16oz Egg Noodles - Grandma's Frozen Noodles (2024)


Grandma’s famous handcrafted, bronze drawn, artisan style, – Egg Noodles. Cut by hand and made fresh every day.

Ingredients: Unbleached, Unbromated, enriched wheat flour (niacin, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid) pure filtered water, whole eggs, salt, annatto, Non-GMO corn starch.

Our noodles are made in small batches, and shipped out to the contiguous United States every Tuesday. All orders must be placed before 12:00 a.m. MST on Sunday in order to be included in that Tuesday’s shipment.

16oz Egg Noodles - Grandma's Frozen Noodles (2024)


How long to cook grandmas frozen noodles? ›

Stir with a pasta fork to separate the noodles. Keep that water boiling! Cook your noodles for 15-20 minutes or to taste. Drain the water from your cooked noodles and enjoy in your very favorite pasta recipes.

How to prepare Reames frozen egg noodles? ›

Bring 3–4 qts. salted (optional) water to a boil. Place frozen noodles in boiling liquid; stir noodles to separate, return to boil. Reduce heat; simmer uncovered for 3–5 minutes or to desired tenderness, stirring occasionally.

Is there such a thing as frozen egg noodles? ›

Frozen Egg Noodles

The original mighty noodle. Reames Noodles are made with just three simple ingredients, no preservatives and never dried. That's how we keep them hearty. Perfect for soups, casseroles, entrees and side dishes.

Do you thaw reames noodles before cooking? ›

Can I defrost Reames Noodles before cooking? Defrosting is not recommended. For the highest quality noodles, follow the cooking instructions on the package.

How do you know when frozen egg noodles are done? ›

The cooking time for frozen egg noodles can vary depending on the brand and thickness of the noodles. Generally, they take around 10-15 minutes to cook until they are tender.

Can you cook frozen noodles without thawing? ›

As a reminder – NEVER thaw fresh-frozen filled pasta like ravioli! It should be cooked directly from frozen (one less prep step!) For maximum flavor, cook your pasta to just shy of al dente and then finish cooking it by sautéing in the sauce it will be served in.

Do you boil water before adding egg noodles? ›

Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil over high heat. Drop in the egg noodles and stir so they don't stick. Cook until just past al dente, about 10 minutes.

How do you cook egg noodles without them sticking together? ›

It's kind of a no brainer, but stirring the pasta helps keep the noodles moving and breaks up sticky spots before they become full-on clumps. But you don't have to sit over the pot and stir constantly. Aim to stir the pasta fully within the first two minutes of cooking, then another time or two while the pasta cooks.

Do you rinse egg noodles in hot or cold water? ›

Tiess says there are two situations where he recommends noodles be rinsed. "For egg noodles that you will be adding to a soup later then yes, you should rinse them in cold water then store them covered in the refrigerator until needed," he explains.

Are frozen noodles better? ›

That's because, unlike typical shelf-stable instant noodles, which are cooked, then dehydrated before packaging, frozen instant noodles are uncooked and packaged fresh. This preserves their flavor and texture, making them chewier, bouncier, and more slurpable.

Can I just crack an egg into my noodles? ›

If you want to add egg to ramen, wait till the noodles boil. Then crack in the egg, mix it around, and drain as usual.

Do egg noodles go bad in the freezer? ›

Freezing: Cooked egg noodles can be frozen and are best used within 6 months.

Do Reames noodles expire? ›

Fresh Ramen Noodle Shelf-Life

You can store fresh ramen noodles in the freezer for up to one month. Fresh ramen noodles expire quicker than dried ramen noodles as they are made with fresher ingredients and don't undergo a drying and preserving process.

Do I have to drain egg noodles? ›

Drain for casseroles. If the noodles will be used for soups or as a side dish, they can be left in broth.

How long to cook frozen pasta noodles? ›

Frozen Pasta
  1. Boil a pot of water, with salt.
  2. Once water reaches the boiling point, add frozen pasta, stir to loosen pasta and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. When pasta is cooked, drain and serve with your favourite sauce.

How long to cook frozen ramen noodles? ›

Typically, frozen instant noodles cook quickly, usually within 2-4 minutes.

How long to cook frozen soba noodles? ›

To cook, bring a large pot of water to a boil over medium-high heat. Unlike pasta, there's no need for salt. Add the soba to the boiling pot in a circular motion, separating the noodles from each other. Cook the noodles for 4-5 minutes or according to the package instructions (each brand is slightly different).

How long to boil reames noodles? ›

Cooking Instructions: Bring 4 quarts of water to a rapid boil. Add 2 teaspoons salt, if desired. Add frozen noodles and return to a full rolling boil, stir to separate. Cook noodles uncovered for 20 minutes or until desired tenderness, stir occasionally.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.