What’s the best cheese for melting? | Kitchen aide (2024)

What are the best cheeses for melting, and how do I know how they will behave under heat?
Andrew, Gamboa, Panama
We probably first need to define what we mean by melting, says Rob Lightbody from Neal’s Yard Dairy. “Most cheese will melt, but when a cheesemonger talks about ‘a good melter’, they’re probably talking about that satisfying stretch and pull you get from a good toastie, or from raclette melted over potatoes.” But Andrew’s right: because different cheeses do different things under heat, and that comes down to a few factors.

First, says Jazz Reeves, quality manager at cheesemonger Paxton & Whitfield, there’s the moisture and fat content. “When cheese is heated, the protein structure breaks down and it releases the fat and water, so cheese with higher fat and moisture tends to melt well.” Acidity also comes into play: “Cheese with high acidity [eg feta] won’t melt, but low-acidity cheeses [parmesan, say] won’t melt, either, so look for something in the middle.” That’s to say a pH level between 5 and 5.4, says Oli Smith, co-owner of The Bristol Cheesemonger. Mozzarella, he adds, “melts beautifully and produces those extraordinary stretches because it’s at that pH sweet spot of about 5.2”. Then there’s the age of the cheese to consider. “Younger ones are held together by a sort of protein matrix,” Smith explains, but that breaks down with time, which is why you can get those oil pools when extra-mature cheddar goes under the grill.

Steve Cooper, founder of Pistachio & Pickle in London, says his top tip “would be to grate the cheese before adding it to a dish”, because that ensures a speedy, even melt. But don’t rush things: “If you let cheese come to room temperature and take a slow and steady approach to melting,” Smith adds, “it’s less likely to split.”

But what does this all mean in practice? A good place to start, Lightbody suggests, are “those slightly forgotten territorial or place-name cheeses from around the UK”, such as cheshire. Designed to be eaten relatively young, they have higher acidity and moisture, which as we now know result in a nice melt. A cheshire or lancashire, for example, will work well, “plus you get layers of flavour that will add depth to a dish”. As we head into barbecue season, Smith gets an even melt on his burgers by using raclette, Ogleshield or scamorza, while Lightbody favours lincolnshire poacher or even a blue (although that will soften rather than melt). Essentially, Smith adds, if your cheese has “that pliant texture, there’s a good chance it will hold its basic structure and give an even melt”.

Alpine cheeses (comte, gruyere, schnebelhorn) also melt “really, really well” on burgers and toast, Reeves says, plus they’re a dream in fondues and cheese sauces. For the latter, though, Lightbody goes for “something aged and hard with lower moisture”, such as parmesan: “It will respond well to gentle melting at the end of a process and has a concentrated flavour.”

And, as with all cooking, you should never discount flavour. For example, Smith notes that when cheese is baked in a quiche, you’re less concerned about how it holds its shape and more interested in how it mingles with other ingredients. However, if you’re still in any doubt, talk to your cheesemonger – because, as Reeves says, “They’ve all done many melted cheese experiments!”

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What’s the best cheese for melting? | Kitchen aide (2024)


What’s the best cheese for melting? | Kitchen aide? ›

What is the best melting cheese? Cheeses with more moisture and lower melting points - cheddar is one of the most popular choices, but Swiss and Gruyère are also terrific options. Which melts better, mild or sharp cheddar? Mild cheddar melts more smoothly than sharper (more aged) cheddar.

What kind of cheese melts best? ›

8 Best Cheeses for Melting in Pastas, Paninis, Omelets, Casseroles, and More
  1. Fontina. Fontina can be buttery and a bit fruity; Fontina Val d'Aosta, from Italy's Aosta Valley, is firmer, more pungent, and nuttier (and always made of raw milk). ...
  2. Gouda. ...
  3. Asiago. ...
  4. Taleggio. ...
  5. Reblochon. ...
  6. Provolone. ...
  7. Mozzarella. ...
  8. Gruyère.
Oct 18, 2023

What are the 3 melting categories of cheese? ›

Real cheeses when heated fall into three categories: flowing, stringy and impervious (or nearly so) to melting.

What is a smooth melting cheese? ›

If you follow the tips below, you can count on a smooth sauce when you use Asiago, Cheddar, colby, fontina, Gouda, Gruyère, Havarti, Monterey Jack, or Muenster. Blue cheeses and soft cheeses such as Brie and Camembert also melt well if you remove the rind.

