Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? (2024)

Chicken wings are often the best pieces of chicken to enjoy. You can have them as a snack for a picnic while watching a soccer game on a Sunday afternoon, or you can eat them as an appetizer at your favorite restaurant. Chicken wings are also highly customizable, with wide options of meals you can have, along with not leaving out the many cooking options you have for chicken wings. These crispy chicken wings will certainly leave you drooling for more, increasing your appetite for the main course.

Delicious chicken wings also have numerous health benefits. Well-cooked chicken wings are a rich source of protein and are also known for their therapeutic impact on human metabolic disorders.

But one thing is for certain: there is always a recipe behind these savory chicken wings, and you have to follow and adhere to a well-outlined recipe. The good news is that many easy, do-it-yourself recipes can be handled in your home kitchen. All you need is to pay close attention to the spices and other ingredients used in the preparation.

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? (1)

However, the main question that most people have is whether they need to apply a dry rub to their chicken wings the night before. We understand why this question is often asked, as this cut of chicken is usually highly flavorful, and you need to get it right with the spice application.

What Is a Dry Rub?

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? (2)

A dry rub is a blend of numerous spices and herbs that can be applied to different types of meat. These dried herbs and spices often include salt and other ingredients. A dry rub differs from a dry spice rub in that it contains both herbs and spices, whereas a dry spice rub contains only dried spices.

Dry rubs have proved to be the best type of seasoning for all kinds of meat. Unlike other seasonings, dry rubs can easily be spread onto each part of the chicken wing. You also don’t need to be concerned about the occasional mixing of seasonings – you are seasoning the chicken wings with the dry rub. In addition to each wing getting a fair share of the dry rub, the coating it forms doesn’t easily fall off while marinating.

If you are using a homemade dry rub, it’s good to ensure that the spices you use go well with chicken wings. A mistake with the ingredients in the rub can mess up the entire meal. You will also want to ensure all the spices are mixed well to increase the chances of everything getting sticky.

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings the Night Before?

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? (3)

The best way to apply a rub to your chicken wings is the night before cooking. This allows much more time for the spices to blend into the chicken. We also recommend adding the spices by hand, rubbing the rub on all sides of the wings. This ensures you infuse all the spices and flavors into the wings to bring out a finger-licking taste once cooked.

The objective is to ensure the chicken wings are well-coated with enough dry rub. We recommend being bold with the dry rub, as the more you rub, the greater the flavor that goes into the pieces of meat.

Feel free to apply less seasoning if you don’t like chicken wings bursting with flavor. The essence is to ensure you add enough dry rub to meet your taste.

What Types Of Food Can I Serve With Chicken Wings?

Now that you know how to get it right with your dry rub, it’s good to understand the different food you can serve alongside your delicious chicken wings. We find chicken wings an incredible meal with numerous foods you can serve alongside them. The perfect blend of the juicy and crispy skin rich in the sauce makes them a highly customizable meal with numerous side dishes that pair with them perfectly.

Sweet potatoes, fried rice, cornbread, pasta salad, macaroni salad, garden salad, roasted veggies, coleslaw, and Brussels sprouts are just examples of some of the incredible dishes you can serve alongside your finger-licking chicken wings.

You can also try out other dishes that you believe make the best accompaniment. We highly recommend trying out dishes you don’t usually go for to expand your kitchen explorations.

But if you don’t fancy having a side chick, you can have your chicken wings as a meal on its own. It will leave you full and supply your body with many great nutrients.

Interested in checking out more information about rubs? Look no further than our articles on:
3 Homemade Rubs to take Your Smoked Chicken to the Next Level
Famous Rub Types Paired with Delicious Recipes
What is a Rub, Why and How to Do It?

For more great ideas on how to get the most out of your Bradley Smoker, check out the awesome articles on our Bradley Smoker Food Smoking Blog for more tips & tricks.

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? (2024)


Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings The Night Before? ›

Should I Apply a Dry Rub to My Chicken Wings the Night Before? The best way to apply a rub to your chicken wings is the night before cooking. This allows much more time for the spices to blend into the chicken. We also recommend adding the spices by hand, rubbing the rub on all sides of the wings.

Can a dry rub chicken night before? ›

For certain meats like chicken breast, brisket, or pork, consider rubbing your dry rub in and then refrigerating your meat overnight. This will allow the spices to sink into the meat. While not an essential step, refrigerating your meat can give your dry rub a more flavorful kick.

