How to Fix a Broken Cheese Fondue | RICARDO (2024)

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How to Fix a Broken Cheese Fondue | RICARDO (1) How to Fix a Broken Cheese Fondue | RICARDO (2)

Fondue night is one of life’s little pleasures. A warm, smooth and velvety sauce which you can dip veggies, bread or sausage into? Just irresistible. But it isn’t always an easy thing to make, especially when it has a tendency to break. So if yours has separated, we have a trick to help bind it together and save fondue night.

The secret ingredient

A cheese fondue consists of many ingredients, such as cheese, white wine and seasoning, like ground pepper and nutmeg. However, another key ingredient is a thickener like cornstarch or flour. You toss it with your grated cheese first, coating the fat and protein of the cheese, which stabilizes the sauce and ensures it won’t clump when melting.

How to save your broken fondue

If you’ve been stirring your fondue for a while now and it’s still not coming together, then there may be an issue. Did you forget to add the cornstarch? Or maybe you just didn’t add enough. Whatever the case, you need to fix your fondue fast. Do so by creating a slurry consisting of ¼ cup (60 ml) cold white wine and three tablespoons of cornstarch. (This is good for about 1 ½ pounds/650 grams of grated cheese.) Once combined, whisk it into your sauce little by little until it finally comes together.

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How to Fix a Broken Cheese Fondue | RICARDO (2024)
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