The Best Exercises To Strengthen Oblique Muscles (2024)

Ben Creicos

March 19, 2021 7 min read

A lot of focus is placed on training abdominals with crunches and planks, but many people forget the neighboring oblique muscles. Move beyond the same old side planks and bicycle crunches! These tips from Bodyspace members show you how to train your whole core.

Best Oblique Exercises for Strength, Power, and Function

Dumbbell or Barbell Side Bend

Stand up straight holding a weight in one hand or a barbell behind your shoulders. Bend only at the waist to the side as far as possible. Hold for a second and come back up to the starting position.

Medicine Ball Rotational Throw

Stand a few feet away from a wall with your shoulder facing the wall. Holding a medicine ball, twist your torso powerfully in order to throw it against the wall. Catch it when it comes back to you and repeat.

Decline Oblique Crunches

Lay back on a decline bench. Raise your upper body and put one hand beside your head and the other on your thigh. Continue to raise your upper body while turning your torso to the side. Lower back down. Do all the reps for one side, then switch sides.

Plate Twist

Sit with your legs slightly bent, crossed near the ankles and lifted off the ground. Hold a plate in front of your abdominals with your arms bent. Move the plate to the side and touch the floor with it. Come back up and repeat on the other side.

Best Oblique Exercises For Strengthening Your Core & Maintaining A Small Waist

Push-Up to Side Plank

Do a push-up. At the top, twist into a side plank, raising the top arm. Lower your arm and do another push-up, then twist up to a side plank on the other side.

Seated Barbell Twist

Sit at the end of a flat bench. Rest a barbell behind your head along the base of your neck. While keeping your feet and head stationary, twist your waist from side to side.

Side Jackknife

Lying on your side, clasp your upper hand behind your head. Bring your torso and upper leg toward each other, pulling with your obliques. Squeeze for a moment at the top and return to the starting position. Do all the reps for one side, then switch sides.

Training Tips from the Winners

1st place dart12gr

When people think of abs, they think of the rectus abdominus, the muscle that, in combination with dieting and resistance training, creates the six-pack. The oblique muscles, which run up and down our sides, are usually overlooked. These muscles serve as stabilizers, and are engaged in almost every compound lifting movement, and almost every physical activity. It is extremely important that they are strong.

Many bodybuilders on the other hand have small waists tapered down from their lats. This achieves the appearance of a "V" shape and it is sought after in the bodybuilding world. While bodybuilders have strong obliques, focusing on strengthening exercises will not cause you to add muscle to the point point where you ruin your V-taper. In fact, building stronger obliques can be immensely beneficial to your training and overall health.

Many people who lift seriously might assume that they hit their obliques hard enough when they do heavy deadlifts or squats. Additional training, could, however, work to improve the form of your lift, and even help to increase the amount of weight you can lift.

Rules for oblique training:

  • Do not do abs or obliques before heavy lifting, because it could compromise your form on the big lifts.
  • Oblique exercises that require more weight should be done for fewer reps, while movements like crunches do not require weight are suitable for higher reps.



Push Up to Side Plank

2 sets, 1 Mins (each side)

+ 2 more exercises

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Backward Medicine Ball Throw

2 sets, 10 Reps

+ 3 more exercises

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Very Advanced


Seated bar twist

2 sets, 25 Reps

+ 4 more exercises

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2nd Place soundcheck129

Other than perhaps "Arnold," the two syllables most frequently associated with being in excellent shape are "six-pack."

Often, beginners are lured into the gym with dreams of arms and abs, and some can be so obsessed with maintaining a visible set of abdominal muscles that they fail to make progress anywhere else. But even with this ab obsession, many still fail to train their obliques effectively, which not only holds back their quest for attractive abs, but their overall strength and physique.

Probably the biggest misconception about ab training in general, is that the key to success is volume. Sadly, people fail to understand that abs are muscles just like all the others you train in the gym, and the same rules apply. You wouldn't do 300 sets of bench press and try to train your chest every day, so why should you do that many crunches?

Well here's the secret: You shouldn’t. For this reason, I do direct ab training at most twice per week. If you're performing compound lifts such as deadlifts and squats, your abdominals and obliques are already getting plenty of stimulation from those as well. You'll find greater success relying on weighted ab work performed just a few times per week rather than unweighted ab work performed daily.

Here is a routine I've used that has resulted in significant oblique development.



Ab bicycle

1 set, 25 Reps

+ 8 more exercises

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This circuit can be repeated as many times as you want, but my personal feeling is that anything more than four times through is probably excessive. This is a solid routine because it does not require cable equipment or other machinery that most probably don't have.

Any weighted object can be used for the V-Ups, Russian Twists and Side Bends, and it is easy to progress in this routine by bumping up the weight or number of rounds you perform.

