be seen at _Rhodes_.


 De nuit passant le Roy pres d’une _Andronne_, Celuy de _Cipres_ & principal de guerre, Le Roy failly la main fuit long du _Rhosne_, Les conjurez liront la a mort mettre.
 The King going along by night near an _Andronne_, He of _Cyprus_ and chief of the War, The King having missed the hand, runneth away along by the _Rhosne_, The Conspirators shall put him to death there.


I could not find what he meaneth by _Andronne_, therefore I believe it isa barbarous and forged word, which the Author hath foisted in, to makethe first Verses rhime with the word _Rhosne_ in the third Verse, whichis a famous River in _France_.


 De duel mourra l’infelix profligé, Celebrera son victrix l’Hecatombe, Pristine loy franc edict redigé, Le mur & Prince septiesme ira au tombe.
 The unhappy being overcome, shall die for grief, His Victrix shall celebrate the Hecatomb, The former law and free Edict shall be brought again, The wall and seventh Prince shall go to the Grave.


_Victrix_ is a Latine word, and the Feminine Gender of _victor_, andsignifieth a woman that is victorious; _Hecatomb_ is a Sacrifice, whereinan hundred Oxen are killed.


 Le grand Royal d’Or, d’Airain augmenté, Rompu la pache par jeune, ouverte guerre, Peuple affligé par un chef lamenté, De sang barbare sera couverte Terre;
 The great Golden Royal, being increased with Copper, The agreement being broken by a young man, there shall be open War, People afflicted by the loss of a General lamented, The ground shall be covered with barbarous blood.


By the great golden Royal, is understood (if I mistake not) a King richin Gold and Silver, who being joyned with one rich in Copper, shall makeopen War against one that shall have broken his agreement.

_Quære_: Whether this came not to pass when _Gustaphus Adolphus_ Kingof _Sweden_ and rich in Brass, being helped by the _French_ Gold andSilver; was not the General so much lamented, after he had almost ruinedthe Emperour, whom he did challenge to have broken his word, and hadcovered the ground with _German_ and _Swedish_ blood.


 De la les _Alpes_ grand Armée passera, Un peu devant naistra monstre vapin, Prodigieux, & subit tournera, Le grand _Toscan_ a son lieu plus propin.
 Beyond the _Alpes_ shall a great Army go, and A little before shall be born a Vapin Monster, Prodigious and suddenly the great _Toscan_ Shall return to his nearest place.


What the Author meaneth by _vapin_, is unknown to me, as for the word_propin_, it is a diminutive of the Latine word _propinquus_, by thefigure of Rhetorick, called _Tmesis_.


 Par le trespas du Monarque Latin, Ceux quil aura par Regne secourus, Le feu livra divisé le butin, La mort publique aux hardis accourus.
 By the death of the Latine Monarque, Those that he shall have succoured in his Reign. The fire shall shine, the booty shall be divided, The stout comers in shall be put to publick death.


Every body may judge of this as well as I, therefore to trouble my selfit should be to no purpose.


 Avant qu’a _Rome_ grand aye rendu l’Ame, Effrayeur grande a l’Armée estrangere, Par escadrons l’embusche pres de _Parme_. Puis les deux rouges ensemble feront chere.
 Before that a great man yeildeth up his Soul at _Rome_, The Army of strangers shall be put into a great fright, By Squadrons the ambush shall be near _Parma_. After that, the two red ones shall make good cheer together.


Here is nothing difficult, but what he meaneth by the two red ones, formy part I suppose them to be two Cardinals.


 Les deux contens seront unis ensemble, Quand la pluspart a _Mars_ seront conjoints, Le grand d’_Affrique_ en effrayeur & tremble, _Duumuirat_ par la chassé desjoint.
 The two contented shall be united together, When the most part shall be joyned to _Mars_, The great one of _Africa_ shall be in fear and terrour, _Duumuirat_ shall by the pursuit be disjointed.


This signifieth, that two powerful Princes shall joyn together, tomake War in _Africa_, which shall be much terrified at it, but this_Duumuirat_, that is, this agreement of two Princes shall be broken off,and disjoyned.


 Le Regne & Roy soubs _Venus_ eslevé, _Saturne_ aura sur _Jupiter_ Empire, La Loy & Regne par _Jupiter_ levé, Par _Saturnins_ endurera le pire.
 The Kingdom and King being raised under _Venus_, _Saturn_ shall have power over _Jupiter_, The Law and Reign raised by _Jupiter_, Shall be put to the worse by the _Saturnins_.


I shall leave this to be expounded by those that have more skill inAstronomy then I have.


 Le Prince _Arabe_, _Mars_, _Sol_, _Venus_, _Lion_, Regne d’Eglise par Mer succombera, Devers la _Perse_ bien pres d’un Million, _Bizance_, _Ægypte_, _Ver._ _Serp._ invadera.
 The _Arabian_ Prince, _Mars_, _Sol_, _Venus_, _Leo_, The Kingdom of the Church shall be overcome by Sea Towards _Persia_ very near a Million, _Byzance_, _Ægypt_, _Ver._ _Serp._ shall invade.


This is of the same nature as the foregoing, therefore I leave it to thesame expositors.


 La gent esclave par un heur Martial, Viendra en haut degré tant eslevée, Changeront Prince, naistra un Provincial, Passer la Mer, copie aux Monts levée.
 The Slavish Nation shall by a Martial luck Be raised to so high a degree, That they shall change their Prince, and elect one among themselves, They shall cross the Sea with an Army raised in the Mountains.


This is so plain, that it needeth no interpretation.


 Par feu & armes non loin de la Mar negro, Viendra de _Perse_ occuper _Trebisonde_, Trembler _Pharos_, _Metelin_, Sol alegro, De sang _Arabe_ d’_Adrie_ couvert l’Onde.
 By Fire and Sword not far from the black Sea, They shall come from _Persia_ to seize upon _Trebisonde_, _Pharos_ and _Methelin_ shall quake, Sun be merry, The Sea of _Adria_ shall be covered with _Arabian_ blood.


This Prophecy foretelleth clearly and plainly, that the _Persians_ shallcome to invade the Turkish dominions, a part of which is the Empireof _Trebisond_, and that _Pharos_ and _Methelin_ two Islands in the_Mediterranean_ Sea, shall quake for fear.

As also that the _Adriatick_ Sea, which is that Sea that belongeth to the_Venetians_ shall be covered with Turkish blood, at which the Author isso jocund, as with an exclamation he inviteth the Sun to be merry, andrejoyce at it.


 Le bras pendu & la jambe liée, Visage pasle, au sein poignard caché, Trois qui seront jurez de la meslée, Au grand de _Genes_ sera le Fer lasché.
 The arm hanging, and the leg bound, With a pale face, a Dagger in the bosom, Three that shall be sworn to the fray, To the great one of _Genoa_ the Iron shall be darted.


This manifestly foretelleth a conspiracy of three men against the Dukeof _Genoa_, one of which three men, under the shew of a sore Arm, andan impotent Leg, shall carry a Dagger in his bosom, with which he shallstabb the said Duke.


 La liberté ne sera recouvrée, L’Occupera noir, fier, vilain inique; Quand la matiere du Pont sera ouvrée, D’_Hister_, _Venise_ faschée la Republique.
 The liberty shall not be recovered, It shall be occupied, by a black, fierce, and wicked villain; When the work of the _Hister_-Bridge shall be ended, The _Venetian_ Common-wealth shall be vexed.


This Stanza is divided into two parts, the first of which is comprehendedin the two first Verses, _viz._ that the liberty of some politick body(he nameth not which) shall not be recovered, but shall be seized upon,by a black, fierce, and wicked villain.

The second part is contained in the two last Verses, wherein he saith,that the Common-wealth of _Venice_ shall be in trouble, when the Bridgemade over the River _Hister_ shall be finished.


 Tout a l’entour de la grande Cité, Seront Soldats logez par Champs & Villes, Donner l’assaut _Paris_, _Rome_ incité, Sur le Pont sera faite grand pille.
 Round about the great City, Soldiers shall lye in the Fields and Towns, Paris shall give the Assault, _Rome_ shall be attached; Then upon the Bridge shall be great plundering.


This is concerning the taking and sacking of _Rome_, by the Duke of_Bourbon_, General of _Charles_ V. Forces, therefore he saith that_Paris_ shall give the Assault, because the said Duke of _Bourbon_ was a_Frenchman_.


 Par Terre _Attique_ chef de la sapience, Qui de present est la Rose du Monde, Pont ruiné & sa grand preeminence, Sera subdite & naufrage des Ondes.
 In the Countrey of _Attica_ which is the head of wisdom, And now is the Rose of the World, A Bridge shall be ruinated with its great preeminence, It shall be subdued, and made a wrack by the Waves.


He foretelleth the destruction of a famous Bridge in the Countrey of_Attica_, of which _Athens_ is the chief City, and because it was alwaysfamous for learning, he calleth it here the head of Wisdom; and thatWisdom, the Rose of the World.


 Ou tout bon est, tout bien Soleil & Lune, Est abondant, sa ruine s’approche, Le Ciel s’advance a changer ta fortune, En mesme estat que la septiesme Roche.
 Where all well is, all good O Sun and Moon, Is existent, his ruine draweth near, The Heaven is making hast to change thy fortune, Into the same case as the seventh Rock is.


By this dark Stanza, the Author seemeth to foretell the woful conditionof a Countrey that was happy before, but shall fall to ruine, I suspecthe intended _France_, because being a _Frenchman_ he did not name it,for I think there was never such a change in the world as was in thatKingdom, in the time of the Civil Wars between the Roman Catholicks, andthe Protestants.


 Des principaux de Cité rebellée, Qui tiendront fort pour liberté r’avoir, Detrencher masles, infœlice meslée! Cris, hurlemens a _Nantes_ pitieux voir.
 Of the chief men in a rebelled City, Who shall stand out to recover their liberty, The Males shall be cut in pieces, O unhappy quarrel! Cries and houlings, it shall be pity to see at _Nantes_.


The Author applyeth this Prophecie to the City of _Nantes_ in _Britany_,but want of Books that treat of the History of that Countrey; I couldneither satisfie my self, nor the Reader, if this hath come to passalready or not.


 Du plus profond de l’occident _Anglois_, Ou est le chef de l’Isle _Britanique_, Entrera classe en _Garonne_ par _Blois_, Par Vin & Sel faux cachez aux barriques.
 From the deepest Westerly part of _England_, Where the chief of the _Britain_ Island is, A Fleet shall come into the _Garonne_ by _Blaye_, By Wine and Salt fire shall be hidden in Barrels.


There is a notable and sensible error in the _French_ Copy, and withoutreforming it, the sense is not only obscure, but also impossible; forinstead of _Blois_, which the Author hath put here, I suppose to make therime good, it must be written _Blaye_, which is a Sea Town of the mouthof the River _Garonne_, and _Blois_ is a mid-Land Town, upon the River_Loire_, about a hundred Leagues distant from the other.

The rest signifieth no more, but that there shall be some WarlikeStratagem made use of by the _French_ (understood here by the names of_Wine and Salt_) in puting fire into Barrels.


 Par Cité franche de la grand Mer _Seline_, Qui porte encor l’estomach la pierre, _Angloise_ classe viendra soubs la bruine, Prendre un rameau de grand ouverte guerre.
 By a free City of the _Selyne_ Sea, Which carrieth yet the stone in the Stomach, An _English_ Fleet shall come under a fog, To take a branch of great open War.


What should the Author mean by the free City of the great _Seline_ Seathat carryeth yet the stone in the Stomach, is hard to guess; for mypart I believe it to be _Venice_. First, because by the _Seline_ Sea, healways understands the _Mediterranean_; because the great _Turks_ name inour Authors time was _Selyn_, who was Master of the greatest part of it.Secondly, there is no other free City so considerable as this. Thirdly,by the stone in the Stomach, may be understood, the Pillars that are inthe _Piazza_ of St. _Mark_, and as it were in the Centre of _Venice_,as the Stomach is in the Body. The sense therefore is this, as I takeit, that a considerable _Fleet_ shall come to _Venice_, or rather to_Molamocco_, which is the Harbour, and there take a branch of great openWar, that is, to be either against the _Venetians_, or against the _Turk_in their behalf.


 De Sœur le frere par simulte feintise, Viendra mesler rosee en Mineral, Sur la placente donne a vieille tardive, Meurt le goustant, sera simple rural.
 The Brother of the Sister, with a fained dissimulation, Shall mix Dew with Mineral, In a Cake given to a slow old woman, She dieth tasting of, the deed shall be simple, and Countrey like.


This foretelleth a notable poisoning that shall be done by a Brotherupon his Sister, which, because she died not fast enough, according tohis mind: and therefore called her _slow_, he would set her forward witha poisoned Cake, the Poison was _Mineral_, and therefore _Arsenick_ or_Sublimate_, mixed with _Manna_, called here _Dew_; because _Manna_ isnothing but a _Dew_, condensed upon the Bark of a certain Tree; theConclusion is, that the woman shall die eating of it, though the meatseemed to be simple and rural.


 Trois sens seront d’un vouloir & accord, Qui pour venir au bout de leur attainte, Vingt mois apres tous eux & leurs records, Leur Roy trahy simulant haine, feinte.
 Three hundred shall be of one mind and agreement, That they may compass their ends, twenty months after by all them and their partners, Their King shall be betrayed, by dissembling a fained hatred.


The difficulty of meeting in any Countrey three hundred men of one mind,hath perswaded me that our Author writ this for _England_; but by reasonthere hath been since a general pardon, I will keep my mind to my self.


 Ce grand Monarque qu’au mort succedera, Donnera vie illicite & lubrique, Par nonchalance a tous concedera, Qua la parfin faudra la loy _Salique_.
 The great Monarch that shall succeed to the great one, Shall lead a Life unlawfull, and lecherous, By carelesness he shall give to all, So that in Conclusion the _Salique_ Law shall fail.


This hath a Relation to the precedent Stanza, therefore, _&c._


 Du vray rameau de fleur de Lis issu, Mis & loge heritier d’_Hetrurie_, Son sang antique de longue main tissu, Fera _Florence_ florir en l’Armoirie.
 Issued out of the true branch of the City, He shall be set for Heir of _Hetruria_, His ancient blood waved by a long while, Shall cause _Florence_ to flourish in the Scutcheon.


This is only in commendation of the Family of the _Medicis_, and of theirAlliance with the Crown of _France_; for _Catharine_ of _Medicis_, wifeto _Henry_ II. was Queen of _France_ when our Author lived.


 Le sang Roial sera si tresmeslé, Contraints seront _Gaulois_ de l’_Hesperie_, On attendra que terme soit coulé, Et que memoire de la voix soit perie.
 The Royal blood shall be so much mixed, The _French_ shall be constrained by the _Spaniards_, They shall stay till the term be past, And the remembrance of the voice be over.


This only signifieth a strict Union between the _French_ and the_Spaniards_, by several Alliances.


 Nay soubs les ombres & journée nocturne, Séra en Regne & bonté Souveraine, Fera renaistre son sang de l’antique _Urne_, Renouvelant siecle d’Or pour l’airain.
 Being born in the shadows and nocturnal time, He shall be a Soveraign in Kingdom and bounty, He shall cause his blood to come again from the ancient _Urn_, Renewing a golden Age instead of a brazen one.


This foretelleth the greatness and goodness of a Prince that shall beborn in the beginning of the night.


 _Mars_ eslevé en son plus haut befroy, Fera retraire les _Allobrox_ de _France_, La gent _Lombarde_ fera si grand effroy, A ceux de l’Aigle comprins soubs la _Balance_.
 _Mars_ being elevated in its higher Steeple, Shall cause the _Allobrox_ to retreat from _France_, The people of _Lombardy_ shall be in so great fear, Of those of the Eagle comprehended under _Libra_.


The _Allobrox_ are the people of _Savoy_. Those of the Eagle comprehendedunder _Libra_, are the subjects of the Empire that use the _French_tongue.


 Le grand ruine des Sacrez ne sesloigne, _Provence_, _Naples_, _Sicile_, _Seez_ & _Ponce_, En _Germanie_ au _Rhin_ & la _Coloigne_, Vexez a mort par tous ceux de _Mogunce_.
 The great ruine of the sacred things is not far off, _Provence_, _Naples_, _Sicily_, _Sez_ and _Ponce_, In _Germany_ towards the _Rhyne_ and _Colen_, They shall be vexed to death by those of _Moguntia_.


He foretelleth the troubles that were to be shortly in those Countreysfor Religion.


 Par Mer le rouge sera prins the Pyrates, La paix sera par son moyen troublée, L’une & l’auare commettra par faincte acte, Au grand Pontife fera l’Armée d’oublée.
 By Sea the red one shall be taken by Pyrates, The peace by that means shall be troubled, He shall commit anger and coveteousness by a feigned action, The High Priest shall have a double Army.


By the red one is understood some Cardinal that shall be taken byPyrates, for which the peace shall be in danger to be broken, the sameCardinal shall by a feigned action be guilty of choler and covetousness,and for his recovery and the defending the Rites of the Church, the Popeshall have a double Army granted to him.


 Le grand Empire fera tost desolé, Et translate pres d’_Arduenne_ silve, Les deux batards par l’aisné decollé, Et Regnera _Ænodarbnez_ de milve.
 The great Empire shall soon be made desolate, And shall be translated near the Forrest of _Arden_, The two Bastards shall have their heads cut off by the eldest son, And he that shall reign, shall be _Ænodarbnez_ nosed.


By the great Empire is meant that of _Germany_, which he says shall betranslated near the Forrest of _Ardens_, which is near the borders of_France_. Two Bastards shall be beheaded by command of the elder Brotherof the House, and he that shall Reign shall have a reddish beard, and aHawks nose.


 Par Chapeaux rouges querelles & nouveaux schismes, Quand on aura esleu le _Sabinois_, On produira contre luy grands sophismes, Et sera _Rome_ lessée par _Albanois_.
 By red Hats, quarrels and new schismes, When the _Sabin_ shall be Elected, Great sophismes shall be produced against him, And _Rome_ shall be endamaged by the _Albanois_.


By red Hats are understood Cardinals of _Rome_, who shall raise greatquarrels and schismes, when a Pope of the Countrey of the _Sabins_ (whichis near _Rome_) shall be Elected, against whom many things shall beobjected, and that _Rome_ shall be endamaged by the _Albanians_, whichare a Warlike people, and for the most part subject to the Common-wealthof _Venice_.


 Le grand _Arabe_ marchera bien avant, Trahy sora par le _Bisantinois_: L’Antique _Rhodes_ luy viendra au devant, Et plus grand mal par Austre _Pannonois_.
 The great _Arabian_ shall proceed a great way, He shall be betrayed by the _Bisantines_, The ancient _Rhodes_ shall come to meet him, And a greater evil by a South wind from _Hungary_.


By _Bisantine_ is understood the great Turk, Master of _Constantinople_,formerly called _Bysantium_.


 Apres la grande affliction du Sceptre, Deux ennemis par eux seront defaicts: Classes d’_Affrique_ aux _Pannons_ viendra naistre, Par Mer & Terre seront horribles Faicts.
 After the great afflictions of the Scepter, Two enemies shall be overcome by themselves, A Fleet of _Affrica_ shall be born to the _Hungarians_. By Sea and Land shall be horrid facts.


The words of this Stanza are plain, though the sense be something obscure.


 Nul de l’_Espagne_, mais de l’antique _France_, Sera esleu pour le tremblant nacelle, A l’ennemy sera faicte fiance, Qui dans son Regne sera peste cruelle.
 None out of _Spain_, but of the ancient _France_, Shall be Elected to govern the tottering Ship. The enemy shall be trusted, Who to his Kingdom shall be a cruel plague.


The two first Verses foretell a schisme in the Church of _Rome_,understood by a tottering Ship, and that a _French-man_ shall be ElectedPope to remedy it.

The two last Verses are easie to be understood.


 L’An que les Freres du Lys seront an Aage, L’Un d’euz tiendra la grand _Romanie_: Trembler les Monts ouvert _Latin_ passage, _Bache_ marcher contre Fort d’_Armenie_.
 In the year that the Brethren of the Lillies shall be at Age, One of them shall hold the great _Romanie_: The Mountains shall tremble, the _Latine_ passage shall be opened, A _Bassha_ shall march against the Fort of _Armenia_.


By the Brethren of the Lillies are meant the Heirs of the Crown of_France_; the rest is plain.


 La gent de _Dace_, d’_Angleterre_, & _Polone_, Et de _Boësme_ feront nouvelle ligue, Pour passer outre d’_Hercules_ la Colonne, _Barcins_, _Thyrrans_ dresser cruelle brigue.
 The people of _Dacia_, _England_, and _Poland_, And of _Bohemia_ shall make a new League, To go beyond _Hercules_ Pillars, _Barcins_ and _Thyrrens_ shall make a cruel plot.


By _Barcins_ he means those of _Carthage_, which is now _Tunis_, and bythe _Thyrrens_, those that live near that Sea.


 Un Roy sera qui donra l’opposite, Les exilez eslevez sur le Regne, De sang nager la gent caste hyppolite, Et florira long-temps sous telle enseigne.
 A King shall be, who shall be opponent To the banished persons raised upon the Kingdom, The chast _Hippolite_ Nation shall swim in blood, And shall flourish a great while under such an Ensign.


Here is _Demorritus_’s Well where the truth may be, but I cannot find it.


 La Loy du _Sol_, & _Venus_ contendans, Appropriant l’Esprit de Prephetie: Ne l’un ne l’autre ne seront entendus, Par _Sol_ tiendra la Loy du grand _Messie_.
 The Law of the _Sun_ and _Venus_ contending, Appropriating the spirit of Prophecy, Neither one nor the other shall be heard, By _Sol_ the Law of the great _Messias_ shall subsist.


This is of the same obscurity with the foregoing one.


 Du pont _Euxine_, & la grand _Tartarie_, Un Roy sera qui viendra voir la _Gaule_, Transpercera _Alane_ & l’_Armenie_, Et dans Bisance Lairra sanglante _Gaule_.
 From the _Euxin_ Sea, and great _Tartaria_, A King shall come to see _France_, He shall go through _Alanea_ and _Armenia_, And shall leave a bloody rod in _Constantinople_.


This is so plain, that it needeth no interpretation.


 De la felice _Arabie_ contrade, Maistra puissant de la loy Mahometique, Vexer l’_Espagne_, conquestre la _Grenade_, Et plus par Mera la gent _Ligustique_.
 Out of the Countrey of _Arabia_ the happy, Shall be born a powerful man of the Mahometan Law, Who shall vex _Spain_ and conquer _Grenada_, And by Sea shall come to the _Ligurian_ Nation.


The _Ligurian_ Nation are those of _Genoa_.


 Par le traspas du tres-vieillard Pontife, Sera esleu _Romain_ de bon aage, Qui sera dit que le siege debiffe, Et long tiendra & de picquant courage.
 By the death of the very old high-Priest, Shall be a _Roman_ elected of good age, Of whom it shall be said, that he dishonoureth the Seat, And shall live long, and be of a fierce courage.


The sense and the words are plain.


 Istra du Mont _Gaulsier_ & _Aventine_, Qui par le trou advertira l’Armée, Entre deux Rocs sera prins le butin, De _Sext._ _Mansol_ faillir la renommée.
 One shall go out of the Mountains _Gaulsier_ and _Aventine_, Who through a hole shall give notice to the Army, Between two Rocks the booty shall be taken, Of _Sext._ _Mansol_ shall loose his renown.


The Mountains of _Gaulsier_ and _Aventine_ are two of the seven Mountainsof _Rome_, out of which, it seems, one shall go out to give notice tothe Army without, and the Booty of the _Pope_, called _Sextus_, shall betaken.

But what he meaneth by _Mansol_, I am ignorant.


 De l’Aqueduct d’_Uticense_, _Gardoing_, Par le Forest & Mont inaccessible, Emmy du pont sera taché ou poing, La chef _Nemans_ qui tant sera terrible.
 From the Conduit of _Uticense_ and _Gardoing_, Through the Forrest and unaccessible Mountain, In the middle of the Bridge shall be tyed by the Wrist, The chief _Nemans_, that shall be so terrible.


By the Conduit of _Gardoing_, he means that of the River _Gardon_, thatpasseth by _Nismes_, where there is a famous Conduit.

But what he meaneth by the chief _Nemans_, I cannot find.


 Au chef _Anglois_ a _Nismes_ trop sejour, Devers l’_Espagne_ au secours Ænobarbe, Plusieurs mouront par Mars ouvert ce jour, Quand en _Artois_ faillir estoile en Barbe.
 The chief _English_ shall stay too long at _Nismes_, A red haird man shall go to the succours of _Spain_, Many shall die by open War that day, When in _Artois_ the Star shall fail in the Beard.


All the difficulty lyeth in the last Verse: for my part I believe hemeaneth by it a bearded Comet, such as the Latines call _Cometa barbatus_.


 Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire, Plus que sa charge ne porte passera, Si grand fureur & rage fera dire, Qua feu & sang tout Sexe tranchera.
 By a shaven head shall be made an ill choice, That shall go beyond his commission, He shall proceed with so great fury and rage, That he shall put both Sexes to fire and Sword.


By a shaven head must be understood a Priest of the _Romish_ Religion;because they all have their heads shaven.


 L’Enfant du grand nestant a sa naissance, Subjugera les hauts Monts _Apennins_, Fera trembler tous ceux de la balance, Depuis Monts _Feurs_ jusques a Mont _Senis_.
 The Child of the great man that was not at his birth, Shall subdue the high _Apennine_ Mountains, Shall make all those under _Libra_ to quake, From Mount _Feurs_, as far as Mount _Senis_.


The _Apennine_ Mountains, are those that divide _Italy_ in two parts.

Those under the Sign of _Libra_ are the people of _France_. _Feurs_ is aCity in _France_, in the Province of _Forrest_. Mount _Senis_ is a highMountain in Savoy.


 Sur les Rochers sang on verra pleuvoir, Sol Orient, _Saturne_ Occidental, Pres d’_Orgon_ Guerre, a _Rome_ grand mal voir, Nefs parfondrées, & prins le Tridental.
 It shall rain blood upon the Rocks, The Sun being in the East, and _Saturn_ in the West, War shall be near _Orgon_, and great evil at _Rome_, Ships shall be cast away, and the Trident be taken.


I could not find what he meaneth by _Orgon_. As by _the Trident beingtaken_, I suppose he meaneth a Ship called _Neptune_, because _Neptune_is always painted with a Trident.


 De vaine emprise l’honneur indue plainte, Galliots errants par _Latins_ froid, faim vagues, Non loin du _Tybre_ de sang la Terre teinte, Et sur humains seront diverses plagues.
 Honour bringeth a complaint against a vain undertaking, Galleys shall wander through the _Latin_ Seas, cold, hunger, Waves, Not far from _Tyber_ the Earth shall be died with blood, And upon Mankind shall be several plagues.


_Tyber_ is the River of _Rome_, the rest are several prodigies that shallcome to pass.


 Les assembles par repos du grand nombre, Par Terre & Mer conseil contremandé, Pres de l’_Autonne_, _Genes_, _Nue_, de lombre, Par Champs & Villes le Chef contrebandé.
 The gathered by the rest of the great numbers, By Land and Sea shall recall their Councel, Near _Autonne_, _Genes_, and _Nue_ of the shadow, In Fields and Towns the Chief shall be one against another.


This passeth my understanding.


 Subit venu l’effrayeur sera grande, Des principaux de l’affaire cachés: Et Dame _Embraise_ plus ne sera en veuë, Et peu a peu seront le grands fachés.
 One coming upon a suddain shall cause a great fear, To the Chief men that were hidden and concerned in the business, And the Lady _Ambraise_ shall be seen no more, And by little and little the great one shall be angry.


What he meaneth by the lady _Ambraise_, I cannot find, the rest is easie.


 Sous les antiques edifices _Vestaux_, Non esloignez d’_Aqueduct_ ruiné, De Sol & Lune sont les luissans metaux, Ardente Lampe _Trajan_ d’or buriné.
 Under the ancient edifices of the _Vestals_, Not far from an _Aqueduct_ ruinated, Are the bright mettals of Sun and Moon, A burning Lamp of _Trajan_ of ingraven gold.


Monsieur _Catel_ in his second Book of _Languedoc_ Chap. V. saith, thatthere was a famous _Aqueduct_, which the _Romans_ builded from the River_Gar_ to the Town of _Nismes_, which at present is ruinated.

Secondly, Near the Town there was a famous Temple dedicated to _Diana_,where there is a Spring of water so great, that it seemeth rather a Lakethen a Fountain.

Thirdly, I find that the Emperour _Adrian_ caused a Temple to be built inthe honour of _Plotina_ _Trajan_’s wife.

Fourthly, He relateth that _Jean Poldo_ found in the Town of _Aix_ aMarble with this inscription: _~Plotina~ ~Trajanis~ uxor, summa honestate& integritate fulgens, sterilitatis defectu sine prole fecit conjugem,qui ejus opera ~Adrianum~ adoptatum in Imperio Successorem habuit, aquo in beneficii memoriam Nemausi æde sacra maximo Sumptu, sublimiquestructura, ac Hymnorum cantu decorata, post mortem donata est_: That isto say, _Plotina_, _Trajans_ wife, famous for her honesty and integrity,was barren and left no Children to her Husband, which she perceiving,intreated the Emperour to adopt _Adrian_ for his Son, and to make himhis Successor in the Empire, which being come to pass, the new Emperourin acknowledgement of such a benefit, did build her a Temple of amagnificent Structure, and caused it to be Consecrated with Musick afterher death.

Fifthly, The said Author saith, that this Marble was taken out of thatTemple, when the River of _Gardon_ did so overflow, as we have said.

By all this we see, that there was a Temple of _Vestals_ at _Nismes_,_Diana_ the Maid being their chief Patroness, which is made now aNunnery, called _la Fontaine_. There is also to be seen the Temple of_Plotina_, _Trajans_ wife, built by _Adrian_ his Successor. And as it wasthe manner of the Ancients to put some of those inextinguishable Lamps intheir Graves; it is very likely, there was one of them in this Temple,and because it should be known whose Grave it was, he caused _Trajans_name to be Engraven in the foot of the said Lamp.

Let us explain now the Stanza: _Under the Ancient Vestal buildings ofthe Temple of ~Diana~, not far from the ruined Aqueduct_, which carrieththe water from the River _Gar_ to _Nismes_, _shall be found shiningmettals of ~Sol~ and ~Luna~_, that is, Meddals of gold and silver, with_a burning Lamp of gold_, wherein the name of _Trajan_ was Engraven.Histories make mention of several burning Lamps in this manner, that havebeen found still burning in the ground, and not consumed, though theyhad been there above 500 years; certainly the Oil of it must have beenincombustible, and could be extracted out of nothing but gold, _quia nildat quod non habet_.


 Quand Chef _Perouse_ n’osera sa Tunique, Sens au convert tout nud s’expolier: Seront prins sept faict Aristocratique, Le Pere & Fils morts par poine te au collier.
 When the Chief of _Perouse_ shall not dare without a Tunick, To expose himself naked in the dark, Seven shall be taken for setting up Aristocracy, The Father and the Son shall die by pricks in the Collar.


_Perouse_ is a City in _Italy_; the rest is plain.


 Dans le _Danube_ & le _Rhine_ viendra boire, Le grand Chameau, ne sen repentira: Trembler le _Rhosne_ & plus fort ceux de _Loire_, Et pres des _Alpes_ Coq le ruinera.
 In _Danubius_ and the _Rhine_ shall come to drink, The great Camel, and shall not repent; The _Rhosne_ shall tremble, and more those of _Loire_, And near the _Alpes_ the co*ck shall ruine him.


This foretelleth a great incursion of the _Turks_ into _Germany_,insomuch that they shall water their Camels in the Rivers of _Danubius_,and of the _Rhyne_, to the great terrour of _France_, wherein thoseRivers of _Rhosne_ and _Loire_ are.

But the last Verse, saith the co*ck; that is, the _French_, shall overcomeand ruine the _Turks_, near the Mountains of the _Alpes_.


 Plus ne sera le grand en saux sommeil, L’Inquietude viendra prendre repos, Dresser Phalange d’Or, Azur, & vermeil, Subjuguer _Affrique_ & ronger jusqu’aux os.
 The great one shall be no more in a false sleep, The restlessness shall take rest, He shall raise an Army of Gold and Azure, He shall conquer _Affrica_ and gnaw it to the bones.


This is concerning some great Prince, who shall raise a powerful Army,and conquer _Affrica_ with it.


 Les Regions subietes a la _Balance_, Feront trembler les Monts par grande Guerre, Captifs tout sexe, avec toute _Bizance_, Qu’on criera a l’Aube Terre a Terre.
 The Regions under the sign of _Libra_, Shall make the Mountains quake with great War, Slaves of all sexes, with all _Bizance_, So that in the dawning of the day, they shall cry to Land to Land.


This foretelleth the destruction of _Constantinople_, anciently called_Byzantium_, by those that live under the Sign of _Libra_, that is, the_Europeans_, and chiefly the _French_.


 Par la fureur d’un qui attendra l’eau, Par la grand rage tout l’exercite esmeu, Charge des Nobles a dixsept Bateaux, Au long du _Rhosne_ tard Messager venud.
 By the fury of one staying for the Water, By his great rage the whole Army shall be troubled, There shall be seventeen Boats full of Noblemen Along the _Rhosne_, the Messenger shall come too late.


The words and sense are plain.


 Pour le plaisir d’Edict voluptueux, On meslera la poison dans la Loy, _Venus_ sera en cours si vertueux, Qu’obfusquera du Soleil tout alloy.
 By the pleasure of a voluptuous proclamation, The poison shall be mixed in the Law, _Venus_ shall be in so great request, That it shall darken all the allay of the Sun.


By a Proclamation, favouring or promoting Licentiousness, poison shallbe mixed in the Law, and leachery so much countenanced, as it shallobscurate the allay of the Sun, that is, piety so much commended in theGospel, to all those that will fight under Christs Banner.


 Persecutée sera de dien l’Eglise, Et les Saints Temples seront expoliez, L’Enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront _Arabes_ au _Polous_ ralliez.
 The Church of God shall be persecuted, And the holy Temples shall be spoiled, The Child shall turn out his Mother in her Smock, _Arrabians_ shall agree with the _Polonians_.


The Author could not be mistaken in this Prophecie; for the Church ofGod shall always be persecuted, the Apostle confirmeth it, when hesaith, _that all those that will live piously in Christ, must sufferpersecution_: As for the spoiling of Churches, and other barbarousactions, it hath been seen so often in _France_, in the time of the CivilWars for Religion, that it needeth no confirmation.

The last Verse concerning a peace between the _Turks_ and the_Polonians_, was fulfilled in the year 1623. when _Sigismundus_ King of_Poland_, by his Embassador the Duke _Šbarasky_, and by the mediationof the _English_ Embassador, concluded a Peace with the great Turk_Mustapha_, the Articles of which you may read at large in the _Turkish_History.


 De sang _Trojen_ naistra cœur _Germanique_, Qui deviendra en si haute puissance, Hors chassera gent estrange _Arabique_, Tournant l’Eglise en pristine préeminence.
 Of _Trojan_ blood shall be born a _German_ heart, Who shall attain to so high a power, That he shall drive away the strange _Arrabian_ Nation, Restoring the Church to her former splendor.


It seemeth to signifie, that by Alliance made between a _German_Emperour, and a Daughter of _France_, which derive their Pedigree fromthe _Trojans_, a Prince shall be born of so stout and valiant a heart,as shall drive away all the _Turkish_ power out of _Germany_, and shallrestore the Church to her former splendor.


 Montera haut sur le bien plus a dextre, Demourra assis sur la pierre carrée, Vers le midy posé a la senestre, Baston tortu en main, bouche ferrée.
 He shall go up upon the good more on the right hand, He shall stay sitting upon the square stone, Towards the South; being set, on the left hand, A crooked stick in his hand, and his mouth shut.


I do acknowledge my Ignorance in this.


 En lieu libere tendra son Pavillon, Et ne voudra en Citez prendre place, _Aix_, _Carpentras_, _Lisle_, _Volce_, _Mont Cavaillon_, Par tous ces lieux abolira sa trace.
 He shall pitch his Tent in the open air, Refusing to lodge in the City, _Aix_, _Carpentras_, _Lisle_, _Volce_, _Mont Cavaillon_, In all those places, he shall abolish his trace.


_Aix_, _Carpentras_, _Lisle_ _Volce_, _Mont Cavaillon_, are Cities of_Provence_.


 Tous les degres d’honneur Ecclesiastique, Seront changez en Dial Quirinal, En Martial, quirinal, Flaminique, Puis un Roy de _France_ le rendra Vulcanal.
 All the degrees of Ecclesiastical honour, Shall be changed into a Dial Quirinal, Into Martial, Quirinal, Flaminick; After that, a King of _France_ shall make it Vulcanal.


All what I can say upon this, is, that _Dialis_ in Latine is a Priest of_Jupiter_, and _Quirinal_ is a Priest of _Romulus_, _Martial Flamen_ is aPriest of _Mars_, _Vulcanal_ is a Priest of _Vulcan_, let the ingeniousReader make of all these the best construction he can.


 Les deux unis ne tiendront longuement, Et dans treize ans au Barbare _Satrape_, Aux deux costez feront tel perdement, Qu’un benira la Barque & sa cappe.
 The two united shall not hold long, Within thirteen years to the Barbarian _Satrape_, They shall cause such loss on both sides, That one shall bless the Boat and its covering.


The word _Satrape_ is a _Persian_ word, signifying one of the Grandees atCourt. By the last Verse is meant, one that shall save his life and makehis escape, by the means of a covered Boat or Barge.


 La sacree Pompe viendra baisser les aisles, Par la venue de grand Legislateur, Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles, Naistra sur Terre aucun Æmulateur.
 The sacred Pomp shall bow down her wings, At the coming of the great Lawgiver, He shall raise the humble and vex the rebellious, No Emulator of his shall be born.


This seemeth to have a relation to the birth of Christ, or Christmas-day.


 L’_Ogmion_ grande _Bizance_ approchera, Chassée sera la Barbarique ligue, Des deux Loix l’une unique lachera, _Barbare_ & _France_ en perpetuelle brigue.
 The _Ogmion_ shall come near great _Bizance_, And shall expel the Barbarian League, Of the two Laws, the wicked one shall yeild, The _Barbarian_, and the _French_ shall be in perpetual jar.


By the word _Ogmion_, every where in his Book, the Author meaneththe King of _France_, who according to his words shall come near_Constantinople_, and shall break the Barbarian League, and of the twoLaws, that is, the Christian and the Mahometan, the Mahometan shall yieldto the other.


 L’Oyseau Royal sur la Cité solaire, Sept mois devant fera nocturne augure: Mur d’Orient cherra Tonnerre esclaire, Sept jours aux Portes les ennemies a l’heure.
 The Royal Bird upon the solar City, Seven Months together shall make a nocturn augury, The Eastern Wall shall fall, the Lightning shall shine, Then the enemies shall be at the Gate for seven days.


By the Royal Bird is meant an Eagle, which for seven days together shallbe observed upon some Eastern City, and shall be taken for a presage,that the Eastern Wall of that City shall fall by Lightning, at which timethe enemies shall be at the Gate for seven days together.


 Au conclud pache hors de la Forteresse, Ne sortira celuy en desespoir mis: Quand ceux d’_Arbois_, de _Langres_, contre _Bresse_, Auront mis _Dolle_ bouscade d’ennemis.
 Upon the agreement made, out of the Fort, Shall not come he that was in despair, When those of _Arbois_, of _Langres_, against _Bresse_, Shall have put in _Dolle_ an Ambuscado of foes.


The sense is, that according to the Articles or agreement made betweenthe Besieger of a Fort, and the Governour of it, the said Governour bydespair will not come out, and this shall happen, when those of _Arbois_and _Langres_, shall be against those of _Bressia_, and shall have put anAmbuscado in the City of _Dolle_.


 Ceux qui auront entreprins subvertir, Nompareil Regne, puissant & invincible, Feront par fraude, nuicts trois advertir, Quand le plus grand a Table lira Bible.
 Those that shall have undertaken to subvert The Kingdom that hath no equal in power and victories, Shall cause by fraud, notice to be given for three nights together, When the greatest shall be reading a Bible at the Table.


What place is meant by the unparalell’d Kingdom, the Author hath hid aswell from me as the Reader.


 Naistre du Gouphre & Cité immesurée, Nay de parens obscurs & tenebreux: Qui la puissance du grand Roy reverée, Voudra destruire par _Rouen_ & _Eureux_.
 One shall be born out of the Gulf and the unmeasurable City, Born of Parents obscure and dark, Who by the means of _Rouen_ and _Eureux_, Will go about to destroy the power of the great King.


Without doubt by this Gulf and unmeasured City the Author means _Paris_,by reason of its greatness, and the multitude of its Inhabitants.


 Par les _Sueves_ & lieux circonvoisins, Seront en guerre pour cause des nuées: Gammares, locustes & cousins, Du _Leman_ fautes seront bien desnuées.
 Through _Swedeland_ and the Neighbouring places, By reason of the Clouds shall fall to War, The Lobstars, Grass-hoppers and Gnats, The faults of _Leman_ shall appear very naked.


By _Leman_ is meant the City of _Geneva_, the rest needeth no furtherinterpretation.


 Par les deux testes, & trois bras separez, La grand Cité sera par eaux vexée; Des Grands d’entre eux par esgarez, Par teste _Perse_ _Byzance_ fort pressée.
 Divided in two heads and parted into three arms, The great City shall be troubled with Waters, Some great ones among them scattered by banishment, By a _Persian_ head _Byzance_ shall be sore oppressed.


This Prophecy containeth three things, the first is an Inundation bywhich _Paris_ is threatened, for without doubt he meaneth here that City,at the head of which the River _Seine_ is divided in two heads, and makesan Island where the Cathedral Church and the Palace are situated, andthen parted into three branches, one of which runneth by the Church ofthe _Augustines_, the other by the _Quay_ of _la Megisserie_, and thethird passeth under the great Hospital; this City then is threatned hereof an Inundation, to which it is very subject, by reason of the lownessof her situation, and the confluence of several Rivers that meet at thehead of it. The second part of the Prophecy hinteth that at that time,some great ones of that City shall be banished; and the third, that_Constantinople_, which was anciently called _Byzantium_; or rather thegreat Turk by a figure of Rhetorick, called _Synecdoche_, shall be muchoppressed by the _Persians_.


 L’An que _Saturne_ hors de servage, Au franc terroir sera d’eau inondé, De sang _Troien_ sera son mariage, Et sera seur d’_Espagnols_ circondé.
 In the year that _Saturn_ out of slavery, In the free Countrey shall be drowned by water, With _Troian_ blood his marriage shall be, And for certain he shall be hedged about with _Spaniards_.


By _Troian_ blood is understood the _French_ Nation, the meaningtherefore is, that in the year that a great Inundation shall be in_France_, then shall a notable marriage be made, by which the _French_shall be hedged about, or fenced by _Spaniards_.


 Sur le Sablon par un hideux Deluge, Des autres Mers trouvé Monstre Marin, Proche de lieu sera fait un refuge, Tenant _Savone_ esclave de _Turin_.
 Upon the sand through an hideous Deluge Of other Seas, shall be found a Sea Monster, Near to that place shall be made a Sanctuary, Which shall make _Savone_ a slave to _Turin_.


When by the overflowing of the Neighbouring Seas, a Sea Monster shall becast upon the Sand, near to that Place shall be built a Fort, that shallmake _Savona_ a slave to _Turin_.

_Savona_ is a Town by the Sea side, belonging to the _Genoese_, _Turin_is the chief City of _Piemont_, belonging to the Duke of _Savoy_.


 Dedans _Hongrie_ par _Boheme_, _Navarre_, Et par Banieres feintes seditious, Par fleurs de Lis paix portant la barre, Contre _Orleans_ fera esmotions.
 In _Hungaria_, through _Bohemia_ and _Navarre_, And by banners fained seditions, Through flower de Luce the Countrey that wears the Bar, Against _Orleans_ shall make commotions.


This Stanza is divided into two parts; the two first Verses foretell thetroubles that were to happen in _Hungaria_, _Bohemia_, and _Navarre_for Religion sake. The two last ones were fulfilled, when the Prince of_Condé_, who in his Arms wears the flower de Luce with the Bar, did seizeupon _Orleans_ for the Protestant party.


 Dans les _Cyclades_, en _Corinthe_, & _Larisse_, Dedans _Sparte_ tout le _Peloponese_, Si grand famine peste far faux conisse, Neuf mois tiendra & tout le _Cherronesse_.
 In the _Cyclades_, in _Corinthe_, and _Larisse_, In _Sparta_, and all _Peloponesus_, There shall be so great a famine and plague by false arts, That shall last nine months in _Chersonesus_.


_Cyclades_ are the Islands in the _Ægean_ Sea; _Corinth_, _Larissa_,_Sparta_, _Peloponesus_, and _Chersonesus_, are Countreys of _Grecia_.


 Au grand marché qu’on dit des mensongers, De tout _Torrent_ & Champ _Athenien_, Seront surpris par les Chevaux legers, Des _Albanois_, _Mars_, _Leo_, _Sat._ au _Versien_.
 In the great Market called of the Liars, Which is all _Torrent_ and _Athenian_ Field, They shall be surprised by the light Horse, Of the _Albanese_, _Mars_ in _Leo_, _Saturn_ in _Aquarius_.


When _Mars_ shall be in the sign of _Leo_, and _Saturn_ in that of_Aquarius_, then the Countrey of _Athens_ shall be over-run by lightHorsem*n of _Albania_.


 Apres le siege tenu dixsept ans Cinq changeront en tel revolu terme, Puis sera l’un esleu de mesme temps, Qui des _Romains_ ne sera trop conforme.
 After the seat possessed seventeen years, Five shall change in such a space of time; After that, one shall be elected at the same time, Who shall not be very conformable to the _Romans_.


The meaning is, that when a Pope shall have sat in the Chair, for thespace of 17 years, within the same space of 17 years, five others shallbe elected; and after them another, that shall not be well approved of bythe _Roman_ Clergy, and Nobility. If my memory doth not fail me, this iscome to pass already; but wanting the Popes Chronology, I could not makeit good.


 Soubs le terroir du rond Globe Lunaire, Lors que sera dominateur _Mercure_, L’Isle d’_Escosse_ fera un Lumenaire, Que les _Anglois_ mettra a desconfiture.
 Under the Territory of the round Lunary Globe, When _Mercury_ shall be Lord of the ascendant; The Island of _Scotland_ shall make a Luminary, That shall put the _English_ to an overthrow.


This Prophecie must of necessity be past; for since the union of bothKingdom under one King, such a thing hath not happened, nor is it likelyit should be hereafter.


 Translatera en la grand _Germanie_, _Brabant_ & _Flanders_, _Gand_, _Bruges_ & _Bologne_, La trefue fainte le grand Duc d’_Armenie_, Assailera _Vienne_ & la _Coloigne_.
 He shall translate into the great _Germany_, _Brabant_, _Flanders_, _Gand_, _Bruges_, and _Bullen_, The truce fained, the great Duke of _Armenia_, Shall assault _Vienna_ and _Colen_.


It is concerning an Emperour that shall add all those Countreys to theEmpire of _Germany_.


 Nautique rame invitera les umbres, Du grand Empire lors viendra conciter, La mer _Ægee_ des lignes des Encombres, Empeschant londe _Tirrhene_ de fletter.
 The Sea Oare shall invite the shades, Of the great Empire, then shall it come to stir, The _Ægean_ Sea, with lines of Encumbers, Hindering the _Tirrhene_ Sea to roll.


This is either Mistical or Metaphorical, or I understand it not.


 Sur le milieu du grand monde la Rose, Pour nouveaux faits sang public espandu, A dire uray on aura bouche close, Lors au besoing viendra tard lattendu.
 The Rose shall be in the middle of the great world, Blood shall be publickly spilt for new deeds; To say the truth, every one shall stop his mouth, Then at the time of need shall come long looked for.


The words are plain, out of which every one may make what construction hepleaseth.


 Le na difforme par horreur suffoqué, Dans la Cité du grand Roy habitable, L’edit severy des captifs revoqué, Gresle & Tonnerre, _Condon_ inestimable.
 The deformed born shall through horror be suffocated, In the habitable City of the great King, The severe Proclamation against banished shall be recalled, Hail and Thunder shall do inestimable harm at _Condon_.


_Condon_ is a Town in _France_; the rest is plain.


 A quarante huit degré Climacterique, A fin de _Cancer_ si grande secheresse, Poisson en Mer, Fleuve, Lac cuit hectique, _Bearn_, _Bigorre_, par feu Ciel en detresse.
 At the Climacterical degree of eight and fourty, At the end of _Cancer_, shall be such a drougth, That Fish in the Sea, River, and Lake shall be boiled to a consumption, _Bearn_ and _Bigorre_ by Heavenly fire shall be in distress.


_Bearn_ and _Bigorre_ are two Provinces of _France_; the rest is plain.


 _Milan_, _Ferrare_, _Turin_ & _Aquilee_, _Capne_, _Brundis_ vexez par gent _Celtique_, Par le Lion & Phalange _Aquilee_, Quand _Rome_ aura le chef vieux _Britannique_.
 _Milan_, _Ferrara_, _Turin_, and _Aquileia_, _Capne_, _Brundis_, shall be vexed by the _French_, By the Lion and troop of _Aquileia_, When _Rome_ shall have an old _Brittanick_ Head.


The Cities here mentioned are all in _Italy_.


 Le boutefeu par son feu attrapé, Du feu du Ciel a _Tartas_ & _Comminge_, _Foix_, _Aux_, _Mazere_, haut vieillard escapé, Par ceux de _Hess_, de _Saxe_ & de _Turinge_.
 The incendiary shall be overtaken by his own fire, Heavenly fire shall fall at _Tartas_ and _Cominge_, _Foix_, _Auch_, _Mazerre_, a tall old man shall escape, By the means of those of _Hessia_, _Saxony_, and _Turinge_.


_Tartas_, _Cominge_, _Foix_, _Auch_, _Mazere_ are Towns in _France_._Hessia_, _Saxony_, and _Turinge_ are Provinces of _Germany_.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Autour des Monts _Pyrenees_ grand amas, De gent estrange secourir Roy nouveau, Pres de _Garonne_ du grand Temple du _Mas_, Un _Romain_ Chef le craindra dedans l’Eau.
 About the _Pyrenean_ Mountains there shall be a great gathering Of strange Nations to succour a new King; Near _Garonne_ and the great Temple of _Mas_, A _Roman_ Captain shall fear him in the Water.


The _Pyrenean_ Mountains are those that part _Spain_ from _France_;_Garonne_ is the River that runneth at _Bourdeaux_, it seemeth then, thatupon that River a _Roman_ Captain shall stand in much fear of the newKing before mentioned.


 En la cinq cens octante plus & moins, On attendra le siecle bien estrange, En l’an sept cens & trois (cieux en tesmoins), Regnes plusieurs un a cinq feront change.
 In the year five hundred fourscore more or less, There shall be a strange Age, In the year seven hundred and three (witness Heaven), Many Kingdoms, one to five shall be changed.


What strange age it was in the year 1580. every one may satisfie himselfby History. As for the year 1703. our Author saith there will be greatwonders, chiefly there shall many changes be in Kingdoms, insomuch, thatone shall be divided into five.


 Fleuve qu’esproune le nouveau nay _Celtique_, Sera en grande de l’Empire discorde: Le jeune Prince par gent Ecclesiastique, Le Sceptre osté Corone de concorde.
 The River that makes tryal of the new born _Celtick_, Shall be at great variance with the Empire, The young Prince shall be an Ecclesiastical person, And have his Scepter taken off, and the Crown of concord.


This River is the River of _Rhyne_, because the ancient _French_ whenthey had a King newly born, they used to put him upon a Target, to makehim swim upon that River, to try whether by his swimming he was lawfullybegotten or no; the meaning therefore is, that this new born _Celtique_or _French_ King shall be at variance with the Empire, and that in hisyoung years the Clergy shall take his Scepter and Crown from him.


 Fleuve _Celtique_ changera de Rivage, Plus ne tiendra la Cité d’_Agripine_, Tout transmué horsmis le viel Language, _Saturn_, _Leo_, _Mars_, _Cancer_ en rapine.
 The River of the Low-Countreys shall change her Shoare, It shall touch no more the City of _Agrippina_, All shall be transformed, except the old Language, _Saturn_, _Leo_, _Mars_, _Cancer_ in _Rapine_.


This is a strange prediction, if it should prove true, that the _Rhine_should change its course, and should touch no more the City of _Colen_,which is here called _Agrippina_; because its name in Latine is _ColoniaAgrippina_, being a Colony of the _Romans_, built by _M. Agrippa_, sonin Law to _Augustus_; others say by _Agrippina_, Mother to the Emperour_Nero_.

The last Verse signifieth no more than an unfortunate position and Aspectof the two Planets, _Saturn_ and _Mars_, and of the two Signs, _Leo_ and_Cancer_.


 Si grand famine par une pestifere, Par pluye longue le long du Pole _Artique_. _Samarobryn_ cent lieux de l’Hemisphere, Vivront sans loy exempt de politique.
 So great a famine with a plague, Through a long Rain shall come along the _Artick_ Pole, _Samarobryn_ a hundred Leagues from the Hemisphere, Shall live without Law, exempt from pollicy.


The two last Verses foretel a great Plague and Famine that shall comefrom the North, by the means of the long Rain.

_Samarobryn_ he calls a people, that shall be a hundred Leagues from ourHemisphere, and shall live without Law and Policy.


 Apparoistra vers le septentrion, Non loing de _Cancer_ l’estoille cheveluë, _Suze_, _Sienne_, _Boëce_, _Eretrion_, Mourra de _Rome_ grand, la nuict disperuë.
 Towards the North shall appear, Not far from _Cancer_ a blazing Star, _Suza_, _Sienna_, _Boëce_, _Eretrion_, There shall die at _Rome_ a great man, the night being past.


Here he foretelleth the apparition of a Commet that shall be vertical tothe Cities here named, and not far from the Sign of _Cancer_, at whichtime a great person shall die at _Rome_, about the dawning of the day.


 _Norvege_ & _Dace_, & l’Isle _Britannique_, Par les unes freres seront vexées, Le chef _Romain_ issu du sang _Gallique_, Et les copies aux forests repousées.
 _Norvegia_, and _Dacia_, and the _Brittish_ Island, Shall be vexed by the Brothers united. The _Roman_ Captain issued from _French_ blood, His Forces shall be beaten back to the Forrest.


The difficulty lyes in the word _Brothers_, which I suppose to be theUnited Provinces. The rest is plain.


 Ceux qui estoient en regne pour scavoir, Au Royal change deviendront a pauvris, Uns exilez sans appuy, Or navoir, Lettréz & lettres ne seront a grand pris.
 Those that were in esteem for their learning, Upon the change of a King shall become poor, Some banished, without help, having no Gold, Learned and learning shall not be much valued.


This Prophecie is clear enough, and here the Author hath said nothing,but what doth commonly happen.


 Aux Temples Saints seront faits grands scandales, Comptez seront peur honneurs & louanges, D’un que l’on grave d’Argent, d’Or les Medals, La fin sera en tourmens bien estranges.
 To the holy Temples shall be done great scandals, That shall be accounted for honours and praises, By one, whose medals are graven in Gold and Silver, The end of it shall be in very strange torments.


Here the Reader must understand that the Author was a _Roman_ Catholick,and therefore calleth Holy Temples, the Churches of the _Romish_Religion, which in the beginning of the Civil Wars in _France_, were muchabased by those of the Protestant Religion, then called _Huguenots_,whose chief was _Henry_ King of _Navarre_, who was the only man amongstthe Protestant party, that could have Money and Medals coined to hisstamp, as being King of _Navarre_. But the last Verse of this Prophecieproved too true, when upon St. _Bartholomews_ day, the 24 of _August_, inthe year 1572. the general Massacre of the Protestants was made through_France_.


 Un peu du temps les Temples des Couleurs, De blanc & noir des deux entremislée, Rouges & jaunes leur embleront les leurs, Sang, terre, peste, faim, feu, eau affollée.
 Within a little while the Temples of the Colours, White and Black shall be intermixt, Red and Yellow shall take away their Colours, Blood, earth, plague, famine, fire, water shall destroy them.


By the Temples of the Colours White and Black, I suppose he means thatof Peace, and of War; by the Red and Yellow, may be meant the Empire ofthe _Sweads_, who shall be at variance together; and by their long Warshall bring the Plagues here mentioned, as it came to pass in the Warsof _Germany_, between the Emperour and _Gustavus Adolphus_, King of the_Sweads_.


 Les sept rameaux a trois seront reduits, Les plus aisnez seront surprins par morts, Fratricider les deux seront seduits, Les Conjures en dormant seront morts.
 The seven branches shall be reduced to three, The eldest shall be surprised by death, Two shall be said to kill their Brothers, The Conspirators shall be killed, being asleep.


It is apparent, that he speaks of seven Brethren, that shall be reducedto three, whereof the eldest son shall be surprised by death, and two ofthe rest shall be said to have murdered their Brother, the Conspiratorsshall afterwards be killed in their sleep.


 Dresser Copie pour monter a l’Empire, Du _Vatican_ le sang Royal tiendra, _Flamens_, _Anglois_, _Espagne_ aspire, Contre l’_Italie_ & _France_ contendra.
 To raise an Army, for to ascend unto the Empire, Of the _Vatican_, the Royal blood shall endeavour, _Flemings_, _English_, _Spain_ shall aspire, And shall contend against _Italy_ and _France_.


This prediction signifies no more, but that there shall be a greatcommotion among the Nations, of _Europe_, concerning the election ofa Pope, which is called here the Empire of the _Vatican_; because the_Vatican_ is the Popes Palace in _Rome_.


 Un dubieux ne viendra loing du regne, La plus grand part le voudra soustenir, Un Capitole ne voudra point quil regne, Sa grande Chaire ne pourra maintenir.
 A doubtful man shall not come far from the Reign, The greatest part will uphold him, A Capitol will not consent that he should Reign, His great Chair he shall not be able to maintain.


What should that doubtful man be, whom our Author doth mention here, isnot easie to be understood; but it seemeth that it shall be some bodypretending to the Popedom, who shall have a great party for himself, andyet for all that shall be excluded, and not able to keep his Seat; sothat this Prophecie is but the second part of the foregoing; for theyhave both a relation together. The Capitol anciently was the Citadel of_Rome_, and now is the place where the Courts of Judicature meet, called_Campidoglio_.


 Loing de sa Terre Roy perdra la Bataille, Prompt, eschapé poursuivy, suivant pris, Ignare pris soubs la dorée maille, Soubs feint habit, & l’Ennemy surpris.
 Far from his Countrey the King shall loose a Battle, Nimble, escaped, followed, following, taken, Ignorantly taken under the gilded Coat of Mail, Under a feigned habit the enemy taken.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the year 1578. when _Don Sebastian_ Kingof _Portugal_, went into _Affrica_, to help and succour _Muley Hamet_,against _Muley Maluc_, that had expelled him out of the Kingdom of _Fez_and _Morocco_, and there fought that famous Battle of _Alcasserquibir_,wherein his whole Army was routed, and himself slain by the _Moores_, andhis body afterwards sold to the King of _Spain_ for a 100000. Crowns.


 Dessous la Tombe sera trouvé le Prince, Qu’aura le pris par dessus _Nuremberg_: L’_Espagnol_ Roy en _Capricorne_ mince, Feinct & trahy par le grand _Vutitemberg_.
 Under the Tomb shall be found the Prince, That shall have a price above _Nuremberg_, That _Spanish_ King in _Capricorn_ shall be thine, Deceived and betrayed by the great _Vutitemberg_.


We hear of no Prince that had that advantage upon _Nuremberg_, but only_Gustavus Adolphus_ King of _Sweden_, who took it. The last two Versessignifie no more, then that the King of _Spain_ shall be wasted at thetime when the Sun is in _Capricorn_.


 Ce que ravy sera du jeune Milve, Par les _Normans_ de _France_ & _Picardy_, Les noirs du Temple du lieu de _Negrisilve_, Feront aux Berge & feu de _Lombardie_.
 That which shall be taken from the young Kite, By the _Normans_ of _France_ and _Picardie_, The black ones of the Temple of the place called black Forrest. Shall make a Rendezvouz, and a fire in _Lombardie_.


The meaning is, that what the _Normans_ and those of _Picardie_ shallsave from the hand of a young conquering Prince, the same shall beimployed in building a Temple in the black Forrest, which is that part ofthe Forrest of _Arden_, that lies near _Bohemia_, and another part of itto build a House in _Lombardie_.


 Apres les livres bruslez les Asiniers, Contraints seront changer d’habits divers: Les _Saturnins_ bruslez par les meusniers, Hors la pluspart qui ne sera convers.
 After the Books shall be burnt, the Asses, Shall be compelled several times to change their Cloaths, The _Saturnins_ shall be burnt by the Millers, Except the greater part, that shall not be discovered.


This seems to foretell a persecution of ignorant men against the learned,after which shall happen a confusion amongst the ignorant persons, whoshall be forced to disguise themselves.

The last two Verses seem to be of the same sense, for by the _Saturnins_I understand studious people, and by the _Millers_ rude and unlearnedpersons.


 Par les Physiques le grand Roy delaissé, Par sort non art de l’Ebrieu est en vie, Luy & son Genre au Regne hault pousé, Grace donnée a gent qui Christ envie.
 The great King being forsaken by Physicians, Shall be kept alive by the Magick and not by the art of a Jew, He, and his kindred shall be set at the top of the Kingdom, Grace shall be given to a Nation that envieth Christ.


This in plain words signifieth no more, but that a King shall bedesparately sick and forsaken by his _Physicians_, and shall recoverby the help of a Jew, for which fact those of that Nation shall bereestablished in his Countrey.


 La vraye flamme engloutira la Dame, Que voudra mettre les Innocens a feu, Pres de l’aussaut l’exercite s’enflamme, Quand dans _Seville_ monstre en Bœuf sera veu.
 The true flame shall swallow up the Lady, That went about to burn the guiltless, Before the Assault the Army shall be incouraged, When in _Seville_, a Monster like an Ox shall be seen.


_Seville_ is the chiefest City of _Andalusia_ a Province in _Spain_; therest is plain.


 L’Union feinte sera peu de durée, Les uns changes reformez la plus part: Dans les Vaisseaux sera gent endurée, Lors aura _Rome_ un nouveau Leopart.
 The feigned union shall not last long, Some shall be changed, others for the most part reformed, In the Ships people shall be pen’d up, Then shall _Rome_ have a new Leopard.


When the things contained in the three first Verses shall come to pass,then _Rome_ shall have a new Pope, expressed here by the word Leopardfrom the variousness, that is, in his Pontifical Garments.


 Quand ceux du Pole _Artique_ unis ensemble, En Orient grand effrayeur & crainte, Esleu nouveau soustenu le grand tremble, _Rodes_, _Bisance_ de sang _Barbare_ taincte.
 When those of the _Artick_ Pole shall be united together, There shall be in the East a great fear and trembling, One shall be newly Elected, that shall bear the brunt, _Rodes_, _Bisance_, shall be dy’d with _Barbarian_ blood.


This foretelleth an union between the _Europeans_, or Nations of theNorth against the Eastern people, or Turks, and that the Christians shallmake choice of such a General, that shall make the East quake, and getsuch Victories, whereby _Rhodes_ and _Constantinople_ shall be dyed withTurkish blood.


 Dedans la Terre du grand Temple Celique, Neveu a _Londres_ par paix feinte meurtry, La Barque alors deviendra Schismatique, Liberté feinte sera au corne & cry.
 Within the ground of the great Cœlestial Temple, A Nephew at _London_ by a fained peace shall be murdered, The Boat at that time shall become Schismatical, A fained liberty shall be with _Hue and Cry_.


I think that by the _great Cœlestial Temple_, he meaneth that of St._Paul_, in which, or in the ground about it, shall be murdered a Nephewby his Uncle, which shall cause great divisions and dissensions in theCity, compared here to a Boat, and that a dissembled or fained libertyshall be proclaimed.


 Despit de Roy, numismes descriez, Peuples seront esmeus contre leur Roy, Paix fait nouveau, Saintes Loix empirées, _Rapis_ onc fut en si piteux arroy.
 The despight of a King, and Coin being brought lower People shall rise against their King, Peace newly made, Holy Laws being made worse, _Rapis_ was never in such a great disorder.


The first thing here to be observed, is the word _Rapis_, which is the_Anagramme_ of _Paris_, which he saith was never in such a troublebefore, as it shall be when the people shall rebel against the King forhatred, and because he shall have put low the price and intrinsical valueof Coin and Money; he foretelleth also that there shall be a new Peacemade, and that the Holy Laws shall be much impaired.


 _Mars_ & le Sceptre se trouvera conjoint, Dessoubs _Cancer_ calamiteuse guerre, Un peu apres sera nouveau Roy oingt. Qui par long temps pacifiera la Terre.
 _Mars_ and the Scepter, being conjoyned together, Under _Cancer_ shall be a calamitous War, A little while after a new King shall be anointed, Who for a long time shall pacifie the Earth.


The meaning of this is, that when the Planet of _Mars_ shall be inconjunction with the constellation he calleth here the _Scepter_, thatthen shall be a very calamitous War. The two last Verses are plain enoughof themselves.


 Par _Mars_ contraire sera la Monarchie, Du grand Pescheur en trouble ruineux, Jeune, noir, rouge prendra la Hierarchie, Les proditeurs iront jour bruineux.
 By _Mars_ contrary shall the Monarchy Of the great Fisherman, be brought into ruinous trouble, A young, black, red shall possess himself of the Hierarchy, The Traitors shall undertake it on a misty day.


This Prophecie is concerning a certain Pope, signified here by the wordof great _Fisherman_; because in his Seal is graven a Fisherman, andtherefore in all his Bulls and Expeditions, it is always written, _DatumRomæ sub sigillo piscatoris_: this Pope then it seemeth, shall be broughtto ruine, and another it seemeth shall succeed him, having here threeEpithetes, _viz._ _Young_, _Black_, and _Red_, which signifieth, thatagainst the common election of Popes, he shall be elected young, andshall be Black in his complexion, and Red in Cloaths, _viz._ a Cardinal._Hierarchy_ is a Greek word, signifying Dominion over the Church. Thelast Verse needeth no explication, being plain enough of it self.


 Quattre ans le siege quelque peu bien tiendra, Un surviendra libidineux de vie, _Ravenna_, & _Pise_, _Verone_ soustiendront, Pour eslever la Croix de Pape envie.
 Four years he shall keep the Papal seat pretty well, Then shall succeed one of a libidinous life, _Ravenna_, _Pisa_, shall take _Verona_’s part, To raise up the Popes Cross to Life.


This Prediction seemeth to have not only a relation to the foregoing,but also a connexion; for the Author still handleth the matter of thePopedome, and saith, that after that Pope shall have Reigned four years,there shall succeed one that shall be notorious for debauchedness andlechery, and that those Towns he mentioneth here (which are all in_Italy_) shall take the Popes part.


 Dedans les Isles de cinq fleuves a un, Par le croissant du grand _Chyren Selin_, Par les bruynes de l’air fureur de l’un, Six eschapez, chachez fardeaux de lin.
 In the Islands from five Rivers to one, By the increase of great _Chyren Selin_, By the Frost of the Air one shall under furious, Six shall escape, hidden within bundles of Flax.


_Chyren_ by transposition is taken for _Henry_, and _Selin_ for a Kingcalled so; because it is the name of a _Turkish_ Emperour: So that bythis Stanza I suppose he means _Henry_ II. his Master, King of _France_.The rest is plain.


 Le grand _Celtique_ entrera dedans _Rome_, Menant amas d’exilez & bannis, Le grand Pasteur mettra a mort tout homme, Qui pour le Coq estoient aux _Alpes_ unis.
 The great _Celtique_ shall enter into _Rome_, Leading with him a great number of banished men, The great Shepheard shall put to death every man, That was united for the co*ck near the _Alpes_.


Because this word _Celtique_ is often repeated in this Book, it would notbe amiss to satisfie the Reader of the meaning of it; it is properly theNation of the _Flemings_, and some others of the Low-Countreys as far asthe _Mase_ and the _Rhyne_, which anciently were called _Galli Celtæ_. By_the great Shepheard_, is meant the Pope, and by the _co*ck_ is meant the_French_ Nation. The rest is easie.


 La Veufve Sainte entendant les nouvelles, De ses rameaux mis en perplex & trouble, Qui sera duit appaiser les querelles, Par son pourchas des Razes sera comble.
 The holy Widow hearing the News Of her Branches put in perplexity or trouble, That shall be skilfull in appeasing of quarrels, By his purchase shall make a heap of shaven heads.


By the _holy Widow_, is meant the City of _Rome_, which is called in_Italian_, _Roma la santa_, because of the blood of so many Martyrs thathath been shed there, for the maintenance of the Christian Religion,he calleth it a _Widow_; because at that time there will be no Popeelected, and there shall be a kind of _interregnum_, as it always happenswhen a Pope is dead, until the new one be elected. What he calleth hereBranches, are the Clergy men, and the shaven heads the Priests.


 Par l’apparence de feinte Saincteté, Sera trahy aux ennemis le siege, Nuit qu’on croioid dormir en seureté, Pres de _Brabant_ marcheront ceux de _Liege_.
 By the appearance of a feigned holiness, The siege shall be betrayed to the enemies, In a night that every one thought to be secure, Near _Brabant_ shall march those of _Liege_.


_Brabant_ is one of the seventeen Provinces, and _Liege_ is a great Cityupon the River of _Maze_. The rest is not difficult.


 Roy trouvera ce quil desiroit tant, Quand le Prelat sera repris a tort, Response au Duc le rendra mal content, Qui dans _Milan_ mettra plusieurs a mort.
 A King shall find what he so much longed for, When a Prelate shall be censured wrongfully, An answer to the Duke will make him discontented, Who in _Milan_ shall put many to death.


This Prophecie is too indefinite, to admit of a particular sense; forthere be so many Prelates, so many Kings, so many Dukes, that it is noteasie to fix upon any particular one, and therefore we must leave thisStanza in _Democritus_’s Well.


 Par trahison de verges a mort battu, Puis surmonté sera par son desordre, Conseil frivole au grand captif sentu, Nez par fureur quand _Berich_ viendra mordre.
 By Treason one shall be beaten with rods to death, Then the Traitor shall be overcome by his disorder, The great Prisoner shall try a frivilous Counsel, When _Berich_ shall bite anothers nose through anger.


The words are so plain, that every one may make his own interpretation ofthem.


 Sa main derniere par _Alus_ sanguinaire, Ne le pourra par la Mer garentir, Entre deux fleuves craindra main militaire, Le noir l’Ireux le fera repentir.
 His last hand bloody through _Alus_, Shall not save him by Sea, Between two Rivers he shall fear the military hand, The black and Cholerick one shall make him repent.


This seemeth to be concerning a bloody man, that had killed one _Alus_,and sought to save himself by Sea; but was taken between two Rivers, andput to death by the command of one that was a black and Cholerick man.


 De feu volant la machination, Viendra troubler le Chef des Assiegez, Dedans sera telle sedition, Qu’en desespoir seront les profligez.
 The device of flying fire Shall trouble so much the Captain of the Besieged, And within shall be such mutiny, That the Besieged shall be in despair.


It is a Fort or Town besieged by an Enemy, who shall torment the besiegedso much with Bombs and Granadoes, and other flying fire, that they shalldespair to escape.


 Pres de _Rion_ & proche _Blanchelaine_, _Aries_, _Taurus_, _Cancer_, _Leo_, _La Vierge_, _Mars_, _Jupiter_, le _Sol_ ardra grand plaine, Bois & Citez, Lettres cachez au Cierge.
 Near _Rion_ going to _Blanchelaine_, _Aries_, _Taurus_, _Cancer_, _Leo_, _Virgo_, _Mars_, _Jupiter_, _Sol_ shall burn a great Plain, Woods and Cities, Letters hidden in a wax Candle.


The meaning of it is, that when by the virtues and meetings of the saidConstellations, a great plain shall be burnt by _Rion_ (which is a Cityin _Auvergne_) that then Letters shall be found hidden in a wax Candle.


 Ne bien ne mal par bataille terrestre, Ne parviendra au confins de perouse, Rebeller pise, _Florence_ voir mal estre, Roy nuit blessé sur mulet a noire house.
 Neither good nor evil by a Land-fight, Shall reach to the Borders of _Perusa_, _Pisa_ shall rebel, _Florence_ shall be in an ill case, A King being upon his Mule shall be wounded in the night time.


_Perusa_, _Pisa_, and _Florence_ are Cities in Italy; the rest is plain.


 L’œuvre ancienne se parachevera, Du toit cherra sur le grand mal ruine, Innocent fait, mort on accusera, Nocent caché taillis a bruine.
 The ancient work shall be finished, From the tiling shall fall upon the great one an evil ruine, The innocent declared to be so, shall be accused after his death, The guilty shall be hidden in a wood in a misty weather.


By the first Verse is understood an ancient building, which shall befinished and brought to perfection, I suppose it to be the _Louvere_,which hath been a building in the Reign of seven Kings. But before it bethroughly finished, some ruine shall fall upon a great man and kill him;one declared innocent of the fact shall be accused of it after his death,and he that shall be guilty of it shall escape by hiding himself in aWood in misty weather.


 Aux profligez de Paix les ennemis, Apres avoir l’_Italie_ superée, Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis, Feu, sang verser, eau de sang colorée.
 To the vanquished the enemies of peace, After they shall have overcome _Italy_, A bloody black one shall be committed, Fire and blood shall be powerd, and water coloured with blood.


A bloody black man shall be put into the hands of the vanquished, bythose that were enemies to peace, after they have conquered _Italy_,whence shall proceed fire and blood, and water coloured with blood.


 L’Enfant du Regne par Paternelle prinse, Expolier sera pour delivrer, Aupres du Lac _Trasym_ en la Tour prinse, La troupe hostage pour trop fort s’enyvrer.
 The Child of the Kingdom, through his Fathers imprisonement, Shall be deprived of his Kingdom for the delivering of his father, Near the Lake _Trasymene_ shall be taken in a Tower, The troop that was in Hostage, being drunk.


The Lake _Trasymene_ in _Italy_, is that near which _Annibal_ got thatfamous Battle upon the _Romans_. The rest is as plain as the words canbear.


 Grand de _Mogonce_ pour grande soif esteindre, Sera privé de sa grand dignité, Ceux de _Cologne_ si fort le viendront plaindre, Que le grand _Groppe_ au _Rhin_ sera jetté.
 The great one of _Ments_ for to quench a great thirst, Shall be deprived of his high dignity, Those of _Colen_ shall bemoan him so much. That the great _Groppe_ shall be thrown into the _Rhine_.


This foretelleth the fall of an Archbishop of _Ments_, in Latine_Moguntia_, who is the first Ecclesiastical Elector, and shall bedeprived of his dignity by a covetous and powerful Prince to satisfiehis covetousness, at which those of _Colen_ his neighbours shall be soincensed, that they shall throw that covetous person into the _Rhine_.


