All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (2024)

In Monster Hunter: World the most successful hunters are the ones that tailor their gear to the monster they wish to bring down. If a player is facing a flying monster, it makes much more sense to bring a ranged weapon than a melee weapon. It’s also important to bring weapons that have elemental advantages over opponents. While a fire-based sword might have better DPS than an ice-based weapon, it becomes useless if facing a monster resistant to fire.


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For this reason, there are very few weapons that are used in a majority or even a plurality of battles. Instead, the best players train in a specific weapon type and make sure to have a variety of weapons in that type for each situation. The weapon selection in Monster Hunter: World is pretty varied and diverse, and players can rest assured that they'll still have a great time with the game, even if they aren't min-maxing their weapons and loadout.

Updated March 31, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Fans can't wait for the arrival of Monster Hunter Wilds. Capcom may have misfired with the poorly-managed release of Dragon's Dogma 2, but the company has enjoyed a string of hits before this misstep. Many fans feel this is nothing more than a blip in what has otherwise been a great run for the company, and can't wait to check out the latest chapter in the Monster Hunter series. Until players can get their hands on this title, Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World can occupy them until then. The suite of weapons present in the latter is a blast, and players should know the best kind of weapons they can use to hunt down enemies in style.

14 Hunting Horn

Stuns Monsters With Repeated Hits

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (2)

The Hunting Horn is one of the strangest weapons in the game, but players shouldn't underestimate its efficiency. Players who know what they're doing can single-handedly fill in the support role of any party. Not only does this weapon play music to buff the party or debilitate enemies, but it can also hit for quite some damage. A good wallop from this weapon can stun monsters, allowing other members of the team with more lethal weapons to swoop in for the kill.

Players should stock up on some great melodies that are pertinent to the class and the type of monster they're hunting down. Trying to fight a monster solo with the Hunting Horn is extremely challenging. However, it becomes way more valuable in a party where players rely on them for buffs, cures, and everything else along the same lines. This weapon class is recommended for people who are fairly adept when it comes to the series' gameplay. Newcomers will find the Hunting Horn too convoluted to use if they aren't familiar with how the combat system works.

Notable Hunting Horns

  • Denden Doomsounder: Has the highest damage of any Hunting Horn.
  • Lightbreak Timbre: Deals blast damage.
  • The Rasping Ballad: Paralysis effect can be a boon against tough and aggressive monsters.
  • Ogrebite: A tough weapon with hidden sleep damage.
  • Ruinous Desolation: An excellent Hunting Horn with a high-level Elderseal.

13 Hammer

Designed To Smash And Flatten Enemies

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (3)

Most people would expect a large hammer to be somewhat unwieldy in battle, but that is not the case. In fact, the Hammer in Monster Hunter World is incredibly fast and can stun monsters with successive hits. Along with this, users can charge up a Hammer's hits can to deal even more damage when the enemy is vulnerable. There's nothing more satisfying than smacking a monster that has been giving players a tough time and watching it fall.

Weapons that are slow and cumbersome may not be a user's weapon of choice in Monster Hunter World, especially if they're already struggling to dodge the attacks of the monsters they're hunting. However, with enough practice, the hammer becomes one of the most satisfying weapons players can use in the game to smash their prey to smithereens.

Notable Hammers

  • Juicy Well-done Hammer: This hilariously named hammer deals additional fire damage.
  • Safi's Venomcrusher: True to its name, this powerful hammer dishes out some serious poison damage.
  • Safi's Shattercrusher: The blast damage of this hammer is a force to be reckoned with.
  • Mane Malice Rajang: A tough Hammer with high thunder damage.
  • Lightbreak Hammer: An explosive hammer that can stop any enemy in its tracks.

12 Lance

Perfect For Counter-Attacks After Using The Shield For Defense

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (4)

Not only does the Lance have a long reach, but it also boasts a shield that the player can use to great effect. This combination of a solid offense and great range makes the Lance a great weapon that Monster Hunter World players should get acquainted with sooner rather than later. The Lance is the perfect weapon for players who want to land precise strikes, while ensuring that they don't tank too much damage themselves.


