Vex (2024)

This is the profile for the Vex from Destiny.


  • 1 Summery
  • 2 Military structure/Weaponry
  • 3 Stats
  • 4 Territories
  • 5 Civilization Stats
  • 6 Power Source
  • 7 Conquest Stats
  • 8 Power Stats
  • 9 Strengths/Pros
  • 10 Weaknesses/Flaws
  • 11 Wins/Loses
  • 12 Gallery


The Vex are a mysterious force that appeared in the Solar System after the Collapse of Mankind, though their presence wasn't the first, as they appears in ruins billions of years before humanity's existence. They apparently live inside the space time continuum and with their own pocket dimensions with their own laws of physics, They see only imperfection in the material universe and seek to integrate themselves into the universe to make it as they wish.

Military structure/Weaponry[]


Main Leaders[]

  • Argos, Planetary Core
  • Atheon, Time's Conflux
  • Brakion, Genesis Mind
    • Variant Stalker, Brakion, Repurposed Mind
  • Dendron, Root Mind
  • Panoptes, Infinite Mind
  • Quria, Blade Transform
  • Sekrion, Nexus Mind
  • The Templar
  • The Black Heart (presumably)
  • Sanctified Mind
  • Consecrated Mind
  • Belmon, Transcendent Mind
  • Subjugated Minds
    • Tacitas
    • Portunos
    • Thesmotae
  • Fantis, Oppressive Mind
  • Agon, Strategic Hydra
  • Calixte, System Ward Finality
  • Inquisitor Mind
  • Ioneion, System Control Flow
  • Vex Hezen Lords
  • Querim, the Waking (Before being Taken)
  • Theratos, Archersbane (Before being Taken)
  • Modular Upsilon (Before being Taken)
  • Viadion, Transformed Mind (Before being Taken)
  • Morphon (Before being Taken)
  • Counterfeit Hydra (Before being Taken)
  • Hephone (Before being Taken)
  • Erosus, Spawn of Quria (Before being Taken)
  • Seditious Mind (Before being Taken)
  • Tacharion (Before being Taken)

Champions/Notable Individuals[]

  • Minotaur Accomplis
  • Minotaur Harpaxs
  • Minotaur Supernumeros
  • Hasapiko, Beloved by Calus
  • Data Nullifier
  • Subjugated Curator
  • Methodios, Module Proxy
  • Pagouri, Beloved by Calus
  • Prohibitive Mind
  • Protheon, Modular Mind
  • Protometon, Nexial Hijacker
  • Qodron, Gate Lord
  • Sol Progeny
    • Eschaton Mind
    • Imminent Mind
    • Primeval Mind
  • Conceptual Mind
  • The Gorgons
  • Theosyion, the Restorative Mind
  • The Undying Mind
  • Vekron, the Conductive Mind
  • Gate Lords
    • Zydron, Gate Lord
  • Oxus (Before being Taken)
  • Kakos (Before being Taken)
  • Kydoimos (Before being Taken)
  • Akelous, Siren's Current
  • Persys, Primordial Ruin
  • Teleosus, Purifying Mind
  • The Impregnable Nightmare
  • The Menacing Nightmare
  • The Nightmare, Awakened
  • The Awakened Mind
  • Wayward Mind
  • The Hezen Mind
  • Aesop
  • Zebios, the Ensnaring
  • Vazimos, the Ensnaring

Military Units[]


  • Goblins
    • Axis Goblin
    • Goblin Zealot
    • Goblin Disciple
    • Depraved Goblin
    • Descendant Goblin
    • Precursor Goblin
    • Qodron's Eye
    • Architector Goblin
  • Hobgoblins
    • Axis Hobgoblin
    • Barrier Hobgoblin
    • Chord Hobgoblin
    • Conductive Disciple
    • Descendant Hobgoblin
    • Hobgoblin Disciple
    • Iso Hobgoblin
    • Precursor Hobgoblin
    • Quantum Hobgoblin
    • Integrator Hobgoblin


  • Vex Warrior Frames


  • Cyclops
    • Cyclops Disciples
    • Quantum Cyclops
  • Hydra
    • Axis Hydra
    • Hydra Disciple
    • Integrator Hydra
    • Inquisitor Hydra
    • Precursor Hydra
    • Keeper of Ages Unseen
    • Incarcerator Hydra
  • Wyvern
    • Quantum Wyvern
    • Variant Neutrilizer


  • Minotaur
    • Axis Minotaur
    • Chord Minotaur
    • Descendant Minotaur
    • Minotaur Guard
    • Point Minotaur
    • Praetorian
      • Headless Praetorian
    • Precursor Minotaur
    • Integrator Minotaur
    • Storm Minotaur
    • Quantum Minotaur
    • Overload Minotaur
    • Conduct Minotaur


  • Harpy
    • Axis Harpy
    • Chord Harpy
    • Descendant Harpy
    • Gorgon
    • Harpy Zealot (Arc Shield)
    • Inquisitor Harpy
    • Precursor Harpy
    • Supplicant
      • Seeker
    • Restorative Harpies
    • Quantum Harpy
    • Harpy Seeker
  • Fanatics
    • Disintegrator
    • Finalizer
  • Oracles
    • Void Oracles


