13 Tips for Making Better Quiche, Straight From Professional Chefs (2024)

What's the ultimate easy dish? For many reasons, we'd like to nominate the quiche: It's delicious for any meal of the day, can be made with a few simple ingredients in your fridge, and is endlessly customizable, depending on what mix-ins you have on hand. It's no surprise this dish is a favorite on brunch menus around the country and works equally well as a quick weeknight dinner, too.

But if you're making quiche at home and are left with soggy, less-than-memorable results, you might need to tweak your approach. We got the scoop from professional chefs around the country, who shared their best tips for making better quiche. Grab your eggs, cream, vegetables, and cheese, and get ready to bake something amazing.

13 Tips for Making Better Quiche, Straight From Professional Chefs (1)

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Professional Chefs Share Their Tips for the Best Quiche

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Blind Bake the Crust

The crispy, flaky crust is one of the best parts of a quiche. "But to achieve that tasty outer layer, you need to bake your naked crust a little before adding the egg mixture," says Zakari Davila, executive chef at Willa's in Tampa, Florida. This prevents it from getting soggy. Davila suggests blind baking your crust at 350 F for seven minutes, in addition to the overall baking time. Use professional pie weights to avoid bubbles in your crust, but any variety of raw dried beans poured into the crust would also work. Carefully pour these out after seven minutes (and do not reuse the beans) before filling the crust with your egg mixture.

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Use a Great Dough

"While any basic pie dough recipe (or even store-bought dough) will do in a pinch, the number one way to make delicious quiche is to make a homemade pâte brisée dough," says Andrew Zimmerman, executive chef at Sepia and Proxi in Chicago. (The main difference between this and classic American pie crust is that pâte brisée contains a bit of sugar, which caramelizes in heat, giving it a deep golden color and a little crunch when baked. It's also more tender than classic pie crust because of the method of mixing with the heel of your hand, called frissage.)

Be sure to rest the dough before rolling it out, and then again before you blind-bake it. If you forget this part, your crust may turn out tough and shrink during your blind bake.

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Chill It

"Though most people know to do this when baking pies, chilling the dough is a step that often gets overlooked when making quiche," says Qi Ai, chef de cuisine at Travelle at The Langham in Chicago. "Work fast when preparing your dough so you don't warm up the butter too much—you should still be able to see some butter pieces in the dough, as they will form the flaky layers during baking," Ai adds. Chill your dough for one hour before rolling out your crust.

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Add Another Layer of Protection

"After blind baking your crust, create a waterproof barrier protecting it from the moisture of your filling by brushing it with a thin layer of egg wash," Ai advises. "Return the crust to the oven for another three to five minutes after doing this to bake off the egg before adding your filling and baking according to your recipe."

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Whip Your Eggs

This pro tip from Victoria Dearmond, pastry director for Underbelly Hospitality in Houston, helps to make your quiche extra smooth and custardy. "Add your eggs to a bowl, then whisk them for about 3 minutes (or use a hand mixer) before adding heavy cream. Whip the mixture again for about 4 minutes before adding your other ingredients and pouring everything into your crust." (Dearmond notes that for a regular quiche, she uses about 6 eggs and ½ cup of cream.)

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Cook the Veggies First

"Vegetables will take longer to cook than your egg custard, so always sauté onions, steam broccoli, etc. before you add them to your egg mixture to ensure every bite of quiche will be perfectly cooked," says Kristin Beringson, executive chef at Henley in Nashville.

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Avoid Fillings That Are Too Wet

"Some vegetables, such as sliced large tomatoes or raw zucchini, have a high water content and will make your quiche soggy (even if you follow all steps to avoid this!)," Davila notes. Instead, he recommends roasting vegetables such as mushrooms or eggplant before adding them to your egg mixture. This draws out moisture, in addition to boosting the flavor profile of your quiche. And if you're using an ingredient such as sautéed spinach, be sure to squeeze the liquid out before adding it to your quiche.

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Experiment With Flavor Combos

Nathaniel Reid, a two-time James Beard award semifinalist and a bakery owner in St. Louis, recommends switching up your quiche add-ins—from proteins and vegetables to cheese and herbs—in an effort to reflect the season. Some of his favorites to inspire your next quiche include:

  • Potato, chive, tarragon, and smoked cheddar
  • Ham, leek, potato, and herbs
  • Blue crab and asparagus
  • Smoked salmon and dill
  • Oyster mushroom and shallots
  • Bacon, caramelized onion, and gruyere

Try some of our favorite quiche recipes: ham and leek quiche, Swiss chard and cheddar quiche, and ham and asparagus quiche.

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Opt for Fresh Herbs Over Dried Ones.

Using fresh herbs is the easiest way to level up your quiche with minimal effort—stir some into your base and also sprinkle some more on top after it comes out of the oven. For Dearmond, the easiest quiche is eggs and cream with cheese and a bunch of chives. "There's minimal chopping, no chance of veggies overcooking or releasing water into your base, and it can be in the oven in less than 10 minutes," she says.

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Add a Pinch of Nutmeg

Yes, really! According to Beringson, this toasty spice we all love to use in the fall will add a hint of flavor that enhances nearly any quiche ingredients without overwhelming the dish.

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Choose the Right Cooking Vessel

"It may sound surprising, but a pie pan isn't the ideal vessel for baking quiche because it's not deep enough," explains Zimmerman. Instead, try a 2-inch deep springform pan, or even a two-inch-high metal pastry ring set on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. "This depth allows for more silky custard and less chance of overcooking the quiche," he adds.