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It's a tricky moveset to nail down, but a satisfying one once players understand the basics of the combat system. Staying just out of a tough monster's reach as players poke and prod them to death is infinitely satisfying. Players who master the Lance's moveset will get hooked quickly, wanting to flex their skills in the toughest hunts.

Notable Lances

  • Great Demon Lance: The hardest-hitting Lance in the game.
  • Lightbreak Lance: A powerful Lance that deals blast damage.
  • Demonlord Rajang: The thunder damage inflicted by this Lance can shock even the toughest monsters.
  • Backbite: A cool-looking lance that inflicts sleep damage.
  • Ruinous Perdition: An upgrade from Perdition's Hand that is worth the cost.

11 Sword & Shield

A Swift Weapon With Great Recovery

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (6)

At a glance, the Sword & Shield seems like a pretty boring option. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Masters of this weapon type can dish out a ton of DPS in record time.

It's one of the most versatile weapon types in the game that new players should use if they find the other movesets to be more complicated. The Sword & Shield is a jack of all trades, although players who want to master certain aspects of the combat system should check out other weapons instead.

Notable Swords & Shields

  • Banned Rajang Club: The best "sword" in the game in terms of sheer damage.
  • Lightbreak Sword: A powerful sword that deals immense blast damage.
  • Demonlord Mace: A thunderous mace that is effective against enemies weak to this element.
  • Rajang Club: A great club that hits for thunder damage.
  • Stonebite: A unique-looking weapon that has decent sleep damage.

10 Gunlance

Medium-Range Weapon That Fires Shells For Extra Damage

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (7)

A combination of a gun and a lance, the Gunlance is capable of impressive damage and is great for defensive play. The lance is designed to keep the enemy at bay with good blocking ability and deal damage at a range. The gun aspect of the lance is a powerful shotgun blast, which damages the enemy at close range.

The reason it ranks low is that the player’s mobility is seriously compromised with this weapon, and they must rely on armor and tanking. It also requires the player to get up close and personal to get the full effect of the gun blasts, which is dangerous in many cases.

Notable Gunlances

  • Safi’s Shatterbuster: A great normal shell Gunlance.
  • Xeno Hemta +: An excellent long-shell Gunlance.
  • Lightbreak Gunlance: A brilliant wide shell Gunlance.
  • Flamebite: Despite the name, this weapon actually deals sleep damage.
  • Queen's Panoply: A poisonous Gunlance that looks pretty great to boot.

9 Insect Glaives

Unique Combination Allows For An Unorthodox Moveset

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (8)

Insect Glaives are an interesting weapon type. They are used in a fast and fluid fashion, giving the player lots of mobility in combat. At any point, the player can launch themselves into the air and then use an air dash to move around in midair.


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Skilled players can use Insect Glaives to dodge sweeping attacks and land on monsters’ backs to get in hits. They also have the ability to deploy Kinsects, which collect essences from monsters for mid-fight boosts to either defense, attack, healing, or speed. It requires lots of practice and lots of strikes to take down a monster, but it can make for some fun gameplay.

Notable Insect Glaives

  • Safi’s Shatterspear: A tried-and-tested Insect Glaive beloved by the fanbase.
  • Lightbreak Press: An excellent Insect Glaive that truly shines with the right build.
  • Datura Storm II: A highly poisonous Insect Glaive that's perfect for support characters.
  • Metalmangler: A powerful weapon with both Blunt Boost and thunder damage.
  • Demonlord Cudgel: High thunder damage and great affinity make this weapon a blast to use.

8 Switch Axe

Switch Between An Axe And A Sword To Suit The Situation

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (10)

Switch Axes are adaptable weapons that can transform from an axe to a sword at any given time. The axes give players greater range and greater striking power, while the sword is faster with better finishers. This power to switch makes them popular with players who don’t like to trade out their weapons often.

Typically, players will fight in axe mode and only switch to sword mode when an opportunity arises for good damage or an elemental strike. The only reason it doesn’t rank higher is that it’s a complicated weapon to use, and many players often forget to switch modes in the heat of battle.