 Les second Chef du Regne _Dannemark_, Par ceux de _Frize_ & l’Isle _Britannique_, Fera despendre plus de cent mille mark, Vain exploiter voiage en _Italique_.
 The second head of the Kingdom of _Dannemark_, By those of _Friezeland_, and the _Brittish_ Island, Shall cause to be spent above 100000. Mark, Vainly endeavouring a journey into _Italy_.


This signifieth onely a conjunction of the _Dutch_, _Danish_, and_English_ Forces, to attempt something in _Italy_, which shall provefruitless, and cost a great deal of Money.


 A l’_Ogmion_ sera laissé le Regne, Du grand _Selin_, qui plus fera de fait, Par l’_Italie_ estendra son enseigne, Regira par prudent contrefait.
 Unto l’_Ogmion_ shall be left the Kingdom, Of great _Selyn_, who shall do more then the rest, Through _Italy_ he shall spread his Ensigns, He shall govern by a prudent dissimulation.


We have said before, that when ever the Author speaks of _Ognion_, hemeaneth the King of _France_, the meaning therefore of this whole Stanzais, that _Henry_ the II. Son to _Francis_ the I. whom he calls here great_Selin_, shall do more in _Italy_ then his Predecessors had done, whichproved true, and he governed his Kingdom with a prudent dissimulation.


 Long temps sera sans estre habitée, Ou _Siene_ & _Marne_ autour vient arrouser, De la _Thamise_ & Martiaux tentée, Deceus les gardes en evidant repousser.
 A great while shall be unhabited, Where _Seine_, and _Marne_ comes to water about, Being attempted by the _Thames_ and Martial people, The Guards deceived in thinking to resist.


By the two first Verses, he meaneth without doubt the City of _Paris_,for it is watered by those two Rivers the _Seine_ and _Marne_, that joyntogether at the head of it, but how this City should become unhabited isthe great question, and chiefly by the means here alledged, _viz._ ofthe _English_ signified by the _Thames_, and other Martial people, _theGuards deceived in thinking to repulse_ the enemy.


 De nuict par _Nantes_ l’Iris apparoistra, Des Arcs Marins susciteront la pluye: _Arabique_ Goulfre grand classe parfondra, Un Monstre en _Saxe_ naistre d’Ours & Truye.
 By night in _Nantes_ the Rain-bow shall appear, Sea Rain-bows shall cause Rain; The _Arabian_ Gulf shall drownd a great Fleet, A Monster shall be in _Saxony_ from a Bear and a Sow.


_Nantes_ is a City in _France_, _Iris_ is the Rainbow, _Saxony_ is aProvince in _Germany_; the rest is plain.


 Le Governeur du Regne bien scavent, Ne consentir voulant au faict Royal: Medite classe par le contraire vent, Le remettra a son plus desloyal.
 The Governour of the Kingdom being learned, Shall not consent to the Kings will: He shall intend to set out a Fleet by a contrary Wind, Which he shall put into the hands of the most disloyal.


This signifies that the Governour or Vice-Roy of a Kingdom shall refuseto consent to his Kings Deeds; the rest needeth no interpretation.


 Unjuste sera en exil Anvoyé, Par pestilance aux confins de non seggle, Response au rouge le fera desvoye, Roy retirant a la Rane & a l’Aigle.
 A just person shall be banished, By plague to the Borders of Non seggle, The answer to the red one shall make him deviate, Retiring himself to the Frog and the Eagle.


I cannot find what he meaneth by _Non-seggle_; by the Eagle he meaneththe Emperour, and by the Frog the King of _France_, for before he tookthe Flower de Luce, the _French_ bore three Frogs.


 Entre deux Monts les deux grands Assemblez, De laisseront leur simulte secrete, _Bruxelle_ & _Dolle_ par _Langres_ accablez, Pour a _Maline_ executer leur peste.
 Between two Mountains the two great ones shall meet, They shall forsake their secret enmity, _Brusselle_ and _Dolle_ shall be crushed by _Langres_, To put their plague in Execution at _Maline_.


_Brussel_ is a Town of _Brabant_, and so is _Maline_; _Dolle_ is one of_Burgundy_; and _Langres_ another of _France_.


 La saincteté trop faincte & seductive, Accompagne d’une langue diserte, La Cité vieille, & _Parme_ trop nastive, _Florence_ & _Sienne_ rendront plus desertes.
 The fained and seducing holiness, Accompanied with a fluent tongue, Shall cause the old City, and too hasty _Parma_, _Florence_ and _Sienna_ to be more desert.


I know not what he means by the old City, unless it be _Rome_, by reasonof its antiquity.


 De la partie de _Mammer_ grand Pontife, Subjuguera les confins du _Danube_, Chasser les croix, par fer raffe ne riffe, Captifs, Or, bagues, plus de cent mille Rubles.
 From the party of _Mammer_ high Priest, They shall subdue the borders of _Danubius_, They shall expel crosses, by Sword topse-turvy, Slaves, Gold, Jewels, more than 100000. Rubles.


Some parties of the Popes side, shall subdue those bordering upon_Danubius_, and drive away the Priests, turn all things topse-turvy, makeslaves, and take a booty above the value of 100000. Rubles. A Ruble is apiece of Gold of the great _Mogul_, worth two or three pound sterling.


 Dedans le puis seront trouvez les os, Se l’inceste commis par la Marastre, L’estat changé, en fera bruit des os, Et aura _Mars_ ascendant pour son astre.
 In the Well shall be found the bones, Incest shall be committed by the Stepmother, The case being altered, there shall be great stir about the bones, And she shall have _Mars_ for her ascending Planet.


It is the strange wickedness of a woman, that shall incestuously be gotwith Child by her Son in Law, and when she is delivered, shall kill herChild, and throw him into a Well; a while after the water beginning tocorrupt, a search shall be made of the cause, and then the Childs Bonesshall be found, which shall cause a great stir, and for to know thiswicked woman, he saith, that the Planet of _Mars_ shall be the ascendantin her Horoscope.


 Peuple assemble voir nouveau spectacle, Princes & Roys par plusieurs assistans, Piliers faillir, murs, mais comme miracle, Le Roy fauve & trente des instans.
 People assembled to see a new show, Princes and Kings, with many assistants, Pillars shall fail, walls also, but as a miracle, The King saved, and thirty of the standers by.


The words of this prediction are plain and easie, and signifie no morethan what often happeneth, and may happen yet, _viz._ that where aconcourse of people shall be to see a new show, the Pillars and walls ofthe Building shall fall, and people perish by the ruine, (as if it wereby a Miracle) the King and thirty of the spectators shall be preserved.


 En lieu du grand qui sera condamné, De prison hors, son amy en sa place, L’espoir _Troyen_ en six mois joinct, mort né, Le _Sol_ a l’_Vurne_ seront prins fleuves en glace.
 Instead of the great one that shall be condemned And put out of Prison, his friend being in his place, The _Trojan_ hope in six months joyn, still born, The _Sun_ in _Aquarius_, then Rivers shall be frozen.


By the _Trojan_ hope, is meant a King of _France_, who after he hath beenmarryed six Months, shall have a Child still born.


 Le grand Prelat _Celtique_ a Roy suspect, De nuict par cours sortira hors du Regne, Par Duc fertile a son grand Roy _Bretagne_, _Bisance_ a _Cypres_, & _Tunis_ insuspect.
 The great _Celtique_ Prelate suspected by his King, Shall in hast by night go out of the Kingdom By the means of a Duke the fruitful _Britanie_, _Bisance_ by _Cyprus_, and _Tunis_ shall be unsuspected.


The great _Celtique_ Prelate, was the Cardinal of _Lorrain_, Brother tothe Duke of _Guizse_, who being suspected by the King, went away by nightto _Rome_.

By fruitfull _Brittain_, is understood the province of that name in_France_, which by the means of the Duke of _Mercure_, her Governourshall be unsuspected by the King.


 Au point du jours au second chant du Coq, Ceux de _Tunes_, de _Fez_, & de _Bugie_, Par les _Arabes_ captif le Roy _Maroq_, L’an mil six cens & sept, de Liturgie.
 At the break of day, at the second crowing of the co*ck, Those of _Tunis_, and _Fez_, and _Bugia_, By means of the _Arabians_, shall take Prisoner the King of _Morocco_, In the year 1607. by Liturgie.


By _Liturgie_, I suppose he meaneth under pretext of Religion. The restis easie to be understood.


 Au _Chelme_ Duc, en arrachant l’esponce, Voile _Arabesque_ voir, subit descouverte: _Tripolis_, _Chio_, & ceux de _Trapesonce_, Duc prins, _Marnegro_, & la Cité deserte.
 The _Chelme_ Duke, in pulling a spunge, Shall see _Arabian_ Sails suddenly discovered: _Tripolis_, _Chios_, and those of _Trapesan_, The Duke shall be taken, _Marnegro_ and the City shall be desert.


_Chelme_ is a _German_ word, that signifies a Rogue. By _Marnegro_, ismeant the Black Sea, or _Nigropont_. By pulling a Spunge, I suppose thegreat quantity of Spunges that stick to the Rocks in that Sea.

_Tripolis_, _Chios_, and _Trapezon_, are places in the _Turkish_Dominions.


 La crainte Armée de l’ennemy _Narbon_, Effroyera si fort les _Hesperiques_, _Parpignan_ vuide par l’aveugle d’_Arbon_, Lors _Barcelon_ par Mer donra les piques.
 The feared Army of the enemy _Narbon_, Shall so much terrifie the _Spaniards_, That _Parpignan_ shall be left empty by the blind d’_Arbon_, Then _Barcelon_ by Sea shall give the Chase.


A great Army gathered about _Narbon_, shall so much terrifie the_Spaniards_, that _Parpignan_ a Town of theirs shall be desolate,and left empty by the Governour, here called _the blind d’Arbon_,then _Barcelon_, which is a Sea-Town in _Catalonio_, belonging to the_Spaniards_ shall come to its succours, and chase the enemy by Sea.


 Celuy qu’estoit bien avant dans le Regne, Ayant Chef rouge proche a la Hierarchie, Aspre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre, Succedera a sacrée Monarchie.
 He that was a great way in the Kingdom, Having a red head and near the Hierarchy, Harsh and cruel, shall make himself so dreadful, That he shall succeed to the Sacred Monarchy.


This is a person of great quality, and near of blood to a King, whobeing a Cardinal, cruel and dreadful, shall be Elected Pope, I suppose_Clement_ the VII.


 Entre les deux Monarques esloignez, Lors que le Sol par _Selin_ clair perdue: Simulté grande entre deux indignez, Qu’aux Isles & _Sienne_ la liberté renduë.
 Between the two Monarchs that live far one from the other, When the Sun shall be Ecclipsed by _Selene_, Great enmity shall be between them two, So that liberty shall be restored to the Isles and _Sienne_.


Here is nothing difficult but the word _Selene_, which is the Moon fromthe Greek σεληνη.

The meaning is, that at such a time when the Sun is Ecclipsed by theMoon, _Sienna_ and the Islands about it shall be at liberty.


 Dame en fureur par rage d’adultere, Viendra a son Prince conjurer non dire, Mais bref cogneu sera le vitupere, Que seront mis dixsept a Martyre.
 A Lady in fury by rage of an Adultery, Shall come to her Prince and conjure him to say nothing, But shortly shall the shameful thing be known, So that seventeen shall be put to death.


The sense of this Stanza and the words are plain.


 Le Prince hors de son Terroir _Celtique_, Sera trahy, deceu par interprete, _Rouen_, _Rochelle_, par ceux de l’_Armorique_, Au Port de _Blavet_ deceux par Moin & Prestre.
 That Prince being out of his _Celtick_ Countrey, Shall be betrayed and deceived by an Interpreter, _Rouen_, _Rochel_, by those of _Gascony_, At the Port of _Blavet_ shall be deceived by Monk and Priest.


We have said many times before, what is meant by the word _Celtique_. ThePort of _Blavet_ is that of the River of _Bordeaux_.


 Le grand Tapis plié ne monstrera, Fors qu’a demy la pluspart de l’Histoire, Chassé du Regne aspre loin paroistra, Au fait Bellique chacun le viendra croire.
 The great Carpet folded shall not shew, But by half the greatest part of the History, The driven out of the Kingdom shall appear sharp afar off, In Warlike matters every one shall believe him.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Trop tard tous deux les fleurs seront perdües, Contre lay loy Serpent ne voudra faire, Des ligueurs forces par gallops confondues, _Savone_, _Albingue_, par _Monech_ grand martyre.
 Both the flowers shall be lost too late, Against the Law the Serpent will do nothing, The forces of the Leaguers by gallops shall be confounded, _Savone_, _Albingue_, by _Monech_ shall suffer great pain.


The two first verses are too mistical for me; the third signifieth, thatby gallops; that is, by Troops of Horses, the Leaguers, _viz._ those thatheld the party of the League, shall be routed by the Kings Cavalry. Thefourth, that _Savone_ and _Albingue_, two Towns of the _Genoeses_, shallbe put to much trouble by those of _Monech_ and _Monaco_, another Townnear them, belonging to the Prince of _Monaco_, a _Genoese_ of the houseof _Grimald_.


 La Dame seule au Regne demurée, L’unique esteint premier au lict d’honneur, Sept ans sera de douleur epleurée, Puis longue vie au regne par bonheur.
 The Lady shall be left to reign alone, The only one being extinguished, first in the Bed of Honour, Seven years she shall weep for grief, After that she shall live long in the Reign by good luck.


The second and fourth Verses perswade me, that this Stanza came to passin the time of _Catharine_ of _Medicis_, wife to _Henry_ II. because shelived long, and the King died in the bed of Honour, and thus he saith,_that she was left to Reign alone_; because her four Sons were all littleones, so that she alone was Regent in _France_.

The second Verse saith, _The holy one being extinguished, first, in theBed of Honour_.

By this word _the only one_, the Author meaneth not the only Son, but theonly one living, such as _Henry_ II. was to her, _who was extinguished inthe Bed of Honour_, and died of the wound he received at Tilting.

The third Verse saith, that after his death, her mourning lasted sevenyears, that is, from the first of _August_ 1559. to the first of _August_1566. because that all those 16 Months that _Francis_ II. she hadnothing but continual sorrow, by the conspiracy of _Amboise_, the secretpractises of the King of _Navarre_, and Prince of _Condé_ his Brother,by the insurrection of the Protestants, when _Charles_ IX. visited hisKingdom, _Anno_ 1556. after which she put off her mourning.

The fourth Verse signifieth, that she should be long lived; for she livedabove 60 years, He saith also, that she was Regent by great luck, thatis, great luck for her self, but not for the Kingdom, for it was mostunhappy in her time.


 On ne tiendra pache aucun arresté, Tous recevants iront par tromperie, De trefue & paix, Terre & Mer protesté, Par _Barcelone_ classe prins d’industrie.
 No agreement shall be kept, All those that shall admit of it deal falsly, There shall be protestations made by Land and Sea, _Barcelone_ shall take a Fleet by craft.


This is a description of the sad and calamitous estate of _France_,in the time of the Civil wars, when no agreement could be kept on the_Roman_ Catholicks side, witness the several Peaces that were made andbroken, the Massacre of _Vassa_, and that infamous perfidy committed bythem on St. _Bartholomews_ day, being the 24 of _August_, _Anno_ 1572.


 Gris & bureau demy ouverte guerre, De nuit seront assaillis & pillez, Le bureau prins passera par la serre, Son Temple ouvert, deux au plastre grillez.
 Between the Gray and sad Gray shall be half open War, By night they shall be assaulted and plundered, The sad Gray being taken, shall be put in Custody, His Temple shall be open, two shall be put in the Grate.


This Stanza affordeth us a commical History, which is, that about theyear 1601. when there sprang up in _France_ a Kind of Friers, who bostedthemselves to be the true observers of the Rule of St. _Francis_, andthat the Cordeliers and Capushines did not keep it so exactly, but theyhad need of a great reformation; the King _Henry_ IV. granted them aConvent at _Beaufort_, and upon his example many other places desiredthem, they went to possess themselves of the house of _la Blamet_, near_Angiers_; but the Cordeliers being loath to be dispossessed by thesenew comers, called _Recollets_, did besiege them by main force, brokeopen the Gates, scaled the Walls, the besieged did not defend themselvesby words or exorcismes, but with good Stones and Flints, so that if thepeople had not come, the fray would not have ended without murder, someof them were put in Prison, others kept in Custody: this is the meaningof the Author, when he saith, _There will be half an open War between theGray and the sad Gray_; for the Cordeliers have a Gray habit, and theRecollets a sad Gray.


 Au fondement de nouvelle secte, Seront les os du grand _Romain_ trouvez, Sepulchre en Marbre, apparoistra converte, Terre trembler en _Auril_ mal enfeüvez.
 At the foundation of a new sect, The Bones of the great _Roman_ shall be found, The Sepulchre shall appear covered with Marble, The Earth shall quake in _April_, they shall be ill buried.


The meaning is, that when they shall go about to make a foundation of ahouse, for a new Sect of Friers; they shall find the bones of a famous_Roman_ in a Marble Sepulchre, and that in _April_ the Earth shall quake,whereby many shall be swallowed up.


 Au grand Empire par viendra tout un autres, Bonté distant plees de felicité, Rege par un issu non loing du peautre, Corruer Regnes grande infelicité.
 To the great Empire quite another shall come, Being farther from goodness and happiness, Governed by one of base parentage, The Kingdom shall fall, a great unhappiness.


This needeth no Interpretation.


 Lors que Soldats fureur seditieuse, Contre leur Chef seront denuit fer livre, Ennemy d’_Albe_ doibt par main furieuse, Lors vexer _Rome_ & principaux seduire.
 When the seditious fury of the Souldiers, Against their Chief shall make the Iron shine by night, The enemy d’_Albe_ shall by a furious hand, Then vex _Rome_, and seduce the principal one.


The Lord _de Thou_ doth judiciously observe, that the Pope beingunacquainted with things belonging to War, as to Money, Victuals, andAmmunition, was easily persuaded by Cardinal _Caraffa_ to make waragainst _Spain_, for without being provided of all these things, he puthis Armies into the Field, _nec satis perpendens quám a pecuniâ, militeac cæteris rebus ad bellum necessariis imparatus intempestive armasumeret_.

In the 15. Book of his History: the Duke of _Vrbin_ had commission toraise 6000. Foot and 300. Horses in the Dukedom of _Spoleto_, and in_Mark_ of _Ancona_. _John Caraffe_ the Popes Nephew was made General ofthe Army, and being but Earl of _Mortor_, was Created Duke of _Palliano_,by the confiscation of the goods of _Mark Antony Colonna_. _CamilloUrsini_ was made General of the Forces in _Rome_, and in the Territorythereof; _Blasius_ of _Monluc_, the _Mars_ of his time, and by birth a_Gascon_, was sent by the King to help (with his advice and courage) the_Romans_, who are always fitter for the Breviary, then for the Sword.

Besides these Forces raised within the Church Dominions, _CharlesCaraffa_ gathered all the Bandittes of _Naples_ and _Florence_, andraised some Regiments of _Switzers_ that came to succour the Pope.

With these Troops the Pope seized upon the most important places andpersons belonging to the _Spanish_ party, as the _Coloneses_ and the_Vitelly_.

These asked succours of the Emperour _Charles_ the V. who presentlycommanded _Ferdinand_ of _Toledo_ Duke of _Alba_ to succour them. He wasthen tasked in the _Piemont_ and _Milanes_, to resist the _French_ thatwere then under the conduct of the Marshal of _Brissac_.

To conclude his design the better, he wrote many Letters to the Pope andthe Colledge of Cardinals, full of respect and submission, desiring themto moderate their passion against the _Spanish_ party, but the Pope beingangry by several reports, answered him, complaining of many things, whichmade the Duke resolve to the war, and to be there in person.

He took his occasion as a prudent Captain, when the news was broughtto him that the Popes Forces were in mutiny against their General forwant of pay, and made a great tumult in the night, hearing that he wasapproaching with a great train of Artillery. _Bzovius_ saith, that theEarl of _Montor_ regarded more his profit then the Popes Interest, andkept back a great part of the money that was to pay the Souldiers, whenceproceeded this tumult, which helped much the Duke of _Alva_’s business.

This is the explanation of the two first Verses of this Stanza,concerning the mutiny of the Souldiers that were in the Popes service,during which mutiny the enemy d’_Alba_ did not fail to vex Rome; thisword the enemy d’_Alba_ doth not signifie the enemy of the Duke of_Alba_, as if one should say in Latine _Hostis Albanus_. He did then vex_Rome_; for in a short time he took _Ponte Corvino_, _Frusino Anagnia_,_Marino_, _Lavaci_, _Prœneste_, _Tivoli_, _Ostia_, _Neptuno_, _AlbaVico-Varro_, _Monte Fortino_, and almost all the places of the _Roman_Territory.

This did streighten _Rome_ so much, that the General _Camillo Ursini_made several Trenches within the Walls of _Rome_, instead of preservingthe outworks, as _Montluc_ would have persuaded him to do; the alarumswere so great at _Rome_, that _Montluc_ was fain to encourage the_Romans_, and to make a Warlike Speech to them, which is inserted in hisWorks.

Moreover, the same Duke began to seduce the Principals of _Rome_ by hisfriends that he had in it, but particularly by the cheat that he putupon the Pope; for his design being to prevent the _French_ Forces, andto surprize the Pope, he resolved to go streight to _Rome_, and to bringhis design the better to pass, he sent _Pyrrhus Coffrede_ to the Pope,to see if there was any way of agreement, to the end that upon thisproposition the Pope should mistrust nothing. In the mean time the Dukeof _Alba_ was coming near _Rome_, at which the Pope was so angry, that heput this Embassadour in Prison, where he was kept till the conclusion ofthe Peace; in this sort were the principal men of _Rome_ seduced, havingno thought of the _Spaniards_ approaches, this is the relation of theLord _de Thou_, _Lib._ 16.


 La grand pitie sera sans long tarder, Ceux qui donnoient seront contraints de prendre Nuds affamez, de froid, soif, soy bander, Passer les Monts en faisant grand esclandre.
 What a great pitty will it be e’re-long, Those that did give shall be constrained to receive, Naked, famished with cold, thirst, to mutiny, To go over the Mountains making great disorders.


The words of the first Verse, _before it be long_, is the Key of theStanza, because we infer from thence it was shortly to happen, as intruth it did at the latter end of the year 1556. when the Duke of _Guise_came into _Piemont_ to joyn with the Marshal of _Brissac_. Then thetroops of the _Marshal_ seeing those of the Duke better paid then theywere, forsook the Marshal, the History saith there was above 1500. ofthem, and that the Marshal paid the Souldiers of his own money to staythem.

The great pitty was, when he had no more to give, he was compelled by theKings order it self, and against his own inclination to raise some moneysupon the Countreys. Secondly, to take some Towns and give the plunder tothe Souldiers. Thirdly, to permit the Souldiers to pillage the Countrey.

The Author was willing to foretell this, because there was never a manmore strict in keeping the Martial discipline, then this General was.

The Marshal of _Brissac_ being thus abused, some of his troops forsookhim to follow the Duke of _Guise_, being for the most part naked andstarved with cold, hunger and thirst, which makes the Author to specifie_hunger, cold and thirst_; want having compelled them to disband, theywent over the Mountains, not of _Piemont_, but the _Apennines_ of_Montserrat_, and whatsoever thing they found was a Fish for their Net.


 Un Chef du Monde le grand _Cheiren_ sera, Plus outre, apres aime, craint, redouté, Son bruit & los les Cieux surpassera, Et du seul titre Victeur sort contente.
 A Chief of the World the great _Cheiren_ shall be, Moreover, beloved afterwards, feared, dreaded, His fame and praise shall go beyond the Heavens, And shall be contented with the only title of Victor.


We have said already before, that the Author by the word _Cheyren_meaneth _Henry_ the II. his Master, by transposition of Letters, who ashe saith was contented with the bare title of Victorieux, when he hadundertaken the protection of the _German_ Princes against the Emperour_Charles_ the V.


 Quand on viendra le grand Roy parenter, Avant quil ait du tout l’Ame rendue, On le verra bien tost apparenter, D’Aigles, Lions, Croix, Courone de Rüe.
 When they shall come to celebrate the obsequies of the great King, A day before he be quite dead, He shall be seen presently to be allyed With Eagles, Lions, Crosses, Crowns of Rüe.


In the general Peace made _Anno_ 1559. two Marriages were concluded, oneof _Elizabeth_ of _France_, daughter to _Henry_ II. King of _France_,with _Philip_ II. King of _Spain_, which was Celebrated at _Paris_ withan extraordinary magnificence, in the presence of the Duke of _Alba_,the Prince of _Orenge_, and the Earl of _Egmont_, who came to fetch thePrincess.

In the Celebrating of these Nuptials happened the unfortunate death of_Henry_ II. This brought such a sadness to the Court, that the secondmatch which was between _Margaret_ of _France_, Daughter to _Francis_ I.and the Duke of _Savoy_ was Celebrated without solemnity.

We must add to this, that the Duke weareth in his Coat of Arms someEagles, some Lions, some Crosses, and a Crown of Rue; by this, weunderstand this Stanza, which saith, that the King being mortallywounded, every one was preparing himself to render him the last duties,which the Author calleth to _Parante_, from the Latine word _Parentare_,which signifieth to Celebrate the Funeral duties of a man. Thus thesecond Verse saith, _before the day that he yieldeth up his Soul_,in hast was the Marriage Celebrated, between the Lady _Margaret_ of_France_, and the Duke of _Savoy_, who beareth for his Arms some Eagles,some Lions, some Crosses, and a Crown of Rue.


 Par fureur feinte devotion Divine, Sera la femme du grand fort violée, Judges voulants damner telle Doctrine, Victime au peuple ignorant immolée.
 By a faigned fury of Divine inspiration, The wife of the great one shall be ravished, Judges willing to condemn such a Doctrine, A Victimo shall be sacrificed to the ignorant people.


Of this fact and others as bad, have been seen strange examples, formerlydone by those called _Enthousiastes_, who have committed horriblevillanies, under pretence of divine inspiration, some commiting Incests,others rapes, others murders, as may be seen at large in the History of_John de Leiden_, and other desperate Anabaptists, too tedious to beinserted here; I shall only relate here a little remarkable History, inconfirmation of this, to discover the Wiles of the spirits of error,transformed into an Angel of Light.

The 7 day of _February_ 1526. two Brothers, _Thomas_ and _LeonardSchyker_, living near the Town of St. _Gal_ in _Switzerland_, didassemble together with some other Anabaptists, in their fathers house,where they passed the most part of the night in discourses, makingof faces, and relating of Visions, which every one said he had seen.The next day, upon break of day; _Thomas_ did lay hold on his Brother_Leonard_, and dragged him in the middle of the company, bid him kneelin the presence of his Father and Mother, and of all the rest therepresent, and as all the rest of the Company bid him take heed to do anything amiss; he answered, that there was no need to fear, and that inthis business, nothing could be done against the Will of the Father;thereupon he drew his Sword, and cut off the head of his Brother, whowas on his knees, all besotted before this murderer. All the rest beingastonished, and besides their wits for this furious blow, and lamentingthe dead, _Thomas_ ran towards the Town with a fearful Countinance,as a Phanatick besides himself, without Shooes; and having no Cloathsbut his Shirt and Breeches. At that time the Burg-master of St. _Gal_was _Joachim Vadian_, a wise and learned person, before whom the said_Thomas_ stood, crying aloud with a fearful Countenance, that the day ofJudgment was near; saying besides, that strange things had come to pass,(without telling what) that the will of his Father was done for his part.The Burg-master after he had reprehended him very much for his madness,and insolent carriage, commanded a Cloak to be put upon him, and to leadhim home softly back again. But in the mean time, news was brought of hisdetestable murder, whereupon he was apprehended, examined, convicted,and executed. The like hath been done many times for Rapes and Incests:What is particular here, is, that our Author saith, that the Judges beingwilling to punish such Villanies, yet that unhappy accident shall fall,that an innocent person shall be put to death (belike) instead of theguilty, to please the people.


 En Cité grande en moyne & artisan, Pres de la porte logez & aux murailles, Contre modene secret, Cave disant, Trahis pour faire sous couleur d’espousailles.
 In a great City a Monk and an Artificer, Dwelling near the Gate, and the Walls, Near an old woman, ’tis a secret saying Cave, A Treason shall be plotted under pretence of a Marriage.


_Paradin_ maketh mention, that in the year 1552. a Monk deceived theMarshal of _Brissac_, making him believe that he would put him inpossession of the Town of _Quizres_, if he would give him so much forreward. The Marshal used all the Caution possible, not to be deceivedby that Imposter, who took Money on both sides, _viz._ the _French_ andthe _Spaniards_; nevertheless the Monk plaid the Knave with him, and theundertakings proved prejudicial to the _French_, though not considerablyby reason of the precaution of the said Marshal.

The same Author writes, that in the year 1555. the 17 of _August_,the _Spaniard_ had designed to retake _Cazal_, the same way that the_French_ had surprised it. First, they had got a Widow in the Town, whor*ceived the undertakers in her house, which was near the Gate, and theWall. Secondly there was a Marriage to be made between two persons ofquality, where great Cheer and rejoycings were to be. Thirdly they gota woman that carryed Herbs to sell in the Town, and under the Herbs theLetters were hidden. The Author says likewise, that there was a Monk anda Tradesman, that lodged at this Widows house, those two actors in thisbusiness, _viz._ the Monk said Tradesman, ane secretly to the woman thatsold Herbs, _Cave_, which signifies take heed, they said these words_secretly near Matrone_, that is, they whisperd in her ear _Cave_. Theirdesign was to betray the Town, under pretence of a Marriage, but it didnot succeed; because the Letters in the womans Basket were intercepted,the Vulgar impression hath a fault in the third Verse, where there isModene instead of Matrone, and another in the fourth Verse, when insteadof Treason, they have put for betrayed. The History obligeth us tocorrect it, as we have done.


 Le dechassé au regne tournera, Ses ennemis trouvez des conjurez, Plus que jamais son temps triomphera, Trois & septante a mort trop asseurez.
 The expelled shall come again to the Kingdom, Her enemies shall be found to be the Conspirators, More than ever his time shall triumph, Three and seventy appointed for death.


This is a clear and express prediction of the happy restauration of hissacred Majesty, and our dread Sovereign _Charles_ II. now Reigning,who after a long exile is come again to enjoy his own Kingdom, andto flourish more than ever he did before, by these seventy appointedto death, are meant the Judges and murderers of his Father, who withsome few others of the same gang made about that number, and some ofwhich have payed their shot by the hand of publick Justice, others haveprevented their shame by dying before hand, others have been their ownExecutioners, and those that remain, lead a life worse then death itself; so true it is that vengeance dances the round.


 Le grand Pilot sera par Roy mandé, Laisser la classe pour plus haut lieu atteindre, Sept ans apres sera contrebandé, _Barbare_ Armée viendra _Venise_ craindre.
 The great Pilot shall be sent for by the King, To leave the Fleet, and be preferred to a higher place, Seven years after he shall be countermanded, A _Barbarian_ Army shall put _Venice_ to a fright.


This needeth no further explanation.


 La Cité antique d’_Antenorée_ forge, Plus ne pouvant le Tyran supporter, Le manche feint au Temple couper gorge, Les siens le peuple a mort viendra bouter.
 The ancient City founded by _Antenor_, Being not able to bear the Tyrant any longer, With a fained haft, in the Church cut a throat, The people will come to put his servants to death.


The City founded by _Antenor_ (who was Companion and came into _Italy_with _Æneas_) is _Padua_, a University of the _Venetians_, of which it issaid here, that being no longer able to bear a Tyrant, the said Tyrantshall be murdered in the Church with a knife hidden in a haft, and allhis Men and Servants killed by the people of the Town.


 Par la victoire du deceu fraudulente, Deux classes une, la revolte _Germaine_, La Chef meurtry & son fils dans la Tente, _Florence_, _Imole_ pourchassez dans _Romaine_.
 By the deceitful victory of the deceived, One of the two Fleets shall revolt to the _Germans_, The Chief and his Son murdered in their Tent, _Florence_, _Imole_ persecuted in _Romania_.


The three first Verses are plain. _Florence_ and _Imole_ are two Citiesof _Italy_, seated in the Province of _Romania_.


 Crier victoire du grand _Selin_ croissant, Par les _Romains_ sera l’Aigle clamé, _Ticin_, _Milan_, & _Gennesny_ consent Puis par eux mesmes _Basil_ grand reclamé.
 They shall cry up the victory of the great _Selins_ half Moon, By the _Romans_ the Eagle shall be claimed, _Ticin_, _Milan_ and _Genoa_, consent not, Then by themselves the great _Basil_ shall be claimed.


The first Verse foretelleth some conquests of the _Turks_, whose Armsis the half Moon. The second Verse signifies, the _Romans_ shall movethe Emperour to succour them, which is the Eagle. _Ticin_, _Milan_ and_Genoa_ shall refuse to give help, and afterwards they shall call thegreat _Basil_ (which in Greek signifies the great King, from βασίλευς) totheir help.


 Pres de _Tesin_ les habitants de _Logre_, _Garonne_ & _Saone_, _Seine_, _Tar_, & _Gironde_: Outre les Monts dresseront promonitoire, Conflict donné, _Pau_ franchi, submerge onde.
 Near the _Tesin_ the Inhabitants of _Logre_, _Garonne_ and _Saone_, _Seine_, _Tar_ and _Gironde_, Shall erect a promontory beyond the Mountains, A Battle shall be fought, the _Po_ shall be passed over, some shall be drowned in it.


_Tesin_ is the River that passeth by _Milan_. _Garonne_, _Saone_,_Seine_, _Tar_, and _Gironde_ are Rivers of _France_. _Po_ is thegreatest River of _Italy_.


 De _Fez_ le Regne parviendra a ceux d’_Europe_, Feu leur Cité, & Lame tranchera, Le grand d’_Asie_ Terre & Mer a grand troupe, Que bleux, pars, Croix a mort dechassera.
 The Kingdom of _Fez_ shall come to those of _Europe_, Fire and Sword shall destroy their City, The great one of _Asia_ by Land and Sea with a great troop, So that blews, greens, Crosses to death he shall drive.


This is strange Prophecy if it prove true, _viz._ that the Kingdom of_Fez_ (which is in _Africa_) shall be taken by those of _Europe_, and theTown put to Fire and Sword, after which the great one of _Asia_ (meaningthe great Turk) shall come by Land and by Sea with an innumerable Army,and shall drive and destroy all before him.


 Pleurs, cris & plaincts, heurlemens, effrayeur, Cœur inhumain, cruel, noir & transy: _Leman_, les Isles de _Gennes_ les majeurs, Sang espancher, tochsain, a nul mercy.
 Tears, cryes and complaints, howlings, fear, An inhumane heart, cruel, black, astonished, _Leman_, the Islands the great ones of _Genoa_, Shall spill blood, the Bell shall ring out, no mercy shall be given.


This foretels bloody Wars only, and needs no interpretation.


 Par les Deserts de lieu libre & farouche, Viendra errer Neveu du grand Pontife, Assomme a sept avec lourde souche, Par ceux qu’apres occuperont le _Scyphe_.
 Through the Deserts of a free and ragged place, The Nephew of the Pope shall come to wander, Knockt in the head by seven with a heavy Club, By those who after shall obtain the _Scyphe_.


This signifies that the Nephew of a Pope shall be driven away, and shallwander in a desert place, where he shall be knockt in the head by sevenmen, one of which shall afterwards enjoy the Papacy; for _Scyphe_ is aLatine word, signifying a Cup or Chalue, such as the _Romish_ Priests sayMass with, and take the Sacrament.


 Celuy qu’aura tant d’honneurs & caresses, A son entrée en la Gaule _Belgique_, Un temps apres sera tant de rudesses, Et sera contre a la fleur tant bellique.
 He that shall have had so many honours and welcoms, At his going into _Flanders_, A while after shall commit so many rudenesses, And shall be against the warlike flower.


This is positively concerning the Duke of _Alencon_, Brother to _Henry_III. King of _France_, who having been sent for by the States of theLow-Countreys, and received with much honour to be their General andGovernour against the _Spaniard_, did most unworthily break his trust,and being come to _Antwerp_, he was so ravished with the beauty andriches of the Town, that he seized upon it for himself, but was beatenout by the Citizens, and most of his men killed.

The fourth Verse saith. _He shall be against the warlike flower_; thatis, his action shall be against Military Honour, and common practice ofHonourable Souldiers.


 Celuy qu’en _Sparte_ _Claude_ ne veut regner, Il fera tant par voye seductive, Que du court, long, le sera arraigner, Que contre Roy fera sa perspective.
 He that _Claudius_ will not have to reign in _Sparta_, The same shall do so much by a deceitful way, That he shall cause him to be arraigned short and long, As if he had made his prospect upon the King.


I believe the words of _Claudius_ and _Sparta_ here are Metaphorical, andthe Author was unwilling they should be known.

The sense is, one shall be hindred from Reigning by another, whom heshall accuse of Treason against the King.


 La grand Cité de _Tharse_ par _Gaulois_, Sera d’estriute captifs tous a _Turban_, Secours par Mer du grand _Portugalois_, Premier d’esté le jour du sacre _Vrban_.
 The great City of _Tharsis_ shall be taken by the _French_, All those that were at _Turban_ shall be made slaves, Succours by Sea from the great _Portugals_, The first day of the Summer, and of the installation of _Urban_.


Here are two difficulties in this Stanza; the first is, what the Authormeans by the great City _Tharsis_; the second is in the last Verse, whathe meaneth by the Installation of _Vrban_, I believe he meaneth no morethen the election of a Pope, whose name shall be _Urban_.


 Le grand Prelat un jour apres son songe, Interprete au rebours de son sens, De la _Gascogne_ luy surviendra un Monge, Qui fera eslire le grand Prelat de _Sens_.
 The great Prelate the next day after his dream, Interpreted contrary to his sense, From _Gascony_ shall come to him a Monge, That shall cause the great Prelate of _Sens_ to be elected.


_Monge_ is a Barbarous word, that hath no relation to any Language in theworld, (that I know) unless it signifies a Monk. _Sens_ is a fine City,about threescore Miles beyond _Paris_, towards the South, and the Seat ofan Arch-Bishop, who it seemeth shall be elected into some eminent place,the next day after he that was in it shall dream a dream, that shall beinterpreted contrary to the sense and meaning of it.


 L’election faicte dans _Francfort_, N’aura nul lieu, _Milan_ s’opposera, Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort, Qu’oute le _Rhin_ Marais les chassera.
 The election made at _Francford_, Shall be void, _Milan_ shall oppose it, He of the _Milan_ party shall be so strong, As to drive the other beyond the Marshes of the _Rhine_.


The Election of _Francford_ is concerning an Emperour; for there they areelected, Crowned. The rest is plain.


 Un Regne grand demourra desolé, Aupres de l’_Hebro_ se seront assemblées, Monts _Pyrenees_ le rendront consolé, Lors que dans _May_ seront Terres tremblées.
 A great Kingdom shall be left desolate, Near the River _Hebrus_ an assembly shall be made, The _Pyrenean_ Mountains shall comfort him, When in _May_ shall be an Earth-quake.


This needeth no interpretation, but what any one may give that knowethwhere the River _Hebrus_ is.


 Entre deux cymbes pieds & mains attachez, De miel face oingt & de laict substante, Guespes & mouches feront amour fachez, Poccilateurs faucer, Scyphe tente.
 Between two Boats one shall be tyed hand and foot, His face annointed with Honey, and he nourished with Milk, Wasps and Bees shall make much of him in anger, For being treacherous Cup-bearers, and poisoning the Cup.


This is a description of the punishment which the _Persians_ use toafflict upon poisoners; for they were put between two Troughs, which arehere called Boats, from their likeness to them, with their face onlyuncovered, which was daubed with Honey, that the Wasps and Bees mightbe drawn to it and torment them, they were fed with Milk, which if theyrefused to do, and had rather dye than be so tormented, then did theTormenter prick their Eyes with Needles to force them to their diet, andso were they left, till the Vermin eat them up. We have an example ofthis in the Life of _Artaxerxes_ King of _Persia_.


 L’honnessem*nt puant abominable, Apres la faict sera felicité, Grand excusé, pour n’estre favorable, Qu’a paix _Neptune_ ne sera incité.
 The stinking and abominable defiling After the secret shall succeed well, The great one shall be excused for not being favourable, That _Neptune_ might be perswaded to peace.


By the two first Verses it seemeth that some abominable action, after itseffect shall succeed well; the two last signifie, that a great personshall be excused for not permitting the Fleet to be at peace.


 Le conducteur de la guerre Navale, Rouge effrené, severe horrible grippe, Captif eschapé de l’aisné dans la baste, Quand il naistra du grand un Fils _Agrippe_.
 The leader of the naval forces, Red, rash, severe, horrible extortioner, Being slave, shall escape, hidden amongst the Harnesses, When a Son named _Agrippa_, shall be born to the great one.


This needeth no Interpretation, the words being so plain.


 Princesse de beauté tant venuste, Au chef menée, le second faict trahy, La Cité au Glaive poudre face aduste, Par trop grand meurtre le chef du Roy hay.
 A Princess of an exquisite beauty, Shall be brought to the General, the second time the fact shall be betrayed, The City shall be given to the Sword and fire, By two great a murder the chief Person about the King shall be hated.


The only difficulty lyes in what City he doth mean.


 Prelat avare, d’ambition trompé, Rien ne fera que trop cuider viendra, Ses Messagers, & luy bien attrapé, Tout au rebours voir qui les bois fendra.
 A covetous Prelate, deceived by ambition, Shall do nothing but covet too much, His messengers and he shall be trapt, When they shall see one cleave the Wood the contrary way.


This needeth no Annotation.


 Un Roy iré sera aux sedifragues, Quand interdicts seront harnois de guerre, La poison taincte au succre par les fragues, Par eaux meurtris, morts, disant, serre, serre.
 A King shall be angry against the Covenant-breakers, When the Warlike Armour shall be forbidden, The Poison with Sugar shall be put in the Strawberries, They shall be murdered and die, saying, close, close.


The words are plain.


 Par detracteur calomnié puis nay, Quand istront faicts enormes & martiaux, La moindre part dubieuse a l’aisné, Et tost au Regne seront faicts partiaux.
 The youngest Son shall be calumniated by a slanderer, When enormous and Martial deeds shall be done, The least part shall be left doubtfull to the Eldest, and soon after they shall be both equal in the Kingdom.


This lacketh no interpretation.


 Grand Cité a Soldats abandonnée, Onc ny eut mortel tumult si proche, O quelle hideuse calamités approche, Fors une offence n’y sera pardonnée.
 A great City shall be given up to the Souldiers, There was never a mortal tumult so near, Oh! what a hideous calamity draws near, Except one offence nothing shall be spared.


This is concerning the taking of the Town of St. _Quentin_ in 1557.because the Author saith, no tumult was like this, so near the year 1555.when our Author writ.

He calleth it great City; because it is one of the most considerable in_France_, therefore it was besieged by the King of _Spain_ with 37000.men, and 12000. Horses and 8000. _English_. The plunder was given to theSouldiers; for it was taken by assault.

_There was never a mortal tumult so near_; for the Souldiers takingrevenge upon the Inhabitants, and Garrison, put all to the Sword; theAdmiral having much ado to save himself.

In consequence of this our Prophet cryeth, _O what a fearfull calamity_;because the taking of this Town joyned with the loss of St. _Laurence_did almost ruine _France_. He addeth, _except one offence nothing shallbe forgiven_; that is, the Town should be afflicted in all respects,except that it should not be burnt. The taking of this Town was upon the27 of _August_, 17 days after the Battle of St. _Laurence_.

The loss was so great to _France_, that the King was fained to call theDuke of _Guise_ back from _Italy_, and _Charles_ V. hearing this news,asked presently if his Son _Philip_ was not in _Paris_, as much as tosay, it was a thing he ought to have done.

But God permitted that the King of _Spain_ went another way, and in themean time, the King of _France_ strengthned himself, and the Duke of_Guise_ took from the _English_, _Calais_, _Guines_, and the County ofd’_Oye_. The _Spanish_ History saith, that _Philip_ had forbidden totouch any old people, Children and Ecclesiastical persons; but above allSt. _Quentins_ reliques.


 Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera, Feu approcher de la grand Cité neuve, Instant grand flamme esparse sautera, Quand on voudra des _Normans_ faire preuve.
 The Heaven shall burn at five and forty degrees, The fire shall come near the great new City, In an instant a great flame dispersed shall burst out, When they shall make a trial of the _Normans_.


This signifies some extraordinary lightning under five and forty degrees,which is about the Southern part of _France_.

It is not easie to guess what he meaneth by the great new City, unless itbe one in the Authors Countrey, called _Villa Nova_.

The last Verse seemeth to intimate, that this shall happen when an Armyof _Normandie_ shall be raised.


 Ruyne aux _Volsques_ de peur si fort terribles, Leur grand Cité taincte, faict pestilent: Piller Sol, Lune, & violer leur Temples, Et les deux Fleuves rougir de sang coulant.
 A ruine shall happen to the _Volsques_ that are so terrible, Their great City shall be dyed, a pestilent deed: They shall plunder Sun and Moon, and violate their Temples, And the two Rivers shall be red with running blood.


The _Volsi_ were a warlike people of _Italy_ joyning to _Rome_, whichmakes me believe that by the great City he meaneth _Rome_, which wasplundered and sackt by the Duke of _Burgondy_ and the Prince of _Orange_,Generals of the Emperour _Charles_ V.


 L’Ennemy docte se tournera confus, Grand Camp malade, & de faict par embusches Monts _Pyrenees_ luy seront faicts refus. Roche du Fleuve descouvrant antique ruches.
 The learned enemy shall go back confounded, A great Camp shall be sick, and in effect through ambush, The _Pyrenean_ Mountains shall refuse him. Near the River discovering the ancient Hives.


The words are plain, though the sense be too obscure, and I shall notendeavour to give an interpretation, when every one may make one himself.


 Fill de _Laure_, asyle du mal sain, Ou jusqu’au Ciel se void l’_Amphitheatre_: Prodige veu, ton mal est fort prochain, Seras captive, & des fois plus de quatre.
 Daughter of _Laura_, Sanctuary of the sick, Where to the Heavens is seen the _Amphitheatre_, A prodigy being seen, the danger is near, Thou shalt be taken captive above four times.


This is an ingenious Stanza, concerning the City of _Nismes_ in_Languedoc_, famous for its _Amphitheatre_ built by the _Romans_, andremaining to this day, which Town he calleth Daughter of _Laura_, becausethe Lady _Laura_, Mistress to the famous Poet _Petrarche_ was bornthereabout; he also calleth it Sanctuary of the sick, for the salubrityof the air.

The meaning of the two last Verses is, that when a prodigy shall be seen,_viz._ Civil War in _France_, it shall be taken above four times, as ithath happened by one party or other.

Legis cautio contra ineptos Criticos.

 _Qui legent hos versus, maturè censunto:_ _Prophanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato:_ _Omnesque Astrologi, Blenni, Barbari procul sunto,_ _Qui aliter faxit, is rite sacer esto._

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 L’Arc du Thresor par _Achilles_ deceu, Aux procrées sceu le Quadrangulaire, Au fait Roial le comment sera sceu, Corps veu pendu au Sceu du populaire.
 The bow of the Treasure by _Achilles_ deceived, Shall shew to posterity the Quadrangulary, In the Royal deed the Comment shall be known, The body shall be seen hanged in the knowledge of the people.


By the bow of the Treasure, is understood the Marshal d’_Ancre_, Favoriteto the Queen Regent of _France_ _Mary_ of _Medicis_, who was firstcomplained of, for his maleversations by _Achilles de Harlay_ Presidentof _Paris_, whence followed his death being Pistolled in the Quadrangleof the _Louvre_, by the command of _Lewis_ XIII. and his body afterwardsdragged through the streets, and hanged publickly by the people upon thenew Bridge.


 Par _Mars_ ouvert _Arles_ ne donra guerre, De nuit seront les Soldats estonnez, Noir, blanc, a l’Inde dissimulez en terre. Soubs la feinte ombre traistre verrez sonnez.
 _Arles_ shall not proceed by open War, By night the Souldiers shall be astonished, Black, white, and blew, dissembled upon the ground. Under the fained shadow you shall see them proclaimed Traitors.


_Arles_ is a considerable City in _France_; the rest is plain.


 Apres de _France_ la victoire Navale, Les _Barchinons_, _Salinons_, les _Phocens_, Lierre d’or, l’Enclume serré dans balle, Ceux de _Toulon_ au fraud seront consents.
 After the Naval victory of the _French_, Upon those of _Tunis_, _Sally_, and the _Phocens_, A golden Juy the Anvil shut up in a pack, Those of _Toulon_ to the fraud shall consent.


This foretelleth a Naval victory to the _French_ against the _Turks_, bythe means of a Granado, called _Anvil_, that shall be shut up in a Barrelby a plot, to which those of _Toulon_ shall be privy.


 Le Duc de _Langres_ assiegé dedans _Dole_, Accompagné d’_Authun_ & _Lionnois_, _Geneve_, _Auspourg_, ceux de la _Mirandole_, Passer les Monts contre les _Anconois_.
 The Duke of _Langres_ shall be besieged in _Dole_, Being in company with those of _Autun_ and _Lion_, _Geneva_, _Auspourg_, those of _Mirandola_, Shall go over the Mountains against those of _Ancona_.


_Langres_ is a City in _France_, whose Bishop is a Duke and a Peer ofthe Kingdom; _Dole_ is a City in _Burgundy_, so is _Autun_ and _Lion_,_Geneva_ is a City by _Savoy_, _Auspourg_, another in _Germany_,_Mirandola_ is a Countrey in Italy, so is _Ancona_.


 Vin sur la Table en sera respandu, Le tiers naura celle quil pretendoit, Deux fois du noir de _Parme_ descendu, _Perouse_ & _Pise_ fera ce quil cuidoit.
 Wine shall be spilt upon the Table, By reason that a third man shall not have her whom he intended, Twice the black one descended from _Parma_, Shall do to _Perusa_ and _Pisa_ what he intended.


_Perusa_, _Pisa_, and _Parma_, are three Cities in _Italy_.


 _Naples_, _Palerme_, & toute la _Sicile_, Par main _Barbare_ sera inhabitée, _Corsique_, _Salerne_ & de _Sardaigne_ l’Isle, Faim, peste, guerre, fin de maux intemptée.
 _Naples_, _Palermo_, and all _Sicily_, By barbarous hands shall be depopulated, _Corsica_, _Salerno_, and the Island of _Sardinia_, In them shall be famine, plague, war, and endless evils.


_Naples_ is a City in _Italy_, _Palermo_ is a City in the Island of_Sicily_. _Corsica_, an Island in the _Mediterranean Sea_, belonging tothe _Genoese_; _Salerno_ is a Town in _Italy_; _Sardinia_ an Island inthe _Mediterranean_. The Reader may easily make an interpretation of therest.


 Sur le combat des grands chevaux legers, On criera le grand croissant confond, De nuit tuer Moutons, Brebis, Bergers, Abysmes rouges dans le fossé profond.
 At the fight of the great light Horsmen, They shall cry out, confound the great half Moon, By night they shall kill Sheep, Ewes, and Shepherds, Red pits shall be in the deep ditch.


By the great half Moon, is understood the _Turk_.


 _Flora_ fuis, fuis le plus proche _Romain_, Au _Fesulan_ sera conflict donné, Sang espandu les plus grands pris en main, Temple ne Sexe ne sera pardonné.
 _Flora_ fly, fly from the next _Roman_, In the _Fesulan_ shall be the fight, Blood shall be spilt, the greatest shall be taken, Temple nor Sex shall be spared.


_Fesulan_ is a Countrey in _Italy_. _Flora_ is the Goddess of Flowers,the rest is easie.


 Dame en l’absence de son grand Capitaine, Sera priée d’amour du Viceroy, Feinte promesse & malheureuse estreine, Entre les mains du grand Prince _Barroy_.
 A Lady in the absence of her great Captain, Shall be intreated of love by the Viceroy, A fained promise, and unhappy new years gift, In the hand of the great Prince of _Bar_.


_Bar_ is a principality joyning to _Lorrain_, which _Henry_ IV. King of_France_ gave for a Portion to his Sister _Catharine_, when she marriedthe Duke of _Lorrains_ Son. The rest is plain.


 Par le grand Prince limitrophe du _Mans_, Preux & vaillant chef de grand exercite, Par Mer & Terre de _Galois_ & _Normans_, Cap passer _Barcelonne_ pillé l’Isle.
 The great Prince dwelling near the _Mans_, Stout and valiant, General of a great Army, Of _Welchmen_ and _Normans_ by Sea and Land, Shall pass the Cape _Barcelone_, and plunder the Island.


_Mans_ is a City in _France_, chief of the Province called _le Main_. Therest is plain.


 L’Enfant Roial contemnera la Mere, Oeil, pieds blessez, rude inobeissant, Nouvelle a Dame estrange & bien amere, Seront tuez des siens plus de cinq cens.
 The Royal Child shall despise his Mother, Eye, feet wounded, rude disobedient, News to a Lady very strange and bitter, There shall be killed of hers above five hundred.


This was fulfilled about the year 1615. when _Lewis_ XIII. King of_France_, being then about 15 years of age, by the perswasion of someGrandees about him, made War against his own Mother _Mary_ of _Medicis_,then Regent of the Kingdom, whereupon was fought between them the Battle_du pont de say_, where above five hundred on the Queens side were slain,whereupon it was a good Jest of the Prince of _Guimena_, who beingrequired by the Queen _Anna_ of _Austria_, to lay his hand upon her side;and to feel her Child (now _Lewis_ XIV.) stirring, after he had felt; nowI know, said he, he is a true Son of _Bourbon_; for he beginneth to kickhis Mother.


 Le grand puisnay fera fin de la guerre, En deux lieux assemble les excusez, _Cahors_, _Moissac_, iront loing de la serre, _Rufec_, _Lectoure_, les _Agenois_ rasez.
 The great younger Brother shall make an end of the War, In two places he shall gather the excused, _Cahors_, _Moissac_, shall go out of his clutches, _Ruffec_, _Lectoure_, and those of _Agen_ shall be cut off.


_Cahors_, _Moissac_, _Ruffec_, _Lectoure_, _Agen_, are all Cities of theProvince of _Guyenne_ in _France_.


 De la Cité Marine & tributaire, La teste rase prendra la Satrapie, Chasser sordide qui puis sera contraire, Par quatorze and tiendra la Tyrannie.
 Of the City Maritine and tributary, The shaven head shall take the Government, He shall turn out a base man who shall be against him, During fourteen years he will keep the tyranny.


This is positive concerning the Cardinal of _Richelieu_, who made himselfGovernor of _Havre de Grace_, called here the Maritine City, and therekept his Treasure, and tyrannised for the space of about fourteen years.


 Faux exposer viendra Topographie, Seront les Urnes des Monuments ouvertes, Pulluler Sectes, sainte Philosophie, Pour blanches noires, & pour antiques vertes.
 They shall expound Topography falsly, The Urnes of the Monuments shall be open, Sects shall multiply, and holy Philosophy Shall give black for white, and green for old.


This is a perfect description of our late miserable estate in _England_,when there was such multiplicity of Sects, and such a Prophanation ofsacred things.


 Devant Cité de l’_Insubre_ Countrée, Sept ans sera le Siege devant mis, Le tres-grand Roy fera son entrée, Cité puis libre hors de ses ennemis.
 Before a City of _Piemont_, Seven years the Siege shall be laid, The most great King shall make his entry into it, Then the City shall be free being out of the enemies hand.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Entrée profonde par la grande Roine faite, Rendra le lieu puissant inaccessible, L’Armée de trois Lions sera défaite, Faisant dedans cas hideux & terrible.
 The deep entry made by the Queen, Shall make the place powerful and inaccessible, The Army of the three Lions shall be routed, Doing within an hideous and terrible thing.


A Queen shall cause such a deep Trench to be made before a Town, that itshall be impregnable, and the Army of Lions, that is either Generals, orof a Prince that shall bear three Lions in his Arms, shall be routed.


 Le Prince rare en pitié & clemence, Apres avoir la paix aux siens baillé, Viendra changer par mort grand cognoissance, Apres grand repos le regne travaillé.
 The Prince rare in pity and Clemency, After he shall have given peace to his Subjects, Shall by death change his great knowledge, After great rest the Kingdom shall be troubled.


This positively concerneth _Henry_ the IV. King of _France_; who afterhe had by many Battles and dangers given peace to his Kingdom, was by aMurderer snatched away, and the Kingdom put into new troubles, by the warthat the Princes had among themselves.


 Les Assiegez couloureront leurs paches, Sept jours apres feront cruelle issüe, Dans repoulsez, feu, sang, sept mis a l’hache, Dame captive qu’avoit la paix issüe.
 The Besieged shall dawb their Articles, Seven days after they shall make a cruel event, They shall be beaten back, fire, blood, seven put to death, The Lady shall be Prisoner who endeavoured to make peace.


This needeth no interpretation.


 Le Fort _Nicene_ ne sera combatu, Vaincu sera par rutilant metal, Son fait sera un long temps debatu, Aux Citadins estrange espouvental.
 The Fort _Nicene_ shall not be fought against, By shining metal it shall be overcome, The doing of it shall be long and debating, It shall be a strange fearful thing to the Citizens.


_Nice_ is a Town in _Piemont_, situated by the Sea side, now whetherthis Prophecy came to pass in the time of the Wars between _France_ and_Savoy_, or shall come to pass hereafter, it is more then I can tell. Asfor winning of it by glistering Metal, it is no new thing or practice,witness _Philippus_ of _Macedon_, who said no City was impregnable,wherein might enter an Ass loaded with gold.


 Ambassadeurs de la _Toscane_ langue, _Avril_ & _May_ _Alpes_ & Mer passer, Celuy de Veau exposera l’harangue, Vie _Gauloise_ en voulant effacer.
 The Embassadors of the _Tuscan_ tongue, In _April_ and _May_, shall go over the _Alpes_ and the Sea, One like a Calf shall make a speech: Attempting to defame the _French_ customes.


The sense and the words are plain.


 Par pestilente inimitie _Volsicque_, Dissimulée chassera le Tyran, Au Pont de _Sorgues_ se fera la trafique, De mettre a mort luy & son adherent.
 By a pestilent _Italian_ enmity, The dissembler shall expel the Tyrant, The bargain shall be made at _Sorgues_ Bridge, To put him and his adherent to death.


There is no difficulty in this.


 Les Citoiens de _Mesopotamie_, Irez encontre amis de _Tarragone_, Jeux, Ris, Banquets toute gent endormie, Vicaire au Prone, pris Cité, ceux d’_Ausone_.
 The Citizens of _Mesopotamia_, Being angry with the friends of _Tarragone_, Playes, laughter, feasts, every body being asleep, The Vicar being in the Pulpit, City taken by those of _Ausone_.


By the Citizens of _Mesopotamia_, is understood a people that livebetween two Rivers, from the Greek words μέσος and ποταμὸς, the rest iseasie. We have said before, that by _Ausone_ the Author understands theCity of _Bourdeaux_, which he called _Ausone_, from the Poet and Consulof _Rome_ _Ausonius_ who was born there.


 Le Roial Sceptre sera contraint de prendre, Ce que ses Predecesseurs voient engagé, Puis a Laigneau on fera mal entendre, Lors qu’on viendra le Palais saccager.
 The Royal Scepter shall be constrained to take What his Predecessors had morgaged; After that, they shall mis-inform the Lamb, When they shall come to plunder the Palace.


This is obvious to every body’s capacity.


 L’Ensevely sortira du tombeau, Fera de chaisnes lier le fort du pont, Empoisoné avec œufs de Barbeau, Grand de _Lorrain_ par le Marquis du pont.
 The buried shall come out of his Grave, He shall cause the fort of the Bridge to be tied with Chains, Poisoned with Barbels hard Row, Shall a great one of _Lorrain_ be by the Marques du pont.


This Prophecie is divided in two parts. The first two Verses talk of aman that shall be taken out of his Grave alive. The two last speak, thata great man of _Lorrain_ shall be poisoned by the Marques _de pont_, inthe Row of a Barbel, which according to Physitians, is a dangerous meatof it self, and chiefly if it be Stewed, the Poisoner himself seemeth tobe no other than a Duke of _Lorrain_, or one of his Sons, for he stilethhimself _N._ Duke of _Lorrain_, Prince of _Bar_, and Marques _du Pont_.


 Par guerre longue tout l’exercite espuiser, Que pour Soldats ne trouveront pecune, Lieu d’Or, d’Argent cair on viendra cuser, _Gaulois_ Ærain, signe croissant de Lune.
 By a long War, all the Army drained dry, So that to raise Souldiers they shall find no Money, Instead of Gold and Silver, they shall stamp Leather, The _French_ Copper, the mark of the stamp the new Moon.


This maketh me remember the miserable condition of many Kingdoms, beforethe _west-Indies_ were discovered; for in _Spain_ Lead was stamped forMoney, and so in _France_ in the time of King _Dagobert_, and it seemethby this Stanza, that the like is to come again, by reason of a long andtedious War.


 Fustes Galées autour de sept Navires, Sera livrée une mortelle guerre, Chef de _Madrid_ recevra coups de vires, Deux eschapées & cinq menez a Terre.
 Fly-boats and Galleys round about seven Ships, A mortal War there shall be, The chief of _Madrid_ shall receive blows of Oars, Two shall escape, and five carried to Land.


_Paradin_ saith in his History, that in the year 1555. towards the endof _August_, those of _Diepe_ had permission from the King to fight aFleet of the _Spaniards_, which was coming into _Flanders_, and broughtMen, Money, and several Merchandises. They went to Sea, and after muchsearching, they discovered the Fleet, wherein were 22 great Ships.

The _Diepois_ had but 19 men of War, and five or six Pinnaces, with whichthey set upon them between _Calais_ and _Dover_. The fight was verybloody, almost all the Ships grapled one with another, and being so closetogether, represented a Land fight.

The _French_ at last did their utmost endeavour against the Admiral,which was succoured by six other Ships, of which two were taken with theAdmiral, and carryed to _Diepe_; this is the Authors meaning, when hesaith, _Fly-boats and Galleys about seven Ships_. He nameth the Admiral_Chief of Madrid_; that is, chief _Spaniard_, which received blows ofOars, whose Ship was taken, and four more of his Company, which werebrought to _Diepe_. In this agree the Historians on both sides.


 Au coin de _Vast_ la grand Cavalerie, Proche a _Ferrare_ empeschée au Bagage, _Pompe_ a _Turin_ front telle volerie, Que dans le fort raviront leur hostage.
 In the corner of _Vast_ the great Troop of Horse, Near _Ferrara_, shall be busied about the baggage, _Pompe_ at _Turin_, they shall make such a robbery, That in the Fort they shall ravish their hostage.


I could not find what he meaneth by this place _Vast_, which being theKey of all the rest, I could proceed no further, but am constrained to goto bed, and leave this for to night, among _Insolubilia de Alliaco_.


 Le Capitaine conduira grande proye, Sur la Montagne des ennemis plus proche, Environné par feu fera telle voye, Tous eschapez, or trente mis en broche.
 The Captain shall lead a great Prey Upon the Mountain, that shall be nearest to the Enemies, Being encompassed with fire, he shall make such a way, That all shall escape, but thirty that shall be spitted.


The two first Verses are plain.

The meaning of the last two is, that the said Captain being encompassedwith Fire, shall make himself such a way, that all his men shall escape,but thirty that shall be spitted by the enemies.


 Le grand Duc d’_Albe_ se viendra rebeller, A ses grands peres fera le tradiment, Le grand de _Guise_ le viendra debeller, Captif mené & dresse monument.
 The great Duke of _Alba_ shall rebel, To his Grandfathers he shall make the Plot, The great _Guise_ shall vanquish him, Led Prisoner, and a Monument erected.


_Ferdinand_ of _Toledo_, Duke of _Alba_ in _Spain_, a faithfull servantof _Charles_ V. and _Philip_ II. his Son, after he had made severalproofs of his Valour, and prudence in the affairs of _Piemont_ and_Milanese_, was commanded to go to _Naples_ and _Rome_, to succour the_Colonesse_, and others of the _Spanish_ party; to obey this command,the Author saith, _He went about to rebel_, not against his Prince, buthis _Grandfathers_, _viz._ the Pope and the Cardinals, upon which theSenate of _Venice_ wrote to him, desiring that he would not trouble thePope, seeing that all his Predecessors had fought for him, as the Lord of_Thou_ saith in his sixteenth Book; but he answered, that it was the Popehimself that was the cause of it, and that he was bound to oppose him.

During that rebellion to his great fathers, as the Author calleth it, thegreat _de Guise_, came with his Troops, and compelled him to a diversion,and to let alone Marshal _Strozzy_, the Cardinal _Caraffa_, Captain_Montluc_, _Camillo Ursini_, Captain _Charry_, and others; so that allthe Countrey about _Rome_ was freed, and thus the Author saith, _thegreat de Guise shall come to quell him_.

The fourth Verse addeth two things, that a Prisoner was carryed away, andthat a Monument was erected. History makes no mention of the Prisoner,unless it were that Captain _Montluc_, having taken by assault theTown of _Pianea_ or _Corsmian_, by a sink which he broke; the Captain_Gougues_ a _Gascon_ being a Prisoner of War in the Town, with manyothers, and hearing the cries of _France, France_, perswaded his Comradesto fall upon their Keepers, and to kill them with their own weapons andthis Prisoner that was taken at _Montisel_, was brought back again into_France_, as well for his known Valour, as for his Warlike deliverance,and since that made himself famous in _Florida_.

_As for the Monument erected_, makes me think he meaneth the Constable of_France_, who was taken Prisoner at the Battle of St. _Quentin_, and bythe Monument, he meaneth the _Escurial_, which _Philip_ the II. causedto be built in memory of that Victory, which obliged _Henry_ the II. tocall back again in all hast the Duke of _Guise_ with all his Forces, orelse _France_ had been in danger to be lost.


 Le sac sapproche, feu, grand sang espandu, _Pau_ grand Fleuve, aux Bouviers l’entreprise, De _Genes_, _Nice_ apres long temps attendu, _Fossan_, _Thurin_, a _Savillan_ la prise.
 The plundering draws near, fire, abundance of blood spilt, _Pau_ a great River, an enterprise by Herdsmen, Of _Genes_, _Nice_ after they shall have staid long, _Fossan_, _Thurin_, the prize shall be at _Savillan_.


The plundering draweth near, here the Author speaketh of things thatshould happen in his days. He writ this the first of _March_ 1555.and History mentioneth that from the first of _March_ 1555. till thebeginning of 1559. the plundering of _Piemont_ in _Italy_ was very great,since the taking of _Cazal_ by the _French_, for there was nothing butcontinual fightings, taking and retaking Towns, Skirmishes and Battles,and most of them by the River _Pau_, the greatest of _Italy_. The restof the second Verse, and the beginning of the third saith, that theundertaking of _Genoa_ shall be by the Herdsmen, by whom he meaneth the_Turks_, who being called by the _French_ to help them in the taking of_Nice_, made an action fit for Herdsmen and villanous Traitors, doingnothing, because they had been bribed by the _Genoeses_.

This was done after the _French_ had stay’d long for this infidel, whoendeavoured to delude the _French_, and take all for himself; and thisis the meaning of, _After Nice had stayed long_. In the mean time the_Spaniards_ increased their Victories, as the fourth Verse witnesseth tothe taking of _Fossan_, _Thurin_, and _Savillan_.

_Fossan_ is a Town of _Piemont_, which that it might be distinguishedfrom _Marseilles_, which the Author often calleth _Fossen_ or _Phocen_,he putteth in the Epithete of _Thurin_, to signifie he meaneth _Fossan_in _Piemont_.

He saith that _Fossan_ of _Piemont_ shall have the taking towards_Savillan_, that is, this _Fossan_ which belongeth to the _Spaniards_,will take some Towns near _Sivillan_.


 De _Languedoc_, & _Guienna_ plus de dix Mille, voudront les _Alpes_ repasser. Grans _Allobroges_ marcher contre _Brundis_, _Aquin_ & _Bresse_ les viendront recasser.
 From _Languedoc_, and _Guienna_ more then 10000. Would be glad to come back over the _Alpes_. Great _Allobroges_ shall march against _Brundis_, _Aquin_ and _Bresse_ shall beat them back.


_Languedoc_ and _Guienne_ are two Provinces in _France_, from whence manySouldiers shall be raised to go into _Italy_, but being distressed, shallwish to come back again over the _Alpes_. By the great _Allobroges_,I understand those of _Savoy_ and _Piemont_, who shall go against_Brundis_, in Latine _Brundusium_, but shall be beaten back by _Aquin_and _Bresses_, Cities belonging to the _Venetians_.


 Du Mont Royal naistra d’une Casane, Qui Duc, & Compte viendra tyranniser, Dresser Copie de la marche _Millane_, _Favence_, _Florence_ d’or & gens espuiser.
 Out of the Royal Mount shall be born in a Cottage, One that shall tyranise over Duke and Earl, He shall raise an Army in the Land of _Millan_, He shall exhaust _Favence_ and _Florence_ of their gold.


This needeth no Interpretation.


 Par fraude Regne, forces expolier, La classe obsesse, passages a l’espie, Deux faincts amis se viendront r’allier, Esueiller haine de long temps assoupie.
 By fraud a Kingdom and an Army shall be spoilt, The Fleet shall be put to a strait, passages shall be made to the spies, Two feigned friends shall agree together, They shall raise up a hatred that had been long dormant.


The words are plain.


 En grand regret sera la gent _Gauloise_, Cœur vain, leger croira temerité, Pain, sel, ne vin eau venin ne cervoise, Plus grand captif, faim, froid, necessité.
 In great regret shall the _French_ Nation be. Their vain and light heart shall believe rashly. They shall have neither Bread, Salt, Wine, nor Beer, Moreover they shall be Prisoners, and shall suffer hunger, cold, and need.


The words are plain, and the onely question is whither this distressthreatned here to _France_ is past or to come.


 La grand poche viendra plaindre pleurer, D’avoir esleu, trompez seront en l’Aage, Guiere avec eux ne voudra demeurer, Deceu sera par ceux de son langage.
 The great Pocket shall bewaile and bemoan, For having Elected one, they shall be deceived in his Age, He shall not stay long with them, He shall be deceived by those of his own language.


The great Pocket which is the Key of this Stanza being obscure, forcethme to leave the rest unperfect.


 Dieu, le Ciel tout le Divin Verbe a l’Onde, Porté par rouges sept razes a _Bizance_, Contre les oingts trois cens de _Trebisonde_, Deux Loix mettront, & horreur, puis credence.
 God, Heaven, all the Divine Word in water, Carryed by red ones, seven shaved heads at _Bisantium_, Against the anointed three hundred of _Trebisond_, They shall put two Laws, and horror, and afterwards believe.


This seemeth to foretel that the Sacrament according to the_Roman_ Church, shall be carried by Cardinals and seven Priests to_Constantinople_, against which three hundred of _Trebison_ shalldispute, who shall compare the two Laws with horror, and afterwardsbelieve.


 Dix envoyez, chef de nef mettre a mort, D’un adverty, en classe guerre ouverte, Confusion chef, l’un se picque & mord, _Leryn_, _Stecades_ nefs, cap dedans la nerte.
 Ten shall be sent to put the Captain of the Ship to death, He shall have notice by one, the Fleet shall be in open War, A confusion shall be amongst the Chief, one pricks and bites, _Leryn_, _Stecades_ nefs, caps dedans la nerte.


The three first Verses are plain; as for the fourth I believe it to bethe Language of the _Antipodes_, for I think no man can understand it.


 L’Aisné Roial sur coursier voltigeant, Picquer viendra si rudement courir, Gueule lipée, pied dans l’Estrein pleignant, Traine, tiré, horriblement mourir.
 The eldest Royal prancing upon a Horse, Shall spur, and run very fiercely Open mouth, the foot in the Stirrup, complaining, Drawn, pulled, die horribly.


This foretelleth of the eldest Son of a King, who prancing upon hisHorse, shall Spur and run so fiercely, that his foot being intangled inthe Stirrup he shall be dragged and pulled, and die a fearful death.

In the year 1555. upon the 25 of _May_, this came to pass in the personof _Henry_ of _Albret_, the second of that name, King of _Navarre_.

This Prince _Henry_ II. the eldest Royal riding upon a horse did spur himso hard, that he ran away with him, so that he perceiving the danger hewas in, pulled the Bridle so hard that the horse’s mouth was broken; thepain did not stop the horse, but contrariwise, he grew the more untoward,that _Henry_ fell down, and in falling one of his feet hung in thestirrup, so that he was drawn, and died a horrid death. This I found inthe History of _Naples_.


 Le conducteur de l’Armée _Francoise_, Cuidant perdre le principal Phalange, Par sus pavé de l’_Avaigne_ & Ardoise, Soy parfondra par _Gennes_ gent estrange.
 The leader of the _French_ Army, Thinking to rout the chiefest Phalange, Upon the Pavement of _Avaigne_, and Slate, Shall sink in the ground by _Gennes_, a strange Nation.


It seemeth that a _French_ General, thinking to rout and overcome thechiefest strength of his enemy, and going upon a brittle Pavement, madeof Slate, shall sink in the ground not far from _Genoa_, which he calletha strange Nation to the _French_.


 Dedans tonneaux hors oingts d’huile & graisse, Seront vingt un devant le port fermez, Au second guet feront par mort prouesses, Gaigner les portes & du quet assommez.
 With Pipes annointed without with Oyl and Grease, Before the harbour, one and twenty shall be shut, At the second Watch, by death, they shall do great feats of Arms, To win the Gates, and be killed by the Watch.


The words and sense of this Stanza are plain.


 Les os des pieds, & des mains enferrez, Par bruit maison long temps inhabitée, Seront par songes concavant deterrez, Maison salubre & sans bruit habitée.
 The bones of the feet and of the hands in shackles, By a noise a house shall be a long time deserted, By a dream the buried shall be taken out of the ground, The house shall be healthful, and inhabited without noise.


I have found the truth of this Stanza upon the place, in my going to_Lion_, it was my fortune to lye at a Town four Leagues on this side ofit, called _Lapacodier_, where this Story was told me to have happenedfew days before.