Additionally, you can squeeze each circuit in between a few laps on the track or before and after your cardio to maximize efficiency.

However, high volume and high frequency isn't the way to go. A couple of weighted sessions per week is all you really need. Trust me: Once you begin training your abs like your other muscles, they will begin developing like them.

3rd Place: mrkdrt

We all keep hearing how important core strength is, so why do so many people skip their obliques? Are they really that important to train? Yes, they are, but you have to do it right.

I suggest training your obliques no more than once a week, and there's no need to use heavy weight. Higher reps is the way to go. Your put these muscles to use all the time to stabilize your frame, and surely you don't want your daily activities or other training to suffer because you trained too hard. In this case, less is more.



Lying oblique crunch

3 sets, 15-20 Reps

+ 5 more exercises

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Toss these exercises into your normal abs or core workout. Or, you can do them after exercising another muscle group. If you work your obliques at the end of a workout, they won't be exhausted for other exercises where they are crucial for good form.

Just a warning: Strengthening often comes with gains in size as well. With the obliques being on the outer ranges of your waist, this can mean a thicker waist. For the bodybuilder concerned mainly about an aesthetically pleasing physique, this is not always a goal one would strive for. So train them within reason!

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The Best Exercises To Strengthen Oblique Muscles (2024)


How can I make my obliques stronger? ›

A side plank is a reasonably simple exercise that targets your abdominal obliques. If you're a beginner, you can start by taking a full plank on your knees and slowly taking it over to one side. Aim to build up to 30-seconds on each side and repeat 2-3 times a week.

What happens when you have weak obliques? ›

Weakness: Weak oblique muscles can lead to poor posture and an increased risk of injury during physical activity. Imbalance: It is important to work both the left and right oblique muscles equally to maintain balance and symmetry in the body. An imbalance can lead to postural issues and an increased risk of injury.

How do you strengthen your oblique strain? ›

Oblique Crunch 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent, and perform a crunch by sitting-up and reaching for the outside part of your knee. You should make sure your shoulder blades just lift off the floor. This exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal and oblique muscles. Repeat ten times each side, for three sets.

How to build obliques at home? ›

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, letting arms hang by your sides. Bend your upper body sideways toward the right, creasing at the waist. Pause and then return to standing while squeezing your left side obliques. Repeat on the left side, being sure to keep the weight close to your body as you bend.

Do squats work obliques? ›

In addition to the lower body, the squat also targets your core muscles. These muscles include the rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominis, and erector spinae. If you do a back squat or overhead squat, you'll also work the muscles in your shoulders, arms, chest, and back.

What is the best exercise machine for obliques? ›

Want strong obliques? The rotary torso machine will target those muscles along with the rest of your abdominals, making it a super efficient and effective choice for your core days. To use the rotary torso machine, adjust the machine settings for your height and select an appropriate weight.

Do planks strengthen obliques? ›

While the standard plank is widely incorporated into core workouts, the side plank is often overlooked. This variation of the plank targets the obliques, the muscles that run along the side of your core. A traditional plank works the front of your core, but doesn't require engagement of the obliques.

Which exercise works your oblique abdominals? ›

That means moves like side planks and windmills will challenge your oblique muscles, as will any exercises that have you holding a load off-center while still trying to keep your hips and shoulders square.

Should I avoid oblique exercises? ›

#3 Don't Target The Obliques (Side Waist)

Certain ab exercises can make your waistline get bigger, giving your waist a blockier appearance. If done correctly, strength training will shape and tone your body like no other form of exercise - I'm talking hourglass curves in all the right places.

Does strengthening your obliques make your waist bigger? ›

Normally, the obliques are visible only when you start getting rid of layers of body fat. But targeting these muscles directly with added resistance makes them bigger. Because the obliques are positioned mainly along the sides of your torso, the effect is to actually thicken your waist.

Are obliques hard to grow? ›

Upgrade your six pack to a ten-pack with these oblique exercises. The oblique muscles are one of the most overlooked and difficult muscle groups to grow.

How to get thicker obliques? ›

Want strong obliques? Do heavy lifts. Squats, Deadlifts and their variations are among the best ways to train the obliques. This will be sufficient for aesthetics for most people, although some may want direct oblique training to improve their core strength to help them lift more weight in these exercises.

Can you increase oblique size? ›

In addition, all the abdominal muscles are rather enduring muscles and which do not tend to hypertrophy (grow). So it is possible to gain muscle strength and endurance by doing specific exercises for the oblique muscles, but it is very difficult to make these muscles bigger.

Do obliques make your abs look better? ›

Ripped obliques frame the abs and complete the entire area. And, no, training obliques will not make them too big — it will make them more defined as long as your bodyfat is low. One of the best ways to build impressive notches along the sides of your midsection is to do standing cable oblique crunches (not pictured).

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