  • Gate Lord's Eye
  • Incubation Shell
  • Continuum Pin
  • Paradrome Cube
  • Specimen Twelve
  • Data Motes

Ranged weapons[]

  • Slap Rifle
  • Torch Hammer
  • Line Rifle
  • Laser Rifle
  • Vex Cranium
  • Arc Cranium


  • Slap Grenade


  • Arc Projectile
  • Solar Projectile
  • Void Projectile

Command Buildings[]

  • Citadel
  • Machine Planets

Supply Buildings[]

  • Radiolaria Lakes
  • Star Forges

Research & Arsenal Buildings[]

  • Pyramidions
  • Information Depots


  • Radiolaria Lakes
  • Assimilation Pistons

Other Buildings[]

  • Simulation Gates

Combative Buildings[]

Offensive Buildings[]

Defensive Buildings[]

  • Laser Grids
  • Electric Walls
  • Barriers
  • Quantum Mines

Other Combative[]

  • Sync Plates
  • Vex Portals
  • Vex Nodes

The Vex have their own factions and groups which are as follows:

  • Hezen Corrective
  • Hezen Protective
  • Virgo Prohibition
  • Sol Divisive
  • Precursors
  • Descendants
  • Aphix Invasive
  • Sol Collective


Enter the following information in each section below.


Unknown (Outside Space and Time)

  • Age founded/conquered: Unknown (About millions of years ago in Linear Time.)
  • Territory type: Unknown
  • Inhabitants: Unknown
  • Civilians: Unknown
  • Military: Unknown

NOTE: it should be noted that in the Vex Network, time moves relatively different as a few minutes in real space is equal to about a decade in the Vex Network.

Civilization Stats[]

Tier 0: Outerversal: Though their civilization is not totally specified, They have complex machinery that works on reality warping properties. Vex beings and Vex structures are known to extend through multiple dimensions at once and with dimensions that allows them to travel or shape other realities. They also live outside the fabric of the space-time continuum. Even creating information repositories that have a beyond Infinite-Dimensional Space.

Power Source[]

Energy Source: External, Paraphernalia

Science: Time Travel (They are a faction that are known to utilize time travel to their advantage as they can go to the past, present or the future where they exist in any of those states), History Manipulation (Vex are capable of retroactively integrating themselves into the history of anything they invade) Fate Manipulation (Under certain circ*mstances, The Vex can alter the fate of those that they can perceive), Acausality (The Vex can cause things to happen in time without there being a cause to begin with), Transformation (The Vex are capable of transforming other species or even planets into vex constructs) Replication (The Vex are known to deduce the physics of a universe they come across, when they deduced it they can coop with how affiliate with it's rules and apply them to themselves. The Vex are known to create simulations of physical or intangible realities to study and apply them to the real space, which they are considered historical facts, as they are indistinguishable from the actual universe) Abstract Existence (The Gate Lords that protects the Vex Gate Networks exists in a Liminal State and regulates the traffic that flows and are called "equation vermin") Mathematics Manipulation (Vex when folding space to add new dimensions are capable of altering mathematics, adding new constants as well) Quantum Manipulation (They are able to perform impossible chemistry with quantum tricks) Bionic Physiology (Vex are Radiolaria beings that developed robotic bodies to become what they are today) Resistance (Vex are capable of resisting absolute zero temperatures, heat from the sun, radiation, and means of hacking) Self-Sustenance (Vex are capable of surviving in the vacuum of space and other planetary environments) Extrasensory Perception (Vex are capable of means of seeing beyond visual light) Information Manipulation/Data Manipulation (Vex can manipulate data and information for the means of applying reality alterations) Hacking (Vex are capable of hacking high tech cloud database systems and disrupt the uploading of memory data for back up from moment to moment) Mind Manipulation (The Vex can strip knowledge from their enemies and apply it to their network)

Psychic: Corruption (With the Black Heart being capable of turning Guardians to the darkness) Immortality (The Black Heart having Type 5, having a paradoxical existence being both dead and alive and yet neither)

Conquest Stats[]

Unknown: Their furthest extent is not specified with how far they reach in the Universe, though in one timeline, they managed to conquer the universe by making it what they want to be.

Many researches deemed that the Vex are nigh-impossible to wipe out from the universe.

Power Stats[]

(Characters, units, vehicles and weapons may have higher DC/Durability from the Destruction value of regular weapons and scaling with other characters and in context of the story.)