It chanced that a Company of Foot was to lie in the Town, and distressedfor quarter, they enquired why such a house was empty, and were toldit was not inhabited by reason of a noise heard there every night. TheCaptain of the Troop resolved, since he feared not the living, not tofear the dead, and thereupon lay in the house that night, where Bedswere provided for him, and about half a Dozen of his stoutest Souldiers;so they laid down their weapons on the Table, and began to be merry atCards and Dice, expecting the event. The door being fast locked, abouttwelve and one they heard as though some body knockt at the door, oneof the Souldiers by the Captains command, with a Pistol in his hand,and a Candle, opened the door, then appeared to them a Phantasm, in theshape of an old man, loaded with Chains, that made a great noise, thisPhantasm beckened to the Captain at the Table to come to him, the Captainalso rising, beckened to the Phantasm to come to him, this lasted for awhile, till the Captain resolved to go to him, and so taking a Candle inone hand, and a Pistol in the other, bid his Souldiers follow him handin hand with their Arms, then taking the Phantasm by the hand, which wasexceeding cold, he led them into the Cellar, and through many turnings,till at last the Phantasm vanished, and the Candles went out, then werethey constrained to remain there till day light, when perceiving wherethey were, and having taken notice of the Place where the Phantasm leftthem, they went out, and related the story to the Townsmen; so afterwardsthey digged in that place, where they found a kind of a Trunk, and thebones of a man in it shackled, they buryed the body in a Church-yard, andno noise was heard afterwards in that house, this came to pass about 1624.


 Quand _Innocent_ tiendra le lieu de _Pierre_, Le _Nizaram Sicilian_ se verra, En grands honneurs, mais apres il cherra, Dans le bourbier d’une Civile guerre.
 When _Innocent_ shall hold the place of _Peter_, The _Sicilian Nizaram_ shall see himself In great honours, but after that he shall fall Into the dirt of a Civil war.


Nothing can be more plain and true than this Prophecie, and those thatdeny it, may also deny the light of the Sun, but to make it more evident,we will examine it Verse by Verse.

_When ~Innocent~ shall hold the place of ~Peter~_; that is, when onenamed _Innocent_ shall be Pope, as he was that preceded the last.

_The ~Sicilian Nizaram~ shall see himself in great honours_; that is, the_Sicilian Nizarim_, for _Nizaram_, is the Annagramme of _Mazarin_, letterfor letter, who was born in _Sicily_, shall see himself in great honours,as he did; for he was then in his greatest splendor.

_But after that he shall fall into the dirt of a Civil war_; As every oneknows he did, having put in Prison the Prince of _Condé_, the Prince of_Conty_, and the Duke of _Congueiulle_, can any thing be more plain, andyet when I read this forty years ago, I took it to be ridiculous.


 _Lutece_ en _Mars_, Senateurs en credit, Par une nuict _Gaule_ sera troublée, Du grand _Cræsus_ l’Horoscope predit, Par _Saturnus_, sa puissance exillée.
 _Lutetia_ in _Mars_, Senators shall be in credit. In a night _France_ shall be troubled, The Horoscope of the great _Cræsus_ foretelleth, That by _Saturn_ his power shall be put down.


_Lutetia_ in Latine is the City of _Paris_, after the death of _Henry_IV. the Parliament of _Paris_ began to prick up their ears, and to goabout to call the great ones to account, amongst whom was the Marquessd’_Ancre_, favourite of the Queen Regent, that had gathered greatriches, and therefore is called here _Cræsus_, our Author saith, thathis power shall be put down by _Saturnus_, which must here be understoodmistically, which proved true, for by the Kings command, then _Lewis_XIII. he was shot with three Pistols in the _Louvre_.


 Deux de poison saisis nouveaux Venus Dans la cuisine du grand Prince verser, Par le souillard tous deux au fait cogneus, Prins qui cuidoit de mort l’aisné vexer.
 Two newly come being provided with poison, To pour in the Kitchin of the great Prince, By the Cooks Boy the fact shall be known, And he taken, that thought by death to vex the elder.


This came to pass in the time of _Henry_ IV. who was poisoned at _Melan_,by two unknown men, who were discovered by the Cooks Boy in the doing ofit, and were both taken, the History is at large in _Peter Matthew_ hisHistoriographer, which I could not insert here for the satisfaction ofthe Reader; because I could not get the Book, the Reader may satisfiehimself upon the place.

Other Stanzas, taken out of twelve, under the seventh Century, out ofwhich eight have been rejected, because they were found in the foregoingCenturies.


 Renfort de Sieges manubis & maniples, Changez le sacre & passe sur le pronsne, Prins & captifs n’arreste les prez triples, Plus par fonds mis elevé, mis au Trosne.
 Recruit of Sieges, spoils and prizes, _Corpus Christi_ day shall be changed, and the pronsne slighted, They shall be taken and made Prisoners, do not stay in the threefold Field, Moreover, one put in the bottom shall be raised to the Throne.


 L’Occident libre les Isles _Britanniques_, Le recogneu passer le bas, puis haut, Ne content triste Rebel corss. _Escotiques_, Puis rebeller par plui & par nuict chaut.
 The West shall be free, and the _Brittish_ Islands, The discovered shall pass low, then high, _Scottish_ Pirates shall be, who shall rebel, In a rainy and hot night.


 La stratageme simulte sera rare, La Mort en voye rebelle par contrée, Par le retour du voyage _Barbare_, Exalteront la potestante entrée.
 The stratagem and grudge shall be scarce, Death shall be in a rebellious way through the Countrey, By the return from a _Barbarian_ travel, They shall exalt the Protestant entrance.


 Vent chaut, conseil, pleurs, timidité, De nuict au lict assailly sans les Armes: D’oppression grand calamité, L’_Epithalame_ converty pleurs & larmes.
 Hot wind, councel, tears, fearfulness, He shall be assaulted in his bed by night without Arms, From that oppression shall be raised a great calamity, The _Epithalamium_ shall be converted into tears.


The reason why I have put no Annotations to these, as I have done tothe rest, is, because according to my judgement, and that of the mostLearned, they are spurious.


Friendly Reader,

_Before you Read the following Epistle, I would have you be warned ofa few things: One is, that according to my opinion, it is very obscureand intelligible in most places, being without any just connection, andbesides the obscurity of the sense, the crabbedness of the expression issuch, that had not the importunity of the Bookseller prevailed, I wouldhave left it out, but considering the respect due to Antiquity, thesatisfaction we owe to curious persons, who would perhaps have thoughtthe Book imperfect without it, we let it go, trusting to your Candor andIngenuity._


THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.


_That had not been Printed before, and are in the same Edition of 1568._


_Most Invincible, most High, and most Christian King of ~France~ ~HENRY~the Second; ~Michael Nostradamus~ his most obedient Servant and Subject,wisheth Victory and Happiness._

By reason of that singular observation, I had O most Christian andVictorious King, since my Face, who had been cloudy a great while, didpresent it self before your immeasurable Majesty. I have been ever sinceperpetually dazled, continually honouring and worshipping that day, inwhich I presented my self before it, as before a singular humane Majesty;now seeking after some occasion, whereby I might make appear the goodnessand sincerity of my heart, and extend my acquaintance towards your mostExcellent Majesty; and seeing that it was impossible for me to declare itby effects, as well because of the darkness and obscurity of my mind, asfor the enlightning it did receive from the face of the greatest Monarchin the World; I was a great while before I could resolve to whom I shouldDedicate these three last Centuries of my Prophecies, which make thecompleat thousand, and after I had a long time considered, I have witha great temerity made my address to your Majesty, being no ways daintedby it, as the grave Author _Plutarch_ related in the Life of _Lycurgus_,that seeing the offerings and gifts that were Sacrificed in the Templesof their Heathen Gods, durst not come thither no more, least the peopleshould wonder at the costs and charges. Notwithstanding, seeing yourRoyal Splendour joyned with an incomparable Humanity, I have made myaddress to it, not as to the Kings of _Persia_, of whom to come near, itwas forbidden, but to a most Prudent and Wise Prince I have Dedicatedmy Nocturnal and Prophetical Supputations, written rather by a naturalinstinct, and Poetical furour, then by any rules of Poetry; and mostpart of it written and agreeing with the Years, Months and Weeks, of theRegions, Countreys and most part of the Towns and Cities in _Europe_;touching also some thing of _Africa_, and of a part of _Asia_, by thechange of Regions that come near to those Climats, and compounded ofnatural faction. But some body may answer (who hath need to blow hisNose) the Rime to be as easie to be understood, as the intelligence ofthe sence is hard and difficult, and therefore O most humane King, mostof the Prophetical Stanza’s are so difficult, that there is no way tobe found for the Interpretation of them; nevertheless being in hope ofsetting down the Towns, Cities, and Regions, wherein most of those shallhappen, especially in the year 1585. and in the year 1606. beginning fromthis present time, which is the 14. of _March_ 1557. and going further tothe fulfilling of those things, which shall be in the beginning of theseventh Millenary, according as my Astronomical Calculation, and otherLearning could reach, at which time the adversaries of Christ and of hisChurch shall begin to multiply; all hath been composed and calculated indays and hours of Election, and well disposed, and all as accurately aswas possible for me to do. And the whole _Minerva libera & non invita_,Calculating almost as much of the time that is come, as of that whichis past, comprehending it in the present time, and what by the courseof the said time shall be known to happen in all Regions punctuallyas it is here written, adding nothing superfluous to it, although itbe said; _Quod de futuris contingentibus, non est determinata omninoveritas_. It is very true Sir, that by my natural instinct given me bymy Progenitors, I did think I could foretel any thing; but having madean agreement between this said instinct of mine, and a long Calculationof Art, and by a great tranquility and repose of mind, emptied my Soulof all care and carefulness, I have foretold most part of these _extripode æneo_, though there be many who attribute to me some things thatare no more mine, then what is nothing at all. The only Eternal God,who is the searcher of men’s hearts, being pious, just, and merciful,is the true Judge of it, whom I beseech to defend me from the calumnyof the wicked men, who would as willing calumniously inquire for whatreason all your ancient Progenitors Kings of _France_ have healed thedisease called the _Kings-evil_, and some other Nations have cured thebiting of venomous Beasts; others have had a certain instinct to foretellthings that are to come, and of several others, too tedious to be hereinserted; notwithstanding those in whom the malignancy of the wickedspirit shall not be suppressed by length of time; after my decease mywork shall be in more esteem, then when I was alive; nevertheless if Ishould fail in the supputation of times, or could not please some, may itplease your most Imperial Majesty to forgive me, protesting before Godand his Saints, that I do not intend to insert any thing by writing inthis present Epistle, that may be contrary to the true Catholick Faith,in conferring the Astronomical Calculation, according to my learning;for the space of times of our Fathers that have been before us, aresuch, submitting my self to the correction of the most Learned, thatthe first man _Adam_ was before _Noah_, about one thousand two hundredforty two years, not computing the time according to the supputationof the _Gentiles_, as _Varro_ did, but onely according to the SacredScriptures, and the weakness of my wit in my Astronomical Calculations.After _Noah_ and the universal Flood about a thousand and fourscore yearscame _Abraham_, who was a supreme Astrologer, according to most mensopinion, and did first invent the _Chaldæan_ Letters; after that came_Moses_, _viz._ some five hundred and fifteen or sixteen years after, andbetween the time of _David_ and _Moses_ have passed about 570. years.After which between the time of _David_ and that of our Saviour andRedeemer Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin _Mary_, have passed (accordingto some Chronographers) a thousand three hundred and fifty years. Somebody may object, that this supputation is not true; because it differethfrom that of _Eusebius_. And from the time of humane redemption, to thatof the execrable seduction of the _Saracens_, have passed six hundredand four and twenty years, or thereabouts. From that time hitherto,it is easie to collect what times are past, if my supputation be notgood among all Nations; because all hath been calculated by the courseof the Cœlestial bodies, joyned with motion, infused in me at certainloose hours, by the motion of my ancient Progenitors; but the injuryof the time (most excellent King) requireth, that such secret eventsshould not be manifested, but by an enigmatical Sentence, having theonly sense, and one only intelligence, without having mixed with itany ambiguous or amphibological calculation, but rather under a Cloudyobscurity, through a natural infusion, coming near to the Sentence ofone of the Thousand and two Prophets, that have been since the Creationof the World, according to the supputation and punical Chronick of_Joel_. _Effundam spiritum meum super omnem, & carnem & prophetabuntfilli vestri & filiæ vestræ_: But such a Prophecy did proceed from themouth of the Holy Ghost, who was the Supreme and eternal Power, whichbeing come with that of the Cœlestial bodies, hath caused some of them toforetel great and wonderful things; as for my part I challenge no suchthing in this place, God forbid, I confess truly, that all cometh fromGod, for which I give him thanks, honour, and praise, without havingmixed any thing of that divination, which proceedeth _a Fato_, but onlyof that which proceedeth _a Deo & Natura_, and most of it joyned withthe motion and course of the Cœlestial Bodies; insomuch that seeingas in a burning Glass, and through a Cloudy Vision, the great and sadevents, the prodigious and calamitous accidents, that shall befall theWorshippers, first of God, and secondly, those that are Earthly proppedup, with a thousand other calamitous accidents, which shall be knownin course of time; for God will take notice of the long barrenness ofthe great Dame, who afterwards shall conceive two principal Children:But being in danger, she that shall be added to her by the temerity ofa*ge, running a danger in the 18, and not able to go beyond the 36, shallleave behind her three females, and he shall have two that never had anyof the same father, the differences between the three Brothers shall besuch, and then shall they be united and agreed, insomuch that the threeand four parts of _Europe_ shall quake: by the lesser in years shallthe Christian Monarchy be upheld and augmented, Sects shall rise, andpresently be put down again, the _Arabians_ shall be put back, Kingdomsshall be united, and new Laws made. Concerning the other Children; thefirst shall possess the furious Crowned Lions, holding their Paws uponthe Escutcheons. The second, well attended, will go so deep among theLions, that the second way shall be open, all trembling and furious goingdown, to get upon the _Pyrenæan_ Mountains. The ancient Monarchy shallnot be transferred, the third innundation of humane blood shall happen,and for a good while _Mars_ shall not be in Lent. And the Daughtershall be given for the preservation of the Church, the Dominator of itfalling into the _Pagan_ Forces of the new unbelievers, she shall havetwo Children, one from faithfulness, and the other from unfaithfulness,for the confirmation of the Catholick Church; and the other, who to hisconfusion and late repentance, shall go about to ruine her. There shallbe three Regions by the extreme differences of the leagues, _viz._ the_Roman_, the _German_, and the _Spanish_, who by a Military hand shallmake divers Sects, forsaking the 50 and 52 degrees of altitude, and allthose of remote Regions shall do homage to the Regions of _Europe_, andof the North of 40 Degrees Altitude, who by a vain fright shall quake,after that those of the West, South, and East shall quake because oftheir power, insomuch that what shall be done, cannot be undone byWarlike power. They shall be equal in Nature, but much different inFaith. After this, the barren Dame of a greater power then the second,shall be admitted by two people, by the first obstinate that had powerover the others; by the second, and by the third, that shall extend hisCircuit of the East of _Europe_, as far as the _Hungarians_, vanquishedand overcome, and by a Maritine Sail, shall make his excursions intothe _Trinarrian_ and _Adriatick_ Sea, by his _Mirmidons_, and _Germany_shall fall, and the _Barbarian_ Sect shall be wholly driven from amongthe Latines. Then the great Empire of Antichrist shall begin in the_Attila_, and _Xerxes_ to come down with an innumerable multitude ofpeople, insomuch that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding fromthe 48 Degree, shall transmigrate, driving away the abomination of theAntichrist, who made War against the Royal, who shall be the great Vicarof _I. C._ and against his Church, and his Kingdom, _per tempus, & inoccasione temporis_, and before this shall precede a Solar Eclipse, themost dark and obscure that was since the Creation of the World, till thedeath and passion of _I. C._ and from him till then, and it shall be inthe Month of _October_, when such a great Translation shall be made, thatevery body will think that the weight of the Earth, shall have lost itsnatural motion, and be swallowed up in perpetual darkness. In the Springbefore and after this, shall happen extraordinary changes, mutations ofKingdoms, and great Earth-quakes, with pullulation of the new _Babylons_miserable daughter, increased by the abomination of the first Holocaust,and shall last only 73 years and 7 Months, then from that Stock shethat had been long time barren, proceeding from the fifth Degree, whoshall renew all the Christian Church, and then shall be a great Peace,Union and Concord, between one of the Children of the wandring andseperated foreheads by divers Kingdoms, and such Peace shall be made,that the Instigator and Promoter of Military function, by diversity ofReligions, shall be tied to the bottom of the deep, and the Kingdom ofthe _Rabious_, who shall counterfeit the wise, shall be united. And theCountreys, Towns, Cities and Provinces, that had deserted their firstways to free themselves, captivating themselves more deeply, shall besecretly angry at their liberty and Religion lost, and shall begin tostrike from the left, to turn to the right, restoring the holiness beatendown long before with their former writing; so that after the great Dog,shall come forth the biggest Mastif, who shall destroy all that was doneformerly, then Churches shall be built up again as before, the Clergyshall be restored to its former state, and shall begin to whor*, andLuxuriate, and to commit a Thousand Crimes. And being near unto anotherdesolation, when she shall be in her higher and more sublime dignity,there shall rise powers and Military hands, who shall take away fromher the two Swords, and leave her only the Ensigns, from which by themeans of the crookedness that draweth them, the people causing it to gostraight, and not willing to submit unto them by the end opposite tothe sharp hand that toucheth the Ground, they shall provoke till thata branch shall proceed from the barren, which shall deliver the peopleof the World from that meek and voluntary slavery, putting themselvesunder the protection of _Mars_, depriving _Jupiter_ of all his honoursand dignities, for the free City established and seated in anotherlittle _Mesopotamia_. And the chief Governour shall be thrust out ofthe middle, and set in the high place of the Air, being ignorant of theconspiracy of the Conspirators, with the second _Thrasibulus_, who longbefore did manage this thing, then shall the impurities and abominationsbe objected with great shame, and made manifest to the darknes of thedarkened light, and shall cease towards the end of the change of hisKingdom, the chief men of the Church shall be put back from the love ofGod, and many of them shall apostatise from the true faith, and from thetrue Sects, the middlemost of which by her worshippers, be a little putinto ruine; the first, wholly in all _Europe_, and most part of _Africa_undone by the third, by the means of the poor in Spirit, who by madnesselevated, shall through libidinous luxury, commit adultery. The peoplewill rise and maintain it, and shall drive away those that did adhere tothe Legislators, and shall seem by the Kingdoms spoiled by the Easternmen, that God the Creator hath loosed Satan from his Infernal Prison, tocause to be born the great _Dog_ and _Doham_, who shall make so greatand abominable a fraction in the Churches, that the Red nor the White,without Eyes and without Hands, shall not judge of it, and their powershall be taken away from them. Then shall be a greater persecutionagainst the Church than ever was, and in the mean time shall be so greata Plague, that two parts of three in the world shall fail, insomuch thatno body shall be able to know the true owners of fields and houses, andthere shall happen a total desolation unto the Clergy, and the Martialmen shall usurpe what shall come back from the City of the Sun, andfrom _Molita_, and the _Stæchades_ Islands, and the great Chain of thatPort shall be open, which taketh its denomination from a Sea Oxe, and anew incursion shall be made through the Sea Coasts, willing to deliverthe _Castulan_ Leap from the first Mahometan taking, and the assaultingshall not altogether be in vain, and that place where the habitation of_Abraham_ was, shall be assaulted by those, who shall have a respect forthe Jovials. And that City of _Achem_, shall be encompassed and assaultedon all sides, by a great power of Armed men; their Sea Forces shall beweakened by the Western men, and to that Kingdom shall happen greatdesolation, and the great Cities shall be depopulated, and those thatshall come in, shall be comprehended within the vengeance of the wrath ofGod, and the Sepulchre held in so great veneration, shall remain a greatwhile open to the universal Aspect of the Heavens, Sun and Moon, and thesacred place shall be converted into a Stable for small and great Cattle,and put to prophane uses. O what a calamitous affliction shall be thenfor women with Child, and chiefly by the principal Easterly head, beingfor the most part moved by the Northern and Westerly men, vanquished andput to death, beaten, and all the rest put to flight, and the Children hehad by many women, put in Prison, then shall be fulfilled the Prophecyof the Kingly Prophet. _Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum, ut solveretfilios interemptorum_, what great oppression shall be made then upon thePrinces and Governours of Kingdoms, and especially of those that shalllive Eastward and near the Sea, and their Languages inter-mixed verysociably. The Language of the _Arabians_ and Latines by the _African_communication, and all the Eastern Kings shall be driven away, beaten andbrought to nothing, not altogether by the means of the strength of theKings of the North, and by the drawing near of our age, by the means ofthree secretly united, seeking for death by ambushes one against another.And the renewing of the Triumvirate shall last seven years, while thefame of such a sect shall be spread all the world over, and the Sacrificeof the Holy and immaculate Host shall be upheld: And then shall theLords be two in number victorious in the North against the Eastern ones,and there shall be such a great noise and Warlike tumult, that all theEast shall quake for fear of those two Brothers, not Northern Brothers.And because, Sir, by this discourse, I put all things confusedly inthese predictions, as well concerning the event of them, as for theaccount of the time which followeth, which is not at all, or very littleconformable to that I have done before, as well by Astronomical way,as other of the sacred Scriptures which cannot erre, I could have setdown to every quatrain the time in which they shall happen, but it wouldnot please every body, much less the interpretation of them, till, Sir,your Majesty hath granted me full power so to do, that my Calumniatorsmay have nothing to say against me. Nevertheless reckoning the yearssince the Creation of the World to the Birth of _Noah_ have passed 1506.years, and from the Birth of _Noah_ to the perfect building of the Arknear the universal Flood have passed 600. years, whither solary, orlunary, or mixed, for my part according to the Scriptures, I hold thatthey were solary. And at the end of those 600. years _Noah_ entered intothe Ark, to save himself from the Flood, which Flood was universal uponthe Earth, and lasted a year and two months; and from the end of theFlood, to the birth of _Abraham_ did pass the number of 295. years; andfrom the birth of _Abraham_ to that of _Isaac_ did pass 100. years, andfrom _Isaac_ to _Jacob_ 60. years; and from the time that he went into_Ægypt_ till he came out of it, did pass 130. years; and from the timethat _Jacob_ went into _Ægypt_ till his posterity came out of it didpass 430. years; and from the coming out of _Ægypt_ to the building of_Salomon_’s Temple in the fourth year of his Reign did pass 480. years;and from the building of the Temple till Jesus Christ, according to thesupputation of the Chronographers, did pass 490. years; and so by thissupputation, which I have gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, the wholecometh to about 4173. years, eight Months more or less. But since thetime of I. C. hitherto, I leave it because of the diversity of Opinions.And having calculated these present Prophecies according to the orderof the Chain, which containeth the revolution, and all by AstronomicalDoctrine, and according to my natural instinct, and after some time, andin it comprehending since the time that _Saturn_ shall turn to come in onthe 7 of the Month of _April_, till the 25 of _August_; _Jupiter_ fromthe 14 of _June_ to the 7 of _October_; _Mars_ from the 27 of _April_till 22 of _June_; _Venus_ from the 9 of _April_ to the 22 of _May_;_Mercury_ from the 3 of _February_ till the 24 of the same; afterwardsfrom the 1 of _June_ till the 24 of the same; and from the 25 of_September_ till the 16 of _October_, _Saturn_ in _Capricorn_, _Jupiter_in _Aquarius_, _Mars_ in _Scorpio_, _Venus_ in _Pisces_, _Mercury_ withina Month in _Capricorn_, _Aquarius_ in _Pisces_, _Luna_ in _Aquarius_, the_Dragons head_ in _Libra_, the Tail opposite to her sign according to aConjunction of _Jupiter_ and _Mercury_, with a quadrin Aspect of _Mars_to _Mercury_, and the head of the _Dragon_ shall be with a Conjunctionof _Sol_ and _Jupiter_: the year shall be peacefull without Eclipse, andin the beginning of that year shall be a greater persecution against theChristian Church than ever was in _Affrica_, and it shall last till theyear 1792. at which time every body will think it a renovation of Age.After that the _Roman_ people shall begin to stand upright again, and toput away some obscure darknesses, receiving some of its former light,but not without great divisions, and continual changes. _Venice_ afterthat with great strength and power shall lift up her Wings so high, thatshe will not be much inferiour to the strength of the old _Rome_, andin that time great _Bizantine_ Sails, joyned with the _Ligustiques_, bythe Northern help and power shall give some hinderance, whereby thoseof _Crete_ shall not keep their faith, the Arches built by the antientMartial men, will keep company together with _Neptun_’s Waves. In the_Adriatick_ shall be a great discord, what was united shall be partedasunder, and what was before, and is a great City, will go near to becoma house, including the _Pempotan_, and the _Mesopotamia_ of _Europe_ to45, and others to 41, 42, and 37. And in that time, and Countrey, theInfernal power shall rise against the Church of I. C. with the power ofthe Enemies to his Law, which shall be the second Antechrist, who shallpersecute the said Church and its Vicar by the means of the power ofTemporal Kings, who through their Ignorance shall be seduced by Tonguesmore sharp than any Sword in the hands of a mad man. The said Reignof Antichrist shall not last but till the ending of him, born by Age,and of the other in the City of _Plancus_, accompanied by the Elect of_Modone_, _Fulcy_ by _Ferrara_, maintained by _Adriatick_, _Liguriens_,and the proximity of the great _Trinacria_, and after that shall passover the Mount _Jovis_. The _Gallique Ogmyon_ followed with such anumber, that even from afar off the Empire of the great Law, shall bepresented to him, and then, and after shall be profusedly spilled theblood of the Innocent by the Nocent, raised on high; then by greatFloods the memory of those things contained by such Instruments, shallreceive an innumerable loss, as also shall learning towards the North bythe Divine Will, Satan bound once more, and an universal Peace shall beamong men, and the Church of I. C. shall be free from all tribulation,although the _Azosrains_ would fain mix among it the Honey of theirpestilent seduction, and this shall happen about the seventh Millinary;so that the Sanctuary of I. C. shall be no more trodden down by theunbelievers that shall come from the North, the world being near tosome conflagration, although by my supputations in my Prophecies, thecourse of the time goeth much further. In the Epistle that within thelate years I have dedicated to my Son _Cæsar Nostradamus_, I have openlyenough declared some things, without prognosticating. But here (Sir) arecomprehended many great and wonderful events, which those that come afterus shall see. And during the said Astrological supputation, conferredwith the sacred Scripture, the persecution of the Clergy shall have itsbeginning from the power of Northern Kings, joyned with the Easternones; that persecution shall last Eleven years and a little less, atwhich time the chief Northern King shall fail, which years being ended,shall come in his united Southern one, who shall yet more violentlypersecute the Clergy by the Apostatical seduction of one that shallhave the absolute power over the Militant Church of God: And the Holypeople of God and keeper of his Law, and all order of Religion shall begrievously persecuted and afflicted, insomuch that the blood of the trueEcclesiastical men shall float all over, and unto one of those horridKings this praise shall be given by his followers to have spilt morehumane blood of the Innocent Clergymen, than any body can do Wine, andthe said King shall commit incredible crimes against the Church; humaneblood shall run through publick streets and Churches, as water comingfrom an impetuous Rain, and the next Rivers shall be red with blood, andby another Sea fight the Sea shall be red, insomuch that one King shallsay to another, _Bellis rubuit navalibus æquor_. After that in the sameyear, & those that follow, shall happen the most horrid Plague, causedby the precedent famine, and so great tribulations as ever did happensince the first foundation of the Christian Church through all the LatineRegions; some marks of it remaining in some Countreys of _Spain_. Atthat time the Northern King hearing the complaint of the people of hisprincipal title, shall raise up so great an Army, and shall go throughthe straights of his last Ancestors and Progenitors, that he will set upall again in their first state, and the great Vicar of the Cope, shallbe restored in his former estate, but desolate and altogether forsaken,and then shall the _Sancta sanctorum_ be destroyed by Paganism, andthe old and New Testament be thrust out and burnt, after that shallAntechrist be the infernal Prince, and once more for the last all theKingdoms of Christendom and also of the unbelievers shall quake for thespace of 25 years, and there shall be more grievous Wars and Battles, andTowns, Cities, Castles and other buildings shall be burnt, desolate, anddestroyed with a great effusion of Vestal blood, Married Women and Widowsravished, sucking Children dashed against the Walls of the Towns, and somany evils shall be committed by the means of the Infernal prince Satan,that almost the universal world shall be undone and desolate, and beforethese events many unusual Birds shall cry through the Air, _Huy, Huy_,and a little while after shall vanish away: And after that time shallhave lasted a good while, there shall be renewed a Kingdom of _Saturn_and Golden Age. God the Creator shall say, hearing the affliction ofhis people, Satan shall be put, and tied in the bottom of the deep,and there shall begin an universal peace between God and men, and theEcclesiastical power shall be in its greater force, and Satan shall beleft bound for the space of a thousand years, and then shall be loosedagain. All these Figures are justly fitted by the sacred Scripture, tothe visible Cœlestial things, _viz._ _Saturn_, _Jupiter_, and _Mars_,and others joyned with them, as more at large may be seen in some of myStanza’s. I would have calculated it more deeply, and compared one withthe other, but seeing (most excellent King) that some stand ready tocensure me, I shall withdraw my Pen to its Nocturnal repose. _Multa etiamO Rex potentissime præclara, & sane in brevi ventura, sed omnia in hactua Epistola innectere non possumus, nec volumus, sed ad intelligendaquedam facta, horrida fata pauca libanda sunt, quamvis tanta sit in omnestua amplitudo & humanitas homines, deosque pietas, ut solus amplissimo& Christianissimo regis nomine, & ad quem summa totius Religionisauthoritas deferatur, dignus esse videare._ But only I shall beseech youO most Merciful King, through your singular and prudent goodness, tounderstand rather the desire of my Heart, and the earnest desire I haveto obey your most excellent Majesty, since my Eyes were so near yourRoyal Splendor, than the greatness of my work can deserve or require.

 _From ~Selin~ this 27 ~June~, 1558._
 _Faciebat ~Michael Nostradamus~, ~Salonæ Petreæ~, Provinciæ._

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 _Pau_, _Nay_, _Loron_, plus feu qu’a sang sera, _Laude_ nager, fuir grands aux _Surrez_, Les _Agassas_ entrée refusera, _Pampon_, _Durance_, les tiendront enserrez.
 _Pau_, _Nay_, _Loron_, more in fire then blood shall be, _Lauda_ to swim, great ones run to the _Surrez_, The _Agassas_ shall refuse the entry, _Pampon_, _Durance_ shall keep them enclosed.


The Prophecies of this, and of the remaining Centuries being for themost part so obscure, as no man is able to make any sense of them, thejudicious Reader must not expect from me, what no man else can do; lethim suffice if I give him as much light as I can, and leave the rest tohis own judgement and industry.

_Pau_ is the chief Town of the Province of _Bearn_, in the Kingdom of_Navarre_, where _Henry_ the IV. King of _France_ and _Navarre_ was born._Nay_ and _Loron_ are barbarous words, so are _Surrez_, _Agassas_ and_Pampon_. _Durance_ is a River of _France_.


 _Condon_ & _Aux_, & autour de _Mirande_, Je voy du Ciel feu qui les environne, _Sol_, _Mars_, conjoint au _Lion_, puis _Marmande_, Foudre, grand guerre, mur tomber dans _Garonne_.
 _Condon_ and _Aux_, and about _Mirande_, I see a fire from Heaven that encompasseth them, _Sol_, _Mars_, in conjunction with the Lion, and then _Marmande_, Lightning, great War, Wall falls into the _Garonne_.


_Condon_, _Aux_, _Mirande_, and _Marmande_ are Towns in the Province of_Guyenne_ and _Languedoc_, _Garonne_ is the River of _Bourdeaux_.


 Au fort Chasteau de _Vigilanne_ & _Resviers_, Sera serré les puisnay de _Nancy_, Dedans _Turin_ seront ards les premiers, Lors que de dueil _Lyon_ sera transy.
 In the strong Castle of _Vigilanne_ and _Resviers_, Shall be kept close the youngest son of _Nancy_, Within _Turin_ the first shall be burnt up, When _Lyon_ shall be overwhelmed with sorrow.


_Vigilanne_ and _Resviere_ being falsly writen here, it must be set down_Veillane_ and _Riuiere_, which are two strong Castles, the first beingseated in _Piemont_, and the last in _Burgundy_.

_Nancy_ is the chief Town of _Lorrain_, and _Turin_ of _Piemont_, _Lyon_is a famous City in _France_, so that the sense of this Prophecy seemethto be, that the youngest Son of _Nancy_, (that is of _Lorrain_) shall bekept close Prisoner in those two Castles of _Veillane_ and _Riuiera_, andthat the chief men of _Turin_ shall be burnt, when the City of _Lyon_shall be oppressed with sorrow.


 Dedans _Monech_ le Coq sera receu, Le Cardinal de _France_ apparoistra, Par _Logarion_ _Romain_ sera deceu, Foiblesse a l’Aigle, & force au Coq croistra.
 Within _Monech_ the co*ck shall be admitted, The Cardinal of _France_ shall appear, By _Logarion_, _Roman_ shall be deceived, Weakness to the Eagle, and strength to the co*ck shall grow.


_Monech_ is false written here, it must be _Monaco_, which is aPrincipality and Town in _Italy_ by _Genoa_, belonging to the House ofthe _Grimaldi_, wherein the _French_ were admitted by the policy ofCardinal _Richelieu_, during the Wars between _France_ and _Spain_.

_Logarion_ is a Barbarous name, by which he meaneth some body unknown tous.

By the Eagle is meant the Emperour, who was very low at that time, and bythe co*ck, the King of _France_, who was very powerful, where it is to beobserved, that by the Eagle the Emperour is always understood, becauseit is his Arms, and by the co*ck is meant the King of _France_, because a_Frenchman_ is called in Latine _Galius_, which also signifieth a co*ck.


 Apparoistra Temple luisant orné, La Lampe & Cierge a _Borne_ & _Bretueil_, Pour la _Lucerne_ le Canton destourné, Quand on verra le grand Coq au Cercueil.
 A shining adorned Temple shall appear, The Lamp and wax Candle at _Borne_ and _Bretueil_, For _Lucerne_ the Canton turned of, When the great co*ck shall be seen in his Coffin.


_Borne_ and _Bretueil_ are two particular places, the first is one of thefour Baronies of the River _Mase_, _viz._ _Petersem_, _Steen_, _Horne_,_Borne_, the other is a little Town in _Britany_.

_Lucerne_ is one of the Cantons of _Switzerland_. We have said beforewhat is meant by the great co*ck, _viz._ the King of _France_. Let theReader make up the rest, according to his fancy.


 Charté fulgure a _Lyon_ apparente, Luysant, print _Malte_, subit sera estainte, _Sardon_, _Mauris_ traitera decevante, _Geneve_ a _Londres_, a Coq trahison feinte.
 A thundering light at _Lyons_ appearing, Bright, took _Maltha_, instantly shall be put out, Sardon shall treat _Mauris_ deceitfully, To _Geneva_, _London_, and the co*ck a fained treason.


_Maltha_ is an Island in the _Mediterranean_ Sea, famous for the Knightsthat inhabit it, and take their name from thence. _Sardon_ and _Mauris_are barbarous words.


 _Verceil_, _Milan_ donra intelligence, Dedans _Tycin_ sera faite la paye, Courir par _Seine_ eau, sang, feu par _Florence_, Unique choir d’hault en bas faisant maye.
 _Verceil_, _Milan_ shall give intelligence, In the _Tycin_ shall the Peace be made, Run through _Seine_ water, blood, fire through _Florence_, The only one shall fall from top to bottom making maye.


_Verceil_ and _Milan_ are two Cities in _Italy_, the _Tycin_, or rather_Thesin_ is a River of the same Countrey; _Seine_ is the River thatrunneth at _Paris_. _Florence_ is a famous City in _Italy_, and _maye_ abarbarous word, foisted up to patch up his Rime.


 Pres de _Linterne_ dans des tonnes fermez, _Chivas_ fera pour l’Aigle la menée, L’Esleu cassé, luy ses ges enfermez, Dedans _Turin_ rapt espouse emmenée.
 Near _Linterne_, enclosed within Tuns, _Chivas_ shall drive the plot for the Eagle, The Elect cashiered, he and his men shut up, Within _Turin_, a rape, and Bride carried away.


_Linterne_ is a small Town in _Italy_; by _Tuns_ are meant wooddenVessels, such as they put Rhenish wines and others in.

_Chivas_ is a Town in _Piemont_, and _Turin_ the chief Town of the saidCountrey.


 Pendant que l’Aigle & le Coq a _Savone_, Seront unis, Mer, _Levant_ & _Hongrie_, L’Armée a _Naples_, _Palerme_, Marque d’_Ancone_, _Rome_, _Venise_, par barbe horrible crie.
 Whilst the Eagle and the co*ck at _Savona_, Shall be united, Sea, _Levant_, and _Hungary_, Army at _Naples_, _Palermo_, Mark of _Ancona_, _Rome_, _Venice_, cry because of a horrid beard.


By the Eagle is meant the Emperour, and by the co*ck the King of _France_;the rest is easie.


 Puanteur grande sortira de _Lausane_, Qu’on ne scaura l’origine du fait, L’on mettra hors toute la gent loingtaine, Feu veu au Ciel peuple estranger deffait.
 A great stink shall come forth out of _Lausane_, So that no body shall know the ofspring of it, They shall put out all the Forreiners, Fire seen in Heaven, a strange people defeated.


_Lausane_ is a City situated in _Savoy_, by the Lake of _Geneva_, but nowas I take it in the possession of the _Switzers_.


 Peuple infiny paroistre a _Vicence_, Sans force feu brusler la _Basilique_, Pres de _Lunage_ des fait grand de _Valence_, Lors que _Venise_ par morte prendre pique.
 Infinite deal of people shall appear at _Vicence_, Without force, fire shall burn in the _Basilick_, Near _Lunage_ the great one of _Valence_ shall be defeated, When _Venice_ by death shall take the pique.


_Vicenza_ is a Town in _Italy_, under the dominion of the _Venetians_._Basilick_ is the name of the biggest sort of Canons or pieces ofOrdinance. As for _Valence_ there is three Cities of that name, one in_Spain_, the second in _France_, and the third in _Italy_; instead of_Lunage_, it must be _Lignago_ which is a Town in _Italy_.


 Apparoistra aupres du _Bufalore_, L’haut & procere entré dedans _Milan_, L’Abbé de _Foix_ avec ceux de Saint _Maure_, Feront la fourbe habillez en vilain.
 Near the _Bufalore_ shall appear, The high and tall, come into _Milan_, The Abbot of _Foix_ with those of Saint _Maure_, Shall make the trumpery being cloathed like rogues.


_Bufalore_ is a barbarous word; _Foix_ is a Countrey in _France_, and St._Maure_ a little Town in the said Countrey.


 Le croisé Frere par amour effrenée, Fera par _Praytus_ _Bellerophon_ mourir, Classe a mil ans, la femme forcenée, Beu le breueage, tous deux apres perir.
 The crossed Brother through unbridled love, Shall cause _Bellerophon_ to be killed by _Praytus_, Fleet to thousand years, the woman out of her wit, The drink being drunk, both after that, perish.


_Bellerophon_ and _Praytus_ are two supposed and fictitious names.


 Le grand credit, d’or, d’argent l’abundance, Aveuglera par _Libide_ l’honneur, Cogneu sera d’adultere l’offence, Qui parviendra a son grand deshonneur.
 The great credit, the abundance of Gold and Silver Shall blind honour by lust, The offence of the Adulterer shall be known, Which shall come to his great dishonour.


This is easie to be understood; for it is frequently seen, that Honour ismade blind by lust, and chiefly if that lust be propped up with credit;and abundance of Gold and Silver.


 Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse, Presque l’_Europe_, l’Univers vexer, Les deux Eclipses mettra en telle chassé, Et aux _Pannons_ vie & mort renforcer.
 Towards the North great endeavours by a manly woman, To trouble _Europe_, and almost all the world, She shall put to flight the two Eclipses, And shall re-inforce life and death to the _Pannons_.


By the _Pannons_ is meant the _Hungarians_. The rest is easie.


 Au lieu que _Hieson_ fit sa nef fabriquer, Si grand Deluge sera & si subite, Qu’on n’aura lieu ne Terre sattaquer, L’onde monter _Fesulan Olympique_.
 In the place where _Jason_ caused his Ship to be built, So great a Flood shall be, and so sudden, That there shall be neither place nor Land to save themselves, The Waves shall climb upon the _Olympick Fesulan_.


_Jason_ was Son to King _Æson_, who built a Ship called _Argos_, in whichhe went to _Colchos_, to Conquer the Golden Fleece.

_Fesulan_ here is to be understood of some high and eminent place, whichtherefore he calleth _Olympick_, from _Olympus_ a high Mountain in_Grecia_. The place where _Jason_ builded his Ship.


 Les bien aisez subit seront desmis, Le monde mis par les trois freres en trouble, Cité Marine saisiront ennemis, Faim, feu, sang, peste, & de tous maux le double.
 Those that were at ease shall be put down, The world shall be put in trouble by three Brothers, The Maritine City shall be seized by its enemies, Hunger, fire, blood, plague, and the double of all evils.


It is not easie to tell what them three Brothers have been, or shall be,nor that Maritine or Sea City, therefore we leave it to the liberty ofevery ones judgement, the words being plain enough.


 De _Flore_ issue de sa mort sera cause, Un temps devant par jeusne & vieille bueyre, Car les trois lis luy feront telle pause, Par son fruit sauve comme chair crüe mueyre.
 Issued from _Flora_ shall be the cause of her own death, One time before, through fasting and old drink, For the three Lillies shall make her such a pause, Saved by her fruit, as raw flesh dead.


This is one of those, wherein the Author would not be understood, and maybe did not understand himself.


 A soustenir la grand cappe troublée, Pour l’esclaireir les rouges marcheront, De mort famille sera presqu’accablée, Les rouges rouges, le rouge assommeront.
 To maintain up the great troubled Cloak, The red ones shall march for to clear it, A family shall be almost crushed to death, The red, the red, shall knock down the red one.


This seemeth to carry no other sense than a conspiracy of the Cardinals,called here by the name of the _Red_, the _Red_ against the Pope, who iscalled the _Red one_.


 Le faux message par election feinte, Courir par Urbem rompue pache arreste, Voix acheptées de sang chappelle teinte, Et a un autre qui l’Empire conteste.
 The contract broken, stoppeth the message, From going about the Town, by a fained election, Voices shall be bought, and a Chappel died with blood, By another, who challengeth the Empire.


This was so falsely printed, and so preposterously set in order, that Ihad much ado to pick out this little sense of it, which amounteth to nomore, than that by reason of an agreement broken, the Messenger, thatwent to publish a faigned election (it seemeth of the Empire) shall behindred, and that one of the Competitors to the said Empire, shall bekilled in or near a Chappel, that shall be soiled by his Blood.


 Au port de _Agde_ trois fustes entreront, Portant infection avec soy, pestilence, Passant le pont mil milles embleront, Et le pont rompre a tierce resistance.
 Three Galleys shall come into the harbour of _Agde_, Carrying with them infection and Pestilence, Going beyond the Bridge, they shall carry away thousands, At the third resistance the Bridge shall be broken.


_Agde_ is a Sea Town in _France_ upon the _Mediterranean_ Sea, which isthreatned here of three Galleys, that shall come into the Harbour ofit, and shall bring with them infection and Plague; and besides carryaway thousands of Captives, by which it seemeth, that these should be_Turkish_ Galleys, till at last upon the third resistance of the Townsmenthe Bridge shall be broken.


 _Gorsan_, _Narbonne_, par le Sel advertir, _Tucham_, la Grace _Perpignan_ trahie, La ville rouge ny voudra consentir, Par haute _Voldrap_, Gris vie faillie.
 _Gorsan_, _Narbonne_, by the Salt shall give notice, To _Tucham_, the Grace _Perpignan_ betrayed, The red Town will not give consent to it, By high _Woldrap_, Gray, life ended.


This is another, wherein my best skill faileth me; for take away_Narbonne_, which is a City of _France_, in the Province of _Languedoc_,and _Perpignan_, which is another in the County of _Roussilon_ near_Spain_. The rest are either barbarous words or nonsensical to me.


 Lettres trouvées de la Reyne les Coffres, Point de subscrit, sans aucun nom d’Autheur, Par la police seront cachez les offres, Qu’on ne scaura qui sera lamateur.
 Letters found in the Queens Coffers, No superscription, no name of the Author, By policy shall be concealed the offers, So that no body shall know who shall be the lover.


This needeth no great explication, being pretty plain, and foretellethonly that a Queens Trunks shall be opened, wherein many love Lettersshall be found without subscription, with many great offers, which bypolicy being suppressed, or no notice taken of. The lover was never known.


 Le Lieutenant a l’entrée l’huis, Assommera le grand de _Perpignan_, En se cuidant sauver a _Montpertuis_, Sera deceu Bastard de _Lusignan_.
 The Lieutenant shall at the doors entry. Knock down the great one of _Perpignan_: And the Bastard of _Lusignan_ shall be deceived, Thinking to save himself at _Montpertuis_.


The words and the sense are clear, though the meaning is hard to beunderstood.


 Cœur de l’Amant ouvert d’amour furtive, Dans le ruisseau sera ravir la Dame, Le demy mal contrefaira lascive, Le Pere a deux privera corps de l’Ame.
 The Lovers heart being by a stoln love, Shall cause the Dame to be ravished in the Brook, The lascivious shall counterfeit half a discontent, The Father shall deprive the bodies of both of their souls.


This signifieth nothing but a Lover, who meeting in or by a Brook, hisMistress shall enjoy her, for which she shall fain a little discontent,as if she had been ravished against her will, but her jealous Father notcontented therewith, shall kill them both, which is an ordinary _Italian_trick.


 De _Carones_ trouvez en _Barcelonne_, Mys descouvers, lieu terrouers & ruine, Le grand qui tient ne voudra _Pampelone_, Par l’Abbaye de _Montferrat_ bruine.
 The _Carones_ fond in _Barcelona_, Put discovered, place soil and ruine, The great that hold will not _Pampelona_, By the Abbaye of _Montferrat_, mist.


_Barcelona_ is a Town of a Province in _Spain_, called _Catalonia_._Pampelona_ is the chief Town of the Kingdom of _Navarre_. _Montferrat_is an Abbaye in the Mountains of _Catalonia_; the rest is insignificant.


 La voye _Auxelle_ l’un sur l’autre fornix, Du muy de fer hors mis brave & genest, L’Escrit d’Empereur la Phœnix, Veu en celuy ce qu’a nul autre nest.
 The way _Auxelle_, one Arch upon another, Being brave and gallant put out of the Iron vessel, The writing of the Emperour the Phœnix, In it shall be seen, what no where else is.


I can find nothing in this worth interpretation.


 Les Simulachres d’or & d’argent enflez, Qu’apres le rapt, Lac au feu furent jettez, Au descouvert estaints tous & troublez, Au Marbre escripts, prescripts interjettez.
 The Images sweld with Gold and Silver, Which after the rape were thrown into the Lake and fire, Being discovered after the putting out of the fire, Shall be written in Marble, prescripts being intermixed.


It seemeth that this gold and silver Idols having been stoln, wereafterwards thrown into a Lake and a fire, which fire being put out, thoseIdols were found, and the memorial engraven in Marble.


 Au quart pilier ou l’on sacre a _Saturne_, Par tremblant Terre & Deluge fendu, Soubs l’edifice _Saturnin_ trouvée Urne, D’or _Capion_, ravy puis tost rendu.
 At the fourth Pillar where they sacrifice to _Saturn_, Cloven by an Earth-quake and a Flood, An Urne shall be found under that _Saturnian_ building, Full of _Capion_ gold stoln, and then restored.


This foretelleth, that at the fourth Pillar of a Temple that wasdedicated to _Saturn_, which Pillar shall be split by an Earth-quakeand a Flood, there shall be found an Urne, (which is an Earthen Vessel,wherein the ancient _Romans_ used to keep the ashes of their deadfriends) full of gold, that shall be carried away, and then restored.


 Dedans _Tholose_ non loin de _Beluzer_, Faisant un puis loing Palais d’espectacle, Thresor trouvé un chacun ira vexer, Et en deux locs tout aupres des _Vesacle_.
 Within _Tholose_ not far from _Beluzer_, Digging a Well, for the Pallace of spectacle, A treasure found that shall vex every one, In two parcels, in, and near the _Basacle_.


_Tholose_ is the chief City of _Languedoc_, _Beluzer_ is a private placewithin its precinct, Spectacle is insignificant, and is onely foisted in,to Rime with _Basacle_, which is a place in _Tholose_, where there isaboundance of Water-mills, that make a hideous and fearful noise.


 Premier grand fruit le Prince de _Pesquiere_, Mais puis viendra bien & cruel malin, Dedans _Venise_ perdra sa gloire fiere, Et mis a mal par plus joyve _Celin_.
 The first great fruit the Prince of _Pesquiere_, But he shall become very cruel and malicious, He shall loose his fierce pride in _Venice_, And shall be put to evil by the younger _Celin_.


_Pescaire_ is a Town in the Kingdom of _Naples_, belonging to the noble_Spanish_ Family of _Avalos_, of which it seemeth one shall prove crueland malicious; but he shall be killed in _Venice_ by one young _Celin_,by which formerly, and in other places the Author understandeth the_Turk_.


 Garde toy Roy _Gaulois_ de ton Nepveu, Qui fera tant que ton unique filz, Sera meurtry a _Venus_ faisant vœu, Accompagné de nuit que trois & six.
 Take heed O _French_ King of thy Nephew, Who shall cause that thine only Son Shall be murdered making a vow to _Venus_, Accompanied with three and six.


This is a plain warning to a _French_ King to beware of his Nephew, whoaccompanied with nine others, shall cause his Son to be murdered when hewent about some venereal employment.


 Le grand naistra de _Verone_ & _Vicence_, Qui portera un surnom bien indigne, Qui a _Venise_ voudra faire vengeance, Luy mesme prins homme du guet & signe.
 The great one of _Verona_ and _Vicenza_ shall be born, Who shall bear a very unworthy surname, Who shall endeavour at _Venice_ to avenge himself, But he shall be taken by a Watch-man.


_Verona_ and _Vicenza_ are two famous Cities in _Italy_, under thedominion of the _Venetians_; the rest is easie.


 Apres victoire du Lion au Lion, Sur la Montagne de _Jura Secatombe_, _Delues_, & _Brodes_ septiesme milion, _Lyon_ Ulme a _Mausol_ mort & tombe.
 After the Victory of the Lion against the Lion, Upon the Mountain _Jura Secatomb_, _Delues_, and _Brodes_ the seventh Million, _Lyons_, Ulme fall dead at _Mausol_.


The Mount _Jura_ is in _Switzerland_; _Lyon_ is a great City in _France_;and _Ulme_ another in _Germany_; the rest is either barbarous orinsignificant.


 Dedans l’entree de _Garonne_ & _Blaye_, Et la Forest non loing de _Damazan_, De _Marsaves_ gelées, puis gresle & _Bize_, _Dordonois_ gelé par erreur de _Mezan_.
 Within the entrance of _Garonne_ and _Blaye_, And the Forrest not far from _Damazan_, Of _Marsaves_ frosts, then Hail and North wind, _Dordonois_ frozen by the error of _Mezan_.


_Garonne_ is the River that runneth at _Bourdeaux_, and _Blaye_ is thePort Town that lieth at the mouth of it; I should think that insteadof _Dordonois_, it should be Printed _Dordone_, which is another Riverthereabouts, and is here threatned to be frozen.


 Sera commis contre _Oinde_ a Duché De _Saulne_, & Saint _Aubin_, & _Belœuvre_, Paver de Marbre, de tours loing pluche, Non _Bleteran_ resister & chef d’œuvre.
 A Dukedom shall be committed against _Oinde_, Of _Saulne_, and Saint _Aubin_, and _Belœuvre_, To pave with Marble, and of Towers well pickt, Not _Bleteran_ to resist, and master-piece.


I confess my Ignorance, and should be glad that a better _Oedipus_ than Iwould undertake this.


 La forteresse aupres de la _Thamise_, Cherra par lors, le Roy dedans serré, Aupres du pont sera veu en chemise, Un devant mort, puis dans le fort barré.
 The strong Fort near the _Thames_ Shall fall then, the King that was kept within, Shall be seen near the Bridge in his Shirt, One dead before, then in the Fort kept close.


_The Dream be to them that hate thee, and the Interpretation thereof tothine Enemies_, Dan. 4, v. 10.


 Le Roy de _Blois_ dans _Avignon_ regner, Un autrefois le peuple emonopole, Dedans le _Rhosne_ par murs fera baigner, Jusques a cinq, le dernier pres de _Nole_.
 The King of _Blois_ in _Avignon_ shall Reign Another time the people do murmur, He shall cause in the _Rhosne_ to be bathed through the Walls, As many as five, the last shall be near _Nole_.


This foretelleth that a King of _France_ shall take _Avignon_, which isa City in _France_ belonging to the Pope. And that some of the peoplebeginning to murmur and mutiny, he shall cause five of them to be thrownover the Walls into the _Rhosne_, which is a swift River that passeth by._Nole_ must be some place thereabouts.


 Qu’aura esté par Prince _Bizantin_, Sera tollu par Prince de _Tholose_, La foy de _Foix_, par le chef _Tholentin_, Luy faillira ne refusant l’espouse.
 What shall have been by a _Bizantin_ Prince, Shall be taken away by the Prince of _Tholose_, The faith of _Foix_ by the chief _Tholentin_, Shall fail him, not refusing the Spouse.


I can understand nothing else by Prince _Bizantin_, but some Prince ofthe house of _Gonzague_, who derive their pedigree from that of the_Palæologues_, formerly Emperours of _Constantinople_, called in ancienttime _Bizantium_. As for the Prince of _Tholose_, there having been nonethis two or three hundred years since that Country was devolved to theCrown of _France_; but the King himself, I suppose he must be understoodhere; so that the sense of this Prophecie, (if any be) is, that the Kingof _France_ shall take something from the Duke of _Mantua_, who is thehead of the _Gonzagues_, as he hath done formerly several times.

By the faith of _Foix_, is understood the late Duke of _Rohan_, whodescended from the house of _Foix_, and who did war against the saidDuke of _Mantua_ at that time, when the King of _France_, _Lewis_ XIII.would not suffer his Brother the Duke of _Orleans_ to Marry the Princess_Mary_, Daughter of the Duke of _Nevers_, of the house of _Gonzague_, andlately Queen of _Poland_.


 Le sang du juste par _Taur_ & la _Dorade_, Pour se vanger contre les _Saturnins_, Au nouveau Lac plongeront la _Mainade_, Puis marcheront contre les _Albanins_.
 The blood of the just by _Taur_ and _Dorade_, To avenge themselves against the _Saturnins_, In the new Lake shall sink the _Mainade_, Then shall go forth against the _Albanins_.


Here the Author hath kept his mind to himself, as for my part, beingignorant of his barbarous words, I had rather leave the sense of thisto the judgment of the Reader, than by an incongruous and far fetchedinterpretation make my self ridiculous.


 Esleu sera Renard ne sonnant mot, Faisant le Saint public, vivant pain d’orge, Tyranniser apres tant a un cop, Mettant le pied des plus grands sur la gorge.
 A Fox shall be elected that said nothing, Making a publick Saint, living with Barley bread, Shall tyrannise after upon a sudden, And put his foot upon the Throat of the greatest.


This Prophecy seemeth to regard particularly the Pope, who having playedthe Hypocrite before his Election, eating nothing but Barley bread, thathe might be reputed a Spaint, shall after his Election shall tyranniseupon a sudden, and trample upon the Throat of the greatest Monarchs, asthey have done formerly, and would do yet if they could.


 Par avarice, par force & violence, Viendra vexer les siens chefs d’_Orleans_, Prez Saint _Memire_ assaut & resistance, Mort dans sa Tente, diront quil dort leans.
 By avarice, by force and violence, Shall come to vex his own chief of _Orleans_, Near Saint _Memire_ assault and resistance, Dead in his Tent, they’l say he sleepeth there.


The construction of this must be thus made. The Chiefs of _Orleans_,(which is a famous Town in _France_) shall come to vex their own (Isuppose) Citizens. And near that place called Saint _Memire_, shall be afight, where one of those chief ones shall be killed, or die in his Tent,and shall be denyed under pretence of being asleep.


 Par le decide de deux choses Bastars, Nepveu du sang occupera le Regne, Dedans _Lectoure_ seront les coups de dards, Nepveu par peur pleira l’Enseigne.
 By the decision of two things, Bastards, Nephew of the Blood shall occupy the Kingdom, Within _Lectoure_ shall be strokes of Darts, Nephew through fear shall fold up his Ensign.


I think that instead of decision it should be division, and then thesense is easily made up, thus; that through the division of two Bastards,the Nephew of the Blood shall occupy the Kingdom, which Nephew afterwardsin a fight at _Lectoure_, (which is a strong Town in _Gascony_) shall beput to the worst, and compelled to fold up his Ensigns.


 Le procrée naturel d’_Ogmion_, De sept a neuf du chemin destourner, A Roy de longue & amy au my hom, Doit a _Navarre_ fort de _Pau_ prosterner.
 The natural begotten of _Ogmyon_, From seven to nine shall put out of the way, To King of long, and friend to the half man, Ought to _Navarre_ prostrate the fort of _Pau_.


A man needeth a good pair of Spectacles to see through all this, what Iunderstand in it is that this Bastard of _Ogmyon_, by whom he meaneth theKing of _France_, ought to submit the Fort of _Pau_ to _Navarre_, andgood reason too; for _Navarre_ is the Kingdom, and _Pau_ only the chiefTown of one Province of it, called _Bearn_.


 La main escharpe & la jambe bandée, _Louis_ puisné de _Palais_ partira, Au mot du guet la mort sera tardée, Puis dans le Temple a Pasques seignera.
 The hand on a Scarf, and the leg swadled, The younger _Lewis_ shall go from _Palais_, At the Watch word his death shall be protracted, Then afterwards at _Easter_ he shall bleed in the Temple.


The Prince of _Condé_, whose name was _Lewis_, and the youngest of theChildren of _Charles_ of _Bourbon_, the first Duke of _Vendosme_, fatherto _Anthony_ of _Bourbon_, King of _Navarre_, went away from the Court inthe time of _Francis_ the second King of _France_, and came into _Bearn_to the King his Brother. He was summoned many times by _Francis_ II. tocome to Court; but finding his name to be amongst those that intended tosurprise _Lion_, he durst not venture.

Nevertheless he was perswaded by his Uncle the Cardinal of _Bourbon_, andcame to the Court at _Orleans_. It is easie to believe that he fainedhimself to be hurt by a fall from his Horse, or that really he was so;_having his Arm in a Scarf, and his Leg swadled up_, in which posture hecame to testifie his obedience to the Kings commands.

In this posture of a wounded man, whether really and fictitiously he camefrom _Palais_, which by mistake is printed _Calais_; the Printer beingignorant, that in _Bearn_, where the Prince had sheltered himself, thereis a Castle called _Palais_, which was the place that the Prince used tolive in.

Being come to Court he was presently arrested, arraigned and condemned todeath. Nevertheless the Kings sickness proving mortal, the execution wassuspended, and his life saved. After that the Prince sought all occasionsto revenge himself, and began about _Easter_ in _April_ following. Itwas not by an open Rebellion against the King, but under pretence tomaintain the Protestant Religion: therefore the Author saith, _that thislife saved shall bleed in the Temple_; because the Princes pretext wasthe Temple and the Church; that is Religion. Hence the fourth Verse isclearly understood. Resteth the third Verse, which saith, that his lifewas differred till the _Watch word_; because the Queen seeing the Kingher Son upon his death bed, caused secretly the execution of the Sentenceto be differred, that she might make use of the King of _Navarre_, andof the Prince his Brothers favour, against the house of _Guise_, for theobtaining of the Regency.

Moreover I observe, that in the year 1562. the Prince of _Condé_ beganopenly to rebel, surprising the City of _Orleans_ the 29 of _March_,which was _Easter day_ that year, which sheweth the truth of the fourthVerse.


 _Pol Mensolée_ mourra trois lieues du _Rhosne_, Fuis les deux prochains _Tarare_ destrois, Car _Mars_ sera le plus horrible Throsne, De Coq & d’Aigle, de _France_ frere trois.
 _Paul Mensolée_ Shall die three Leagues from the _Rhosne_, Avoid the two straights near the _Tarare_; For _Mars_ shall keep such a horrible throsne, Of co*ck and Eagle, of _France_ three Brothers.


By this _Pol Mensolée_, he meaneth some proper name. _Tarare_ is a greatMountain near the City of _Lions_, that hath two principal ways to gothrough, which here he calleth Straights; for indeed they are verydangerous for Thieves and Murderers. The rest is but a threating of Warbetween the Emperour and _France_, when there shall be three Brothers in_France_.


 Lac _Trasmenien_ portera tesmoignage, Des conjurez ferrez dedans _Perouse_, Un _Despolle_ contrefera le sage, Tuant _Tedesque_ de _Sterne_ & _Minuse_.
 _Trasmenian_ Lake shall bear witness Of the Conspirators shut up in _Perugia_, A _Despolle_ shall counterfeit the wise, Killing _Tedesque_ of _Sterne_ and _Minuse_.


I think that the Impression is false here; for instead of _Despolle_,which is a barbarous word, and signifieth nothing, I would have it in_French_ _Despoville_, in _English_ robbed of all; so that _Trasmenian_Lake is that Lake in _Italy_ not far from the Town of _Perugia_, where_Hannibal_ gave that notable overthrow to the _Romans_, and killed above20000. of them, with their consul _Flaminius_.

That man whom he calleth here robbed of all, shall kill some _Germans_;for _Tudesco_ in _Italian_, is a _German_, the two last words arebarbarous.


 _Saturne_ en _Cancer_, _Jupiter_ avec _Mars_, Dedans _Fevrier_ _Caldondon_, _Salvaterre_, _Sault_, _Castalan_, assailly des trois parts, Pres de _Verbiesque_, conflict mortelle guerre.
 _Saturn_ in _Cancer_, _Jupiter_ with _Mars_, In _February_ _Caldondon_, _Salvaterre_, _Sault_, _Castalon_, assaulted on three sides, Near _Verbiesque_, fight and mortal War.


The multiplicity of barbarous and insignificant words, makes thisincapable of any construction, if any body will exercise his witthereupon, I shall willingly lend him my ear.


 _Satur_ au Bœuf, _Jove_ en l’Eau, _Mars_ en fleche, Six de _Fevrier_ mortalité donra, Ceux de _Tardaigne_ a _Bruges_ si grand breche Qu’a _Ponterose_ chef _Barbarin_ mourra.
 _Satur_ in Ox, _Jupiter_ in water, _Mars_ in arrow, The sixth of _February_ shall give mortality, Those of _Tardaigne_ shall make in _Bruges_ so great a breach, That the chief _Barbarin_ shall die at _Pontrose_.


_Satur in Ox_; that is, _Saturn_ in _Taurus_, _Jupiter in Water_; thatis, _Jupiter_ in _Aquarius_; _Mars in arrow_, is _Mars_ in _Sagitarius_;when these things shall happen. _The sixth day of ~February~ shall bringa great mortality._ _Tardaigne_ is a fictitious name, unless he intended_Sardaigne_. _Bruges_ is a Town in _Flander_, _Ponterose_ is someplace, where he saith, that the chief _Barbarin_ shall die, the chiefBarbare was the Pope _Urban_ the eighth; but because I do not know theparticularities of his death, and the place of it, I cannot make the restgood.


 La Pestilence lentour de _Capadille_, Un autre faim pres de _Sagunt_ sapreste, La Chevalier Bastard de bon senille, Au grand de _Thunes_ fera trancher la teste.
 The Plague shall be round about _Capadille_, Another famine cometh near to that of _Sagunce_, The Knight Bastard of the good old man, Shall cause the great one of _Tunis_ to be beheaded.


The difficulty here, is what is meant by that word _Cappadille_, for mypart I think he meaneth _Italy_, for some times the _Italians_ use by wayof admiration to say _Capoli_, or _Capadillo_. _Sagunce_ is a Town in_Spain_, which for the love of the _Carthaginians_ withstood the _Romans_a great while, till they were brought to an extremity of famine, and thenset fire in their Town.


 Le _Bizantin_ faisant oblation, Apres avoir _Cordube_ a soy reprinse, Son chemin long, repos, pamplation, Mer passant proye par la _Cologne_ a prinse.
 The _Bizantin_, making an offering, After he hath taken _Cordua_ to himself again, His way long, rest, contemplation, Crossing the Sea hath taken a prey by _Cologne_.


This is an express delineation of _Charles_ the V. Empire, who at thelatter end of his days retired into a Monastery, reserving unto himselffor his subsistance the revenue of the Kingdom of _Castille_, expressedhere by _Cordua_, which is a City of _Spain_.


 Le Roy de _Blois_ dans _Avignon_ Regner, D’_Amboise_ & _Seme_ viendra le long de _Lindre_. Ongle a _Poitiers_ Saintes aisles ruiner, Devant _Bony_.
 The King of _Blois_ shall Reign in _Avignon_, He shall come from _Amboise_ and _Seme_, along the _Linder_, A Nail at _Poitiers_ shall ruine the Holy Wings, Before _Bony_.


The first Verse and the interpretation is easie.

_Amboise_ is a Town in _France_ upon the River of _Loire_.

The two last Verses being inperfect, admits of no interpretation, onelyto let the Reader know that _Poitiers_ is a very great City in _France_,and Capital of the Province of _Poitou_.


 Dedans _Boulogne_ voudra laver ses fautes, Il ne poura au Temple du Soleil, Il volera faisant choses si hautes, En _Hierarchie_ n’en fut onc un pareil.
 He shall desire to wash his faultes in _Bulloin_, In the Church of the Sun, but he shall not be able, He shall fly doing so high things, That the like was never in _Hierarchy_.


There is two Towns called _Bolloin_, one is in _Italy_, the other in_France_, the last is that which is meant here; for Cardinal _Richelieu_who is the man that did so high things, and the like of which was neverin _Hierarchy_ (that is in the Clergy) a little afore his death had vowedif he recovered his health to go in Pilgrimage to _Bulloin_, where thereis a famous Temple for Miracles, (as they say) dedicated to our Lady,which is called here the Sun, by an allusion to that passage of theRevelation: _And there appeared a Woman cloathed with the Sun_; but thesaid Cardinal was prevented by death.


 Soubs la couleur du traité mariage, Fait magnanime par grand _Chiren Selin_, _Quintin_, _Arras_, recouvrez au voiage, D’_Espagnols_ fait second banc _Macelin_.
 Under pretence of a Treaty of Marriage, A Magnanimous act shall be done by the great _Cheiren Selin_, _Quintin_, _Arras_ recovered in the journey, Of _Spaniards_ shall be made a second _Macelin_ Bench.


This is a Prognostication concerning a King of _France_, meant here bythe great _Cheiren Selin_, who under pretence of a Treaty of Marriage,shall recover in his journey these two Towns Saint _Quintin_ and _Arras_,for the Shambles are called in Latine _Macellum_. _Quod ibi mactenturpectora quæ mercatoribus venundantur._


 Entre deux Fleuves se verra enserré, Tonneaux & caques unis a passer outre, Huit Pont rompus chef a tant enferré, Enfans parfaits sont jugulez en coultre.
 Between two Rivers he shall find himself shut up, Tuns and Barrels put together to pass over, Eight Bridges broken, the chief at last in Prison, Compleat children shall have their throat cut.


It is an accident that hath often happened to a Commander of an Army,to find himself either by his own oversight, or by the policy of hisenemies, shut up between two Rivers, having upon neither of them a Bridgeat his command; as it did happen once to the Prince of _Condé_, theGrandfather of this, in the time of the Civil war for Religion, who wasforced by it to dissolve his Army, and bid every one shift for himself,so that they almost all escaped by several small parties, some going oneway some another, at such time it is an ordinary shift to make use ofempty Vessels and Caskes to make a Bridge, as our Author doth mentionhere.


 La bande foible la Terre occupera, Ceux du haut lieu feront horribles cris, Le gros troupeau d’estre coin troublera, Tombe pres _D. nebro_ descouvert les escrits.
 The weak party shall occupy the ground, Those of the high places shall make fearful cries, It shall trouble the great flock in the right corner, He falleth near _D. nebro_ discovereth the writings.


I dare not comment upon this, for fear it should be said of me, what wassaid of the Glose of _Accurtius_; _obscura per obscurius_.


 De Soldat simple parviendra en Empire, De Robe courte parviendra a la longue, Vaillant aux Armes, en Eglise ou plus pire, Vexer les Prestres comme l’eau fait l’esponge.
 From a simple Souldier he shall come to have the supreme command, From a short Gown he shall come to the long one, Vaillant in Arms, no worse man in the Church, He shall vex the Priests, as water doth a Spunge.


I never knew nor heard of any body to whom this Stanza might be betterapplied, then to the late Usurper _Cromwel_, for from a simple Souldier,he became to be Lord Protector, and from a Student in the University hebecame a graduate in _Oxford_, he was valliant in Arms, and the worseChurchman that could be found; as for vexing the Priests, I mean thePrelatical Clergy, I believe none went beyond him.


 Regne en querelle aux freres divisé, Prendre les Armes & les nom _Britannique_, Tiltre _Anglican_ sera tard advisé, Surprins de nuit, mener a l’air _Gallique_.
 A Kingdom in dispute, and divided between the Brothers, To take the Arms and the _Britannick_ name, And the _English_ title, he shall advise himself late, Surprised in the night and carried into the _French_ air.


This prognosticateth a great division in _England_ between Brothers,about the Title and Kingdom of _England_, insomuch, that in conclusionone shall be surprised by night, and carried away into _France_.


 Par deux fois haut, par deux fois mis a bas, L’Orient aussi l’Occident foiblira, Son adversaire apres plusieurs combats, Par Mer chassé au besoin faillira.
 Twice set up high, and twice brought down, The East also the West shall weaken, His adversary after many fights, Expelled by Sea, shall fail in need.


This foretelleth of some considerable person, who shall be twice set up,and brought down again. The second Verse is pronounced after the mannerof the old Oracles, as

 _Aio te Æacida Romanos vincere posse_,

For no body can tell here whither the East shall weaken the West, orotherways. The last two Verses are easie.


 Premier en _Gaule_, premier en _Romanie_, Par Mer & Terre aux _Anglois_ & _Paris_, Merveilleux faits par cette grand mesgnie, Violant, _Terax_ perdra le _Norlaris_.
 The first in _France_, the first in _Romania_, By Sea and Land to the _English_ and _Paris_, Wonderful deeds by that great company, By ravishing, _Terax_ shall spoil the _Norlaris_.


The first in _France_ is the King, the first in _Romania_ is the _Pope_,who it seemeth shall joyn together by Sea and Land, and come against_Paris_, who shall call the _English_ to its help, insomuch, that strangedeeds shall be done by that great company. As for _Terax_, it seemeth tobe the proper name of some man, who by ravishing a woman called here the_Norlaris_, shall spoil her and cause sad consequences. _Norlaris_ bytransposition of Letters is _Lorrain_.


 Jamais par le decouvrement du jour, Ne parviendra au signe Sceptrifere, Que tous Sieges ne soient en sejour, Portant au Coq don du _Tag_ a misere.
 Never by the discovering of the day, He shall attain to the Sceptriferous sign, Till all his seats be settled, Carrying to the co*ck a gift from the _Tag_ to misery.


This signifieth that one pretending to a Kingdom, shall never attain toit by often removing his place, until all his seats be settled, that is,untill his wandring be ceased. And a gift brought by him to the King of_France_ from _Portugal_, signified here by the _Tag_, which is the Riverof _Lisbon_ the Capital City of it, from which gift shall proceed misery.


 Lors qu’on verra expiler le Saint Temple, Plus grand du _Rhosne_, & sacres prophaner: Par eux naistra pestilence si grande, Roy fait injuste ne sera condamner.
 When one shall see spoiled the Holy Temple, The greatest of the _Rhosne_, and sacred things prophaned, from them shall come so great a pestilence, That the King being unjust shall not condemn them.


The greatest Temple of the _Rhosne_, is that of the City of _Lion_,which is seated upon that River of _Rhosne_, which when it shall berobbed and spoiled, then shall come a horrid Pestilence, which our Authorattributeth to the injustice of the King then Reigning, who shall neglectto punish those Sacriledges.


 Quand l’adultere blessé sans coup aura, Meurdry la femme & le fils par depit, Femme assomée l’Enfant estranglera, Huit captifs prins sestoufer sans respit.
 When the Adulterer wounded without a blow, Shall have murdered the wife and son by spight, The woman knocked down, shall strangle the child, Eight taken prisoners, and stifled without tarrying.


This is the description of a sad Tragedy, which to understand, you mustjoyn all the Verses together, and make it one sense. The Adultererwounded without a blow, is one that shall get a disease, (suppose the_Pox_) his wife finding fault with it, he shall murder her, and herSon; she not being quite dead shall strangle another Child (which itseemeth she had by this Adulterer) and for this fact eight shall be takenprisoners and immediately hanged, by which you must suppose the fact tobe done in _France_, for there they Judge and Hang immediately, wherebyin _England_ they must stay till Sessions-time.


 Dedans les Isles les enfans transportez, Les deux de sept seront en desespoir, Ceux de terrouer en seront supportez, _Nompelle_ prins, des ligues fuy l’espoir.
 In the Islands the Children shall be transported, The two of seven shall be in despair, Those of the Countrey shall be supported by, _Nompelle_ taken, avoid the hope of the League.


This seemeth to have a great relation to our late unhappy troubles in_England_, when the Princess _Elizabeth_ and the Duke of _Glocester_were transported into the Isle of _Wight_, which are the two of theseven, (for the Queen hath had seven children) and the Kings Majesty andhis Highness the Duke of _York_, were driven into the _Low-Countreis_,being in a manner in dispair of ever coming again, and those Countreyswere much the better for the harbouring of them; in the last Verse by_Nompelle_ I understand Anagrammatically _Monpelier_, which being taken,there is no more hope in the League, as it did happen in the time of_Henry_ the IV. King of _France_, who never saw the League or Covenantquite routed, till that Town was taken; for it is familiar enough tothose kind of Prophets to make an ὕστερον πρώτερον, and joyn things past,to those that are to come, to darken the Readers understanding, and asthe Scripture saith, _Ut videntes non videant_.


 Le vieux frustré du principal espoir, Il parviendra au chef de son Empire, Vingt mois tiendra le Regne a grand pouvoir, Tyran, cruel en delaissant un pire.
 The old man frustrated of his chief hope, He shall attain to the head of his Empire, Twenty months he shall keep the Kingdom with great power, Tyrant, cruel, and having a worse one.


The words of this Prophecy are plain enough, and because I cannot learnin History that such things have come to pass yet, therefore I reckon itamong those _de futuro_.


 Quand l’Escriture D. M. trouvée, Et Cave antique a Lampe descouverte, Loy, Roy, & Prince _Vlpian_ esprouvée, Pavillon, Royne & Duc soubs la couverte.
 When the writing D. M. shall be found, And an ancient Cave discovered with a Lamp, Law, King, and Prince _Ulpian_ tried, Tent, Queen and Duke under the rugge.


