The 7 Chakra Notes Of Singing Bowls Explained (2024)

If you’re new to playing Tibetan singing bowls, you’ve probably run across some discussion about chakra notes. You may have even seen a chakra notes chart online or spotted references to 7 chakras and 7 notes.

But what are chakra notes? And how should they impact your singing bowl playing – if it all?

Well, to properly understand chakra notes, we need to have a look at chakras more broadly.

Chakras – their origins and significance

The modern understanding around chakras is that they’re a type of psychospiritual energy centre within the body. In most belief systems, they’re aligned with a specific part or area of the body, with the exact number of them usually between 5 and 7.

7 is the most commonly agreed-upon number today, which is where the idea of 7 chakras, 7 notes comes from – but more on that later.

Over the centuries, a number of different religions and schools of thought have claimed that maintenance of these chakras via meditation or religious practice is key to the well-being of the body and mind.

Some have also taught that it’s possible to harness the power generated by chakras and use them to generate near-superhuman stamina or supernatural effects. Probably the best known of these to Westerners is Tantra, thanks to its association with sex and eroticism.

However, chakras are found in a number of different religions across the Indian subcontinent. Their exact origins are a bit uncertain; the word “chakra” itself simply translates to “wheel” and so it’s used in a variety of literal and metaphorical senses in ancient Vedic texts.

These ideas seem to have been fairly esoteric for long periods of history, rather than mainline practice among everyday Hindus, Buddhists or Jainists.

The earliest references that we’d probably understand in the modern sense seem to date to around the 1st millennium CE. Some centuries later, Sir John Woodroffe's 1919 book The Serpent Power would subsequently be quite influential in introducing the idea of seven chakras to a Western audience.

Other themes would be introduced by others over the following decades, such as chakra colours and chakra notes.

The modern, New Age-inspired understanding of chakras would eventually coalesce around the late 70s. This understanding draws on esoteric traditions from Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. However, it’s also been supplemented by a range of other esotericists, writers and schools of thought.

As with many New Age ideas, you don’t need to look very far to see the influence of Theosophy, Carl Jung and Rudolf Steiner, to name a few. Other scholars have also drawn parallels between chakras and other religious or mystical traditions, such as qi flowing down meridian lines, or the Tree of Life in Kabbalah.

Chakra notes

Chakra notes are a relatively recent concept – but they’ve gathered a significant amount of traction within the last couple of decades.

Today, many people who utilise sound healing believe that different musical notes correspond with different chakras within the body. Usually this is geared around the idea of 7 chakras and 7 notes, to correspond with a modern Western musical scale.

Playing the appropriate notes on a singing bowl – usually accompanied by some form of meditation or other ritual practice – can help unblock chakras and potentially help address health or wellbeing concerns in the process, too.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a unified belief across all sound healers, by any means. Some believe that the sound itself is enough and that the emphasis on chakras isn’t necessary to obtain healing.

For others, there’s considerable overlap with ideas about vibrational healing, and you can find any manner of elaborate discussions online about which is the best frequency to use when playing singing bowls.

There’s also some contention among sound healing practitioners around whether it is even appropriate to apply modern musical scales to chakras.

But for those who simply want to buy a singing bowl, the conversation can get pretty overwhelming pretty quickly. So suffice to say you can often find sellers offering singing bowls which are supposed to correspond to a specific chakra.

You can find all sorts of chakra notes charts on Google Images, but we’ll give you a breakdown here. We’ve also included the colour coding for easy reference, too.

  • Root Chakra
  • Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with the C note and the colour red. It’s considered to play a role in survival, and provide grounding in the physical realm.

  • Sacral Chakra
  • Sitting between the navel and pubic bone, the sacral chakra is associated with the colour orange and D note. It plays a role in governing relationships, sexual energy and creativity.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Located in the solar plexus – halfway between the breastbone and the navel – the solar plexus chakra has yellow as its colour. It’s considered to be associated with willpower, and resonates with the E note.

  • Heart Chakra
  • Located in the centre of the chest, the heart chakra is (perhaps unsurprisingly) associated with love. Its colour is green, and its musical tone is the F note.

  • Throat Chakra
  • Sitting at the base of the throat, this chakra is believed to play a role in creativity and communication. Its colour is blue (sometimes azure blue specifically) and it resonates with the G note.

  • Third Eye Chakra
  • Sitting in the centre of your forehead, your Third Eye Chakra is believed to resonate with the A note and the colour indigo. This chakra oversees intuition and understanding.

