Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’ (2024)

Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’ (1)


Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’ (2)By SKWAWKBOX (SW)

12 Comments on Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’

Ten soldiers held for gang-rape of Palestinian prisoner – and crowd storms prison to demand their release

A crowd of Israelis has stormed the Beit Lid base in an attempt to free ten soldiers of the occupation force being held there after allegedly gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner so brutally that the man had to be hospitalised. The IDF guards appear to offer little resistance to the mob of male and female rioters, many of whom were masked.

Far-right Israeli ministers have described the rapists “heroes” and “holy”.

The United Nations, along with Amnesty International and other human rights groups, have condemned the systematic torture they say is being perpetrated routinely on Palestinian prisoners, many of whom have been arbitrarily detained. The torture is said to include the use of hot implements and even dogs as tools to rape and humiliate both men and women held hostage.

The findings are in stark contrast to Israel’s ‘Hamas rape’ claims, which have been thoroughly discredited but continue to be repeated by UK, US and European politicians and media.

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  1. Is there any other country in the world where ‘rape’ has been declared ‘legal’ and ‘holy’?

    I can’t think of one, off-hand, but I’m sure someone will tell me if I’ve missed something.



  2. Have I missed the condemnation of these three incidents – the rape; the mob attempt to free the perpetrators; and the sanctification of the rape – by all those across the Western Political and Media Classes who so routinely trot out condemnation, like Pavlov’s dogs, every time the extremists in Israel shout “Jump, Goyim”?



  3. The world view of Israel as a pariah state is vindicated once again.



  4. So, dozens of armed far-right Israeli settlers dressed in face masks and military uniforms just need to gather outside an IDF army base and prison likened to a “New Guantanamo” – where the Israeli army reportedly engages in the torture, rape and killing of Palestinian civilians – and “critical security discussions” regarding escalation of genocidal murder in the North of Gaza have to be stopped? Really?Unbelievable.

    Israel under Netanyahu looks more like a failed-state every day. “This is not a riot, this is an attempted coup by an armed militia against a weak prime minister who is unable to control his government,” Opposition Leader Yair Lapid claimed.



  5. Meanwhile, from Middle East Monitor July 30th 2024…….

    “The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) has reported an outbreak of hepatitis across the Gaza Strip amid relentless Israeli attacks on the enclave. UNRWA said today that nearly 40,000 cases of hepatitis have been recorded in Gaza since the start of the Israeli war on 7 October last year,” reports Anadolu.

    “Eight hundred to 1,000 new hepatitis cases are reported weekly from UNRWA health centres and shelters across Gaza,” said the UN agency. “Desperate sanitary conditions facilitate the spread of diseases including Hepatitis A”……..

    ……..Over nine months into the Israeli war, vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.”

    Any serious Labour Government worth the name would be a lot more active in preventing this than simply restricting weapons sales to “defensive” weapons to those committing this Genocide.



    1. Dave – Thankfully Keir has also restored the UK’s governments funding of UNRWA



      1. Prevention is more effective than cure, Billy.

        Until Herr Starmer and his Junta change UK policy by 180 degrees towards the apartheid State and the fascist creed of Zionism and start doing a proper job, such action, whilst welcome, is merely sticking a plaster over the situation.

        Merely continuing the policy of managing the abused Palestinian population for the Zionists of the past seven and a half decades, rather than seriously resolving a situation Britain is primarily responsible for originally creating, is simply prolonging what is nothing more than a bodge job.


  6. 5 or 6 Israelis young men raped a British girl in Cyprus and were let off British Gov did f*ckall and said the girl was to blame they are a dirty mucky disgusting race that need to be destroyed



    1. Brian61 – “they are a dirty mucky disgusting race that need to be destroyed”

      😲Are you advocating the genocide of the Israelis❓😲



  7. Brian61, the response to genocide is not to reciprocate with genocide. There are many Israelis appalled by the actions of the government, the IDF and settlers and they all must be held accountable but talk of ‘a dirty mucky disgusting race that need to be destroyed’ makes it difficult to distinguish your position from those you condemn.



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Video: Israelis storm detention centre to free ‘holy’ rapist ‘heroes’ (2024)
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