In the year 1555. _Ferdinand Alvaro_ of _Toledo_ Duke of _Alba_, beingsent by _Charles_ the V. into _Italy_ to resist the _French_, arrived in_June_ at _Milan_, and having gathered together, all his Forces, Besiegedthe Town St. _Jago_, but _Henry_ II. King of _France_ sending somesuccours by the Duke of _Aumale_, he raised up his siege, and put hisArmy into Garrisons. The Duke of _Alba_ leaving the Field in this manner,the Duke of _Aumale_ besieged _Vulpian_, wherein were 1000. souldiersin Garrison, under the command of _Cæsar_ of _Naples_, besides theInhabitants. Never was a place so furiously assaulted, and so manfullydefended, so that the _French_ were many times beaten back; but at lastafter 24. days siege the Duke of _Aumale_ did gloriously take it.

The Author foretelling the time of this victory, said it was when thewriting D. M. in big letters was found, that is to say, about the 11. of_September_ after the Equinox, because in the Ephemerides, the Meridionaldescension of the Planets, and chiefly of _Sol_, _Venus_, and _Mercury_is marked with these two Letters D. M. which descension cometh to passafter the Equinox of _Autumn_ towards the end of _September_. At thesame time was discovered an ancient Cave, wherein was found one of thoseLamps, that cannot be put out, and burns continually without any additionof Oil, by an invention that is lost. Such another was found in the timeof _Alexander_ the VI. and _Adrian_ the VI.

The Town of _Vulpian_ was at that time tried by a King and a Prince,_viz._ _Henry_ the II. and the Duke of _Aumale_ Prince of _Lorrain_, andBrother to the Cardinal of _Lorrain_, and to the Duke of _Guise_.

The Author addeth, that besides these three things, _viz._ the findingof the letters D. M. The Cave discovered the siege of _Vulpian_; therehappened a fourth one, _viz._ that a Queen and a Duke should consulttogether in a Summer-house, about the important affairs of the Kingdom.To understand this, we must suppose that Pope _Paul_ the IV. willing tosecure his own person and the Ecclesiastical State against the _Spanish_faction, and that of the _Colonese_, did seize upon many places belongingto the said _Colonese_, and knowing besides that the _Spaniards_ beingof the _Coloneses_ party, would not fail to come upon him, he disposedthe King of _France_ to come to his succours, so that the Queen having aparticular confidence in the Duke of _Guise_, did consult with him aboutthis business in some Summer-house, which the _French_ call a _Pavillon_.


 _Par._ _Car._ _nersaf_, a ruine grand discorde, Ne l’un ne l’autre n’aura election, _Nersaf_ du peuple aura amour & concorde, _Ferrare_, _Collonne_ grande protection.
 _Par._ _Car._ _Nersaf_, to ruine great discord, Neither one nor the other shall be Elected, _Nersaf_, shall have of the people love and concord, _Ferrare_, _Colonna_, great protection.


It is very hard to say what the Author meaneth by these disjunctives_Par._ _Car._ _Nersaf_, all what can be gathered by what follows, is,that there shall be a great variance and strife about an Election, (Isuppose of a Pope as it useth to be) and that _Nersaf_ shall have thegood will of the people, and yet none of them shall be Elected.

As for the fourth Verse, it is to be noted first that _Ferrara_ is astrong Town in _Italy_ belonging to the Pope, and _Colonna_ is thename of the chief Family in _Rome_, now whether _Ferrara_ shall be aprotection to _Colonna_, or _Colonna_ to _Ferrara_, we leave it to theReader to judge, because the Verse hath a double sense.


 Vieux Cardinal par le jeune deceu, Hors de sa charge se verra desarmé, _Arles_ ne monstres double fort apperceu, Et l’_Aqueduct_ & le Prince embaumé.
 An old Cardinal shall be cheated by a young one, And shall see himself out of his imployment, _Arles_ do not show, a double fort perceived, And the _Aqueduct_, and the embalmed Prince.


The two first Verses are very plain, the two last not so; thereforeobserve that _Arles_ is a City in _France_, in the Countrey of _Dauphine_or _Provence_, famous for antiquity, which is forwarned here not to shewits Fords, nor its Aqueducts, (which are buildings to convey water), norits embalmed Prince, which it seemeth lyeth thereabout buried. The Authorhath deprived here the Author of the reasons for why.


 Aupres du jeune se vieux Ange baiser, Et le viendra surmonter a la fin, Dix ans esgaux aux plus vieux rabaisser, De trois deux l’un huitiesme _Seraphin_.
 Near the young one the old Angel shall bowe, And shall at last overcome him, Ten years equal, to make the old one stoop, Of three, two, one, the eighth a _Seraphin_.


This is the description of a grand Cheat, when an old man called hereAngel, shall stoop before a young one, whom he shall overcome at last,after they have been ten years equal. The last Verse is Mistical, forthere is four numbers, three, two, one, which make six; and eight, whichhe calleth _Seraphin_, whether by allusion to that Quire of Angels,which some call the eight, or whether to the Order of St. _Francis_, whocalleth it self _Seraphical_, is not easie to determine.


 Il entrera vilain, meschant, infame, Tyrannisant la _Mesopotamie_, Tous amis fait d’Adulterine Dame, Tetre horrible noir de _Physiognomie_.
 He shall come in villaen, wicked, infamous, To tyranise _Mesopotamia_, He maketh all friends by an adulteress Lady, Foul, horrid, black in his _Physiognomie_.


_Mesopotamia_ is a Greek word, signifying a Countrey between two Rivers;and though there be many Countreys so seated, yet to this day, itproperly belongeth to that Countrey, that lyeth between the two famousRivers _Tigris_ and _Euphrates_ near _Babylon_; the rest is easie.


 Croistra le nombre si grand des Astronomes, Chassez bannis & livres censureq, L’An mil six cens & sept par sacrez glomes, Que nul au sacres ne seront asseurez.
 The number of Astronomers shall grow so great, Driven away, bannished, Books censured, The year one thousand six hundred and seven by sacred glomes, That none shall be secure in the sacred places.


The sense of this is clear, _viz._ that about the year 1607. the numberof Astronomers shall grow very great, of which some shall be expelledand banished, and their Books censured and suppressed: the rest isinsignificant to me.


 Champ _Perusin_ O l’Enorme deffaite, Et le conflict tout aupres de _Ravenne_, Passage sacra lors qu’on fera la feste, Vaincueur vaincu, Cheval mange L’avenne.
 _Perugian_ Field, O the excessive rout, And the fight about _Ravenna_, Sacred passage when the Feast shall be celebrated, The victorious vanquished, the Horse to eat up his Oats.


_Perugia_ is a City in _Italy_, and so is _Ravenna_, by which itseemeth there shall be a notable Battle fought, as was once before inthe time at _Lewis_ the XII. King of _France_ between _Gaston de Foix_his Nephew, and _Don Raimond de Cardonne_ Vice-roy of _Naples_, forthere the _French_ got the Battle; in conclusion of which, the said_Gaston de Foix_ pursuing a Troop of _Spaniards_ that were retiring, wasunfortunately kill’d, and so the victorious were vanquished.


 Soldat Barbare le grand Roy frapera, Injustement non esloigné de mort, L’Avare Mere du fait cause sera, Conjurateur & Regne en grand remort.
 A Barbarous Souldier shall strike the King, Unjustly, not far from death, The covetous Mother shall be the cause of it, The Conspirator and Kingdom in great remorse.


These words are so plain that they need no interpretation.


 En Terre neuve bien avant Roy entré, Pendant subjects luy viendront faire accueil, Sa parfidie aura tel rencontré, Qu’aux Citadins lieu de feste & recueil.
 A King being entered far into a new Countrey, Whilst his Subjects shall come to welcom him, His perfidiousness shall find such an encounter, That to the Citizens it shall be instead of feast and welcom.


The sense of this seemeth to be, that a certain King being far gotinto a new conquered Countrey, where he shall deal perfidiously withhis Subjects, that then he shall meet with such an accident, as to hisCitizens shall be instead of feast & welcom.


 Le Pere & fils seront meurtris ensemble, Le Prefecteur dedans son Pavillon, La Mere a _Tours_ du fils ventre aura enfle, Cache verdure de fueilles papillon.
 The Father and Son shall be murdered together, The Governour shall be so in his Tent, At _Tours_ the Mother shall be got with child by her son, Hide the greenness with leaves Butter-flye.


There is nothing hard here but the last Verse, whereby it is signified,that after such an incest of the Mother with the Son in the City of_Tours_ (which is a Town in _France_) the fruit of it shall be secretlyburyed, and green Turfs laid upon the place, and Leaves upon them, totake away the knowledge of it.


 Plus _Macelin_ que Roy en _Angleterre_, Lieu obscur ne par force aura l’Empire, Lasche, sans foy, sans loy, seignera Terre, Son temps s’aproche si presque je souspire.
 More _Macelin_ then King in _England_, Born in obscure place, by force shall reign, Of loose disposition, without faith, without Law, the ground shall bleed, His time is drawing so near that I sigh for it.


_Macelin_, is a Butcher or cruel man, from the Latine word _Macellum_,which signifieth the Shambles, it is without contradiction that by thisProphecy is plain concerning the late tyrant _Cromwel_, and his unlawfulGovernment.


 L’Antechrist bien tost trois annichilez, Vingt & sept ans durera sa guerre, Les Heretiques morts; captifs exilez, Sang corps humain eau rougie, gresler Terre.
 By Antichrist three shall shortly be brought to nothing, His War shall last seven and twenty years, The Hereticks dead, Prisoners banished, Blood, humane body, water made red, Earth hailed.


What he meaneth here by Antichrist is not easie to determine, for hecannot mean the Pope, himself being a Papist, nor the great Antichrist,whose Reign, according to the Scripture, shall last but three years anda half, it is more likely then that this Stanza hath coherence with theprecedent, and that by it he meaneth _Henry_ the VIII. who for the spaceof about 27 years before he dyed, did handle something roughly the Clergyand Clergy-men.


 Un _Bragamas_ avec la langue torte, Viendra des dieux rompre le Sanctuaire, Aux Heretiques il ouvrira la porte, En suscitant l’Eglise Militaire.
 A _Bragamas_ with his crooked Tongue, Shall come and break the Gods Sanctuary, He shall open the Gates unto Hereticks, By raising the Militant Church.


_Bragamas_ is the same thing that we call now _Bragadocio_. By the GodsSanctuary, he meaneth the Temples of the _Romish_ Religion, who arereputed Sanctuaries, and are full of Images, which they worship as Gods,praying and offering Incense to them.


 Qui par fer pere perdra, nay de _Nonnaire_, De _Gorgon_ sur la fin sera sang perferant, En Terre estrange fera si tout de taire, Qu’il bruslera luy mesme & son entant.
 He that by Iron shall destroy his Father, born in _Nonnaire_, Shall in the end carry the blood of _Gorgon_, Shall in a strange Countrey make all so silent, That he shall burn himself and his intent.


_Nonnaire_ and _Gorgon_ are two barbarous words, as for the sense of thatand the rest, he that shall be able to read the words, shall be as wiseas my self.


 Des innocens le sang de Vefue & Vierge, Tant de maux faits par moiens ce grand Roge, Saints simulachres trempez en ardant cierge, De frayeur crainte ne verra nul que boge.
 The blood of the innocent Widow and Virgin, So many evils committed by the means of that great Rogue, Holy Images, dipt in burning wax Candles, For fear no body shall be seen to stir.


What he meaneth by the great Rogue is not obvious, but the main drift ofthis Stanza seemeth to be, to foretel the abuses that should be offeredto the Popish Images by the Protestant party, as it was done in the timeof the Civil Wars of _France_, and a little while after our Author hadwritten his Prophecies.

By the great Rogue, he meaneth some chief Commander of the Protestantparty, that were in those days, as the Prince of _Condé_, the Admiral of_Castilon_, or his Brother _Dandelot_.


 Le neuf Empire en desolation, Sera changé du Pole Aquilonaire, De la _Sicile_ viendra l’emotion, Troubler l’Emprise a _Philip_ tributaire.
 The new Empire in desolation, Shall be changed from the Northern Pole, The commotion shall come from _Sicily_, To trouble the undertaking, tributary to _Philip_.


This threatneth the Empire that now is in _Germany_, of a greatdesolation, and to be removed from its place, and threatneth also theIsland of _Sicily_ of a fearful commotion, which shall trouble theundertakings of _Philip_, that is, King of _Spain_, because they usuallyare called by that name.


 Ronge long, sec, faisant du bon valet, A la par fin n’aura que son congie, Poignant poison & Lettres au colet, Sera saisy, eschapé, en dangié.
 Long gnawer, dry, cringing and fawning, In conclusion shall have nothing but leave to be gone, Piercing poison and Letters in his Collar, Shall be seised, escape, and in danger.


The words of this are easie to be understood, but not who should be thatman to whom he giveth these four famous Epithetes of _Long-gnawer_,_dry_, _cringing_ and _fawning_.


 Le plus grand voile hors du port de _Zara_, Pres de _Bizance_ fera son entreprise, D’Ennemy perte & l’amy ne séra, Le tiers a deux fera grand pille & prise.
 The greatest Sail out of the Port of _Zara_, Near _Bizance_ shall make his undertaking, There shall be no loss of foes or friends, The third shall make a great pillage upon the two.


By _Zara_ I suppose that the _Venetians_ are meant, who have a verystrong Town of that name, situated in _Dalmatia_. _Bizance_ is_Constantinople_, as we have said before; now whether this Prophecy wasfulfilled when the _Venetians_ took the Island of _Tenedos_, some 20years ago, which is not far from _Constantinople_, or whether it is tocome, I dare not assert.


 _Paterne_ aura de la _Sicile_ crie, Tous les aprests du Gouphre de _Trieste_, Qui s’entendra jusques a la _Trinacrie_, De tant de voiles, fuy, fuy, l’horrible peste.
 _Paterne_ shall have out of _Sicily_ a cry, All the preparations of the Gulph of _Trieste_, That shall be heard as far as _Trinacry_, Of so many Sails, fly, fly, the horrid plague.


It hath been impossible for me to make any sense of this, and thereforeI believe that it is falsely printed, and that instead of _Paterne_, itshould be _Palerme_, which is the chief Town in _Sicily_. _Trinacry_ is_Sicily_ it self, so called, _quod tria habeat, άκρα seu promontoria_.


 Entre _Bayonne_ & a Sainct _Jean de Lux_, Sera posé de _Mars_ la promottoire, Aux _Hanix_ d’Aquilon, _Nanar_ hostera _Lux_, Puis suffoque au lit sans adjoutoire.
 Between _Bayonne_ and Saint _John de Lux_, Shall be put down the promoting of _Mars_, From the _Hunix_ of the North, _Nanar_ shall take away _Lux_, Then shall be suffocated in his bed without help.


_Bayonne_ is a Town in _France_, upon the frontiers of _Spain_, and Saint_John de Lux_ is the utmost frontiere of _France_, that way, (that beingsupposed) he saith, that about Saint _John de Lux_, the promoting of thewar shall be set down; that is, that peace shall be made, as it was aboutseven or eight years ago between _France_ and _Spain_, and the Marriageconcluded between the King and the _Infanta_. The two last Verses arenonsensical, and only set down to make up the rhime.


 Par _Arnani_, _Tholose_, & _Villefranque_, Bande infinie par le Mont _Adrian_, Passe Riviere, hutin par pont la planque, _Bayonne_ entrer tous _Bichoro_ criant.
 By _Arnani_, _Tholose_, and _Villefranche_, An infinite deal of people by the _Aprian_, Cross Rivers, noise upon the Bridge and plank, Come all into _Bayonne_ crying _Bichoro_.


_Arnani_, _Tholose_, and _Villefranche_ are Towns of a Province in_France_ called _Languedoc_. Mont _Adrian_ is a Mountain thereabout, and_Hutin_ is an old _French_ word, signifying noise and strife, the sensethen of this Prophecy is, that by those Towns and Mountains, shall passan infinite multitude of people, with a great noise and strife, and shallcome and enter into _Bayonne_, every one crying in that Countrey Language_Bichoro_, which is as much as to say, _Victory_.


 Mort conspirée viendra en plein effet, Charge donnée & voyage de mort, Esleu, crée, receus, par siens desfait, Sang d’innocence devant soy par remort.
 A conspired death shall come to an effect, Charge given, and a journey of death, Elected, created, received, by his own defeated, Blood of Innocency before him by remorse.


There is no mistical sense in this, and the words are plain, although ofa crabbid construction.


 Dans la _Sardaigne_ un noble Roy viendra, Qui ne tiendra que trois ans le Royaume, Plusieurs couleurs avec soy conjoindra, Luy mesme apres soin sommeil Matrirscome.
 A noble King shall come into _Sardinia_, Who shall hold the Kingdom only three years, He shall joyn many Colours to his own, Himself afterwards, care, sleep matrirscome.


_Sardinia_ is an Island in the _Mediterranean_ Sea, now in the possessionof the _Spaniard_, since he took the Kingdom of _Naples_, the three firstVerses are something intelligible, the last is altogether impossible andbarbarous.


 Pour ne tomber entre mains de son oncle, Qui ses enfans par regner trucidez, Orant au peuple mettant pied sur _Peloncle_, Mort & traisné entre Chevaux bardez.
 That he might not fall into the hands of his Uncle, That had murdered his Children for to rule, Taking away from the people, and putting his foot upon _Peloncle_, Dead and drawn among armed Horses.


This signifieth that an Uncle shall murder his Nephews Children, that hemay Reign, and that the said Nephew shall withdraw, and save himself fromthe said Uncle. The rest is altogether obscure, if not absurd.


 Quand des croisez un trouvé de sens trouble, En lieu du sacre verra un Bœuf cornu, Par vierge porc son lieu lors sera double, Par Roy plus ordre ne sera soustenu.
 When of the crossed, one of a troubled mind, In a sacred place shall see a horny Oxe, By Virgin Pork then shall his place be double, By King no henceforth, order shall be maintained.


By the crossed is understood some order of Knight-hood, who for the mostpart wear that Badge, one of which being mad, and seeing in a Church aHorny Oxe come, by a Virgin Hog shall be kept from harm, or rescued by aHog or Sow that was a Virgin, and it seems crossed the said Oxe, that heshould not gore the Knight, that then such order of Knighthood shall beno more maintained nor upheld by the King of that Countrey, wherein suchthing shall happen.


 Parmy les Champs des _Rhodanes_ entrées, Ou les croisez seront presques unis, Les deux _Brassiers_ en _Pisces_ rencontrées, Et un grand nombre par Deluge punis.
 Through the Fields of the _Rhodanes_ comings in, Where the crossed shall be almost united, The two _Brassiers_ met in _Pisces_, And a great number punished by a Flood.


_Rhodanus_ in Latine is the River of _Rhosne_, which cometh from_Switzerland_, and passing through the Lake of _Geneva_, runneth to_Lyon_, it seemeth then that in those Fields that are about that Riverthere, will be a fearful inundation, when the _Brassiers_ (or rather_Croziers_, which is a constellation so called) shall meet in _Pisces_,which is one of the twelve Signs of the _Zodiack_.


 Loin hors du Regne mis en hazard voiage, Grand Ost duyra, pour soy l’occupera, Le Roy tiendra les siens captif, ostage, A son retour tout Pais pillera.
 Far from the Kingdom a hazardous journey undertaken, He shall lead a great Army, which he shall make his own, The King shall keep his prisoners, and pledges, At his return he shall plunder all the Countrey.


These obscure words signifie no more but that a King shall send a greatArmy far from his Kingdom, the Commander of which Army shall make theArmy his own, which the King hearing, shall seize upon the CommandersRelations, and keep them Prisoners and Hostages, for which the saidGeneral being angry, shall at his return spoil the Countrey.


 Sept mois sans plus obtiendra prelature, Par son decez grand schisme fera naistre, Sept mois tiendra un autre la Preture, Pres de _Venise_ paix union renaistre.
 Seven months and no more, he shall obtain the Prelacy, By his decease he shall cause a great Schisme, Another shall be seven months chief Justice, Near _Venice_ peace and union shall grow again.


By this Prophecy three things are foretold, the first is of a Pope thatshall sit but seven months, at whose death there will be a great Schisme;the second is of a great Governour or Chief Justice, such as were calledby the ancient _Romans Prætores_, shall be in authority also but sevenmonths; and the third, that hard by _Venice_ all these differences shallbe composed, and peace made again.


 Devant la Lac ou plus cher fut getté, De sept mois & son Ost desconfit, Seront _Hispans_ par _Albanois_ gastez, Par delay perte en donnant le conflict.
 Before the Lake wherein most dear was thrown, Of seven months, and his Army overthrown, _Spaniards_ shall be spoiled by _Albaneses_, By delaying; loss in giving the Battle.


It is very difficult, if not impossible to tell what our Author meanethby the Lake, wherein the most dear was thrown, and lost his Army. The_Albaneses_ are a Nation between the _Venetians_ and _Greece_, now forthe most part subject to the said _Venetians_.


 Le Seducteur sera mis dans la Fosse, Et estaché jusques a quelque temps, Le Clerc uny, le Chef avec sa Crosse, Pycante droite attraira les contems.
 The Deceiver shall be put into the Dungeon, And bound fast for a while, The Clerk united, the head with his Crosierstaf, Pricking upright, shall draw in the contented.


The two first Verses are plain, the two last Verses not so, which seemethto foretell of a great union among the Clergy, which shall draw to themthose that were peaceably affected.


 La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit, Sera receue entre les Infideles, De _Babylon_ la fille du poursuit, Misere & triste luy trenchera les Aisles.
 The Synagogue barren, without fruit, Shall be received among the Infidels, In _Babylon_, the daughter of the persecuted, Miserable and sad shall cut her wings.


A Synagogue is a place where the Jews assemble for Divine Worship, asthe Christians do in Churches or Temples, the said Jews Synagogue isthreatned here to be unfruitful and barren, and chiefly in _Babylon_, bythe means of a woman, daughter of one persecuted; belike of some of theirown tribe, whom the rest did persecute.


 Au fins du _Var_ changer le _Pompotans_, Pres du Rivage, les trois beaux enfans naistre, Ruine au peuple par Aage competans, Regne au Pais changer plus voir croistre.
 At the ends of the _Var_ to change the _Pompotans_, Near the Shore shall three fair Children be born, Ruine to the people by competent Age, To change that Countreys Kingdom, and see it grow no more.


The first Verse being made of insignificant words, as _Var_ and_Pompotans_ cannot be understood; the other three doth foretel of threehandsom Children, that shall be born near the Shore, which when they haveattained a competent Age, shall change the Kingdom of that Countrey, andsuppress it.


 Des gens d’Eglise sang sera espanché, Comme de l’eau en si grande abundance, Et de long temps ne sera retranché, Veüe au Clerc ruine & doleance.
 The blood of Churchmen shall be spilt, As water in such abundance, And for a good while shall not be stayed, Ruine and grievance shall be seen to the Clerk.


This is easie to be understood, which foretelleth a very greatpersecution to the Clergy-men, _viz._ Papists, of which Religion ourAuthor was, if this be not already past in the Civil Wars of _France_,that were made for Religion, in the beginning of Reformation, whereabundance of Clergy-men did perish on both sides.


 Par la puissance des trois Rois temporels, En autre lieu sera mis la Saint Siege, Ou la substance de l’Esprit corporel, Sera remis & receu pour vray Siege.
 By the power of three Temporal Kings, The Holy See shall be put in another place, Where the substance of the Corporeal Spirit, Shall be restored and admitted for a true seat.


This Stanza is very remarkable, for the thing it foretelleth, _viz._ atranslation of the See of _Rome_, that is, the Popedom into another placeby three Temporal Kings, and not onely that, but it seemeth by the senseof the last two Verses, that these will keep the Ecclesiastical authorityto themselves.


 Pour l’abundance de l’Armée respandue, Du haut en bas, par le bas au plus haut, Trop grande foy par jeu vie perdue, De soif mourir par abondant defaut.
 Through the abundance of the Army scattered, High and low, low and high, Too great a belief a life lost in jesting, To die by thirst, through abundance of want.


The sense of this is, that by reason of a great Army that shall be muchscattered, and occupy a great deal of room, water will be so scarce, thatsome shall die for thirst, it is that he calleth here, _To die by thirst,through abundance of want_.

Other Stanza’s heretofore Printed, under the VIII. CENTURY.


 Seront confus plusieurs de leur attente, Aux habitans ne sera pardonné, Qui bien pensoint perseverer l’attente, Mais grand loisir ne leur sera donné.
 Many shall be confounded in their expectation, The Citizens shall not be forgiven, Who thought to persevere in their resolution, But there shall not be given them a great leisure for it.


This is plain, and needeth no interpretation.


 Plusieurs viendront & parleront de Paix, Entre Monarques & Seigneurs bien puissans, Mais ne sera accordé de si pres, Que ne se rendent plus qu’autres obeissans.
 Many shall come and shall talk of Peace, Between Monarchs and Lords very powerful, But it shall not be agreed to it so soon, If they do not shew themselves more obedient then others.


We are just now at the Eve of this Prophecy, when so many Princes andPotentates do busie themselves about a Mediation between the two Crownsof _France_ and _Spain_, &c.


 Las quelle fureur, helas quelle pitie, Il y aura entre beaucoup de gens, On ne vit onc une tell amitié, Qu’auront les Loups a courir diligens.
 Ha! what fury, alas what pitty, There shall be betwixt many people, There was never seen such a friendship, As the Wolfs shall have in being diligent to run.


It is indeed a great fury and pity to see how wicked people, and chieflyUsurers and false dealers, (understood here by the name of Wolfs) arediligent in doing mischief, and to make good the old Proverb, _hom*ohomini Lupus_, there being no other Creature but the Wolf that devoursthose of his own kind.


 Beaucoup de gens viendront parlementer, Aux grand Seigneurs qui leur feront la guerre, On ne voudra en rien les escouter, Helas! si Dieu n’envoie Paix en Terre.
 Many folks shall come to speak, To great Lords that shall make War against them, They shall not be admitted to a hearing, Alas! if God doth not send Peace upon Earth.


This carrieth its sense with it, and is plain.


 Plusieurs secours viendront de tous costez, De gens lointains qui voudront resister, Ils seront tout a coup bien hastez, Mais ne pourront pour cette heure assister.
 Many helps shall come on all sides, Of people far off, that would fain to resist, They shall be upon a sudden all very hasty, But for the present they shall not be able to assist.


This seemeth to point at this present conjuncture of affairs, where thereis so many buisying themselves about the relief of _Flanders_, of which Isee no great likelihood.


 Las quel plaisir ont Princes estrangers, Garde toy bien qu’en ton Pais ne _Vienne_, Il y auroit de terribles dangers, Et en maintes Contrées, mesme en la _Vienne_.
 Ha! what pleasure take Forrain Princes? Take heed least any should come into thy Countrey, There should be terrible dangers, In several Countreys, and chiefly in _Vienna_.


There is two Towns called _Vienna_’s, one is in _Germany_, in theProvince of _Austria_, and is the Emperours Seat, the other in _France_,a metter of twenty miles beyond _Lion_, the rest is easie.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Dans la maison du Traducteur de _Boure_, Seront les lettres trouvées sur la Table, Borgne, roux blanc, chenu, tiendra de cours, Qui changera au nouveau Connestable.
 In the house of the Translator of _Boure_, The Letters shall be found upon the Table, Blind of one eye, red, white, hoary, shall keep its course, Which shall change at the coming of the new Constable.


It is not easie to understand what he meaneth by the Translator of_Boure_, unless it be some mean and pittiful fellow, that lived byTranslating things from one language into another, because the _French_use to call a man that is inconsiderable, _un homme du boure_, that is aman of Flocks; and so much the more I am of this opinion, because of thescurvy Epithetes, he attributeth to the same person, by which he mighteasily be known as _blind of one eye, red, white, hoary_, &c.


 Du haut du Mont _Aventin_ voix ouye, Vuidez, vuidez de tous les deux costez, Du sang des rouges sera l’Ire assouvie, D’_Arimin_, _Prato_, Columna debotez.
 From the top of Mount _Aventin_, a voice was heard, Get you gone, get you gone on all sides, The Choler shall be fed with the blood of the red ones, From _Arimini_ and _Prato_, the Colonnas shall be driven away.


Mount _Aventine_ is one of the seven Mountains of _Rome_, from the top ofwhich our Author saith that a voice was heard crying and repeating, _getyou gone_, and the reason is, because choler and anger shall feed uponthe blood of the Cardinals, understood here by the name of _red ones_.

_Arimini_ and _Prato_ are two cities in _Italy_.

The _Colonna_ is the chiefest and ancientest family of _Rome_.


 Le _magna vaqua_ a _Ravenne_ grand trouble, Conduits par quinze enserrez a _Fornase_, A _Rome_ naistra deux Monstres a teste double, Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands a l’espase.
 The _Magna vaqua_ great trouble at _Ravenna_, Conducted by fifteen, shut up at _Fornase_, At _Rome_ shall be born two Monsters with a double head, Blood, fire, Flood, the greater ones astonished.


This word of _Magna vaqua_ is either falsly printed, or altogetherbarbarous and insignificant, and so is that of _Fornase_, which makeththe two first Verses incapable of translation; the other are easie.


 L’An ensuivant descouverts par Deluge, Deux chefs esleus, le premier ne tiendra, De fuyr ombre a l’un deux le refuge, Saccagée case qui premier maintiendra.
 The year following being discovered by a Flood, Two Chiefs elected, the first shall not hold, To fly from shade, to one shall be a refuge, That house shall be plundered which shall maintain the first.


Our Author meaneth, that the year after the former Prophecy is come topass, this shall also be fulfilled, whereby two Chief Commanders shall bechosen, the first of which shall not stand, but shall be compelled to runaway, and to seek his security in the open Fields, and that house thatdid uphold the first shall be plundered.


 Tiers doigt du pied au premier semblera, A un nouveau Monarque de bas haut, Qui _Pise_ & _Luiques_ tyran occupera, Du precedent corriger le defaut.
 The third toe of the foot shall be like the first, To a new high Monarch come from low estate, Who being a Tyrant shall cease upon _Pise_ and _Luica_, To correct the faults of him that preceded him.


The meaning of this is, that some body pretending to mend the Governmentof those two places that are in Italy, shall tyrannically make himselfMaster of them.


 Par la _Guyenne_ infinité d’_Anglois_, Occuperont par nom d’_Angle Aquitaine_, Du _Languedoc_. _I._ palme _Bourdelois_, Quils nommeront apres _Barboxitaine_.
 There shall be in _Guyenna_ an infinite number of _English_, Who shall occupy it by the name of _Angle Aquitaine_, Of _Languedoc_, _I_ by the Land of _Bourdeaux_, Which afterwards they shall call _Barboxitaine_.


Here is foretold a famous invasion, that shall be made by the _English_upon that part of _France_ called _Guyenne_, and in Latine _Aquitania_,of which _Bourdeaux_ is the chief City, insomuch, that the _English_afterwards shall call that Countrey _Angl’ Aquitaine_.


 Qui ouvrira le Monument trouvé, Et ne viendra le serrer promptement, Mal luy viendra & ne poura prouvé, Si mieux doibt estre Roy _Breton_ ou _Normand_.
 He that shall open the Sepulchre found, And shall not close it up again presently, Evil will befall him, and he shall not be able to prove Whether is best a _Britain_ or _Norman_ King.


The sense of this is perspicuous.


 Puisnay Roy fait son pere mettre a mort, Apres conflict de mort tres in honeste, Escrit trouvé soupcon, donra, remort, Quand loup chassé pose sur la couchete.
 A younger King causeth his father to be put To a dishonest death, after a Battle, Writing shall be found, that shall give suspicion and remorse, When a hunted Wolf shall rest upon a truckle bed.


The words and sense are plain.


 Quand Lampe ardente de feu inextinguible, Sera trouvée au Temple des Vestales, Enfant trouvée, feu, eau passant par crible, _Nismes_ eau perir, _Tholouse_ cheoir les Halles.
 When a Lamp burning with unquenchable fire, Shall be found in the Temple of the Vestals, A Child shall be found, Water running through a Sieve, _Nismes_ to perish by Water, the Market-hall shall fall at _Tholouse_.


The ancient _Vestals_, were a Kind of Religious Virgins in the ancient_Romans_ time, who if they did forfeit their honour, were buried alivein a Cave, with a little Bread and Water, and a Lamp burning, ourAuthor would have, that when a Lamp shall be found lighted with anunquenchable fire, in that place where then their Temple was, that then_Nismes_ (which is a City of _Languedoc_), shall perish by Water, andthe Market-hall of _Tholouse_ shall fall, whether such a Lamp may becontrived as to burn with an unquenchable fire, is too long and tedious adiscourse to be disputed here.


 Moine, Moinesse d’Enfant mort exposé, Mourir par Ourse & ravy par verrier, Par _Foix_ & _Panniers_ le Camp sera posé, Contre _Tholose_, _Carcas_, dresser forrier.
 Monk and Nun having exposed a dead Child, To be killed by a she Bear, and snatcht away by a Glazier, The Camp shall be set by _Foix_ and _Panniers_, And against _Tholouse_, _Carcas_ shall raise a Harbinger.


_Foix_ and _Panniers_ are two Towns in _Languedoc_, and so are _Tholouse_and _Carcassonne_, called here _Carcas_, for the abbreviation of theVerse, the sense then of this prophecy is, that when the two first Versesshall come to pass, that then an Army shall lie about those Towns, and_Carcassonne_ shall be against _Thoulouse_.


 Le juste a tort a mort l’on viendra mettre, Publiquement, & du milieu estaint, Si grande Peste en ce lieu viendra naistre, Que les Jugeans fouyr seront contraints.
 The just shall be put to death wrongfully, Publickly, and being taken out of the midst, So great a Plague shall break into that place, That the Judges shall be compelled to run away.


Many understand this of the late King, and last Plague.


 Le tant d’argent de _Diane_ & _Mercure_, Les simulachres au Lac seront trouvez, Le Figulier cherchant argille neuve, Luy & les siens, d’or seront abreuvez.
 The so much Silver of _Diana_ and _Mercury_, The Statues shall be found in the Lake, The Potter seeking for new clay, He and his shall be filled with Gold.


This Prophecy is concerning a _Potter_, who seeking and digging fornew Clay, shall find in a drained Lake the Statues of _Diana_ and_Mercury_ all of silver, besides other great riches; seeing this Prophecyis not come to pass yet (that I know) it will not be amiss, for thedivertisem*nt of the Reader, to relate here a notable and authenticalHistory of a Potter that hath much ressemblance with this, and will bea convincing Argument, that Mines grow in the Earth as Turfs do, and as_Virgil_ sayeth of the golden branch:

 _Uno avulso non deficit alter._

It is written by Doctor _de Rochas_, Physitian to the present Chancelloror _France_, who was upon the place, and an eye witness of thecirc*mstances of it, having also an interest in it, in the behalf of hisFather, who was overseer of the Mines in that Province, therefore I shallrelate it in his own words, as they are in his Book of _Mineral Waters_.

[Sidenote: _A notable History._]

In _Provence_ near _Thoulon_, is a Mountain called _Carquairené_, at thefoot of which and near the brim of the Sea, there dwelled a Potter withall his tools about him; It chanced that on a day as he went to fetchWood in that Mountain, to bake his wares, he heard a voice of a littleKid, which some Shepherd had left behind them unawares, and was fallenin a little hole that answered to natural, great and deep Caves; thisman seeing no Shepherds about him, thought presently it was a strayedKid, therefore he followed the cry with his ear so directly, that he cameby the orifice of that hole, where he heard and saw the Kid, which heresolved to carry away with his Wood, therefore he took the Cords thatwere at his Mules Saddle, and that he used to bind his Load with, andwith the help of them, and of some big pieces of Wood he got down, where,he did observe round about him many other Caves, contiguous and separatedfrom this, which his curiosity caused him to view, and found in the chiefof these Caves a great quantity of stones heaped upon one another, & of asubstance and colour of Brass, and among the rest there was one that cameforth out of the Rock, about the bigness, shape, and length of a mansarm, when it is stretched out; he did apparently judge that the weightand brittleness of that matter had caused those stones to fall down,and that the same that he saw come out of the Rock in this manner, wasalready loose and like to fall; this man finding himself among such anabundance of rich Lingots, which fortune did offer him, did not know thevalue of them, but did like the co*ck of _Æsop_ which left the preciousPearl to take the Corn of Wheat; thus this _Jason_ took very little ofthis Golden Fleece, and only a small piece, which he broke from a biggerwith one of his Tools, and imployed all his industry to carry away hisKid, which at last with much ado he got out, and carried upon his Mule,believing certainly that this provision would be more profitable tohim and his Family, then the yellow stone which he had in his pocket,weighing about five pounds, and which he intended to give to a Tinkerof _Thoulon_, his Gossip and good friend, in hope that for the same hemight be presented with a bottle of Wine, to keep company to his Kid; andaccordingly the next morning by break of day he went to _Thoulon_ andstayed in the Shop of his friend, who did look with admiration upon soresplendent Brass; a Gold-smith who lodged over the way, and observedthe splendor of that Divine mettal, drew near, and presently would havebargained for it, with a great deal of transportation and alteration.The Potter asked him only twenty pence, which the Gold-Smith would havegiven him presently, but the Tinker making sign to him to retract hiswords, he put his lingot in his pocket again, with protestation that hewould not part with it, unless he had something that were worth the painsof going where he had it; in conclusion, after many contestations anddisputes, the Potter who did suspect that it might be gold, would notsell nor deliver it under the sum of thirty Crowns, which the Gold-Smithpaid him presently, and which he carried away with more joy, then if hehad been possessor of greater riches; the Gold-smith on the other side,who thought that his profit would be above a hundred pounds sterlings,did refine this stone, that was about five pound weight, out of which hedrew four pound weight, of very good and pure gold, the rest was a kindof dross, that made it thus brittle; one ought not to think that the Mineis all of the same perfection, but it purifieth it self, according asnature thrusteth it out of the Rock, as we see that Rubies and Emeraldsare purer, then the Rock from whence they come. This Gold-Smith havingfound such fortune, and being resolved to make the best use of it, wentto the Lord _Scaravaque_, then Governour of the Town, and imparted untohim this new discovery, that he might have his assistance and favour init, and that under his power and authority he might follow and wait uponthis precious business without being disturbed by any body, to which theGovernour did so much the easier consent, that this Tradesman did oblidgehimself to give him the best part of the profit that should arise fromthence, and that should exceed any Travels into the _Indies_ or _Peru_.

In the mean time the Potter was not asleep, the Gold-smiths money hadstirred his appetite, and the charm of this witchcraft that workethgenerally upon all spirits, did put him upon new hopes. He went intothe Mountain with his wife, and with the help of a rope Ladder, whichhe had provided, and some Iron tools, wherewith he had loaded his Mule,he went down into the Caves, and with much endeavour did at last breakthat piece, that came out of the Rock like a mans arm, because all theother that were tumbled upon the ground, were so big and heavy that hecould not remove them, when he had broken it down, though it were aboutfourscore and two pounds weight, nevertheless with the help of his wifeand of his Ropes and Ladder he got out again, and stopt the hole with alarge stone, and some Earth, upon which he planted some small Bushes soingeniously, that this hole could never be found out again.

The Lord _Scaravaque_ who was most impatient, to conquer like another_Jason_ this Golden Fleece, and who was set on by the persuasions of theGold-smith, sent for the Potter, under pretence to employ him in themaking and furnishing of some Tiles and other small commodities thatdepended on his art. The Potter obeyed presently, drawn by the hopes tosell his wares well, and mistrusting nothing at all what they would askhim. As soon as he came, the Governour asked him and perswaded him withthe best and most flattering words he could, to tell where he had theyellow stone that he sold to the Gold-smith. The Potter who more and morebegan to know the value of this rare Treasure, invented presently a lie,to free himself of the importunity of them that would have deceived him;therefore with an ingenuity, as simple as artificial he answered, he hadfound it upon the brim of the Sea, where may be some Ship had been castaway, or the Waves had cast it upon the shore.

The Governour answered that this could not be, and therefore threatnedhim of violence, and to send for all that he had in his House, whichput the fellow into a great perplexity, because of the other stone thatshould be found there, therefore he chose rather to give it them outof his good will, then to put himself in danger of loosing all, andperchance of being abused to boot, without any more ado, he ingenuouslyconfessed he had another piece of the same stuff as the former in hisHouse, which he had likewise found in the same place, which he wasready to put into their hands, provided he might have his share of it,and be suffered to get his livelihood peaceably. The Lord _Scaravaque_did promise him all what he desired, and gave him some men to keep himcompany, with command to bring him back again, and to take special carehe should not make an escape. At last this poor man came back againwith that piece, which did more inflame the passion that the Governourhad to know the place whence came that rich treasure; but neither forprayers, promises, or threats he would never reveal it, which did obligethe Governour to shut him up close in a Chamber, where nevertheless theygave him Victuals and made ready a Bed, but he refused both, and byan extraordinary sadness, gave shew that some notorious mischance waswaiting on him, which proved true, for he was found dead in the Morning;which did put the Lord _Scaravaque_ in a grief unexpressible, to seehimself deprived by this accident, of the fruit that his hopes had madehim conceive. He had recourse to the Potters wife for this discovery, butshe could never attain to it, whatsoever exact searches she could make:yea, and after she was married again with a young man, who had spent inthat search most of his time. The Lord _Scaravaque_ and other personsof quality have employed all their skills and endeavours, but all theirindustry and charges have been without effect, as well as of many others,who attempted the same; about that time my Father who was overseer ofthe Mines in _Provence_, having received the news of a business ofsuch consequence, that did concern his place, went presently unto thatMountain, to see if he could discover those wonders, I was then in hiscompany, as also that woman, _viz._ the Potters wife, who carried us inseveral places for many days, without any success at all, although shegave notice that she could here the Waves of the Sea, when she was in theCave with her first Husband, so that all our endeavours proved fruitlessand unprofitable, because my Father fell sick, which made us forsake ourquest, which is of such a consequence as not to be neglected.

During the time of our painful visiting that Mountain, I did consider theparticularities of that rich Mountain, and observed that the top of itwas almost all Azur, which tokens are the beams of that golden Sun andare the hairs of that fair goodness, under whose feet all things submit;in a word, are the true and infallible signs that underneath are Minesof Gold and Silver. And as I have directed all my thoughts many times tofind out the means to compass so excellent a work, whose profit wouldsurpass all what the _Indies_ furnish unto strangers, and that with somuch less charges and danger, that there is no heed of Ships or Fleet tocross over the Sea, from one Pole to the other, nor fight against anyenemies: at last I have attained to a certain knowledge, which putteth mein hope, and makes me promise and engage my word, that at least I shallfind a thred of that golden Mine, which may chance to lead us to theCentre of all these Treasures, but the Royal Authority being necessaryto prop up this design, it belongeth to his Majesty to take what coursehe thinketh best for this, and to me to obey, execute his will. Thisdigression which is an assured experiment, (that is a certain truth),is not come into this discourse, but only to prove that Mines grow byaugmentation, in converting into their own nature the more subtle partsof the Neighbouring Earth. Thus far Doctor _de Rochas_.


 Les Exilez autour de la _Sologne_, Conduits de nuict pour marcher en l’_Auxois_, Deux de _Modene_ truculent de _Bologne_, Mis discouverts par feu de _Burancois_.
 The banished about _Sologne_, Being conducted by night to go into _Auxois_, Two of _Modena_, the cruel of _Bolonia_, Shall be discovered by the fire of _Burancois_.


_Sologne_ is a Province in _France_, between the _Perche_ and the _Main_._Auxois_ is a Countrey in the South of _France_, so called of its chiefTown called _Auch_, the seat of an Archbishop. _Modena_ is a Town in_Italy_, and _Bolonia_ another not far from it. _Burancois_ is a part ofthe Province of _Dauphiné_. The meaning then of this Prophecy is, thisbeing known, the Reader may easily find out the rest of the sense.


 Mis en planure chauderon d’Infecteurs, Vin miel en huile & bastis sur Fourneaux, Seront plongez sans mal dit malfacteurs, Sept. fum. extaint au Canon des _Borneaux_.
 A Dyers Kettle being put an a Plein, With Wine, Honey and Oil, and built upon Furnace, Shall be dipt, without evil, called Malefactors, Seven. fum. put out at the Canon of _Borneaux_.


This hath a relation to the punishment, which in some parts of _France_and _Flanders_ is inflicted upon false Coiners, which are commonly boiledin Oil, in a great Kettle, such as our Author here saith belong to Dyers.The Author then will have that the time shall come, when seven of thatgang shall be so punished together in a Plain, where a great Kettle shallbe set for that purpose upon a Furnace.


 Pres de _Parpan_ les rouges detenus, Ceux du milieu parfondrez menez loing, Trois mis en pieces, & cinq mal soustenus, Pour le Seigneur & Prelat de _Bourgoing_.
 Near unto _Parpan_ the red ones detained, Those of the middle sunk and carried far off, Three cut in pieces, and five ill backed, For the Lord and Prelate of _Burgoing_.


_Parpan_ is either a barbarous or fained name, by the _red ones_, hehath hitherto understood some Cardinals, the Reader may expound the restaccording to his fancy.


 De _Castel Franco_ sortira l’assemblée, L’Ambassadeur non plaisant fera Schisme, Ceux de _Riviere_ seront en la meslée, Et au grand Goulphre desnieront l’entrée.
 Out of _Castel Franco_ shall come the Assembly, The Embassador not pleased, shall make a Schisme, Those of _Riviere_ shall be in the medley, And shall deny the entry of the great Gulf.


_Castel Franco_ is a Town in _Piemont_; _Riviere_ is a strong Castle in_Burgundy_, but what he meaneth by the great Gulfe, is more then I cantell.


 Le tiers premier, pis que ne fit _Neron_, Vuidez vaillant que sang humain respandre, Redifier fera le Forneron, Siecle d’or mort, nouveau Roy grand esclandre.
 The third first, worse than ever did _Nero_, Go out valliant, he shall spill much humane blood, He shall cause the Forneron to be builded again, Golden Age dead, new King great troubles.


This Prophecy pointeth directly at our Authors Master _Charles_ the IX.King of _France_, whom he calleth he _the third first_, because he wasthe third son to _Henry_ II. and came to be King, using more crueltiesthen ever _Nero_ did, for he was the cause of the Massacre of theProtestants in _France_ in the year 1572. where above a hundred thousandpeople were murdered. _Forneron_ is a barbarous word, put here to make aVerse, and to rhime with _Neron_. At that time he saith the _Golden Agewas dead_, and upon the coming of a new King, who was _Henry_ III. greattumults did happen, and great Wars, as is to be seen in the _French_History.


 Le Lys _Dauffois_ portera dans _Nancy_, Jusques en _Flanders_ Electeur de l’Empire, Neusve obturée au grand _Montmorency_, Hors lieux pronez delivre a clere peyne.
 _Dauffois_ shall carry the Lillie into _Nancy_, As far as _Flanders_ the Elector of the Empire, New hinderance to great _Montmorency_, Out of proved places, delivered to a clear pain.


Although the words and sense of this Prophecy be most obscure,nevertheless we shall endeavour as much as we can to render themsomething intelligible to the Reader.

By the first Verse is to be understood that _Dauffois_, or rather_Dauphinois_, which is the Title of the Kings of _France_ eldest Sonshall carry the Lillie, which is the Arms of _France_ into _Nancy_, thechief Town in _Lorrain_, which came to pass in the time of the last King_Lewis_ the XIII.

By the second Verse is understood the Elector of _Triers_, who was takenby the _Spaniards_ in his own Town, and carried prisoner to _Bruxelles_.

By the third and fourth is expressed the ill luck of the Duke of_Montmorency_, who having taken part with the Duke of _Lorrain_, andthe Duke of _Orleans_ the Kings Brother, was routed in a Battle, takenprisoner, and afterwards beheaded at _Thoulouse_.


 Dans le milieu de la Forest _Mayenne_, _Sol_ au _Lion_ la Foudre tombera, Le grand Bastard issu du grand _du Maine_, Ce jour _Fougeres_ pointe en sang entrera.
 In the middle of the Forrest of _Mayenne_, _Sol_ being in _Leo_ the Lightning shall fall, The great Bastard begot by the great _du Main_, That day _Fougeres_ shall enter its point into blood.


_Fougeres_ is either the name of a Town in little _Britanny_, or that ofa Noble House, the words are very plain, therefore I leave the sense toevery ones capacity.


 De nuit viendra par la Forest de _Rennes_, Deux parts _Voltorte Herne_, la pierre blanche, Le Moine noir en gris dedans _Varennes_, Esleu Cap. cause tempeste, feu, sang tranche.
 By night shall come through the Forrest of _Rennis_, Two parts _Voltorte Herne_, the white stone, The black Monk in gray within _Varennes_, Elected Cap. causeth tempest, fire, blood cutteth.


_Rennes_ is the chief Town of little _Britanny_; the second Verse beingmade of barbarous words, is impossible to be understood. The thirdand fourth Verse signifieth, that when a black Monk in that Town of_Varennes_ shall put on a gray sute, he shall be elected Captain, andcause a great tempest or broils by fire and blood.


 Au Temple hault de _Blois_ sacre _Salonne_, Nuict Pont de _Loire_, Prelat, Roy pernicant, Cuiseur victoire aux marests de la _Lone_, D’ou Prelature de blancs abormeant?
 At the high Temple of _Blois_ sacred _Salonne_, In the night the Bridge of _Loire_, Prelat, King mischievous, A smarting Victory in the Marsh of _Lone_, Whence Prelature of white ones shall be abortive.


There is a mistake in the first Verse, for instead of _Salonne_, it mustbe written _Soulaire_, which is a _Priory_ and Church at the top of_Blois_, all the rest signifieth that in one night these shall happen,_viz._ that the Bridge, the Prelat, and a pernicious King with a smartvictory shall perish, whence the Prelature, that is the place of Commandupon the white ones, _viz._ Canons and Prebends in their Surplices, shallbe void and empty.


 Roy & sa Cour au lieu de la _langue halbe_, Dedans le Temple vis a vis du Palais, Dans le Jardin Duc de _Montor_ & d’_Albe_, _Albe_ & _Mantor_, poignard, langue, en Palais.
 King and his Court in the place of _langue halbe_, Within the Church over against the _Pallace_, In the Garden Duke of _Montor_ and _Albe_, _Albe_ and _Mantor_, dagger, tongue and Pallate.


This Stanza is very obscure, for, first no body can tell what he meanethby _langue halbe_, which is the foundation of all the rest of the sense;Secondly, what this Duke of _Montor_ and _Mantor_ should be, which hasbeen unknown in the Histories hitherto; and thirdly, what constructionand sense can be made of these disjunctives: _Albe_, _Mantor_, _Dagger_,_Tongue_, _Palate_. Therefore i’le leave it free to every bodies opinionto make his construction.


 Puisnay jouant au fresch dessous la tonne, Le haut du toit du milieu sur la teste, Le Pere Roy au Temple Saint _Solonne_, Sacrifiant sacrera sum de feste.
 The youngest Son playing under the tun, The top of the House shall fall upon his head, The King his Father in the Temple of Saint _Soulaine_, Sacrificing shall make festival smoak.


By this is meant, that the youngest Son of a King, shall be knocked inthe head, while he is a playing under a tun; his Father being at the sametime in the Temple of Saint _Soulaine_ at Mass.


 Sur le Palais au Rocher des Fenestres, Seront ravis les deux petit* Roiaux, Passer _Aurelle_, _Lutece_, _Denis_ cloistres, _Nonnain_, _Mollods_ avaler verts noiaux.
 Upon the Pallace at the Rock of the Windows; Shall be carried the two little Royal ones, To pass _Aurele_, _Lutece_, _Denis_ Cloisters, _Nonnain_, _Mollods_ to swallow green stones of fruit.


These two or three last Stanzas have been concerning the City of _Blois_,to which it seemeth that this hath also relation, for he saith thattwo little Royal Children shall be carried at the top of the Castle,and shall be conveyed beyond _Aurelle_ (which is _Orleans_ in Latine_Aurelianum_) _Lutece_, which is _Paris_; S. _Denis_ Cloisters, which isbeyond _Paris_, and a Nunnery besides, where it is like they shall beleft to eat green stones of fruit, which is not easie to be understood,no more then the word _Mollods_.


 Passant les Ponts, venir prez de Roziers, Tard arrivé plustost quil cuidera, Viendront les noves _Espagnols_ a _Beziers_, Qui icelle chasse emprinse cassera.
 Going over the Bridge to come near the Rose-trees, Come late, and sooner then he thought, The new _Spaniards_ shall come to _Beziers_, Who shall cashiere this new undertaken hunting.


_Beziers_ is a City in _Languedoc_; the rest may be construed by themeanest capacity.


 Nise sortie sur nom des Lettres aspres, La grande Cappe fera present non sien, Proche de _Vultry_ aux murs des vertes capres, Apres _Plombin_ le vent a bon escient.
 A silly going out, caused by sharp Letters The great Cap shall give what is not his, Near _Vultry_ by the Walls of green Capers, About _Piombino_ the wind shall be in good earnest.


This signifieth that there shall be a silly surrendring of a Town, causedby sharp and threatning Letters that shall be sent into it. By the great_Cap_ he useth to understand the _Pope_, who he saith shall give whatis not it, as he hath done many times; _Vultry_, in Latine _Velitrum_,and _Piombino_ are two Cities in _Italy_, which are threatned here withmighty winds.


 De bois la garde vent clos ront Pont sera, Haut le receu frappera le _Dauphin_, Le vieux _Teccon_ bois unis passera, Passant plus outre du Duc le droit confin.
 The Fence being of Wood, close Wind, Bridge shall be broken, He that’s received high, shall strike at the _Dolphin_, The old _Teccon_ shall pass over smooth Wood, Going over the right confines of the Duke.


The first Verse signifieth that a woodden Bridge shall be broken by aclose wind, as did happen to the Millers Bridge, and the Birds Bridge in_Paris_.

The second Verse seemeth to foretel the conspiracy of the Mareshal of_Biron_, against _Henry_ IV. his Dolphin and Estate.

The third and fourth, the Wars and Conquest which the said King (whom hecalled old _Teccon_), made upon the Duke of _Savoy_, who had corruptedthe said Marshal of _Biron_.


 Voile _Symacle_, Port _Massiliolique_, Dans _Venise_ Port marcher aux _Pannons_, Partir du Goulfre & sinus _Illirique_, Vast a _Sicile_, _Ligurs_ coups de Canon.
 _Symaclian_ Sail, _Massilian_ Port, In _Venice_ to march towards the _Hungarians_, To go away from the Gulf and _Illirick_ Sea, Toward _Sicily_, the _Genoeses_ with Cannon shots.


What he meaneth by _Symaclian Sail_, is not easie to determine;_Massilian Port_ is that of _Marseilles_ in _France_, called in Latine_Massilia_, the sense of this Prophecy then if any be, is, that agreat Fleet shall go from thence to _Venice_, to carry succours to the_Hungarians_, who it seemeth shall be much distressed at that time bythe _Turks_, and that _Sicily_ and _Genoa_ shall add to this Fleet aconsiderable succour of Men, and Warlike Munition.


 Lors que celuy qu’a nul ne donne lieu, Abandonner voudra lieu prins non pris, Feu, Nef, par faignes, bitument a _Charlieu_, Seront _Quintin_, _Bales_ repris.
 When he that giveth place to no body, Shall forsake the place taken, and not taken, Fire, Ship, by bleeding bituminous at _Charlieu_, Then _Quintin_ and _Bales_ shall be taken again.


_He that giveth place to no body_ is the Pope; as for the last Verse, Ihad rather read St. _Quintin_ and _Gales_, which are two considerableTowns in _France_, then otherwise.

That place taken, not taken was the City of _Noyon_ in _Picardy_, whichwas taken by the _Spanish_ Cavalry, cloathed after the _French_ Mode,which stratagem deceived the Citizens and Soldiers that defended it: sohe saith taken, because it fell into the hands of the _Spaniards_, and_not taken_, because it was by a stratagem or deceit.


 Au Port de _Puola_ & de St. _Nicolas_, Perir _Normande_ au Gouffre _Phanatique_, Cap de _Bizance_ rues crier Helas! Secours de _Gaddes_ & du grand _Philippique_.
 At the Harbour of _Puola_ and of St. _Nicolas_, A _Norman_ Ship shall perish in the Phanatick Gulf, At the Cape of _Byzantium_ the streets shall cry Alas! Succours from _Cadis_ and from the great _Philippe_.


_Puola_ is for _Paulo_ here, and by it is understood the port of _Malta_,which being Besieged by the _Turks_, _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_,sent an Army to relieve it, which made those of _Byzantium_ (which is_Constantinople_) cry alas, _&c._


 Le tremblement de Terre a _Mortara_, _Cassich_, St. _George_ a demy perfondrez, Paix assoupie la guerre esuaillera, Dans Temple a Pasques abysmes enfondrez.
 There shall be an Earthquake at _Mortara_, _Cassich_, St. _George_ shall be half swallowed up, The War shall awake the sleeping pace, Upon Easterday shall be a great hole sunk in the Church.


_Mortara_ is a Town in _Italy_, by _Cassich_ and St. _George_ he meanethtwo other places.


 De fin _Porphire_ profond Collon trouvée Dessoubs la laze escrits Capitolin, Os, poil retors, _Romain_ force prouvée, Classe agiter au Port de _Methelin_.
 A deep Column of fine _Porphyry_ shall be found, Under whose Basis shall be _Roman_ writings, Bones, haires twisted, _Roman_ force tried, A Fleet a gathering about the Port of _Methelin_.


_Porphiry_ is a kind of hard red Marble speckled with white spots, whichis very scarce, and chiefly in great pieces; our Author then saieth thata great Colomn of that stuff shall be found, and about the Basis of itsome words in Roman Characters, and that about that time a great Fleetshall be a gathering at the Port of _Methelin_, which is an Island in the_Archipelago_, belonging now to the _Turks_, as for the third Verse, Icannot tell what to make of it.


 _Hercules_ Roy de _Rome_ & _Dannemark_, De _Gaule_ trois _Gayon_ surnommé, Trembler l’_Itale_ & l’un de Saint _Marc_, Premier sur tous Monarque renommée.
 _Hercules_ King of _Rome_, and _Denmark_, Of _France_ three _Guyon_ surnamed, Shall cause _Italy_ to quake and one of St. _Marck_, He shall be above all a famous Monarch.


All these intricated words and sense foretell that, when a King of_Danmarck_ named _Hercules_ shall be made King of the _Romans_, thatthen _Italy_ and _Venice_ it self shall stand in great fear of him; andthat he shall be as great a Prince or Monarch as ever was in _Europe_;and that very likely, for by his dignity of King of the _Romans_ heconsequently shall attain to the Empire.


 Le part solus Mary sera Mitré; Retour conflict passera sur la tuille, Par cinq cens un trahir sera tultré, _Narbon_ & _Saulce_ par coutaux avons d’huile.
 The separated Husband shall wear a Miter, Returning, Battle he shall go over the Tyle, By five hundred one dignified shall be betrayed, _Narbon_ and _Salces_ shall have Oil by the Quintal.


The first Verse signifieth, that some certain man who was married, shallbe parted from his wife, and shall attain to some great EcclesiasticalDignity.

The second Verse is, that in coming back from some place or entreprise,he shall be met and fought with, and compelled to escape over the Tylesof a House.

The third Verse is, that a man of great account shall be betrayed by fivehundred of his men.

And the last, that when these things shall come te pass, _Narbon_ and_Salces_, which are two Cities of _Languedoc_, shall reap and make agreat deal of Oil.


 Et _Ferdinand_ blonde sera descorte, Quitter la fleur suivre le _Macedon_, Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte, Et marchera contre le _Myrmidon_.
 And _Ferdinand_, having a Troop of faire men, Shall leave the flower to follow the _Macedonian_, At his great need his way shall fail him, And he shall go against the _Myrmidon_.


This Prophecy ought to be understood of an Emperour of _Germany_, whosename shall be _Ferdinand_, who being accompanied with many _Germans_,that for the most part are faire haired people shall come and Waragainst _Græcia_, which is expressed here by the names of _Macedon_ and_Myrmidon_, the first of which is a Countrey, and the last a Nation, bothin _Græcia_.


 Un grand Roy prins entre les mains d’un jeune, Non loin de Palques confusion, coup cultre: Perpet. cattif temps que foudre en la Hune, Trois Freres lors se blesseront & meurtre.
 A great King taken in the hands of a young one, Not far from Easter, confusion, stroke of a knife, Shall commit, pittiful time, the fire at the top of the Mast, Three Brothers then shall wound one another, and murder done.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the year 1560. when _Antony_ of _Bourbon_King of _Navarre_, and his Brother _Lewis_ of _Bourbon_ Prince of_Condé_, coming to King _Francis_ II. at _Orleans_, upon the 29. of_October_, the Prince of _Condé_ was put in prison, and the King of_Navarre_ arrested. The Lord _Andrew Fauyn_ in his History of _Navarre_,saith, that the opinion of the Councel was, that the Prince of _Condé_should be beheaded, for having been the chief of the conspiracy at_Amboise_, and the King of _Navarre_ should be stabbed in the KingsChamber by the King himself, assisted by others for that purpose. TheLady of _Montpensier_ gave notice of it to the King of _Navarre_, whobeing sent for by the King, charged expresly _Cattin_ his waiting manand an old servant of his Father take a care and preserve his bloodyshirt after his death till his son came to Age, to revenge it upon themurderers. God be thanked this came not to pass, for the King havingcalled him, and going about to provoke him with foul words, he answeredso meekly and humbly, that the Kings anger was appeased, where upon theDuke of _Guise_ going out of the room said, _O what a cowardly Princeis this_. These things are expressed in the first and second Verse,when he saith that a great King should be put in Prison by a young one,because _Antony_ of _Bourbon_, though he was not a great King in Lands,yet he was a great one in courage and prudence. And it was _not far fromEaster_, sith it was but five months before, _viz._ from the beginning of_November_, to the sixth of _April_ 1591 which was Easterday; the Authorputteth in this circ*mstance, because the next Easter after, the King of_Navarre_ was made General of _France_ under the Queen Regent.

He addeth _the blow of a Knife_, as we have shewed; he also saith _alasting bad time_, which proved very true; moreover, he saith, _whatlightning in the Hunt_ or Topmast, because King _Francis_ died presentlyafter. In the fourth Verse he saith, _that three Brothers shall be hurtand killed_, those three Brothers were _Antony_ of _Bourbon_ King of_Navarre_, killed at the Siege at _Rouen_, the Cardinal of _Bourbon_, and_Lewis_ of _Bourbon_ Prince of _Condé_, killed at the Battle of _Jarnac_.


 Pont & Molins en _December_ versez, En si haut lieu montera la _Garonne_: Murs, Edifice, _Thoulouse_ renversez, Qu’on ne scaura son lieu coutant matrone.
 Bridges and Mills in _December_ overturned, In so high a place the _Garonne_ shall come, Walls, Building, _Thoulose_ overturned, So that none shall know its place, so much Matrone.


Here is foretold a prodigious inundation of the River _Garonne_, inthe month of _December_, by which the Walls, Building, and the Cityof _Thoulouse_ is threatned to be overturned. The last word of all isbarbarous, and added to make up the rhime.


 L’Entrée de _Blaye_ par _Rochelle_ & l’_Anglios_, Passera outre le grand _Æmathien_: Non loing d’_Agen_ attendra le _Gaulois_, Secours _Narbonne_ deceu par entretien.
 The coming in at _Blaye_ by _Rochel_ and the _English_, Shall go beyond the great _Æmathien_, Not far from _Agen_ shall expect the _French_, Help from _Narbonne_ deceived by entertainment.


For the better understanding of this, the hard words must first be madeplain; _Blaye_ is a City upon the River _Garonne_, and the Port-Townto _Bourdeaux_; _Rochel_ is a City upon the same Coast; _Agen_ is aCity in _Gascony_ not far from _Bourdeaux_, and _Narbonne_ is a Cityin _Languedoc_, by the Mediterranean Sea; _Æmathian_ was formerly theCountrey of _Macedonia_, wherein _Julius Cæsar_ and _C. Pompeius_ foughttheir last Battle in the _Pharsalian_ Fields, and therefore saith theLatine Poet _Lucanus_:

 _Bella per Æmathios plusquam civilia campos._

These things being considered the sense is, that there shall be anInvasion made by the _English_, to whom those of _Rochel_ shall joyn,upon the Town of _Blaye_, which shall proceed as far as _Agen_, andthat thereabout will be a bloody Encounter between the _English_ and_French_, beyond that which was fought in the _Æmathian_ Fields, and thatthe succours that should come from _Narbonne_ to the _French_, shall bedeluded and hindered by the speech and discourse of some.


 En _Arbissella_, _Vezema_ & _Crevari_, De nuit conduits pour _Savonne_ atraper, Le vif _Gascon_, _Giury_, & la _Charry_, Derrier Mur vieux & neuf Palais grapper.
 In _Arbissella_, _Vezema_ and _Crevari_, Being conducted by night to take _Savona_, The quick _Gascon_, _Giury_ and the _Charry_, Behind old Walls and new Pallace to graple.


_Arbissella_ is a Town situated by the Sea-side above _Savona_, goingtowards _Genoa_. _Vezema_ and _Crevari_ are in the Inland Countrey, and alittle further remoted from the Sea then _Arbissella_. _The quick Gascon_was _Blasius_ of _Monluc_, one of the Valliantest men of his time, whocame from a single Souldier to be Marshal of _France_. _Guiry_ and _laCharry_ were two of his Companions. This Stanza doth Propheticallyforetell two things, one is, the design that the Marshal of _Brissac_,then Governour of _Piemont_ had upon _Savona_: the other, the taking of_Pianca_ by _Blasius_ of _Monluc_, as to the first, the Lord of _Villars_writeth in his Memorials, that the Lord _Damzay_ sent advice to the King,that the taking of _Savona_ was more probable then any other design,which signifieth that the Marshal of _Brissac_ had of a long time eyedthat Town, and therefore he sent by night some Troops into those threelittle Towns, to see if they could surprise _Savona_, but the design didnot succeed. The Histories only mention that the Marshal of _Brissac_ wentfrom Court in the year 1557. with a design to take _Savona_; but thisstanza speaketh of the same design 1556.

At the same time in the year 1556. the 29. of _June Blasius_ of _Monluc_,as he relateth in his Commentaries, did surprise the Town and Fort of_Piance_, called in Latine _Corsinianum_, he had with him the Captain _laCharry_, the Captain _Bartholomew_ of _Pezero_, and the son of Captain_Luzzan_. At first the _French_ were beaten back, but the valliant_Monluc_ did encourage them again by his example, going the first in, andsaying only, _follow your Captain_.

Which having said, he thrust himself under the Gate, where three or fourmen might stand sheltered by the planks of the Fort, and having his Swordin the left hand, and his dagger in the right, he began to break and cutthe Brick and made a hole, which opening by degrees, he thrust his armthrough, and pulled the gap so strongly, that he caused all the Wall tofall down upon himself, without being hurt by it. This is the meaningof the Author in the fourth Verse; when he saith, _the quick Gascon wasbehind the Wall_; In prosecution of this, the Switzers did beat down therest of the Wall, and all came into the Town crying, _France, France_._Monluc_ ran presently to the Fort, and with the help of his men took it,that is the meaning of the Author, when he saith, _old and new Pallaceto graple_. The old Pallace was adjoining to the Market-place of theTown, in which the _French_ were prisoners with the Captain _Gourgues_,to the number of fifty or sixty tied two and two, and so kept by twentySouldiers, whom they did kill as we have said. The new Pallace wasthe Fort. The Author used that ancient word _grapper_, which in the_Provencal_ languague signifieth, to pull down with ones hands, and inthe contrary sense, to shut and plaister so well some thing, that therewill be a necessity of the help of the hands to open what was shut up.


 Pres de _Quentin_ dans la Forest _Bourlis_, Dans l’Abbaye seront _Flamands_ tranchez, Les deux puisnez de coups my estourdis, Suitte appressée & gardes tous hachez.
 Near _Quentin_ in the Forrest _Bourlis_, In the Abby the _Flemmings_ shall be slashed, The two younger sons half a stonished with blows, The followers oppressed, and the Guards all cut in pieces.


This is a peculiar accident that happened before the taking of theTown of Saint _Quentin_ by the _Spaniard_ in the year 1557. and fellout thus. News being come to the King of _France_, that the powerfulArmy of the _Spaniard_ was gone to Besiege St. _Quentin_, he made allimaginable diligence to succour it; the _Spaniards_ to hinder the reliefhad seized upon an ancient Abby of the _Vermandois_, which is in thenext Forrest, that was anciently called the Forrest _Bourlis_, and is atpresent called the Forrest of the _Abbay Vermandois_, called in Latine_Augusta Veromanduorum_, builded by an ancient _Hungarian_ Captain called_Vermandig_. In process of time it was all ruinated, and only one Abbyleft, wherein was the Episcopal See, which afterwards was transferredinto the City of _Noyon_. After the ruine of this Town, that of St._Quentin_ next to it became the chief City of _Vermandois_; It was namedSt. _Quentin_, because the Emperor _Dioclesian_ having sent St. _Quentin_a _Roman_ Senator to be Governour of it, he did convert the Inhabitantsto the Christian Faith, and after he himself did suffer there Martyrdom.

In that Abby a great many _Flemmings_ had intranched themselves, butthe _French_ going to relieve the Town, did force their Trenches andFortifications, and in the heat of the fight the two younger Sons of theCaptain being armed _Cap a pée_, though they were not killed, yet wereastonished with blows they did receive upon their heads, their followersand Guards being all cut in pieces.


 Le grand _Chyren_ soy saisir d’_Avignon_, De _Rome_ Lettres en miel plein d’amertume, Lettre, Ambassade partir de _Chanignon_, _Carpentras_ pris par Duke noir, rouge plume.
 The great _Cheyren_ shall seize upon _Avignon_, Letters from _Rome_ shall come full of bitterness, Letters and Embassies shall go from _Chanignon_, _Carpentras_ taken by a black Duke with a red Feather.


This did happen lately, _viz._ some five or six years ago, when the Dukeof _Crequy_ Embassadour at _Rome_ was affronted by the _Corses_, whichare the Popes Guard: for which the King of _France_ demanded reparation,and seized upon _Avignon_, till the Pope granted him that all the said_Corses_ should be banished, and a Pyramis erected in _Rome_ to theperpetual infamy of that Nation.


 De _Barcelonne_, de _Gennes_ & _Venise_, De la _Sicile_ pres _Monaco_ unis, Contre Barbare classe prendront la vise, Barbar poulsé bien loing jusqu’a _Thunis_.
 From _Barcelona_, from _Genoa_ and _Venice_, From _Sicily_ near _Manaco_ united, Against the Barbarian the fleet shall take her aim, The Barbarian shall be driven back as far as _Thunis_.


The sense of these words is very plain and signifieth onely, that therewill be an union and League between these Towns, _viz._ _Barcelona_,_Genoa_, _Vinice_, and the Kingdom of _Sicily_ against the Turks, whomthey shall encounter near _Monaco_, and put them to flight, and followthem as far as _Tunis_.


 Proche a descendre l’Armée _Crucigere_, Sera guettée par les _Ismaelites_, De tous costez battus par nef _Raviere_, Prompt assailies de dix Galeres d’eslite.
 The _Crucigere_ Army being about to Land, Shall be watched by the _Ismaelites_, Being beaten on all sides by the Ship _Raviere_, Presently assaulted by ten chosen Galleys.


By the _Crucigere_ Army is understood the Christian Army, because theword _Crucigere_ signifieth one that beareth a Cross, from the twoLatine words _Crux_ and _gero_; the _Ismaelites_ are the _Turks_, whoboast themselves to be descended from _Ismael_, the son of _Abraham_and _Agar_, the meaning of this is, that the Christians going about toattempt some landing place, the Turks shall watch them, and set uponthem by Land and Sea, in which Sea fight he mentioneth only ten choiceGalleys, and a notable Ship called _Raviere_, (if it be not falseprinted) I am much of an opinion that this came to pass when _Philip_the II. King of _Spain_ made an attempt upon _Algiers_, by his Admiral_André d’Oria_, who had to do with the _Moores_ upon the Land, ready toreceive him, and some part of their fleet that watched him, but cross andcontrary winds caused him to return _re infecta_.


 Migrez, migrez de _Geneve_ tretous, _Saturne_ d’Or en Fer se changera, Le contre _Raypoz_ exterminera tous, Avant l’advent le Ciel signes sera.
 Go forth, go forth out of _Geneva_ all, _Saturn_ of gold, shall be changed into Iron, They against _Raypos_ shall extermine them all, Before it happeneth, the Heavens will shew signs.


[Sidenote: _Called here against Raypos._]

This is a Prophecy concerning _Geneva_, out of which he warneth everyone to come; his reason is, that the golden Age of that Town shall bechanged into an Iron one; and that there shall be one against _Raypos_,that shall extermine them all, before which there shall appear some signsin Heaven. Now the Author being a rank Papist, it is to be supposed thathe warneth out of _Geneva_ all those of his Faith, because of the comingof _Calvin_, whom he foresaw was to come into that Town, and to changethe Government thereof, and to _extermine them all_, which is to beunderstood, in point of Religion, as for what prodigies did precede thatchange; I had no time to consult Authors upon it, the judicious Readermay chance to find them in those that have written of this matter.


 Ne sera soul jamais de demander, Grand _Mendosus_ obtiendra son Empire, Loing de la Cour fera contremander, _Piemont_, _Picard_, _Paris_, _Tyrhen_ le pire.
 He shall never be weary of asking, Great _Mendosus_ shall obtain his dominion, Far from the Court he shall cause him to be countermanded, _Piemont_, _Picardy_, _Paris_, _Tyrhen_ the worse.


By _Mendosus_, is Anagrammatically to be understood _Vendosme_; but whois that shall never be weary of asking, or whose Dominion _Vendosme_shall have, or what is meant by the last two Verses, passeth myunderstanding.


 Vuidez fuyez de _Thoulouse_ les rouges, Du Sacrifice faire expiation, Le Chef du mal dessoubs l’ombre des courges, Mort estrangler carne omination.
 Get you gone, run away from _Thoulouse_ ye red ones, There shall expiation be made of the Sacrifice, The chief cause of the evil under the shade of gourdes, Shall be strangled, a presage of the destruction of much flesh.


This Prophecy doth onely and properly belong to the City of _Thoulouse_;and by it are warned all the red ones, that is, all those that usuallywear Red or Scarlet Gowns, as those of the Parliament and the Capitolsto come out of it, because saith he, _There shall an expiation be madeof the Sacrifice_, meaning that there shall be a great slaughter amongthe Citizens, as it did happen at several times, the first _Anno_ 1563.another time when the first President _Durauti_, and several other of thered Gowns were put to death, _&c._ The two last Verses signifie, thatthe chief contriver of this uproar shall be strangled, and many othersbesides him.


 Les soubsignez d’indigne deliverance, Et de la multe auront contre advis, Change Monarque mis en perrille pence, Serrez en cage se verront vis a vis.
 The underwritten to an unworthy deliverance, Shall have from the multitude a contrary advice, They shall change their Monarch and put him in peril, They shall see themselves shut up in a Cage over against.