  • Crown Chakra
  • The Crown Chakra sits atop the head and is associated with the B note, the colour violet and a range of considerations such as spiritual connections, understanding and kundalini energy.


    Associated Musical Note


    Root (Muladhara)



    Sacral (Svadhisthana)



    Solar Plexus (Manipura)



    Heart (Anahata)



    Throat (Vishuddha)



    Third Eye (Ajna)


    Om or Aum

    Crown (Sahasrara)


    Sahasrara (No specific mantra)

    Chakra notes and playing your singing bowl

    So, how does all of this affect how you should play your singing bowl?

    Well, it’s more or less up to you. Some people who use singing bowls make chakra notes a prime consideration; others will never even hear about them and still thoroughly enjoy their singing bowls for years.

    But as we’ve mentioned in previous articles, it’s always worth treating these health claims with a degree of scepticism. Building up artificial mystique is very common in alternative medical circles and healing based around chakra notes is no exception.

    However, looking after your mental health is an important part of looking after your wellbeing, and some people do find singing bowls helpful for this process.

    We’d always suggest that you speak to a medical professional if you’re unwell, and that singing bowls be used as a type of complementary therapy as opposed to a primary form of care.

    Learn more about singing bowls with Mindful Store

    Here at Mindful Store, we’re a meditation shop that sells a wide range of aids and accessories, including Tibetan singing bowls.

    We also offer a range of resources through our blog; you can discover how to play singing bowls, the uses of singing bowl mallets and much more!

    To find out more, just get in touch with the team at Mindful Store today.

    What are the notes of the chakras?

    These associations are not universally agreed upon and are based on certain interpretations of the chakra system within the context of sound and music. Different traditions and practitioners may have their own variations and beliefs regarding chakra and musical note correspondences.

    What is the C note for chakra?
    The C note is typically associated with the Root Chakra (Muladhara) in some interpretations of the chakra system in relation to musical notes. The mantra "Lam" is often associated with this chakra.

    What are the 7 chakra feelings?
    The seven main chakras in the human body are often associated with specific feelings, emotions, and qualities. Here's a general overview of the feelings or attributes associated with each chakra:

    • Root Chakra (Muladhara):

    Feelings: Safety, security, stability

    Imbalances: Fear, anxiety, insecurity

    • Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

    Feelings: Creativity, sensuality, passion
    Imbalances: Guilt, jealousy, emotional instability

    • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

    Feelings: Confidence, personal power, self-esteem
    Imbalances: Low self-esteem, insecurity, self-doubt

    • Heart Chakra (Anahata):

    Feelings: Love, compassion, empathy
    Imbalances: Grief, jealousy, lack of empathy

    • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

    Feelings: Communication, self-expression, truthfulness
    Imbalances: Difficulty in expressing oneself, dishonesty, communication issues

    • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

    Feelings: Intuition, insight, wisdom
    Imbalances: Lack of clarity, confusion, scepticism

    • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

    Feelings: Spiritual connection, enlightenment, universal consciousness
    Imbalances: Disconnection from spirituality, closed-mindedness, lack of purpose

    These associations provide a general understanding of the emotional and psychological aspects attributed to each chakra. Balancing and harmonising these chakras is often a goal in various spiritual and energy healing practices to promote overall well-being and personal growth.

    What happens when 7 chakras are activated?
    Activation and balance of the seven chakras in the human body are believed to promote overall well-being in spiritual and holistic traditions. Each chakra corresponds to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. For instance, the Root Chakra enhances feelings of safety, the Sacral Chakra boosts creativity, and the Crown Chakra connects one to the divine. Achieving chakra balance involves practices like meditation, energy healing, and yoga, but interpretations can vary among individuals and belief systems.

    How are chakras blocked?
    Chakras can become blocked or imbalanced due to various factors, including emotional trauma, negative beliefs, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental influences, lack of self-care, energy imbalances, physical health issues, and spiritual disconnect. These blockages can lead to issues in physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    Is 7 chakras spiritual?
    Yes, the concept of the seven chakras is primarily spiritual, originating in Eastern spiritual traditions like Hinduism. Chakras are energy centres within the subtle body, associated with practices such as yoga and meditation, aimed at promoting spiritual and energetic balance. While they have also gained popularity in secular and therapeutic contexts in the West, their core significance lies in spirituality and personal development.

