Exploring 6 Types Of Lentils - Their Differences And How To Use Them (2024)

french lentils

French lentils are your sophisticated and health-conscious culinary comrades!

These elegant French lentils are from the Puy region in France, also known as Puy lentils. These petite green gems have a striking deep green, blueish color, and a rich, peppery taste.

With their poppy texture and lack of mushiness, French lentils retain their shape after cooking. This makes them ideal for side dishes, cold lentil-based salads, and stews and soups where you want that extra texture.

They boast an impressive nutritional profile with protein, high fiber content, iron, and folate.

French Puy lentils have thicker skin, so they need longer cooking, about 45-50 minutes to cook through.

Nutritional Value per 100g:

  • Calories: 350
  • Protein: 24.5g
  • Carbs: 59.5g
  • Fat: 3g
  • Fiber: 31.5g
  • Iron: 7.35mg
  • Folate: 50mcg

French lentils are best for salads, side dishes, cold lentil-based salads, and anything that deserves a touch of elegance.

Buy Organic French Lentils

Exploring 6 Types Of Lentils - Their Differences And How To Use Them (1)

Exploring 6 Types Of Lentils - Their Differences And How To Use Them (2)

black beluga lentils

And now, introducing the dark knights of the lentil kingdom—Black Beluga lentils! They are sophisticated and mysterious, and will surprise anyone eating them!

These small, glossy gems resemble caviar, earning them the name "Beluga" after the famed black sturgeon roe. Their striking appearance adds a touch of elegance to any dish.

Black Beluga lentils have the most flavor, adding a rich, earthy taste and a firm texture that holds up well during cooking. Black lentils will be ready in 20–25 minutes; however, they will fall apart like their brown, green, and red partners once you cook them for too long.

They are a superb protein, dietary fiber, iron, and magnesium source. However, they are on the heavier side when it comes to calories, carbs, and fat.

Nutritional Value per 100g:

  • Calories: 400
  • Protein: 24g
  • Carbs: 68g
  • Fat: 6g
  • Fiber: 18g

Beluga lentils are best for salads, side dishes, grain bowls, and any dish that deserves a gourmet touch.

Exploring 6 Types Of Lentils - Their Differences And How To Use Them (2024)
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