This is plainly to be understood of those Traytors, the delivered andsigned the death of King _Charles_ the I. of blessed Memory, against thesense and advise of at least three parts of four of the Nation, and whoafterward saw themselves for the most part shut in Prison for this factand brought to a shameful end.


 La grand Cité d’Occean Maritime, Environnée de Marests en Crystal, Dans le _Solstice_ hyemal & la prime, Sera tentée de vent espouvental.
 The great Maritime City of the Ocean, Encompassed with Chrystaline Fens, In the Winter _Solstice_ and in the spring, Shall be tempted with fearful wind.


By _the great Maritime City of the Ocean, Encompassed with CrystalineFens_, is to be understood the City of _London_, for as for that of_Venice_, it is situated upon the _Mediterranean_ or rather _Adriatick_Sea: _London_ then is threatned here of a fearful wind, which whetherthe Author meaneth for the time that is past now, and that shall comehereafter I know not, sure I am, that I have within this fifteen yearsseen two such winds in _London_, as I never saw the like any where else;the first was that day that _Olivier_ the Usurpator died, the otherwas about six or seven years ago, caused by the lightning that fell in_Hereford-shire_, and did mix with a Western wind and came as far as_London_, carrying the tops of houses, and doing then for above 10000.pounds dammage.


 _Gand_ & _Bruxelles_ marcheront contre _Anvers_, Senat de _Londres_ mettront a mort leur Roy, Le Sel & Vin luy seront a l’envers, Pour eux avoir le Regne or desarroy.
 _Gand_ and _Bruxelles_ shall go against _Antwerp_, The Senat of _London_ shall put their King to death, The Salt and Wine shall not be able to do him good, That they may have the Kingdom into ruine.


This Prophecy taken with all its circ*mstances, and the subject ittreateth of, is the most remarkable of all those that ever _Nostradamus_was Author of, for here we see a concatenation of circ*mstances linkedtogether, to make it true to any bodies eyes, for first the number ofthis Stanza being 49, signifieth the year wherein the King died, foralthough by the _English_ account, who begin their year at the 25. of_March_, it may be said it was in 48, because it did happen upon the30_th._ of _January_, yet according to the general account of the mostpart of the World, the year begin upon the first day of _January_, sothat the King dying on the 30_th._ of _January_, it may be said it was inthe year 1649.

The first Verse signifieth, that at that time there was no goodintelligence between the Cities of _Flanders_ and _Brabant_, as Iremember very well that there was not, but upon what score, I haveforgotten.

The second Verse is plain to any body that can either read or hear it.

The third Verse by _the Salt and Wine_, understandeth _France_, who wasthen in War with the _Spaniard_, and in some divisions among themselves,so that they could not take the Kings part as to relieve and free him byforce, but sent Embassadours to mediate a composure of the difference.

The fourth Verse intimateth that by reason of the said Wars that werein _France_, the said murdering Parliament had liberty to do what theylisted for the bringing the Kingdom into ruine.


 _Mensodus_ tost viendra a son haut Regne, Mettant arriere un peu le _Norlaris_, Le rouge blesme, le masle a l’interregne, Le jeune crainte & frayeur Barbaris.
 _Mensodus_ shall soon come to his high Government, Putting a little aside the _Norlaris_, The red, pale, the Male at the interreigne, The young fear, and dread barbarisme.


_Mensodus_ is the Anagramme of _Vendosme_, by which is meant _Antony_ of_Bourbon_ Duke of _Vendosme_, brother to the then Prince of _Condé_, andfather to _Henry_ IV. _Norlaris_ is the Anagram of _Lorrain_; now anybody that understandeth any thing in History, knoweth what dissentionand feud there was between the House of _Bourbon_, and that of _Lorrain_in the time of _Francis_ the II. for the House of _Bourbon_, though nextto the Royal blood, was the least in favour, and those of the House of_Lorrain_ did Govern all, and had so far prevailed as to have got thePrince of _Condé_ into their hands, and had him condemned to have hishead cut of, which would have been executed, had not the King that veryday fallen sick of the disease he died of. Now this being understood ourAuthor will have that _Mensodus_, which is _Vendosme_ shall lay aside the_Norlaris_, that is _Lorrein_. By _the red pale_ is meant the Cardinal of_Lorrain_, brother to the Duke of _Guise_, who grew pale at this. By _themale at the interreigne_ is so obscure, that we leave it to the judgementof the Reader.


 Contre les rouges Sectes se banderont, Feu, eau, fer, corde, par paix se minera, Au point mourir ceux qui machineront, Fors un que monde sur tout ruinera.
 Against the red, Sects shall gather themselves, Fire, water, iron, rope, by peace it shall de destroyed, Those that shall conspire shall not be put to death, Except one, who above all shall undo the World.


The name of _red Sects_, may very well be applied to the Protestants of_France_, against whom in those days it seemed that fire, Water, Iron andRope had conspired, for they were put to death by each one of those fatalinstruments for their Religion sake. This is a lively expression of theunhappy Massacre of the Protestants in _France_ upon St. _Bartholomews_day 1572.

The two last Verses signifie, that all the Contrivers of that Councel,were of opinion at first to proceed some other way, but only the Duke of_Guise_, who was the principal actor in it, and whom our Author saith,did undo the world; for he was the cause of mischief, not only then butofterwards.


 La paix sapproche d’un cosié & la guerre, Oncques ne fut la poursuite fi grande, Plaindre homme & femmene sang Innocent par Terre, Et ce sera de _France_ a toute bande.
 Peace is coming on one side and War on the other, There was never so great a pursuing, Man, Woman shall bemoan, Innocent blood shall be spilt, It shall be in _France_ on all sides.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the Reign of _Charles_ the IX. in theyear 1558. when the peace was treated of, and concluded the year after1559. the War on the other side begun to appear by the raising of theProtestants, who begun publickly their opinion in the time of _Francis_the II. and _Charles_ the IX.

There was never seen such a prosecution of War and of Peace together; forthere was never an estate more embroiled in Wars than that of _Charles_the IX. was, nor where Peace was more sought after; for there was nothingbut Wars and treaties of Peace, Men and Women did complain on allsides, for the wrong and dammages they received from both parties, theProtestants believing to do God a good service in destroying Images, andkilling Priests and Monks. And the Papists on the other side thinking tomake a sweet Sacrifice unto God, in practising the same cruelties uponthe Protestants, and so in all corners of _France_ every one did sethimself to do evil.


 Le _Neron_ jeune dans les trois Cheminées, Sera de Pages vifs pour ardoir ietter, Heureux qui loin sera de tels menées, Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter.
 The young _Nero_ in the three Chimneys. Shall cause Pages to be thrown to be burnt alive, Happy shall he be who shall be far from this doing, Three of his own blood shall cause him to be put to death.


A young Tyrant called here _Nero_, shall cause some Pages to be burntalive in three Chimneys, and afterwards himself shall be put to death bythree of his own blood, this fact savoureth so much of bestial cruelty,that I cannot belive any Christian Prince can ever be guilty of it.


 Arrivera au port de _Corsibonne_, Pres de _Ravenne_, qui pillera la Dame, En Mer profonde legat de _Ulisbone_, Soubs Roc cachez raviront septante ames.
 There shall come into the Port of _Corsibonne_, Near _Ravenna_, those that shall plunder the Lady, In the deep Sea shall be the Embassador of _Lisbonne_, The hidden under the Rock, shall carry away seventy Souls.


The Port of _Corsibonne_, must of necessity be that of _Ancona_; firstbecause there is no Port of the former name near the City of _Ravenna_.Secondly, because _Ancona_ is near _Ravenna_.

By the Lady is meant the Chappel or Church of our Lady of _Loretto_,which is threatned here to be plundred by some _Turks_ or Pyrates,inticed thereunto by the manifold riches that are said to be therein.

The third Verse speaketh of a _Portugues_ Embassador, who it seemethshall be drowned or buried in the main Sea.

The fourth Verse giveth warning of some Robbers and Pyrates, very like tobe _Turks_, who being in Ambuscado, and shrouded among the Rocks by theSea side, shall carry away seventy Souls.


 L’Horrible guerre qu’en Occident s’appreste, L’An ensuivant viendra la Pestilence, Si fort terrible, que jeune, viel, ne beste, Sang, feu, _Mercu._ _Mars_, _Jupiter_ en _France_.
 An horrid War is a preparing in the West, The next year shall come the Plague, So strangly terrible, that neither young nor old, nor beast shall escape Blood, fire, _Mercu._ _Mars_, _Jupiter_ in _France_.


That word _a preparing_ in the first Verse, signifieth that he speakethof a time, wherein War was a making ready, when he was a writing.

The _West_, of which our Author speaketh, is not formerly the West whichis _Spain_, but is the West respectively to his Countrey of _Provence_,which is _Picardy_, _Lorrain_, and the Countrey of _Mets_, in all thesePlaces that are Westerly from _Provence_, there was great Wars in theyear 1557 in _Picardy_ in the year 1558. at _Calais_ and _Thionville_,and at last from the middle of that year to the end of it, were seen twogreat Armies of both Kings, which threatned a horrid slaughter, had notGod Almighty provided against it by the treaty of Peace of the _3d._ of_April_ 1559 the year following, which was 1559. there did happen what heforetelleth, _viz._, the Plague so strangely terrible to Young, Old, andBeasts _&c._

And in those quarters there was nothing but Fire and Blood; that is,Massacres and ruines of all sorts, then did Rule in _France_, the threePlanets of _Jupiter_, _Mars_ and _Mercury_, _Jupiter_ and _Mercury_, forthe peace that was then concluded, and _Mars_ for the War that was thenon foot.

The History of _Provence_ mentioneth, that that Pestilence was called bythe Physitians, _Febris erratica_, by which within the space of five orsix Months, died almost an infinite number of people.


 Camp prés de _Noudam_ pasiera _Goussanville_, Et a _Maiotes_ laissera son enseigne, Convertira en instant plus de mille, Cherchant le deux remettre en chaine & legne.
 A Camp shall by _Noudam_ go beyond _Goussanville_, And shall leave its Ensign at _Maiotes_, And shall in an instant convert above a thousand, Seeking to put the two parties in good understanding together.


These three words of _Noudam_, _Goussanville_, and _Maiotes_ are threelittle inconsiderable Countrey Towns, situated near one another; themeaning then of it is, that an Army near _Noudam_, shall go through_Goussanville_, and shall in an instant convert, that is, draw to hisparty above a thousand of the contrary party, the business being aboutthe procuring of a good understanding and amity between two great ones.


 Au lieu de _Drux_ un Roy reposera, Et cherchera Loy changeant d’Anatheme, Pendant le Ciel si tresfort Tonnera, Portée neufve Roy tuera soy mesme.
 In the place of _Drux_ a King shall rest himself, And shall seek Law changing Anatheme, In the mean while the Heaven shall Thunder so strongly, That a new gate shall kill the King him self.


_Drux_ is a City in _Normandy_, near which _Henry_ the IV. got amemorable victory.

It is said that in that place a King shall rest himself, and shallendeavour to change Religion, but at that time it shall Thunder andLighten so much, that by the fall of a new gate, the King himself shallbe killed.


 Au costé gauche a lendroit de _Vitry_, Seront guettez les trois rouges de _France_, Tous assommez rouge, noir non meurdry, Par les _Bretons_ remis en asseurance.
 On the left hand over against _Vitry_, The three red ones of _France_ shall be watched for, All the red shall be knockt dead, the black not murdered, By the _Britains_ set up again in security.


What is meant here by the three red ones of _France_ is hard to decide,whether they be Cardinals or Judges; because both wear commonly ScarletGowns, or some Noblemen cloathed in Scarlet, but it seemeth by thisthat there shall be a lying in wait for four men, three of which shallbe cloathed in Red, and one in Black, those in Red shall be knockt downdead, but he in Black shall not, and this is to be done on the left hand,over against _Vitry_, which is a City in _Champagne_.


 A la _Ferté_ prendra la _Vidame_, _Nicol_ tenu rouge quavoit produit la vie, La grand _Loyse_ naistra qui fera clame, Donnant _Bourgongne_ a _Bretons_ par envie.
 In the _Ferté_ the _Vidame_ shall take _Nicol_, reputed red, whom life hath produced, The great _Lewis_ shall be born, who shall lay claim, Giving _Burgundy_ to the _Britains_, through envy.


This Stanza wanting both quantity in the Cadence of the Verse, andConnexion in the sense, sheweth that it is either falsly printed, or elsethe Author had no mind it should be understood; we shall only say, the_Ferté_ is a Town in _Champagne_. _Vidame_ is a Lords Title in _France_,of which there are but four of that sort, and are called in Civil Law_Vicedominus_, who by his first Institution, was temporal Judge of theBishop; the first of those _Vidames_ or _Vicedomini_ in _France_, is thatof _Amiens_, the second of _Chartres_, the third of _Rhemes_, and thefourth of _Gerberon_.


 Conflict _Barbare_ en la Cornere noire, Sang espandu trembler la _Dalmatie_, Grand _Ismael_ mettra son promontoire, Ranes trembler, secours _Lusitanie_.
 A _Barbarian_ fight in the black Corner, Blood shall be spilt, _Dalmatia_ shall tremble for fear, Great _Ismael_ shall set up his promontory, Frogs shall tremble, _Portugal_ shall bring succour.


This Prophecie foretelleth divers accidents in several places, withoutdetermination of any precise time; as for example, I understand by that_Barbarian conflict, near the black Corner_, to be some famous Battleamong the Infidels themselves, some where about the Black Sea; then hesaith, _that abundance of Blood shall be spilt, and ~Dalmatia~ shalltremble_, which is a Province belonging to the _Venetians_, and borderingupon _Græcia_; by great _Ismael_ he understandeth the great Sophy of_Persia_, whose name hath been often so. By the Frogs it is not easie toknow whether he meaneth _France_ or _Spain_, for both abound in that kindof Insects.


 La pille faite a la Coste Marine, _Incita nova_ & parens amenez, Plusieurs de _Malthe_ par le fait de _Messine_, Estroit serrez seront mal guerdonnez.
 The plunder made upon the Sea Coast, _Incita nova_ and friends brought up, Many of _Maltha_, for the fact of _Messina_, Being close kept, shall be ill rewarded.


It seemeth that this Plunder made upon the Sea Coast, shall be about_Messina_, by the _Maltheses_, who afterwards shall rue for it, beingtaken Prisoners, and severely punished.

As for the expression _Incita nova_, it is a barbarous derivation of theLatine, to signifie the stirring of new troubles.


 Au grand de _Cheramonagora_, Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez, Le _Pertinax Oppi_, & _Mandragora_, _Raugon_ d’_Octobre_ le tiers seront laschez.
 To the great one of _Cheramonagora_, Shall be crossed by Ranges, all tyed up, the _Pertinax Oppi_, and _Mandragora_, _Raugon_ the third of _October_ shall be set loose.


The word _Cheramonagora_, is either altogether barbarous andinsignificant, or must be derived from these three Greek words, χεὶρ,_manus_, μόνος, _folus_, and ἄγω, _duco_, and so it may signifie one thanleadeth along by the hand, in which sense may be understood the King of_France_, who alone leadeth his people by the hand, without any help ofCouncel.

The second Verse signifieth the Oppositions he shall meet with among hisNeighbours, combined together to hinder him.

By _Oppi_, he meaneth here _Opium_, the Juice of Poppies, which hecalleth here _Pertinax_; because of its pertinacious quality in procuringsleep, as also _Mandragora_.

By _Raugon_, he meaneth some other soporiferous Herb; so that it seemeththat those three things shall be given upon the third of _October_ tosome body, it seemeth to that _Cheramonagora_, by whom some understandthe King of _France_, others _Oliver_ the last usurpator.


 Plaintes, & pleurs, cris, & grands hurlemens, Pres de _Narbonne_, a _Bayonne_ & en _Foix_, O quels horribles, calamitez, changemens, Avant que _Mars_ revolu quelquefois.
 Complaints and tears, cries, and great howlings, Near _Narbonne_, _Bayonne_ and in _Foix_, O what horrid calamities and changes, Before _Mars_ hath made sometimes his revolution.


_Narbonne_, _Bayonne_, and _Foix_ are Towns of _Languedoc_, a Province in_France_; the rest is easie.


 L’_Æmathian_ passer Monts _Pyrenées_, En _Mars Narbon_ ne fera resistance, Par Mer & Terre sera si grand menée, Cap. n’ayant Terre seure pour demeurance.
 The _Æmathian_ shall pass by the _Pyrenean_ Mountains, In _March Narbon_ shall make no resistance, By Sea and Land he shall make so much ado, Cap. shall not have safe ground to live in.


The _Æmathian_ properly should be the _Macedonian_, but by it isunderstood here the _Spaniard_, whose Countrey is on one side fenced bythe _Pyrenean_ Mountains; the rest is plain.


 Dedans le coing de _Luna_ viendra rendre, Ou sera prins & mis en Terre estrange, Les fruits immeurs seront a grand esclandre, Grand vitupere, a l’un grande loüange.
 He shall come into the corner of _Luna_, Where he shall be taken and put in a strange Land, The green fruits shall be in great disorder, A great shame, to one shall be great praise.


This Stanza hath relation and connexion to the precedent, and by it oughtto be understood, that the said _Æmathian_ or _Spaniard_ shall come asfar as the corner of _Luna_, wherein he shall be taken and sent into astrange Countrey, at which time the green Fruits and Grass shall be muchdamaged, for which one of the parties shall receive great shame, and theother great praise. But what he meaneth by the Corner of _Luna_, I mustleave the judgement of it to the Reader, for I do ingeniously confessthat I neither know City nor Countrey of that name.


 Paix, union, sera & changement, Estats, Offices, bas hault, & hault bien bas, Dresser voiages, le fruit premier, torment, Guerre cesser, civils proces, debats.
 Peace, union, shall be, and mutation, States, and Offices, low high, and high low, A journey shall be prepared for, the first fruit, pains, War shall cease, as also, civil suits, and strifes.


This is easie to be understood, many interpret it of the downfall of_Rome_, at which time all quarrels both of Religion and States would belaid aside, if the world were all of one mind.


 Du haut des Monts a lentour de _Dizere_, Port a la Roche _Valent_, cent assemblez, De _Chasteau-Neuf_, _Pierrelate_, en _Douzere_, Contre le _Crest_, _Romans_ soy assemblez.
 From the top of the Mountains about _Dizere_ Gate at the Rock _Valence_, a hundred gathered together, From _Chasteau-Neuf_, _Pierrelate_, in _Douzere_ Against the _Crest_, _Romans_, shall be gathered.


This is a peculiar Prophecy for the Provinces of _Dauphiné_ and_Languedoc_, in which all the Towns and Rivers here mentioned aresituated.


 Du Mont _Aymar_ sera noble obscurcie, Le mal viendra au joint de _Saone_ & _Rhosne_, Dans bois cachez Soldats jour de _Lucie_, Qui ne fut onc un si horrible Throsne.
 From Mount _Aymar_ shall proceed a Noble obscurity, The evil shall come to the joyning of the _Saone_ and _Rhosne_, Soldiers shall be hid in the Wood on St. _Lucy_’s day, So that there was never such an horrid Throne.


There is a notable fault in the impression of the first Verse of thisStanza, for instead of Mount _Aymar_, it must be _Montlimar_, which isa Town in _Provence_ or _Languedoc_, situated by the River _Rhosne_,the sense therefore of this, is, that from _Montlimar_ shall proceedsome notable and obscure design, and that shall reach as far as _Lyons_,which is the City where the _Saone_ and _Rhosne_ meet, and that for thatpurpose, there shall be hidden a great many Souldiers in a Wood on St._Lucy_’s day, which is the _13th._ of _December_.


 Sur le Mont de _Bailly_ & la _Bresse_, Seront cachez de _Grenoble_ les fiers, Outre _Lyon_, _Vien._ cula si grand gresle, Langoult en Terre n’en cessara un tiers.
 Upon the Mount of _Bailly_, and the Countrey of _Bresse_, Shall be hidden the fierce ones of _Grenoble_, Beyond _Lyons_, _Vienna_, upon them shall fall such a hail, That languishing upon the ground, the third part shall not be left.


The Mount _Bailly_, and the Countrey of _Bressia_, are by _Savoy_, inwhich place (our Author saith) the fierce ones; that is, the stout men of_Grenoble_, the chief Town of _Dauphiné_, shall be hidden, and that sucha Hail shall fall upon them, as not one third part shall be left.


 Harnois trenchans dans les flambeaux cachez, Dedans _Lyon_ le jour du Sacrement, Ceux de _Vienne_ seront tretous hachez, Par les _Cantons_ Latins, _Mascon_ eront.
 Sharp Weapons shall be hidden in burning Torches, In _Lyons_ the day of the Sacrament, Those of _Vienna_ shall be all cut to pieces, By the Latin _Cantons_, after the example of _Mascon_.


This foretelleth a notable Treason that shall be acted at _Lyons_, uponthe Sacraments day, otherwise called _Corpus Christi_ day, upon which the_Roman_ Catholicks are wont to make a Procession with the Sacrament aboutthe Town, with abundance of burning Torches, of fearful bigness, insomuchthat some (as at _Angeirs_) require 20 or 24 men to carry them, in thoseTorches (our Author saith) shall Weapons be hidden, by means of which thefact shall be committed. The rest is easie.


 Au lieux Sacrés, animaux veus a _Trixe_, Avec celuy qui nosera le jour, A _Carcassonne_ pour disgrace propice, Sera posé pour plus ample sejonr.
 In the Sacred places, Animals shall be seen at _Trixe_, With him that shall not dare in the day, In _Carcassonne_ for a favourable disgrace, He shall be set to make a longer stay.


Whether the Author did understand himself here I know not, I am sure I donot; _Carcassonne_ is a City of _Languedoc_, and _Trixe_ is a barbarousword.


 Encor seront les Saints Temples pollus, Et expilez par Senat _Tholosain_, _Saturne_ deux trois Siecles revolus, Dans _Auril_, _May_, gens de nouveau Levain.
 Once more shall the Holy Temples be polluted, And depredated by the Senate of _Thoulouze_, _Saturn_ two three Ages finished, In _April_, _May_, people of a new Leaven.


This is, when the Planet _Saturn_ hath finished twice three Ages;that is, 600 years from the time that this Prophecy was written, thenthe Senates of _Thoulouze_, being men of a new Leaven (meaning beingProtestants) shall cause the _Romish_ Churches to be polluted anddepredated in the Months of _April_ and _May_.


 Dans _Foix_ entrez Roy Cerulée Turban, Et regnera moins evolu _Saturne_, Roy Turban Blanc, _Bizance_ cœur ban, _Sol_, _Mars_, _Mercure_, pres la Hurne.
 In _Foix_ shall come a King with a Blew Turbant, And shall Reign before _Saturn_ is revolved, Then a King with a White Turbant shall make _Bizance_ to quake, _Sol_, _Mars_, _Mercury_, being near the top of the Mast.


_Foix_ is a Countrey of _France_, near _Gascony_, where the Author saith,a King with a Blew Turbant shall come, and shall govern less then an Age,that is 100 years, after which another King with a White Turbant shallcome, and shall Conquer _Bizance_ (which in Latine is _Constantinople_)the Blew or Green Turbant is attributed to the great _Turk_, and theWhite one to the King of _France_, by whom the _Turks_ have a Prophecie,their Monarchy shall be subverted.


 Dans la Cité de _Fertsod_ homicide, Fait & fait multe Bœuf arant ne macter, Retour encore aux honneurs d’_Artemide_, Et a _Vulcan_ corps morts sepulturer.
 In the City of _Fertsod_ one murdered, Causeth a Fine to be laid for killing a plowing Oxe, There shall be a return of the honours due to _Artemide_, And _Vulcan_ shall bury dead bodies.


What is that City of _Fertsod_, is hard to guess, there being none ofthis name in _Europe_ that I know. The rest of the words are plain,though the sense be abstruce enough, therefore we shall leave them to theliberty of the Reader.


 De l’_Ambraxie_ & du pais de _Thrace_, Peuple par Mer, Mal, & secours _Gaulois_, Perpetuelle en _Provence_ la Trace, Avec vestiges de leur Coustumes & Loix.
 From _Ambraxia_, and from the Countrey of _Thracia_, People by Sea, Evil, and _French_ succours, The Trace of it shall be perpetual in _Provence_, The footsteps of their Customs and Laws remaining.


What Countrey this _Ambraxia_ should be, is yet unknown, for my part Itake it to be a forged word, as for _Thracia_ it is a Countrey between_Hungary_ and _Greece_.

Observe here that Evil is not an Epithete, to either People or Sea, but aword of admiration by it self, as _malum_ in Latine, which is called _voxadmirantis_.


 Avec le noir _Rapax_ & sanguinaire, Yssu du peaultre de l’inhumain _Neron_, Emmy deux Fleuves main gauche Militaire, Sera meurtry par _Joyn Chaulveron_.
 With the Black and bloody _Rapax_, Descended from the paultry of the inhumane _Nero_, Between two Rivers, on the left Military hand, He shall be murdered by _Joyne Caulveron_.


This Prophecie portendeth the death of a black, bloody, and ravenous man(which in Latine is _Rapax_) who shall be murdered between two Rivers, byone whose proper name shall be _Joyne Chaulveron_.


 Le Regne prins le Roy conviera, La Dame prinse a mort jurez a sort, La vie a Royne Fils on desniera, Et la pellix au fort de la consort.
 The Kingdom being taken, the King shall invite, The Lady taken to death, The Life shall be denyed unto the Queens Son, And the Pellix shall be at the height of the Consort.


You must observe, that there is a word false printed, which is _Pellix_,instead of which should be _Pellex_, which in Latine signifieth a whor*or Concubine.

The sense therefore of this is, that a certain King having taken anotherKingdom, shall put the Queen of it to death, as also her own Son, afterwhich, he shall make his Concubine Queen.


 La Dame _Grecque_ de Beauté laydique, Heureuse faite de proces innumerable, Hors translatée au Regne _Hispanique_, Captive prinse mourir mort miserable.
 The _Græcian_ Lady of exquisite Beauty, Made happy from innumerable quarrels, Being translated into the _Spanish_ Kingdom, Shall be made a Prisoner, and die a miserable death.


This Stanza is concerning the Lady _Elizabeth_ of _France_, Daughter to_Henry_ the II. and Sister to _Charles_ the IX. who being promised firstto _Don Carlo Infante_ of _Spain_, was afterwards Married to his Father_Philip_ the II. at which the young man being vexed and discontented,began to raise combustions in the State, for which, and his too muchfamiliarity with his Mother in Law, he was strangled by his Fatherscommand, and she poisoned.


 Le Chef de Classe par fraude, stratageme, Fera timides sortir de leurs Galeres, Sortis meurdris chef renieux de Cresme, Puis par l’Embusche luy rendront les salaires.
 The Commander of a Fleet by fraud and stratagem, Shall cause the fearful ones to come forth of their Galleys, Come out murdered, chief renouncer of Baptism, After that by an Ambuscado they’l give him again his salary.


The two first Verses are plain, the third signifieth, that these fearfulones being come out of their Galleys, part of them shall be murdered, andamong them the Captain, a renouncer of his Baptism, or Renegado, and therest afterwards by an Ambuscado, shall requite in the same Coin thosethat had used them so.


 Le Duc voudra les siens exterminer, Envoyera les plus forts, lieux estranges, Par tyrannie _Bize_ & _Luc_ ruiner, Puis les _Barbares_ sans Vin feront Vendanges.
 The Duke shall endeavour to exterminate his own, And shall send away the strongest of them into remote places, He shall also ruinate _Bize_ and _Luc_, The _Barbarians_ shall make Vintage without Wine.


There is a great fault in the impression of the _French_ Copy in thisStanza, which maketh the sense altogether inexplicable, it must then instead of _Bize_ and _Luc_, be written _Pise_ and _Lucques_, which are twoTowns in _Italy_, near the Duke of _Florence_’s Dominions; one of theseTowns, _viz._ _Pisa_ he hath taken already, and from a Common-Wealth madeit subject to himself; the other though several times attempted by him,hath preserved its liberty to this day. The last Verse signifieth, thatafter this is come to pass, the _Barbarians_, that is, the _Florentinsshall make Vintage without Wine_; that is, shall plunder and spoil attheir pleasure.


 LeRoy rusé entendra ses Embusches, De trois quartiers Ennemis assaillir, Un nombre estrange Larmes de coqueluches, Viendra _Lamprin_ du traducteur faillir.
 The crafty King shall hear of his Ambuscadoes, And shall assail his Enemies on three sides, A strange number of Friers, mens Tears, Shall cause _Lamprin_ to desert the Traitor.


The only difficulty here is to know who that _Lamprin_ should be, whoshall be diverted from following a Traitor (which he meaneth here by the_French_ word _Traducteur_) and shall be diverted from it by the Tears ofFryers, which are meant here by the ancient _French_ word _Coqueluches_,which signifieth a Fryers Cool or Capuchon.


 Par le Deluge & pestilence forte, La Cité grande de long temps Assiegée, La Sentinelle & Garde de main morte, Subite prinse mais de nul outragée.
 The great City having been long Besieged, By an Innundation and violent Plague, The Sentinal and Watch being surprised, Shall be taken on a sudden, but hurt by no body.


This is very plain, if by the great City you understand _Paris_, who issubject to frequent Innundations and Plagues.


 Sol Vingt de _Taurus_, si fort terre tremblera, Le grand Theatre remply ruinera, L’Air, Ciel, & Terre, obscurcir & troubler, Lors l’Infidele Dieu, & Saints voguera.
 The Sun being in the _20th_ of _Taurus_, the Earth shall so quake, That it shall fill and ruinate the great Theater The Air, the Heaven, & the Earth shall be so darkened, and troubled, That the unbelievers shall call upon God, and his Saints.


This famous Earth-quake having not yet happened in _Europe_, it is liketo happen within few years, for our Authors Prophecies (by his ownconfession) do not extend further than the year 1700.


 Roy exposé parfaira l’Hecatombe, Apres avoir trouve son Origine, Torrent ouvrir de Marbre & Plomb la Tombe, D’un grand _Romain_ d’Enseigne _Medusin_.
 The King exposed shall fulfill the Hecatombe, After he hath found out his Offspring, A Torrent shall open the Sepulcher, made of Marble and Lead, Of a great _Roman_, with a _Medusean_ Ensign.


This Prophecie is divided into two parts, The first two Verses areconcerning a King, who shall perform the Funeral Rites and Ceremoniesto his Parents, when he is come to the knowledge of them, having beenexposed for lost before.

The two last Verses are concerning an ancient Sepulcher of a _Roman_,that shall be digged up and found out by a Torrent, and the Arms of thesaid _Roman_ shall be something like the head of _Medusa_, whose Hairswere Serpents, and was so fearful to behold, that by seeing of it, thebeholders were turned into stones.


 Passer _Guenne_, _Languedoc_, & le _Rhosne_, D’_Agen_ tenants, de _Marmande_ & la _Reole_, D’Ouvrir par foy parroy, _Phocen_ tiendra son Throne, Conflict aupres Saint _Pol_ de _Manseole_.
 They shall pass over _Gascony_, _Languedoc_, and the _Rhosne_, From _Agen_ keeping _Marmande_, and the _Reole_, To open the Wall by Faith, _Phocen_ shall keep his Throne, A Battle shall be by St. _Paul_ of _Manseole_.


The whole of this Prophecie signifieth no more, but that an Army shallpass through all these places, and that at last there will be a Battlefought by that place, called St. _Paul de Manseole_.


 Du _Bourg la Reyne_ parviendront droit a _Chartres_, Et feront pres du _Pont Antony_ pose, Sept pour la paix cauteleux comme _Martres_, Feront entrée d’Armée a _Paris_ clause.
 From _Bourg la Reyne_ they shall come straight to _Chartres_, And shall make a stand near _Pont Antony_, Seven for Peace as crafty as _Martres_, They shall enter in _Paris_ besieged with an Army.


_Bourg la Reyne_ is a little town within six Miles of _Paris_, _Chartres_is the chief City of the Province _Beausse_, _Pont Antony_ is a littleTown between them both, so that the sense of the whole is this, thatseven men, crafty like _Martres_ (which are those _Russia_ Foxes thatafford the richest Furres, called _Martres Zibellines_) shall go from_Bourg la Reyne_ to _Chartres_, making a little stay at _Pont Antony_,and then shall come with an Army into _Paris_, which shall be besieged atthat time, I believe this Prophecy is come to pass already in the time ofthe Civil Wars of _France_; but for want of the History I could not quotethe time.


 Par la Forest du _Touphon_ essartée Par Hermitage sera posé le Temple, Le Duc d’_Estampes_ par sa ruse inventée, Du _Montlehery_ Prelat donra exemple.
 By the Forrest _Touphon_ cut off, By the Hermitage shall the Temple be set, The Duke of _Estampes_ by his invented trick, Shall give example to the Prelat of _Montlehery_.


Here is a fault in the Impression, for instead of _Touphon_, it must bewritten _Torfou_, which is a Forrest some 30 Miles from _Paris_ towards_Beausse_, near which is seated the Town of _Montlehery_, in the saidForrest is seated an Hermitage, and not far from thence the City of_Estampes_, which carryeth the Title of Dutchy; so that the sense ofit is this, that this Forrest being cut off (as it is now for the mostpart) in the place where that Hermitage was, shall be built a Church orConvent, as it is now _Cælestins friars_, called _Marcoussy_, and thatthe said Hermitage shall be taken from the jurisdiction of the Town of_Montlehery_, under which it was before.


 _Calais_, _Arras_, secours a _Theroanne_, Paix & semblant simulera l’escoute, Soulde d’_Allobrox_ descendra par _Roane_, Destornay peuple qui defera la routte.
 _Calais_, _Arras_, shall give succours to _Theroanne_, Peace or the like, shall dissemble the hearing, Souldiers of _Allobrox_ shall descend by _Roane_, People perswaded, shall spoil the March.


This Prophecy did happen in the time of _Henry_ the II. King of _France_,about the year 1559.

The last Verse saith, that those two Towns _Calais_ and _Arras_ gavesuccours to _Theroanne_, that is to the Countrey where _Therouenne_ wasseated, which was destroyed by _Charles_ the V. Emperour. This Countreywas called _Ponthieu_, of which _Therouenne_ was the chief Town.

The second Verse doth determine the time whereabout this came to pass,when he saith, _peace or the like shall dissemble the hearing_; becausein the year 1556. in the beginning of _February_ there was a Truce forfive years between the two Crowns of _France_ and _Spain_, concerningthe Low Countreys, and this Truce signified not much, nor was wellcemented, so that the Author saith, _Peace or the like shall dissemblethe hearing_; that is, shall fain not to hear that the Cardinal _Caraffa_did endeavour in _France_ to have the Truce broken.

The third Verse is obscure, because of a fault in the Impression,wherein they have put _Ronane_ instead of _Noanne_, that is _Hannone_ bytransposition of letters, but that being corrected, the Verse is clear,supposing that _Philibertus Emanuel_ Duke of _Savoy_ was General of theArmy, against _France_ in the _Low-Countreis_, and wandering about to dosome notable exploit, he came down through the Province of _Hainault_,called in Latine _Hannonia_, and came to _Mariembourg_, as if he wouldhave Besieged it, but after some light skirmishes he laid Siege to_Rocroy_, and this is the meaning of the third Verse, when he saith,_Souldiers of ~Allobrox~ shall descend by ~Noanne~_, that is, Souldiersin the Army of the Duke of _Savoy_, which in Latine is _Allobrox_, camedown to _Mariembourg_, and turned back again to _Rocroy_.

The fourth Verse mentioneth what did happen at the Siege of _Rocroy_;that place being not yet very well fortified; the King was unwilling toput any of his best Souldiers therein, but the Duke of _Nevers_ undertookthe defence of it, which he did really and gloriously perform, in somuch, that the Duke of _Savoy_ was compelled to raise up the Siege, andgoing back towards St. _Quentin_, he took _Vervins_ by storm, and gavethe booty of it to his Souldiers, who took heart upon it, having beenmuch discouraged before by the resistance of the Duke of _Nevers_. Thisis the sense of the fourth Verse, _People persuaded shall spoil themarch_; that is, the people of _Rocroy_ persuaded to hold out by thecourage and presence of the Duke of _Nevers_, spoiled the march that theDuke of _Savoy_ had propounded to himself, insomuch, that raising theSiege he went to _Vervins_, and from thence to St. _Quentin_.


 Sept ans _Philip_ fortune prospere, Rabaissera des _Barbares_ l’effort, Puis son midy perplex rebours affaire, Jeune _Ogmion_ abysmera son fort.
 _Philip_ shall have seven years of prosperous fortune, Shall beat down the attempt of the _Barbarians_, Then in his Noon he shall be perplexed and have untoward business, Young _Ogmion_ shall pull down his strength.


This Stanza was made concerning _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_, who forthe first seven years that he came to his Crown, had prosperous fortune,did brave exploits against the _Barbarians_, and chiefly in the personof his Brother _Don Juan_ of _Austria_, who got the memorable Battle of_Lapantho_ against the _Turks_, but in the middle of _his Noon_, thatis of his Age, fell into great perplexities and cross businesses, beingconstrained to put his onely son _Don Carla_ to death, and to poison hiswife and after that never prospered, when young _Ogmion_ (that is _Henry_IV. King of _France_) came to the Crown.


 Un Capitaine de la grand _Germanie_, Se viendra rendre par simulé secours, Au Roy des Roys, aide de _Pannonie_, Que sa revoke fera de sang grand cours.
 A Captain of the great _Germany_, Shall come to yield himself with a fained help, Unto the King of Kings, help of _Hungary_, So that his revolt shall cause a great bloodshed.


_Pannonia_ in Latine is _Hungary_, there is nothing hard in this, unlessit be what he meaneth by the King of Kings, whether it be the great Turkor the Emperour.


 L’Horrible peste _Perynthe_ & _Nicopole_, Le _Chersonese_ tiendra & _Marceloine_, La _Thessalie_ naistera l’_Amphipole_, Mal incogneu & le refus d’_Antoine_.
 The horrid pestilence shall seize upon _Perynthe_ and _Nicopolis_, The _Chersonese_ and _Marceloine_, It shall waste _Thessalia_ and _Amphipolis_, An unknown evil and the refusal of _Antony_.


There is several faults in the impression here, for instead of_Perynthe_, it must be _Corinth_. For _Marceloine_, it must be_Macedoine_: the substance of the whole is, that there shall be a greatplague in all these Countries of _Asia_. The refusal of _Antony_ isfoisted here to make up the rime with _Macedony_.


 Le Roy voudra dans Cité neufve entrer, Par ennemis expugner l’on viendra, Captif libere, faulx dire & perpetrer, Roy dehors estre, loin d’ennemis tiendra.
 The King shall desire to enter into the new City, With foes they shall come to overcome it, The Prisoner being free, shall speak and act falsly, The King being gotten out, shall keep far from enemies.


The sense of all these words so ill jointed, is no more but that acertain King shall desire to enter into a new City, and there they shallcome and Besiege him, where he shall both act and speak deceitfully toget his liberty, which having obtained, shall keep far from his foes.


 Les ennemis du Fort bien esloignez, Par Chariots conduits le Bastion, Par sur les Murs de _Bourges_ esgrongnez, Quand _Hercules_ battra l’_Hæmathion_.
 The enemies being a good way from the Fort, Shall upon Wagons be conducted to the Bulwark, From the top of _Bourges_ Walls they shall be cut less, When _Hercules_ shall beat the _Hæmathion_.


_Bourges_ is the chief City of a Province in _France_ called _Berry_.

There is nothing difficult in this, but onely what he meaneth by_Hercules beating the Æmathion_, unless by _Hercules_ he meaneth the_French_, and by _Æmathion_ the _Spaniard_.


 Foibles Galeres seront unis ensemble, Ennemis faux, le plus fort en rempart, Foible assailies _Wratislavie_ tremble; _Lubeck_ & _Mysne_ tiendront _Barbare_ part.
 Weak Galleys shall be united together, False enemies, the strongest shall be fortified, Weak assaults, and yet _Breslaw_ quaketh for fear, _Lubeck_ and _Misne_ shall take the part of the _Barbarians_.


_Breslaw_, _Lubeck_ and _Misne_, are three Cities of _Germany_; the restis plain.


 Le nouveau fait conduira l’exercite, Proche apamé jusque aupres du Rivage, Tendant secours de _Melanoise_ eslite, Duc yeux privé, a _Milan_ fer de Cage.
 The new man shall lead up the Army, Near _Apamé_, till near the Bank, Carrying succours of choice Forces from _Milan_, The Duke deprived of his eyes, and an Iron Cage at _Milan_.


_Apamé_ is a barbarous word, at least I cannot tell what language it is,the rest is plain enough, and signifieth that a Duke shall be deprived ofhis eyes, and shall be put in an Iron Cage at _Milan_.


 Dans Cité entrer exercite desniée, Duc entrera par persuasion, Aux foibles portes clam Armée amenée, Mettront feu, mort, de sang effusion.
 The Army being denied the entrance of the City, The Duke shall enter by persuasion, To the weak Gates, _clam_ the Army being brought, Shall put all to fire and sword.


_Clam_ here is in Latine _præposition_, signifying secretly; the rest iseasie.


 De Mer Copies en trois parts divisées, A la seconde les Vivres failliront, Desesperez cherchant Champs _Elisées_, Premiers en breche entrez victoire auront.
 A Fleet being divided into three parts, The victuals will fail the second part, Being in despaire they’l seek the _Elysian_ Fields, And entring the breach first, shall obtain victory.


A Fleet being divided into three parts, the second division shall fallinto want of victuals, for which being desperate, they shall attempt theTown of the enemy, and shall enter it by the breach, and get the victory.


 Les affligez par faute d’un seul taint, Contremenant a partie opposite, Aux _Lygonois_ mandera que contraint, Seront de rendre le grand chef de _Molite_.
 The afflicted want of one only died, Carrying against the opposite part, Shall send word to those of _Lyon_, they shall be compelled, To surrender the great chief of _Molite_.


This is the most nonsensical thing that is in all the Book, for neitherthe words nor the connexion is intelligible, therefore it being so muchout of the common road of our Author, I am apt to believe that it was atfirst very falsly printed, and that those that came after, were loth toalter it for the respect of antiquity.


 Vent _Aquilon_ fera partir le Siege, Par murs jetter cendres, chaulx, & poussiere, Par pluye apres qui leur sera bien piege, Dernier secours encontre leur Frontiere.
 The North wind shall cause the Siege to be raised, They shall throw ashes, lime, and dust, By a rain after that shall be a trap to them, It shall be the last succours against their Frontiere.


Here is described a notable stratagem of a Besieged Town, who againstrainy weather cast so much ashes, lime and dust, that the rain comingthereupon, it made such a mire, as the Besiegers were not able to assaultit.


 Navale pugne nuict sera superée, Le feu, aux Naves a l’Occident ruine, Rubriche neuve, la grand néf colorée, Ire a vaincu, & victoire en bruine.
 In a Sea-fight, night shall be overcome, By fire, to the Ships of the West ruine shall happen, A new stratagem, the great Ship coloured, Anger to the vanquished, and victory in a Mist.


He foretelleth of a Sea-fight in the night, wherein by the light of theburning Ships night shall be overcome, the Ships that came from the Westshall be worsted, and by a stratagem of a great Ship painted in colours,anger shall remain to the vanquished, and the victory shall be got in aMist.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 A l’Ennemy, l’ennemy foy promise, Ne se tiendra, les captifs retenus, Prins preme mort & le reste en chemise, Donnant le reste pour estre secourus.
 To the enemy, the enemy faith promised, Shall not be kept, the prisoners shall be detained, The first taken, put to death, and the rest stripped, Giving the remnant that they may be succoured.


These words are plain, though the sense be a little intricated, and thecontents being of small concernments, deserve no further explanation.


 Voile Gallere Voile nef Cachera, La grand Classe viendra sortir la moindre, Dix Naves proches le tourneront poulser, Grand vaincüe, unies a soy joindre.
 The Galley and the Ship shall hide their Sails, The great Fleet shall make the little one to come out, Ten Ships near hand, shall turn and push at it, The great being vanquished, they shall unite together.


These are some particularities of a Sea fight between a great Fleet and asmall one, wherein he saith, that some had hid their Sails, belike theywere unwilling to come out of the Harbour and to fight; but he saith,that the great Fleet will compel the little one to come out; but tengreat Ships will come to help the little Fleet, and after the great onehath been overcome, will joyn themselves to the little Fleet.


 En apres cinq troupeau ne mettra hors, Un fuitif pour _Penelon_ laschera, Faux murmurer secours venir par lors, Le Chef le Siege lors abandonnera.
 After that, five shall not put out his flock, He’l let loose a runnaway for _Penelon_, There shall be a false rumour, succours shall come then, The Commander shall forsake the Siege.


This Stanza is either nonsensical or falsely printed, and what he meanethby _Penelon_, is utterly unknown.


 Sur la minuit conducteur de l’Armée, Se sauvera subit esvanovy, Sept ans apres la fame non blasmée, A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.
 About midnight the leader of the Army, Shall save himself, vanishing suddenly, Seven years after his fame shall not be blamed And at his return he shall never say yea.


This is plain of a General of an Army, who shall forsake his Army,and save himself, and yet seven years after when he cometh back, hisreputation shall be as clear, as if he never had committed such an errour.


 _Albi_ & _Castres_ feront nouvelle ligue, Neuf _Arriens_, _Lisbonne_, & _Portuguez_, _Carcas._ _Thoulouze_, consumeront leur brigue Quand chef neuf monstre de _Lauraguez_.
 _Albi_ and _Castres_ shall make a new league, Nine _Arriens_, _Lisbonne_, and _Portuguez_, _Carcas._ _Thoulouse_, shall make an end of their confederacy; When the new chief shall come from _Lauragais_.


_Albi_, _Castres_, _Carcassonne_, and _Thoulouse_, are Cities of_Languedock_, which our Author saith, will enter into a confederacy amongthemselves, and joyn with _Lisbon_ and the _Portuguez_, and this shallhappen when the general of the Army, shall be one born in _Lauragais_,which is another of the same Province.


 _Gardon_ a _Nismes_ eaux si haut desborderont, Qu’on cuidera _Deucalion_ renaistre, Dans le _Colosse_ la pluspart fuiront, Vesta Sepulchre feu esteint apparoistre.
 _Gardon_ at _Nismes_, waters shall overflow so high, That they’l think that _Deucalion_ is born again, Most of them will run into the _Colossus_, And a Sepulchre, and fire extinguished, shall appear.


Near _Nismes_ there is the River called _Gardon_, which cometh from St._Romans_, and dischargeth it self into the _Rhosne_ at _Beaucaire_, thereis to be seen in that City abundance of _Antiquitez_, which the _Goths_had built 1150. years before; there is also many _Roman_ Antiquities,as an _Amphitheater_, so well builded that neither the _Goths_ nor the_Saracens_, nor _Attila_, nor _Charles Martel_, with all their power,could not utterly demolish it. The Author nameth it _Colossus_, becauseits building appeared like a _Colossus_ for solidity.

There is also an ancient Temple which is called the _Fountain_, buildedas a Quadrangle, and supported by two rows of great Pillars, which atpresent is a Church of Nuns.

This being supposed, the River of _Gardon_ did overflow so much, thatit* Waters joyning with that of a Flood that happened there the ninthof _September_ 1557. every one thought that _Deucalion_ had been bornagain. The Author saith this; because in the fables of the ancients._Deucalion_ is thought to be the Author of the Flood which _Ovid_mentioneth. During this Flood which was like to overflow the Town, aswell as the Countrey, many did retire themselves into that Amphitheater.

And in that ancient Temple of the _Fountain_, the Waters overthrowinga great many old buildings did discover abundance of Antiquities, andamongst the rest one of those Lamps that burneth always, in the Sepulchreof a _Vestal_, which went out as soon as it felt the fresh Air.

In confirmation of this, the History of _Provence_ saith, that the stormbegan about five of the Clock in the Morning, and lasted till Eightof the Clock at night, and that these waters did uncover abundance ofAntiquities that were hidden 1100. years before, as Pillars, Portico’s,Medals, Jasper-stones, and serpentine-stones, pieces of broken Vessels,Epitaphs, lodging Rooms, and Caves, and all other things that use to befound in the ruines of a Palace.

There was also heard in the Air Dogs barking, Pillars of fire, Armed menfighting, and were seen two Suns in the Clouds of the Colour of Blood,all which were the sad presages of the Civil Wars of _France_ presentlyafter, and chiefly that of _Provence_.

The ninth Century in the ninth Stanza, speaketh almost the same, andsheweth that _Nismes_ shall perish by Water.


 Le grand conflict qu’on appreste a _Nancy_, L’_Æmathien_ dira tout je soubmets, L’Isle _Britane_ par Vin Sel en solcy, _Hem. mi._ deux _Phi._ long temps ne tiendra _Mets_.
 A great War is preparing at _Nancy_, The _Æmathien_ shall say I submit to all, The _British_ Island shall be put in care by Salt and Wine, _Hem. mi._ two _Phi._ shall not keep _Mets_ long.


_Nancy_ is the chief City of _Lorrain_, and by the _Æmathien_ isunderstood the _French_, the _British_ Isle is _England_, which is saidhere, shall come into great distress by Salt and Wine, because theCountrey aboundeth in those two Commodities. The last Verse I do notunderstand, save that _Mets_ is a great City in _Lorrain_.


 _Index_ & _Poulse_ parfondera le front De _Senegalia_ le Comte a son Fils propre, La _Myrnamée_ par plusieurs de plain front, Trois dans sept jours blessez mort.
 _Index_ and _Poulse_ shall break the forehead, Of the Son of the Earl of _Senegalia_, The _Myrnamée_ by many at a full bout, Three within seven days shall be wounded to death.


_Senegalia_ is a Town in _Italy_, all what can be gathered out of theobscurity of this Stanza, is, that the son of the Earl of that Town shallhave his forehead broken, and within seven days after, three more shallbe wounded to death.


 De _Castilon figuieres_ jour de brune, De femme infame naistra Souverain Prince, Surnum de chausses per hume luy posthume, Onc Roy ne fut si pire en sa Province.
 Out of _Castilon figuieres_ upon a misty day, From an infamous woman shall be born a Soveraign Prince, His surname shall be from _Breeches_, himself a posthume, Never a King was worse in his Province.


_Castilon figuieres_ is a petty Town in _Provence_, in which he saiththat a Soveraign Prince shall be born of an infamous Woman, and shall bea posthume, which in Latine signifieth one that is born after his Fathersdeath; he saith also that his name shall be derived from _Breeches_ andthat never a King was worse in his Countrey, whether by worse, he meanethin manners or fortune, I know not.


 Tasche de murdre, enormes Adulteres, Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain, Que sera pire qu’ayeulx, Oncles ne Pere, En fer, feu, eau, sanguin & inhumain.
 Endeavour of Murder, enormous Adulteries, A great enemy of all mankind, That shall be worse then Grand-father, Uncle, or Father, In Iron, fire, water, bloody and inhumane.


This Stanza as well as the next hath relation to the precedent, makingmention what a wicked person shall that Posthume be of which he spokebefore.


 Dessoubs _Jonchere_ du dangereux passage, Fera passer le posthume sa bande, Les Monts _Pyrens_ passer hors son bagage, De _Parpignan_ courira Duc a _Tende_.
 Below _Joncheres_ dangerous passage, The posthume shall cause his Army to go over, And his Baggage to go over the _Pyrenean_ Mountains, A Duke shalt run from _Perpignan_ to _Tende_.


This is still concerning the same posthume or Bastard, who shall causehis Army to pass at _Jonchere_, and his Bagage to go over the _Pyrenean_Mountains, which parts _Spain_ from _France_, and that upon the fearof him a Duke shall run from _Perpignan_, which is the chief City of_Roussillon_ to _Tende_, which is a little Town in _Provence_.


 Esleu en Pape, d’Esleu sera mocqué, Subit soudain, esmeu prompt & timide, Par trop bon doux a mourir provoqué, Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide.
 Elected for a Pope, from Elected shall be baffled, Upon a sudden, moved quick and fearful, By too much sweetness provooked to die, His fear being out in the night shall be Leader to his death.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in the person of the Cardinal _SantaSeverina_, who in the Conclave of Cardinals after the death of Pope_Innocent_ IX. was Elected Pope, and presently after was baffled by thesame Cardinals, and _Clement_ the VIII. chosen in his place, for whichthe other a little while after died for grief.


 Soubs la pasture d’animaux ruminans, Par eux conduits au ventre _Herbi-polique_, Soldats cachez, les armes bruit menants, Non loin tentez de Cité _Antipolique_.
 Under the pasture of Beasts chewing the cud, Conducted by them to the _Herbi-polique_ belly, Souldiers hidden, the Weapons making a noise, Shall be attempted not far from _Antipolick_ City.


The sense of this is, that some Souldiers disguised like Herds-men, shalllead Oxen into a place where were hidden before Weapons in the Grass, butthe Weapons making a noise by their clashing they shall be discovered,not far from a place that he calleth here _Antipolique_, purposelyto rime with _Herbipolique_ in _French_, which word _Herbipolique_signifieth a Town of Pasture.


 _Urnel_, _Vaucile_, sans conseil de soy mesmes, Hardy, timide par crainte prins vaincu, Accompagné de plusieurs putains, blesme, A _Barcelonne_ aux Chartreux convaincu.
 _Urnel_, _Vaucile_, without advice of his own, Stout and fearful, by fear taken and overcome, Pale, and in company of many whor*s, Shall be convicted at _Barcelone_ by the Charterhouse.


This Stanza is an Horoscope, which the Author made upon that Gentlemannamed _Urnel Vaucille_, and signifieth that the said man should findhimself in such perplexity that he could not be able to take advice whatto do, and that fear should make him hide himself, to be apprehended, ina place where he should be taken.

When he was taken, he was presently convicted of those crimes that hewas accused of: therefore the Officers of Justice did conduct him to theCharter-house of _Barcelone_, which is four miles from the said Town, ina place called _Campo alegre_, for the beauty and situation of it, tothat place many whor*s did accompany him to receive the punishment theyhad deserved, therefore the Author saith that he went thither pale, asforeseeing the terrour of the punishment he was to undergo.


 Pere Duc vieux d’ans & de soif chargé, Au jour extreme fils desniant l’esguiere, Dedans le puis vif, mort viendra plongé, Senat au fils la mort longue & legere.
 A Father Duke, aged and very thirsty, In his extremity, his son denying him the Ewer, Alive into a Well, where he shall be drowned, For which the Senate shall give the son a long and easie death.


It is a Duke very aged who shall die of a Dropsie, or of some otherburning disease, which will make him very thirsty, the Physitians shallforbid any water to be given him, therefore this Duke shall press his sonvery much to give him the Ewer, that he may drink his fill, but his sonrefusing, the Father shall fall into such a rage, that being alone hewill go and throw himself into a Well, where he shall be drowned.

This unhappy death will be the cause of much murmuring, and the Senateor Parliament of that place will make enquiry after it, by which enquirythe son will be found guilty, therefore for his punishment, he shall becondemned to a long and easie death, as to live all his days in someMonastery.


 Heureux au Regne de _France_ heureux de vie, Ignorant sang, mort, fureur, rapine, Par non flatteurs seras mis en envie, Roy desrobé, trop de foy en cuisine.
 Happy in the Kingdom of _France_, happy in his Life, Ignorant of blood, death, fury, of taking by force, By no flatterers shall be envied, King robbed, too much faith in Kitchin.


This is a Prognostication of a King of _France_, who though happy in hisReign and Life, and being given to no great vices, as blood, fury, ortaking by force, yet shall be much envied and robbed by his Subjects, andchiefly by those he trusteth about his Kitchin.


 La Reyne _Ergaste_ voiant sa fille blesme, Par un regret dans l’estomach enclos, Cris lamentables seront lors d’_Angolesme_, Et au germain mariage forclos.
 Queen _Ergaste_ seeing her Daughter pale, By a regret contained in her Breast, Then shall great cries come out of _Angolesme_, And the Marriage shall be denyed to the Cousin German.


It is unknown what Queen he meaneth by the name of _Ergaste_; the rest iseasie. _Angolesme_ is a City of _Gascony_ or _Languedoc_.


 Le rang _Lorrain_ fera place a _Vendosme_, Le haut mis bas, & le bas mis en haut, Le fils d’_Hamon_ sera esleu dans _Rome_, Et les deux grands seront mis en defaut.
 The House of _Lorrain_ shall give place to _Vendosme_ The high pulled down, the low raised up, The son of _Hamon_ shall be Elected into _Rome_, And the two great ones shall not appear.


The two first Verses of this Prophecy were fulfilled in the time of_Henry_ the third King of _France_, in whose time the Duke of _Guise_,and House of _Lorrain_ were grown so powerful in _France_, that theydrove the King from _Paris_, and assumed themselves a rank and authorityover the Princes of the Blood, so that the King was forced to cause themto be slain, after which _Henry_ IV. who was King of _Navarre_ and Dukeof _Vendosme_ took his place again as first Prince of the Blood.

The two last Verses are too obscure to be interpreted, and I believewere onely forced by our Author to make up his Rime, as he hath done inseveral other places.


 Jour que sera pour Roine saluée, Le jour apres le salut, la Priere, Le compte fait raison & valbuée, Par avant humble oncques ne fut si fiere.
 The day that she shall be saluted Queen, The next day after the Evening Prayer, All accompts being summoned and cast up, She that was humble before, never was one so proud.


It is a woman (be like of a small Fortune) who coming to be a Queen byher humility, the next day after Evening Prayer she shall appear soproud, as the like was never seen.


 Tous les amis qu’auront tenu party, Pour rude en lettres mis mort & saccage, Biens publiez par fixe, grand neanty, Onc _Romain_ peuple ne fut tant outrage.
 All the friends that shall have taken the part Of the Unlearned, put to death and robbed, Goods sold publickly by proclamation, a great man seized of them, Never _Roman_ people was so much abused.


The sense of this is, that a great man that took part with all those thatwere unlearned shall be put to death, and their goods praised and soldpublickly, upon which goods another great man shall seize, and this is tobe done in _Rome_.

There is fault in the Impression of the third _French_ Verse, for insteadof _fixe_ it must be _fisc_ and instead of _Neanty_ it must be _Nancy_.


 Par le despit du Roy soustenant moindre, Sera meurdry luy presentant les bagues, Le Pere & Fils voulant Noblesse poindre, Fait comme a _Perse_ jadis firent les _Magues_.
 To spite the King, who took the part of the weaker, He shall be murdered, presenting to him Jewels, The Father and the Son going to vex the Nobility, It shall be done to them as the _Magi_ did in _Persia_.


This is a King who with his son taking the peoples part against theNobility shall be killed, in presenting to him Jewels, and he and his sonshall be dealt with all as the _Magi_, that is the Grandees of _Persia_used to do with their Kings, whom they were wont to murder, or depose.


 Pour ne vouloir consentir au divorce, Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne, Le Roy des Isles sera chassé par force, Mis a son lien qui de Roy n’aura signe.
 For not consenting to the divorce, Which afterwards shall be acknowledged unworthy, The King of the Island shall be expelled by force, And another subrogated, who shall have no mark of a King.


This is plain concerning _England_ and the late calamities thereof,when our gracious King for not consenting to the wicked factions of theParliament then, and that have been acknowledged so since, was expelledby force, and an Usurpator that had not the least sign of a King sat inhis place.


 Au peuple ingrat faites les remonstrances, Par lors l’Armée se saisira d’_Antibe_, Dans larc _Monech_ feront les doleances, Et a _Freius_ l’un l’autre prendra ribe.
 The remonstrances being made to the ungrateful people, At that time the Army shall seize upon _Antibe_, In the River of _Monaco_ they shall make their complaints, And at _Freius_ both of them shall take their share.


This signifieth that at the same time that the remonstrances shall bemade to an ungrateful people; the Army shall seize upon the Town of_Antibe_, which is a Sea Town between _France_ and _Italy_, and thatthere shall be great complaints at _Monaco_, which is another Sea Townnear it, and at the place called _Freius_, both parties shall eitheragree, or divide their shares.


 Le captif Prince aux _Itales_ vaincu, Passera _Gennes_ par Mer jusque a _Marseille_, Par grand effort des forens survaincu, Sauf coup de feu, barril liqueur d’Abeille.
 The captive Prince vanquished in _Italy_, Shall pass by Sea through _Genoa_ to _Marseilles_, By great endeavours of forrain forces overcome, But that a Barrel of Honey shall save him from the fire.


A Prince vanquished in _Italy_, and taken Prisoner shall come through_Genoa_ to _Marseilles_, where he shall be once more overcome bystrangers, but that a Barrel of Honey shall save him from being burnt.This is the sense of the words as near as I can judge, the judiciousReader may make what construction he pleaseth upon them.


 Par _Nebro_ ouvrir de _Brisanne_ passage, Bien esloignez _el tago fara muestra_, Dans _Pelligouxe_ sera commis l’outrage, De la grand Dame assise sur l’_Orchestra_.
 By _Nebro_ to open the passage of _Brisanne_, A great way off, _el tago fara muestra_, In _Pelligouxe_ the wrong shall be done Of the great Lady sitting in the _Orchestra_.


Here once more I lost my Spectacles, and could not see through, thereforeI had rather be silent then coin lies, I shall only tell you, that_orchestra_ in Latine is the seat wherein noble Personages sit at thebeholding of Stage-plays.


 Le successeur vengera son Beau frere, Occuper Regne soubs ombre de vengeance, Occis obstacle son sang mort vitupere, Long temps _Bretagne_ tiendra avec la _France_.
 The Successour shall avenge his Brother in Law, Shall hold by force the Kingdom, upon pretence of revenge, That hinderance shall be killed, his dead blood ashamed, A long time shall _Brittany_ hold with _France_.


This is plain enough of it self, without any interpretation.


 _Charle_ cinquiesme & un grand _Hercules_, Viendront le Temple ouvrir de main bellique, Une Colonne, _Jules_ & _Ascan_ reculez, L’_E’pagne_, clef, Aigle neurent onc si grand pique.
 _Charles_ the Fifth, and one great _Hercules_, Shall open the Temple with a Warlike hand, One Colonne, _Julius_ and _Ascan_ put back, _Spain_, the Key, Eagle were never at such variance.


_Charles_ the V. was the Emperour, and that great _Hercules_ was _Henry_the II. King of _France_, whom he calleth _Hercules_, because he wasKing of _France_, and the Author nameth often in his Stanzas the Kingsof _France Hercules_ or _Ogmions_, because that great Captain of theAntiquity left his name glorious in the _Gaules_, whence the ancientHistorians have given him the name of _Hercules Gallicus_. _Henry_ theII. also was not only an _Hercules_ by being King of _France_, but also agreat _Hercules_, because of his Warlike humour, and for his great featsin Arms.

_To open the Temple_, signifieth to make War, because the _Romans_ inancient time were wont to shut the Temple of _Janus_ in time of Peace,and kept it open during the War. _Cæsar Augustus_ did shut that Templeonce in his time, which was never done before but twice, the first under_Numa Pompilius_, the second after the overcoming of _Charthage_.


 Second & tiers qui font prime Musique, Sera par Roy en honneur sublimée, Par grasse & maigre presque a deny etique; Rapport de _Venus_ faux rendra deprimée.
 Second and third that make prime Musick, Shall by the King be exalted to honour, By a fat one, and a lean one, one in consumption, A false report of _Venus_ shall pull her down.


Notwithstanding the obscurity of this sense, and the bad connexion of thewords, we may perceive that by this Stanza is meant, that a King havingtwo Mistresses shall exalt them in great honour, till by a report madeby a fat woman and a lean one, that is in a consumption, that the saidLadies prove unfaithful to the King, he will depress them as low as theywere before.


 De _Pol Mansol_ dans Caverne caprine, Caché & pris extrait hors par la barbe, Captif mené comme beste mastine, Par _Begourdans_ amenée pres de _Tarbe_.
 From _Pol Mansol_ in a Goats Den, Hidden and taken, drawn out by the beard Prisoner, led as a Mastiff, By _Begourdans_ shall be brought near to _Tarbe_.


Here and in some other places of this work is to be observed, thatthe Author doth sometimes put two Towns instead of one, that he maydistinguish it from others of the same name, as here he calleth _PolMansol_ to distinguish the Town of St. _Paul_, which is three Leaguesfrom the _Rhosne_, over against the Town of _Pont St. Esprit_, from thatwhich is in the lower parts of _Provence_.

The sense therefore of this Stanza is, that this _Begourdans_ (a propername of a man) shall pull out another by the beard, that was hidden in aGoats Den, and shall lead him captive as far as _Tarbe_, which is anotherTown of _Provence_.


 Nepveu & sang du St. nouveau venu, Par le surnom soustient arcs & couvert, Seront chassez mis a mort chassez nu, En rouge & noir convertiront leur vert.
 Nephew and blood of the Saint newly come, By the surname upholdeth Vaults and Covering, They shall be driven, put to death, and driven out naked. They shall change their red and black into green.


Here I confess to be at a loss, as may be a wiser man then I.


 Le Sainct Empire viendra en _Germanie_, _Ismaelites_ trouveront lieux ouverts, Asnes viendront aussy de la _Caramanie_, Les soustenans de Terre tous couverts.
 The Holy Empire shall come into _Germany_, The _Ismaelites_ shall find open places, Asses shall also come out of _Caramania_, Taking their part, and covering the Earth.


By the _Ismaelites_ he meaneth the _Turks_, who brag to be descended from_Ismael_.

_Caramania_ is a Province of _Turky_, so that the sense of this Stanzais, that there shall be a great Invasion of the _Turks_ into _Germany_,and that those of _Caramania_ with their Asses shall come to their help,and shall be in such numbers, as that the Earth shall be covered withthem.


 Le grand Empire chascun en devoit estre, Un sur les autres le viendra obtenir, Mais peu de temps sera son Regne & estre, Deux ans aux Naves se pourra soustenir.
 The great Empire, every one would be of it, One above the rest shall obtain it, But his time and his Reign shall last little, He may maintain himself two years in his Shipping.


This is plain enough without interpretation.


 La faction cruelle a Robe longue, Viendra cacher soubs les pointus Poignards, Saisir _Florence_, le Duc & le _Diphlongue_, Sa discouverte par Immeurs & Flagnards.
 The cruel faction of long Robe, Shall come and hide under the sharp Daggers, Seize upon _Florence_, the Duke and the _Diphlongue_, The discovery of it shall be by Countrey fellows.


This is the Prognostication of a conspiracy against the Duke and Cityof _Florence_, by those of the long Gown, which shall be discovered byCountrey fellows, that live in places without Walls.


 _Gaulois_ qu’Empire par Guerre occupera, Par son Beau-frere mineur sera trahi, Par Cheval rude voltigeant trainera, Du fait le frere long temps sera hay.
 A _Frenchman_ who shall occupy an Empire by War, Shall be betrayed by his Brother in Law a Pupil, He shall be drawn by a rude prancing Horse, For which fact his brother shall be long hated.


This foretelleth of a _Frenchman_, who shall by War obtain an Empireor Kingdom, and shall be betrayed by his Brother in Law a Pupil, whomafterwards he shall treacherously cause to mount a fierce prancing Horse,who shall throw him down and drag him, for which the said King shall behated long after.


 Puisné Roial flagrant d’ardant libide, Pour se jouir de cousine _Germaine_, Habit de femme au Temple d’_Artemide_, Allant murdry par incogneu _du Marne_.
 The Kingly youngest son heated with burning lust, For to enjoy his Cosen German, Shall in womans apparrel go to the Temple of _Artemis_; Going, shall be murdered by unknown _du Marne_.


This is concerning the younger son of a King, who being extreamly inlove with his Cosen German, shall disguise himself in a womans apparel,and shall go so disguised to the Temple of _Artemide_ (that is of someChurch Dedicated to the Virgin _Mary_) to meet her, but in going, shallbe murdered by an unknown man named _du Marne_.


 Apres le Roy du Sud guerres parlant, L’Isle _Harmotique_ le tiendra a mespris, Quelques ans bons rongeant un & pillant, Par tyrannie a l’Isle changeant pris.
 After that the King of the South shall have talked of Wars, The _Harmotick_ Island shall despise him, Some good years gnawing one and plundering, And by tyranny shall change the price of the Island.


The two first Verses are concerning _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_,who is called here the King of the _South_, whom after his vain andfrustrated Invasion of 88. the _Harmotique_ Island (that is _England_)shall deride, and he after that shall have some good years, that isof Peace, still pillaging and plundering his Subjects, and shallchange the price of _England_, that is, make it of a higher value, andmore flourishing then ever it was before, as it did prove in Queen_Elizabeth_’s time.


 Grande assemblée pres du Lac du _Borget_, Se rallieront pres de _Montmelian_, Passants plus outre pensifs feront projet, _Chambray_, _Morienne_, combat Saint _Julian_.
 A great assembly of people near the Lake of _Borget_, Will go and gather themselves about _Montmelian_, Going beyond, they shall make an enterprize, Upon _Chambery_, _Moriene_, and shall fight at St. _Julian_.


This Lake of _Borget_ is in _Savoy_, as also _Montmelian_, _Chambery_,_Moriene_, and St. _Julian_; the meaning of it then is, that a great Armyshall be gathered about that Lake, which shall go through _Chambery_,_Moriene_, and _Montmelian_, and shall fight at St. _Julian_.


 Amour alegre non loin pose le Siege, Au Saint _Barbar_ seront les Garnisons, _Ursins_, _Hadrie_ pour _Gaulois_ feront plaige. Pour peur rendus de l’Armée, aux _Grisons_.
 Cheerful love doth lay Siege not far, The Garrisons shall be at Saint _Barbar_, _Ursini_, _Hadria_ shall be sureties for the _French_, And many for fear shall go from the Army to the _Grisons_.


The first two Verses are inexplicable; the two last signifie that thereshall be an Army of _Frens_, with whom _Hadria_ (that is _Venice_) andthe _Ursini_ the noblest Family in _Italy_ shall take part, insomuch,that many of the contrary party shall run for fear to the _Grisons_,which is a Nation dwelling in the _Valteline_ and other Countreis thereabout, between the _Venetians_ and the _Switzers_.


 Premier fils veusve malheureux mariage, Sans nuls enfans deux Isles en discord, Avant dixhuit incompetant Aage, De l’autre pres plus bas sera l’accord.
 Of the first son a widow, an unhappy match, Without any Children, two Islands at variance, Before eighteen an incompetant Age, Of the other lower shall be the agreement.


Although the words be intricate, nevertheless the sense is plain,concerning _Francis_ the II. King of _France_, who being marriedyoung, and before he was 18. years of Age, to _Mary Stuart_ Queenof _Scotland_, died presently after, and left her a widow, and also_England_ and _Scotland_ (which he calleth here two Islands) at varianceamong themselves; of the last Verse the sense is very obscure, and hathrelation to what did happen afterwards to the said _Mary_ Queen of_Scots_ and Dowager of _France_.


 Le jeune nay au Regne _Britannique_, Qu’aura le Pere mourant recommandé, Iceluy mort _Londre_ donra topique, Et a son fils le Regne demandé.
 The young man born to the Kingdom of _Britanny_, Whom his Father dying shall have recommended, After his death _London_ shall give him a topick, And shall ask the Kingdom from his son.


This Prophecy is plain, concerning his Majesty King _Charles_ II.now Reigning, who having been recommended by his dying Father to hisSubjects, presently after his death they turned tail, and took theKingdom from him for a good while.


 En la frontiere de _Caussade_ & _Charlus_, Non gueres loing du fond de la valée, De _Ville Franche_ Musique a son de Luths, Environnez Combouls & grand myrtée.
 Upon the Frontiere of _Caussade_ and _Charlus_, Not far from the bottom of the Valley, Of _Ville Franche_ there shall be Musick of Lutes, Great dancing and great company of people met together.


_Caussade_, _Charlus_, and _Villefranche_ are little Towns in _Provence_,not far one from another; the rest is easie.


 Le Regne humain d’Angelique geniture, Fera son Regne, paix, union tenir, Captive guerre demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.
 The humane Reign of an Angelical brood, Shall cause his Reign to be in peace and union, Shall make War, captive shutting it half up, He shall cause them to keep peace a great while.


This is only a foretelling of some Gallant Prince, who shall maintain hisSubjects in great peace and tranquility.


 Le trop bon temps, trop de bonté Roiale, Faits & desfaits prompt, subit, negligence, Leger croira faux, despouse loiale, Luy mis a mort par sa benevolence.
 The time too good, too much of Royal bounty, Made and unmade, nimble, quick, negligence, Fickle shall believe false o’ his loyal Spouse, He shall be put to death for his good will.


This is concerning another King, who through his too much goodness,simplicity and negligence, shall make and unmake those about him, andbeing fickle, shall believe false reports, made concerning his own wife;and at last by his to much goodness, shall be put to death.


 Par lors qu’un Roy sera contre les siens; Natif de _Blois_ subjuguera _Ligueres_, _Mammel_, _Cordube_, & les _Dalmatiens_, Des sept puis l’ombre a Roy estrennes & _Lemures_.
 At that time that a King shall be against his own, One born at Blois shall subdue the _Ligures_, _Mammel_, _Cordua_ and the _Dalmatians_, After that the shadow of the seven shall be to the King a new-years gift and Hoggoblins.


_Blois_ is a City in _France_; _Ligures_ are the _Genoeses_, in Latinecalled _Ligures_; as for _Mammel_ I cannot tell what to make of it;_Cordua_ is a City of _Spain_, and the _Dalmatians_ is a Nation near the_Adriatick_ Sea, and under the _Venetians_; I leave the interpretation ofthe last Verse to the ingenious Reader.


 Lombre du Regne de _Navarre_ non vray, Fera la vie de sort illegitime, La vers promis incertain de _Cambray_, Roy d’_Orleans_ donra mur legitime
 The shadow of the Reign of _Navarre_ not true, Shall make the life of illegitimate chance, The uncertain allowance from _Cambray_, King of _Orleans_ shall give a lawfull Wall.


The _Reign_ or Kingdom of _Navarre_ is called _not true_, because theKing of _Spain_ doth possess it, and not the King of _France_, who isthe lawful King thereof, as also in regard of the Kings of _France_, andbefore of _Jane_ of _Albret_, and _Antony_ of _Bourbon_.

This Kingdom being _not true_ in regard of the said ones, the title andquality is called here _shadow_. The Author saith that the quality of theKing of _Navarre_ _shall make the life of illigitimate chance_, becauseafter the death of _Francis_ the II _Catherine_ of _Medicis_ being notopposed in the Regence by _Antony_ of _Bourbon_ King of _Navarre_, shewas willing to gratifie him in what she could.

And because his Brother _Lewis_ Prince of _Condé_ had been condemned todeath, and not executed, it was a fair occasion for her to shew the Kingof _Navarre_ how much she did defer to him. Therefore twelve days afterthe death of King _Francis_, he was freed out of Prison, and was admittedto justifie himself under the King of _Navarre_’s Bail.