DC: Unknown: Vex Minds with simulations being able to warp all of reality into the vex's desire, absent of light and darkness, the suns exhausted of all fuel. Outerversal+: The Vex formed their Network which is infinitely above the Alephs of the Pyramidion dimensions. High-Complex Multiverse: Panoptes, the Infinite Mind controls and oversees the Infinite Forest which contains incalculably infinite realities (Likely High Hyperversal or Low Outerversal+ with the Pyramidion). Multi-Solar System: Quria, the Blade Transformed was able to stand up to Oryx, though it was defeated in the end.Solar System: Highest level Vex leaders and elite members able to fight with Guardians who fought against Physical Oryx. Planet: The Vex are capable of terraforming entire planets into machine worlds in a matter of days. Large Continent: Dendron, Root Mind connected to the Vex spire which has more than enough energy to transform the entirety of Mercury to a machine world on an atomic level (Likely higher since it created the Infinite Forest and Panoptes). Large Continent: Sekrion, Nexus Mind with the Nexus transforming the entire crust of Venus into Vex machinery. Large Island-Island: Detailed by Black Safe A.I. that should the Cabal get their hands on Protheon, Modular Mind, then a 60% chance increase would cause the planetoid of Nessus to be destroyed in the battles, they would be same level as other elite/major forces (Likely Large Star-Planet battles against other enemy elite/major units and "Guardians"). Unknown: (Likely higher for all standard weapons when facing other Destiny units to Island-Mountain level or higher with Destructive Value to Subatomic level). Unknown: Cyclops' main attack which causes massive damage compared to Minotaurs. Unknown: Hydra's Torch Hammers which are stronger than the Minotaur's own Torch Hammer variants. Unknown: Minotaur's Torch Hammers attack with strange matter such as exotic particle decaying and deadly radiations causes large area effect. Unknown: Hobgoblin's Line Rifles which is believed to pull material from a galactic singularities, or a form of Vex power source. Unknown: Vex standard weaponry which are powerful enough to totally destroy an enemy units. Small Unknown: Vex Goblin's Slap Rifles which acts as a terminal for multiple purposes which channels energy which can build structures as well for combat. Unknown: Goblin Vex are capable of dealing such damage from their physical combat.

Durability: Solar System: Their strongest Vex members being able to tank attacks from Guardians with their super abilities such as Atheon and Panoptes. Large Star-Planet: Elite level Vex Axis Minds being able to tank attacks from Guardian's weapons and powers such as the Wardcliff Coil Destructive capacity & Nova Bomb (Likely Large Star for well known/top tier Elites or higher). Planet: Regular Vex Axis Mind majors which can go toe-to-toe with other enemy major forces. Unknown: (Likely higher with enemy standard weapons to Island-Mountain level or higher with Destructive Value to Subatomic level tanking and/or sponging relatively well without precision shots for the following). Unknown: Cyclops' durability, tanking multiple regular rocket launchers. Unknown: Minotaurs durability with void shield active. Unknown: Goblins, Harpies and Hobgoblins stronger durability to standard, non light powered weapons.

Speed: FTL+: via their means of arriving to the Solar System, They can even travel within their own realm for combat speed via transportation. FTL+: Vex leaders and elite members reaction and combat speed scale to Guardians speed (Likely higher with Guardians tagging Echo of Oryx). Immeasurable: Vex are capable of moving beyond linear time. Unknown: Vex using their teleportation for combat usage. Superhuman: Vex Harpies flight speed. Athletic: Vex running Speed. Normal Human: Vex regular movement speed.


Because the Vex can simulate and know what the future is, they can accurately predict and know what the enemies are going to do and calculate what the best counter measure to take is. Inside some of their constructs they can control reality at will and if they had completed several means, they can inflict their will on the material universe. They can even understand things of such complexity to integrate themselves into it's physics to become strong. The Vex are capable of space-time manipulation which allows them to shape the past or future to what they desire, they are even capable of time travel, teleportation. Though they appear to be machine, they have radiolarian fluid which even turns other organic beings into vex and can cause mental damage upon contact.


Because of their need to follow a pattern, they cannot always adapt when the situation calls for it, as they follow whatever the calculated simulations lead them to until a new or rewritten pattern or simulation is made. They cannot simulate paracausal aspects as well, such as things that don't follow the causal pattern. Most of their nearly god like powers cannot be used outside in the physical universe, unless there is a certain catalyst that can take those powers outside such as the Black Heart.

(Note: Panoptes was almost able to successfully simulate Paracausal Energies, but was destroyed before it could complete its simulations)

(Note: With the advent of the new Episode: Echoes, the Vex are showing a new capacity for independent thought)

(Note: Quria was capable of Taking with the use of Simulations of Oryx, The Taken King, which was possible due to it's Taken state, and also possessed a unique awareness of the Hive's Sword Logic)


When a battle is decided, list the wins and loses below.


Vex (1)

The Vex rising from the depths of the Inverted Spire.

Vex (2)

Radiolarian is what makes up the units of the Vex which are milky cells with strange mind altering and physical transformation capabilities that are vital to the functionality of the Vex.

Vex (3)

Panoptes, the Infinite Mind, a major Vex who guards and manages the Infinite Forest where every realities in existence are tampered and alter to match their design.

Vex (4)

the Citadel, the Vex construct of Venus where it laid dormant for eons, seeded into the planet itself, yet it contains technology that have vastly surpassed that of Humanity from the time of their birth to their prime.

Vex (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.