Which cheese melts better, gouda or cheddar? ›

Melting Factor: Gouda's high fat content ensures rapid melting, making it ideal for fondues. Cheddar, though meltable, is better suited for burgers and casseroles.

Is Velveeta real cheese? ›

Though Velveeta is no longer an FDA-defined genuine cheese, it does have some similarities, namely pasteurized milk and cheese culture.

What cheese is the hardest to melt? ›

Acidity: Some cheeses are also too acidic to melt well, like paneer, feta, and ricotta. These are generally cheeses that were curdled with acid rather than rennet. They're often great cheeses for grilling or frying, because they hold their shape even when heated.

What cheese Cannot melt? ›

Ones to avoid are Parmesan and Pecorino (any hard, aged cheeses), goat and feta (any dry, crumbly cheeses) as they don't melt well. Cheeses that are made for melting in grilled cheese and quesadillas include Cheddar, American, Swiss and Cabot's creamy Monterey Jack.

Is Colby Jack a good melting cheese? ›

It has a mild flavor, an open, springy texture, yellow color, and a sweet, mild aroma. If you're familiar with Monterey Jack cheese, Colby is basically a yellow version of that. Because it is a high-moisture cheese, Colby melts exceptionally well.

Is Swiss cheese good for melting? ›

Swiss cheese originates in, well, Switzerland, while baby swiss is an American creation. Baby swiss is only aged for about a month, while traditional swiss cheese is aged for anywhere from two months to many years. Because of that, baby swiss is creamy, nutty, and great for melting.

What is the healthiest melting cheese? ›

Some of the healthiest cheeses are feta and goat cheese, which are better for lactose intolerance. Cottage cheese and ricotta have more than 11 grams of muscle-building protein in a single serving. Swiss cheese is naturally lower in sodium, so it is a good option for people with hypertension.

What is the best melting cheese for quesadillas? ›

Sometimes the best cheese for quesadillas is whatever you have in the fridge when the craving strikes. Cheddar and Monterey Jack are standards of American-style quesadillas. But if you are planning ahead, consider that freshly grated cheese such as cheddar or Monterey Jack makes the meltiest quesadillas.

Why is my cheese not melting in my cheese sauce? ›

One of the most common ways to help cheese melt smoothly is to add starch: this is a process that works in sauces like mornay, or nacho cheese sauce. Starches and other thickeners will physically impede fat molecules from joining up into larger droplets, as well as making the water phase of the cheese more viscous.

What cheese melts best on sandwiches? ›

With both meltability and flavor in mind, here are the five best cheeses to use for your next grilled cheese.
  • Mozzarella. From pizza to mozzarella sticks, we already know what mozzarella is capable of when it comes to epic cheese pulls. ...
  • Brie/Bloomy Rind. ...
  • Comté/Raclette/Gruyère. ...
  • Young Gouda. ...
  • American Cheese.
Sep 1, 2023

What cheese melts best for nachos? ›

A: Some types of cheese, such as cheddar and Monterey Jack, are better suited for nacho cheese sauce due to their melting ability. However, you can experiment with other types of cheese to find the flavour and texture that you prefer.

What cheese melts as good as Velveeta? ›

Colby Cheese

It has a very mild flavour, making it easy for people to eat. It's a good Velveeta substitute because it's so mild, soft, and moist. It can be melted into sauces or onto pastas, and can also be used in place of Velveeta slices and shreds.

What is the best cheese for a cheese melt sandwich? ›

The 9 Best Cheeses for Grilled Cheese
  • Cheddar. For most of us, our first grilled cheese sandwich was made with American cheese. ...
  • Mozzarella and Pepper Jack. Every now and then, it's nice to change things up a bit. ...
  • Gouda. ...
  • Fontina. ...
  • Gruyère. ...
  • Havarti. ...
  • Provolone. ...
  • Swiss.
Feb 21, 2024

What cheese melts better sharp or mild? ›

Mild cheddar melts more smoothly than sharper (older) cheddars, so swapping a sharper cheese in a recipe that calls for mild could result in a greasy, curdled mess.

Which melts better mozzarella or provolone? ›

Provolone is a classic deli cheese and since it's a bit harder to melt than mozzarella, it's better enjoyed in a cold setting. Provolone cheese in the U.S. or provola cheese in Italy is a mild-flavored cheese, which is best utilized for its texture or to tamp down dishes with sharper flavors.

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