Thus the _shadow of the Kingdom of ~Navarre~ not true_, did cause thelife of a Prince to be saved, but that life was illegitimate, _and thatKingdom not true by chance_, that is, by accident, because of the deathof King _Francis_.

Leaving off the third Verse to be explained after the fourth; _King_(saith the Author) _shall give_ Orleans _for legitimate_, because_Charles_ the IX. who during the life of _Francis_ the II. did bear thetitle of Duke of _Orleans_, did succeed his Brother; thus the Verse saiththat _Orleans shall give a King for legitimate_.

Now for the third Verse, you must suppose that by the Treaty at _Madrid_1526. and after this by that of _Cambray_, the King _Francis_ the I. didpart with the Sovereignty of _Flanders_, and of all the _Low Countreis_in favour of _Charles_ the V. Emperour, it is of that _uncertainallowance_ of Cambray, of which the Author talketh here, and saith, thatin that time _viz._ of the death of _Francis_ the II. that _allowanceshall be uncertain_, because _Francis_ the I. having no power of himselfto renounce the rights and dependance of the Crown of _France_, theParliament that was assembled then, would have made void that _allowance_without breaking the Peace, declaring that the Kings of _France_ oughtto preserve the right they had upon the _Low-Countreis_, and to requirethem again upon any occasion, and upon that _France_ did not refuse theElection which the _Low-Countreis_ made of the Duke of _Alencon_ fortheir Sovereign Prince and Duke of _Brabant_.


 Vif sort mort de l’or vilain indigne, Sera de _Saxe_ non nouveau Electeur, De _Brunswick_ mandra d’amour signe, Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.
 The living receives his death from Gold, infamous slu*t! Shall be of _Saxony_ not the new Elector, From _Brunswick_ shall come a sign of love, Falsly persuading the people that he is a seductor.


This Prophecy is concerning an old Elector of _Saxony_, who being inhealth before, shall die suddenly, being poisoned in a golden Cup by awoman, whom he calleth here _infamous slu*t_.

And that from _Brunswick_ (a Countrey adjacent to _Saxony_) shall come aMessenger, upon pretence of Love, who shall persuade the people that thesaid Elector was a Seducer.


 De _Bourze_ Ville a la Dame _Guyrlande_, L’on mettra sus par la trahison faite, Le grand Prelat de _Leon_ par _Formande_, Faux Pellerins & Rauisseurs deffaite.
 From _Bourze_ City belonging to the Lady _Garlant_, They shall impose by a set treason, The great Prelate of _Leon_ by _Formande_, False Pilgrims and Ravishers destroyed.


I believe that there is a fault here in the impression, and that insteadof _Bourze_ it must be _Bourges_, which is a famous City in _France_,and Capitol of the Province of _Berry_, for I do not know any Town in_Europe_ called _Bourze_. What he meaneth by the Lady _Garlant_ isunknown. I believe also that instead of _Leon_ it should be _Lyon_, whichis another famous City, and the first Archbishoprick of the said Kingdom._Formande_ is a barbarous word, and I believe put in only to make upthe Rime, as he hath done in several other places, as much then as canbe gathered out of the sense is this, that from that City _Bourges_,which usually is a Dowry for a Queen of _France_, which is called here_Garlant_, shall a treason be hatched against the Archbishop of _Lion_,which I suppose came to pass in the time of _Henry_ the III. when _Peter_of _Pinac_ Archbishop of the said _Lion_, being accused by the Deputiesof _Bourges_ for siding with the League, escaped narrowly to be killed,when the Duke of _Guise_ and the Cardinal his brother were. Queen_Catherine_ of _Medicis_ the Kings Mother having then the said Provinceand Town of _Bourges_ for her jointure.

The last Verse hath no relation to the three foremost, and hath itsinterpretation by it self, which is plain enough.


 Du plus profond de l’_Espagne_ ancienne, Sortants du bout & des fins de l’_Europe_, Trouble passant aupres du Pont de _Laigne_, Sera deffaits par bande sa grand troppe.
 From the utmost part of old _Spain_, Going out of the extremities of _Europe_, He that troubled the travellers by the Bridge of _Laigne_, Shall have his great Troop defeated by another.


Every Traveller knoweth that _Castille_ (which is taken here for _Spain_)is divided into two parts _viz._ _Castilia la Vecchia_, and _Castilia laNuova_, our Author then saith that out of _Castilia la Vecchia_, whichis situated at the further end of _Europe_ on that side, shall come aband of men, who shall destroy the Thieves that robbed and vexed theTravellers by the Bridge of _Laigne_, which it seemeth was an infamousplace for robbing.


 Jardin du Monde aupres de Cité neufve, Dans le chemin des Montagnes cavées, Sera saisi & plongé dans la Cuve, Beuvant par force eaux Soulphre envenimées.
 Garden of the World, near the new City, In the way of the digged Mountains, Shall be seized on, and thrown into the Tub, Being forced to drink Sulphurous poisoned waters.


This word _Garden of the World_, doth signifie a particular person,seeing that this _Garden of the World_ was seized on and poisoned in aTub of Sulphurous water, in which he was thrown.

The History may be this, that _Nostradamus_ passing for a Prophet and agreat Astrologer in his time, abundance of people came to him to knowtheir Fortunes, and chiefly the Fathers to know that of their Children,as did Mr. _Lafnier_, and Mr. _Cotton_, Father of that renowned Jesuit ofthe same name, very like then that Mr. _du Jardin_ having a son did ask_Nostradamus_ what should become of him, and because his son was named_Cosmus_, which in Greek signifieth the World, he answered him with thesefour Verses.

_Garden of the World_, for _Cosmus of the Garden_, In his travels shallbe taken hard by the New City, in a way that hath been digged between theMountains, and there shall be thrown in to a Tub of poisoned Sulphurouswater to cause him to die, being forced to drink that water which thoserogues had prepared for him.

Those that have learned the truth of this History, may observe it here.This ought to have come to pass in the last Age, seeing that the partymentioned was then born when this Stanza was written, and this unhappyman being dead of a violent death, there is great likelyhood, that he wasnot above forty years old.

There is another difficulty, to know which is that new City, there beingmany of that name in _Europe_, nevertheless the more probable is, thatthere being many Knights of _Maltha_ born in _Provence_ (the nativeCountrey of our Author) it may be believed that by the new City hemeaneth the new City of _Maltha_ called _la Valete_, hard by which thereis paths and ways digged in the Mountains, which Mountains are as if itwere a Fence and a Barricado against the Sea, or else this _Cosmus_ mighthave been taken by Pyrats of _Algiers_, and there in the new City of the_Goulette_ be put to death in the manner aforesaid.


 La _Meuse_ au jour Terre de _Luxembourg_, Descouvrira _Saturne_ & trois en _Lurne_, Montaigne & plaine, Ville, Cité & Bourg, _Lorrain_ Deluge, trahison par grand _hurne_.
 The _Maes_ by day in the Land of _Luxembourg_, Shall discover _Saturn_, and three in the _Lurne_, Mountain and plain, Town, City, and Countrey Town, A _Lorrain_ flood, treason by a great _hurne_.


The _Maes_ is a River that runneth through a part of _Lorrain_ and_Luxembourg_; as for the words _Lurne_ and _hurne_ I do not understandthem, neither do I think they are to be found in all the _French_Language, both obsolete and modern; all what I can gather out of this,is, that a great overflowing of the River _Maes_, shall be both in_Luxembourg_ and _Lorrain_, insomuch that three Leaden Mines (which ismeant here by _Saturn_) shall be discovered, and after that, a greatTreason shall happen in the said _Lorrain_.


 Des lieux plus bas du Pais de _Lorraine_, Seront des basses _Allemagnes_ unis, Par ceux du Siege _Picards_, _Normans_, du _Maine_, Et aux Cantons se seront reunis.

Transcriber’s Note: An English version was omitted from this printing,but the annotation below is an accurate enough (if not very poetic)translation.


The sense of this is, that the lower _Lorrain_ and _Germany_ being unitedtogether, shall have War with the other three Nations, of _Picards_,_Normans_, and _Manceaux_, which having Besieged a Town, shall constrainthe _Lorrainers_ and _Low-germans_, to unite themselves with the Cantonsof _Switzerland_.


 Au lieu ou _Laye_ & _Scelde_ se marient, Seront les Nopces de long temps mamée, Au lieu d’_Anvers_ ou la grappe charient, Jeune vieillesse conforte intammée.
 In the place where _Laye_ and _Scelde_ are united, Shall the Nuptials be, that were long a doing. In the place of _Antwerp_ where they draw the grape, The young unspotted will comfort the old Age.


There is fault in the Impression, for instead of _Laye_ it must be _Lis_,which is a River that runneth through _Flanders_, and dischargeth it selfinto the _Scelde_, which is the River that passeth at _Antwerp_, thesense therefore of this Prophecy is, that in the place where the River of_Lis_ joyneth with the _Scelde_, there shall the Nuptials be consummatedthat were long a doing, and the place of _Antwerp_, where they unload theWines, there shall a young unspotted Lady Marry, and comfort an old man.


 Les trois Pellices de loing s’entrebattront, La plus grand moindre demeurera a l’ecoute, Le grand _Selin_ n’en sera plus patron, Le nommera feu, pelte, blanche, route.
 The three Concubines shall fight one with another a far off, The greatest less shall remain watching, The great _Selin_ shall be no more their Patron, And shall call it fire, pelte, white, route.


This Prophecy is concerning the _Turkish_ Empire, where three of thegreat _Turks_ Concubines, which in Latine are called _Pellices_, shallmake War one against another, the great _Turk_ himself favouring neitherparty.


 Née en ce Monde par Concubine furtive, A deux hault mise par les tristes nouvelles, Entre Ennemis sera prinse Captive, Et amenée a _Malines_ & _Bruxelles_.
 Born in this world from a stolen Concubine, Set up at two heights by the sad news, Shall be taken Prisoner among the Enemies, And brought to _Malines_ and _Bruxelles_.


This is concerning some Lady of quality, born of a Concubine, whoshall be set up by reason of some sad news that shall be brought,and afterwards shall be taken Prisoner, and carryed to _Malines_ and_Bruxelles_, two Cities of the Low-Countreys.


 Les malheureuses Nopces celebreront, En grande joye mais la fin malheureuse, Mary & Mere _Nore_ desdaigneront, Le _Phibe_ mort, & _Nore_ plus piteuse.
 The unhappy Nuptials shall be celebrated, With great joy, but the end shall be unhappy, Husband and Mother shall scorn _Nore_, The _Phybe_ dead, and _Nore_ more pitifull.


If by _Phybe_ we understand the Admiral of _Chastillon_, and by _Nore_,Queen _Margaret_ of _Valois_, the rest will be easie. For in the year1572. a Match was made between _Henry_ the IV. then King of _Navarre_,chief of the Protestant party, and _Margaret_ of _Valois_, Sister to_Charles_ the IX. to this Wedding were the chief of the Protestant partyinvited, who were there Massacred, and among the rest _Gaspard_ of_Coligny_, Lord of _Chastillon_, and Admiral of _France_, whom he callethhere _Phybe_. And when he saith, that _Husband and Mother shall scorn~Nore~_, he sheweth the slight Opinion and regard that the Queen Motherhad for her Daughter, and _Henry_ the IV. for his Wife, whom he afterrepudiated.


 Prelat Roial soy baissant trop tiré, Grand Flux de Sang sortira par sa bouche, Le Regne _Anglicque_ par Regne respiré, Long temps mort vif en _Tunis_ comme souche.
 Royal Prelate bowing himself too much, A great flood of Blood shall come out of his mouth, The _English_ Reign by Reign respited, A great while dead, alive in _Tunis_ like a Log.


A Prelate, is a man of eminent dignity in the Church, the Royal prelatemust be a Churchman of the Royal Blood, who bowing himself too much,shall fall into an Hæmorhagie or Flux of Blood at his Mouth. The thirdVerse signifieth, that the Kingdom of _England_ shall be relieved fromsome distress by another Kingdom or Prince that had been a Slave a greatwhile at _Tunis_, and lyen there, _dead alive like a Log of Wood_.


 Le sublevé ne cognoistra son Sceptre, Les enfans jeunes des plus grands honnira, Oncques ne fut un plus ord cruel estre, Pour leur Espouses a mort noir bannera.
 The exalted shall not know his Scepter He shall put to shame the young Children of the greatest, Never was one more dirty and cruel, He shall banish to Black death their Spouses.


This is concerning a great Tyrant, who being exalted to the dignity of aKing, shall not know how to govern; but shall slight and put to shame theChildren of the greatest Nobility, and shall banish their Wives out ofthe Land; this hath a relation to the late Tyrant _Cromwell_.


 Au temps du dueil que le _Selin_ Monarque, Guerroiera le jeune _Æmathien_, _Gaule_ bransler, pericl*ter la barque, Tenter _Phocens_ au ponant entretien.
 In the time of mourning, when the Monarch _Selin_, Shall make War against the young _Æmathien_, _France_ shall quake, the Ship shall be in danger, _Phocens_ shall be attempted, the business shall be in the West.


You must observe here, that by _Æmathien_ the Author meaneth the King of_France_, as he doth in many other places; and by _Selin_, he meaneth thegreat _Turk_, because such was the name of him that lived in his time,this being presupposed the meaning of this is, that the great _Turk_shall fight against the King of _France_, and shall attempt _Phocens_,which is _Marseilles_, as being a Colony of the old _Phocenses_ in_Græcia_, which shall cause all _France_ to quake, and the Ship to be indanger, which is _Paris_, who beareth a Ship for its Arms.


 Dedans Lion vingt & cinq d’une haleine, Cinq Citoyens _Germains_, _Bressans_, _Latines_, Par dessous Noble conduiront longue traine, Et descouvers par abboy de Mastins.
 In _Lyons_ five and twenty of a breadth Five Citizens _Germans_, _Bressans_, _Latines_, Under Noblemen shall conduct a long Train, And shall be discovered by the barking of Mastiffs.


The Marshal of St. _André_, Governour of _Lyon_ being absent, theProtestants undertook the taking of it, at the solicitation of someprincipal Lords at Court, among whom were named the Prince of _Condé_,and the Vidame of _Chartres_, _Francis_ of _Vendosme_, Knight of theOrder. The Abbot of _Savigny_, who did supply the place of the Governour,and was named _Antony_ of _Albon_, since that Archbishop of _Arles_,having discovered this Conspiracy, went to surprise the undertakers, butas he was going upon the night of the 5 of _September_, he met with someof the confederates upon the Bridge of _Saone_, which made him retreatwith some loss.

The next day having gathered more Forces, he took three of them that werestrangers and young, the rest escaping, those three were hanged the next_Saturday_, which was the 7 of that Month.

The Marshal being come to Town, there was Execution made upon some of theInhabitants, to the number of 4 that were hanged.

After that there were informations made concerning the Authors andAbettors of the said conspiracy, and many other Citizens and strangerswere put to Prison, and besides them the Vidame of _Chartres_, who wascarryed to _Paris_, and put into the _Bastille_, and after that inthe _Tournelles_, where he died before his process was ended, the _23December 1560_.

It is what our Author saith in this stanza; in the first Verse he saith,that there were _five and twenty of a breadth_, of whose five and twentythere was _five Citizens of the Town_, and the rest were _Germans,Bressans and Italians_, of these Citizens 4 were hanged, and three of thestrangers.

Those 25 undertakers, of which the Author saith, that _under Noblementhey shall conduct a long Train_; that is, that under the support andfavour of many Noblemen, they would undertake a thing that should not endso soon as it proved afterwards; for although this enterprise did fail,yet was the beginning of horrid combustions that followed afterwards.

This enterprise it seemeth was discovered by barking of Mastiffs.

The Apology for the City of _Lyon_ treateth at large of this, and namethall those conspirators, who for the most part were of _Germany_ and_Geneva_.


 Je pleure _Nice_, _Monaco_, _Pise_, _Genes_, _Savone_, _Sienne_, _Capoue_, _Modene_, _Malthe_, Le dessus sang & glaive par estrenes, Feu, trembler Terre, eau, malheureuse _nolte_.
 I bewail _Nice_, _Monaco_, _Pisa_, _Genoa_, _Savona_, _Sienna_, _Capoua_, _Modena_, _Maltha_, Upon them blood and sword for a new years-gift, Fire, Earth-quake, water, unhappy _nolte_.


All these Cities are situated by the _Mediterranean_ Sea, and most ofthem upon that part of it, which is called the River of _Genoa_, andare threatned here by all the plagues above mentioned; as for theword _nolte_ it is a barbarous one, forced here to make up the Rime in_French_.


 _Betta_, _Vienne_, _Comorre_, _Sacarbance_, Voudront livrer aux Barbares _Pannone_, Par picque et feu, enorme violence, Les conjurez d’escouverts par Matrone.
 _Betta_, _Vienna_, _Comorre_, _Sacarbance_, Shall endeavour to deliver _Pannone_ to the Barbarians, By Pike, and fire, extraordinary violence! The conspirators discovered by a Matron.


It seemeth that there will be a conspiracy of some men out of all theabove mentioned Cities, to surrender _Hungary_ (which in Latine is called_Pannonia_) to the great Turk, but that conspiracy shall be discovered bya Matron, that is, a grave ancient Woman.


 Pres de _Sorbin_ pour assaillir _Hongrie_, L’Heraut de _Bude_ le viendra advertir, Chef _Bizantin_, _Sallon_ de _Sclavonie_, A Loy d’_Arabes_ les viendra convertir.
 Near _Sorbin_, to invade _Hungary_, The Herald of _Buda_ shall come to give them notice of it, Chief _Bizantin_, _Sallon_ of _Sclavonia_, Shall come to turn them to the _Arabian_ Religion.


This seemeth to have a relation to the precedent, and that near thatplace he calleth _Sorbin_, preparations shall be made to Invade_Hungary_, but they shall have notice of it by some body of _Buda_.

He that is called here _Chief Bizantin_, is the great Turk or hisgrand Vizir, who hath his abode in _Constantinople_, anciently called_Bizantium_.


 _Cydron_, _Ragusa_, la Cité au Sainct _Hieron_, Reverdira le medicant secours, Mort fils de Roy part mort de deux _Heron_, L’_Arabe_, _Hongrie_, feront un mesme cours.
 _Cydron_, _Raguse_, the City of Saint _Hieron_, Shall make green again the Physical help, The Kings Son dead, by the death of two _Herons_, _Arabia_ and _Hungary_ shall go the same way.


The meaning of this is, that when those three Cities named in the firstVerse shall have need of succours, and that a Kings Son shall die inflying two _Herons_, then shall _Arabia_ and _Hungary_ be under the sameMaster.


 Pleure _Milan_, pleure _Lucques_, _Florence_, Que ton grand Duc sur le Char montera, Changer le Siege pres de _Venise_ s’advance, Lors que _Colonne_ a _Rome_ changera.
 Weep _Milan_, weep _Lucques_, and _Florence_, When the great Duke shall go upon the Chariot, To change the Siege near _Venice_ he goeth about, When _Colonne_ shall change at _Rome_.


This Prophecy seemeth to portend the change of the See of _Rome_ in someplace near to _Venice_, and this is to happen when the great Duke of_Tuscany_ shall ascend upon a Triumphant Chariot, and that the House of_Colonne_ (which is the more powerfull in _Rome_) shall take his part.


 O vaste _Rome_ ta ruine s’aproche, Non de tes Murs, de ton sang, & substance, L’aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche, Fer pointu mis a tous jusques au manche.
 O great _Rome_ thy ruine draweth near, Not of thy Walls, of thy blood and substance, The sharp by Letters shall make so horrid a notch, Sharp Iron thrust in all to the haft.


This is a confirmation of the foregoing Prophecy, by which it is saidthat the destruction of _Rome_ shall not be in _her Walls, blood orsubstance_, but onely by Letters or Doctrine that shall put quite downthe _Roman_ Religion.


 Le Chef de _Londres_ par Regne l’_Americh_, L’Isle d’_Escosse_ tempiera par gelée, Roy, Reb. auront un si faux Antechrist, Que les mettra tretous dans la meslée.
 The Chief of _London_ by Reign of _America_, The Island of _Scotland_ shall catch thee by a frost, King and Reb. shall have so false an Antichrist, As will put them altogether by the ears.


I conceive this Prophecy can be appropriated to no body better then_Oli. Cromwel_, who is called here _the Chief of ~London~ by Reign of~America~_, that is, by Reign of confusion, whose projects and treasonswere all brought to nought, by the victorious _Mars_ of the ever renownedGeneral _Monck_, who came with his Army from _Scotland_ to _London_ inthe Winter time, he is called also a false Antichrist, because he was anenemy to King and Reb. that is _Respublica_ or Common-wealth.


 Le tremblement si fort au mois de _May_, _Saturne_, _Caper_, _Jupiter_, _Mercure_ au Bœuf, _Venus_ aussy, _Cancer_, _Mars_ en _Nonnay_, Tombera gresle lors gresse qu’un œuf.
 The Earth-quake shall be so great in the month of _May_, _Saturn_, _Caper_, _Jupiter_, _Mercury_ in the Bull, _Venus_ also, _Cancer_, _Mars_ in _Nonnay_, Then shall fall Hail bigger then an Egge.


The meaning is, that when all these Cœlestial bodies shall be sodisposed, that there will be a fearful Earth-quake and Hail.


 L’Armée de Mer devant Cité tiendra, Puis partira sans faire longue allée, Citoyens grande proye en Terre prendra, Retourner classe reprendre grand emblée.
 The Fleet shall stand before the City, Then shall go away for a little while, And then shall take a great troop of Citizens on Land, Fleet shall come back and recover a great deal.


It seemeth here he speaketh of two Fleets, one of which shall stand alittle while before a Town, and carry a great many Citizens away, butthat the other Fleet shall come in the mean time, and redeem them.


 Le fait luysant de neuf vieux eslevé, Seront si grands par Midy _Aquilon_, De sa sœur propre grandes alles levé, Fuyant meurdry au buisson d’_Ambellon_.
 The bright actions of new old exalted, Shall be so great through the South and North, By his own Sister great forces shall be raised, Running away he shall be murdered near the bush of _Ambellon_.


The question here is, whether this _neuf vieux_ in _French_ or _new old_in _English_ be the proper name of a man, or be a Metaphor, to express ayoung man of an ancient Family, when the Reader hath satisfied himselfupon that, the rest is easie enough.


 L’œil par objet fera telle excroissance, Tant & ardente que tombera la Neige, Champ arrousé viendra en decroissance, Que le _Primat_ succombera a _Rhege_.
 The eye by the object shall make such an excressency, Because so much, and so burning shall fall the Snow, The Field watered shall come to decay Insomuch that the _Primat_ shall fall down at _Rhege_.


All this is nothing but an extraordinary great Snow that shall fall about_Rhegio_ a City of _Italy_, whereby the Fields shall be drowned and fallto decay; insomuch, that the chief men, called here _Primate_ shall fallto poverty.


 La Terre & l’Air geleront si grand eau, Lors qu’on viendra pour _Jeudy_ venerer, Ce qui sera jamais ne fut si beau, Des quattre parts le viendront honorer.
 The Earth and the Air shall freeze with so much water, When they shall come to worship _Thursday_, That which shall be never, was so fair, From the four parts they shall come to honour him.


This signifieth an exceeding great frost, which shall happen on a Holy_Thursday_, where the ground and sky shall be so clear, that men may comefrom the four parts (_viz._ of the Earth) without trouble for to worship.


 L’an mil neuf cent nonante neuf, sept mois, Du Ciel viendra un grand Roy d’effrayeur, Resusciter le grand Roy d’_Angoumois_, Avant apres, _Mars_ Regner par bonheur.
 In the year a thousand nine hundred ninety nine, and seven months, From Heaven a great terrible King, To raise again the great King of _Angoulesme_, Before and after, _Mars_ shall Reign luckily.


He that is called here King of _Angoulesme_ was _Francis_ the I. asgallant a Prince as ever _France_ had, who before he was King went by thetitle of Duke of _Angoulesme_; the rest is easie.


 Le temps present avecque le passé, Sera jugé par grand _Jovialiste_, Le Monde tard de luy sera lassé, Et desloial par le Clergé juriste.
 The time present, together with the past, Shall be judged by a great _Jovialiste_, The World shall at last be weary of him, And he shall be thought unfaithful by the Canon-Law Clergy.


This Prophecy concerneth meerly _Francis Rabelais_, who was the greatest_Jovialist_, that is, Merry-man that ever was, and did so lash andcensure the abuses of every profession, and chiefly of the Clergy, thatto this very day he goeth among them for an Atheist, and a Prophaner ofSacred and Civil things.


 An revolu du grand nombre septiesme, Apparoistra au temps jeux d’_Hecatombe_, Non esloignez du grand age milliesme, Que les entrez sortiront de leur Tombe.
 The year of the great number seven being past, Shall be seen at that time the sports of _Hecatombe_, Not far from the great age thousand, That the Buried shall come out of their Graves.


_Hecatombe_ signifieth a Sacrifice, wherein a hundred beasts were killed.

The sense therefore is this, that when the year a thousand seven hundredis past, that such sport of _Hecatombe_ shall be seen again, not farfrom the sixth Millenary, when the day shall rise, for it is a commonopinion among the Learned, that as God Created the World in six days, andrested the seventh, so when the World hath lasted six thousand years, fora thousand years before God are as one day, there shall be an EternalSabbath and a Resurrection, both of the just and unjust.


 Tant attendu ne reviendra jamais, Dedans l’_Europe_, en _Asia_ apparoistra, Un de la ligne yssu du grand _Hermes_, Et sur tous Rois de Orient croistra.
 So long expected shall never come Into _Europe_, in _Asia_ shall appear, One come forth of the line of the great _Hermes_, And shall grow above all the Kings in the East.


All is plain, but only this, whether he taketh _Hermes_ as a King of_Ægypt_, or as the Father of the Hermetick Philosophers.


 Le grand Senat decernera la Pompe, A un qu’apres sera vaincu chassé, Des adhærans seront a son de trompe, Biens publiez, ennemy dechassé.
 The great Senate will decree a Pomp, To one who after shall be vanquished and expelled, The goods of his partners shall be Publickly sold, and the enemy shall be driven away.


What Senate and particular man he meaneth, is the only difficulty in this.


 Trente adhærans de l’Ordre des _Quirettes_, Bannis, leurs biens donnez ses adversaires, Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour demerites, Classe espargie, delivrez aux corsaires.
 Thirty associated of the Order of _Quirettes_, Banished, their goods shall be given to their adversaries, All their good deeds shall be imputed to them as crimes, The Fleet scattered, they shall fall into the hands of Pyrates.


I could not find any man or Author that knew what is meant here by_Quirettes_, which is only the difficulty of this Stanza.


 Subite joye en subite tristesse, Sera a _Rome_ aux graces embrassées, Dueil, cris, pleurs, larm, sang, excellent liesse, Contraires bandes surprises & troulsées.
 Sudden joy shall turn into a sudden sadness, At _Rome_ to the embraced graces, Mourning, cries, weeping, tears, blood, excellent joy, Contrary Troops surprized and carryed away.


There is nothing difficult here, but what he meaneth by _Embracedgraces_, for my part I believe them some new married Couples, who in themiddle of their jollity shall fall into these disasters.


 Les vieux chemins seront tous embellis, L’on passera a _Memphis_ somentrées, Le grand _Mercure_ d’_Hercule_ fleur de lys, Faisant trembler Terre, Mer, & Contrées.
 The old ways shall be made all fair, There shall be a passage to _Memphis_ _Somentrées_, The great _Mercury_ of _Hercules_ Flower de luce, Making the Earth, the Sea, and the Countreys to quake.


This word _Somentrees_, being altogether barbarous, is the reason thatneither sense nor construction can be made of all these words.


 Au Regne grand, du grand Regne Regnant, Par force d’armes les grands Portes d’airain, Fera ouvrir le Roy & Duc joignant, Port demoly, nef a fonds jour serain.
 In the great Reign, of the great Reign Reigning, By force of Arms the great Brass Gates, He shall cause to be open, the King being joyned with the Duke, Haven demolish’d, Ship sunk on a fair day.


The words and the sense are plain, though the parties be unknown.


 Mis Tresor Temple, Citadins _Hesperiques_, Dans iceluy retire en secret lieu, Le Temple ouvrir, les liens fameliques, Repris, ravis proye horrible au milieu.
 A Treasure put in a Temple by _Hesperian_ Citizens, In the same hid in a secret place, The hungry bonds shall cause the Temple to be open, And take again and ravish, a fearful prey in the middle.


This is concerning a Treasure hid by _Spaniards_ (called here _HesperianCitizens_) in a Church, which the people of a Town being poor, and almoststarved, caused to be open, and did ransack it, but in the middle of itthey found a strange prey, but what it was God knows.


 Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront avec couteaux, Semblant faux donront dernier assaut, L’entour parques planter profons plateaux, Vifs repoussez & meurdris de plain saut.
 Cries, weeping, tears, shall come with daggers, With a false seeming they shall give the last assault, Set round about they shall plant deep, Beaten back alive, and murdered upon a sudden.


This seemeth to have a relation to the Scalado of _Geneva_, of which youshall have a full account in the 69 Stanza, of the twelfth Century.


 De batailler ne sera donné signe, Du Parc seront contraints de sortir hors, De _Gasp_ l’entour sera cogneu l’enseigne, Qui fera mettre de tous les siens a mort.
 There shall no sign of battle be given, They shall be compelled to come out of the Park, Round about _Gasp_ shall be known the Ensign, That shall cause all his own to be put to death.


This Prophecie was fulfilled in the year 1556. by the Marshal of _Brissac_in _Piemont_, when he took the Town of _Vignal_ by assault, where 1200._Neapolitans_ were put to the Sword, who were called the braves of_Naples_; because they were all very gallantly habited, and the Governourbeing wounded, cast himself desperately into a Well, whence the Marshalcaused him to be taken up, and to be cured of his wounds.

In this conflict _there was no sign of Battle given_; because it wasdone by the rashness of a Souldier, Bastard of a Bastard of the houseof _Boissy_, who without expecting the command of the General, wentalone upon the breche, and after he had [Transcriber’s Note: the textis illegible here with 1-2 words missing] against the Enemies, drew hisSword, and did fight a great while hand to hand without being wounded.

Some of his Companions seeing his valour, did follow him, and otherscame to their help, and these carryed along with them all those thatwere appointed to give the assault; insomuch that by a kind of Warlikeemulation, all did carry themselves so valliantly, that after a long andstout resistance, they routed the Enemies, and put all the Garrisons tothe Sword.

It is what the Author saith in the first and second Verse, seeing thatthose that were appointed to give Battle, every one in his Regiment orSquadron, were compelled by emulation to come out of their _Park_; thatis, from the Precinct of place wherein they were. The third Verse addeth,that _round about the Ensign of ~Gasp.~ shall be known_; that is, in theassault the Captain of that place, named _Gaspar Pagan_, was remarked tofight valliantly every where the _French_ did assault, which the Marshalof _Brissac_ seeing, as also the forwardness of his men commanded thegeneral assault to be given. The Captain seeing the Town taken, thoughhe had above twenty wounds, for marks of his Valour, yet by that despairthrew himself into a Well, near which the Marshal passing, heard hisvoice, and caused him to be drawn out, and cured of his wounds.

This Captain being resolved to perish in this assault, _did cause all hisown to be put to death_, as the fourth Verse saith. The History of thisTown was famous, for which the Marshal of _Brissac_ did present Gifts tothe most Valiant, and among the rest to this Bastard, after he had puthim in jeopardy of his life, for having violated the Military Orders ina matter of such concernment. That Town of _Vignal_ is situated upon aMountain of the Countrey of _Montserrat_, of a difficult access, whereno pieces of Ordinance can be brought up, but by the help of Mens Arms;after the taking of it, the Marshal did cause it to be raised even tothe ground, because it could not be useful to the _French_, that hadmany other places to keep, and might have been very beneficial to the_Spaniard_.


 Le Naturel a si haut, haut non bas, Le tard retour sera marris contens. Le _Recloing_ ne sera sans debats, En emploiant & perdant tout son temps.
 The Natural to so high, high not low, The late return shall make the sad contented, The _Recloing_ shall not be without strife, In employing and loosing all his time.


The _Recloing_, being a forged word, without signification, and being theKey of all this Stanza, no body can tell what to make of it.


 Le vieil _Tribun_ au point de la _Trehemide_, Sera presse Captif ne delivrer, Le vueil non vueil, le mal parlant timide. Par legitime a ses amis livrer.
 The old _Tribun_, at the point of the _Trehemide_, Shall be much intreated not to deliver the Captain, They will not will, the ill speaking fearful, By legitimate shall deliver to his friends.


The old _Treban_ is an old Captain or Governour of a Town, who shall bemuch entreated not to deliver at the end of the _Trehemede_ (that is,three Months) one that he kept prisoner, but will they or not, he shalllawfully deliver him to his friends.


 Comme un Gryphon viendra le Roy d’_Europe_, Accompagne de ceux d’Aquilon, De rouges & blancs conduira grande Troupe, Et Iront contre le Roy de _Babylon_.
 As a Griffin shall come the King of _Europe_, Accompanied with those of the North, Of red and white shall conduct a great Troop, And they shall go against the King of _Babylon_.


This is concerning the King of _Swedeland_, _Gustavus Adolphus_, who iscalled here the King of _Europe_; because he lived in a part of it, andbecause he was one, if not the most gallant Prince of his time, who witha great Army of his Subjects, named here those of _Aquilon_, invaded_Germany_, and made War against the Emperour, whom he calleth here theKing of _Babylon_, either because he is a great favourer of the _Roman_Church, or because the Empire, by reason of so many sovereign Princes init is like a _Babel_ and confusion.

_The great Troop of Red and White_, were his own Souldiers, whom hedistinguished by their several habits. Clothing them with severalColours, to breed an emulation among them, there being the Red Regiment,the White, the Blew, the Yellow, the Green, _&c._


 Grand Roy viendra prendre port pres de _Nice_, Le grand Empire de la mort si en fera Aux _Antipodes_ posera son genisse, Par Mer la Pille tout esvanouira.
 A great King shall land by _Nice_, The great Empire of death shall interpose with it. He shall put his Mare in the _Antipodes_, By Sea all the Pillage shall vanish.


A great King shall land hard by _Nice_, which is a Sea Town in _Savoy_,but he shall have a great loss of his men by death, and the Sea shallswallow all his plunder.


 Pieds & Cheval a la seconde veille, Feront entrée vastiant tout par Mer, Dedans le Port entrera de _Marseille_, Pleurs, cris & sang, onc nul temps si amer.
 Foot and Horse upon the second Watch, Shall come in destroying all by Sea, They shall come into the Harbour of _Marseilles_, Tears, cryes and blood, never was so bitter a time.


This is so clear that it needeth no interpretation.


 De Bricque en Marbre seront les Murs reduits, Sept & cinquante années pacifiques, Joye aux humains renevé l’aqueduct, Santé, grands fruits, joye & temps mellifique.
 The Walls shall be turned from Brick into Marble, There shall be peace for seven and fifty years, Joy to mankind, the Aqueduct shall be built again, Health, abundance of fruit, joy and mellifluous time.


After so many calamities Prognosticated by the Author, he promiseth hereseven and fifty year of a golden Age, but when? he maketh no mention.


 Cent fois mourra le Tyran inhumain, Mis a son lieu scavant & debonnaire, Tout le Senat sera dessoubs sa main; Fasche sera par malin temeraire.
 The inhumane tyrant shall die a hundred times, In his place shall be put a Learned and mild man, All the Senate shall be at his command, He shall be made angry by a rash malicious person.


This Prognostication is easie to be understood, only it is indeterminate,and specifieth neither time nor persons.


 Clergé _Romain_ l’an mil six cens & neuf, Au chef de l’an fera Election, D’un gris & noir de la Campagne yssu, Qui oncques ne fut si malin.
 The _Roman_ Clergy in the year a thousand six hundred and nine, In the beginning of the year shall make choice Of a gray and black, come out of the Countrey, Such a one as never a worse was.


Wanting the Chronology of the Popes, I have not set down who that Popewas, then whom our Author saith there never was a worse, but the timebeing so punctually prefixed, it will be an easie matter for the Readerto find out satisfaction in this point.


 Devant le Pere l’Enfant sera tué, Le Pere apres entre cordes de jonc, _Genevois_ peuple sera esvertué, Gisant le Chef au milieu comme un tronc.
 The Child shall be killed before the Fathers eyes, The Father after shall enter into ropes of rushes, The people of _Geneva_ shall notably stir themselves, The Chief lying in the middle like a log.


This Prophecy is twofold, the two first Verses foretel of a man thatshall have his Son killed before his eyes, and himself afterward shall bestrangled by a rope made of Rushes.

The two last Verses are concerning the people of _Geneva_, who (as hesaith) shall lustily bestir themselves, while their Captain, Chief, orCommander shall carelesly lie like a log.


 La Barque neuve recevra les Voiages, La & aupres transfereront l’Empire, _Beaucaire_, _Arles_, retiendront les Hostages, Pres deux Colomnes trouvées de _Porphyre_.
 The new Ship shall make journeys Into the place, and thereby where they shall translate the Empire, _Beaucaire_, _Arles_, shall keep the Hostages, Near them shall be found two Columns of _Porphyry_.


This Prophecy is concerning three things, the first is of a considerablenew Ship, that shall sail several times into a place where the Empireshall be translated.

The second is concerning two Towns of _Languedoc_, _Beaucaire_, and_Arles_, who shall not surrender the Hostages that they had.

The third is concerning two Columns of _Porphiry_ that shall be foundthere about.


 De _Nismes_, d’_Arles_, & _Vienne_ contemner, Nobeyront a ledict _Hesperique_, Au _Labouriez_ pour le grand condamner, Six eschapez en habit _Seraphique_.
 From _Nismes_, d’_Arles_ and _Vienna_ contempt, They shall not obey the _Spanish_ Proclamation, To the _Labouriez_ for to condemn the great one, Six escaped in a _Seraphical_ habit.


It seemeth that those three aforenamed Towns will refuse to obey a_Spanish_ Proclamation, that would compel them to condemn a great man; asfor _Labouriez_ it is a barbarous and non-sensical word.

The last Verse signifieth, that six shall escape, cloathed in_Franciscan_ habits, called here _Seraphical_, because the Franciscansbelieve that a _Seraphin_ did appear to St. _Francis_ their Patron, fromwhence their Order is called by many the _Seraphical_ Order.


 Dans les _Espagnes_ viendra Roy trespuissant, Par Mer & Terre subjugant au Midy, Ce mal sera rabaissant le croissant, Baisser les aisles a ceux de _Vendredy_.
 A most potent King shall come into _Spain_, Who by Sea and Land shall make great Conquests towards the South, This evil shall beat down the horns of the new Moon, And slack the Wings of those of _Friday_.


_A great and potent King shall come out of ~Spain~, who by Sea and Landshall make great Conquest towards the South_, that is _Barbary_, whichshall be a great prejudice to the _Turkish_ Empire, who hath for his Armsa new Moon; _And slack the wings of those of ~Friday~_, that is, of theTurks, because they keep the _Friday_ for their _Sabbath_. This Prophecywas fulfilled by _Philip_ the II. King of _Spain_, who drove away all the_Moores_ out of the South part of it, and took a great many places in theCoasts of _Barbary_.


 Religion du nom des Mers viendra, Contre la Secte fils _Adaluncatif_, Secte obstinée deplorée craindra, Des deux blessez par _Aleph_ & _Aleph_.
 Religion of the name of the Seas shall come, Against the Sect son _Adaluncatif_, Obstinate Sect deplorate shall be afraid, Of the two wounded by _Aleph_ and _Aleph_.


I confess my ignorance in the intelligence of this Stanza.


 _Triremes_ pleines tout aage captifs, Temps bon a mal, le doux pour amertume, Proye a _Barbare_ trop tost seront hastifs, Cupide de voir plaindre au vent la plume.
 _Triremes_ full of Captives of all Age. Time good for evil, the sweet for bitter, Pray to the _Barbarian_, they shall be too hasty, Desirous to see the feather complain in the wind.


Triremes are Galleys with three benches of Oares, the rest is much of thenature of the former.


 La splendeur clairëa Pucelle joieuse, Ne luira plus, long temps sera sans Sel, Avec Marchans, Ruffiens, Loups, odieuse, Tous pesle mesle monstre universel.
 The clear splendour of the merry Maid, Shall shine no more, she shall be a great while without Salt, With Merchants, Ruffans, Wolves, odious, All promiscuously, she shall be an universal Monster.


This is concerning a famous beauty, who in her latter age shallprostitute her self to all comers.


 A la fin le Loup, le Lion, Bœuf & l’Asne, Timide dama seront avec Mastins, Plus ne cherra a eux la douce Manne, Plus vigilance & custode aux Mastins.
 At last the Wolf, the Lion, Oxe and Asse, Fearful Doe, shall be with the Mastiffs, The sweet Manna shall no more fall to them, There shall be no more watching and keeping of Mastiffs.


This is a Prognostication of a general peace all _Europe_ over.

_The sweet Manna shall no more fall to them_, signifieth that the_Europeans_ shall be fed no more with Manna, as the Jews were in theDesert, but shall pass to the Land of Promise, that is of peace andquietness.


 Le grand Empire sera par l’_Angleterre_, Le _Pempotan_ des ans plus de trois cens, Grandes Copies passer par Mer & Terre, Les _Lusitains_ n’en seront pas contens.
 The great Empire shall be in _England_, The _Pempotan_ for more then three hundred years, Great Armies shall pass through Sea and Land, The _Portugueses_ shall not be contented therewith.


This is a favourable one for _England_, for by it the Empire, or thegreatest Dominion of _Europe_ is promised to it, for the space of abovethree hundred years, at which the _Portugueses_ or _Spaniards_ shall muchrepine.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 _Meysinier_, _Manthi_, & le tiers qui viendra, Peste & nouveau insult, enclos troubler. _Aix_ & les lieux fureur dedans mordra, Puis les _Phocens_ viendront leur mal doubler.
 _Meysinier_, _Manthi_, and the third that shall come, Plague and new attempt shall trouble them enclosed, The fury of it shall bite in _Aix_ and the places there about, Then they of _Phocens_ shall come and double their misery.


These are names of particular persons that are here threatned of thePlague, as also the City of _Aix_ Capital of _Provence_, and the Countreyabout it, and after that the City of _Marseilles_ named here _Phocens_,because they are a Colony of the old _Phocenses_ in _Greece_.


 Par _Ville Franche_, _Mascon_ en desarroy, Dans les fa*gots seront Soldats cachez, Changer de temps en prime pour le Roy, Par de _Chalon_ & _Moulins_ tous hachez.
 By _Ville Franche_, _Mascon_ shall be put in disorder, In the fa*ggots shall Souldiers be hidden, The time shall change in prime for the King, By _Chalon_ and _Moulins_ they shall be all hewed to pieces.


_Ville Franche_ is a Town five Leagues from _Lion_; and _Mascon_ anotherabout the same distance from _Ville Franche_, and _Chalon_ from _Mascon_,and _Moulins_ from _Chalon_.

The meaning of it is this, that there shall be an attempt from _VilleFranche_ upon _Mascon_, by Souldiers hidden in fa*ggots, that shall becut off by the succours of those _Chalons_ and _Moulins_; which likedid happen in the time of the Civil Wars in _France_, between the Kingand the League, when the Towns stood one against another, but because Ican find nothing of it in the History, I suspend my further judgementtherein.

THE PROPHECIES OF Michael Nostradamus.



 Feu, flamme, faim, furt, farouche fumée, Fera faillir, froissant fort, soy faucher, Fils de Deité! toute _Provence_ humée, Chasse de Regne, enragé sans crocher.
 Fire, flame, hunger, theft, wild smoak, Shall cause to fail, brusing hard, to move Faith, Son of God! all _Provence_ swallowed up? Driven from the Kingdom, raging mad without spitting.


The curiosity of the Author in striving to begin all his words, in thetwo first Verses hath made the tense of this Stanza so obscure, that Ibelieve no body ever did or shall truely understand it, all what can begathered out of it, is great threatning of several calamities, that wereto happen upon _Provence_ his native Countrey, as it did a little whileafter his death, by the Civil Wars for Religion.


 Le grand secours venu de la _Guyenne_, S’arrestera tout aupres de _Poitiers_, _Lion_ rendu par _Montluel_ en _Vienne_, Et saccagez par tous gens de Mestiers.
 The great succours that came from _Gascony_, Shall stop hard by _Poitiers_, _Lion_ surrendred by _Montluel_ and _Vienna_, And ransacked by all kinds of Tradesmen.


The words and sense of this are plain.


 Assault farouche en _Cypre_ se prepare, La larme a l’œil de ta ruine proche, _Bizance_ Classe _Morisque_ si grand tare, Deux differens le grand vast par la Roche.
 A cruel assault is preparing in _Cyprus_, Tears in my eye, thou art near thy ruine, The Fleet of _Constantinople_ and the _Morick_ so great damage. Two differents the great wast shall be by the Rock.


_A cruel assault is preparing_, signifies the shortness of the time inwhich it was to happen, for our Author Prophecied 1555. and _Cyprus_ wastaken by the _Turks_ in the Month of _August_ 1571. _Selymus_ the II.fifth Emperour of the _Turks_, where the perfidiousness of the Bassa_Mustapha_ that Besieged it is remarkable, for having the Town deliveredhim upon Articles; First, that the Inhabitants of the City yet aliveshould enjoy their lives, liberty, and goods, with free exercise ofChristian Religion, that the Governour _Bragadinus_ with the rest of theCaptains and Souldiers might in safty depart with Bag and Baggage, andat their departure take with them five pieces of Ordinance, and threeHorses, which soever it should please them to make choise of, and thatthe _Turks_ should safely conduct them into _Crete_, finding them bothVictual and Shipping; yet all these matters agreed upon, and commencedinto Writting, as also by solemn Oaths on both side confirmed; theperfidious Bassa nevertheless caused _Bragadinus_ to have his Ears cutoff, then caused him to be set in a Chair, and his skin to be flain offfrom him quick, his head to be cut from his dead body, and upon the pointof a Spear to be set upon a high place, his skin also stuffed with Chaff,he caused to be hanged up at the Yards Arm, and so to be carried about.


 Deux corps un chef, champs divisez en deux, Et puis respondre a quattre non ouys, Petit* pour grands a pertius mal pour eux, Tour d’_Aigues_ foudre, pire pour _Eussovis_.
 Two bodies, one head, fields divided into two, And then answer to four unheard ones, Small for great ones, open evil for them, The Tower of _Aigues_ beaten by Lightning, worse for _Eussovis_.


Out of this crabbid Stanza we shall pick what we can, and leave the restto the judgment of the judicious Reader. First,

_The two bodies, one head_ may be understood either a Monster that wasso, as it did happen once in _Italy_, as _Pareus_ witnesseth; or of theunion of the two Kingdoms of _France_ and _Navarre_, under _Henry_ theIV. or of _England_ and _Scotland_ under King _James_.

The Tower of _Aiguemortes_ was strucken with the Lightning, a while afterour Author had put out his Prophecies.


 Tristes Conseils, desloiaux, cauteleux, Aduis meschant, la loy sera trahie, Le peuple esmeu, farouche, querelleux, Tant Bourg que Ville toute le paix haie.
 Sad Councels, unfaithful, malicious, Ill advice the Law shall be betrayed, The people shall be moved, wild & quarrelsome, Both in Countrey and City the peace shall be hated.


This is plain.


 Roy contre Roy, & le Duc contre Prince, Haine entre iceux dissension, horrible, Rage & fureur sera toute Province, _France_ grand guerre & changement terrible.
 King against King, and Duke against a Prince, Hatred between them, horrid dissension, Rage and fury shall be in every Province, Great War in _France_, and horrid changes.


This is a true picture of the miseries of the Civil Wars in _France_,when _Charles_ the IX. King of _France_, was against _Henry_ King of_Navarre_, and the Duke of _Guise_ against the Prince of _Condé_.


 L’accord & pache sera du tout rompue, Les amitiez pollues par discorde, L’haine euvieille, toute foy corrompue, Et l’esperance, _Marseilles_ sans concorde.
 The agreement and contract shall be broken in pieces, The friendships polluted by discord, The hatred shall be old, all faith corrupted, And hope also, _Marseilles_ without concord.


This is a second part of the foregoing.


 Guerre & debats, a _Blois_ guerre & tumulte, Divers aguets, adveux inopinables, Entrer dedans _Chasteau Trompette_, insulte, _Chasteau du Ha_ qui en seront coulpables.
 War and strifes, at _Blois_ war and tumult, Several lying in wait, acknowledgment unexpected, They shall get into the _Chasteau Trompette_ by assault, And into the _Chasteau du Ha_, who shall be guilty of it.


This Prophecy is concerning the Civil Wars of _France_ between the Kingand the League.

He saith, _at ~Blois~ war and tumult_; because the Duke of _Guise_,and the Cardinal his Brother were both killed there, at the conventionof Estates by the Kings command, which he calleth here _acknowledgmentunexpected_, because the Kingdom did own the fact.

The last two Verses are concerning the two Castles or Fortresses of_Bourdeaux_, who in those days were sometimes by one party, and sometimesby another.


 A tenir fort par fureur contraindra, Tout cœur trembler, _Langon_ advent terrible, Le coup de pied mille pieds te rendra, _Girond._ _Garon._ ne furent plus horribles.
 He shall by fury compel them to hold out, Every heart shall tremble, _Langon_ shall have a terrible event, The kick shall return to thee a thousand kicks, _Girond._ _Garon._ are no more horrid.


The two last Verses seem to have a relation to the foregoing Stanza,and to import, that the Governour of _Bourdeaux_ shall compel them tohold out, and because _Langon_, a Town 20 or 30 Miles distant from_Bourdeaux_, was of the contrary party, and did annoy sometimes those of_Bourdeaux_, it is threatned here to have a thousand kicks for one.

_Gironde_ and _Garonne_ are the two Rivers of _Bourdeaux_.


 _Eiovas_ proche, esloigner Lac _Leman_, Fort grand apprests, retour confusion, Loin des _Nepueux_, du feu grand _Supelman_, Tous de leur suyte.
 _Eiovas_ near, yet seemeth to be far from the Lake _Leman_, Very great preparatives, return confusion, Far from the _Neveux_ of the late great _Supelman_, All of their train.


This is a notable one, directly foretelling the Enterprise or Scaladomade by the Duke of _Savoy_, upon _Geneva_: for the better Intelligenceof which, we shall first give the sense word for word, and then set downthe whole History as a piece of Cabinet, that the Reader after so muchtedious and crabbid reading, may have some field to spatiate and recruitit self.

_Eiovas near_, _Eiovas_ by Anagram is _Savoy_, or the Duke of it, who atthat time was near _Geneva_; _yet seemeth far from the Lake ~Leman~_,which is the Lake that passeth through _Geneva_, called in Latine _LacusLemannus_. _Very great preparatives_; because at that time he madegreat preparations to Scale the Walls of _Geneva_. _Return_; becausehe was forced to retire. _Confusion_; because he was confounded in hisundertaking. _Far from the ~Neveux~ of the great ~Supelman~_; that is,an action much unworthy the Kindred of _Henry_ the IV. called here great_Supelman_, to whom he was Allied. _All of their Train_; that is, allthat were with him in that undertaking, did partake of his return andconfusion. Now the History is thus.

About the latter end of the year 1600. the Duke of _Savoy_ having donebefore all his endeavours to take the City of _Geneva_ by force, didresolve at last to have it by craft, and stratagem. He did frame a designfull of Courage, Understanding, and Conduct, as well as of misfortune;it was long a hatching without being discovered, and although it wasknown that he caused Ladders to be made, and that he bought every wheremen of courage and resolution, and had a great number of them already at_Chambery_, well payed and maintained, waiting for the ripeness of thedesign, though Ignorant of it. No body could believe that it was againstthose of _Geneva_; because at that time he did treat with them of themanner of living friendly, and of the liberty of Trade, having sent tothem for this purpose a few days before the President _Rochette_, totreat and advise of a manner of living friendly together, for the easeof the people. They did so much hearten and relish his propositionsand promises, that although Cities of such condition, do not lightlybelieve them that have been their Enemies, nevertheless they trustedto that, and grew careless of their own preservation, thinking thatthere was nothing more powerfull for their security than the treatiesof peace between _France_, _Spain_, and _Savoy_, in which they thoughtthemselves included, under the name of the confederate with the Cantonsof _Switzerland_; insomuch that the Dukes subjects went thither sofamiliarly, that the day before this Execution some Gentlemen that knewsomething of the design, being come into the Town to buy some Horses,said they would come again the next day to conclude the Bargain, andothers had kept she same Language for other Wares, so fully perswadedwere they of a success, though Heaven, who laugheth at the thoughts ofthe proud, had resolved to humble and abase them.

The Governour of _Lion_ had presently notice that the Duke of _Savoy_was coming on the side of the Mountain, and carryed with him scalingLadders, of which he sent notice to the King, and provided what wasnecessary for the defence of _Lion_, although the same Advice said itwas not for _France_; yet all this could not hinder the Execution whichwas in the mean time a doing. D’_Albigny_ Lieutenant General of the Dukein those Countreys he had on this side of the Mountains, had made theTroops to pass, and for that purpose had assigned them of their Quartersin the Towns of _Geneva_, in several places, that they might not beso soon discovered. The Randezvous was at a place called _Chambery_,the time of the Execution was reserved to the prudence of the Leader.The time was not according to the precept of the _Parthians_, who everfought by night, nor of the _Lacedemonians_, who undertook nothing butin the time of the full Moon; for it was one of the darkest and longestnights of all the year, the Troops began their March about six of theClock. _Brignoles_ Governour of _Bonnes_, a small Town in _Fossigny_,distant three Leagues from _Geneva_, was the man that had contributedmost of his own for the performance of this design, whom he thought socertain, that he said he would die to the world, if he did not live in_Geneva_. D’_Albigny_ had set up Watches upon all the passes, to stop allTravellers, for fear notice should be given of their coming; and of thatof the Duke of _Savoy_, to whom the Execution had been represented sosure and certain, in that he should be there himself to reap the Honourand profit of it, and to end the Triumph that his Grandfather had begun.He came over the Mountains with five Gentlemen only in his Company, andthe same day came to _Tremblures_, a Village distant from _Geneva_ aboutthree Miles; and for all that they could not hinder, but an unknownTrooper did ride as far as the New-gate, and asked to speak to him thatcommanded there, bidding him look to themselves, because the duke of_Savoy_, wished them no good, and so retreated galloping. This News wasbrought to _Blondel_, the fourth Syndic of the Town, and who had thecharge of the Guard that year; he answerd, he would provide for that.Another came afterwards, and told him that the Dukes Forces were aboutthe Town, but knew not upon what design, and that himself was at _Bonne_;he answered, that they were not Birds, and could not fly. Mistrust isnot always be commended; but too much confidence in such business, isexceedingly dangerous.

Those that were to do the Execution, and to get up first upon theLadders, went along by the River of _Albe_, that the noise of theWaters might hinder the Sentinals to hear them. Two things did happen,that were an ill Omen for them, they saw in the Skies unusual fires,a Hare did many times cross their way, and gave them a false Alarm,and as many things being considered in the night time, do trouble theimagination, and that fear maketh one think that Bushes are Squadrons,and Thistles Pikes, as it did happen once at the Siege of _Paris_ by the_Burgundians_. They did discover about Eleven of the Clock some Posts, towhom the Cloth-workers of _Geneva_ use to nail their Stuffs to dry them.Those that went formost would have Charged them, thinking they had beenan Ambuscado; from thence they went all along the _Rhosne_ to the Meadowof _Plain Palais_. _Brignolet_, and those that were ordained for theScalado followed d’_Albigny_, who led them down into the Town-Ditch, onthe side of the _Corraterie_, without being discovered by the Sentinals,although the Ducks that were in the Ditch, did (for to awake those of_Geneva_) what the Geese did at _Rome_ against the _French_. They wentover the Ditch upon Hurdles for fear to sink in the Mire, and did setup three Ladders of a wonderful invention; because they could be easilycarryed upon Mules, and they could be folded into so many pieces, thatthey could reach the highest wall that is; and besides that, so strongand firm, that no Ladder of one piece could be more; they had besidesthat provided Hatchets, Hammers, Pincers, and other such Tools, to cutIron Chains, break Locks, draw Nails and Bars, they had besides severalPetardoes and Petardo-Masters. Fortune, who hath a great power in suchundertakings, did fail them in their need, after she had brought them tothe middle of the City, and made them masters of the streets for abovetwo hours.

By one of those Ladders went up about two hundred men, _Brignolet_ wasthe first, followed by d’_Attignac_ and _Sonas_, and did carry himselfmore valliantly and prudently; having got over the Wall, he surprizedthe Sentinal, and drew from him the Watch-word, and his Life, thenthrew him over into the Ditch, and stood in his place to stay for theRound, that he might do as much to him, as he did when it came near himto give him the Watch-word. D’_Albigny_, and one Father _Alexander_ a_Scotchman_, and a Jesuite, were at the Ladders foot, incouraging thosethat went up. The Boy that carryed the Lanthorn saved himself, and gavenotice to the _Court de Garde_ of what had befallen his Master, at whichthe _Court de Garde_ was not much moved. This was a doing between Oneand Two of the Clock, expecting that of four, at the which they hadproposed to make their greater attempt, and in the mean while to givetime to the succour to draw near, and to the day to break, because allWarlike Executions done by night, carry always some confusion withthem. No body had gone to bed in the Town with a thought to be awakenedso soon, they rested upon the assurance of the Peace. The undertakershad a whole hours time to get up, and as much before they met with anyopposition. If d’_Albigny_ had been Within to husband that time betterthan did _Sonas_, _Brignolet_, and d’_Attignac_, they might have cried,the Town is won. About half an hour past two of the Clock, a Sentinalthat was in the Mints Tower, having heard some noise in the Ditch, shotoff his Gun to give the Alarm, which compelled _Brignolet_ to discoverhimself, charging all that was in the _Court de Garde_ of the New-gate,that he might Plant the Petard, and make way for the main Body that wasin _Plain Palais_. They got very well the _Court de Garde_, but againstthe Rule of War, which commandeth to kill all, they let one escapethat had so much wit as to get up, and to let down the Port-Cullis, tofrustrate the effect of the Petard. The Town was at that time full ofCries and horrid Houlings, of which the _Savoiards_ should have madetheir profit, and increased their courage, as it did weaken that of theTownsmen, that knew not where to run, some crying one way, some another.The undertakers lost themselves in the appearance of so happy a success,those that were without should have given the Alarm at some other Gate,to divide the Forces of the Town, those that were within made no useof their Hatchets, Hammers and Pincers, they forgot to set some Houseson fire; the spirit of astonishment seized upon them, having in theirthoughts the Sack and Plunder of the Town, more than the perfection oftheir Conquest; they made only use of a certain croaking like Frogs,as the _Turks_ use the _Bret, Bret_, to animate and rally themselves._Brignolet_ being compelled to discover himself, marched towards the NewGate, distant from that place about 200. Paces, and there was wounded,and died a little after; the Fight began in the dark, and the _Court deGarde_ was dispersed, one Souldier hearing them call for the Petard, gotupon the Gate, and cut the Rope that held the Port-Culis, and shut upthe Petard between the Port-Culis, and the Gate which they went aboutto break open, with their Hatchets and Hammers, at the first resistancethe Petards Master was killed. The Order is such at _Geneva_, that inall extraordinary accidents, every Citizen knoweth the place of hisRandezvous, and there goeth with his Arms, and the Town House is neverdestitute of Souldiers.

In the mean time the Magistrate cryeth, He that loveth me let him followme. Some Countrey Fellows of the Neighbouring Towns, who kept theirwatch by turns, being led by some Captains and Citizens, did presentthemselves at the New Gate, where they were stoutly received, and beatenback, and yet the first shot of theirs killed the Petard-Master, who wasmuch troubled with his Tools. This first Charge would not have driventhem back, if the body of the Citizens had not come, and Charged them sofuriously, that they lost all their Courage; Necessity which strengthenseven those that want Courage, did so animate the Citizens to theirdefence, that the undertakers were fained to give back. The more nimblewent again to their Ladders, which proved useless; because the Canon thatwas Planted in the Fort of _Loye_, near the Ditch, had broken them; sothat they left four and fifty dead upon the place, and upon the Curtainof the _Corraterie_, and thirteen that were taken alive. If the Town hadhad Souldiers in readiness to make a Sally in that Andabatism, the nightbeing sometimes favourable to such expeditions, those that were at _PlainPalais_, would not have retreated in so good an Order.

There were thirteen taken alive, among whom were the Baron of _Attignac_,the Lord _Sonas_, the Lord _Chaffardon_, upon promise of their Lives, andto be Prisoners of War, or else they had preserved an Honourable death toall the promises, to be spared in laying down their Arms; among them wasd’_Attignac_, who fought valiantly, and gave his order of St. _Maurice_to his man, bidding him save himself, being resolved to die with hisSword in his hand.

The Lords of _Geneva_ would not use them as Prisoners of War; but asThieves and Robbers come into the City over the Walls. They said that theDuke was too generous a Prince for so wicked and perfidious an action:there was several Opinions concerning their Sentence of Death, the moremoderate would have them be put to Ransom, others would have them bekept Prisoners, that they might serve for exchange, if some of the Townwere taken in the continuation of the War; but the more violent didstir the people, in representing unto them the loss of their Religion,the ravishing of their Wives and Maids, the Massacre, the Sack andPlunder of the Town, and their perpetual slavery, and the complaintsof the Widows and Children of those that had been killed, were so muchconsidered, that the more moderate Opinions did not appear injust, but inhow much they tended to Death. They were Condemned to be Hanged, whichis thought the most Ignominious Death: they desired to have their Headscut off as Gentlemen, which was granted, but it was after they wereHanged. Fifty nine were found killed and wounded, who had all their Headscut off. In the Ditch there were some Arms found, thirty dead, and fourwounded, all their Heads were cut off, and set with the rest upon theGallows. Of the Citizens of the Town there were seventeen found dead,most of them killed by their Companions in the dark. Their Names were_John Canal_, one of the Lords of the Councel, _Lewis Baudiere_, _JohnVandel_, _Lewis Galatin_, _Peter Cabriol_, _Mark Cambiagua_, _NicolasBaugueret_, _James Mercier_, _Abraham de Baptista_, _Daniel Humbert_,_Martin de Bolo_, _Michael Monard_, _Philip Potter_, _Francis Bouzesel_,_John Buignet_, _James Petit_, _Gerrard Muzy_, and about twenty wounded.The Sunday after Dinner, about two of the Clock, 67 Heads, as well ofthose that were killed, as of those that were Hanged, were fastened uponthe Gallows, and the Bodies thrown into the _Rhosne_. The next _Tuesday_there was a solemn Fasting day kept, and they began to publish everywhere the wonders of this Deliverance.

Here followeth the Copy of their Letter, to the Governour of _Lion_.

My Lord,

_You have known before this by many of your Letters, how his Highnessof ~Savoy~, notwithstanding he knew, and had confessed that we wereincluded in the Peace made in the year 1600. between his Royal Majestyof ~France~, and him; hath nevertheless divers times oppressed us,by detaining our Rents, prohibiting of Trade, other violences andextortions, refusing to hearken to the just and pressing remonstrances,which his Majesty hath made him several times in our behalf; but hathalso contrived many designs to surprise us in time of Peace. Now itis so, that for the encompassing his pernicious design, the Lord~d’Albigny~, ~Saturday~ last, the Eleventh of this Month, did bringbefore our Town, on the side of ~Plain Palais~, about two Thousand men,Horse and Foot, all choice men, and hath caused to pass about 200. ofthem over our Ditch, by the ~Corraterie~, and having set up Ladders onewithin another, hath caused them to come into our Town, about threeof the Clock in the Morning, upon ~Sunday~ the Twelfth of this Month,encouraging them himself, being in the Ditch; so that being come downinto the Town, some went towards our New Gate to force it open, and giveentrance to their Companions, who were in the plain of ~Plain Palais~,others went towards the Mint Gate, that they might by this means comeinto the middle of the Town. But it hath pleased God to look upon us withhis favourable Eye, and to give such a Heart to the Citizens, that theybeat them back, and killed the best part of them taken upon the place,the rest hath been taken, and since that Hanged by our Order, the restthrew themselves down from the wall; so that we hear, many of them areeither dead or grievously wounded. It is a wonderfull deliverance of ourGod, for which we are particularly bound to Praise him. But as it isprobable, that the said Lord ~d’Albigny~ will continue his ill designs,by so much the more that we hear his Highness is not far from us, we dointreat and request by all our affection, that you would be pleased toconsider what prejudice the taking of this place would be to his Majesty,and to continue us your favour, and assist us with your wise and prudentadvise, ~&c.~_

_Many did judge of the success of this enterprise by the beginning,and were more forward to write, than to perform well. The King hadnotice that the Duke was Master of the Town, and the manner of doingwas represented with so much felicity and facility, that there was lessreason to doubt of it, than believe it. The Truth was not known, but bythe advise of the Governour of ~Lion~, which came before any discoursethat the Town did publish after its deliverance_:

_The Duke went Post back again over the Mountains, and left his Troopswithin three miles of ~Geneva~ in three places, at ~Tournon~, ~Fossigny~,and ~Ternier~, he caused his Embassadours to say to the Lord of ~Berne~,that he had not made that enterprise to trouble the Peace of the Cantons;but to prevent ~l’Esdiguieres~ to seize upon it for the King of of~France~, who should have been so powerfull a Neighbour, as would havegiven them great occasion of fears and jealousies_.

_The success of this undertaking made it appear, that God will not havethose Treaties to the assurance of which his name hath been called fora Witness, to be violated, whatsoever appearance or pretext of Religionthere be._

_Thus Gentle Reader thou seest by all these Circ*mstances the Truth ofour Authors Prognostication._


 Fleuves, Rivieres, de mal seront obstacles, La vielle flame d’ire non appaisée, Courir en _France_, cecy come d’Oracles, Maisons, Manoirs, Palais, secte rasée.
 Brooks and Rivers shall be a stopping to evil, The old flame of anger being not yet ceased, Shall run through _France_, take this as an Oracle, Houses, Mannors, Palaces, Sect shall be raced.


This hath a perfect relation to the miseries that followed the generalMassacre of the Protestants in _France_ in the year 1572. when the Riverswere a stop to the cruelty of the Persecutors, and when so many Houses,Mannors and Palaces belonging to those of the reformed Religion weredemolished, and to signifie the certainty thereof, he saith in the thirdVerse, _take this as an Oracle_.

To the Curious


Gentle Reader,

_Thou shalt take notice, that in this place the covetousness ofBooksellers and Printers, hath in the modern Copies vented newProphecies, which they call Prognostications, drawn out of those of~Michael Nostradamus~, which are so absurd and nonsensical, that theyhave been rejected, both by his Son, and the best Wits of this age;therefore I would not soil the Paper with them, for fear to put such acourse List upon so fine a Cloth, but shall proceed on to give you therest of those Prophecies, which truly and undoubtedly belong to ourAuthor._

Wonderful Prognostications for the Age 1600.

Gathered out of the Notes of _Mr._

Michael Nostradamus,

Physitian to King CHARLES the IX. and one of the most excellentAstronomers that ever were.


To the Most Victorious and Merciful PRINCE HENRY the IV.

King of FRANCE and NAVARRE, at _Chantilly_ the Constable of_Montmorency_’s House the _19th_. of _March_ 1605.

By _Vincent Seve_ of the Town of _Beaucaire_ in _Languedoc_.

To the King.


_Having some years ago recovered certain Prophecies, or Prognostications,made by the lately Deceased ~Michael Nostradamus~, from the hands of~Henry Nostradamus~ his Nephew, which he gave me before his death, andwhich I have kept secret till now, that I saw they treated of the affairsof your Estate, and particularly of your Person and Successors, as yourself may see if you please to take the pains to look upon, and whereinyou shall find things worthy of admiration. I have taken the boldness(though unworthy) to present them to you, transcribed in this littleBook, no less wonderful then the other two which he made, for in it hehath treated of what shall happen in this Age 1600. not so obscurely ashe hath done formerly but by ~ænigmes~, specifying so clearly the thingshe speaketh of, that one may certainly judge of them, as of things thatare already come to pass. Being therefore desirous that your Majestyshould have the first notice thereof, I thought to discharge my duty inthis as one of your most obedient and faithful Subjects, which I intreatyour Majesty would be pleased to agree, obliging so not onely the body ofone of your faithful Subjects already yours, but also the Soul who shallcontinue to pray for the health and prosperity of your Majesty, and ofall those that have relation to it, as one that is, and shall ever be_,

 Your most humble, most obedient and faithful Servant and Subject,

_From your Town of ~Beaucaire~ in ~Languedoc~._




Michael Nostradamus.

For the Years of this Age 1600.


 Siecle nouveau, alliance nouvelle, Un Marquisat mis dedans la Nacelle, A qui plus fort des deux l’emportera, D’un Duc, d’un Roy, Gallere de _Florence_, Port de _Marseille_, Pucelle dans la _France_, De _Catherine_ Fort Chef on rasera.
 New Age, new Alliance, A Markdom put into a Boat, Who shall be the strongest of the two to carry it, Of a Duke or of a King, Galley of _Florence_, In the Port of _Marseilles_, a Maid in _France_, Of the Fort _Catherine_ the Head shall be demolished.


By _New Age_ is meant the Age 1600. to the end of the Century, each agecontaining a hundred years.

_The new Alliance_ was the match between _Henry_ the IV. and _Catherine_of _Medicis_, made and celebrated that year.

_A Markdom put into a Boat_, was the Markdom of _Saluces_ in _Italy_,which the Duke of _Savoy_ had surrepticiously taken from the Crown of_France_, in the time of the Civil Wars, and would not restore it, forwhich there was great Wars between the King of _France_ and the Duke of_Savoy_, till at last they agreed that the Duke of _Savoy_ should givein exchange of it the Countrey of _Brescia_; and this is the sense of thesecond, third, and half the fourth Verse.

_Galley of ~Florence~ in the Port of ~Marseilles~, a Maid in ~France~_,signifieth the arrival of _Mary_ of _Medicis_ in the Galleys of _France_,and her Landing in the Port of _Marseilles_.

_Of the Fort ~Catherine~ the head shall be demolished_; the Duke of_Savoy_ to plague and bridle those of _Geneva_, upon whom he hath hadalways pretentions, had built a strong Fort two leagues from _Geneva_,called the Fort St _Catherine_, which did so annoy the Town, that theymade their addresses to _Henry_ the IV. who was then in War with the Dukeof _Savoy_, representing to him that they were not able to relieve hisArmy with Victuals, because of the said Fort, whereupon _Henry_ the IV.took it, and demolished it to the ground.


 Que d’or, d’argent sera de pendre, Quand Comte voudra Ville prendre, Tant de mille & mille Soldats, Tuez, noiez, sans y rien faire, Dans plus forte mettra pied terre, Pigmée aidé des _Censuarts_.
 How much Gold and Silver shall be spent, When Earl shall go about to take a Town, So many thousands and thousands of Soldiers, Killed, drowned, without doing any thing, In a stronger he shall put his foot on ground, A Pygmie helped by the _Censuarts_.


This Stanza and the next are concerning the Town of _Ostend_, which wasBesieged by the Arch-duke, and defended by the States of _Holland_, underthe conduct of Earl _Maurice_ of _Nassaw_.

_In a stronger he shall put his foot on ground_, signifieth that Earl_Maurice_ during the said Siege, took the _Sluys_ another Town of the_Spaniards_, thought stronger then _Ostend_. _A Pygmie helped by the_Censuarts, signifieth that Prince _Maurice_ whom he calleth here a_Pygmie_ in comparison of the Arch-duke, was helped by the _French_and _English_, whom he calleth here _Censuarts_, to rime with the wordSoldats in the foregoing Verse.


 La Ville sans dessus dessoubs, Renversée de mille coups, De Canons, & forts dessous Terre, Cinq ans tiendra, le tout remis, Et lasché a ses ennemis, L’eau leur fera apres la guerre.
 The Town shall be upside down, Overthrown by a thousands shot, Of Canons, and Forts under ground, Shall hold five years, all shall be returned, And surrendred to the enemies, Water after that shall make War against them.


This Stanza is as well as the former concerning the Town of _Ostend_,which after three years Siege instead of five (which is falsly printedhere) was surrendred to the Arch-Duke, and presently after like to bedrowned by the Sea.


 Du rond d’un Lis naistra un si grand Prince, Bien tost & tard venu dans sa Province, _Saturne_ en _Libra_ en exaltation, Maison de _Venus_ en descroissante force, Dame en apres masculin soubs l’Escorce, Pour maintenir l’heureux sang de _Bourbon_.
 From the round of a Lilly shall be born a great Prince, Soon and late come into his Province, _Saturn_ in _Libra_ being in exaltation, The House of _Venus_ in a decreasing strength, A Woman afterwards and a Male under the Bark, To maintain the happy blood of _Bourbon_.


This Prophecy was concerning _Lewis_ the XIII. King of _France_, son of_Henry_ the IV. who was born under the Sign of _Libra_, and thereforecalled the _Just_; the rest is easie.


 Celuy qui la Principauté, Tiendra par grande cruauté, A la fin verra grand _Phalange_, Par coup de feu tres dangereux, Par accord pourroit faire mieux, Autrement boira suc d’Orenge.
 He that the Principality, Shall keep by great cruelty, At last shall see a great Army, By a fire blow most dangerous, He should do better by agreement. Otherways he shall drink juyce of Orenge.


This is concerning a Governour of the Principality of _Orenge_, under theauthority of a Prince, which Governour having been long in possessionof that Government, and the Prince being busie in the Wars of the_Netherlands_, the said Governour plaid _Rex_ in his absence, so that thePrince was forced to have him made away privately.


 Quand de _Robin_ la traistreuse entreprise, Mettra Seigneurs & en peine un grand Prince, Sceu par _la Fin_, chef on luy tranchera, La Plume au vent, amye dans _Espagne_, Poste attrapé estant en la Campagne, Et l’Escrivain dans l’eau se jettera.
 When the treacherous plot of _Robin_, Shall put many Lords and a great Prince in trouble, Being known by _la Fin_, his head shall be cut off, The Feather in the Wind, friend to _Spain_, Post overtaken in the Countrey, And the Scrivener shall cast himself into the Water.


Two notable Histories are contained in this Stanza, the first is of theMarshal of _Biron_; the second is of _Nicolas_, High Secretary to theLord _Villeroy_, who himself was chief Secretary of State to _Henry_ theIV. and because they are curious ones, and not to be met every where, weshall set them down:

The first four Verses are concerning the Duke of _Biron_, who bytransposition of letters is called here _Robin_; this man by his MilitaryValour and experience, had from a private Gentleman ascended to thehighest degrees of honour and preferment, that his condition was capableof, for though he were not forty years old, he had attained unto thegreatest dignities of the Kingdom; being fourteen years old, he was madeColonel of the _Switzers_ in _Flanders_; a little while after he was madeMarshal of Camp, and after Marshal General: he was admitted Admiral of_France_ in the Parliament of _Tours_, and then Mareshal of _France_ inthat of _Paris_; at the Siege of _Amiens_ he was sole Lieutenant of hisMajesty, though there were many Princes of the Blood in the Army, and tocompleat his greatness, he was made Peer of _France_, and the Barony of_Biron_ erected into a Dukedom, not contented with all that, he said,he would not go to the retaking of the rest of the Towns in _Picardy_,unless his Statue were erected in Brass before the _Louvre_; and inconclusion, that he had rather die upon a Scaffold, undertaking somegreat matters, then to live idle in his own House, and always among theseBravadoes, he did mix some bold and dangerous words, which he would haveevery body to approve of.