Can you prep chicken wings the night before? ›

Can you make crispy baked chicken wings ahead of time? Yes, go through all the steps of parboiling the wings and drying well with a paper towel, then place the chicken pieces on a sheet pan and refrigerate UNCOVERED for up to 24 hours. Then all you have to do is pop them into the hot oven and bake them.

How long can you leave dry rub on chicken before cooking? ›

Let rub sit on the chicken for up to 12 hours in the refrigerator. Preheat a grill to medium heat. Place dark meat on the grill first because it has a longer cooking time than white meat.

How do you keep wings crispy overnight? ›

There's an easy way, borrowed from restaurants that deep-fry food every day, to keep your fried foods crispy and delicious! The best way to keep fried foods crispy? Just place them on a cooling rack set over a baking sheet.

Should you dry rub chicken wings overnight? ›

The best way to apply a rub to your chicken wings is the night before cooking. This allows much more time for the spices to blend into the chicken. We also recommend adding the spices by hand, rubbing the rub on all sides of the wings.

Should I dry rub overnight? ›

Dry Rub Tips

Salt is a flavor enhancer, and it pushes out more flavor, so keeping a 50/50 ratio helps you incorporate other seasonings without losing the tinge of saltiness. Apply your rub the night before. Applying it the night before will help the seasonings work their way into the meat properly. Don't wrap the meat.

How do I keep my wings crispy the next day? ›

Chicken wings reheat best when using an oven, as this even heating method creates a crispy exterior without drying out the meat. Additionally, air fryers can have similar results as an oven because it helps to retain more moisture than using a microwave, which is the quickest method.

Do chicken wings go bad overnight? ›

Cooked chicken left out overnight is most certainly not safe to eat. Cooked chicken left out of the fridge over 2 hours is dangerous and is no longer safe to eat – it must be discarded. To reduce exposure to bacteria, it's important to store chicken correctly when it's left out of the fridge.

Is it good to season chicken the night before? ›

Yes, you should always season your chicken before cooking when it's raw. You can even do this up to 24 hours before if you have the time. Why? Because leaving the seasoning on your chicken overnight in the fridge will help it start to trap moisture in the chicken, which will make it nice and juicy once cooked.

How far in advance can you apply dry rub? ›

You can apply a rub right before you cook or a few hours ahead of time for basic grilling or up to 24 hours ahead if you're hot-smoking. Dry-rubs will stay fresh for about six months if kept in an air-tight jar in a cool, dark place.

What happens if you leave dry rub on too long? ›

As we stated earlier, most dry rubs contain salt, which has a dehydrating effect, so prolonging the seasoning may work against you if you keep it on too long.

Do you oil chicken before dry rub? ›

Only use a small amount of olive oil, or else the dry rub will run off the meat and you'll lose the flavor. You don't need to use olive oil with your dry rub if you don't want to.

Can you cook chicken wings the night before? ›

Can these wings be baked ahead of time and reheated? Yes, baked wings reheat well. I'd reheat them in a 350° oven and start checking them at 15 minutes to ensure they are heated through. Many recipes call for baking powder to crisp up chicken wings.

How do you dry chicken wings overnight? ›

In a large bowl, combine wings with baking powder and salt and toss until thoroughly and evenly coated. Place on rack, leaving a slight space between each wing. Repeat with remaining 2 batches of wings. Place baking sheet with wings in refrigerator and allow to rest, uncovered, at least 8 hours and up to 24 hours.

What is the key to crispy wings? ›

Learn how EASY it is to make SERIOUSLY Crispy Oven Baked Wings! The secret is tossing the wings in baking powder and baking it on low first to render out the fat before increasing the heat to very high to make the skin crispy. Serve these with one of the SAUCES in the notes.

Can you dry season chicken overnight? ›

Yes, you should always season your chicken before cooking when it's raw. You can even do this up to 24 hours before if you have the time.

Can you coat chicken the night before? ›

Yes, you can prepare the breaded chicken ahead of time and refrigerate it for a few hours before cooking. Just make sure to cover it tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out.

Can you prep a chicken the night before? ›

Preparation. Season the chicken inside and out with salt and pepper. If you have time, refrigerate the chicken, uncovered, for an hour, or overnight. Heat oven to 450 degrees.

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