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Lower the Oven Temperature

Many quiche recipes call for preheating your oven to 350 or 400 F. However, Dearmond advises baking quiche at a slightly lower temperature (around 325 F) for a bit longer, so you don't wind up with an egg soufflé. The exact baking time is hard to pinpoint since pan sizes vary, but a good rule is that you want your filling to be set, with a slight jiggle in the middle. "The custard will continue to cook after you take it out of the oven," Dearmond notes. "So if you pull it out when it's still a little underdone, it will be perfectly cooked by the time it cools completely."

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Let It Cool

We know, it's hard to resist digging into your quiche shortly after it comes out of the oven smelling so delicious. "But the quiche will taste better if you allow the final product to cool completely (think several hours or even overnight) before slicing," says Zimmerman. Then, warm up individual slices or serve them at room temperature. (If you won't be enjoying your quiche until the next day, be sure to refrigerate it. Due to the dairy and eggs in the dish, food safety can be compromised if it's left out for more than two hours.)

13 Tips for Making Better Quiche, Straight From Professional Chefs (2024)


13 Tips for Making Better Quiche, Straight From Professional Chefs? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven.

How do you keep the bottom crust of a quiche from getting soggy? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven.

Should you Prebake crust for quiche? ›

And yes, as you'll see, you should always prebake quiche crust to avoid a gummy pastry. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Roll out your homemade or purchased refrigerated dough into a 12-inch circle.

What is the ratio of milk to eggs in a quiche? ›

Quiche Ratio: 1 large egg to 1/2 cup of dairy

A standard large egg weighs two ounces and 1/2 cup of dairy (whole milk) is four ounces, therefore a handy 1:2 ratio! You'll need to increase the amount of eggs and milk based on the size of your quiche, so knowing the basic ratio makes it really easy to scale up or down.

How long should quiche rest before cutting? ›

How long should quiche rest before cutting? Remove the quiche from the oven and let the inside continue to cook while the exterior cools to a warm temperature. Waiting about 10-20 minutes before slicing is usually sufficient.

How to avoid a soggy bottom? ›

Give yourself a smart head start

Blind-bake your base before adding a filling to help to firm the base and avoid liquid being absorbed into it. Prick the base with a fork to help steam escape, cover with foil or parchment, and weigh it down with ceramic baking beans, uncooked rice or white sugar.

Is it necessary to blind bake pastry for quiche? ›

As a general rule, you do need to blind bake when cooking a dish with wet fillings. For example, if you're making a quiche or frangipane, blind baking the crust first will help ensure the pastry case stays buttery and retains its crunch.

Do you poke holes in pie crust for quiche? ›

Poking holes allows steam to escape

The reason for this, as The Spruce Eats explains, is that unless you create a place for the steam to escape, it'll get trapped within the dough. As a result, the crust will puff up and cause your pie to warp from the bottom.

Which pie crust is best for quiche? ›

Best Overall Quiche Crust: Pillsbury Pie Crust

The crusts are rolled up, so they don't take up a lot of room in your fridge or freezer, and they are super easy to work with. Just thaw overnight in the fridge, unroll gently to fill your pie dish, and either blind bake, or fill and bake, depending on your recipe.

Can you put too much cheese in quiche? ›

A Few General Rules for Making Perfect Quiches

2. Never use more than 2 cups of cheese. Too much cheese will make the quiche not set properly.

Can you put too many eggs in a quiche? ›

Using too many eggs in the custard results in a quiche that rubbery and too firm when baked, while not using enough will prevent the custard from setting. Follow This Tip: Remember this ratio: 1 large egg to 1/2 cup of dairy.

Is milk better than heavy cream in quiche? ›

Heavy Cream and Milk – For the best tasting quiche, use a combination of whole milk and heavy cream. (Or simply use half-and-half.) Using just heavy cream produces an overly thick filling. Whole milk is great, but a combo of heavy cream and milk is better.

What rack in the oven is best for quiche? ›

Go for the bottom rack when you bake quiche

As you may have already deduced, that makes the bottom rack the best place for quiche, according to The Kitchn. An ideal quiche is characterized by a moist filling held in place by a crisp crust, but that crispness can be hard to achieve with the wetness of the egg custard.

What temperature should quiche be cooked at? ›

Place quiche on baking sheet. Bake uncovered in hot oven until quiche reaches a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees, 20-25 minutes. Carefully remove from oven.

How do you tell when a quiche is done? ›

To check doneness, insert a knife into the centre of the quiche. If it comes out clean it's done! Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

Why was my crustless quiche watery on the bottom? ›

According to Real Simple, this typically occurs when adding too-wet ingredients to the quiche filling, layering the egg custard with, for example, large slices of raw tomato or raw zucchini. These vegetables, while tasty, have a high water content when raw, which will weep into the quiche as it bakes.

What causes pastry to have a soggy bottom? ›

If the fat melts before a strong gluten structure has formed, the pastry will end up soggy. Overly moist fillings can also contribute to a soggy bottom as the liquid will drop to the bottom of the pie and ooze into the pastry. To ensure crisp pastry, the base can be blind baked before adding the filling.

Should I egg wash the bottom pie crust? ›

Brushing on egg white will lead to a paler baked good with a very good shine. An egg white only egg wash is useful for brushing on the bottom of blind-baked pie crusts to create a watertight barrier between the filling and the crust. Or it can be used to help sugar adhere to pastry.

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