When he saw that after the Siege of _Amiens_ the War was at an end, that_Britany_ was reduced, and that all the Swords were sheathed for a goodwhile, he thought that having no more occasion to exercise his valour, heshould grow out of credit, and that he should have no more that power,by which he plaised the King and do without fear all what he did withoutJustice. The fire of that great courage finding no work without, began towork within, that burning desire of being always the first, did fill hishead with flames and smoak of a great design, he complained of the King,and of the unequal reward of his deserts and services, did publish hisdiscontents, adding threatnings to his complaints, and spoke of the Kingwith little respect, that his most intimate friends did judge his wordsinsolent and dangerous.

It is true it was the vice of his nature, but there were also some ofFortune, for finding himself filled with all the prosperities, that amoderate man might wish for in his condition, he found that men loosethemselves by too much happiness. He began then to lend his Ears untoflatterers, and when they told him that he was the greatest Captain in_France_, he answered that he would die upon a scaffold, or he would gobeyond the condition of a single Gentleman, that the goodness of hissword should give him what Fortune had denied; and the Astrologers towhom he gave great credit, had foretold him in ambiguous terms, thatnothing could hinder him from being a Sovereign, but the blow of a swordgiven by a _Burgundian_, and though all his life time he had shewed butlittle Devotion and Zeal to Religion, yet from that time that he preparedhis soul to the motion of his ambition, he fained himself very devout andzealous, and began to wear Beads, that the Baron of _Lux_ had given himin a Tennis-Court, and to declare himself an irreconcilsable enemy to theProtestants, seeking every where some discontented Spirits, whom he didencourage with the hopes of a profitable change.

_La Nocle_ Lord of _la Fin_ was then for the troubles of _Provence_, andfor the quarrel he had with l’_Esdigvieres_, retired into his House,threatened of ill usage by the King, enemy to some great ones, loadedwith debts and Sutes in Law. The discontented meet always, either bydesign or by chance. The Duke of _Biron_ who knew that he had beendeeply engaged in the business of the late Duke of _Alecon_, that he hadNegotiated with the Ministers of the King of _Spain_, and of the Duke of_Savoy_, during the Siege of _Amiens_, that he was full of discontents,thought that such a one was seeking for a Master. They spoke together andmixed their grievances, propounding to seek out of the Kingdom what theycould not find within, and to contract an intelligence with the Duke of_Savoy_; thus after so many examples of unavoidable dangers, the Duke of_Biron_ did venture upon a Journey full of Rocks and Shelves, under theconduct of one who was yet wet with the Shipwrack he had lately made.

The Duke went into _Flanders_, for the execution of the Treaty of_Vervins_, where one _Picoté_ of _Orleans_ spoke to him, and inspiredinto him strange desires of raising his Fortune, with those that knew andadmired his defects. The Duke of _Biron_ did hearken to him, and told himhe would be glad to hear him some other time upon that subject. From thattime forwards the _Spaniards_ thought themselves sure of him, and grewconfident, either to have him, or to destroy him: a _French_ Gentleman,who because of the Civil Wars was retired into _Flanders_, and had someimployment in the Arch-Dukes Court, gave the first intelligence of it tothe King, who took it kindly, but sent him word, that the Duke of _Biron_had too much courage and honesty to harbour such a wickedness; being comeback again from _Flanders_ the King wished him to Marry, but he shewedthat his inclinations tended to some other party, then that which wasoffered unto him, and though he made shew to court the Daughter of myLady _Lucé_, he nevertheless intended to have the natural Sister of theDuke of _Savoy_, of which the Knight _Breton_ had spoken to him. _La Fin_had in charge from the Duke of _Biron_, to do all what he could for hissatisfaction. _Picoté_ had made a Journey into _Spain_, only to know andreceive the propositions. _Farges_ a Monk of the Order of _Fisteaux_,went into _Savoy_, and from thence to _Milan_ to receive Orders how topluck of this Plant out of _France_. Things went very slowly; for the_Spaniards_ do not easily believe the words of the _French_, unless theybe with great effects of rebellion and change; but the Duke of _Savoy_being at _Paris_, did wholly put out the Flower de Luces he had in hisHeart, and did dispose him to disturb the King so much at home, that heshould have but little time to dispute him the Markdom of _Suluces_, uponthat hope the Duke of _Savoy_ neglected the Execution of the treaty ofPeace made at _Paris_, the War was proclaimed, and the Duke of _Biron_took the chief places in _Bresse_. Being at _Pierre Chastet_ in thebeginning of _September_, _La Fin_ came to him, and by his order made twoJourneys to St. _Claude_, where _Roncas_ was. The King had notice of it,but thought it better to dissemble it than to surprise a man he loved inhis infidelity, he thought enough to bid him come into _Savoy_, and torid himself of _La Fin_. He did believe that what the King said to himout of his affection, proceeded from fear, and kept company still with_La Fin_, and never went to see the King, but with great many attendants,refusing to take his lodging near his, that he might have more liberty;he perswaded the King being at _Annessy_, that he did desire to discoversome passages, and therefore desired to have some guides of the Countrey,but it was to send safely _Renazé_, _La Fin_’s Secretary to the Dukeof _Savoy_, to give him intelligence in what state the Kings Army was,and to bid d’_Albigny_ retreat, who otherwise had been defeated. Thiswas about the time that the Duke of _Biron_ did intreat the King tobestow the Government of the Citadel of _Bourg_ on him, whom he shouldname. It is the Nature of the great ones that serve Princes to believethey deserve all, and to become more dangerous than Enemies if they arerefused what they ask for. The King did declare, that he would bestow theplace upon _de Boisses_. This denial did so trouble the mind of the Dukeof _Biron_, and put him upon such a strange and diabolical resolutions,that he resolved one Morning, being yet in his Bed at _Chamont_, to killthe King, as it is expressed in the depositions of _La Fin_ and _Renazé_,but this took no effect, himself afterwards did abhor the thought ofit. _La Fin_ also went from the Army to conclude the Bargain with theDuke of _Savoy_, and the Earl of _Fuentes_, he treated first with theDuke of the _Spanish_ Embassador at _Yurée_, afterwards at _Thurin_ with_Roncas_, where also came _Picoté_, bringing the answers of the Councelof _Spain_, upon the propositions of the Duke of _Biron_, with order toconfer with _La Fin_, and to perswade him to make a Journey into _Spain_.He said plainly, that the King of _Spain_ was resolved to have the Dukeof _Biron_ at any rate. The Duke of _Savoy_ and the Earl of _Fuentes_appointed a day to be at _Some_ with _La Fin_ and _Picoté_; there theminds of every one were clearly expressed and understood.

_La Fin_, who was acquainted with all his secret Councels, told the King,that the Marriage of the third Daughter of the Duke of _Savoy_, was thefodder and cement of all the treaty, with a promise of five hundredthousand Crowns, and all the rights of Soveraignty in _Burgundy_.

While _La Fin_ treated in _Italy_ the capitulation of the Duke of_Biron_, the treaty of Peace was concluded at _Lyons_.

The Duke of _Biron_ had been always against this Peace; when he saw thatit was concluded, and that the King had heard something of his dealingswith _La Fin_, he fained to be very penitent of it, and asked the Kingforgiveness in the Cloister of the _Franciscan_ Friers at _Lyons_, andintreated him most humbly to forgive the evil intentions that the denialof the Citadel of _Bourg_ had put into his mind. The King did forgivehim, and told him, that he was glad he had trusted to his clemency, andin the affection he bore to him, of which he would always give him suchtokens, that he should never have occasion to doubt of it. Leaving theKing, he met with the Duke of _Espernon_, and told him, that he wouldimpart unto him as unto his best friend, the best fortune that ever hehad in his life, which was, that he had discharged his Conscience tothe King, and that he had forgiven him all what was past. The Duke of_Espernon_ told him, that he was glad of it, but that it was necessaryhe should have his pardon in writing; for such faults could not be soeasily blotted out. What, said he, upon what can I rely better than uponthe Kings word; if the Duke of _Biron_ wanteth an abolition, what shallothers do? So they parted, one thinking that his Lyons Courage oughtnot to be used so meanly; the other wiser, remembring that a Lyon isnever so well tamed, but one time or another he will prove still a Lyon,and at last biteth the hand of him that hath wronged him so fiercely,that he is for ever avenged of him. The Duke of _Espernon_ had reasonto advise him to take an abolition in writing, and the Duke of _Biron_was not too blame to trust to the Kings Word, who certainly would haveforgiven that fault, if he had done nothing since to renew the Memory ofit. But here is once more to be observed a passage that containeth allthe signs of an implacable Spirit. The Duke of _Biron_ being sent for bythe King to receive his commands, and the effects of his clemency, wentfrom _Bourg_, and came to lie at _Vimy_. From thence he wrote a Letterto _La Fin_ that was at _Milan_, and then went to _Lyons_, where he wasreceived by the King as the prodigal Son, he stayed some time at _Lyons_,and went to _Vimy_ again, from whence he wrote another Letter to _La Fin_by _Farges_. As soon as he came to _Bourg_, he sent to _Bosco_, cousinof _Roncas_ to advance the business. This negotiation did continue at_Some_ between the Duke of _Savoy_, the Earl of _Fuentes_, and _La Fin_.The Earl of _Fuentes_ carryed _La Fin_ to _Milan_, and being desirousto be better informed, upon some points, and finding _La Fin_ not sofirm in his answers, he thought it not good to trust him wholly with thesecret, and resolved to rid himself of him, therefore he sent him back,and intreated him to see the Duke of _Savoy_ in his way. He had thegood fortune to go by the way of the _Grisons_, and so through _Basle_,_Porentru_, and _Besancon_, for _Renazé_ his Secretary, that went through_Savoy_, was there Arrested and made Prisoner. The work neverthelesswent on; _Alphonsus_, _Casal_, and _Roncas_, did continue it with theBaron of _Lux_, and in the mean time the Duke of _Biron_ plaid his part,having sent an express into _Spain_, though he were then with the King,who loth to loose him, kept him near, carryed him to see the FrontierTowns, and sent him Embassador into _England_, where he saw the head ofthe Earl of _Essex_, a late example of justice upon those who will befeared by their Masters, and abuse their favour. At his return he made aJourney into _Gascony_, where he was visited and honoured by the Nobilityof the Countrey, as a Prince; and being come to _Dijon_, he went into_Switzerland_, to make an end of the renewing of the Alliance betweenthe King and the _Switzers_, where he continued still his practises withthe Earl of _Fuentes_, to whom he sent his secretary, under pretenceto send his Pages into the Garrisons of _Palma_, for the _Venetians_.Being come back from _Switzerland_, he came not to the King to give anaccount of his negotiation, excusing himself upon the convocation of theEstates in the Province. The King, that had some notice of these broilsby _Combelles_, was infinitely desirous to speak with _La Fin_ to knowthe truth of it. _La Fin_, who was highly incensed, that the Baron of_Lux_ would have all the fruit of this negotiation, and that _Renazée_is kept Prisoner in _Savoy_, sent _Cerezat_ to the Duke of _Biron_ tolet him know that he could be no longer his Servant, if his Secretarywas not set at liberty, and that he could no longer defer to go to theKing, desiring also to know what he should say upon the things that werepast. He slighted the first of these propositions, and spoke of _Renazée_as of one that was not to be reckoned among the living; concerning theother, he told _Cerezat_ that he was of opinion he might go to the Courtwith a small train, and that he should prepare himself at the first toreceive ill language and contempt from the King, which he should sweetenby intreating him to believe, that the Journey he had made into _Italy_had no other design than to visit our Lady of _Loretta_: And that passingthrough _Milan_ and _Thurin_ he had been chared to propound the Marriagebetween him and the third Daughter of _Savoy_, to which he would nothearken, because the King would take care to provide for him. He didintreat and adjure _Cerezat_ to tell _La Fin_, that he should rid himselfof all those that travailed with him, and chiefly of a Curate, and thathe should secure his Papers, if he had not rather to burn them. In aword, to consider, his life, his fortune, his honour, were in his Hands.

_La Fin_ came to Court at the end of Lent, and saw the King at theWine-press of _Fountainbleau_, and after that at the mid way. He spakefirst to the King, after to _Villeroy_, and after to the Chancellorin his house at _Fontainbleau_, and with _Rhosny_ in the Forrest, andwith _Sillery_ in the Wine-press; all with horror saw the writings, andheard his designs. The King could hardly believe such a wickedness; forwho could have believed that he, who had driven the _Spaniard_ from theFrontiers of _Picardy_, would let him in again by that of _Burgundy_?that he who had a hundred times beaten and defeated them, could contracta friendship with them, and conspire with them against the service of hisPrince, and the love of his Countrey? that he who hated them to death,would have trusted his life in their Hands? He had shewed himself somuch their Enemy, that seeing his Father would not charge the Prince of_Parma_ in an advantagious place, said aloud, that if he were King for 24hours, he would cause the head of the Marshall of _Biron_ to be cut off.He pronounced against his Father the Sentence that was to be executedonce upon him.

_La Fin_ shewed the King so many true and undeniable tokens of thisconspiracy, that he was fained to believe more that he desired. He toldhim all what did pass in his Journeys to the Duke of _Savoy_, and theEarl of _Fuentes_ concerning the Duke of _Biron_, saying, that for hispart he would have been glad that the War had continued, that he mighthave benifitted himself therein; but finding that his sacred person wasnot excepted, and that there were cruel designs made against it, eitherto kill him, or to carry him prisoner into _Spain_, he was resolved togive him notice of it, choosing rather to disoblige the Servant thanthe Master. The King full of clemency and goodness, was extreamly sorryto see such an unnatural conspiracy: Nevertheless he said, that if theConspirators did their duty, and gave him means to prevent the designs ofhis Enemies, he would forgive them. If they remember what they owe me, Iwill not forget what I owe them; they shall find me as full of clemency,as they are void of affection: I would not have the Duke of _Biron_ tobe the first example of my Justice, and to be the cause that my Reign,which hitherto hath been like an Air, calm and pure, should upon asudden be disturbed with Clouds and Lightning, and so made a resolution,that if the Duke of _Biron_ should tell him the truth, he would forgivehim, his Councel was of the same advice, provided he would shew himselfthenceforth as forward for his service against his Enemies, as he hadbeen earnest to do mischief.

Out of many Papers that _la Fin_ put into the Kings hands, there wereseven and twenty pickt out, which onely spoke of him; the King beingunwilling to discover the rest of the Conspirators, and intending thatthe punishment of one should serve for example to all the rest.

The Chancellor kept those Papers with such care, that he caused them tobe sowed in his Doublet, that no body might have a sight of them till itwas time. The Baron of _Lux_ was yet at _Fountainbleau_, when _la Fin_came thither.

The King told him that he was very well pleased, that _la Fin_ had spokento him so honourably and wisely of the Duke of _Biron_, and that he wasconfident now, that the intentions of the Duke of _Biron_ were righteousand sincere. The Baron of _Lux_ did not perceive the Kings anger, so muchthe more dangerous that it was hidden; he went back again to _Dijon_very well pleased, that the things were always in the same state. _LaFin_ did write to the Duke of _Biron_ that he had satisfied the Kingconcerning his actions, and had told him onely what might serve for hisjustification. The King did manage this business so prudently, thatthe success of it was fortunate, he was well informed of all the Dukesdesigns, and desired to hear them out of his own mouth, that he mighthave occasion to forgive him, for that purpose he sent to him the Lordd’_Escures_, bidding him to come, because he had a mind to trust him withthe Army that he was raising upon the Frontiers, he excused himself, andsaid that the enemy being so near, it would be a shame to him to turn hisback, and that the States of the Province were convented at _Dijon_, andtherefore could not forsake neither the Frontiers nor the States. The_Vidame_ of _Chartres_ made a Journey to him, and assured him that hisUncle _la Fin_ had said nothing to his prejudice.

The persuasions of the President _Janin_ were more powerful forflattering the Duke in his humour, he also made him sensible of theKings power and anger in case of refusal; his friends gave him contraryadvices, and desired him not to stir, and to make his peace afar off;the _Bastille_ is a repairing said they, and the common talk is, thatit is for such one as less thinketh upon it: the King hath been heardsay, that they cut heads in _England_, and that some shall compel himupon that example to change his wonted Clemency into a just severity:in conclusion, they advise him to mistrust all things, and to beware ofthose that persuaded him to come; others did assure him of the contrary,and that his coming should dissipate all mistrusts, suspicions andjealousies.

The Duke of _Biron_ holdeth here the Wolf by the ears, for let him comeor not, there is danger; by not coming he accuseth himself, and the Kingswore he would fetch him himself; and in coming, his conscience was awitness against him, that the same fault can hardly be forgiven twice. Heseeth _la Fin_ retired into his House and living in peace, and hath sogood an opinion of his own Valour, that he thinketh no body so bold as toseize upon him. The discourses of reason, the discerning of the truth,serve no more to a wicked and passionate man, then the Wings serve to aBird, when they are clogged with Bird-lime. But now we talk of Birds,there were several ill _Omens_ of his journey, one Bird of Prey calleda Duck was found in his Closet, no body knowing which way it was comein; he commanded it to be carefully kept and lookt to, but as soon asthe Duke was upon his journey the Bird died. Presently after the Horsethat the Arch-Duke had given him, called the _Pastrave_, became mad,and killed himself, so did another that was given him by the Duke of_Florence_, another that the Duke of _Lorrain_ had given him, fell intoa consumption. He came to _Fountainbleau_ when he was no more expected,and the King was resolved to get on Horseback and to fetch him. As hisMajesty went about six of the Clock into the great Garden, he was heardto say unto the Lord of _Souvray_, _he will not come_, he had no soonerended the words, but the Duke appeared among seven or eight, he drewnear, and being yet a pretty way off, he made three great Congies, theKing did embrace him, and the first words he spoke to the King, wereabout the delaying of his coming. The King heard but few words of it,and took him by the hand to walk, and to shew him his buildings; as hepassed from one Garden into another, the Duke of _Espernon_ took occasionto salute him, and to whisper him in the ear, that in his coming he hadbelieved his courage more, then the Councel of his friends.

In all the discourse he had with the King, there was observed a greatcoldness in the Kings face, and a great deal of fire in the Dukes words.The King told him of the evil way which he had taken, the end of whichcould be nothing but ruine, despair and confusion. The Duke answered thathe was not come to ask forgiveness, not to justifie himself, with manyother frivolous and impudent words, which the Kings presence and his ownduty ought to have restrained. The time of dinner being come, he askedthe Duke of _Espernon_ to dine with him, because his Train was not yetcome; this was the first fault of his carriage, for he ought to dine atthe Table of the great Master, and to harbour in no other House then thatof the King, seeing his own was not open.

After dinner they came to see the King, who having walked one turn or twoabout the dinning-room, entered into his Closet, bidding two or three togo in with him, and saying nothing to the Duke of _Biron_, who was at thecorner of the Bed near the Chair, taking notice that he was not lookedupon as formerly.

The Marquess of _Rhosny_ went into the Closet, passing by the Duke of_Biron_ without taking notice of him, and after he had stayed thereabout half an hour, he came and saluted the Duke of _Biron_, and toldhim the King asked for him; there he was exhorted not to conceal whattime would ere long discover, and of what he was so well informed, thatthe desire he had to know it from himself, was meerly because no bodyelse should take notice of it. The Duke of _Biron_ who thought that _laFin_ had revealed nothing, stood still upon the protestations of hisown innocency, beseeching the King to do him justice, of those who wentabout to oppress him with unsufferable calumnies, or to permit him to dohimself reason. The King carried him to the Tennis-court, where the Duketook upon him to order the match, and said that the Duke of _Espernon_and himself would hold it against the King and the Earl of _Soisson_, theDuke of _Espernon_ answered presently: you play well, but you do not makeyour matches well; which was observed by the King and the standers by.Supper time being come, he did sup at the Table of the great Master, torepare the fault he had done in the morning. Every one did perceive thathe was not contented, for he eat little or nothing, and no body spoke tohim, every one holding him already for a cast-away. The King in the meanwhile was walking in his Chamber, meditating some great resolution, andhe was heard to say these words, _he must either bow or break_.

That evening past away so quietly, that many thought it would be aThunder with much noise and little hurt. The King commanded the Earl of_Soissons_ to go to the Duke of _Biron_, and to do his best to break thehardness of his heart, and to draw the truth out of him; he went andintreated him to satisfie the King in what he desired to know from him,and to be afraid of the Kings displeasure and indignation. The Duke of_Biron_ for answer told him, that the King could not complain but of thegood services he had done to him, and that he himself had great occasionto complain of the King who mistrusted him after so many trials andexperiments of his faithfulness, and that he should never have more ofhim then he had at his first coming; the Earl of _Soissons_, seeing hisobstinacy, left him.

The next day early the King walking in the little Garden, sent for theDuke of _Biron_, and spoke to him a great while, thinking to overcomehis obstinacy, and to give him means to escape the danger he was runninginto; he was seen a great while with his Hat off, his eyes lifted up toHeaven, smiting his breast, and making great protestations to uphold hisinnocency; there appeared then in the Kings face a great deal of anger,and in that of the Duke of _Biron_ a great deal of fire and violence,all his words were nothing but threatnings, lightnings, ruines, and Hellagainst those that had spoken ill of him; from thence he went to dinner,and met with a man who brought him a Letter, to advise him to look tohimself, he shewed it to the Captain of his Guards, and made slight ofit, and said, he would be beholding to his valor for his life, and notto a flight; all the afternoon the King stayed in the Gallery, andspoke four hours to the Lord of _la Curée_, the Queen being present andspeaking never a word; the King was in a great perplexity of mind, beforehe could resolve himself. The Lords of _Vileroy_, _Sillery_ and _Geure_were seen often to go to and fro, which made some suspect, that it wasto begin by the execution in so great a crime; but the King was againstthat, such proceedings had been blamed in his Predecessor, he would haveevery body to know that he had authority and power enough to exterminatehis enemies, according to the Laws.

The resolution was taken to have him arrested, and also the Earl of_Auvergne_, the King would not have them to be taken in the Castle, butin their own Lodgings; the Duke of _Biron_, who was in some suspicionof it, and had prepared himself to what he could, neither prevent norhinder, did imagine that there was no fear of any thing in the KingsChamber, and that all the danger should be at the going out, andtherefore by time had provided himself with a short Sword, with which hepromised to make himself room through all dangers. They represented tothe King, that if he were Arrested any where but in the Castle, it couldnot be done without bloodshed, and that it was no matter where the Lyonwas taken, so that profit might arise of his prize.

It was perceived that in the same Gallery the King sent for _Vitry_ and_Pralin_, two Captains of his Guards, and gave them the order he wouldhave to be observed for the execution of his commands, and then calledfor his Supper. The Duke of _Biron_ was at supper in the Lord _Montignys_Lodging, where he spoke more highly and bravely then ever of his Deserts,and of the friends he had made lately in _Switzerland_; then began tofall upon the praises of the late King of _Spain_, extolling his Piety,Justice and liberality; _Montigny_ stopt him, saying, that the greatestcommendation that could be given to his memory, was, that he had puthis own Son to death, for endeavouring to trouble his Estate; this wordstopt those of the Duke of _Biron_, who answered only with his eyes, andthought upon it with some amazement. After supper the Earl of _Auvergne_and the Duke of _Biron_ came to the King, who was walking in the Garden,the King making an end of his walk did invite the Duke of _Biron_ toplay at Cards, they went into the Queens Cnamber, the Earl of _Auvergne_passing by the Duke of _Biron_ told him softly, _we are undone_; the Gamebegun at the _primara_, the Queen was one of the Gamsters, the Duke of_Biron_ another, and two more. The King went into his Closet, dividedbetween two contrary passions; the love he had formerly for the Duke of_Biron_, the knowledge he had of his valour, and the remembrance of hisservices, excluded all thoughts of his Justice; on the other side, thefear of troubles in his Estate, the horrid effects of so unnatural aconspiracy did accuse his Clemency of cruelty, if he went about to preferthe particular good to the publick, he prayed to God to assist him withhis Holy Spirit, to appease the troubles of his soul, and to strengthenhim with a Holy resolution, that he might do what was for the good of hispeople, upon whom he Reigned by his only Grace; his prayer being ended,all the difficulties that troubled his soul vanished away, there remainedonly a firm resolution, to put the Duke into the hands of Justice, if hecould not draw the truth out of him; the Game went on still, the Kingtook sometimes the Queens Cards, expecting the appointed time. The Earlof _Auvergne_ was gone to his Lodging, the King sent for him, and walkedin the Chamber, while the Duke thought upon nothing but his play. _DeVarennes_ Lieutenant of his Troop faining to take up his Cloak, whisperedhim softly that he was undone; this word did trouble him so much, thathe neglected his play, and oversaw himself, the Queen gave him notice ofit; the King did bid them to give over playing, and commanded every oneto retire, he went into his Closet, and took the Dake of _Biron_ withhim, whose good and bad fortune depended from an answer pleasing hisMajesty, who bid him once for all to tell what he had done with the Dukeof _Savoy_ and the Earl of _Fuentes_, assuring him, that his clemencyshould be greater than his fault. The Duke of _Biron_ answered the Kingmore proudly than ever, that it was to press an honest man too much, thathe never had any other design, but what he had told him already. _Wouldto God it were so_, said the King. You will not tell me: Farewell, goodnight.

As he went out of the Closet, and had passed the Chamber door, he met_Vitry_, who with his right hand seized upon the Hilt of his Sword, andwith his left upon his right Arm, saying, _The King hath commanded me togive him an account of your Person, give up your Sword._ _You jeer_, saidthe Duke. _No my Lord, he hath so commanded me._ The Duke of _Biron_answered, _I pray thee let me speak to the King._ No my Lord, the King isgone to Bed. He saw the Duke of _Monbazon_, and desired him to intreatthe King, that he might surrender it into his own Hands. The King sentword to _Vitry_ to obey his commands. The Duke was fained to suffer hisSword to be taken from him; saying, _My Sword that hath done so many goodservices!_ Yes my Lord, give me your Sword, said _Vitry_. To me, said theDuke, that have served the King so well, that my Sword should be takenfrom me, my Sword that hath made an end of the War, and given Peace to_France_, that my Sword, which could not be taken by my Enemies, shouldbe taken away by my Friends. All these complaints availed nothing; heungirted his Sword with his left hand, and gave it to _Vitry_, lookingabout if he could seize upon any other, but care was taken for that.

When he saw all the Guards in order in the Gallery, he thought he shouldhave been Massacred upon the place, and cryed to them, fellow Souldiersgive me a little time to pray to God, and let me have some Firebrandor Candlestick in my hand, that I may have the Honour to die defendingmy self. He was answered, that no Body would offend him, that his bestdefence was to obey the King, who commanded to lead him to Bed, yousee said he, how the good Catholicks are used. He was carryed into theArms Closet, where he neither slept nor lay down, but past the night inblasphemies against God, and reviling words against the King.

_Pralin_ was staying for the Earl of _Auvergne_ at the Castle Gate, andwhen he offered to go out to his lodging; stay my Lord, you are the KingsPrisoner. The Earl astonished, answered I, I? and _Pralin_ answered, yesmy Lord, you, I Arrest you by the King, and make you his Prisoner, giveup your Sword, take it said the Earl it never killed any thing but Boars,if you had given me notice of this, I should have been in Bed and asleeptwo hours ago.

The next day about dinner time the Duke of _Biron_ sent word to the King,that if he did not take care of the Province of _Burgundy_, it would belost, because the Baron of _Lux_ would let in the _Spaniards_ as soon ashe should have notice of his detention. The King was very much offendedat this message, and said, see the impudence and boldness of the Duke of_Biron_, who sendeth me word that _Burgundy_ is lost, if I do not look toit. His obstinacy hath undone him, if he would have confessed the truthof a thing that I have under his hand, he should not be where he is. Iwish I had paid 200000. Crowns, and he had given me the means to forgivehim. I never loved any man so much, I would have trusted him with my Sonand my Kingdom. ’Tis true, he hath served me well, but he cannot denybut that I have saved his life three times; I rescued him once from thehands of the Enemy at _Fontain Francoise_, so wounded and astonished withblows, that as I plaid the part of a Souldier to save him, I was alsofained to make that of a Captain to make the retreat; for he told me hewas not in a case to do it.

The _Saturday_ next the prisoners were carryed to _Paris_ by water, andput into the _Bastille_ in several Chambers. The Duke of _Biron_ was putinto that, called of the Saints famous, for the Prison of the Constableof Saint _Paul_, executed in the time of _Lewis_ the XI. and the Earl inthe Chamber above him.

The care, the order and vigilancy, with which he was guarded, did puthim in some amazement; for his Guards waited on him without Arms, andserved him with a Knife without a point, which made him say, that it wasthe way to the Grave (the place of Execution.) But when he knew that theHangman of _Paris_ was a _Burgundian_, he remembred that _La Brosse_ anAstrologer had foretold him sometimes, seeing his Horoscope, which hefained to be that of one of his friends, that he should be beheaded, and_Cæsar_ a Magician, that a blow of a _Burgundian_ given behind; shouldhinder him to attain the Kingdom.

The Arch-Bishop of _Bourges_ went to see him, and endeavoured to settlehis Conscience, and to disswade him from some Atheistical opinions thathe had: _Villeroy_ and _Sillery_ went also to see him, and by the KingsCommand, and at his request.

Few days after, the King being at St. _Mourder_, _Fossez_, the _Lordsla Force_, the Earl of _Roussy_, Brother in Law to the Duke of _Biron_,Saint _Blancard_ his Brother, _Chasteau-neuf_, _Themines_, _Salignac_,St. _Angel_, _Longuac_, Friends and Kinsmen of the Duke of _Biron_, wentand cast themselves at the Kings feet, to implore his Mercy, and thathe would be pleased to moderate the severity of his Justice, requestingthat the same clemency which he had shewed to many others that had asgrievously offended him, would at least save his life, and confine himinto such a place, where he might do no harm, that their whole Kindredmight not be branded with Infamy, and have a regard to his Fathersservice and his, which though they were not equal to his offence, yet atleast to consider, that he was only guilty for his intention.

The King bid them rise, and told them, that their requests were notdispleasing to him. That he would not be like his Predecessors, whowould not suffer any body to intercede for those that were guilty ofhigh Treason. The King _Francis_ II. would never give a hearing to theWife of the Prince of _Condé_ my Uncle. Concerning the clemency youwould have me shew to the Duke of _Biron_; it should not be clemency butcruelty, if it were only my particular Interest, I would forgive him, asI do now with all my heart; but my Kingdom and my Children, to whom Iowe much, are concerned in it; or they might reproach me hence forwards,that I have tollerated an evil which I might have prevented; my Life,that of my Children, and the preservation of my Kingdom, are concernedin it. I will leave it to the course of Justice, you shall see whatJudgement shall be given: I will contribute what I can to his Innocency,I give you leave to do the same till he be found guilty of high Treason;for then the Father cannot intercede for the Son, nor the Son for theFather; the Wife for the Husband, nor the Brother for the Brother. Donot become odious to me for the love you bear him: As for the note ofInfamy, there is none but himself. Have the Constable of St. _Paul_, fromwhom I derive my Pedigree, and the Duke of _Nemours_, of who I am Heir(both beheaded) left any note of Infamy upon their Posterity, shouldnot the Prince of _Condé_ my Uncle have been beheaded the next day, ifKing _Francis_ the II. had not dyed? Therefore ye that are Kinsmen tothe Duke of _Biron_, cannot be noted with Infamy, if you continue inyour faithfulness, as (I assure my self) you will. And I am so far fromdepriving you of your Offices, that if any new one should fall, I wouldbestow them upon you: I am more sorry for his fault than you can be; butto conspire against me that am his King and Benefactor, is a crime that Icannot forgive, without losing my self, my Wife, my Son, and my Estate,I know you to be so good _French_ men, that you would not have the last,and shall take Patience for the first. Thus the King dismissed him, andsent his Commission to the Court of Parliament, to decide the business.The Process was framed in the _Bastille_, by the Lords of _Achilles deHarlay_, first President in the Court of Parliament of _Paris_, _NicolasPotier_ second President, _Stephen Fleury_, and _Philibert_ of _Thurin_,Councellors in the same Court. They asked him if he did not write inCyphers, he denyed it, then were shewed unto him several Letters, writtenand sealed with his own hand, which did witness his Intelligences withthe _Spaniard_ and the Duke of _Savoy_, and contained advices that hegave of the wants that were in the Kings Army; How little Money he hadto maintain the War, and to satisfie the _Suitzers_ of the discontent ofthe _French_ Nobility, and how several _French_ Troops might easily bedefeated, and that to divert the Kings forces it was necessary to invade_Provence_, and did much press upon the 50000. Crowns, and the 4000 menpromised or else said, all is lost. Some of these things he confessed,and did so intangle and contradict himself, that the Commissioners hadpity on his indiscretion.

He was asked what opinion he had of _La Fin_, he said he took him foran honest Gentleman, his Friend and Kinsman, his Evidences being readto him, and himself brought face to face, he did with the most horridImprecations and Blasphemies in the World deny them, and charged _La Fin_with the most horrid Crimes that can be Imagined, calling still God fora Witness of his Innocency; _La Fin_ stood firm in the confirming of hisEvidence, and did more particularly declare the whole conspiracy. TheDuke answered, that if _Renazé_ were there he would tell the contrary,_Renazé_, who had a little while before escaped his Prison in _Piemont_,was brought before him, and confirmed all what _La Fin_ had said.

Next to that was brought one of the Kings waiting men, who witnessed,that having lyen in his Chamber by the Kings command, the first night ofhis Imprisonment he had adjured him, by several offers and promises ofrewards, to give notice to his Secretaries to be out of the way for somedays, and to tell the Earl of _Roussy_ his Brother in Law, that he shouldsend presently to _Dijon_, to give the same advice to those that wereleft there, and above all that if they were examined; they should allconstantly deny that ever he did write in Cyphers.

Thus the business having been thorowly examined, it remained only toproceed unto Judgment; but the Prisoner being a Peer of _France_, (theKing having erected the Barony of _Biron_ into a Dukedom) by the Laws thePrisoner could not be judged, but by his Peers, which being summoned,and not appearing, the Court of Parliament being authorised by the KingsCommission, proceeded to Judgement.

The 23 of _July_ 1602. the Chancellor, with the _Maisses_ and_Pontcarré_, Privy Councellors, went to the Parliament, where allthe Chambers were assembled together. There he made known the Kingsintention, in a business, wherein the good of the Kingdom was somuch concerned, and represented on one part the quality of a Person,commendable for his services; but on the other, the foulness of theCrime, for the Judgement of which the King did rely upon the integrityand prudence of the Court. The Kings Attorney, and Soliciter, havingrepresented to the Court, that the Peers summoned, gave no appearance,and that the Prisoners petition (who asked for Councel), was not tobe received. The Court proceeded to examine the Evidences, whereuponthey sat three times, after which the Prisoner was brought from the_Bastille_, by _Montigny_ Governour of _Paris_, and _Vitry_, Captain ofthe Kings Guards, in a close Barge, covered with Tapistry, and followedby two other Barges full of Souldiers, and _Switzers_. He entred into thePalace, through the Garden of the first President, and rested himself inone of the Chambers, where he was offered a Breakfast.

The time being come, he was to be heard, the Recorder went and calledhim into the Guild-hall, where when he saw one Hundred and twelve Judgesbefore his face, he was some thing daunted, and was made to sit withinthe Bar upon a joint stool; where he sat in such a posture, as stretchingforth his right foot, and having his Cloak under his arm, and his lefthand upon his side, he kept the right one free, either to stretch itforth to Heaven, or to smite his brest, when occasion served. TheChancellor did so frame his discourse, that he never named him by hisname, nor that of his qualities.

Of many evidences there was five chiefly urged against him.

The first to have been conversant with one _Picotée_, born in _Orleans_,and refugied in _Flanders_, to keep intelligence with the Arch-duke, andto have give him 150. Crowns for two journeys to that end.

The second to have treated with the Duke of _Savoy_, three days after hisarrival to _Paris_ without the Kings leave, and to have offered him allassistance and service against any person whatsoever, upon the hope orpromiss of marrying his third daughter.

The third to have kept intelligence with the said Duke in taking of theCity of _Bourg_ and other places, giving him advice how he might defeatthe Kings Army, and destroy his person, with many other circ*mstances tothat purpose.

The fourth to have sent by _Renazée_ a note to the Governour of the Fortof Saint _Catherine_, promising to bring the King before the said Fort,so near that he might be either killed or taken, telling what clothshe himself would wear, and what Horse he would ride, that he might bedistinguished.

To have sent several times _la Fin_ to treat with the Duke of _Savoy_,and the Earl of _Fuentes_ against the Kings service.

These are the first confessions and acknowledgements that the Prisonermade before the Commissioners in the Bastille, but now he thinketh, hemay as lightly deny them, as he had unadvisedly before confessed them.

Upon the first Article he answered, that _Picoté_ being once hisPrisoner, had offered his service for the reduction of the Town of_Seurre_ in _Burgundy_, and that the King had approved of it, that it istrue he had given him the said sum, but it was as a reward for his painsand charges in this negotiation, which sum he hath charged upon the Kingsaccount, with some other small ones, laid out by him for the King; thatsince the reduction of the said Town he had not seen _Picoté_ but in_Flanders_, when he went thither Embassadour for the confirmation of thePeace, where the said _Picotée_ came to him with many others, intreatinghim he would be pleased to mediate with the King, for the liberty ofreturning into their Countrey, and enjoying their Estates, and that hedid wish them to go to the Lords _Belieure_ and _Sillery_, who wouldprescribe them what orders they were to follow in this business, andnever had any other conversation with _Picoté_.

Upon the second, That he could not have treated with the Duke of _Savoy_three days after his arrival at _Paris_, seeing that himself did not comethere but a fortnigh-after, and that _la Fin_ came but after him, thatall his discourses with him were in publick and before witnesses, andtherefore could not be suspected; that _Roncas_ had sometimes mentionedto him the Marriage of the third daughter of the Duke, and that he didimpart it to the King; that his Majesty having sent him word by _laForce_ his Brother in Law, that he did not approve of it, he neverthought of it since; that the intelligence he is accused to have keptwith the Duke of _Savoy_, is confuted enough by what he did, for when theKing had commanded him to wait and keep company to the Duke in his returnfrom _France_, and to shew him the strongest places upon the Frontiers of_Burgundy_, he did humbly excuse himself to the King of it, saying, thathe foresaw well enough that the Duke would not keep the Treaty of Peace,and that it would be a great grief to him to make War against a Prince,with whom he should have kept company, and made good cheer; and that hedid advise the Baron of _Lux_ to let him see only the weaker places, thathe might not know the strength of the Countrey.

Upon the third, That if he had kept correspondence with the Duke of_Savoy_, he would not have undertaken the taking of _Bourg_, almostagainst the Kings will, without any other help then of those that wereordinarily with him; that of fourty Convoys that were brought to relievethe Town, he had routed thirty seven, and the other three entered in hisabsence; that the King knoweth very well he was offered 200000. Crownsto let the succours enter into the Citadel of _Bourg_; that although hisMajesty had commanded him in the time of a Truce made with the Duke of_Savoy_, to let those of the Citadel of _Bourg_ have every day 400. Loafsof Bread, 50. bottles of Wine, half an Oxe, and six Sheep, he did onlylet them have fifty bottles of Wine and one Sheep, by which means theTown was surrendred within the time promised; that if he had had any evildesign against the King and Kingdom, he would not so freely and willinglyput the Town into the hands of him that is now Governour of it; that theGovernours of Places that were in the Duke’s service, and are now in thatof the King, can witness whether he shewed them any favour; that for hisgiving advice to the Duke to defeat the Regiment of _Chambauld_, he willprove that _Chambauld_ did not come into the Army, but one Month afterthe time mentioned in his Calumny; besides that, this advice was withoutappearance of reason, for from _Chambauld_’s quarters to his, there wasat least six days journey, and as much to go to the Duke, and as muchto come back, besides the time required for the marching of the Forces;therefore all that was a meer invention of _la Fin_.

Upon the fourth, That he intreated his Majesty to call to memory, that hewas the onely man who dissuaded him to go and view the Fort, representingunto him that there was in it extraordinary good Gunners, and that hecould not view it without great danger, and upon that he offered the Kingto bring him the next day the Plat-form of it, and to take it with 500.Musquettiers, and that himself would be in the Head of them.

Upon the fifth, That it was true all the evil he had done was in twoMonths time that _la Fin_ had been with him, during which, he did hearkenand write more then he ought: but that with the same he had written, hehad so long served the King, that it was enough to prove the sincerityof his intentions; that the refusal of the Citadel of _Bourg_, which hethought the King had promised him, had put him into such a discontent,that he found himself in a capacity to hearken to any thing, and to doany thing, that if he had been a Protestant, it may be the place shouldhave been refused him no more then it was to _de Boaisse_, who was suchan one, as he told the King himself at _Lyon_; that _la Fin_ had alsoonce told him, that the King speaking of him, and of his Father, said,that God had done well for to take him out of this world when he waskilled, for he was a very chargeable and unprofitable servant; and forthe Son, it was not all Gold that shined; that these words had so muchincensed him, that he could have found in his heart to be all coveredwith blood. Upon that the Chancellor asked him of what blood he meaned?he answered, of my own: desiring not to live any longer, after he hadheard such reproches, as blemished the services of his Father and hisown; that nevertheless his anger and discontent went never so far, as toattempt upon the King; that his fault was only in words, and it may belittle in Writting; that his Majesty seeing with how much ingenuity hedid acknowledge his fault, had forgiven him all what was past, in thepresence of the Lords _Villeroy_ and _Sillery_, and that if since thattime he was found to have done any thing amiss, he would blame his Judgesof Injustice, if they did not condemn him to death, that if he had donenothing amiss since, he thought the Kings pardon to be sufficient forwhat was, and if there was need to ask for it again, his knees were assupple and plyable as ever.

But a Letter, which he had written to _la Fin_ since the pardon of_Lyon_, and the Birth of the Dolphin, did spoil all, for it was amanifest evidence of the continuation of his ill designs, and theChancellor having produced it, he answered, he would never deny hishand, but that _Imbert_ and _Renazée_ Domestick Servants to _la Fin_could counterfeit it; that though he might have some ill thoughts, hehad always well done; that although the King would not forgive him thisfault, it was not in the power of men to condemn him justly for singlewords, which were contradicted by the effects; that his consolation wasin his misfortune, his Judges were not ignorant of the services he haddone to the Kingdom, which he had Sealed with five and thirty wounds;that his body whose life and death was in the disposition of theirJustice, had not a vain but had bleeded for their service, and to restorethem into their places, from whence the League had driven them; that thehand which had written the Letters produced against him, was the samethat had done contrary to what it did write; that he had written andspoke more then he ought, but that it could not be proved he had ever illdone; that there was no Law that punished with death the lightness of asingle word or motion of the thoughts; that anger and discontent had madehim capable of saying and doing any thing, but that his reason had notgiven leave to say or to do, ought but what deserveth to be commended;which words were as carefully considered, as he repeated them often withseveral Oaths and Imprecations.

Upon that the Chancellor having asked him why then he did not openhimself more to the King, who desired him with great affection to doit at _Fountain-bleau_, seeing he knew in his conscience to have donenothing against his duty since his pardon. There he cut himself in hisanswer, and said he thought _la Fin_ had revealed nothing of what wasbetween them, and that he had lately assured him so with Oaths andfearful imprecations, that he would never have thought _la Fin_ had beensuch a damnable man, as to reveal that which with so many deep Oaths andImprecations they had promised to keep secret between themselves; thathaving propounded the question to a Monk of the Order of _Minimes_ at_Lyon_, whether he might with a safe conscience reveal what was betweenthem, and what he had promised with Oath to _la Fin_ to keep secret,because he suspected that _la Fin_ would deceive him, and tell all tothe King, and so ruine him. The _Minime_ had answered, that seeing theyhad no more intention to put in execution the things they had projected,he was not to reveal them, and if _la Fin_ did it, he should go to Hell,and himself to Heaven; that he did so firmly believe this, that althoughthe Archbishop of _Bourges_ had visited him in Prison, and alledged manyreasons to the contrary, yet his soul was so settled in that belief, thathe thought it was only the part of an Atheist to swear with intention todeceive.

Upon this he begin to accuse _la Fin_ of the most execrable crimes thata man is capable of, saying that he made use of _Renazée_ for _Sodomy_that he was a Witch, and had ordinary communication with the Devils,that he had so be witched him with enchanted Waters and Wax Images, thatspoke, that he was constrained to submit himself to all his will; thathe never spoke to him but whispering, and in unknown words, and afterhe had kissed him in the left eye, and he could not deny but he hadshewed him a Wax Image, speaking and saying, _Rex impie morieris_, _thoushalt die ungodly King_, and called him continually his Master, Lord,Prince and King; that he was a false Coiner, and had persuaded him manytimes to attempt upon the King, but that he would never hearken to it,that the quality of the Accusators was to be considered, who not onlywere partners, but instigators of the Fact; that certainly the Duke of_Savoy_ was his mortal enemy, for having since his pardon left of allhis intelligences with him, and seeing that after a long detention hehad released _Renazée_, to come and to be a witness against him; thatthe King had forgiven him at _Lyon_ and that upon his acknowledging manytimes to the King, that the refusal of the Citadel of _Bourg_ had verymuch incensed him, his Majesty did comfort him with these words. Marshalnever remember _Bourg_, and I will never remember what is past, that in22 Months after he had not offended, that if he had continued his illdesigns, he might have done it easily in _England_ and _Switzerland_.That above 100. Gentlemen shall be Witnesses of his first Embassy,and for the second, he desireth no other Witnesses than the KingsEmbassadors themselves, that if they would be pleased to consider howhe was come, and in what case he had left the Province of _Burgundy_,it was impossible to have an ill opinion of his designs; for there wasnot one Souldier in all the Countrey, and at his going away he gave noother charge to the Commanders and Captains, than to serve the Kingfaithfully, that every one disswaded him to come to Court, and in theway he received many Letters to that purpose, that he was come upon theKings word, trusting upon his own Conscience and Innocency. If the Kingbe not pleased to consider my services (said he to the Court) and thoseassurances he hath given me of his Mercy, I acknowledge my self guilty ofDeath, and do not expect my life from his Justice, but from yours, (myLords) who will remember better than he what dangers I have undergonefor his service. I confess I had a mind to do ill, but I never proceededto effects: It would be a hard matter if I should be the first in whomthoughts should be punished; Great offences require great clemency. Ido implore that of the King, and nevertheless I am the onely one in_France_, that is made an example of his severity, and that can have nohope in his clemency, which he never denyed to those that had done worse:However I trust more in you my Lords, than I do in the King, who havingheretofore looked upon me with his Eyes of love, looketh upon me now withthose of his anger, and thinketh it a Vertue to be cruel unto me, and aVice to excercise upon me the act of clemency.

Thus pleaded the Prisoner, with so much eloquency and boldness, that ifhis Judges had not seen evidently the truth of the fact, under his ownHand and Seal, the respect of his first condition might have perswadedthem to believe his Innocency, and to take compassion of his ruinedfortune.

The Court did hear him as long as he would speak, with so much patience,that never a man had the like audience. The Prisoner spoke so much, thathis last reasons were found contrary to his first, his allegations didnot shew his Innocency; for the Embassadors themselves which he took forWitnesses of his carryage in _Switzerland_, did report many words of his,which shewed his anger and passion. Besides the King had not given hisword, that he might come in Safety, and those Letters which he alleadgedfor his justification, did prove the continuation of his treacherousdesigns, seeing that he had sent _la Fin_ and _Hebert_, to _Turin_ and_Milan_, since the pardon, He could not then expect but Justice, in acase where neither passion nor favour could alter Judgment: Neverthelesshe shewed himself much satisfied with his answers, and therefore beingcome back again to the _Bastille_, he passed the rest of that day, andthe two next, to relate unto his Guards the questions of the Court andhis answers therereunto, counterfeiting the gesture and the words whichhe Imagined the Chancellor had spoken after his going away, though thatgrave and venerable old man neither said nor did any thing, but whatwas becoming to his Age and quality, having shewed himself as full ofcompassion, as the prisoner was of his vanity; for when he was nearer todeath he thought less upon it, and thinking himself the only man capableof commanding an Army, he found some fault in those that were thoughtcapable of it, saying, that one was unhappy in his undertakings, theother was not respected by the Souldiers, such a one was a brave man, buthe wanted experience, and another that hath both was a Protestant. Toconclude, he did so please himself with his own praise and deserts, thathe thought no body could come near him, and that he was so useful to theKingdom, that it would be a great Crime to think to undo him.

He had spoken so long the 27 of the Month, that there was no time leftto gather the Voices: The Chancellor therefore went into the Palace the29 following to gather the Voices of the Judges. _Fleury_ the reporterof the Proces, did conform his opinion to the conclusions of the KingsAttorney, all the rest agreed to it, either by Words or by Signs, andall the proofs necessary for the verification of a Crime meeting in thiscase, as his Answers, Confessions, Writings, Letters, Instructions, andEvidence of Witnesses not reproached; It was found, that the unnaturalConspiracy against the State, the detestable attempt upon the KingsPerson, makes him guilty of high Treason in the first and second degree.

He confesseth he had evil intentions, it is enough, the Laws do punishthe Councels, the resolutions, and the effects; for if the Traitor be notprevented, time may give him the opportunity to accomplish his Designand Will, and the Will of a Subject in point of State, doth dependimmediately upon that of the Prince. He sayeth moreover, that without theKings Mercy he is undone, and that if he would have put in Execution theill designs that were propounded to him against his Majesty, he shouldhave been gone long ago: Did he ever give notice of them to the King orto any body else. If the Prisoner had brought to pass his intent, wemight have said, farewell State, farewell Justice, it is too late tobelieve the Conspiracy against Princes, when they are murdered by theConspirators.

He hath well Served the King, it is true; but his Offices and Dignitiesdid call him to that Duty, he hath had notable rewards for it, and fromthe time that he hath shewed himself so unfaithfull, he hath diminishedthe lustre of his deserts. His deserts had made him capable of the firstdignities of the Kingdom, but the merit of them is vanished away, by thegreatness of his Crime.

And what is the State beholding to him, if after he hath contributedso much for its restauration, he goeth about to turn up side down theFoundation of it, and to betray it to the Enemies. It is nothing to beginwell unless you end well, the actions are judged by the end: Those thathave deserved best of the States, are the most severely punished whenthey fall into Sedition and Rebellion. There is many sheets of Paper inthe Hands of the Court, containing in them one hundred advices given tothe Enemy, the least of which is capable to make him guilty.

The Prisoners quality is not considerable in this case; Justice is blindto all distinctions, and rather considereth the offence according tothe quality of the offender; Crimes of high Treason are not consideredby things past, but by things present and that are to come; we must notput in an account what he hath done, but what he had a mind to do. Thequality of a Duke and Peer of _France_, of Knight of the Kings Order, ofMarshal, doth not exempt him from the Law, and from being judged as anEnemy to the State, and to the Majesty of the Prince, seeing he wouldhave troubled the State, and attempted upon the Kings person. Who in_France_ besides is more obliged to the King? the greater then is theObligation, the greater the ingratitude. God forbid that the respect ofthe quality should stop the course of Justice: a Limb must be cut off tosave all the body.

But his offence hath been forgiven: The pardon cannot extend but to thethings that are confessed; but he acknowledgeth himself that he hath nottold all, therefore he hath confessed as little as he could, his ownconfessions Witness, he only asked forgiveness, that he might continuehis Crimes with more security: Besides, he would not acknowledge hisfault to the King, for all the King promised to forgive him, and latelyhe told the Court, he did not believe that _la Fin_ had revealed what wassecret between them; and thought he would have kept his word, which hehad confirmed with so many Oaths, and that if he had doubted of it, hewould have cast himself at his Majesties Feet as readily as he, and askedhim forgiveness. It followeth then that there was some thing left behindthat was not confessed: Thus he accuseth himself, thinking to excuse hisfault; besides, he mistaketh himself thinking to persuade the Court,that since the pardon he hath done nothing amiss, for the Pardon was in_January_ 1600. and here be Letters of _September_ last, by which herecalleth _la Fin_, telleth him, he will think no more upon the Vanitiesthat were past since, God was pleased to have given the King a Dolphin.It is apparent then that he hath employed _la Fin_ at least since thePardon, till the birth of the Dolphin, and _la Fin_ maintaineth thatthere was a note quite to the contrary, and that they did continue theirintelligences and practises unknown to the King. That the Duke did recalhim, fearing he should discover the Conspiracy, when a man continues inhis faults and abuseth his Pardon, the last fault payeth for all.

Besides, the Court hath not seen that Pardon, he oughted to have producedit in writing under the Kings Hand and Seal, and to forgive him oncemore, would put him into such a condition, as to contrive always Treasonsagainst the State; the remedy of a present evil is not to be neglectedupon the hope of an uncertain good; he is in a case to be no more useful;nothing can be expected from his courage but revenge; he that can bringno profit by his virtue and faithfulness, must do it by being made anexemple.

Such were for the most part the reasons of the Court, according to which,and to the conclusions of the Attorney General, the Chancellor didpronounce Sentence of death against the Prisoner; some were of opinionthat _la Fin_ should be arrested, as one that could not justifie himself,for having concealed such a damnable Conspiracy, till he saw that the_Spanish_ affairs went to wrack. The Chancellor did moderate theseopinions, representing that the Conspiracy was not yet wholly discovered,and that such things would hinder the rest of those that knew some thingof it to reveal it; that a man that saveth the Kings Person and hisEstate, ought rather to be rewarded then punished. And in confirmation ofthis, the King sent Letters to _la Fin_, by which he assured him, thatsuch a service done to him and his Kingdom, should never prove his ruine.

The Court stayed onely for the Kings intention upon the execution of theSentence, which _Sillery_ had carried to St. _Germain_. The Scaffold wasready to be set up in the place of _Greve_, but the execution might haveproved dangerous, in the middle of so much people of different humors andtempers; and already there was a rumour, as if some body should throwhim a Sword, with which he should make himself a passage, or else havedied with a blow less shameful then that of the Hangman; upon his friendsintreaty the execution was ordered to be done in the _Bastille_.

The next day about noon, the people knowing that the Sentence was past,went some to the _Greve_, thinking that the execution should be donethere, others to St. _Antony_ street, to see the Prisoner pass by; hesaw from his Chamber that multitude, and guessed that he was to be theSpectacle of those Spectators; here the anguish of the Grave began tobeset him, and drawing a consequence from the shadow of death, that thebody was not far of; he sent _Baranton_ a _Scotish_ Gentleman to intreatthe Marquess of _Rhosny_ to come to see him, or if he could not come, tosue for his Pardon to the King. He sent him answer, he could do neither,and that he was extreamly sorry for his misfortune, that if he hadbelieved him at his coming to Court, he should have confessed what theKing did desire to know of him, for by concealing of it, he did hinderthe King to give him his life, and all his friends to sue for it.

The next day last of _July_ 1602. the Chancellor, the first President,_Sillery_, three Masters of Requests, some Officers of the Chancery,_Rapin_ Lieutenant of the short Gown, his Lieutenant, _Daniel Voisin_Register of the Court of Parliament, six Sergeants, and seven or eightmore went to the Bastille, about ten of the Clock in the morning, assoon as they were come in the Chancellor commanded that the PrisonersDinner should be carryed, without giving him notice of his coming, andin the mean time he and the first President made a List of those whomthey would have to be present in that action: Some Presidents, threeMasters of Requests, three Auditors, six Serjeants of the Parliament,the Lieutenant Civil, the Kings Attorney at the _Chastelet_, _Rapin_ andhis Lieutenant, the Knight of the Watch, the Prevost of the Merchants,four Aldermen, four Councellors of the City, and some few others, to thenumber of fifty.

About noon the Prisoner looking through the Grates of his ChamberWindows, perceived the Wife of _Rumigny_, Captain of the Castle, weepingwith her hands up and guessed that those Tears were drawn by thecompassion of his Fortune. He was confirmed in his opinion, when he sawthe Chancellor followed by the Serjeants, _Rapin_ and his Lieutenant, andsome others go through the _Bastilles_ Yard into the Chappel, then hebegan to cry aloud, O my God I am a dead man, ah, what injustice it is toput an Innocent Person to death, thereupon he intreated _Rumigny_ to tellhis Brothers, Sisters and Kindred, that they should not be ashamed of hisdeath, because he was Innocent of that he was accused.

The Chancellor commanded he should be brought down into the Chappel,where as soon as he saw the Chancellor, are you come, said he, topronounce me my death: The Chancellor saluted him, then put on his Hat,the Prisoner stood bare headed, and began to speak first. Ah my LordChancellor, is there no pardon? is there no Mercy? such and such (whomhe did name one after another) have committed such offences and yet havebeen pardoned. What? you that look like an honest man, have you sufferedthat I should be so miserably condemned? ah! my Lord, if you had nottold the Court that the King would have me to die, they would not havecondemned me so. My Lord, my Lord, you could have hindred that evil, andyou have not done it, you shall answer for that injustice before all therest of the Judges that have condemned me, and saying so, he stroke theChancellor upon the Arm. Ah! what a great service the King doth thisday to the King of _Spain_, to rid him of such an Enemy as I was, mightI not have been kept within four Walls, till some occasion had offeredwhere I might have been useful? Ah my Lord, have you forgot my fatherslove to you so much, as not to give notice to the King of what I say,and what dammage he suffereth in loosing me: I am yet as willing as everto do Service to the Kingdom, you could let him know so much, he hathso good an opinion of you, I am sure he would believe you: A Messengercould quickly go thither and back again; what shall a thousand Gentlemenmy Kinsmen say? doth he think that after my death they can do him anyservice? and what if I had been guilty, would I have come upon thosefalse assurances that President _Janin_ that great Cheat gave me, whenhe told me, that businesses were so ill mannaged in _France_, that itwas fit I should see the King and tell him of it, who at my perswasionwould settle them in better order: I have neglected all the advices of myfriends to hearken unto his perswasions. I have trusted to that cursedTraitor _la Fin_, who writ to me that I could come in all safety, andthat he had told the King nothing but of the Marriage that was propoundedto me with a daughter of _Savoy_, that the King would receive me withall kindness. What then? the goings to and fro of many, the reasonsof those who advised me to come, and the Kings Letters, were they allbaits to catch me: I am well served to have trusted to much upon hisWord, I could have sought and got other securities, if I had not trustedto my Innocency; I am come upon the confidence of my integrity sincehis pardon. Ah! doth he not know that he hath forgiven me; I have liedsome evil designs, I have hearkened, I have written, I have spoken, Iconfessed them all at _Lyon_, he did assure me never to remember it, anddid exhort me that from hence forwards I should commit nothing thatmight compel me to have recourse to his clemency: Nevertheless I am nowaccused of things that are blotted out by his pardon; I have not offendedhim since, unless it be in that I desired War rather than Peace, becausemy humour is not peaceable, had not the King at that time reason toapprove of it? if this Crime deserveth death I fly to his clemency, Iimplore his Mercy. The Queen of _England_ told me, that if the Earl of_Essex_ would have humbled himself, and asked forgiveness, he should haveobtained it: I do, being Innocent, what he would not do being guilty. Ah!Shall all Mercy be put out for me; those that have done worse have foundGrace and Mercy: I perceive what it is, I am not the more guilty but themost unhappy, and the King, who hath been so sparing of his Subjectslives, hath a mind to be prodigal of mine.

To conclude, he forgot nothing of what might be said by a soul piercedwith grief spite, anger, and violent threatning, in exclamations andrevilings against the King and his Parliament, in reproaches against theChancellor, that he had more contributed to his condemnation than to hisabsolution, in words that are not fit to be spoken nor related.

His words ran so fast that the Chancellor could not stop them:Nevertheless he took occasion to tell him, his passion suggested him manythings without appearance of reason, and against his own judgment, thatno body had known his defects better than he, and that he could havewished his faults had been as unknown as dissembled, that the knowledgeof them had been so visible and apparent, that his Judges had more adoto moderate his punishment than to inflict it. That Sentence was givenupon the proofs of several attemps he had made against the Kings Personand his Estate, and for having kept intelligence and correspondency withthe Enemies of the Kingdom, of which he had been found guilty, that if hehad concealed the truth in the answers to his accusations, he should nowreveal it being so near to his end, and that for these causes the Kingdid ask his Order of Knighthood, and his staff of Marshal of _France_,with which he had formerly honoured him: He pulled the Order out of hisPocket and put it into the Chancellors hands, Protesting and Swearingupon the Salvation of his Soul, that he never had broken the Oath he madein receiving it, that (it is true) he had desired War more than Peace;because he could not preserve in Peace, the reputation he had got in War,as for the Staff, he never carryed it: Nevertheless by the Oath that theKnights of the Holy Ghost take, they are bound to take no Pension, Wagesnor Money from forrain Princes, and to engage themselves in no bodiesservice but the Kings, and faithfully to reveal what they shall know tobe for or against the Kings service.

After that the Chancellor exhorted him to lift up his thoughts from Earthto Heaven, to call upon God, and to hear patiently his Sentence.

My Lord (said he) I beseech you do not use me as other men; I know whatmy Sentence beareth, my accusations are false, I wonder the Court wouldCondemn me upon the Evidence of the most wicked and detestable man thatis alive; he never came near me without Witchcraft, nor never went fromme till he had bewitched me, he did bite my left ear off, and made medrink inchanted waters, and when he said, that the King had a mind to ridhimself of me, he called me his King, his Benefactor, his Prince, hisLord, he hath communication with the Devils, and hath shewed me a WaxImage, speaking these words in Latine, _Rex impie morieris_, ungodly Kingthou shalt die. If he hath had so much power by his Magick, as to makean inanimate body to speak, it is no wonder that he should make my Willconformable to his.

Here the Chancellor stopt him, and told him, that the Court had wellconsidered his answers, and his Letters, that he ought not to find faultwith his Sentence, that it had done him the same justice as a Fathershould do to his son, if he had offended in the like manner. He hadscarce spoken these words when the other answered, what Judgment? Ihave been heard but once, and had no time to tell the fiftieth part ofmy justification; if I had been heard at large, I could have made itclearly appear that _la Fin_ is such a one as I say; what Judgment uponthe Evidence of a Bougerer? of a Rogue that hath forsaken his Wife, ofa treacherous and perfidious man, that had Sworn so many times upon theHoly Sacrament, never to reveal what was between us, of a Knave thathath so often counterfeited my Hand and Seal: It is true, I have writtensome of those Letters that were shewed me, but I never intended to putthem in Execution: and the rest are falsified: Is there not many thatcan counterfeit so well the Hand and Seal of others, that themselves canscarce distinguish them. It is well known that the Lady _Marchioness_of _Vernevil_ hath lately acknowledged that to be her own hand, whichshe had never written. My Heart and my Actions have sufficientlycountervailed the faults of my Hand, and of my Tongue. Besides, the Kinghath forgiven me, I do implore his Memory for a Witness. You say I havebeen found guilty to have attempted upon the Kings Person; that is false,that never came into my mind, and I knew nothing of it till that _la Fin_did propose it to me before St. _Katherines_ Fort, six or seven daysafter the Siege, if I had been thus minded, I could have easily broughtit to pass; I was the only man that hindred the King to go before theFort: If my services had been taken into consideration, I should not havebeen thus condemned: I believe that if you had not been present, theParliament would not have judged me so rigorously; I wonder that you,whom I thought to be prudent and wise, have used me so cruelly; it wouldhave been more honourable for your quality and old age to implore for methe Kings Mercy, than his Justice. There is Dungeons here where I mighthave been kept bound hand and foot; I should have at last that comfort topray for those who should have got me that favour from the King. If I hadbeen but a single Souldier, I should have been sent to the Galleys; butbecause I am a Marshal of _France_, I am thought to be as dangerous a manto the State, as I have been useful heretofore. My life is sought after,I see there is no Mercy for me; the King hath often forgiven those,who not only intended to do evil, but had done it; this Vertue is nowforgotten, he giveth occasion now to the World to believe, that he neverused clemency or forgiveness, but when he was afraid. I was of opinion,that if I had killed one of his Children he would have forgiven me. Is itnot pity that my Father should have run so many dangers, and at last diedin the field to keep the Crown upon his Head, and that now he should takemy head off my Shoulders, is it possible he should forget the services Ihave done him? doth he not remember the conspiracy of _Mantes_, and thedangers he should have been in if I had taken the Conspirators part? Hathhe forgotten the Siege of _Amiens_, where I have been so often among thefire and Bullets, neglecting my own life to preserve his, I have not aVein but hath been open to preserve his own Blood, I have received fiveand thirty wounds to save his life; he sheweth now that he never loved mebut when he had need of me, he taketh away my head, but let him bewarethat the Justice of God doth not fall upon his. My Blood shall cry forrevenge for the wrong that is done me to day, I call the King of _Spain_and the Duke of _Savoy_ to Witness, if I know any thing what is laid tomy charge. _La Fin_ himself did shew me sometimes a Catholick List ofabout fourscore Gentlemen, who received Pension from the King of _Spain_,I had never so much curiosity as to read it; let him be put to the rackhe shall tell many particularities of it; the King within a little whileshall perceive what he getteth by my death; I shall at last die a goodCatholick, and constant in my Religion, I believe that’s the cause of mydeath.

The Chancellor seeing that all his discourses were full of passion,vanity and repetitions, and void of reason, and were like an impetuousTorrent that cannot be stopt, and that all his words were nothing butreproaches against the King and the Court of Parliament, blasphemiesagainst God, and execrations against his Accusers; said that his businesscalled him away, and that in his absence he would leave him two Divinesto comfort him, and to dispose his soul to leave quietly this World, forthe enjoying of a better.

As the Chancellor was going out, the Prisoner begged of him that he mighthave the liberty to make his Will, because he did owe much, and muchwas owing to him, and he desired to satisfie every body. The Chancelloranswered, that the Recorder _Voisin_ should stay with him to write hisWill under the Kings good pleasure. And as the Chancellor spoke to_Voisin_, the Prisoner turning to _Roissy_, Master of Requests, asked himif he were, one of those that had condemned him: my Father hath lovedyou so much, that though you were one, yet should I forgive you. _Roissy_answered, my Lord, I pray God Almighty to comfort you.

They went out, and he with a quiet mind and free from passion, diddictate his Will in what form he would, with the same _Garbe_, as if hehad been making a Speech at the head of an Army; he remembred his friendsand servants, and did not forget the Baron of _Lux_, whom he loved aboveall the rest. He lest eight hundred Livers a year to a Bastard of his,whom he begot of a woman that he left with Child of another, to whichchild he left a Mannor near _Dijon_ that had cost him six thousandCrowns, he disposed all the rest of his Debts, and answered modestly, andwithout confusion to all the Notes and Bills that were brought him abouthis affairs. Took three Rings off his fingers, and intreated _Baranton_to give them to his Sisters, two to the Countess of _Roussy_, and theother to that of Saint _Blancard_, desiring they would wear them forhis sake; he distributed in Alms about 200. Crowns that he had in hisPocket, fifty to the _Capuchines_, fifty to the _Fueillants_, fifty tothe _Minimes_, and the rest to several poor people.

The Will being made, the Recorder put him in mind how my Lord Chancellorhad told him he was condemned to death, and that according to theordinary forms of the Law, he must have his Sentence read to him; thatthis action required humility, therefore willed him to kneel before theAltar, leaving off hence forth all thoughts of this World, to think uponthe Father of Mercies; he kneeled with the right knee upon the first stepof the Altar, and heard it read as followeth:

 _Seen by the Court, the Chambers being assembled together, the Process extraordinarily made by the Presidents and Councellors, appointed by the King under his Letters Patents, dated the 18 and 19 of ~June~, at the request of the Kings Sollicitor General, against the Lord ~Charles~ of ~Gontault~ of ~Biron~, Knight of both Orders, Duke of ~Biron~, Peer and Marshal of ~France~, Governour of ~Burgundy~, Prisoner in the Castle of ~Bastille~, accused of high Treason, Informations, Interrogations, Confessions and denials, Confrontations, and Witnesses, Letters, Advices, and Instructions given to the Enemies, and acknowledged by him, and all what the Solliciter General hath produced. Sentence of the 22 of this Month, by which it was ordered, that in the absence of the Peers of ~France~ summoned, it should be further proceeded to Judgment Conclusions of the Kings Sollicitor, the accuser being heard and interrogated, all things being duly considered, hath been concluded, that the said Court hath declared, and declareth the said Duke of ~Biron~, attainted and convicted of high Treason, for the conspiracies by him made against the Kings Person and Estates, Proditions and Treaties with his Enemies, when he was Marshal of the Army of the said King, for reparation of which Crime, the said Court hath deprived and depriveth him of all his Estates, Honours and Dignities, and hath condemned and condemneth him to be beheaded upon a Scaffold, which for that purpose shall be erected in the place of ~Greve~, hath declared, and declareth, all and every one of his Goods, moveable or unmoveable, in whatsoever places scituated and seated, to be acquired and confiscated to the King, the Mannor of ~Biron~, deprived for ever of the Title and Dukedom and Peerage, and altogether all his other Goods, immediately holden from the King, reunited to the Crown again. Done in Parliament the last day of ~July 1602~. Signed in the Original by ~de Belieure~, Chancellor of ~France~, Councillor in the Court, Reporter of the Process._

He was not moved at these words, _attainted and convicted of highTreason_, but at these, _against the Person of the King_, he fell intoa rage, and Swearing as he had done many times before, and shall dohereafter with great Oaths and Imprecations, there is no such thing, saidhe to the Recorder, it is false, blot out that; he was also very angry,hearing that he was to be executed in the place of _Greve_, thinking thatfor several respects he was to be distinguished from the common sort ofpeople, and Swore again, that he would not go thither, and that he hadrather to be torn in pieces by wild Horses, and that it was not in thepower of all those that stood by to carry him thither, then he was alittle appeased, when _Voisin_ told him, that the King had done him thatfavour to change the place of Execution, and that it was to be done inthe _Bastille_. The confiscation of his Goods, and the revenues of theDukedom of _Biron_ to the Crown, was the last point of the Sentence thatvexed him. What? said he, doth the King intend to grow rich out of mypoverty? The Lordship of _Biron_ cannot be confiscated, I only possessedit by substitution of my Brethren, what shall my Brethren do, the Kingought to have been satisfied with the loss of my life.

The Sentence being pronounced, _Voisin_ did exhort him again to renounceall the vanities of the world, to take no other care but of theSalvation of his Soul, which was to be first by reconciling himself toGod Almighty, and that there was two Divines for that purpose, and thataccording to the usual forms of Executions, he would be pleased to sufferhimself to be bound. That word of Execution did seem so horrid to him,that he fell into a new rage, Swearing, that he would never permit soinfamous a person to touch him, otherwise than with the Sword, and thathe had rather be hewen in pieces. To keep him from falling into a furtherdespair, _Voisin_ left him, with his Divines, _viz._ _Garnier Almonec_,and Confessor to the King, and after that Bishop of _Montpelier_, and_Magnan_, Curate of St. _Nicolas_ in the fields at _Paris_, who beganto talk boldly to him of his death, and to disvest himself of all histhoughts, as he had done of his Goods, and to take no other care thanthat of his Soul, whereupon he fell into a passion again, Let me alone(said he) it is I that must think upon my Soul, you have nothing to dowith it, I had no need of you, you shall not be troubled to hear myconfession; what I speak aloud is my confession, I have been these eightdays a confessing my self, and the last night, me thought I saw theHeavens opened, and that God lent me his Hand; my Keepers heard me laughfor joy in my sleep. The Divines did not loose Courage for all that, butmore and more intreated him to consider, that he was no more what he hadbeen before, that within one or two hours he should be no more, that hemust change to be for evermore, that his Soul was ready to appear beforethe fearfull Throne of the living God, to be rewarded with a more happylife than that he had hitherto passed; or be condemned to an Eternalpain and that in comparison of that which he was to suffer now, it wasno more than the slight pricking of a Pin, and having in some measureappeased him, they left him to examine his Conscience, while _Voisin_went to give notice of his refusing to be bound; the Chancellor doubtedwhether he should be compelled to it; the first President said, that itwas dangerous to let him loose; _Sillery_ having learned of _Voisin_ thatthe Prisoner was at that time very quiet, said, that if they went aboutto bind him, he would break all the bonds of Patience, and should neverbe brought to Execution but in a rage and dispair; according to thatopinion he was left free in his body, that he might be the more free inhis thoughts.

Which were more to the World, and to the setling of his affairs, than tothe saving of his Soul, which he had neglected all his life time, andshewed himself utterly ignorant of the principles of his Religion, forwhich he said a little before, he was put to death, and those that werepresent related, that his Prayers made him appear more a Souldier than aChristian; he prayed in commanding, and commanded in praying.

His Confession being ended, he walked in the Chappel with one hand uponhis side, and with the other holding the strings of his Shirt, didunbutton and button again his Doublet. _Voisin_ being come back toldhim, that the Chancellor and the first President were very glad to hearof his Patience, and of his constant resolution to die. He talked muchof the Money he had at _Dijon_, of the worth of his Jewels, and of whatwas owing to him, and what himself did owe, he desired that some Sums ofMoney should be paid to certain Gentlemen, that had no Obligation for it:But still he broke forth into exclamations concerning his Innocency, andexecrations against _la Fin_, asking if it should not be lawfull for hisBrothers to prosecute him, and to cause him to be burnt.

Upon this, those that kept him during his Imprisonment, came to taketheir leave of him, every one having his left hand upon the handle of hisSword, and Tears in his Eyes, he moved them to compassion by the sight ofhis present condition, and exhorted them to serve the King faithfully,against whom he had said he had done nothing amiss, and complained thathe could find no Mercy at his Hands, intreated them to pray to God forhim, and to oblige them to that, distributed among them all his Cloathsand linnen, and Watches; he desired also the Knight of the Watch to tellthe King, that his Servants knew nothing of his Affairs, that the Earl of_Auvergne_ was not to be questioned upon that account: He intreated muchone exempt of the Guards to go to the said Earl, and tell him he had laidnothing to his charge, and that he went to die without any grief, but ofthe loss of his friendship, and that the shortness of his life would notgive him leave to shew in effect how much he was his servant. The Earlsent him word, that he did accept of his farewell, as of an intimatefriend; and that he remained behind to lament all the days of his lifethe loss he suffered in him, intreated him to leave him his Bastard Son,to have him brought up with his own Children. After this the Prisoner sawa Gentleman belonging to the Duke of _Mayene_, and entreated him to tellhis Master, that if ever in his life he had given him some occasion notto love him, that he prayed to believe that he would die his servant, asalso of the Duke of _Aiguillon_, and Earl of _Sommerive_ his Children; helikewise intreated _Arnaut_, Secretary to the Marquess of _Rhosny_, toremember his last commendations to his Master, and desire him to remembernot so much him that went to die, as his Brethren whom he left behind,that he had him in opinion of a good and usefull servant to the King, andrepented much he had not believed his Councel.