    What are the ancient texts on chakras?
    The concept of chakras originates from ancient Indian spiritual and yogic traditions. While no single ancient text exclusively discusses chakras, various texts and scriptures, including the Upanishads, Yoga Upanishads, Tantras, and Hindu Puranas, mention or allude to them. These texts provide insights into chakras' attributes, practices for their activation, and their significance in spiritual evolution. The Theosophical Society literature, particularly the works of H.P. Blavatsky and C.W. Leadbeater played a role in popularising chakras in the West. It's important to note that interpretations of chakras have evolved over time, with contemporary practices drawing from both ancient sources and modern interpretations. Additionally, chakra systems and attributes can vary among different schools of thought and spiritual traditions within India.

    The 7 Chakra Notes Of Singing Bowls Explained (2024)


    What do the different notes mean for singing bowls? ›

    The note G3 singing bowl is the next Perfect Fifth and is placed by the solar plexus chakra. D4 goes next to the heart chakra, the singing bowl with note A4 comes by the throat chakra, E5 singing bowl by the third eye chakra, and finally a high pitched sound bowl with the note B5 aligns with the crown chakra.

    What are the 7 chakra notes? ›

    Sa – re- ga – ma – pa – dha – ni notes correspond to the root, hara, solar-plexus, heart, throat, third-eye and crown chakra in sequence.

    What is the best note for crystal singing bowl? ›

    If you have no idea where to start with a bowl, we recommend a middle C or D Frosted Bowl (12-14”,) or E, F, or G Handle Bowl (6-7” sizes.) If I had one choice, I would decide if I wanted a Frosted Bowl, or Handle Bowl, and choose either a 12” D or C Frosted Bowl, or a 6” or 7” F or G Handle Bowl.

    What are the 8 symbols on the singing bowl? ›

    This singing bowl has been decorated with the Eight Auspicious Symbols: Conch Shell, Lotus, Wheel, Parasol, Endless Knot, Pair of Fish, and Victory Banner.

    What chakra vibrates at 432 Hz? ›

    Many studies have shown the effectiveness of these planetary frequencies and the New Chakra vibrations which start at the Root Chakra with an G (A = 432 Hz) and not with the musical note C, often used in the U.S., arbitrarily chosen from the Western diatonic music scale on C.

    How to tell the frequency of a singing bowl? ›

    Strike the Bowl with a Mallet: Again, gently strike the bowl's rim with a mallet. Listen for Overtones: Pay close attention to the secondary, higher-pitched tones that accompany the main note. These overtones can provide clues to the bowl's fundamental frequency.

    What happens when all 7 chakras are open? ›

    What happens when all 7 chakras are open? The 7 chakras are the main energy centers of the human body and when they are completely open, you will feel a harmonious union of the spirit, mind, and body. Unblocking the chakras means balancing them to align in such a way that the energy flows through in every way.

    What note is the root chakra singing bowl? ›

    This gorgeous TOPFUND root chakra singing bowl is handcrafted grinding and polishing tuned to C note 4th octave.

    How do you explain the 7 chakras? ›

    There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. This age-old belief has become integrated into many New Age styles of thought. Chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.

    How can you tell if a singing bowl is good quality? ›

    High Quality Versus Low Quality Singing Bowls

    A high quality bowl will be able to hold its vibration and produce several tones, harmonics and overtones. If the vibration sounds as if it's “fluttering” away, the bowl is not high quality.

    Can singing bowls open chakras? ›

    Acoustic healing instruments like singing bowls (and all instruments) can open and clear these chakras using specific sound vibrations. That's also how binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies help with relaxation and healing.

    What do singing bowls do spiritually? ›

    The sounds the singing bowls produce are said to create a kind of energy that may center the frequencies of the body, mind, and soul. Playing these bowls has also been said to cause the left and right sides of the brain to synchronize together, creating a peace and calm during meditation.

    What do the sounds of singing bowls mean? ›

    The sounds the singing bowls produce are said to create a kind of energy that may center the frequencies of the body, mind, and soul. Playing these bowls has also been said to cause the left and right sides of the brain to synchronize together, creating a peace and calm during meditation.

    How can you tell the quality of a singing bowl? ›

    If you seek a singing bowl with a rich sound, it's essential to ensure it is handmade rather than machine-made. Machine-made bowls often produce a simplistic bell sound and are commonly used in sound healing. Handmade bowls can be identified by their uneven shape and the visible hammer marks.

    What does perfect pitch mean in singing bowls? ›

    Perfect pitch bowls are in tune + or - 10 cents. Perfect Pitch bowls can sometimes be more expensive than regular singing bowls, but, it is worth it if you are buying more than one. If the singing bowl is advertised as an E note, with no reference to it's tuning, it is probably a bit flat (low) or a bit sharp (high).

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