Notable Switch Axes

  • Safi’s Shatteraxe: A Switch Axe that is the favorite of many.
  • Lightbreak Axe: A powerful Switch Axe that's highly accessible.
  • Taroth Axe "Paralysis": A Switch Axe that is downright broken, with its massive 550 Paralysis.
  • Undying Light: A fun weapon with high thunder damage.
  • Demonlord Edge: High thunder damage and affinity make this a great weapon to use.

7 Heavy Bowgun

Makes Up For Lack Of Mobility With High Firepower

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (11)

Heavy Bowguns are beastly in combat, boasting serious damage and long-range capabilities. It’s perfect for staggering enemies, knocking off parts, or putting chinks in a monster's armor. Another nice perk is the ability to lightly modify the weapons to suit the player's needs.

But with this immense power comes vulnerability. These heavy weapons significantly compromise the player’s mobility and put them at risk when the enemy attacks or closes the distance. They're extremely useful in co-op, but dangerous when hunting solo.

Notable Heavy Bowguns

  • Safi Burstcannon: Best Heavy Bowgun for Spread Ammo.
  • Safi Snipecannon: Best Heavy Bowgun for Pierce Ammo.
  • Demonlord Beastbuster: Best Heavy Bowgun for both Normal and Sticky Ammo.
  • Rajang Destroyer: A great Heavy Bowgun that uses Wyvernheart Special Ammo.
  • Albadash: An excellent weapon that pairs off really well with Pierce Ammo.

6 Great Sword

Punishing Attacks Come At The Cost Of Slow Movement

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (12)

Great Swords are the heavy hitters, capable of dishing out the most damage possible. With their long range and high damage, these weapons are good for knocking down big foes or obliterating little ones. It’s great for players who want to make their hits count.


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The downside to Great Swords is that they’re heavy, which limits their mobility. Considering they also have terrible blocking power, players end up relying on carefully timed dodges and a bit of tanking.

Notable Great Swords

  • Black Fatalis Blade: A Great Sword that hits like a trick, albeit at the cost of an affinity penalty.
  • Lightbreak Blade: A powerful Great Sword with immense blast damage.
  • Safi’s Splitter: A great all-rounder and arguably the third-best Great Sword in the game.
  • Great Demon Rod: A weapon with incredibly high damage that will serve many players well.
  • Ultra Wyvern Jawblade: A Great Sword that will blast enemies to smithereens.

5 Charge Blade

Morphs Between A Sword/Shield And An Axe

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (14)

Like the Switch Axe, Charge Blades are capable of transforming from a sword and shield mode to an axe mode. The sword and shield mode gives the player greater mobility and lots of defense, while the axe mode delivers crushing blows with a long reach.

Charge Blades outrank Switch Axes because when the player fights with the sword and shield, they build up charges that are stored in the weapon. When the player switches to the axe, they unleash the charge for an explosive effect. For players who learn the combos and flow of combat, this weapon type can be beastly.

Notable Charge Blades

  • Kjarr Strongarm "King"/"Water"/"Spark"/"Ice"/"Decay": A host of Kjarr Charge Blades that have been buffed heavily in Iceborne.
  • Lightbreak Charge Blade: A powerful Charge Blade with immense blast damage.
  • Safi’s Shattershield: Another powerful Safi'Jiva weapon that absolutely decimates monsters with ease.
  • Rajang Beastblade Ikazuchi: The Impact Elemental Phial makes this a must-have weapon.
  • Luna Eostre: A combination of poison damage and Impact Phial works out pretty well for this Charge Blade.

4 Bow

A Versatile, Trusted Weapon

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (15)

The Bow is a mid-range weapon with a lot of versatility and unlimited ammo. Players who use Bows can charge arrows for powerful shots, or take potshots at the enemy while dodging attacks. The variety comes from the different coatings players can apply to each arrow to add elemental attacks or status effects. In fact, one can argue that bows have the highest DPS in longer fights.