About three of the Clock the Chancellor and the first President wentup again into the Chappel, and finding him in a good disposition, didfortifie his resolution by their discourses, and desiring to know moreparticularities from his own mouth, sent all the standers by away, exceptthe Divines and the Recorder: They did exhort him to consider, that thedays of man are limited, that the end of his days depended from theProvidence of the Almighty, who would take him out of this world beforesome great and long misery should make him weary of it. He answered, no,no my Lords, do not trouble you about comforting me and strengthning meagainst the fear of death, I have not been afraid of it these 20 years;you have given me 40 days to study it, but I could not believe thathaving not been in the power of my Enemies to take away my life, I shouldbe so miserable as to loose it by the consent of my friends; having saidthis they left him, and took their leaves of him with Tears in theirEyes, he would not suffer them to depart till they had received a newProtestation of his, that he never had attempted any thing against theKing, Swearing, that if he would have done it, the King should not havebeen alive three years ago.

As they were going out of the _Bastille_ with _Sillery_, he sent theKnight of the Watch to intreat the Chancellor, that his Body might beburied at _Biron_, in the Sepulchre of his Ancestors, and that he woulddesire the King to give to his younger Brother some Office in the houseof the _Dolphin_, and shewing by his Countenance, Carryage, and Words, tocare as little for death as one that is a great way from it gave cause tosuspect, that he was not out of hope to obtain his pardon from the King,or to escape by some extraordinary means.

The Divines did exhort him to keep nothing back of what might serve forthe discharging of his Conscience, and to consider, that they could givehim absolution for no more than what he did confess. Although, said he,the King causeth me to die unjustly, nevertheless I have served him withso much affection and obedience, and I have near my death so much goodwill and affection for him, that if I knew any thing against his Personor State, I would tell it freely, and upon that whispered some things tohis Confessors, which _Voisin_ did presently write.

Being about five of the Clock, _Baranton_ was sent to tell him it wastime to go; let us go said he, seeing I must die, and desired he wouldcharge his Brothers from him, to remain faithful to the King, and not togo to Court, till time had blotted, or at least lessened the shame ofhis death. He kneeled before the Altar, and having ended his Prayer, hedesired the Company to pray for him.

Coming out of the Chappel, he met the Executioner, who offered to followhim, and he thinking it was to bind him; keep off, (said he) and do nottouch me till it be time; I shall go willingly to die without troublingany body; but it shall never be said that I am dead like a Slave, ora Thief, and swore by God that if he came near him he would stranglehim. The Divines exhorted him going down the stairs to resist thoseimpaciencies and temptations of the Devil, who striveth most to deviatethe Soul from her Salvation, when as he hath most need of the Divineassistance to withstand his assaults, remonstrating also unto him, thatall his violences and passions could not hinder the Soul to depart froma place where she was but a Tenant at Will. He hearkened to them, andsaying three times ah, ah, ah, raising his voice at every one, he said,is there no Mercy in the world, I see to day, that all the world hathforsaken me.

He came into the Yard, and seeing the Lieutenant of the City, in whosehouse the King had put _la Fin_, to secure him from all attempts, My LordLieutenant (said he) I am very much your friend, take heed to have anything to do with that Witch and Magician that lyeth at your house, if youmeddle with him he will undo you.

The Scaffold was set up in the corner of the Yard, over against theGarden gate, six foot high, and seven long, without any Ornament ordistinction. He kneeled upon the first step, lifted up his Eyes to Heavenand made a short Prayer, like a Souldier, and went up as couragiouslyas if he had gone to an assault, clad in a Gray Taffety Suit, with ablack Hat on his Head, but as soon as he saw the Executioner, he lookedfuriously upon him, and bid him stand aside till he were ready to receivethe last stroke: He threw his Hat, his Handkarchief, and Doublet to thefirst that would take it, nevertheless one of the Executioners men wasnimbler than all the rest, and looking upon the Souldiers that kept theGate armed, with Musquets and Fire-locks. Ah! said he, must I die? isthere no pardon? if at least some of those good fellows would shut me(opening his Breast) he should oblige my very much, what pity is it todie so miserably, and of so shameful a blow, then directing his speechto the Spectators, he said, I have put my Soul into such a state as sheought to be to appear before the face of Almighty God, but I pity thatof the King, who causeth me to die unjustly: I have erred I confess,but I never attempted anything against the Kings Person, he should havebeen dead ten years ago if I would have believed the evil Councel thatwas given me concerning that the trouble and distress of his Soul was sogreat, that a little while before he said three years, and now he saysten; the Divines having setled him a little once more, he received theirabsolution.

The Executioner then presented unto him a Frontlet, but it proved to hima new wound, an increase of grief, and swore if he toucht him any otherway than with the Sword he would strangle him, & thereupon he askedagain for his own Handkarchief to make use of it, his hollow and gastlyEyes shewed he was not in his right mind. _Voisin_ intreated him to bepatient, and to raise his thoughts to the place where his Soul was to go,and to be attentive to the reading of his Sentence. He was unwilling tohear the repetition of his Crimes, and to have occasion to exclaim againagainst the Iniquitie, of those that had condemned him, against the Kingscruelty, as he called it, that would not grant him his pardon, and thatthis was to make him feel death before death. _Voisin_ answered, that itcould not be done otherwise. He answered that every body knew for whatreason he was there and then as if it were by confession, he said, _well,read_, and thereupon held his Peace till _Voisin_ came to these words,_for having attempted against the Kings Person_; for then he fell into apassion again, as he had done before, and said, that it was false, thatthis never came into his mind, that as God was his Judge, he would be forever deprived of his Grace if it were true, that since two and twentyMonths he had done nothing against the Kings service, that it is true hehad written some Letters, but that the King had forgiven him, protestingand calling the Spectators to Witness, that it was the truth what hespoke, as he would answer it before God, and spoke so many words, and sofast that neither he nor the Sheriff could be understood.

The Sentence being read, the Divines did admonish him to leave allEarthly thoughts, to implore the assistance of Heaven, and to resign hisSoul to the Eternal providence of the Almighty, and his Body to what theLaw had ordained of it, he made some Prayer to God, and bound his Eyeswith his own Handkarchief, and asked the Executioner in what place he wasto put himself, the Executioner pointing with his finger, said, theremy Lord; he pulled off his Handkarchief in a rage, and where is thatthere, said he? thou seest I am blind fold, and thou shewest me as if Icould see; he bound himself again, and bid the Executioner to dispatchquickly: The Executioner told him he ought to kneel, for fear he shoulddo something amiss. No, no, said he, I shall not stir, if thou canst notdo it at one blow do it at thirty, he was intreated again to kneel, whichhe did, and spoke these Imperious words, dispatch, dispatch, then roseup again, and untied his Handkarchief, and by casting his Eyes upon theExecutioner, made the people believe, that either he had a mind to seizeupon the Sword, or that he was terribly afrighted by the approaches ofDeath, and began again his former complaints, is there no pardon? mustI die so miserably? after so many services. The Executioner intreatedhim to suffer his hairs behind to be cut off; he began to swear againfearfully, that if he toucht him otherwise than with the Sword, he wouldstrangle him. The Divines told him that he was too carefull of his Body,he would hear no more of that, but fell into a rage, and swore, that hewould not be toucht by so Infamous a Person as long as he was alive, thatif they did provoke him too much, he would strangle half the Company, andoblige the other half to kill him, those that were upon the Scaffold wentdown and left him with the Executioner, who repented himself heartilythat he had taken the care of him unbound.

The Divines went up again upon the Scaffold, and desired him for thelove of God to resolve to step over that pass, which was necessary forevery man to do, and with some few other words, whispered into his ears,did calm him a little, and made him resolve to undergo the Execution,after he had made many complaints, and shewed great fears of dying. Astrange thing that as stout and valiant a man as ever was born, who hadso many times cast himself amongst the greatest dangers, without any fearor apprehension, as if there was no death for him, should shew himselfnow so fearful at the coming of it; we may judge by this, that theapprehension of death is incomparably greater when it cometh upon a coldblood, and those that know what his Chirurgion was wont to say, shallless wonder at it; for he said, that the Duke of _Biron_ used to wonderat himself, that being not afraid of the thrust of a Sword, neverthelesshe was very timerous at the pricking of a Launcet, when he had occasionto be let blood: Whereupon we must confess, that the greatest courage,and most undaunted stoutness of a man, is nothing in comparison of humanNatures weakness.

The Divines judging him to be out of fear, gave him his last absolution,he kneeled again, and cried aloud three times, _My God, my God, myGod, have Mercy upon me_, then turning to the Executioner, he took theheadband that he had in his hand, and intreated _Baranton_ to do himthat last curtesie as to lift up his hairs behind, which _Baranton_did, and the Duke himself did tie the Handkarchief about his Eyes. TheDivines seeing him in that good disposition, did assure him, that hewas ready to go to Heaven, and to see God, and to enjoy his Glory. Yes,said he, Heaven is open to receive my Soul, and so stooped his neck forthe Executioner to do his office. The Executioner considering, that hehad untied himself three times before, and might do so again for thefourth, thought fitting to entertain him with fair words, to desire hisforgiveness, and to put him in mind of saying his last Prayer, in themean time he beckened to his man, who was at the foot of the Scaffold,to reach him the Sword, which no sooner was in his hand, but the Duke of_Birons_ Head was off his Shoulders, it fell from the Scaffold to theground, and was thrown again by the Executioners man upon the Scaffold,the Body was stript to its Shirt, and wraped in a Sheet, and the same dayburied, about nine of the Clock at night, in St. _Pauls_ Church, withoutany shew or Ceremony. Thus ended the Tragical History of the Duke of_Biron_.

Now follows the two last Verses of this Prophecie.

 _A Post overtaken in the Countrey,_ _And the Scrivener shall cast himself into the Water._

Which as we have said before, were concerning _Nicolas L’oste_, Secretaryto the Lord _Villeroy_, chief Secretary of State. The History thereforeis thus.

The _French_ Embassador at _Madrid_, complained once to _Henry_ theIV. he was so ill informed, and so late of Affairs, that the King of_Spain_’s Ministers knew them before him: The King was a great whiletroubled before he could discover the spring of that infidelity, at lastit came out in this manner. _Villeroy_ that great Oracle of _France_,and the most confident Secretary to the King, had among his servantsone _Nicolas l’Oste_, born at _Orleans_, in whom he did confide so muchthe more, because his Father had been the most part of his life in hisservice.

The Lord _Rochepot_ going Embassador into _Spain_, _Oste_ desired to beadmitted into his Family, to serve him as his secretary, that he mightthe better fit himself for publick employment. _Villeroy_’s commendationgot him easily that employment, by which in a few Months he became socapable of the _Spanish_ Tongue and manners, that no body could havedistinguished him from a natural _Spaniard_. The Embassador having swornin the name of the most Christian King the treaty of Peace made at_Veruins_, the King of _Spain_ presented him with a rich Chain of Jewels,and with six other of Gold, valued at 150. Crowns apiece, to bestow uponas many of his own servants as he should think fit.

The pride and presumption of this young man was such as to perswade himhe deserved one of them, and chiefly because one of his fellows wasthought worthy of it, but his Master did not think so, and thus he wasneglected.

Thus envy and jealousie were the Windows by which the Devil crept intohis soul; the vanity, lying, pride, and debauchery gave him a fulladmittance, he had spent all his Money to buy the love of a Courtisane,and wanted means to follow that course which he had no mind to leave off.His Masters neglecting of him, had extraordinarily vexed him, but hecomforted himself that he knew his secrets, and that in revealing them tothe King of _Spains_ Ministers he shot two Birds with one shot; for heshould avenge himself of that contempt he had received, and should have away to continue his amorous expences. With that intention he made himselfknown to _Don Franchese_ one of the Secretaries of State, and told himwhat means he had to serve the King of _Spain_, and to shew him proofs ofthat service and affection he had vowed to him long before, by impartingto him all the Letters that the Embassador did both send and receive fromthe King his Master.

_Don Franchese_ heard this proposition as from a young man, whose Brainswere not well settled, or perhaps did abhor such infidelity, thereforetold him coldly, that the Catholick King was in so good amity with themost Christian one, that he desired to know no more of his business, thanwhat his Embassador should tell him.

L’_Oste_ did not despond for all this, but went to _Don Ydiaques_ anotherSecretary of State, who knowing how important it is for a Prince to knowthe secrets of his Neighbours, and that the slighting of such an offerwould be prejudicial to the King his Masters Service, did hearken untothis Traitor, approved of his design, and exhorted him to persevere inthe good affection he shewed to the King of _Spains_ service, promised toacquaint the King with it, and to procure him such a reward, as he shouldhave reason to be satisfied with.

The Councel agreed that L’_Oste_ should be incouraged, and _DonYdiaques_, presented him to the Duke of _Lerma_, to whom he shewedthe Alphabet of Cyphers, with which his Master writ his Letters into_France_, and for a further proof unciphered the last Letter that theKing of _France_ had sent. The Duke exhorted him to continue his goodWill, gave him 1200. Crowns for an earnest of the Bargain, with a promiseof as much for a yearly pension, besides a considerable gratification hewas to expect from the King.

Since that time the _French_ Embassador received no Letters but theywere presently imparted to the _Spanish_ Councel: But the Lord _laRochepot_ being called back into _France_, L’_Oste_ lost the conveniencyof prosecuting his Treasons, and consequently the hopes of his promisedreward, therefore sought means to come again into his first Masters,that is, _Villeroy_’s service, but he was a while kept back from it byreason of a difference between his Mother and _Villeroy_, about somerest of Accounts; but L’_Oste_ had rather take that loss upon him thanto be deprived of that occasion. The Embassador himself gave him a largeTestimony Of his ability and faithfulness, and was Instrumental for hisre-admission into that service.

Thus being re-established, he became more diligent and sedulous than everbefore, and not only writ more Letters than any of his fellows, but alsooffered them his service to help them, that he might have a more perfectknowledge of all transactions, and so impart them to the _Spaniard_,and so visited and conferred with _Taxis_ the _Spanish_ Embassador at_Paris_, and after that with his successor, _Don Baltazar de Cuniga_,with so much cunning and secrecy, that the Councel of _Spain_ receivedhis Letters, before _des Barreaux_ the _French_ Embassador at _Madrid_,could receive those of the King.

_Des Barreaux_ sent word to the King, that when he propounded any thing,according to his Majesties command, to the Councel of _Spain_, he foundthem always preadvised, and could not find out by what means; certainlysaid the King, there must be some in my Councel that keep a strictintelligence with the _Spaniard_, and I can not tell whom to suspect.Providence doth often draw good effects out of the worse causes, andpermitteth that the wicked should disclose one anothers wickedness, asa Nail driveth out another. _Loste_ had revealed himself familiarly toone _Raffis_, formerly Secretary to the Lord _Lansac_, a fugitive into_Spain_, for many Treasons, and exempted from pardon; but the _Spaniard_had begun to cut him short of his former Pensions, since the Treason ofthe Baron of _Fontanelles_, Governour of _Dornavenest_ in _Brittanny_,in which the said _Raffis_ had been a principal Actor, though in vain,so that since, the Councel of _Spain_ looked upon him as an unprofitableservant, and withdrew their Pension.

_Raffis_ finding himself near a great want and misery, thought thisoccasion might be a means to prevent it, and to procure his return intohis native Countrey, by doing so great a service to his Prince; thereforehe went to one of the _French_ Embassadors most faithful servants, andtold him his grief, for having had a share in so many Treasons andRebellions in _France_, which he acknowledged God had into his particularprotection, that he was resolved to blot out the memory of them by anotable service done to the King and Kingdom, but that could not be,unless he had first obtained pardon for all his former misdemeanors.

This being told to the Embassadour, he heard _Raffis_, who told him ingeneral that the King was betrayed, and his most secret Councel bewrayed,but that he could not name the Traitor, no not to his Majesty himself,before he had his pardon: that being done, he would wholly withdrawhimself from those whom he knew certainly to be enemies to the Kingdom.The Embassadour sent an express to the King to give him notice of it. TheKing sent him full power to treat with _Raffis_, with promiss to ratifiewhatsoever he should promiss to _Raffis_; _Raffis_ could not make goodhis accusation, but by two Letters written by _Loste_, to a great friendof his, named _Blas_, which Letters he knew to be in a Box of _Blas_,who lodged with him; therefore upon some pretext or another, they foundmeans to send _Blas_ as far as l’_Escurial_. In his absence _Raffis_ and_Descardes_ Secretary to the Embassadour, broke open the Box, and tookout the Letters, by which _Loste_ did much magnifie the liberalities of_Spain_, as being above his desert and expectation; with this proofsand the Embassadors Letters, _Raffis_ fained to go to a Monastery near_Madrid_, and there make his devotions upon Palm-Sunday, as he was wontto do, but he went directly to _Bayone_, where he met with _Discardes_upon a set day. _Blas_ came back after Palm-Sunday, and finding his Boxopen, and his companion run away, he suspected the matter, and gavenotice of it to the _Spanish_ Ministers, who presently dispatched twoCourriers to the _Spanish_ Embassador at _Paris_, to give him noticethat a man was gone from _Madrid_; who would discover _Loste_ and hispractises, therefore he should give him notice of it, and bid him look tohimself, and that in case he should be taken, to keep secresie.

_Descardes_ and _Raffis_ came to _Paris_ the _Wensday_ after Easter, andcarried themselves with all faithfulness in this occasion, but not withall the prudence that could have been desired. _Villeroy_ was going thesame day to lie at his own House, between _Paris_ and _Fountain-bleau_,where the Court was then; they met with him at _Juvisy_, and waited onhim as far as _Villeroy_, but told him nothing of the occasion of theircoming by the way, till they presented him with the Embassadors Letters,which was a notable fault, for he would certainly have neglected allother business to secure his man, who was then doing his devotions at theCharter-house of _Paris_.

The next day _Villeroy_ was the first that told the King of the coming of_Raffis_, and of the perfidiousness of his own servant. As he was goingback to his Lodging, notice was given him that two _Spanish_ Courtierswere arrived at the Post-house; he commanded one of the Commissionersof the Post-house, that he should cause them to withdraw into a Room,and that no body should speak with them; he charged also _Descardes_,that he should spy the coming of _Loste_, that he should keep him closecompany, and send him presently notice of his arrival. The Commissionerand _Descardes_ did commit here another great fault, for _Loste_ beingcome to the Post-house about noon, this silly Commissioner told him thatthere were arrived two _Spanish_ Courtiers who asked for him, that theyhad Letters for him, and more then that, suffered him to go into theirChamber and see them, he saluted them, and one of them whispered him inthe ear that he was undone if he did not save himself presently, andthat _Raffis_ had discovered him; fear and astonishment with his guiltyconscience, persuaded him easily to look to himself.

Nevertheless, he settled his countenance the best he could, he went outwith an intention to take his Horse again, which he had sent before, andso save himself; _Descardes_ and _Raffis_ perceived him, _Descardes_ cameand saluted him, and thinking perhaps that he was strong enough to givean account of him, neglected to send word to _Villeroy_, who was thenin his Closet with the Bishop of _Chartres_; _Descardes_ presence was agreat thorn in _Loste_’s foot, to be rid of him, he said he was going tohis Master, who stayed for him; _Descardes_ offered to accompany him: heanswered, he had not dined, and that believing it was past Dinner timeat home, he would go into some Cabaret to look for a Dinner, the otheranswered I have not dinned neither, we shall dine together. _Loste_ foundanother excuse, and said my Boots hurt me, I pray give me leave thatI may go and pull them off; _Descardes_ answered, he must needs drinkwith him. Thus arguing together, they came to _Villeroy_’s Lodging,where _Descardes_ thinking to have him sure, left him in the Room, notknowing that the _Spanish_ Courtiers had talked with him, and came nearthe Closet to give notice of it to _Villeroy_; but as soon as he sawhimself rid of _Descardes_, he went down into the Stable, and findinghis Horse yet Sadled he Mounted, and with all speed rid to _Paris_;_Villeroy_ in the mean time having notice that his man was come, hecommanded they should bring them in; but he was not to be found, nor hisHorse neither, no body knowing which way he was gone. _Villeroy_ toldthe King that his man was escaped, they sent after him on all sides, and_Villeroy_ particularly sent all his Servants after into all the ways._Loste_ coming to _Paris_ about nine of the Clock at night, went to takecounsel of the _Spanish_ Embassadour, and before day, went out habitedlike a _Spaniard_, with the Embassadors Steward, and took his way towards_Meaux_, with an intent to get into _Luxembourg_ by Poste.

That every one might endeavour the apprehending of that Traitor, it wasspread abroad that one of _Villeroy_’s Secretaries had attempted uponthe Kings Person, and notice was given of his Stature, Age, Cloaths andHorse. The Sheriffs of every Countrey were in quest, and all Post-Masterswere forbidden to let out any Horses, but that of _Meaux_ had noticeof it too late; _Loste_ was got on Horseback already, but assoon as hebegan to gallop, his Horse fell to the ground, and was an ill _Omen_to the Rider; he got up again, and shewed so much fearfulness in hisCountenance, that the Postillion himself thought he had committed somenotorious villany, which he did run for. Being come home, he gavenotice of it to his Master, who suspecting him to be the man enquiredoff, he gave notice of it to the Sheriff, who presently made after himat the second Ferry of _la Ferte soubs Jouare_, where he was Crossingthe River; the Sheriff cried after the Ferry man to come back, butthe fear of his life, which the two run aways put him into, prevailedupon him, above the Sheriffs commands, being got over, and judging thattheir Post-Horses should be quickly overtaken by those of the Sheriff,they forsook them and the Postillion; and trusted to their heels in thedarkness of the night among the Bushes and Brambles that are upon theRiver _Marne_. The Sheriff scattered his men all about, caused fires tobe made, and raised up all the Countrey people thereabout; the _Spaniard_ran over the Champion Countrey, and _Loste_ went from Bush to Bush, andwhether accidentally or wilfully he fell into the River _Marne_, where hewas drowned; the next day his Hat was found between two posts, and hisbody two days after not far from that place.

Thus you may plainly see the full event of those two famous Prophecies,contained in this sixth Stanza.


 La Sangsue au Loup se joindra, Lors qu’en Mer le bled defaudra, Mais le grand Prince sans envie, Par Ambassade luy donra, De son bled pour luy donner vie, Pour un besoing s’en pourvoira.
 The Leech will joyn it self to the Wolf, When in the Sea Corn shall be wanting, But the great Prince without envy, By Embassy shall give him, Of his Corn to give him life, Of which in his need he shall make provision.


By the _Leech_ is understood the _Spaniard_. By the _Wolf_ is meant the_French_, by reason of the multitude of those Creatures in that Kingdom;the meaning therefore of this Prophecy is, that there should be a greatfamine in _Spain_, wherein the _Spaniard_ should be constrained tomake his application to the _French_ for relief of Corn, which shouldbe granted him. This happened in the year 1665 for you must understandthat most of these last Prophecies were to be fulfilled in the Reign of_Henry_ IV.


 Un peu devant l’ouvert commerce, Ambassadeur viendra de _Perse_, Nouvelle au Franc Pais porter, Mais non receu vaine esperance, A son grand Dieu sera l’offense, Feignant de le vouloir quitter.
 A little before that Trade shall be open, An Embassador shall come from _Persia_, To bring news into _France_, But he shall not be received, O vain hope! To his great God shall the offence be, Faining that he would leave him.


In the year 1608. the year before the Truce was concluded between the_Spaniard_ and the _Hollanders_, by which all free Commerce was openedthrough _Europe_. The King of _Persia_ being then in War with the great_Turk_, sent an Embassador to all the Christian Princes, and chiefly into_France_, to move them to make a diversion in so fit a time, but he couldprevail nothing, and went back again _re infecta_, which he thought to bea great injury done to his Prophet _Mahomet_.


 Deux Estendars du costé de l’_Auvergne_, Senestre pris, pour un temps prison regne, Et un Dame enfant voudra mener, An Censuart, mais discouvert l’affaire, Danger de mort, murmure sur la Terre, Germain, _Bastille_, Frere & Sœur prisonier.
 Two Standards in the County of _Auvergne_, The left one taken, for a while Prison shall reign, And a Lady shall endeavour to carry a child To the Censuart, but the plot being discovered, Danger of Death, murmur upon Earth, Own Brother, _Bastille_, Brother and Sister prisoners.


This Stanza being most obscure and difficult, cannot be understood sowell by parcels, as by laying down the whole _Synopsis_ of it, which I dothe more willingly, because I think it will be delightful to the Reader,and that the whole being known, the meaning of every particular willeasily be understood.

_Charles_ the IX. King of _France_, the last of the House of _Valois_left only one natural Son, called the Earl of _Auvergne_, who had aSister by the Mothers side, that was called _Henrietta de Balzac_duch*ess of _Verneuil_, once Mistriss to _Henry_ the IV. by whom she hadupon promiss of marriage one Son, at this time Duke of _Verneuil_, andGovernour of _Languedoc_; but this promiss being made void by Act ofParliament, _Henry_ IV. married _Mary_ of _Medicis_, by which he hadissue _Lewis_ the XIII. and other children: now upon the discontentof the Marshal of _Biron_, the Dutchess of _Verneuil_, the Earl of_Auvergne_ her Brother, and their party joyned with him for the promotingof the Duke of _Verneuil_’s interest to the Crown, whereupon the Kingsent for the Earl of _Auvergne_, who was then in his County a hundredLeagues from _Paris_; but the Earl trusting more the good will of theCitizens of _Clermont_ in _Auvergne_ who loved him, then to the KingsClemency, neglected to come, whereupon the King sent again the Lordd’_Escures_, with a pardon for what was past; he promised to come whenhe should see his pardon Signed and Sealed in good form; the King wasoffended at his proceeding, and took it very ill that a Subject of hiswould capitulate with him, who intended to deal plainly and sincerely;the King nevertheless past that over for many considerations, one ofthem was that the Earl was of the blood of _France_, and brother by theMother to one that had been his Mistress, besides that he was a Princeendowed with many good qualities, most of which did Sympathise with thoseof the King, thus the King sent him his Pardon as well for what waspast, as for the present, but with this proviso that he should come; forall this, he did not stir out of _Clermont_; the King seeing that, didresolve to have him at any rate: there was several propositions made forto take him: at Hunting, at running of the Ring, at some Banquet, in theFields, in the City; all these ways might be suspected by the Earl, but anew one was found out, of which he himself was the Author; the Troop ofthe Duke of _Vendosme_ was preparing for to Muster, the Earl intreatedd’_Eurre_ Lieutenant of the said company, that it might be in the Fieldsby _Clermont_ towards _Nonnain_, because he intended to take revengein the behalf of a Lady, upon the Inhabitants of that place. The Kingsent directions and orders to d’_Eurre_, how he should govern himselfin that action, and gave him for Associates, _la Boulaye_, Lieutenantof the Marquess of _Verneuil_’s Troop, and _Nerestan_ Colonel of a FootRegiment. By the Kings advice they imparted the business to the Viscountof _Pont du Chasteau_, to the Baron of _Canillac_ and some others, thathad authority in that Province, and were devoted to the Kings service,and all keeping religiously the Laws of silence. The 12 of _November_ theTroop met at the Rendezvous; the Earl came thither by times with two onlyof his followers, thinking that the Troop should not be ready so soon,and so he should have pretext either to go back to _Clermont_, or to goon further to visit his Mistress. The prudence and diligence of thosethat managed the business did prevent him, and begot a suspition in him,for he was seen to truss up his Cloak and to try whither his sword didnot stick to the Scabbard. D’_Eurre_ went to him, and having complementedhim rode on his left hand, while the Troop was setting in order;_Nerestan_ came to salute him on the other side, and rode on his righthand, being followed by three stout Souldiers, habited like Lackeys, andappointed for this action. The Viscount of _du Pont du Chasteau_ and hisbrother rode out of the Troop and encompassed him on all sides. One ofthe Souldiers laid hold on the Horses Bridle; d’_Eurre_ at the same timelaid hold on his Swords Hilt, saying, my Lord, we are commanded by theKing to give him an account of your person, and we intreat you to submitunto his Majesties good pleasure, that we may have no occasion to useyou otherways then we desire. _Maison-ville_ and _Liverne_ who were histwo followers drew their Swords, thinking to make him way to escape, butsome shot spent upon them, made them presently retire and run away. Hewas put upon a Trumpeters Nag as far as _Briare_, and thence conducted to_Montargis_ in a Coach, and afterwards by water to _Paris_ and put in theBastille.

By this History, and the explication of the word _Censuart_, which is anancient word derived from the Latine word _Censor_; and taken here forthe Kingly office, the whole Prophecy is easily understood, and obviousto the meanest capacity.


 Embassadeur pour une Dame, A son Vaissau mettra la rame, Pour prier le grand Medecin, Que de l’Oster de telle peine, Mais a ce s’opposera Roine, Grand peine avant qu’en voir la fin.
 An Embassador for a Lady, Shall set Oares to his Ship, To intreat the great Physition, To take her out of such pain, But a Queen shall oppose it, A great deal of trouble before the end of it.


This Prophecy is concerning _Mary Stuart_ Queen of _Scots_ put in Prisonby Queen _Elizabeth_, who is called here the opponant Queen, to theEmbassy that the said Queen of _Scots_ sent for relief to the King of_France_, called here the great Physitian.


 Durant le Siecle on verra deux ruisseaux, Tout un terrouer inonder de leurs eaux, Et submerger par Ruisseaux & Fontaines, _Coups_, & _Monfrein_, _Beccoyran_ & _Alais_, Par le _Gardon_ bien souvent travaillez, Six cens & quattre, _Ales_ & trente Moines.
 In this Age two Rivolets shall be seen, To overflow a whole Countrey with their waters, And to drown by Rivolets and Fountains, _Coups_, and _Monfrein_, _Beccoiran_ and _Alais_, By the _Gardon_ often troubled, Six hundred and four _Alais_, and thirty Monks.


An Age is the space of one hundred years, the meaning therefore of thisis, that within the Age following, his Prophecies namely as he saithafter, in the year 1664. there shall be great Inundation in _Languedoc_,caused by the overflowing of two small Rivers, besides that of _Gardon_,which Inundation shall drown these following places, _Coups_, _Monfrein_,_Becoyran_ and _Alais_, besides, and Abbey wherein there was 30. Monks,but of this I could find nothing in the History, therefore those thatlive about those places must make it good.


 Six cens & cinq tres grand nouvelle, De deux Seigneurs la grand querelle, Proche de _Gevaudan_ sera, En une Eglise apres l’offrande, Meuttre commis, prestre de mande, Tremblant de peur se sauvera.
 In six hundred and five shall be great news; The quarrel of two great Lords, Shall be near _Gevaudan_, In a Church after the Offering, A murder committed, the Priest shall ask, And quaking for fear, shall save himself.


This (like the former) is a particuler accident, of which the publickHistory taketh no notice; it seemeth that in the year 1665. in_Gevaudan_, a Province of _France_ near _Languedoc_, there was a greatquarrel between two Lords who meeting at Church, did about the time ofthe Offering set one upon another, and one of them was killed, whereuponthe Priest being terrified, ran away.


 L’aventurier, six cens, & six ou neuf, Sera surpris par fiel mis dans un Oeuf, Et peu apres sera hors de puissance, Par le puissant Empereur General, Qu’ou Monde nest an pereil ny esgal, Dont un chascun luy rend obeissance.
 The adventurer, six hundred, six or nine, Shall be surprised by Gall put into an Egge, And a little while after shall be out of power, By the potent Emperour General, To whom in the world there is not his like or equal, Wherefore every one yieldeth obedience to him.


This Prophecie was concerning the Duke of _Savoy_ and _Henry_ the IV. forabout that time mentioned by the Author, after the death of Marshal _deBiron_, who sided with the Duke of _Savoy_ (which death is called hereGall put into an Egg;) the Duke of _Savoy_ refused to perform the treatyconcerning the restitution of the Marquisate of _Saluces_, wherefore_Henry_ the IV. went and subdued most of his Countrey, and compelled himto give the Province of _Bresse_ instead of the said Marquisate.


 Au grand Siege encor grand forfaits, Recommenceant plus que jamais, Six cens & cinq sur la verdure, La prise & reprise sera, Soldats es Champs jusqu’ en froidure, Puis apres recommencera.
 At the great Siege yet great misdemeanors, Beginning again more than ever, Six hundred and five about the Spring, The taking and retaking shall be, Souldiers in the fields till Winter, And after that shall begin again.


This Stanza is about the same subject as the precedent. By the greatSiege here is meant the Siege of _Montpelian_, the strongest place in_Savoy_, which _Henry_ the IV. took, and by it compelled the Duke of_Savoy_ to an agreement. The rest is easie.


 Nouveau esleu Patron du grand Vaisseau, Verra long temps briller le grand flambeau, Qui sert de Lampe a ce grand territoire, Et auquel temps Armées soubs son nom, Jointes a celles de l’heureux de _Bourbon_, Levant, Ponant, & Couchant sa memoire.
 The new elected Master of the great Ship, Shall a great while see the great light shine, Which serveth for a Lamp to this great Territory, And at which time Armies under his name, Joyned with those of happy of _Bourbon_, East, West, and North his memory shall be.


The three first Verses are concerning _Clement_ the VIII. who was electedPope about that time, and was Instrumental to make a Peace between theKing of _France_ and the Duke of _Savoy_, and was Pope a good while.

By the great Ship is meant the Church, of which he is called Master. Therest is easie.


 En _Octobre_ Six cens & cinq, Pour voieur du Monstre Marin, Prendra du Souverain le cresme, Ou en six cens & six en _Juin_, Grand joye aux Grands & au Commun, Grand faits apres ce grand Baptesme.
 In _October_ six hundred and five, The Purveyor of the Sea Monster, Shall take the unction of the Sovereign, Or in six hundred and six in _June_, Great joy shall be to the Great ones, and to the Commons, Great feats shall be after this great Baptism.


In the year 1606. the 14 of _September_, instead of which the printerhath put _October_, the Dolphin of _France_, _Lewis_ the XIII. son to_Henry_ the IV. was Christened with his two Sisters at _Fountainbleau_,and because the Ceremonies were extraordinary, and our Author calleththis a great Baptism, it will not be amiss for the satisfaction of thecurious Reader, to give here succinctly a description of it.

In the great quadrangle of the Castles Yard, was erected a greatTheatre, all spread and hanged with most rich Carpets and Hangings, inthe middle of which Theatre was a square of thirty foot on each side,with rails about it, all covered with Carpets, in the front of it waserected an Altar, adorned with the Ornaments belonging to the Order ofthe Holy Ghost, behind the Table was a Footstool of three steps, spreadwith Carpets, and in the middle of the Footstool was a kind of a Stand,covered with a Silver Cloth, upon which were the Fount, covered with amost exquisite Towel, and a Canopy over it, on both sides of the Altarswere two Scaffolds for two Quires of Musick, and a little lower on theright hand a Bench covered with Carpets for the Prelates to sit, amongwhich were three Archbishops, nine Bishops and three Abbots, on theleft hand were the Lords of the Councel, and before the Altar was theCardinal of _Gondy_, encompassed with Almoners and Chaplains, and a greatmultitude of spectators seated upon Benches, in form of a Theatre, roundabout the Theatre were the guard of _Switzers_, having every one a Torchin his hand.

The Dolphin and his Sisters were in their Chambers upon Beds of State,with their Robes lined with Hermines, and were brought to the quadrangle,the waiting Gentlemen going before with Torches in their hands, with theBed Chamber men, and Gentlemen of the Chamber, five Drums, Waits, andTrumpeters, Heralds, and the Knights of the Holy Ghost, with the threeHonours; in the first, for the youngest Daughter, the Ewer, the Bason,the Pillow, the Wax Taper, the Chrisme, the Saltseller, were carryedby the Baron, Son to Marshal _de la Chastre_, by the Lords _Montigny_,_la Rochepot_, _Chemerand_, _Liencourt_, _Fervacques_, and the Lady wascarryed by the Marshal of _Bois Dauphin_, followed by _Charles_ Duke of_Lorrain_ Godfather, and of _Don Juan de Medicis_, Brother to the greatDuke of _Tuscany_, representing _Christian_, Daughter to the Duke of_Lorrain_, and Wife of the great Duke. After that followed the Dutchesof _Guise_, the Countesses of _Guiche_, of _Saulx_, the Marchioness_Monlaur_, and other Ladies.

The Marshals of _Laverdin_, and of _la Chastre_, the Dukes of _Silly_,of _Monbazon_, of _Espernon_, of _Esguillon_ did the same office forthe elder Lady. The Lord of _Ragny_ carryed her for _Diana_ Dutchessof _Angoulesme_, who did represent the _Infanta_, _Clara_, _Eugenia_,_Eusabella_, Archidutchess of _Austria_, followed by the Dutchess of_Rohan_, _Montmorency_, _Mayenne_.

The third Honour for the Dolphin was carried by the Earl of _Vaudemont_,the Knight of _Vendosme_ his elder Brother, the Duke of _Mensier_, theEarl of _Soissons_, and the Prince of _County_, all three Princes of theBlood, and the Dolphin was carryed by the Lord _Souvray_ his Governour,in the room of the Prince of _Condé_, first Prince of the Blood, whobecause of his sickness could do him no other service then to hold himby the hand. The Duke of _Guise_ carryed his Train, and the Cardinal of_Joyouse_ followed him, representing the Pope _Paul_ the V. then followed_Eleonor_ Wife to _Vincent_ Duke of _Mantua_, and the Princess of theBlood, all richly attired.

The Dolphin being brought upon the Table of the quadrangle, the Cardinalof _Gondy_ appointed for this Ceremony, came near him; and having heardhim answer pertinently to the questions asked by the Almoner according tothe usual forms, and to say the Lords Prayer and the Creed in Latine, hewas exercised, appointed, and by the Cardinal of _Joyouse Legat_, named_Lewis_.

The Ladies were afterwards brought upon the Table, and the eldest,named _Elizabeth_ by the Dutchess of _Angoulesme_, representing theArchidutchess her Godmother, without any Godfather.

The youngest was named by _Don Juan_ of _Medicis_ (representing the greatDutchess) _Christierne_.

At Supper the King was waited upon by the Princess of his Blood;the Prince of _Condé_ served for Pantler, the Prince of _Compty_for Cupbearer, the Duke of _Monpensier_ for Squire Carver, the Earlof _Soissons_ for high Steward, the Duke of _Guise_ and the Earl of_Vondemont_ waited upon the Queen, and the Duke of _Sully_ waited uponthe Legat. The Godfathers sat, and after them the Princesses, Ladiesand Lords of high quality, at the great Ball the Duke of _Lorrain_ didprecede by the Kings order, for the only consideration that he wasGodfather.

The next day there was a runing at the Ring, and at night the Duke of_Sully_ caused an artificial Castle to be assaulted with an innumerablequantity of Squibs, Chambers, Canon shots, and other Fire Works, butnever any thing was seen more incredible or wonderful, then the beauty,ornament and lustre of the Princesses and Ladies of the Court; The Eyescould not stedfastly behold the splendor of the Gold, nor the brightnessof the Silver, nor the glittering of Jewels; the Princes and Lords didout vie one another who should be most richly attired, among the restthe Duke of _Espernon_ had a Sword valued at 30000. Crowns, and upon theQueens Gown were 32000. Pearls, and 3000. Diamonds.


 Au mesme temps un grand endurera, Joyeux, malsain, l’an complet ne verra, Et quelques uns qui Seront de la feste, Feste pour un feulement, a ce jour, Mais peuapres sans faire long sejour, Deux se donront l’un l’autre de la teste.
 At the same time a great one shall suffer, Joyful, sickly, shall not see the year compleat, And some others who shall be of the feast, A feast for one only at that day, But a little while after without long delay, Two shall knock one another in the head.


This Stanza hath relation to the precedent, for about the time of, or alittle before that famous Christning died Pope _Leo_ the IX. formerlycalled Cardinal of _Florence_, who did not live a whole year in thepapacy; and is called here _Joyful_, _Sickly_, because though infirm, hedid much rejoyce in the obtaining of it; those others that were of theFeast, were some Cardinals of his party, who died also within the sameyear.

The two last Verses signifie the differences that happened, between_Paul_ V. his Successor, and the Common-wealth of _Venice_ presentlyafter his death.


 Considerant la triste _Philomele_, Qu’en pleurs & cris sa plainte renouvelle, Racourcissant par tel moyen ses jours, Six cens & cinq elle en verra l’yssue, De son tourment, ia la toile tissue, Por son moien senestre aura secours.
 Considering the sad _Philomela_, Who in tears and cries reneweth her complaint, Shortning by such means her days, Six hundred and five shall see the end, Of her torment, then the Cloath Woven, By her sinister means shall have help.


This sad _Philomela_ was _Henrietta_ of _Balzac_ Daughter to _Francis_ of_Balzac_, Marquess of _Entragues_, and Mistress to _Henry_ the IV. whobeing found guilty of a Conspiracy against the State, was confined to theAbbey of the Nuns of _Beaumont lez Tours_, where she was seven Months,after which the King taking pitty of her, passed a Declaration, whereinin respect of his former Love, and of the Children that he had by her,he forgave her all what was past, did abolish and suppress for ever theMemory of the Crime that she was accused off, and did dispense her fromappearing before the Parliament, who in her absence did Register herLetters of Pardon the 6. of _September_ 1605. Thus Reader you may see howpunctual was our Author in his Prognostications.


 Six cens & cinq, six cens & six & sept. Nous monstrera jusques l’an dixsept, Du boutefeu l’Ire, haine & envie, Soubs l’Olivier d’assez long temps caché, Le Crocodil sur la Terre a caché, Ce qui estoit mort sera pour lors en vie.
 Six hundred and five, six hundred and six and seven, Will shew us unto the year seventeen, The anger of the bontefeu, his hatred and envy, Under the Olive-Tree a great while hidden, The Crocodile upon the ground hath hidden, What was dead, shall then be alive.


This Stanza is so difficult, signifieth nothing but the confusions thathave happened in _France_ from the year 1605. to the year 1617. whichwould be too tedious and prolix here to relate, the Reader may see themin the _French_ History.


 Celuy qui a par plusieurs fois, Tenu la Cage & puis les bois, Rentre a son premier estre, Vie sauve pen apres sortir, Ne se scachant encor cognoistre, Cherchera subject pour mourir.
 He that hath many times, Been in the Cage and in the Woods, Cometh again to his first being, And shall go out a little after with his life safe, And not able yet to know himself, Shall seek a subject to be put to death.


This is yet concerning the Earl of _Auvergne_ half Brother to theDutchess of _Verneuil_, who for his misdemeanours having been put severaltimes in the Bastille, and set free again, nevertheless was attemptingstill some new thing, which might have endangered his life.


 L’Autheur des maux commencera Regner, En l’an fix cens & sept sans espargner, Tous les subjects qui sont a la Sangsüe, Et puis apres s’en viendra peu a peu, Au franc Païs rallumer son feu, S’en retournant d’ou elle est issue.
 The Author of evils shall begin to Reign, In the year six hundred and seven, without sparing, All the subjects that belong to the Leech, And afterwards shall come by little and little, To the free Countrey to kindle again his fire, Going back again from whence it came.


The Author being a zealous Roman Catholick, calls here the _Hollanders_the Authors of evils, who in the year 1607 and 1608. made a grievous War,and had several successes against the _Spaniard_, with the help of the_French_ and _English_, till the year 1609. when by the mediation of the_French_ and _English_ Embassadors, the Truce was concluded at _Antwerp_,between the Arch-duke and the States of the _United Provinces_, theArticles of it to the number of 38. were solemnly proclaimed andpublished the ninth of _April_, and ratified by the King of _Spain_ inthe Month of _July_ next ensuing.


 Cil qui dira descouvrisant l’affaire, Comme du mort, la mort pourra bien faire, Coups de Poniards par un qu’auront induits, Sa fin sera pis qu’il n’aura fait faire, La fin conduit les homines sur la Terre, Gueté par tout, tant le jour que la nuit.
 He that shall say discovering the business, How of the dead, can make a death well, Strokes of a Dagger by one that hath been induced to it, His end shall be worse then he hath caused to be done, The end leadeth all men upon the Earth, Espied every where, as well by day as by night.


This Stanza is wholly abstruse and Enigmatical, therefore I will notpretend to expound it, but leave the interpretation to those that havemore time and leasure then I.


 Quand la grand Nef, la prove & Gouvernail, Du franc Pais, & son Esprit vital, Descueils & slots par la Mer Secovée, Six cens & sept & dix cœur assiegé, Et des reflux de son corps afflegé, Sa vie estant sur ce mal renovée.
 When the great Ship, the Prow, and Rudder, Of the _French_ Countrey, and her vital Spirit, Being tossed by Baks and Waves, Six hundred and seven, and ten, a heart beset, And by the ebbing of his body afflicted, Her life being upon this, evil knotted again.


This Stanza signifieth the great troubles that were in _France_ from theyear 1610 in which _Henry_ the IV. died, to the year 1617. in which theMarshal d’_Ancre_ was killed.

This man was named _Concino Concini_ a _Florentine_ born, who in a littletime was grown very great, and from a base extraction had ascended tothe dignity of Marshal of _France_, by the favour of the Queen Regent_Mary_ of _Medicis_, and grew so rich, that he offered to the King tomaintain at his own charge 6000. foot, and 800. Horses for four Monthstogether; he had made himself Master of many strong Places in _Picardy_and _Normandy_, went about to buy the Government of several Provinces,did dispose of the Kings Exchequer at his pleasure, and spent vast sumsof money at his Masters charge. His insolencies were the cause of hisruine, when he thought least of it; for he threatned every one with wordsand deeds, so far as to say, that he would cause them to eat up theirfingers, that should oppose his Will, and so caused many Officers andSouldiers of the contrary party to be put to death. The King _Lewis_the XIII. was particularly informed of the unsufferable pride andmisdemeanors of this Marshal, and that his design was to keep up the Warin _France_, to continue his Authority and Power; therefore the Kingcommanded _Vitry_, the Captain of his Guards, to apprehend him. This wasa difficult thing, because that the Marshal (besides his Menial servants)had always twelve Guards wearing his Livery, that were desperate fellows;there was also another difficulty, because no body could tell, when orat what time he would come to the _Louvre_; nevertheless at last he cameto it, upon the 24. of _April_ 1617. attended with a great Train andhis Guards; the great Gate was opened to him, and presently shut again,_Vitry_ drew near to him, and holding his staff to him, said, _I arrestyou in the Kings name_, upon these words the Marshal stept back, as ifit were to make resistance, saying, _Me?_ whereupon those that were with_Vitry_ shot three Pistols at him, one did hit him in the Heart, theother in the Head, and the third in the Belly, so that he fell down deadimmediately upon his left side, a certain Lord that was on his right handspeaking with him, fell down also without any hurt, but his followersseeing him dead run away.

This death was the cause of great alteration, in the publick Government.The body of the said Marshal was buried at St. _Germain de l’Auxerrois_,but the people digged it out, and dragged it to the new Bridge, wherethey hanged it by the feet upon a Gibbet, having cut off his Nose,his Ears and his privy parts, then they took him down, and dragged himthrough the Town, and afterwards burnt it. Thus did perish he that wasworth about two Millions of Pounds Sterling, and pretended to make hishouse perpetual and Sovereign. The new Officers that had governed theState from the 24 of _November_ to the 24 of _April_ 1617. were arrestedin their houses, and the old ones put in again, and the Princes calledback again to the Court.


 Le _Mercurial_ non de trop longue vie, Six cens & huit & vingt, grand maladie, Et encor pis danger de feu & d’eau, Son grand amy lors luy sera contraire, De tels hazards se pourroit bien distraire, Mais bref, le ser luy sera son Tombeau.
 The _Mercurial_ not too long lived, Six hundred and eight and twenty, a great sickness, And what is worse a danger of fire and water, His great friend then shall be against him, He might well avoid those dangers, But a little after, the Iron shall make his Sepulcher.


This is concerning _Lewis_ the XIII. King of _France_, who felldangerously sick of the Plague at _Lions_, about the year 1628. afterthat went with his Army into _Savoy_, where he escaped many dangers offire and water. As for the Verse it must not be understood, as if he hadbeen killed, but that the cares he took about his Armies should shortenhis days. The fourth Verse is to be understood of the Lord _Bellingham_,then favorite to the King, who forsook him in his sickness, for which hewas afterwards disgraced, and could never come into favour again.


 Six cens & six, six cens & neuf, Un Chancelier gros comme un Bœuf Vieux comme le _Phœnix_ du Monde, En ce Terroir plus ne luira, De la Nef doubly passera, Au Champs _Elysiens_ faire ronde.
 Six hundred and six, six hundred and nine, A Chancellor big as an Oxe, Old as the _Phœnix_ of the World, Shall shine no more in this Countrey, Shall pass from the Ship of forgetfulness, Into the _Elysian_ Fields to go the round.


Six and nine joyned together makes 15. the meaning of this therefore is,that about the year 1615. should die the Chancellor of _France_, who wasthen _Nicolas Brulart_ Lord of _Sillery_ a very corpulent man.


 Deux freres sont de l’ordre Ecclesiastique, Dont l’un prendra pour la _France_ la pique, Encor un coup si l’an six cens & six, N’est afflige d’une grand maladie, Les Armes en main jusques six cens & dix, Gueres plus loing ne s’estendant sa vie.
 Two Brothers are of the Ecclesiastical Order, One of which shall take up the Pike for _France_, Once more, is in the year six hundred and six, He be not afflicted with a great sickness, The Weapons in his hands till six hundred and ten, His Life shall reach not much further.


In the year 1606. there was two Brothers of the House of _Joyeuse_, onecalled _Francis_ Cardinal of _Joyeuse_, and the other a Capuchin Frier,the rest of the Brothers being dead without issue; Father Angel got adispensation from the Pope to go out of his Covent, and to Marry, thatthe Family might not be extinguished, and so turned Courtier and Souldieragain, till he had got a Daughter, who was afterwards married to the Dukeof _Guise_; after that, remembring his Vows, he turned Capuchin again,and a little while after died, coming from _Rome_ to _Paris_.


 Celeste seu du costé d’Occident, Et du Midy courir jusqu’au Levant, Vers demy morts sans point trouver racine, Troisiesme Age a _Mars_ le Belliqueux, Des _Escarboucles_ on verra briller feux, Age _Escarboucle_, & a la fin famine.
 A Cœlestial fire on the West side, And from the South shall run to the East, Warm, half dead, and incapable to find Roots, The third Age to _Mars_ the Warriour, Out of _Carbuncles_ fires shall be seen to shine, The Age shall be a _Carbuncle_, but in the end famine.


This signifies nothing but the troubles that were all _France_ over, fromthe year 1620. to the year 1628. when _Rochel_ was taken, and the greatfamine that was in the year 1626.


 L’An mil six cens & neuf ou quatorziesme Le vieux _Charon_ sera Pasques en Caresme, Six cens & six par escrit le mettra, Le Medecin de tout cecy s’estonne, A mesme temps assigné en personne, Mais pour certain l’un deux comparoistra.
 In the year a thousand six hundred and nine or fourteen, The old _Charon_ shall Celebrate _Easter_ in Lent, Six hundred and six shall put it in writing, The Physician wondereth at all this. At the same time being Cited in person, But for certain, one of them shall appear.


This signifieth that about the time mentioned by the Author, some greatone should be very sick in Lent, and should eat flesh, which is calledhere to _Celebrate Easter in Lent_; and that his Physician wonderingat it should fall sick himself, and that without fail, one of them twoshould die.


 Le Griffon Se peut apprester, Pour a l’ennemy resister, Er renforcer bien son Armée, Autrement l’Elephant viendra, Qui d’un abord le surprendra, Six cens & huit, Mer enflammée.
 The Griffin may prepare himself, To resist the Enemy, And to strengthen his Army, Otherways the Elephant shall come, Who on a sudden shall surprise him. Six hundred and eight, the Sea shall be inflamed.


By the Griffin was meant the _Hollanders_, who were warned here to bewareof the Elephant, that is, the _Spaniard_, and to strengthen their Armyfor fear of being surprised.

The last Verse signifieth, that in the year 1608. there should be anotable Sea-fight, which was then frequent enough between the said_Hollanders_ and _Spaniard_.


 Dans peu de temps Medicin du grand mal, Et la Sangsue d’ordre & rang inegal, Mettront le feu a la branche d’Olive, Poste courir d’un & d’autre costé, Et par tel feu leur Empire accosté, Se rallumant du franc finy salive.
 Within a little while the Physician of the great disease, And the Leech, of order and rank unequal, Shall set fire to the branch of Olive, Posts shall run to and fro, And with such fire their Empire acquainted, Shall kindle again with the _French_ finished spittle.


By the Physitian of the great disease, is meant the King of _France_;and the Leech the King of _Spain_, so that it is foretold here, how theyshall set fire to the branch of Olive, that is, shall break the Peace andfall to War, which in the year 1636. when upon the imprisoning of theArchbishop of _Triers_ by the King of _Spain_, because he had put himselfunder the _French_ Protection, the King of _France_ sent an Armv of40000. men in the _Low-Countreys_, to come with the Prince of _Orange_ at_Mastricht_, which quarrel hath continued till the Marriage of the Kingof _France_ with the Infanta of _Spain_, Daughter to _Philip_ the IV. Thelast Verse is forced in, only to make up the rime.


 Celuy qui a les hazards surmouté, Qui fer, feu, eau, na jamais redouté, Et du Pais bien proche du _Basacle_, D’un coup de fer tout le Monde eftonné, Par Crocodil estrangement donné, Peuple ravy de voir un tel spectacle.
 He that hath overcome the dangers, That hath never feared Iron, Fire nor Water, And of the Countrey near the _Basacle_, By a stroke of Iron (all the World being astonished), By a Crocodile strangely given, People will wonder to see such a spectacle.


This Prophecy may admit of two Interpretations; the first, that_Henry_ the IV. who was born in the Province of _Bearn_, not far from_Thoulouze_, the chief City of _Languedoc_, wherein there is a place uponthe River called _Basacle_, where the Mills are, who was stobbed with aknife by _Francis Ravillac_ in the year 1610.

The other is of the last Duke of _Montmorency_, who being Governour of_Languedoc_, took up Arms against the King, in the behalf of the Duke of_Orleans_, for which he was beheaded at _Thoulouse_ at the solicitationof Cardinal _Richelieu_, which happened about the year 1632.


 Vin a foison tres-bon pour les Gendarmes, Pleurs & soupirs plaintes, cris, & alarmes, Le Ciel fer ses Tonnerres pleuvoir, Feu, eau, & sang le tout meslé ensemble, Le Ciel de Sol en fremit & en tremble, Vivant na veu ce quil pourra bien voir.
 Plenty of Wine, very good for Troopers, Tears, and sighs, complaints, cries, and alarums, Heaven shall cause its Thunders to rain, Fire, water and blood, all mixed together, The Suns Heaven, quaketh and shaketh for it, No living man hath seen what he may see then.


This great plenty of Wine happened in the year 1634. at which time therewas in _France_ such plenty of Grapes, that half of them perished forwant of Vessels to put them in, and I remember very well, that thenwhosoever would bring a Poinchon Vessel, which is the third part of aTun, might have it filled with Grapes for half a Crown, and that beingmy self at that time at a Town of _Burgundy_, called _Beaune_, wherethe best Wine of _France_ groweth, four of us had one Pottle of Wine_English_ measure for one half penny. The rest signifieth no more butthe miseries that happened in _Germany_, by the Wars that the King of_Sweden_ brought in about the same time.


 Bien peu apres sera tres-grand misere, De pou de Bled qui sera sur la Terre, De _Dauphiné_, _Provence_ & _Vivarois_, Au _Vivarois_ est un pauvre presage, Pere du fils sera _Antrophophage_, Et mangeront Racine & gland du Bois.
 A little after shall be a great misery, Of the scarcity of Corn that shall be upon the ground Of _Dauphine_, _Provence_, and _Vivarois_, In _Vivarois_ is a poor presage, Father of son shall be Antropophage, And shall eat Roots and Acorns of the Wood.


This came to pass when the Duke of _Rohan_ headed the Protestant party,and made those Provinces the seat of the Civil Wars in _France_, aboutthe year 1640. or 1642.


 Princes & Seigneurs tous se feront la guerre, Cousin Germain, le Frere avec le Frere, Finy l’Arby de l’heureux de _Bourbon_, De _Hierusalem_ les Princes aimables, Du fait commis enorme & execrable, Se ressentiront sur la bourse sans fond.
 Princes and Lords shall war one against another Cousin German, the Brother against the Brother, The Arby finished of the happy _Bourbon_, The Princes of _Hierusalem_ so lovely, Of the enormous and execrable fact committed Shall ressent upon the bottomless Purse.


This foretelleth of the Wars that were to be between the Princes andLords a little after the death of _Henry_ the IV. when the Marshald’_Ancre_ took upon him the administration of affairs by the favour ofthe Queen Regent _Mary_ of _Medicis_.


 Dame par mort grandement atristée, Mere & tutrice au lang qui la quittée, Dame & Seigneurs faits enfants Orphelins, Par les Aspics & par les Crocodiles, Seront surpris forts bourgs, Chasteaux & Villes, Dieu tout puissant les garde des malins.
 A Lady by death greatly afflicted, Mother and Tutor to the Blood that hath left her, Ladies and Lords made Orphans, By Asps and by Crocodiles, Shall strong holds, Castles and Towns be surprised, God Almighty keep them from the wicked.


That great Lady afflicted by death, and Mother and Tutor to the Bloodthat left her was _Mary_ of _Medicis_, Wife to _Henry_ the IV. who afterthe death of her Husband was much troubled in her regency by her own Son_Lewis_ the XIII. and several great Lords of his party whence did followthe Battle of _Pont de Cé_.


 La grand rumeur qui sera par la _France_, Les impuissans voudront avoir puissance, Langue emmiellée & vrais Cameleons, De boutefeus, allumeurs de chandelles, Pyes & Geais, rapporteurs de nouvelles, Dont la morsure semblera Scorpions.
 The great rumor that shall be through _France_, The impuissants would fain have power, Honey Tongues, and true Camelions, Bourefeux, and lighters of Candles, Magpies and Jays, carriers of news, Whose biting shall be like that of Scorpions.


This hath a relation to the precedent, and expresseth further the miseryof those times.


 Foible & puissant seront en grand discord, Plusieurs mourront avant faire l’accord, Foible ou puissant vainqueur se fera dire, Le plus puissant au jeune cedera, Et le plus vieux des deux decedera, Lors que l’un d’eux envahira l’Empire.
 The Weak and powerfull shall be at great variance, Many shall die before they agree, The weak shall cause the powerful to call him Victor, The most potent shall yield to the younger, And the older of the two shall die, When one of the two shall invade the Empire.


This Prophecie is not come to pass yet (for all I know) therefore I leavethe interpretation to every ones liberty.


 Par Eau, & par fer & par grand maladie, Le Pourvoieur a l’hazard de sa vie, Scaura combien vaut le Quintal de Bois, Six cens & quinze ou le dixneufiesme, On gravera d’un grand Prince cinquiesme, L’Immortel nom sur le pied de la Croix.
 By Water, by Fire, and by great sickness, The Purveyor to the hazard of his life, Shall know how much is worth the Quintal of Wood, Six hundred and fifteen, or the nineteen, There shall be graven of a great Prince the fifth, The immortal name upon the foot of the Cross.


By the Purveyor is meant the King of _France_, as we have said before.

The great Prince the V. was _Paul_ the V. who was foretold he should dieabout the year 1615. 1619.


 Le Pourvoieur de Monstre sans pareil, Se sera voir ainsy que le Soleil, Montant le long la ligne Meridienne, En poursuivant l’Elephant & le Loup, Nul Empereur ne fit jamais tel coup, Et rien plus pis a ce Prince n’avienne.
 The Purveyor of the Monster without equal, Shall shew himself like the Sun, Ascending in the Meridional line, In persecuting the Elephant and the Wolf, No Emperour did ever such an act, I wish nothing worse may happen to that Prince.


This is a Prophecie of the glorious success that _Lewis_ the XIII. was tohave against the _Spaniard_ in _Italy_, and the Protestant party at home.


 Ce qu’en vivant le Pere n’avoit sceu, Il acquerra ou par guerre ou par feu, Et Combatra la sangsue irritée, Ou jouira de son bien paternel, Et savory du grand Dieu Eternel, Aura bien tost sa Province heritée.
 That which while he lived the father did not know, He shall get it either by Water or by Fire, And shall fight with the angry Leech, Or shall enjoy his Paternal goods, And be favorised by the great Eternal God, Shall quickly become Heir of his Province.


This concerneth the present King of _France_ _Lewis_ the XIV. who hathlately got by Fire and Sword those Provinces in the _Low Countreys_, towhich he laid claim by his Wives Title, which his father never knew norattempted.


 Vaisseaux Galeres avec leur Estendar, Sentrebattront pres du Mont _Gilbatar_, Et lors sera forfait a _Pampelonne_, Qui pour son bien souffrira mille maux, Par plusieurs fois soustiendra les assaux, Mais a la fin unie a la Coronne.
 Ships and Galleys with their Standard, Shall fight near the Mountain _Gilbatar_, And then shall be endeavoured against _Pampelonne_, Which for her good shall suffer a thousand evils, And many times shall resist the assaults; But at last shall be united to the Crown.


This Prophecieth the reduction of the City of _Pampelona_, the chief Cityof the Kingdom of _Navarre_, under the obedience of the King of _France_and _Navarre_.


 La grand Cité ou est le premier homme, Bien amplement la ville ie vous nomme, Tout en alarme, & le Soldat es Champs, Par Fer & Eau grandement affligée, Et a la fin des _Francois_ soulagée, Mais ce sera des six cens & dix ans.
 The great City where the first man is, Fully I name the Town to you, Shall be alarmed and the Souldier in the field, Shall be by Fire and Water greatly afflicted, And at last shall be helped by the _French_, But it shall be from six hundred and ten years.


That great City where the first man is, is _Amsterdam_, because the firstLetter and the last Sylable of it maketh _Adam_: But of her afflictionby Fire and Water, and of her being relieved by the _French_ in the year1610. I can find nothing in the History; those that are better furnishedwith Books than I am, may chance to satisfie themselves and others,better than I can do.


 Le petit coin Provinces mutinées, Par forts Chasteaux se verront dominées, Encor un coup par la gent Militaire, Dans bref seront fortement assiegez, Mais il seront d’un tres grand soulagez, Qui aura fait entrée dans Beaucaire.
 The little corner, Provinces revolted, By strong Castles, shall see themselves commanded, Once more by the Military Troops, Within a little while shall be strongly Besieged, But shall be helped by a great one, That hath made his entry in _Beaucaire_.


This little Corner and Provinces revolted are _Holland_, and the rest ofthe United Provinces, who are threatned here with many troubles, as theydid suffer till the Peace of _Munster_.

That great man that helped them, was the King of _France_.


 La belle Rose en la _France_ admirée, D’un tres-grand Prince a la fin desirée, Six cens & dix lors naistront ses amours, Cinq ans apres sera d’un grand blessée, Du tract d’Amour elle sera enlassée, Si a quinze ans du Ciel recoit secours.
 The faire Rose admired in _France_, Shall at last be desired by a great Prince, Six hundred and ten, then shall her love begin, Five years after she shall be wounded, With the love of a great one she shall be intangled, If at five years she receiveth help from Heaven.


This Prophecy was concerning the Match between _Lewis_ the XIII. and_Ann_ of _Austria_ Infanta of _Spain_, who were both Married very young.


 De coup de fer tout le Monde estonné, Par Crocodil estrangement donné, A un bien grand, parent de la Sangsue, Et peu apres sera un autre coup, De guet a pens commis contre le Loup, Et de tels faits on en verra l’yssue.
 All the World being astonished at a blow of Iron, Strangely given by a Crocodile, To a great one, kin to the _Leech_, And a little while after another blow, On purpose given against the Wolf, And of such deeds the end shall be seen.


I think this needeth no further explication, then that I have given uponthe 31. Stanza.


 Les Pourvoieux mettra tout en desroute, Sangsue & Loup, en mon dire escoute, Quand _Mars_ sera au Signe du _Mouton_, Joint a _Saturne_, _Saturne_ a la Lune, Alors sera ta plus grande infortune, Le Soleil lors en exaltation.
 The Purveyor shall put all in disorder, Leech and Wolf, do ye hearken to me, When _Mars_ shall be in the Sign of _Aries_, Joyned with _Saturn_, and _Saturn_ with the Moon, Then shall be thy greatest misfortune, The Sun being then in its exaltation.


This is plain, if you remember that by the Purveyor is meant the King of_France_, by the Leech the King of _Spain_, and by the Wolf the Duke of_Savoy_.


 Le grand d’_Hongrie_ ira dans la Nacelle, Le nouveau né sera guerre nouvelle, A son voisin, qu’il tiendra assiegé, Et le noireau avec son Altesse, Ne souffrira que par trop on le presse, Durant trois ans ses gens tiendra rangé.
 The great one of _Hungary_ shall go in the Boat, The new born shall make a new War, To his Neighbour, whom he shall Besiege, And the black one with his Highness, Shall not suffer to be overpressed, During three years he shall keep his Men in order.


This is concerning the King of _Bohemia_, and his War with the Emperour,who is called here the _great one of Hungary_, because he is King of it;_the black one with his Highness_, is the Pals-grave, who after threeyears broils was defeated at the Battle of _Prage_.


 Du vieux _Charon_ on verra le Phœnix, Estre premier & dernier des fils, Reluire en _France_, & d’un chascun aimable, Regner long temps, avec tous les honneurs, Qu’auront jamais eu ses Predecesseurs, Dont il rendra sa gloire memorable.
 The Phœnix of the old _Charon_ shall be seen, To be the first and last of the Sons, To shine in _France_, beloved of every one, To Reign a great while with all the honours, That ever his Predecessors had, By which he shall make his glory memorable.


No doubt but this is meant of some King of _France_, which is to come.


 _Venus_ & _Sol_, _Jupiter_ & _Mercure_, Augmenteront le genre de nature, Grande Alliance en _France_ se fera, Et du Midy la Sangsue de mesme, Le feu esteint par ce remede extreme; En Terre ferme Olivier plantera.
 _Venus_ and _Sol_, _Jupiter_ and _Mercury_, Shall augment humane kind, A great Alliance shall be made in _France_, And on the South the Leech shall do the same, The fire extinguished by this extreme remedy, Shall plant the Olive-Tree in a firm ground.


By the consent of all Astronomers, those four benigne Planets augmentgeneration.

That great Alliance mentioned here, by which the fire was extinguished,and the Olive-Tree planted in a firm ground, is the Marriage of thepresent King of _France_, _Lewis_, the XIV. with the Infanta of _Spain_,by which all differences were composed, and the Peace firmly settled.


 Un peu devant ou apres l’_Angleterre_, Par mort de Loup mise aussy bas que terre, Verra le feu resister contre l’eau, Le rallumant avecque telle force, Du sang humain, dessus l’humaine escorce, Faute de pain, bondance de cousteau.
 A little while before or after, _England_, By the death of the Wolf being put as low as the ground, Shall see the fire resist against the water, Kindling it again with such force, Of humane blood, upon the humane bark, That want of bread and abundance of knives shall be.


The meaning is, that a little while after or before the said matchmentioned in the foregoing: _England_ was or should be brought as low asthe ground, and that there should be abundance of humane blood spilled,and a great decay of Trade, with Wars, which is that he calleth, Want ofBread and abundance of knives.


 La Ville qu’avoit en ses ans, Combatu l’Injure du temps, Qui de son Vainqueur tient la vie, Celuy qui premier la surprit, Que peu apres _Francois_ reprit, Par Combats encore affoible.
 The City that had in her years, Resisted the injury of the times, And oweth her life to him that overcame her, Being the first that surprised it, Which a little while after _Francis_ took again, Being yet weakened with fightings.


 La grand Cité qui n’a Pain a demy, Encor un coup la saint _Barthelemy_, Engravera au profond de son Ame, _Nismes_, _Rochelle_, _Geneve_ & _Montpelier_, _Castres_, _Lion_, _Mars_ entrant au _Belier_, S’entrebattront le tout pour une Dame.
 The great City that hath not bread half enough, Shall once more engrave In the bottom of her soul St. _Bartholomew_’s day, _Nismes_, _Rochel_, _Geneva_ and _Montpelier_, _Castres_, _Lion_, _Mars_ coming into _Aries_, Shall fight one against another, and all for a Lady.


That great City mentioned here, is _Paris_, which is threatned of anotherSt. _Bartholomew_’s day, which was fatal to the Protestants in _France_,for upon that day in the year 1572. there was a general Massacre madeof them through all _France_, insomuch, that in _Paris_ alone there wasabove ten thousand slain.

As for those Towns here named that are to fight about a Lady, I cannotguess what Lady it should be, unless he meaneth the _Roman_ Church.


 Plusieurs mourront avant que Phœnix meure, Jusques six cens septante est sa demeure, Passé quinze ans, vingt & un, trente neuf, Le premier est Subjet a maladie, Et le second au fer, danger de vie, Au feu a l’eau est subjet a trenteneuf.
 Many shall die before that Phœnix dieth, Till six hundred and seventy he shall remain, Above fifteen years, one and twenty, thirty nine, The first shall be subject to sickness, And the second to Iron, a danger of life, Thirty nine shall be subject to fire and water.


By the Phœnix is meant a Pope, because there is but one of that kind atonce, the meaning of the rest is unknown to me.


 Six cens & quinze vingt, grand Dame mourra, Et peu apres un fort long temps pleuvra, Plusieurs Pais _Flandres_ & l’_Angleterre_, Seront par seu & par fer affligez, De leurs Voisins longuement assiegez, Contraints seront de leur faire la Guerre.
 Six hundred and fifteen, and twenty, a great Lady shall die, And a little after it shall rain for a great while, Many Countreys as _Flanders_ and _England_, Shall by fire and Iron be afflicted, And a good while Besieged by their Neighbours, So that they shall be constrained to make War against them.


What that great Lady was, that should die in the year 653. is not easieto guess, there being many in every Countrey that died that year. Therest is easie, and we have seen the truth of it in our days, and may seeit hereafter.


 Un peu devant ou apres tres grand’ Dame, Son ame au Ciel, & son corps soubs la lame, De plusieurs gens regretée sera, Tous ses parens seront en grand tristesse, Pleurs & souspirs d’une Dame en jeunesse, Et a deux grands le dueil delaissera.
 A little while before, or after, a very great Lady, Her soul in Heaven, and her body in the Grave, Shall be lamented by many, All her kindred shall be in great mourning, Tears and sighs of a Lady in her youth, And shall leave the mourning to two great ones.


This may be understood of the death of _Anna_ of _Austria_, Queen of_France_, who left in mourning two great ones, _viz._ her two Sons_Lewis_ the XIV. King of _France_, and _Philip_ of _Bourbon_ Duke of_Orleans_.

Or of the death of the Queen Dowager of _England_, _Henrietta Maria_,who also was much lamented, and left in mourning two great ones, _viz.__Charles_ the II. King of _England_, and _James_ Duke of _York_ hisBrother.


 Tost l’Elephant de toutes parts verra, Quand Pourvoyeur au Griffon se joindra, Sa ruine proche, & _Mars_ qui tousiour gronde, Fera grands faits aupres de _Terre Sainte_, Grands Estendars sur la Terre & sur l’Onde, Si la Nef a esté, de deux frere enceinte.
 Shortly the Elephant on all sides shall see, When the Purveyor shall joyn with the Griffin, His ruine at hand, and _Mars_ which always grumbleth, Shall do great feats near the _Holy Land_, Great Standarts upon the Earth and the Sea, If the Ship hath been with Child of two Brothers.


The Elephant is the Emperor, the Purveyor the King of _France_, theGriffin the _Hollanders_; the meaning then is that the Emperor shall goto ruine, when the _French_ and the _Hollanders_ shall joyn together.

And that there shall be great Wars and Fightings in the Holy Lands, bothby Sea and Land, when two Brothers of great quality shall go in one Ship.


 Peu apres l’Alliance faite, Avant solemnises la Feste, L’Empereur le tout troublera, Et la nouvelle Mariée, Au _Franc_ Païs par sort liée, Dans peu de temps apres mourra.
 A little after the Alliance made, Before the Feast be Solemnized, The Emperor shall trouble all, And the new Bride, Being by fate tied to the _French_ Countrey, A little while after shall die.


This is concerning a match that shall be made between the _French_ King,and some Lady of another Countrey, which Match shall be disturbed by theEmperour, and the Bride shall die a little while after her Marriage.


 Sangsue en peu de temps mourra, Sa mort bon signe nous donra, Pour l’accroissem*nt de la _France_, Alliances se trouveront, Deux grands Roiaumes se joindront, _Francois_ aura sur eux puissance.
 The Leech within a little while shall die, His death shall be a good sign to us, For the augmentation of _France_, Alliances shall be found, Two great Kingdoms shall joyn together, The _French_ shall have power over them.


The _Leech_ was _Philip_ the IV. the last King of _Spain_, who died alittle while after he had Married his Daughter to _Lewis_ the XIV. nowKing of _France_, by which Marriage the Peace was made between the twoKingdoms, in the Island of the _Conference_, upon the Borders of _France_and _Spain_. By his death and that Match is foretold the encrease andhappy condition of the Kingdom of _France_.




Front matter

[Illustration: Gallica quem genuit retinetque Britannica tellus

 Calluit Hermetis quicquid in arte fuit]
 THE TRUE PROPHECIES OR PROGNOSTICATIONS OF Michael Nostradamus, PHYSICIAN TO Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX. KINGS of FRANCE, And one of the best _ASTRONOMERS_ that ever were.
 Translated and Commented by _THEOPHILUS de GARENCIERES_, Doctor in Physick _Colleg. Lond._
 Printed by _Thomas Ratcliffe_, and _Nathaniel Thompson_, and are to be sold by _John Martin_, at the _Bell_ in St. _Pauls Church-yard_, _Henry Mortlack_ at the _White Hart_ in _Westminster-Hall_, _Thomas Collins_, at the _Middle-Temple Gate_, _Edward Thomas_, at the _Adam_ and _Eve_ in _Little Britain_, _Samuel Lowndes_ over against _Exeter-house_ in the _Strand_, _Rob. Bolter_, against the South door of the _Exchange_, _Jon. Edwin_, at the _Three Roses_ in _Ludgate-street_, _Moses Pits_ at the _White Hart_ in _Little Britain_, 1672.
 To his most Honoured Friend NATHANIEL PARKER OF Grayes-Inne, Esq; _THEOPHILUS de GARENCIERES_, D. Med. Colleg. _Lond._ Humbly Dedicateth this Book.
 _Namque erit ille mihi_, &c. Virg. Eccl. I.


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