Why Short-grain Rice? (2024)

Generally, rice is classified into long, medium, and short-grain types. The basic difference between these classes of rice is that long grain is a term used for rice grains that are at least three times as long as they are wide. Medium grain rice varieties are less than three times as long as they are wide while short-grain
rice varieties comprise grains that are more than twice as wide as they are long.
Short grain rice varieties are a group of rice varieties that share similar short-grain characteristics.

Visually, these rice varieties have grains that are short and stubby, and when cooked the rice will be chewier and stickier than varieties with longer grains. Short grain rice is available as brown and white rice with the difference being in the degree of processing the grains have undergone.

Nutrition Profile

Why Short-grain Rice? (1)Nutritionally, short-grain rice varieties offer all the nourishment that long-grain rice varieties do with a notable difference in the starch content of the grains. Short grain rice grains have higher starch content giving it the distinct stickiness that is suitable for dishes like risotto, sushi, and rice pudding.


Like other grains, uncooked rice can be stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place and will keep well for a long time. Cooked rice will keep well in the refrigerator for up to six or seven days. It can also be stored in the freezer where it can keep well for a couple of months.


Short grain rice is cooked like other types of rice. Bring two cups of water to boil to cook one cup of rice. Stir in the rice into boiling water that has been seasoned with salt. Let boil and lower heat until the liquid has been absorbed. This should take between 15- 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for five minutes before serving. Because of rice’s own mild flavor and ability to take on other flavors easily, it makes for a suitable ingredient in all types of dishes. It can be used equally effectively in spicy dishes as well as in sweet dishes. Rice can also make a good base for soups and casseroles.

Why Short-grain Rice? (2)

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Why Short-grain Rice? (3)

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Why Short-grain Rice? (2024)


Why is short-grain rice better? ›

Nutritionally, short-grain rice varieties offer all the nourishment that long-grain rice varieties do with a notable difference in the starch content of the grains. Short grain rice grains have higher starch content giving it the distinct stickiness that is suitable for dishes like risotto, sushi, and rice pudding.

What's the difference between short-grain rice and long-grain rice? ›

Here's the long and short of it: when it comes to rice grains, length and texture are related. The shorter the rice, the stickier it will be when cooked. In contrast, long grain varieties tend to be light and separate.

Why is short-grain rice used to make sushi? ›

Sushi rice, also known as Shari in Japanese, is a type of short-grain Japanese rice known for its sticky texture when cooked. This stickiness is essential for sushi, as it allows the rice to hold its shape when molded into sushi rolls or nigiri.

What are some facts about short-grain rice? ›

Short-grained rices tend to be sticky when cooked. Use them in rice pudding or for sushi. Longer grained varieties remain fluffy when cooked and are commonly used in Indian and various Asian cuisines. Medium grain rices have been developed to remain fluffy when cooked.

What is the healthiest rice to eat? ›

1. Brown rice. Whole grain rice such as brown rice is less processed and refined than white rice. As a result, brown rice contains more nutrients such as fiber and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Should you soak short-grain rice? ›

Ideally, the rice should soak 20 to 40 minutes before cooking for softer, fluffier texture. If there is not enough time, add about a tablespoon more water. Cover the pot and place over high heat 4 to 5 minutes or until boiling.

What to use short-grain rice for? ›

In addition to its shape, short-grain rice varieties are known for their starchy texture, which makes them great for dishes where you'd like the grains to stick together, like sushi, or in recipes where you're going for a creamy texture, like rice pudding.

Is jasmine rice long or short grain? ›

Jasmine rice is a long-grain rice. This means that it is longer and thinner than most other types of rice. It also tends to have a fluffy texture when cooked, rather than soft and clumpy.

Why do the Japanese not eat brown rice? ›

I have been told by Japanese people that brown rice is not popular because the bran is considered to be hard on the digestive system. Whereas some cultures find that type of fiber and roughage to be an acceptable and beneficial part of the diet, it doesn't appear to be considered as such in Japan.

Do Japanese only eat short-grain rice? ›

Japanese dishes almost exclusively use short-grain rice, although medium-grain rice may be used in some situations. Although Japanese people may cook some dishes using long-grain rice, this would not generally be considered Japanese food.

Which rice do Japanese eat? ›

Japanese rice refers to a number of short-grain cultivars of Japonica rice including ordinary rice (uruchimai) and glutinous rice (mochigome). Ordinary Japanese rice, or uruchimai (粳米), is the staple of the Japanese diet and consists of short translucent grains.

Why is short-grain rice so good? ›

Short-grain rice, or Japonica rice, contains more starch than long-grain. The grains are plump and shorter, and tend to stick together when cooked. It is popular throughout Asia and eaten on the side or used to make sushi. It is also a good rice for making rice puddings, due to its starch content.

What culture uses short-grain rice? ›

In contrast, Japanese consumers prefer short-grained, sticky rice that will accommodate the demands of sushi-making and other aspects of Japanese cuisine.

What is the nickname for short-grain rice? ›

Short Grain Rice

This kind of rice features heavily in Japanese cooking and is the rice of choice for onigiri (rice balls) as well as for sushi rice. In stores, this style of rice is called sushi rice, nishiki rice, or even koshihikari.

Why do people like long-grain rice? ›

Long grain rice is one of the most popular types of rice around the world due to its appealing texture and light flavor profile. It's easy to cook with too - simply rinse your grains before cooking then simmer on low heat until all liquid has been absorbed - no stirring required!

What kind of rice is not sticky? ›

Long-grain rice makes great table rice, of course, and is also best for dishes where you don't want rice grains to stick together, such as biryani, pilaf, and fried rice. Basmati and jasmine are the two big long-grain rices in town.

Why do you rinse short-grain rice? ›

This "gives the cooked, finished product a fluffy texture with separate rice kernels," says Matt Slem, a culinary scientist and rice cooking expert at Lundberg Family Farms. Otherwise, without rinsing, the excess starch will remain on the rice, potentially yielding gummy or overly sticky rice once cooked, says Slem.

Is short-grain rice fluffy? ›

As a general rule, the longer the grain of rice (such as basmati or jasmine rice), the more amylose it contains, giving the rice a crumbly fluffy texture. On the flip side, shorter rice grains will have a higher percentage of amylopectin, giving them a more sticky chewy texture.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.