The only reason it doesn’t rank higher is its limitation in close-quarters combat. The Bow is meant to be used at mid-range, so the player must constantly jockey for better positions, which can be difficult when hunting solo. It also lacks the punch of stronger weapons, so it struggles with armored foes and requires targeting weak spots.

Notable Bows

  • Kjarr Bow "Decay"/"Spark"/"Water"/"Blast"/"King"/"Stream": A set of Kjarr Bows that excel in their respective elements.
  • Lightbreak Bow: A powerful and reliable Bow with excellent blast damage.
  • Mist Glacia: An excellent Bow that specializes in dishing out major ice damage.
  • Beastking Thunderbow: As the name suggests, the thunder damage from this weapon is amazing.
  • Archbeast Paragon: A malleable weapon that can use every coating in the game aside from sleep.

3 Light Bowgun

Rapidly Shoot Targets At Short To Medium Range

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (16)

Light Bowguns might not have the range of bows but boast a significantly increased fire rate. With a wide variety of ammo types, Light Bowguns can cause all sorts of chaos on the battlefield and are great both in co-op and solo situations.


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The downside to their rapi rate of fire is the potential to run out of ammo. This isn't necessarily an issue if players are careful with their shots or go into battle loaded with ammo, but it is a problem bow users don’t face. Yet it still ranks higher for its high rate of fire and ability to fight in close quarters.

Notable Light Bowguns

  • Fatalis Depths: Best Light Bowgun for Pierce Ammo.
  • Blizzard Gust: Best Light Bowgun for Spread Ammo.
  • Safi's Aquashot: Best Light Bowgun for Sticky Ammo.
  • Adept Stormslinger: An excellent upgrade from the Stormslinger Prototype.
  • Ten Thousand Volts: Uses the Wyvernblast Special Ammo to great effect.

2 Long Sword

A Swift, Cool Weapon That Looks Amazing In The Right Hands

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (18)

Long Swords are the most run-of-the-mill weapons in the game, and that’s what makes them some of the most powerful. They have good reach, damage, speed, and mobility, making them powerful in any situation.

Another benefit is that they can charge up for spirit attacks that do higher damage. For players who can keep their spirit levels up, this gives the weapon great power. However, it’s because of this that it doesn’t take the number one spot. Players must keep the spirit gauge maxed and raise the levels to get the full potential of this weapon type.

Notable Long Swords

  • Lightbreak Edge: Arguably the best end-game Long Sword in the game when it comes to dishing out damage.
  • Fatalis Zaggespanon: The Long Sword with the highest raw damage, offset by an affinity penalty.
  • Safi’s Shatterblade: A great Long Sword with excellent blast damage to boot.
  • Great Demon Halberd: A fun Long Sword to use with great thunder damage.
  • Ruinous Extermination: A weapon that looks pretty great and deals dragon damage.

1 Dual Blades

Swift, High DPS Weapons Can Cause Players To Become Reckless

All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (19)

Dual Blades are arguably the most powerful weapon type in the game. Similar to Long Swords, Dual Blades charge up attacks to enter Demon Mode, which raises the attack damage through longer combo chains. Raising these levels lets the player enter Archdemon Mode, which boosts even higher.

Dual Blades rank higher than Long Swords because they are good weapons even without Demon Mode. The player is a whirlwind that can dart away from attacks and can avoid ever receiving damage if they remain light on their feet.

Notable Weapons

  • Kjarr Daggers "Water"/"Spark"/"Dragon"/"Ice": A set of powerful daggers that capitalize on elemental weaknesses to deal massive damage.
  • Taroth Daggers "Fire": A more powerful variant of the Kulve Taroth Dual Blades for players who want to specialize in fire damage.
  • Fatalis Dual Skies: Dual Blades with high raw damage at the cost of an affinity penalty.
  • Suzuka Otakemaru: Fun Dual Blades with thunder damage.
  • Master Ale: A unique Dual Blade that deals both paralysis and sleep damage.
All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (20)
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January 26, 2018

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All Weapons In Monster Hunter: World, Ranked (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.